Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni i understand about the icing but I’m sure you’re a lot better than I am 😀, sis got big promotion senior lawyer plus manager or one of the managers anyway but the thing is she’s trying to be superwoman superlawyer super mummy everything combined even my mum said it it’s possible for some people to be good at everything well almost but if they do everything they’ll be heading for some kind of crisis anyway I think she is contemplating getting a cleaner on a permanent basis or something like that which I think is a positive thing that would really help.

    Bill said that his lovely wife has got a promotion which is great but what’s less great is that she seems to do everything for him including changing his nappy several times a day lol 🧷 😀.

    You’re Really good at baking though I can see that Toni is it something that you learnt yourself or did you get some help from a family member who taught you?

    Olivia opted for no make up look during the party so instead of messing around with mascara lipstick whatever she wore a superman eye mask I think that’s a great idea if a little unorthodox lol.

    Im just doing very tiny walks at the moment I’m afraid due to this antibiotic situation.

    tomorrow I’ve got Rheumo app.

    hospital out and a fruit mine to Bossicks probably finish at some point tomorrow so hopefully won’t be too long till I’m back to normal my

    mum was so kind yesterday she gave me one of her lovely soft cotton scarfs so I can protect my throat a bit, bless.

    she’s not doing too badly today thanks bit of a cold not too bad

    something quite funny happened yesterday Toni when I went for my tiny walk to the bakery I saw a man dressed in a suit walking to the bus stop and my goodness he must really love his job because he was singing the dwarf song “ off to work I go” etc and he was singing it was such gusto I don’t think he realised that I was on the other side of the street plus a lady with a little boy, what was in his morning coffee then? industrial strength antibiotics?

    Paul’s avoiding icing I don’t blame him i do too at least most of the time.

    I’ll go for now Toni Hope you have a good day. Tc. Xx

    Happy LGBTQIA+ Pride month everybody. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 14. Jun 2022, 16:14

    Hello people 😊 ever so nice out there, just overcast enough to be not glaringly sunny. Tired by the evening by yesterday with things catching up on me but ok today and need not do much. Cat foiling arrangements seem to be working, not to speak too soon but I do believe so, thank you for willing the chicks on frog - it's no protection against them coming down to the ground in other gardens but that really is out of my hands, at least I've done what I can. I don't suppose St Peter will let me in if I wish plagues on people will he 😂 but St Francis might put in a word. Anyway just a bit of judicious bad luck will do - may your stupid plastic grass shrink & roll itself back up in the middle of the night, say. Plenty of nice things happening in your garden 😀 I have been filling pots myself for extra salad etc and I don't know why I've never thought to research if you can use polystyrene / those packing peanuts etc to take up space at the bottom of heavy pots but I have now, and as my new pots came packed in boxes of the stuff it's an ideal wheeze & saves compost too which is brilliant. Will see if I can get out later and do a bit of arch fiddling. Ideally yes the decorating would wait but if I suddenly get new people with triplets - best be prepared 😬. Good luck, well, after the event, if you did tackle 'the mop', me next, so wish me the same I'll need it 😣. Glad you've heard from Kitty 😊 eclairs.. now then, when's my next shop 🤔 oh go on. Have a lovely pottering day and don't try your bones' patience too much xx

    Hello Joan sorry you lost your post but that's an excellent precis, my old English teacher would be very happy with that it had all the main points 😀 very glad Lexi is ok and hope you are all having a good day. xx

    Hi bosh, oh where did I get Sophia from 😂 must have had the word Spanish in mind and mashed up a bit of that with a bit of Olivia. Don't mind me I'm not firing on all cylinders (though I have had a bit more more sleep now). Superman mask is excellent instead of makeup in my opinion 😊 and glad it didn't come to parasols at dawn 🌂😂 lol. Btw the cheese on toast would be mostly virtual for me too certainly would be in moderation in real life I think, I don't have it on much or in any quantity. I should imagine your sis will be very glad of a cleaner if she has all those different things going on, very apt she can do superman cake icing as a super-everything-person, promotion is admirable but yes you can overreach yourself. Good luck with the appointment tomorrow 👍️🤞hope not too much waiting or anything. xx

    Love to Kitty pleased to hear news via Toni 😀 xx

    and to Barbara hope things as well as poss xx

    & have a good day everyone xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi toady thanks for your nice message by the way today is “phone your GP’s surgery day” something like that ha ha as if we need a day to celebrate that! anyway I suppose I better not get started on a massive rant, glad your day went okay I’ve survived mine by mostly staying indoors apart from early morning hope you get some good sleep tonight and glad cat - foiling kept seems to be going well take care. Xx

    ps this pic is “Plum 1878” Edouard Manet, I believe this melancholy lady was waiting for a phone call from the GP surgery okay that last bit may be fictitious lol, Tc toady. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni I Don’t mean to bombard you with messages but I just wanted to say I had a really stupid message on my phone from rheumo nurse today she said that the latest blood test details were wrong as well as form surely I was capable of following simple instructions well not quite as rude as that but getting there, basically she thought the GP blood test was the rheumatology blood test and I had to phone back in the boiling heat it was a complete nightmare anyway at least it’s sorted out now hope your day is going okay? My app tomorrow is in the afternoon so I’ll see how it goes with the messages depending on energy levels, take care Toni. Xx

    PS my goodness that’s one scary looking nurse! It’s just a joke of course in case anyone is thinking of starting legal proceedings, lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 15. Jun 2022, 05:35


    Joan that's happened to me too, but I've been able to log back in while the message is still there so its safe. If it happens again I'd tell @Brynmor he's the techie expert i think. You posted anyway at least we know you're 👍 ok How is Lexi? All better now? ((())) xxx

    Still no Mike? Joan you are right we do miss him. Yesterday Sue would have been so we know he was looked after and the bungalow all cleaned for him. Mike we all hope you are recovering well I send my usual strength and ((())) xxx

    Morning to Kitty I wonder whether you have heard anything about your bungalow yet? Like when it will be ready for you? Sleek will be over again later she plans to start in the garden now she has done the inside top to bottom. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi - how half soaked was that Rheumatology nurse


     like those bloods were because you were actually ill


    Take a breath Toni....calm! Good luck anyway for this afternoon fingers 🤞

    To be honest I think your sister will be struggling because she is a high flyer (glad BIL is proud of her and not jealous like some people can be of their spouses success)and has two young children. There is so much pressure on us to be superwoman (she deserves a superwoman cake!) these days with social media TV and whatnot all showing people who are perfect and able to keep all the plates spinning


     Quite a worry.

    We used to bake every Sunday when I was little with our Mum because she'd do a Sunday roast and while teh oven was hot we just got baking. Kari and I baked from very, very little. Paul is avoiding icing, crisps, takeaways (suits me), cakes and biccies bless him.

    Go Olivia in her superman eye mask! Much easier than faffing around with makeup!!

    That man singing! How lovely to see someone happy and it made you smile then us hearing about it!

    Your poor throat is taking some getting better your Mum is lovely giving you a soft scarf to comfort it. I'm glad to hear she is coping ok with her cold. Short walks are fine. Now need to go for 10 miles hikes especially when you aren't well.

    Morning Barbara I hope the eyes are being kind to you? All is well here the sun is out and teh garden looks good so i am 😊

    Is Mr B behaving? is he out walking driving and even dancing yet?


    only joking but I hope he is doing well now?

    I am very busy getting Lucy's flat spruced up for her cleaning etc... I will miss her though life will be easier - no more really early starts back to my usual 6ams

    Morning Toadster! How are you this fine day? St Francis will put in a word for both of us you for your chicks me for anything! I even saved a red spider mite from one of my watering cans yesterday and most days rescue little flies/spiders who seem to like the bath/shower and would drown otherwise.

    Maybe St Peter will forgive evil thoughts against thoughtless people? It's a set of ⚖ scales isn't it? I mean we've done a lot of good surely


    I'm so pleased that thus far your chick protection tactics seem to be holding. Long may it last.

    There's a coincidence! P's pots all had polystyrene in the bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    some pics for you:

    Now what about that for a chimney! I always pronounce that Chim-ley I know just for a laugh some people think I mean it though🤭

    This is my tomato flower

    These are my tomato plants (and Kari's) and 🥒 and the marigolds to protect them

    Will do veggies in another post in case I lose the lot!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230


    need my tomatoes to catch up ASAP!!!!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Lexi has to go to the vets tomorrow morning for her check up I will be in later.

    Kitty (()) your life has changed so much and you are happier good (()) love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) have a good day it’s getting warmer every day till the weekend I think.

    Toni (()) thank you for the photos of your plants and vegetables. That’s nice Lucy has a flat (())

    she’s done so well. Lexi is back to normal now thank you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Barbara (()) have a good day love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck today I hope it goes well. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope everything is alright love to vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni

    nice pictures by the way yes that rheumatology nurse was a bit of a character wasn’t she? I’m not too bad thank you never like really hot days like this but hopefully the day and the app will be over soon😀. I think the main reason I like taking the antibiotics is that I have such a nice nap after taking them soporific but not in the nasty way that certain medicines can be. Yes That was a nice thing that the guy was so happy that he was singing uninhibitedly lol, tho goodness knows when I went out to work I never felt like that much the opposite really but life throws at you what it throws at you I guess really. I think it’s about 25° here, Well at least 23 degrees well anyway it can’t last forever. So Paul’s eating healthily sounds like a good plan. I understand what you mean about the pressures on some women, but the prob with her is that she doesn’t take advice and she is as stubborn as an ox - like dad is unfortunately. I’m going to leave it there so that I time to get ready etc. Hope you Have a nice day take care Toni . Xx

    Ps pineapple and banana smoothie pic for those people who’s stomachs can tolerate pineapple, not me, take care. Xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Evening all very hot here but nice especially with the clouds

    Toni you have done brilliant with all the veg and Ps pots look lovely they bring back hapoy memories ..I am still putting off this back op ..he says the xeats show more deterioration never mind I can still walk..hope Lucy gets the shifts she wants ..Mr B is walking wuthout a crtuch in the house but uses ine outside sane das I did x

    Joan I'm pleased that Lexi is fine bless I bet you are relieved xx

    Reshmi our Eldest Grandayghter us Olivia 😁is it your brother in law that like takeaways..iv noticed they are putting the calories on now thars a start we only order Indian now abd then like the one in your photo xx

    Toady poor you on the look out at that time ..our blackbirds are more at risk if the magpies here ..the noise us awful off when they are dare you cut grass at that time 😂xx

    Love to Mike xx

    Abd Kitty who will soon be settled xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 15. Jun 2022, 16:33

    Hi all - frog I love your pictures 😍 I'm so envious lol, everything looks super. It's only 5 minutes since you posted that empty/prepped veg bed and now look at it! Lovely greens, and in the raised beds.. I spy chard I think.. so much good stuff. brilliant. And smashing chimley, lovely for you to have it 😊👍️. Actually you find me in rare I hate gardening mood today, take over please, Bayleaf 😂 things did not go well yesterday, annoyed myself by not being able to reorganize a bed to my satisfaction, and something has chewed my cup & saucer vine to the ground practically. It was doing so well I thought it was past the danger point! Blah. I have a spare but I would have to find a way to protect it, not as easy for a climber as a standalone plant. Ah well, never mind. You live & learn (not my favourite state of affairs - get it right first time for me please 😉) and lots of other things going on. The sparrows are all having dust baths in the dug over bed, bless them, and no sign of demon kitty, so sufficient unto the day as they say. Hope your toms come on apace 😊 I will be out later poking things into the polystyrene-ed pots, glad I'm 'on trend' haha! And I foresee I'll still be wandering round when it's dark with a delphinium that is refusing to choose its home 😂. All the best to Lucy with the flat :) & hope all else well at the mo. xx

    Hello Joan yes it will be getting hotter now - I caught the sun yesterday - it always goes this way doesn't it, too hot all at once no real happy medium. All the best for Lexi's appointment tomorrow 🐾😘 hope all straightforward. xx

    Hi bosh, the melancholy Manet is genius 😂 I will never be able to look at it without thinking of your interpretation lol, just excellent really made me smile when I read it last night thanks 😀 (as for scary nurse, that's a whole new take on 'sharp scratch..' as the blood nurse always says!! 😱). Sorry you had a nasty phone call, gosh, I would be very put out to be spoken to like that 😔 haven't often had someone be that rude (when I did, it was a consultant) glad it got sorted, I should jolly well hope so. No I don't want to phone the GP surgery on any day given the choice, who does! I get a long recorded bit first asking if you think you have covid, also do you feel terribly ill and want an ambulance? do you suspect you may be dead in fact? all very cheerful when you're trying to not even think about what you've rung them for, let alone anything else lol. Also mine has just moved which will be so inconvenient, but that's a rant for another day. Hope you're keeping cool-ish and appointment went as ok as poss :) xx

    Love to Barbara I expect you are watering things like I am everything soon starts wilting this weather.. I have been watching the sparrows have dust baths.. last week it was chilly enough to be unpleasant, all or nothing isn't it ❄️🌞. Operation keep out cat is working thank you so less patrolling these last couple of days; yah boo sucks, kitty 😉. Yes the blackbirds set off like the clappers when magpies are around too. If you are still online when I post this have a cup of tea & a bourbon biscuit with me :) xx

    and love to Kitty, Mike & Vixen and anyone reading xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Thanks ladies and gents, well mostly ladies lol, v tired atm after my antibiotics paracetamol and rheumo app feast as it were lol, but I appreciate the comments 😀, nurse is reducing methotrexate dose slightly after antibiotics are finished, she also said to skip leflunomide for a few days, if mxt dose reduction works great, if not at least they’ve tried, I do worry about my stomach as I had duodenal gastric ulcer once, was quite nasty really, I’ll leave you all to have a peaceful night hopefully, btw toady 🐸, “sharp scratch” that’s a classic there lol, Tc everyone, hope weather cools down soon 🤢, Tc. Xx

    btw pic is result of my search for blood test humour as inspired by toady and is also by happy accident of course bill - related. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone😊 another hot day ahead. Get watering fellow gardeners!

    The kettle is on

    Good Morning to @Mike1 Mike we are all rooting for you and hoping all is going well and maybe that you are now recovering from your chemo. It's been a while since you have been well enough to post still sending daily strength and ((())) down to Cornwall.

    Joan I am very pleased to hear that Lexi is back to normal all being well the vet will be pleased with her progress too today good 🤞 luck ((())) xxx Lucy is wearing me out getting the flat sorted!

    Good morning Kitty me duck how are you doing today? I hope you have heard some news about your bungalow? Lucy has the keys to her flat so Sleek is cleaning hers and gardening at yours! Sending ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi another sunny day here pollen count is still high🙄 It got up to 25 degrees here too yesterday a bit too much for sleeping so I bought a new chillo from B&M well a cheap version.

    Your sister won't be told because she is trying to be perfect and above all she takes after your Dad so can't be told!!! Are you more like your Mum do you think?

    I was thinking of you at clinic yesterday and am very pleased to hear they will try a slightly reduced MTX dose once you have finished your ABs that's good and I definitely understand with you having had an ulcer already.I hadn't thought about leaving the lef off with trying to recover from the throat infection had you?

    I will have that smoothie even if it does upset my belly it looks gorgeous and so cool in this hot weather! Thanks very much😋

    I loved the blood test joke😂 spot on for your BIL not us lot of course we are soooooo well behaved 🤥

    Morning Barbara if your eyes let you in today.

    Is it hot enough for you? I bought me a new chillo yesterday i am melting as Aidan would say!

    Get the pool out! Mind it's supposed to rain Saturday!

    Crutch only outside for Mr b? Well that's good 😊

    Hi Toady I know that veggie bed!!!!!!!!!!! The salad yes we have chard, kale (which Charley's bearded dragons love) rocket mixed leaves the lot!!! All we needed was decent weather. I love my garden and am happy to take up the slack for you after yesterday's bad day for you. I even sat out for 10 minutes last night with Paul and a 'G&T' (no G!) watched the birds with my binoculars and promptly fell asleep!!

    Would some enviromesh protect cup and saucer plant number 2? You have to do something for it 🤔 The delphinium will find it's home I usually just plant things in spaces if all else fails!!! You can always move them next year.

    Fabulous Chimley (please add a yorkshire accent if possible) isn't it? the other two are more modern, but that one is just wonderful ❤️

    That's lovely birdies dust bathing! I love that - Sleek does it too and assured me she is the person keeping the neighbours cat away. No idea how she is managing that with doing Kitty's garden and cleaning Lucy's flat😯

    We hate it when the nurse says 'sharp scratch' that is just not a scratch! really and Lucy was needle phobic had to have hypnotherapy when on chemo. She does 'something' with her mind to take herself away for bloods etc and those words bring her right back🤬

    welsh rarebit with vegan option below 😋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    The vet was pleased with Lexi she has to stay on Meloxican for a few more days.

    Barbara (()) sorry about your back I hope it’s not too bad (())) Thank you for caring about Lexi. love to Mr B (()) he’s doing well. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) thank you for thinking about Lexi. Yes I heard rain on Saturday.

    Kitty (()) how are you take care love to Anita (()) Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toni (()) that’s nice Lucy having her flat sorry you are both worn out but happy (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I bet you are glad that’s over love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) thinking of you take care. Love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335
    edited 16. Jun 2022, 13:18

    hi Toni toady 🐸 and everybody very tired now also need to have some more legendary antibiotics 😀. Thanks about my appointment Toni also I’m also going to be referred to orthotics to get the right kind of insoles I suppose and poss exercise advice and then poss physio if they think I need it, will try to go into a bit more detail later, bit of foot ache today but that sometimes happens it is a little bit annoying tho, I’d like to think I’m a bit more of a humble person like my mum, but her mind is much stronger than mine bless her 😀. That’s it for now antibiotics and then sleep hopefully what’s a Chillo by the way? Tc. Xx

    PS that’s my rabbit in the picture by the way Toni don’t pinch it like you and LA pinched the teddies, lol.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Joan you’re right I’m glad that’s over indeed how are you doing today? hows Sue? do you like the hot weather? I really hate it hopefully it will pass soon take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Barbara how are you doing today? I can’t quite remember what you wrote did you say your granddaughter is called Olivia? that’s a nice coincidence aww how old is she? Hows Mr B doing today? take care. Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi again Toni, poor Lucy having needle phobia, that must be very difficult to cope with, I also wouldn’t have thought about skipping the lef but tbh even tho I did try skipping it this morn, foot ache became pretty bad but calmed down v soon aft taking it in afternoon so I wondered if that was really the best advice, I did try in a polite manner to ask nurse gave to give more specific advice but despite being friendly I guess she was v vague and ambiguous about a lot of things but at least my foot pain is calming down now thank goodness because I’ve got a blood test tomorrow the surgery.

    Thanks about the blood test joke I found lol, yes I agree no one has perfect food habits but doughnuts being pastry are sometimes I gen avoid.

    apparently one reason bill was in a bad mood on LA’s birthday was because he was being naughty all day, but he’s just a kid after all and you’re only 4 years old once 😀.

    I can’t imagine how bill behaved when he was 4 himself lol, but I’m pretty sure that his mum would’ve spoiled him rotten, I feel sorry for his elder sis, she was never encouraged to pursue academic studies and her in-laws are even more old fashioned and traditional than her own parents. Her daughter is a med student, but she really had to fight to get this idea accepted by her in laws etc. I suppose we have a lot to be grateful for in many ways.

    Going back to the subject of my rheumo app I asked nurse about poss benefits of self - injecting mxt, she said that although some people have less stomach probs as a result, prob most, but not all of them, also it’s a lot of hassle, so they’re reducing mxt dose from ten 2.5 mg tabs to eight, but if that doesn’t suit me, I can request self - injecting if I want.

    mum is feeling okay today, so is dad thanks, I really am having to be fairly careful with my food for a while though because of the old antibiotics, not as bad as mxt tho of course, so I suppose I will fantasise about cheese sandwiches I think that’s as good as it gets atm lol.

    ps I knew I should never have bought Mona Lisa a phone lol. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hallo 😊 spot the person who is online instead of doing things they ought to be doing. Oh well, no-one here will tell on me. Too hot so far mostly for the garden except for some early watering, hoping to get in an evening session. T'other cup & saucer plant (there's my Yorkshire accent for you frog) is back indoors at the moment, & I moved the other out of the 'danger zone' it seems to be in though I doubt it will revive - & anyway having not been able to catch anything in the act or find out what's getting at it, I may just lock any bugs or whatever in there with it to carry on in private 🤨 we'll see. Anyway I made friends with gardening again by the evening, thank you for the help in the interim 😂 😀 the delphinium went back in a pot for now, it just wasn't having any. Not much else doing I am waiting on some more compost then will get in a few more beans etc. I should have some rocket any minute, kale I don't seem to get on with - maybe I'll try again one day. Falling asleep watching the birdies 🐦️ lovely 😍 thank Sleek very much for her help seeing off the cat, I should have known that having dealt with one uninvited visitor from her garden, this one would be no match for her 😸 but tell her she mustn't spread herself too thinly with all her jobs, would she like to share her secrets of youth & vitality? Catnip? Worth a go, maybe 😂 I haven't got much of either today, it's the Samson effect, having hacked a few inches of my hair off earlier - just couldn't face washing all that lot. So there's a glamorous mental image for you; bosh could probably find a fitting picture to go with it, someone must have painted 'tired down at heel woman with scissors' surely 🖼️🖌️ 😂. Have a good afternoon and like Sleek, don't overdo the housework xx

    Hi bosh ooh less drugs to take for a while that's good, hope the reduced mtx is the right dose for you 😀 all the best with the assorted physio and orthotics type stuff. Hope that's not toooo many separate appts. Good cartoon haha :) I'm afraid I do rather want that bunny 😍 🐰 so I should sleep with one eye open if I were you.. oh alright I suppose I can't really bring myself to steal it.. fair's fair. Hope family ok and you don't have anything much to do in the heat, have a good walk if you are having one.. tomorrow now probably if you prefer mornings I guess.. hope you can sleep ok :) xx

    Hello joan glad things are ok with Lexi and will keep an eye out for the rain, looks like nice just light rain here that will be fine enough for the garden but not absolute bucketsful. Have a good Friday I must remember bin night it comes round every 5 mins. xx

    Love to Barbara, Kitty, Mike & Vixen, Carol, mig & any callers 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi toady thanks for your nice message I do indeed hope I sleep okay but without the golden antibiotics I’ve had the last dose earlier on today I think prob not anyway it’s meant to be cooler on Saturday so that’s I hope I’m holding on to, yes too many appointments would be annoying but at least she took what I said seriously (previous rheumo app wasn’t that great) at least she wasn’t a vampire blood Nurse 🧛‍♂️Lol, no dodgy sharp scratches lo,, it is a very nice cuddly bunny rabbit isn’t it? maybe we can share it lol, no walk for me tomorrow unfortunately I’ve got my mental health three monthly blood test at the Golden GP surgery tomorrow - and rheumo one) my goodness they do choose the dates well don’t they? nearly 30° it’s meant to be at some point tomorrow oh well more to look forward to on Saturday lol, Family are okay thanks , MV was not too bad dad well he was being a Versuvius but with incomplete lava flow situation thank goodness for that! my GP surgery’s waiting room is a terrible place really full of fluorescent lights on the ceiling regardless of the temp very odd indeed maybe the vampire blood nights nurses had a demonic word with the architect? Haha. Glad you’re day didn’t seem to go too badly hope you have a good night too take care. Xx

    Ps Pic this time is of a clock I found in the GPs waiting room - though this may not be strictly true…xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 17. Jun 2022, 06:30

    Morning everyone who pops in old or new visitors

    the kettle is always on:

    and the cakes are always fresh:

    A quick hello to our friend mike. Mike I hope you are recovering well I am sending my daily supply of strength and ((())) and hope all is well. Some tummy rubs for Vixen too😻 xxx

    Joan I am so pleased the vet is happy with Lexi, but agree she may as well finish the Metacam. Lucy has much more energy than me, but she is excited about escaping (leaving really!) home and having her own independence. I will miss her and Winnie too of course. Enjoy your trip to the cafe if you go ((())) xxx

    Kitty me duck how the diddly are you? I have been watching the new drama on telly BBC1 about the miners in Nottingham and the accents are a bit iffy don't you think? If you have missed it and can't get catch up there you must watch it when you get into the bungalow. Sleek is planting geraniums for you, roses and lily of the valley

    Morning Reshmi. How are you today? Has the sore throat finally gone away? I do hope so if not that it does very very soon. A short walk and only the minimum physio exercises for you for now. I think you are your Mum's daughter for definite. You are also incredibly strong Reshmi you are ((()))

    A chillo (mine is from B&M so not a 'real' one. It's a cool pad it has some sort of gel in it which gets cooler when you lie on it or wrap it around a sore bit of your body? I lie on mine to keep cool at night. I first discovered them when Lucy had cancer - hers was real though - and was having dreadful hot flushes or neutropenic sepsis, (chemo induced infections). Problem was she weighed so little they would only let her have one paracetamol to take her temperature down. I hope Mike is ok😕

    I love your rabbit I won't pinch it even though LA is telling me to!! Lucy has a pink one similar we call her Pink Bunny or PB for short☺️

    Oh dear the lack of Lef had a very rapid affect! I'm glad your foot pain eased quickly when you took it and that you are being referred to orthotics that is a really good idea. Our feet need looking after ((())). Good luck with your bloods mine are done😊 good girl aren't I? I think self injecting is a good idea I have often wondered myself. I am sure once you'd had your lessons it would be quite straight forward. Thank you it wasn't easy for lucy having needle phobia and needing to have all those drips and blood tests - blood cancer of all things!!!

    Aw little LA will be naughty on his birthday! Over excited of course that's natural silly BIL. On the subject of women and higher education my Dad did not agree with it either. I had to fight to do my A levels and work part time alongside. Then I did not go to polytechnic (now a university of course) until I was 23 so that my parents 'income wasn't taken into account. My girls can do whatever they want to as far as I am concerned. Old fashioned ideas🙄 I bet BIL's sister is extra proud of her own girl as a result.

    The mona Lisa is taking a selfie🤣thank you for making me smile!

    Morning Barbara If you get in today blimey it's been hot and today is going to be even HOTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Shame it's supposed to rain tonight/tomorrow. Oddly enough we had a thunder storm 2 years ago yesterday during lockdown so i expect that's about right really.

    I hope you are all well all the girls and Mr B. Mostly I hope your back is easier today ((()))

    Morning Toady how are you this fine - set to be rather hot - day?

    Last night I had to chase off the young tabby who was after my baby blackbirds Dad was shrieking peep peep peep peep!! I stomped around and Sleek came to help too. She isn't interested these days, but won't have other cats in her garden uh uh no way! How are your chicks?

    Oh dear me yes I hadn't thought you might be trapping the murderer in with the enviromesh😮 have you heard of SB invigorator? Green Gardener sell it maybe other do to you spray it onto plants (it's all safe for kids animals wildlife) it strengthens the plant to cope with invasions? I use it all the time over any pest control because I really hate hurting anything even bloomin greenfly😳you dilute it a lot and spray it on. Either way bets of luck to both cup and saucer plants.🤞

    I am very glad you are back in love with gardening that would have been awful if you fell out completely and delphinium went back into her pot! Sleek is a tough Kitty please never fear she likes to be busy I don't know how, but Aidan would have said it was some sort of magic which enables cats to be in two places (or more) at once. Hurry up and arrive compost! Don't you actually rather like the feel of the peat frees stuff? I love it.

    Did you say you'd cut your own hair😯 really?

    Best I can do! She has secateurs if not ✂

    Better get on another busy day ahead at the flat with my friend today. Much less tiring than Lucy!

    Love to everyone

    vegan bangers also available!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone who calls by old or new visitors the kettle is on

    and the cakes are always fresh

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Making elderflower cordial - LOADS of sugar Reshmi, but it's cordial so will dilute it😊

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) I hope you have a good weekend love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) bird’s don’t live very long do they fall out of the nest or they are frightened by cats or dogs. Have a good weekend.

    Barbara (()) have a good weekend (()) Mr B is doing well is he pleased with it. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) Lucy (()) is getting on with her life I think she’s very brave having epilepsy and living on her own but she’s used to having it (()) I’m sure it will feel strange for the both of you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) are they alright.

    Reshmi (()) I have boots from orthotics when you go the first time you put your feet in sand it feels like and it takes the shape of your foot that is the mould for making the in soles I hope that helps. Love to your mum (()) we like the warm weather because I feel the cold. Have a good weekend

    Mike (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better and not being sick anymore (()) love to vixen and sue your sister (()) and sue (()) your cleaner (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni How are you today? my goodness it’s so hot one, good that you’ve got your bloods done

    I had my blood test today in the morning it was a bit of an ordeal again on the frayed they Nurse only did one of the tests and was v complacent to be polite, luckily I got lithium one sorted finally but was a huge ordeal at one point she said “ I’m a nurse I know nothing about medicine” , what on earth is that about ?I almost said “ well at least you’re meant to know more than me which doesn’t seem to be the case” lol.

    it reminded know one of my friends the elderly gentleman with bipolar he also has physical probs too (but not arthritic), He had to go to his GP surgery and had usual kind of problems, he was in pain at that time and he said at that moment something like what the “h - word” has been going on here?” And the receptionist tried to ban him from the doctor surgery but luckily that the manager was there and said that she couldn’t ban him for that, sorry if I’ve said this before, but I just find it really outrageous that he was almost banned for no reason, it’s not like he was a menace to society, lol. If the receptionist is having violent or aggressive urges maybe she should take up boxing 🥊 and leave her aggression in the gym lol.

    sorry went off on a bit of a tangent there lol.

    I hope L’s move to new flat goes well.

    throat is almost fully better thanks

    Elderflower cordial that looks great bit of high sugar in this heat can be good, I have some allergies tho, but I’d def drink it if I could 😀.

    that must have been difficult being a mature student, Yes its odd isn’t it how some people’s attitudes never seem to change? Your welcome about the ML, lol. Sorry Toni I think I’m going to have to leave heat is getting the better of me, I hope you have a nice day and take care. Xx

    ps pic of receptionist, lol.Tc. Xx

    Hi Joan nice to hear from you that’s interesting about orthotics and good to know thanks for the info. I understand about the heat I don’t like the heat too much myself but I also get horrible pains in the cold hope you and Sue have a nice day take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 17. Jun 2022, 16:39

    Hello all :) too hot out there for even me today so once again I repeat, stupid weather going from one extreme to the other 🙄 never mind, dropping a whole 12 degrees tomorrow down to 17 🙄 what's the matter with a nice moderate 22, I'd like to know.

    Have done a bit more to the decorating prep instead, and frog is helping at a friend's flat (can't remember the circumstances sorry 😳) so it's all go for indoors work today. Thank you v much frog for the suggestion about the SB spray! I've been looking into it 😀 not 100% sure from the description what its mode of action is but I gather it's just offputting to pests 🤔 so something like that would be ideal, as you'll know, I don't want to start spraying things that will be the death of stuff, either. Thank you for 'tired woman gardener'!! 😂 😂 bizarrely, you have actually hit on someone with a very good similarity for me for hair! If I was 20 (😉) years younger, 2 stone less skinny, fitter, & better looking - oh and could kneel! - I could recreate that picture for you to the life 😂. Haircutting, well I'm not going near a hairdresser at the moment and as it spends all its time twizzled up into some sort of put up style then it hardly matters what the ends are doing, no-one sees them (not even me mostly, I do as little looking in the mirror as possible!) So a pair of secateurs would probably be as good as any for 'pruning' the length off 💇‍♀️. Hope everything ok in your garden today, and with the blackbirds. As far as I know my chicks are ok, 'Mum' is taking food down to the end of the garden so they are hopefully keeping themselves well tucked into the trees there. Unfortunately I also saw her taking a few beakfuls of straw & grass into her old nest - oh don't start again Mrs B, I beg you 🐣😬. Lovely elderflower cordial, what a truly marvellous flavour it is isn't it, bet the kitchen & everything smells fabulous 😍. Not much going on with me, will be in tomorrow to grumble about the rain I expect. xx

    Hello joan, yes it's sad that birds have hard lives and so many dangers, blackbirds could live into double figures, it's all the hazards of outdoors that make it a short life usually isn't it. Hard to help them too if needs be because as you say they frighten so easily. Still I have had garden birds lead a good long life all you can do is look out for them. Hope things ok with you & Sue and dogs in the heat, really is too much isn't it.

    Hi bosh sorry so hot for you, hang on to that thought of tomorrow it will be worlds of difference apparently 🌦️ 👍️. Glad DV was not at peak V flow it is far far too hot for lava 😮 gosh the thought. And sorry you had your blood appt in this heat, as you say, timing! fluorescent lights and an irritable nurse 🙄 ugh, well done for getting it behind you, hope you have been able to find a cool spot now and hide away with cuddly bunny (it's definitely your turn). Hope all bloods come back ok and you can have a quiet weekend :) xx

    Love to Kitty, Barbara and anyone who calls in looking for an oasis in the desert aka the tea counter xx