Val's Cafe
Hi Toni thanks for your message , I’m feeling a little bit better today I think antibiotics are starting to work, LA was v naughty all round and has learned another rude word…let’s just call it “derrière”, I’m pretty sure it’s the influence of spoilt brat Noel, I had some squash and rich tea biccies, that was more or less it, but it could’ve been worse, I gave the more or less newborn BR the teddy once and LA took it straight away even though poor BR only had 2 toys to his name and he had the whole of Hamleys or something like that, oh dear, who has possession of blue teddy now? That’s a good question I’ll try and ask sis. Yes babies do say and do fun things lol. That’s a nice tree, is it similar to a weeping willow? Ok I’m ending message now, have to have some meds etc, did you have a good walk today though?
also a little poetic effort from me 😀. Tc Toni. Xx
Poem for VC called Bright Side
Hi all Im coughy sore and sneezy
But hey life’s not alll easy breezy
And no methotrexate this week!
I got so excited
It’s like a party where my tummy’s invited,
But best to be cautious
Don’t want to feel nauseous
So I won’t eat LA’s chocolate,
⁃ Also I fear that his anger will peak
I said auntie dino might eat him if he’s mean to baby bro,
He was scared but then said “ you’re just a girl, what do you know?”
I said, “LA, girls are very bright,
They’ll save you from your plight
When you’ve overdone that choccie cake,
They’ll cook you wholesome fish stew
Then you’ll say “ I’m sorry mummy and Auntie Mima dinos, I take it back I really love the both of you too! “
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Hi Toni I also wanted to say that when I was young my parents used to take me to the Riverside are some weeping willow trees that I really loved but then I got scared because one day the Swan got out of the water and chased me I was terrified never went near a Swan again! L had to work through the night? oh dear I hope it was just a one off? Tc. Xx
hi Joan how are you and Sue today? You’re going to the café that’s good I hope you both have a nice time 😀. Yes antibiotics seem to be working thanks mum is ok today thanks.Tc. Xx
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Hi Barbara hope you’re well? I seem to have throat infection but otherwise not bad ty. Xx
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Hi all - have left it late so will keep it brief - just to say hope bosh is getting on ok (tasty antibiotics? that's a novelty!) and as it sounds like the pills are doing good work should be feeling even more improvement tomorrow :) and no methotrexate, well it's an ill wind, as you said or rather said in other words, in your ode to looking on the bright side. I too will be interested in the question of who has the blue teddy now 🤔 how did you & your sister get on at similar ages, and does teddy pinching run in the family? 🧸 Hope you have an ok night and the thermostat adjusting isn't too annoying. xx
Right well sorry to dash in & out but have done quite a bit today - nice earlier but the wind still a nuisance, and cold this evening, wasn't expecting that. Look forward to a pot of tea tomorrow (any scones by any chance?) and a good chat about ebay and **** willow and all that 😊 xx
My most cordial felicitations for a restful repose to each & every one - no, it'll never catch on, I'll stick to jolly old 'hope you all have a good night' 😄
Love to Kitty & Barbara if passing 😘 xx
love to Joan & Sue & to everyone, have a good start to the weekend & see you soon xx
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Morning everyone who pops in 'old' or new😊
Joan yes there are few new driving rules I agree with them anyway especially the ones about giving way to people on foot/bikes etc Lucy doesn't like night working she worries it might trigger seizures and there are less people around if she has a seizure. I bet Sue was fuming being called your Mum!!! That happened to my friend with her wife who took it very well. I'd have been really upset. Have a good day ((())) xxx
Mike is still missing. Mike if you are well enough to look in know we all care very much about you and are hoping that you have finished your chemo by now and are recovering from it all successfully. Strength and ((())) coming to you from me. xxx
Morning Reshmi. How are you feeling? and your parents too are they recovered? Lucy isn't happy doing nights they are not good for people who have epilepsy.
What a great poem it made me ☺ smile! Indeed I have to agree make the most of the MTX free week enjoy the party tum! The rest of it sums up little LA so well! Of course he appreciates his Auntie Mima and mummy really.
The whereabouts of the stolen blue bear must be established ASAP!🤨where might he be? I doubt BR was drastically bothered at the time, but 2nd children do have less toys as babies and he might one day want to know his Auntie Mima gave him that very bear. Squash and rich tea biccies are a really safe option and one i favour myself.
The tree is indeed a kind of weeping willow isn't it fabulous although it may take time to be as gorgeous as the ones you remember I think they wanted us all to plant a tree for the jubilee. This will be ours☺️ naughty swans chasing you!
Morning Kitty if you pop by you must be getting very excited by now about your lovely new bungalow. Madame La Sleekipuss is over again today this time she is cleaning your windows!
Morning Toady how are you getting on today.....? are your holes any deeper? I didn't manage much I was helping the older ladies cleaning the Church yesterday and then picking Lucy up etc etc and some procrastinating you know....🙄
Today Paul is taking me to a garden centre for more POTS!!!!!!! That's why i married him you know. To drive my car to France and to buy me post for the garden oh and to carry compost.
Cordial felicitations indeed! Same back at you🤭
to go with your tea!
Well I'd better get me dressed and go for my 🚶 walk!
Take care everyone
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) have a good weekend they say another storm is coming.
Kitty (()) I hope you have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) have a good weekend love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yes I would be worried about Lucy (()) working nights. I hope you find what you want at the garden centre. Paul (()) married you for your cooking and because he loves you. Love to Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) lovely poem your body will wonder what has happened no horrible medicine. Have a good weekend love to your mum (())
Mike (()) thinking about you and vixen take care we miss you.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni toady kitty Joan Barbara hope you’re all you are all doing okay?
Hi again toady hope you’re having a good day blue teddy I found out LA gave it back to his bro but it probably took a few years - oh dear. I am improving thank you. Xx
hi again Toni blue teddy LA returned it but it may have take him a few years or something like that apparently throat is still not quite okay so I’ll keep this short also I’m having several antibiotics a day LA is having a party today in a small wildlife Park with this little pals mostly ladies no surprise there lol, glad you liked the poem thank you oh sorry to hear about Lucy having to work nights with epilepsy is there any room for negotiation like maybe she could work half a night or something like that if her boss knows about her medical condition possibly? Mum is okay more or less the same with dad got to go and get on with things now unfortunately medicine shower this and that hope you have a nice day Toni take care. Xx
hi Joan thanks for liking my poem mum is not too bad at the moment thank you better go for now a bit busy hope you and Sue enjoy the day.
Ps LA’s s parents got him a inflatable Spider-Man balloon which looks more or less like the one below but it was so big and he is so tiny he got scared bless him oh dear.
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Hi all sorry got it a bit wrong regarding Blue teddy particulars my profuse apologies lol, LA seem to have “borrowed” it for about a year, that cheeky monkey, bye for now and I do hope you’re enjoying the afternoon after your early morning constitutional my dear lady Toni and that you’re day is progressing fortuitously my friend and queen of the reptilian variety toady 🐸that’s about as “Austen- y” as my language gets today lol. Tc. Xx
I seem to have found a marzipan and Jane Austen or something like that online lol, it’s a good job I don’t really like marzipan and that LA seems to be turning his nose up at anything that’s not choc cake 😀. Xx
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Afternoon all :) ooh, afternoon cream tea, thank you. And served the proper Cornish way too I'm happy to see 😊 hope very much to have Mike be able to participate soon 😔🤞xx
Still pretty breezy out there and taking the edge right off gardening, you just have to put anything light down for 1 second and it's off 🙄 have done a little though & maybe it will quieten a bit later, anything will do just to make it less irritating. The pole holes are progressing frog 😊 the allowed-for depth is 40cm but depends how I want the final height give or take a bit, will use hardwood dowels knocked through as well like I said they're on their way, then it's a matter of pick a good day to get on with it. Hope you have come home with lovely pots, nicer to choose your own; something to be said for online choice, but you do get a better immediate idea if you like something, in person. Are these extras for basic 'stock', or replacements, or something for particular purposes, details to follow I expect :) my online ones arrived fantastically well packed and are doing nicely for what I wanted. Sorry to hear about your tarmac 😕 I expect 'cross' is putting Paul's annoyance mildly, it would if it were me, I don't suffer poor work gladly after certain experiences (I pity the poor person who lets me down next). How are you getting on with the tree choosing/buying, or have you already sourced it (I should have known the filter would not let 🐱willow through 😂). Hope your blister clears up soon btw, ow 😣. So the ebay seller refunded 🤔 well I suppose there is the faint possibility they are telling the truth but they do sound a bit dubious & certainly not that apologetic or sorry (maybe they're narky you might be implying they never posted. what's their feedback like?) Yes do keep an eye on things 🧐 the person I mentioned missed bidding the 2nd time round on their never-received thing and is still vexed. 😫 Hope having a good Saturday yourselves & work not too bad for Lucy xx
Hi bosh nice to see you are getting on ok even if not 100%, keep up the good work 👍️ glad parents alright as well, more or less, as you say. Hope LA enjoyed his little party, very wise to stick to mostly ladies, less of a bad influence than the naughty Noels of this world (not that little girls are all that angelic but that's usually more to do with being catty to each other in my experience!) I wouldn't thank you for that Spider-man balloon it is a bit alarming 🕷️. Have a good rest of day and Sunday & get completely well soon. xx
Hello joan surely not more storms 😬🌪️, it looks so nice for a week or so ahead, well maybe I just won't look further than that! Not too nice today so have been turning out my kitchen cupboards, finding out of date things as usual, teabags best before 2019 can't think how they got left! Still don't suppose tea goes off they can stay there for emergencies haha. Have a good Sunday all xx
Love to Barbara and Kitty - tea & cake if passing - I promise I won't use the out of date teabags I've just found in my cupboards ☕️ xx
Love & a wave to Mike too and any callers-in xx
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Thanks Toady for your kind words and the offer of tea and cake lol, my appetite’s not what it was tho, though definitely better than yesterday, even looking at the rich cakes made me feel sick yesterday now thats unusual lol, can your stomach tolerate cream? It disagrees with mine unfortunately very much so. No Definitely don’t have out of date foodstuff tea etc Otherwise you might turn into my dad only joking haha. Hope you have an okay evening and night. Xx
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Bother, one seems to have cross - posted with bosh again, how tiresome 🙄 apologetic wave of hand, or fan, or whatever the right etiquette is 😀. omg that cake!! as Austen never wrote I'm fairly sure 😂 gosh that's absolutely amazing. Thank you, & for the hello/good wishes :) x
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Morning everyone 😊
Another sunny day and the wind seems to have dropped I hope the weather is being kind to Mike and Vixen. It's almost a moth since Mike posted or visited the site so I am thinking the chemo should have or should be about to finish very very soon. ((())) for you Mike. xxx
I heard from Kitty last night she is doing very well still eating veggie and helping other residents. She has signed for her bungalow and sent me a photo it looks so sweet and is very much 'Kitty'.Madame La Sleekipuss is on to loo cleaning now!
You are no doubt right about Paul Joan he didn't marry me for my ability to drive on the wrong side of the road🤭They are going to do a risk assessment on Lucy working nights so hopefully it won't happen again.I went to see P's daughter and she gave me LOADS of P's old pots fro teh garden so much much much nicer! Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Well how dreadfully splendid! Our dear friend Reshmi is with us! Verily it is delightful to see you Reshmi. How art you feeling this glorious and sunny day? Not too somnolescent one hopes? (titters behind fan).
Seriously that's hard work isn't it?! How is the throat? Hoping it might be easing today fingers crossed.
So the 'mystery of the stolen Blue Bear' is solved is it? LA, the vagabond, purloined said bear, and secreted it for some considerable time before returning it to it's rightful owner? Ok no harm done no charges will be brought😉
That balloon is fabulous, but would probably scare me too😯
I hope your boy has a lovely party with all his friends boy or ladies bless them. I don't envy your sis though🙄
Get well soon!
Hello to Barbara who's eyes may allow a brief visit today I hope.
How are you doing? How about your brother? Is he doing ok still? Incredible isn't it how well he has done on the trial.
I hope you've been out this weekend or will get out in the car perhaps to the duck pond 😊
Good Morning Toady (please read in a very upper class accent) It was so lovely to partake of high tea with your kind self yesterday afternoon. I simply do not know when I have had such a lovely and enchanting time!
Enough Toni!!!
Yesterday got increasingly windy, but was lovely in teh sun when it chose to show itself.
Guess what? Well you won't it's not possible, but P's daughter let me have a whole load of P's pots including 3 (yes3!!) chimneys!!!!!!!!!!!!! How lucky am I? Only had to buy peat free compost😊oh and of course one or two extra plants like a patio blueberry bush.
I am sorry your friend failed to buy the item when it was offered for sale a second time on ebay - doubly infuriating. I intend to report my seller if she does it. Mainly because of her lack of apology. My messages were always very very nice honestly.
The tree is ordered and yes it is a kind of 😺willow! I am hoping my own 😻will enjoy staying cool underneath it. You know l am already worried about someone cutting it down in 20 years time when I am long know that feeling I'm sure. Well done making a good start on your holes. I am still trying to decide which plant should grow over the arch I am yet to purchase.
If they do not sort our drive out I will enlist your help methinks! It seems our builder agrees with us but the bloke he employed is not so sure. Tests are actually going to be done on the tarmac in a laboratory no less! BIZARRE eh? I hope the contractor doesn't own the lab...
Anyway it's sunday so no posh high teas for us a proper fry up is in order
vegan option of course....
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) that’s good news you have signed for your bungalow. love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) remember someone saying tea from tea bags was good for the garden. Have a good day.
Barbara (()) have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (())) that is good they are doing a risk assessment on Lucy (()) thank you for saying about Kitty. That’s nice you have P’s garden pots. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours ((())
Mike (()) thinking of you and vixen take care
Reshmi (()) are you feeling a bit better have a good day and your mum (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni how are you? I love this new linguistic style of yours hard work but funny , throat is getting better thanks slowly but surely thanks so much for asking. LA eventually saw fit to return the teddy ha ha. I’m a bit sleepy actually but not too bad also been having better antibiotics- created naps although it doesn’t always happen that way but atm things are not too bad.
LA told me that he likes all the lady babies the same apart from a troublemaker called Elena (actually I Think he’s the trouble maker there but never mind lol) but the paparazzi well prob his dad in actual fact photographed him holding hands with only Olivia the Spanish beauty of the nursery, oh dear, but a good time was had by all yesterday so Ive heard.
Party ran smoothly sis is v good organiser.
Bill looked a bit fed up prob because he couldn’t order Deliveroo takeaway for three whole hours lol. BR seemed okay sheepishly watching the proceedings while sipping his Ribena bless him.
bill complained because LA has been eating all his sweet snacks, I would say that LA is just looking out for his dad 😀. My goodness he’s getting into a bit of a spoiled brat that bill isn’t he Toni lol?
got rheumo appt on Wed of next week in the blazing sun oh well at least it’s only local hospital don’t need to travel too far. I’ll Stop now before my throat gets too sore.
Just wanted to ask What You up to today Toni? just household stuff? or anything more exciting? take care. Xx
Ps this is the cake my sister made for the party.
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Hi Joan t and Barbara sorry quite tired now but not doing too badly thanks 😀 hope you’re all ok? Mum is more or less of atm thanks Joan bye for now everyone. Tc. Xx
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Evening all Sorry about the kast typos..even I can't read it 😒🤭everything goes to one side if that maje sense....I have been busy in my garden but my back hates it..and I have to see the consultant next about the op on it🙄
Toin sorry to hear about the tarmack doesn't sound good at all . There is nothing worse than poor workmanship..I hope Lucy will ge OK in night bless i will worry about her ..but she's a strong young lady xx
Reshmi your little nephew sound like a right Mr..😅I love the story about him ..and your poem was very good..hope the ABs are working for you xx
Toady the weather us very windy..I'm sure it said get the barbecues our this weekend 🤭I don't mind out of date tea bags bet we could beat you on the dates think my cupboards need a clean 😉 xx
Joan Lexi 12 already bless does she still ride on your scooter save her little legs ..xx
Mike I am hoping you are reading some of our post just so you know we are hear for you xx
Barbara0 -
hi Barbara thanks for your nice message that was very kind and glad you enjoyed the story and the poem ha ha I seem to have got on LA’s nerves a bit last time I saw him know because I said is that BR is my brother lol i know I look young for my age but only little LA could fall for that one, sorry it’s so windy where you are there’s wind here too but not too bad at the moment. Hope things go well when you see the consultant about your back do you have a slipped disc?
I hope you have A nice night Barbara and take care of yourself
this bookmark pic is Spanish autumn scenery Spain of course being the country of origin of Olivia’s family ❤️, of course not sure how long the handholding will last or whether she’s just flavour of the month basically ha ha mind you if that if the flavour is paella it would at least be very palatable lol Tc. Xx
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Hi all - have been up since half 4 in the morning trying to deter next door's wretched cat from the blackbird chicks so am rather tired & emotional, and not in the drunken euphemism sense although heaven knows its tempting 🙄 I will hopefully get 5 minutes more sleep than that tonight and at least totter in for a cup of tea tomorrow. If by then I am posting incoherent ramblings you'll know I haven't had any sleep, just pass me tea and take no notice. (Did I mention I could cheerfully throttle my neighbours? If I've done that as well by tomorrow it was nice knowing you all 😉)xx
'Night everyone & hope all are as well as poss xx
and a quick best wishes for tomorrow to Lexi, who is a Dear Dog and not a Bad Cat. 😘 xx
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Morning everyone 'Old' and new visitors
the kettle is on:
A message for Mike. Mike we are all thinking of you very much an dhope you will soon feel well enough to call in even if it's just to 'like' a few posts. Hope the chemo is all done and you are firmly in remission ((())) and strength coming your way xxx
Joan how are you and Sue doing today? I hope well and that all goes well with Lexi who will be wondering why you aren't feeding her!. Lucy needs to get a letter from her Dr she has sort of got one from the consultant which says she needs to speak to her employer about her shift patterns. She is ok so far thanks. I love P's pots! A good memory of her. ((())) for you and Sue xxx
Morning Kitty me duck how are you doing today? I expect you might hear something about the bungalow this week now the paperwork is all signed. Well done Jonathan bidding for you. Life is on the up for our Kitty.
Good Morning Reshmi I am very glad to hear you are on the mend. Verily one didst enjoy partaking of such outrageously wonderous language, but it was indeed rather a trial to persist with.
Aha!!!!!!!!!!!!! LA has been caught on film holding hands with the lovely Olivia💓 She sounds very pretty he has good taste. I can imagine BR just quietly watching thinking what is all this about bless him.
BIL had to go 3 hours without a deliveroo order? No😮how could he survive? He could pinch some of the children's food to tide himself over that might do😁I wonder whether Elena is indeed a trouble maker? It can happen even if we don't like to think so..
Your sister did a fabulous job with that cake she gets 10 out of 10 and a pat on the back. How many calls did you mum get though for help during the process?!!
Yesterday I did local stuff yes mostly pottering in the garden the tomatoes and cucumbers are now in their final places in the greenhouse. One tomato plant even has a 🌸 ready for grow me my first 🍅 tomato!
We will be with you on Wednesday for your apt at rheumatology. Hope it's not too hot for you.
Hi Barbara I can definitely imagine how your eyes will make you miss the keysas 'missing bits' move about don't they?Annoying though if some days are better than others.
I have no such excuse just butter fingers!!
Don't fear back surgery I have had it done as you know and it was worth it in the end although the recovery is pretty tough. My back hates working outside, but i love it so try to pace myself as you do I'm sure.
There are some bungalows near Paul's work who had their tarmac done 3 days ago and their tarmac is harder than ours!
It will be sorted never fear. Paul is cross and that's unusual.
I expect Toady is up too with the larks and baby birds. Are they all ok did you succeed? What a nightmare it is protecting them? They will be up and away soon enough though. I am so glad Sleek's bird chasing days are over. Maybe you need a dog to keep the cat away?
Sleek is too old (nearly 13) to bother, but she chased a new young cat away in 'her' garden.
My stupid neighbours have already cut their hedges at the front which is too soon the birds will still be nesting🙄
I just said to Reshmi that my tomato and cucumber plants are now in their final resting place in the greenhouse ready to grow and make me some lovely veggies.
Right better get us some breakfast. I thought cheese on toast and avocado on toast for vegans or anyone who fancies it?
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) a bungalow will be so much easier for you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) thank you for thinking about Lexi. Have a good day and a better night.
Barbara (()) sorry you have a bad back (()) yes Lexi rides on the scooter. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) thank you for thinking about Lexi. Sorry about your tarmac I hope they fix it for you soon.
Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I will be thinking about you next Wednesday (()) sorry you are tired love to your mum (()).
Mike (()) how are you I hope all is well love to vixen (())
take care
joan xx0 -
hi to Toni toady Joan Barbara and Joan just a short one today as my throat is still sore and I’m still living on antibiotics which I don’t really mind to be honest but of course it has its drawbacks lol, well there’s loads of food bill was just being his own stupid self lol, E is a special needs child apparently and sis is good at baking and confident about it too so that’s a really good thing there - she didn’t ask questions I’m more or less ok ty T how are you? Hi again Joan thanks about Wednesday I quite like taking antibiotics though it seems to be one of my many eccentricities lol, how are you today Joan? okay leaving it there it’ll never get anything done sorry about that hope t got some sleep in the end and even if it was extremely early morning?
oh dear seems like a difficult situation toady okay that’s it for now, hope you’re all more or less well? Tc. Xx
pic is of super worm book, another of olivia’s “husband” ‘s obsessions lol, Tc. Xx
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Hello cafe people - up at 6 this morning so I am a little more compos mentis, not much, but enough to string a few words together 😂
Thank you frog for yesterday's cheese on toast, perfect for the circumstances I could eat it without cutlery & while half asleep. The chicks emerged from the nest yesterday! so I redoubled my efforts, so far so good - well certainly better than before. There are a few Heath Robinsonian improvements to my cat putter-offer structures (none of them dangerous). I will tell more about the chicks if they survive long enough. No chance of my managing a dog. Can you get savage guard-tortoises, do you think? Ugh to your stupid hedge-trimming neighbours 😕 idiots, a plague on all neighbours, your lovely Mr & Mrs excepted. If nothing else I have got lots done in the garden while I've been out there patrolling.. I realize this already of course but don't you get a lot done if you get up early, most annoying, seeing as I hate it. Anyway lots of potting & planting out & rearranging. Found some allium seeds that have germinated in a tray, nice surprise. Chimney pots, eh.. toady goes a shade greener even than usual for a toad.. 😉 oh goody, what will be going in those? Look forward to hearing; how's the honesty btw? (Also how's the blister?) Ooh you have a tomato flower, I'm not that ahead but I'm less behind than normal, which will do me nicely 😊. Have you 'done' patio blueberries before? Yes I do rather think about the futures of my plants haha especially the ivy & hedges, as everyone has it in for them it seems - but you won't be long gone in 20 years; the idea. I am v. impressed with Sleek's housework, btw; she's not treading bits of soft tarmac over Kitty's nice floors I hope 😬. Speaking of which, what with gardening & catwatching I am not getting my decorating done - neighbour's (empty house) family turned up yesterday, drove away after 10 mins, then came back and starting mowing the lawns just when I'd assumed the coast was clear. Every time they turn up I think it'll be to put the For Sale sign up 😱 definitely must finish the Grand Boxroom Conversion 😂. Hope your Monday is going well :) xx
Hi bosh, still enjoying your antibiotics I hope 🤨 ..I once had to tip the contents of some ab capsules out and take the powder (they were too big to swallow for me & anyway they were gelatine).. so bitter!! never again 😣. Any Superman cake left to help take the memory of the nasty taste away?😊 🍰 seriously, it's really good, she must've been pleased. baking is hard! I think so anyway. Glad it was a good day for everyone & no undignified squabbles among lady babies competing for LA's affections - sounds like the lovely Sophia had a few kind fairy godmothers at her christening, lucky baby. Talking of fairytales, well stories, I haven't heard of that Julia Donaldson book but it looks great 😀 (biased because it has a toad on the cover, who, me?). Actually I wonder if any toad's intentions towards a worm would be entirely friendly... 🤔. Hope your day is going ok, I'm better for having had a bit more sleep thanks :) and will just have to do my best for the birds til they fly. 'See' you soon hope family ok too xx
Hello joan hope things alright with you & dogs, and I had a better night thanks - lucky it's nice weather, At least I can get up early and take a cup of tea outside if I want to keep an eye on things. Love to Lexi xx and everyone x
Barbara I have some mint hot chocolate from 2013, any advance on that in the out of date tins competition? 😂 Weather just nice today down to a 'gentle breeze', thankfully. I was clipping long grass out the front on Fri, which was a daft idea 💨 not helped by some silly fool who went by with a dog making silly comments 🙄 the man, not the dog 😉😂 Love to both, & family xx
Hope all going well Kitty I see Sleek is pulling out all the stops with the preparations 😀 xx
Love to all - Mike & Vixen, Carol, mig & anyone reading. xx
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Hi to The toady
cheese on toast to lucky you I’m neither vegan nor veggie but there was a long time when I couldn’t eat cheese because of my eczema i had tofu and all sorts of things which were good in their own way but I missed it for so many years I think I have to really try to cut down on cheese again toady and I’m not having a great amount of it but I notice that even one or two cheese sandwiches a week really aren’t doing me any favours 🤢 might have halves need to be more self - disciplined really, glad you got a bit of sleep some sleep it’s definitely better than none 😀. The little girl was actually called Olivia but I know it is v diff to keep track of all the lady babies haha, yes glad no disagreements broke out indeed, no parasols at dawn lol, yes baking well is def a skill I agree one that I don’t really possess myself my cakes taste ok but never look good and how to make good icing is v much still an enigma to me lol, I bet Toni’s good at it tho, ok throat is getting sore again so I’m cutting it short sorry about that hope you have a good night try not to worry take care. Xx
Pic is a type of Indian style tofu. Xx
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Morning everyone
the kettle is on
Still no Mike? Mike we are all still thinking of you and rooting for you very much. I hope the chemo is finished now and you are recovering from your treatment. Sending you my daily supply of strength and ((())) xxx
Joan how did Lexi get on? The poor girl is she all done? In a day or so she will be wolfing her food down and be much more comfortable bless her. love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
Morning to our Kitty cat. I heard from Kitty yesterday she was struggling to get on to the forum. Thought is was something she was doing wrong. You won't believe it but she was having a cuppa and a chocolate eclair! Book me in there!!!
Morning Reshmi that Indian tofu dish looks wonderful. I loved paneer, but luckily they are doing some of my favourites at our restaurant with tofu now so I don't miss out.
How are you doing? I see the antibiotics are working and you are feeling better. You seem to be in a minority there liking them though🤭
Superworm is adorable! What a good idea to make a children's programme about insects and wildlife. Olivia's husband has good taste.
I am very glad to hear your Mum did not get hassled by your sister for help with the 🎂 she can do that all be herself. Hmmm.....can I ice cakes? Well after a fashion. Not so easy now using vegan margarines and will Paul on a permanent diet not as often as i used to.
Walk in a minute?
Morning Toady you cast a plague on all neighbours that was so funny! Imagine cutting hedges this early though? They clearly know nothing about living in the country do they?🙄
I am thinking very much of your chicks. Hoping your cat keeping-out plans are working just enough to keep next door's cat away until they can fly and have the skills to thwart him/her. Heath Robinsonian or not if it works🤞
Getting up early is perfect for getting lots done yes I agree. Also it will be cooler when the warm weather eventually does decide to come. Then the afternoons could be spent enjoying the garden from a seated position. Well maybe I am quite likely to want to keep pottering util the bones shout NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!
Two of P's chimney post are already 'full' one with mint one with poppies(?) the other one I filled with some sort of trailing flowering bedding plant. I rarely get them, but needs must for this year. That pot is gorgeous the other two a bit modern for my tastes. Time i took some pics methinks....
Don't worry Sleek always takes her shoes off when she goes into Kitty's new bungalow. Bloomin tarmac! She is loving it and as Lucy has located a flat is now also wanting to clean there for her.
oooh alium 🌱 more babies for you! The honesty seeds are still too green, but I am watching them and P's daughter will not let them be cut off. I must take you some pics of the toms and cucumbers in the greenhouse and start hardening off the hanging baskets.....
I know the boxroom needs doing, but that could wait until winter could it? You can't be wasting these late evenings outside....bloomin neighbours! Double that plague!!!!
Betters get something done really I need to wash the mop again🙄that's my hair not the floor one though you'd struggle to tell the difference....
Barbara if you pop by I replied yesterday and don't want to tax your poor eyes with more of my drivel!
Breakfast today will be dippy eggs for those who love them
Not sure about this but vegan version:
1 -
Good morning everyone Love to everyone Lexi is happy thank you.
I just wrote my post I was login when I finished I was not login so it went
It was nice Kitty (()) enjoyed her eclair.
Toady (()) had her cup of tea in the garden
Toni had filled her new pots (())
Reshmi (()) likes her Antibiotics
Poor Mike has not appeared yet we miss him
Barbara ((()) keep well
take care
joan xx0
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