Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Thanks toady 🐸for your nice message sorry was too hot for you as well today.

    The nurse was a very difficult character unfortunately I think she got told off by her boss because I’ve got this text from her saying that she’d sent the blood sample off to pathology without the appropriate form for lithium even though I told her that it was needed and really important so she sent it afterwards but I will be okay I guess will be okay but it was really irritating indeed.

    I understand about cutting your own hair I did it once and I was very ill with arthritis and during lockdown my mum went mad and insisted on trimming it bless her, but the hair was all over my psoriasis and eczema- covered neck, so like you I wasn’t bothered too much about what it would look like (and of course as you also said we can always tie up our hair if it’s the right length) just wanted to be comfortable completely get it 😀.

    Yes you’re right at least dad hasn’t fully erupted yet, to be honest i can’t fully rest my voice at home, I’m not naturally a voice raiser or an argumentative person, but the home situation…well you can imagine so that’s why I mostly hide away in secret corners of the house if I can.

    another family Birthday is coming up this my sisters in July but I’m not going to pressurise myself too much about that hot weather is difficult for me they know that, the little kid’s birthday is one thing - bug my somewhat DV - esque sister’s birthday is another but keep that quiet don’t tell anyone on the Internet lol.

    hope you have an okay night toady bye take care. Xx

    Ps bookmark pic is a ceramic toad apparently lol. Xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 18. Jun 2022, 05:41

    Morning everyone!

    The rain is coming thank goodness it's so hot! I can feel it's cooler outside already and the gardens are desperate.

    Still no sign of our friend Mike😕. Mike if you call by we all check in on you daily and send our very best. I am hoping the treatment is finished and you are just recovering from it now. Sending you my daily supply of strength ((())) xx

    Morning Joan. Well I will worry about Lucy and her epilepsy even if she doesn't seem to. She knows what to do - take her meds, get enough sleep and not drink too much alcohol (she learnt that one herself!!) she also will NEVER have a bath only a shower when she is alone in the house. My lovely neighbour should be home on MONDAY!!! Yipee😊Did you both go out yesterday? ((())) xxx

    Good Morning Reshmi. I'm so glad to hear the ABs have done their job and your throat is almost back to normal now😊 that is excellent news. It's going to RAIN soon🤗 Is HV all peaceful atm?

    I think the elderflower cordial (not so sweet once the elderflowers and lemons have steeped for 24 hours) would hurt your throat even if you weren't allergic. Paul loves it as does Kari, my nephew and niece-in-law and my brother and his 3. So it's all been shared out! We kept a large bottle for us though😋 Paul has soda water in his. Like you I dodge fizz so just have water in mine. I could go posh and add some ice and a slice, but that's too much effort isn't it?

    Sister's birthday is definitely not as important as a wee 'un I agree. They come first as long as you get your sister a card and maybe a pressie if you do that's enough.

    If you can get online Kitty (who has been feeling a bit rough) it will be lovely to see your name here. I hope you have news about your bungalow Sleek reckons it's all done now and looks fab- you- luss! ((())) xxx

    Toady by far it was too hot!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's pretty chilly out there already I really hope my heating doesn't kick in!!!! Still the garden will get a good shower and we get the day off watering duties.

    The flat is Lucy's, my youngest, which is why I am doing lots of cleaning and preparation there. She is hoping to move in probably the end of next week! We have a weekend away looming so I'd rather she tried it when we are local in case she can't work something.

    Well done doing indoor stuff instead of just sitting on the computer all day getting carried away like I can do on a naff day🙄

    The SB invigorator is off-putting to pests but mostly strengthens our plants to withstand any attacks by pests. I get little spidery things which do damage on my Fatsia Japonica and P used heavy duty pesticides on hers I just spray away with the SB stuff and all is well. Live and let live a bit if you know what I mean.

    The tired woman gardener is you definitely! Maybe 5 years ago😉Garden shears are much quicker for hair cutting you know. Up is how hair needs to be in this heat and also when gardening you don't want to be worrying about hair. My hairdresser sees myself and kari first thing in the morning and wears her mask. She was a covid volunteer at the local vaccination centre so most sensible I feel safe enough, but you are not near me sadly. Gosh Sleek reckons she can help you out?

    All seems well with your chicks that's good. No cat invasions here either yesterday and rain should keep things peaceful today too paws crossed.

    The elderflower cordial is lovely and the house did indeed smell fabulous 😊sigh...Kari reckons GIN next🤭

    Barbara I hope you and Mr B are doing ok?

    My lovely neighbour comes home on Monday yippee! He has been desperate to have her home for EVER as you know finally the care package is sorted out.

    Is Niamh coming over? I bet she is when it's going to rain so you can't get the pool out🙄

    Take care of those eyes!

    Its Saturday so Aidan's breakfast tradition:

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    This is a photo of our Mock Orange

    take care
    joan xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone The plants do well I cannot water them.

    Kitty (()) I hope you are doing ok. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (()) have a good weekend.

    Toady (()) some people are always looking in the mirror not me it’s easy to find fault with your self. Have a good weekend they come around quick

    Toni (()) have a good weekend how is sleeke’s back now (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Barbara (()) what is the problem with your kidney’s our neighbour is always saying about his he’s the only one who has a problem the thinks. Have a good weekend. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Reshmi (()) good luck have a good weekend all of you love to your mum (())

    Mike ((()) have a good weekend love to vixen I hope you are beginning to feel a bit better.

    take care
    joan xx
  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 540

    Good morning. Time to brew up and dive into the computer world. I tried just watching films but I am afraid its not the same. Matrix Resurrection looked like Neo had arthritis, he couldn't fly any more or move fast enough any more. Poor guy.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni nice to hear from you going to try and make this message reasonably short at least that’s the aim.

    HV is not really that peaceful tbh but at least I slept well last night, slept in spare room 😀.

    mum’s not feeling that well at the moment, but whether it’s cold or more serious I don’t know, unfortunately she’s not talking about it.

    tomorrow my parents are going a - babysitting so at least I’ll have some solitude.

    yeah I’ll go with the usual card and gift buying for sis but I really hope I’m not pressurised into going to their house in the heat, anyway will just have to deal with it when it comes I guess.

    thats nice that you’re helping L with the flat I’m sure she’ll enjoy living there and also having you both nearby.

    my walk was good thanks first proper one in a while how was yours?

    BR said first sentence the other day which was “ I want my teddy “! On no that naughty LA what is he doing to his poor little bro? Oh well i suppose the teddy - business will be resolved at some point with the aid of a lawyer or do I mean their mummy?

    it’s good about your hairdresser the one I go to is quite hygienic too The only problem it is the hairdresser does get v obsessed with his work he once reprimanded me for not using an expensive conditioner as my hair is quite dehydrated I was on the verge of saying I can live with, I have sensitive scalp psoriasis and eczema and my hair is not a bowl of super noodles lol.

    elderflower cordial sounds very nice indeed I too would avoid the fizzy stuff.

    I hope you have a nice day Toni take care. Xx

    hi Baloo btw welcome.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi also to Joan Barbara and kitty, how are you doing today ? I’m not too bad thanks Xx

    hi toady 🐸 how are you?

    did you have a good night last night toady? or did you find it too hot to sleep ? I actually managed by sleeping in the cold spare room even though it seemed to cause a Vesuvius situation for some reason. I’m really glad I did it because I was feeling nauseous and horrible after the methotrexate and no sleep, I hope your day is going well today? take care xx

    Ps pic is volcano plus electrical storm also known as The House of Bosh lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hi people.. not the nicest day is it, I don't mind the rain too much but when it's overcast like this it gives me a thundery head even if it isn't actually breaking as such. Plus dark & gloomy for seeing what you're doing. I was up in the early hours fetching in the milkman's delivery, they come in the middle of the night these days (so I have my compost frog) - no bread. 😠 For the god knows how many time. I won't name the service but they should be called milk & less, they are completely hopeless and seemingly cannot just fulfil a simple order - & when it's bread surely they could bring something it is a necessity & it's odds on you have run out or need it for breakfast or someone's sandwiches etc. 🙄 Used to be a brilliant service & I will never forgive them for what they did to it, in the lockdown especially it was appalling not to run at least a decent inventory of basics alongside their silly overpriced fancy goods. So I had a cup of tea, listened to the dawn chorus & composed a stinking review in my head haha. Nb they also brought only 1 out of 3 things I ordered on a 3 for 2 so will no doubt charge me full price for that. Awful firm. As I have Prime at the moment I'll have something coming tomorrow but their range is not exactly huge - oh for a croissant 😂. Re Lucy's flat, when you said you were having a busy day at the flat with your friend, I made that into your friend's flat not the flat, sorry, not reading properly. Hope it's all going well 😊 I have reached the decorating stage where I just want to get done and tidy and put things back, but am stuck at the maybe tomorrow or the day after bit - get a move on toady. Still, can't garden much, so less temptation to play truant. Thank you I will certainly give the SB a go 😀. Shears for hairdressing, why didn't I think! 😂 - it's good that you can feel happy going to yours that sounds v. reassuring, but frankly unless I'm going to come out with my fantasy hair you can keep the whole salon experience for me it's grim enough at the best of times tbh, let alone with covid added. Sleek can do her worst, by all means, though I may yowl if she drags at the tangly bits. 🙀 Anyway enough about me me me hope everything ok with you all today, your neighbour will be coming out Monday? Hurrah haven't they done so well to get through with no hitches, phew. Have a good Sunday xx

    Hello joan, I love your mock orange, do they lose their leaves, most varieties do I think? I'll have to replace my tree in the front garden & decide between a shrub or a tree. 🤔 Plants are looking much happier today I always wonder why rain is all that different to being watered. Have a good Sunday :) xx

    Hi bosh, sorry HV is a bit rumbly 😣🌋 glad you get a break tomorrow. Arguments & confrontation are very draining I would definitely avoid them too. Lot cooler isn't it too so hopefully you will have a cool and quiet Sunday, so much the better. It was just about bearable last night as the heat was lessening all the time, mostly I was only awake & cross because the milkman let me down (see grumble to Toni). Annoys me a lot that they changed this delivery service, it was taken over and went upmarket & silly 🙄 before it was just a nice handy thing that helped people like me or anyone really, non drivers people on their own etc, could have a few things delivered maybe at difficult times, & not have to see a delivery man or go to a shop. Grr. I like the ceramic toad 😊 you can get lucky Feng Shui money toads (and frogs) that have a coin in their mouth, you may have seen them, seem to usually be three-legged toads traditionally not sure where the three-legged bit comes into it but it doesn't sound too lucky for the toad🤔. Hope your mum feels better from whatever it is 😔 and that you have as good a rest of day as poss. xx Oh and I'm glad the nurse got a telling off (maybe), imagine not sending the form off when you'd told her expressly 🙄.

    Hi baloo I can't really concentrate on films these days 📽️ but even when I used to be able to, I could never have made it through the huge long series people do these days. All those plotlines. Hope you are finding interesting distraction on the internet, mine is usually ebay & general browsing some of it educational but probably not as much as it ought to be. Have a good Sunday x

    Barbara I have been back at Am*z*n 'treating myself' - bulk pack of lavatory roll. 😂 How's this for marketing daftness (seen on another site) - "A hollow central tube allows them to be placed on a dispenser for quick and easy access.." ooh, innovative. Whatever next 😂. Hope you and Mr B as well as possible xx

    Love to Kitty who is not quite herself? 😔 not for long I hope get well soon 😘 xx

    Thinking of Mike & Vixen xx

    & passing cafe people xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi toady 🐸 nice to hear from you that must be very annoying about the milk etc delivery service I also can’t drive so i find these kind of things interesting yes bread is definitely is necessity especially at breakfast, maybe you could complain anonymously about the service or something like that?

    Yes hopefully I’ll get a break tomorrow even if it’s not the full day half a day or tbh even five minutes would be appreciated lol.

    Feng shui toads that’s interesting I’ll look out for those.

    mum said she’s feeling a bit better now and it was partly the heat so that’s a good thing at least it really would be good if she were frank with me though because I try to help her but I don’t know what’s going on…well you know the rest.

    Yes I’m glad that then Nurse seems to have been reprimanded 😀.

    I’m glad that your night wasn’t too bad to temperature- wise my room def wasn’t cooling down so I decided to go to the spare room as I mentioned and thank goodness for that I don’t know why that the created world War 500…but best to leave it there probably😀.

    I have just bought a house £2 on eBay secondhand previously inhabited by little BR no less! don’t worry he let me have it at Auntie’s rates lol, have a good evening.xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone!

    the kettle is on....

    elderflower cordial is available needs serious dilution though.

    Good morning to our friend Mike who is still AWOL well not AWOL strictly speaking he's on the box I suppose. Is it R&R maybe or Sickness leave in the forces? Well Mike I am (we all are) still thinking of you and hoping each day is getting easier for you ((())) xxx

    Good Morning @Baloo I hope you are doing well today after all that lovely cooling rain yesterday? Wow well-spotted poor Neo😕No decent medication there either I take it🙄

    I might need to track Kitty down I haven't heard from her for a day or so and she wasn't 'quite right'. She had had her vaccine so hopefully she's back to normal now. Sending love to you Kitty ((())) xxx Sleek is working on your garden today planting bulbs.

    Joan I love the mock orange and the smell is outstanding isn't it? I haven't got one myself, but maybe I need one🤔It rained enough for it to do ok yesterday for definite. I am happy to help Lucy where I can bless her she is very excited and probably like me a little nervous too. Love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I hope your Mum feels much better today if it was the heat getting to her. How about you though quietly sleeping in the spare room avoiding eruptions? Are you doing ok otherwise did you take your MTX this week?

    Wow BR what a great first sentence. Mine was 'Mum Pam downstairs' apparently at 9 months according to parental legend and I haven't shut up since as you all know🤭 Lawyer sister will do the necessary and put LA in custody if necessary!!

    You should make the most of the time without your parents today I would. Just don't wash your hair it might go soggy! Lucy loves supernoodles you know - there will be a few emergency packets in the food cupboard when she moves. I will worry about her, but we are nearby as are both of her sisters and their spouses to help her if needs be.

    At least your hairdresser is COVID safe that's the main thing.

    Today i am going to Bicester Scramble in one of paul's cars

    it was made in 1966 and kills my bones especially hips so think of me please!

    Morning to you Toady how are you today? A lot cooler wasn't it yesterday😊I felt much better sorry about your head did it go off? Did you see the amazing sky last night?

    Paul and I did some work at Lucy's flat putting together furniture (flat packed) it it starting to look rather nice. Her bed comes today so she is waiting in for that on her own we will be in Bicester see above messgae to Reshmi. We then went driving round car lots looking for a car for Kari! She wants to drive again after 8 years of not being able to! We found some potentials as well so fingers crossed all will be well when she's ready. Second hand of course and very small one had no road tax to pay at all!

    I know the very company who you refer to they let Kari down too all the time. Although they do oat milk and she wants to support the service she very often ends up using her Prime instead. Bread is a staple and even if they had brought white bread they absolutely should have brought something🙄

    My neighbours have done well although she is coming home with a bad pressure sore so the District nurses will be very cross indeed. I can't wait to see her in their garden again she loves her garden. I have plenty of it transplanted here! Only worry is the nurse might put her on bed rest....

    Well done getting the room to decorating stage! Wow! That is impressive. No procrastination Toady! One last big push and it will be ready if noisy neighbours move in. That has to be your incentive.

    Are the chicks still ok?

    Barbara you will require chasing up soon....I hope those eyes are not too bad although I suspect they are bad or you would be able to post. Sending ((())) to you and the family.

    Breakfast today our very naughty weekly treat:

    vegan option

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) sorry you are not well we miss you. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) sorry the milkman did not bring your bread I expect no one else had there’s either not nice when people are expecting it to come.

    Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) sorry the drive will cause you pain I hope it does not take a long time to go when the journey over (()) have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers ((()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (()) that’s nice her coming home on Monday (())) bed sore’s should never happen (())

    Reshmi (() have a good day. Sue’s carer that had psoriasis it’s all cleared up since she left the job no stress. Love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) how are you we miss you and vixen (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281

    Afternoon all sorry I'm lost with all the post but will try my best..I hate typing post it outs a naughty word everytime🙄😅

    Toni I'm so pleased your neighbours wife is coimg home bless ..wgat a lovely couple

    I hope our Kitty us doing ok alk that went on could catch up with her but we are all here fir her xx

    I ysed to make elderflower cordial ..we have so much across the rd and hate watching it go to waste xx

    Reshmi yes we have Olivia who us 25 she has moved back from London with her girlfriend think it's 7 years now they have been together.. hope all is well with your mum and I can imagine your worry after the duodenal ulcer take care xx

    Joan what a lovely photo if your mock orange K7dney infection was picked up from a farm around 15 years ago..E Coli but its forever flaring up to all of you xx

    Toady I enjoyed the bourbon and the cuppa 😁 thankyou so you chopped your hair ..I have a phobia if hairdresser thinks it's the big mirror 😒we have a walk in one that I now feel comfortable but I shut my eyes 🤭🤣 so you are a yorkshire lass ..we adore the Yorkshire coast line rugged..especially Scarborough I hope we can get back there soon for a break xx

    Love to Mike sending positive thoughts xx

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 19. Jun 2022, 11:25

    One of the blackbirds looking for it's sultanas

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi Toni 🌺and everybody else sorry very tired but not necessarily in a bad way.

    Toni I thought I try and make habit of using this pink flower emoji next to your name like I’m trying to use a toad next to toady it just helps me to bookmark and differentiate and all that when I’m running out of storage space or tired hope that’s okay ?

    was busy today phoned my friend elderly gentleman with bipolar he had a nasty fall in Tesco bless him but he seems not too bad now also had to delete 1 million photos - slight exaggeration- due you to bill infiltration problems lol, I had McDonald’s takeaway today no less Toni! but no fried red meat and cheese so it could’ve ben worse 😀, did not to use Deliveroo don’t tell the bill, parents are off babysitting today not sure when they’ll be back. Ty for info about psoriasis Joan that’s very interesting. Mum is ok.

    hi Barbara how are you doing today? nice pics Toni Hope your hip doesn’t hurt too much.

    Saw this Nice Japanese art print on Pinterest take care everyone hope you’re all doing okay? Xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335
    edited 19. Jun 2022, 18:21

    Hi Everybody had to resort to Lucozade never mind don’t do it all the time yes I have my had my mxt on Fri Toni 🌺 thanks for asking, how is your day going?

    did you manage a walk? Are You enjoying Bicester? I was Going to post a dad joke but I know not everyone is “lucky” enough to have a dad like mine, so it’s another Internet joke at the end of this post about a seemingly happy marriage no comments there’s no subtext whatsoever I wouldn’t even bring Maidenhead or certain family members into it, no - not innocent old bosh here lol.

    hi toady 🐸 how are things with you today? Today Wasn’t too bad thanks I liked the morning was it was nice and cold then suddenly felt really stuffy in the afternoon but the prob was I was speaking to a friend on the phone so I couldn’t really put the loud fan on actually had to resort to a manual fan but not quite in a glamorous Jane Austen style haha. I hope you had a nice day and got your shopping delivered or maybe getting it delivered soon? seems a pity about that milk etc service it does sound so handy in theory ☹️.

    bye for now toady Toni and everyone take care. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 19. Jun 2022, 22:09

    Hi all, I have run myself short of time so this will be brief & to the point not that there is a point in particular, no news really just to say hello.

    Hope frog has had a good day 🚗 I should imagine it was quite nice for it - yes I did see last night's sky, very pretty indeed! And a rainbow at almost 9, unusually. Hope Kari found something she was looking for car-wise or maybe just some possibles at this stage. Sorry the milk persons are just as unreliable on her 'round', I also do feel sorry for milkie himself who I imagine had a simpler job before it was all change. Glad things are progressing at Lucy's - flat pack furniture, my favourite 😊 well in the sense that much though I love good solid things, there's a lot to be said for being able to disassemble stuff. I bet it's looking smashing now, new places are such fun. I'm only at the so-far stage with decorating but if I can get the main wall painted in the next few days & can move everything back against that wall & it should be downhill after that. The chicks are fine that I know of and a young pigeon out today too, a very plump beautiful baby indeed 😍. Will catch up properly tomorrow, have a good night :) xx

    Hi bosh thank you for your nice message & kind thoughts, I am sorted for bread thank you & will get a main shop soon. I used to get a main delivery & top up in person between, but now I don't do that it means calculating more carefully what I'll run out of, which is too much bother lol. Anyway thanks & yes I do leave complaints on 'review the company' websites now & then because I don't think there's any real excuse for items being unavailable except occasionally, no one minds that. Yes weather definitely a bit mixed today, I had to speak to a friend on the phone this morning too someone who is quite hard work to talk to (that sounds mean but it's more about me finding certain people harder to concentrate on their conversation & how they are on the phone) & bit tireder in the afternoon too so it sounds like our days were not dissimilar. Btw glad your friend did not hurt themselves in Tesco but horrid thing to happen 😔. You got a very good ebay bargain with that beautiful chateau haha, just imagine all the nice cool rooms you could choose from to sleep in and no-one would care 😉 or even know you were there. Hope you have a good day tomorrow :) xx

    Hello to Joan Sue & doggies and hope you have had a good day. Yes I'm sure other people must get things missed off their deliveries, I always hope they don't take it out on the milkman because it's not this fault but people aren't always sensible & reasonable are they. Have a good start to the week. xx

    Barbara sorry to confuse you I'm actually half Cornish and half Geordie (an 'interesting' mix, take it from me 🤪) the Yorkshire reference was just in reply to something Toni said. I love your dear blackbird! 😍 (and your garden), whereabouts are yours nesting do they come back to the same site? They do love sultanas don't they I've just put more on my shopping list 😂.

    Hope Kitty is feeling better🤞😘 xx

    and love to everyone else - I appear to have failed at 'brief post' but such is life - see you all soon xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone the sun is out and it should be pleasantly warm today😊

    Still no Mike it's been over a month since he was well enough to call in. Mike we are all rooting for you and hoping you are recovering by now from your treatment, that's it's bee successful and you can put it all behind you now. I am continuing to sending you daily strength and ((())) xxx I just want to see your avatar (Vixen) on the board now.

    Morning Joan how are you doing today? I hope well😊 It's sunny here I hope it is with you too. I took my wedge cushion in the car and am not tooooo bad today thank you for your kind thoughts. ((())) for you and Sue xxx

    Kitty rang me yesterday out in the car, but i didn't hear it above the sound of the engine - the car is 50 something years old ad a sports car sorry Kitty. I tried to ring back later, but perhaps she was having tea or something....I will try again today.

    Reshmi I love the little pink flower thank you!!!😊what would I give to you? Hmmm....🦖maybe. I was looking for a Goddess but none to be found 😕

    Oh Reshmi I would never have connected any seemingly innocent jokes about Dads with anything that might happen in a house in Maidenhead🤭

    I must confess I also had a Maccie D's yesterday! I had a McPlant sometimes it has to be done no time or it's just easier not like we do it every week. Inline some we could mention ahem BIL and his contract with deliveroo😁

    Hope the babysitting went ok and your sister and BIL got a nice break just the two of them. You made the most of your alone time too. Poor old man falling over that's awful but good he's ok now.

    All went well in Bicester Paul was very very happy indeed his car got a Golden Ticket no less! This meant he could park it with the 'special cars'. It got loads of attention he was all puffed up with pride bless! No pigeons at 3am here nope!

    My hip and back not too bad thank goodness I used my wedge cushion which helped a lot.

    Barbara I LOVE the birdie! Very friendly and trusting now. Mine come ever so close to me while I'm gardening i think as long as we stay still all is well don't you?

    Don't we all look terrible in the mirror at the hairdressers!

    Post becomes something rude😁phones eh? and autocorrect😁

    Isn't elderflower cordial lovely? I feel the same I am happy for the birdies to eat most of the berries, but having a little of nature's treats for us is lovely too - the fragrance!

    Yes I am hoping so much that my neighbour actually gets home today🤞

    love to you all

    Morning Toadster how the diddly are you? I have recovered from my trip to Bicester in the TR4 well less recovered more survived. No rain at all it was a nice day. Paul's car got special treatment and a Golden Ticket so he was very happy. I got a vegan coffee and the best flap-jack a woman has ever tasted so also 😊

    I think you have done rather well with the back room yes if you can just get that wall painted now.

    I am so glad all chicks seem well now - please don't let any make 2nd broods though it's too stressful. I bet the pigeon baby was super floofy💗

    Kari is just looking at cars at this stage she has saved enough for the actual car now needs to save for insurance as she will have 0 no claims having not driven for about 8 years or more.

    Yes you have a point life is not so good for our Milkies is it these days. Have some sympathy Toni!😳

    I hope today is a good one for you

    Some breakfast for us all

    a maccies


    a vegan version for everyone else...

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    For Joan's Sue

    Hope she likes these ones xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Barbara (()) you have a lovely garden is it just one blackbird that comes for the sultana’s. His Mr B (()) happier about his hip now. Love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toady (()) have a good day painting the wall. I hope you had what you wanted delivered today.

    Kitty (()) how are you feeling today love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toni (()) thank you for the photo’s of the cars I’m sure she will like them. That’s good Paul (()) getting a gold card that made his day. Love to Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope you are feeling a bit better love to vixen.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    hi Toni 🌺 toady 🐸and everybody else hope you’re all fairly well? Sorry bit busy right now also skin etc feeling a bit weird probably high pollen count 🤢,will try and post properly later take care. Xx

    ps i’m definitely no expert on the whole body of English literature but remember reading DH Lawrence at school like the book but not the teacher so much lol so here are some bluebells in Nottinghamshire hand me the antihistamines please Toni bye for now.xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335

    Hi all Sorry for the late entry bit of a stressful day, gp phoned me, I’m having some side effects of too much lithium, this med is used to treat mental health, probs are dry mouth, hand tremors, stomach probs, nausea vomiting headaches and so on, mental health team should contact me urgently to sort out medication, which is good as they’ve not seen me for FIVE years, sorry for caps. Toni 🌺toady 🐸, Joan etc have a good evening. xx

    Pic is just a nice image I found online. Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hi folks, this really will be a brief one for me as have been derailed by one thing & another - so have mainly just called in to catch up on others' news and as my stuff is relatively trivial I'll skip it in favour of leaving bosh a little message - sorry to hear you're having a hard time 😔 and I really hope you've had a useful call back from your team & they've made a decent job of thoroughly going over things and reviewing them with you properly. Wishing you better and I am going to go to bed now, will visualize myself into your lovely peaceful picture with a bit of luck, all the best from toady 🐸 xx

    'Night all will catch up tomorrow 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone who calls by 'New or old' the kettle is on

    Still no sign of our dear friend @Mike1 Mike we are all still here thinking of you and hoping you are by now recovering from your treatment. Take very good care of yourself I hope Sue is there today (I'm sure she is) and know she will be looking after you ((())) Toni xx

    Joan I thought of Sue every time I saw the posh cars like those they are lovely, but HUGE! no way we could have one in real life unless you live in a mansion! Love to you both and good news - my lovely neighbour is home😊 ((()))xxx

    Kitty if you can get online I hope all is well with you and you have recovered from that jab? Any news yet about your bungalow? Sleek is still working in your garden titivating and planting bulbs fo next year. Take care our friend ((())) xxx

    Reshmi those were lovely pictures so very pretty I loved the bluebell wood - the tree pollen would definitely get you! Have some antihistamines🤭💊 💊

    So have your lithium bloods come back iffy? That nurse didn't attach the paperwork properly did she😠 Maybe they will have to slightly alter your dose i hope it doesn't upset your mood too much you have been doing so very well. I am sending you some ((())) and hope maybe all is ok and that it's to do with your awful throat infection.

    Not being seen for five years is atrocious given what you are on I am not at all impressed.

    for you pollen free!

    Will you get to the group today do you think?

    Good Morning Barbara if you happen by what a lovely start we are having to the day here. the birds are singing and the sun is shining but so far it's lovely and cool.

    Let's hope it is a nice weekend and you can have the pool out for Niamh. Is Mr B up to putting the pool up and filling it I wonder?

    My lovely neighbour is home they are reunited it's just lovely 🤗

    Morning Toadster how the diddly are you? I see yesterday was another busy day for you. Being derailed can be frustrating can't it?

    My day was like that to be honest. Letting the electricity people into P's to sort out a dangerous cable (outside the house) looking at the new defibrillator. Going to Tesco (3 miles away) and forgetting my purse😩 I did manage to clean the fish tank out I suppose.

    At least I watered my hanging baskets. Have you noticed how 'odd' the peat free compost is? Very interesting I think.... When I water them lots of muck comes out the water is brown like the nutrients are washing away 🤔

    Hoping the chicks are all still present and correct?

    Take care now

    Breakfast what shall we have?

    vegan potion!

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) i hope you have a more restful day today. They say it’s rain by the weekend.

    Kitty (()) are you in your bungalow yet it will be a better life for you and you will be happier. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Barbara (()) you have a lot of problems you manage them well. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m sorry you went all the way to Tesco’s without your purse (()) the cars you put on here for sue are they classic or veteran thank you. How is Lucy (()) getting on in her new flat. That’s nice your neighbour’s are back together again (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (())

    Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you have so many problems let’s hope they will be sorted now the lady got in touch with you again (()) love to your mum (())

    Mike (()) I hope you have a good day today (()) love to vixen

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,335
    edited 21. Jun 2022, 10:24

    hi Toni 🌺 how are you today? Thanks Your nice message

    no not going to the group today as I’m going to try not to miss the phone call about the mental health appointment.

    yeah they could be probs like you said the nurse wasn’t great but the GP I spoke to is actually really good and thorough so hopefully lithium prob will be sorted out in a good and rapid manner, its the waiting around that I don’t like tho T , my mind brews up all sort of worries ☹️.

    Yes the babysitting went successfully according to my mum who in her usually way cooked a load of food for the EF as always i offered to help and told her not to cook such massive amounts, but to no avail, mums will be mums I guess 😀.

    I did hear that good old bill polished off the whole family sized bowl of paneer apart from one piece which he v chivalrously left for his wife, lol. LA told my mum that he talked to a stranger in the park with naughty Noel, but the reality was that the stranger was BR haha, BR himself got a bit angry that LA was getting all of gran’s attention and threw a whole box of LA’s Dino toys on the floor but little innocent BR can never be naughty for long so he helped to pick them up off the floor with granny when it was “ tidy up time” bless, good job too, because two naughty boys in the family may be a bit much for mummy lol, I don’t think she needs a whole house full of naughty alpha males as it were lol.

    Thanks for The pollen free flowers lol. Did you have a good walk in the morning? Tc. Reshmi xx

    Pic today is of Bill the chivalrous knight lol, don’t worry he’s only using his sword to pierce cubes of paneer, thats prob what he calls “cooking”, or so I’ve been informed, lol. Tc Toni, xx