Val's Cafe
hi toady 🐸thanks for your nice message and kind wishes
i haven’t had a call back yet but I’m waiting at the moment the problem Ive found with m health services at least with my experience of them is that if you’re lucky and someone helps you in time they’ll help you in a crisis or a semi crisis but anything that’s not technically a crisis well you were lucky to even get your efforts to seek help acknowledged Ive feeling ill with these lithium related problems for a long time you know I also think I wasn’t given much info about lithium anyway as I said to Toni, its not the end of the world by any means it’s just the waiting around which makes worries brew up in my mind as it were
how are you feeling today? seems to be slightly cooler at least where I am tho I must admit I haven’t ventured outside yet
when you get food delivered from the supermarket are those deliveries usually okay? Or are there a lot of substitutions?
im glad you like the image I’m not too bad at the moment thanks just a bit tired but okay I hope you have a good day to day and take care. Xx
Bookmark pic is Mona Lisa after a haircut looking good I think good job she had it cut can you imagine the eczema on her neck? Lol. Tc xx
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hi Joan
thanks for your kind words doc hasn’t phoned yet, but should be soon I’m hoping, if not I’ll phone GP to at least get some advice about tonight’s dose, mum isn’t too bad today thanks, hope you and Sue are ok today? Tc. Xx
Pic is related to old Bagpuss TV programme, reminds me of BR and his stolen teddy somehow, lol. Tc. Xx
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Hello folks - glad you are feeling no worse bosh and hope maybe your call will come through (like Toni I am not impressed by that amount of time not seeing you), and if not that calling the GP will tide you over for advice. I can quite imagine that the situation is as you describe it from things other people have said, I know all services are stretched but things like giving you all the information you need, that should be a matter of course. Good luck with everything anyway🤞. Actually very hot today! too much for me outdoors, ok in though on the side of the house where the sun hasn't got round to. Shopping will be here tomorrow, I hardly ever get any problems with that just the occasional sub and even then they bring you something sensible and often even better value ie they give you another brand or bigger size. Bit tired today (more problems with cats 🙄) all I'm saying is give me Bagpuss any day. Gosh doesn't Mona look good, who on earth does she remind me of now? 🤔 Hope everyone else ok xx
Hi Toni, I have cat woes, which is what held me up yesterday - just as I was highfiving myself for my efforts keeping nextdoors out, a new never-seen-it-in-my-life tabby turned up. Off went the blackbirds squeaking blue murder, looked out to see a tabby tail disappearing round the corner. No idea whose. 😕 So that was another day down the drain rethinking my cat deterrents, no painting, no gardening. 🤬 Ok life, I know you don't like me, but can I have a break please? If I don't get one day's peace & quiet soon I'll be stringing myself up from the garden arch, except I can see my review now.. 'too flimsy for the purpose I bought it for.. very disappointed, wouldn't buy again' 😂 (excuse black humour, what else can you do). The arch is neeaaarrrly up, btw, and I'm starting to see other handy uses for them elsewhere actually 🤔. Anyway I have just had my SB spray delivered, looking forward to that 😊 and some bamboo canes, for which another excellent (real) review - 'Could these bamboo stakes be sharpened at one end in order to 'spear' my obnoxious relatives?' For relatives read neighbours, and we're talking my language 😂. Anyway chicks fine that I know of thanks, I have lovely photos but I'll post when I feel they've safely flown. Fab pictures you posted from the show (when I'm less stewed I'll have another proper look) and am pleased for Paul :) hope having a good day, what did you do about Tesco? no purse, the horror 😱. Seems odd really that you can shop online and just give your details without showing a card in person, but can't stand in the shop and give your details to them and have that be good enough. Assuming you can remember them. Sorry to hear the jab was the culprit making Kitty feel unwell, which was it? 😔 Pass on my best if you speak before she calls in here. xx
Hello joan having a quieter day today thanks but have a 2nd cat in the vicinity to deal with 🙄 no idea where this one has turned up from. Why can't people just have dogs.. mind you I would probably get ones who go out to work & leave them inside all day 🙄. Hope your dear dogs well and yourselves too - yes, rain on way I believe. xx
Love to Barbara and sorry I messed my bold up for you last time, no news but love to Mr Blackbird and Mr B - hope your garden doing nicely - mine is like an obstacle course, by the time I've finished trying to cut off access to a new cat as well as the other one 🙄 it will probably me that gets trapped or trips over something 🤪 (haven't done anything that would harm any cat needless to say, just stuff to get in their way pots and planters & trellis etc) xx
Hello Kitty & hope you're feeling much better 😽 xx
Thinking of Mike & Vixen xx
& best to all regulars & irregulars xx
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hi toady 🐸 thanks for your nice message tired right now so I’ll try and keep it short I had to phone the doctors today and explain to the receptionist what a mental health team is but she was just perhaps an inexperienced and badly trained receptionist - at least she wasn’t rude to me which makes a change, of course most of the day was waiting for the doctors phone call so no exercise of any kind didn’t even leave the house at The very last min, MH team sent me a text saying that I have to phone GP tomorrow and that they’ve given the GP some advice about my meds etc so that’s definitely very good progress even though it took all day 😡. Rest of Family are more or less okay thanks as far as I’m aware. Yes it was a very nastily hot day wasn’t it? glad tho that you had a cool side of the the house 😀, i’m also lucky in the fact is I can sleep in the cold spare room, at least when there aren’t any visitors and everyone else is more or less well that is, Even if it does sometimes cause world War 612 approx (sorry lost count of the exact number of world wars in HV lol) and can hurt my back. Hope you have a peaceful evening and night toady 🐸thanks and take care. Xx
ps more Bagpuss (I may have become addicted to Bagpuss images btw lol).xx
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Morning everyone. Very warm still but looks more overcast....
I've put the kettle on
Morning to our Mike who is still AWOL (ok you have leave to be absent Mike really😉) We are all very worried about you and hoping that you are now recovering after your treatment. I am sending my usual strength and ((())) to you and a tummy rub to Nurse Vixen xxx
I spoke to Kitty yesterday she is in hospital. She wants us all to know that she is fine and not to worry about her. She has a chest infection and will be in hopefully only a couple of days. Jonathan is keeping his eye out for news on the bungalow. As far as she knows it's still 'hers'. It had better be with Sleek doing all that work there! She was very anxious to hear about Mike and quite worried that there has been no news.
Morning Joan how are you doing today? As you can see from the above Kitty is back in the QMC Aidan's old hospital, but is ok she sounded ok honestly we are not to worry she said. Typical me going to tesco without my purse!! That will teach me it would have been the first time I went in normal hours instead of early when I drop Lucy off! Never mind🙄 Love to you both ((())) xxx
Reshmi how are you today? Very wise to remain in in the hope of a call from the mental health team. Kari says the same about getting replies from them! They are brilliant in the event of a real crisis, but less so with more 'mundane' (but still necessary) 🧐 stuff. Good that the GP knew what he/she was talking about at least. *** I just spotted that you heard from the MH team and they have told the GP what to do so good luck for today I am very pleased you should start to feel better and you can leave the house again!*******
How could BIL eat all of the paneer! that's very selfish and used to be (pre vegan diet) my absolute favourite food on earth! Luckily my local restaurant (and me now too)does all of my favourite paneer dishes now with tofu so I a happy. One piece for your sister indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Babysitting sounds so entertaining. Good on BR being naughty albeit very briefly bless him. He can't be naughty for long his nature is too sweet for that. So Naughty Noel and LA were talking to a 'stranger' were they? I think that stranger (BR) is harmless🤭 Gosh imagine if BR is a naughty boy too your sister would have no hair left! She needs just one ally at home.
Look at BIL bravely smiting that savage and murderous piece of paneer for his damsel in distress!!!!
I am worried i won't manage my walk today...I have to take my brother for his car's MOT then take lucy to work for 11 then help my ex SIL with her NVQ I will be stressed today for definite😕
Morning Toadster how are you today let's hope today is a good day. It is supposed to be hotter, but so far it's just overcast....
Oh dear me a new cat! That's what's happened here, but luckily Sleek is happy to chase the newcomer off herself. Cheeky thing this is Sleek's garden! Don't the birds make a racket! Surely they'd be better hiding quietly? I go out saying 'it's ok it's ok I won't let the cat near you' I think it helps🤔 Hopefully all chicks are still present and correct 🐦️
I was out yesterday spraying with my SB anything which might need some help. The fig tree, the roses (greenfly and possibly sawfly) and some yuccas who don't look happy...others are flowering beautifully. I think the bamboo canes could be filed with some dark toxic ☠ then blown through. That should solve the neighbour issue. Then quick as a flash pop the 'weapon' in the ground! Please do use the arch for it's real intended purpose do not repurpose it😁 I'm so glad it's nearly up - pics asap as soon as it's up please.
You'll see it wasn't the jab which made Kitty ill that was coincidence it was a chest infection, but luckily not pseudomonas which she has had in the past so should be out in a few days.
Nope no purse a lesson to not try shopping in 'real life' during the daytime. Normally i go (most done online) super early when I drop Lucy off, but she's had odd shifts this week. Yes why can't i say my numbers to them...I actually probably do know my details! Not as well as my last card though those three digits were 123! Good job I checked in my bag before I went in at least.
Barbara if you get online I am of course sending my best I hope you can find my proper reply, but don't worry if you can't - chances are it's drivel as usual!!!!
take care ((())) xxx
Breakfast menu for today
pancakes (Reshmi's BIL can have some)
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) I hope you have a good day today. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) it’s rain from tomorrow for us I hope it’s not like that for you.
Barbara ((()) how is your knee have a good day. Love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) yesterday was the longest day. We had the podiatrist last night she’s been told she don’t need to wear a mask anymore think of it like the flu. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good day is your mum (()) feeling better.
Mike (()) thinking of you and vixen take care.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hello all sorry this will be short ..I do try and read what I can
Toady I'm not sure if the blackbirds comeback to the same place ..we have mum dad and baby coming in now..think its a baby your not a yorkshire lass ..never mind u was nearly there 🤣xx
Toni what lovely photos of the vintage cars Mr B loves them Lucy is definitely on the move blessgood luck to her ..thankypu for kitting us know about Kitty xx
Joan all is ok here thankyou ..hope you abd Sue are enjoying your tides out ..did they eventually close the tunnel xx
Reshmi sorry you haven't been feeling right ..hopefully the Dr will sort your meds out for take care xx
We have moles in the garden ..and we're do they come up under the stones we laid. We'll our son did 😩
Mike I am thinking of you and hope the treatment even though bad is working xx
Barbara0 -
Barbara0 -
Not aclue were first pic is from 😅anyhow look what the moles have done little buggers
Barbara0 -
Hi Toni 🌺toady 🐸Joan Barbara and everyone sorry meant to post lot earlier but stressful day again, lithium will be dramatically reduced need daily blood tests but ok 😀, hope you’re all doing ok? V tired will attempt proper post tomorrow. Tc. Xx good night in advance xx
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Hi all - bit tired this evening with the heat and whatnot, thought I ought to have a quick walk to get some air and go to bed earlyish. Will be in tomorrow to catch up.
Pleased to hear bosh has had a helpful response and hope the reduced meds make you feel better all round 😀 sounds like the relevant people have been communicating properly (and the receptionist wasn't rude! hoorah 👍️ even if a little, er, dimwitted 😉) good luck with everything & hope you have a good night too, feels like a cold spare room sort of a night. xx
Hi frog I love your bamboo blowpipe plan 😂 it's very Midsomer, well it would be - & as a toad I'm bound to have contacts in the extra nasty toad venom line. Excellent way to dispose of the weapon too 👏 I like it 😂. Earsplitting cat fight between the 2 little horrors at 2 am last night 🙄 oh the fun never stops. Back tomorrow with a proper post, hope all's well with you & thanks for the update on Kitty. xx
Hello joan hope you have had a good day not too hot & stuffy, rather humid. I forgot the longest day, I always remember the shortest because it's so nice to think everything is on the up after that - not so nice to think we're going the other way now! Rain for me tomorrow and Friday it says, never mind it will save watering (and it might keep the cats away!). Have a good day yourselves xx
Barbara I'm on the moles' side sorry 😂 (surprised you got what you called them past the swear filter 😄) - nature will take everything back one day✌️. I do like your stones though 😀. Love to all & love to Baby Blackbird, mine are nearly grown but I think she's starting again #help xx
Love to Kitty get well soon! 💐 😘 xx
& love to everyone, If I'm up in the early hours again I'll wash a few teacups and run a dishcloth round the cafe xx
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Morning everyone
Short post from me too!
I am on my way to Goodwood for the members meet.
Mike I am still thinking about you and sending strength ((())) xxx
Joan yes masks are being phased out. Still it is nice to see faces again.....
Barbara I am off to see more cars! Not taking one of ours today though.
We also have moles I'll send Sleek to catch him. Perhaps not!
Reshmi that's great an excellent response l am so pleased you will be monitored closely.
I told Kari she was very worried about you indeed. ,((())) xxx
Toady have you got any giant hogweed? Just a thought...🤔
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) sorry you are in hospital it’s the best place when you have a chest infection (()) I hope you feel better soon. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) you have another cat in your garden I hope he soon finds his way back home
Barbara (()) sorry you have moles we have not had one of those. We had a fox yesterday the man next door feeds them. The subway is going to be closed in July but they are still deciding what to do. Have a good day love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni ((())) have a lovely day looking at cars. You might see one you like. Thank you for saying about Kitty. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good the nurse got in touch now you know what to take good. Love to your mum (())
Mike (()) how are you we are getting worried we have not heard how you are. Love to vixen.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Toni 🌺hope you have a nice time at Goodwood
please thank Kari for her kind thoughts
how are you today?
that made me laugh about Bill smiting paneer lol, yes babysitting sounds fun but it’s very hard work my mum told me, especially with little LA’s tantrums lol.
parents are okay today is far, although mum is in semi Vesuvius mode but I think that’s prob as she got up a bit earlier than norm to organise some household stuff , something like that.
I had an early blood test this morning which was good better than waiting for the boiling sun beating down on my back lol.thunder storms today according to the forecast be careful. I feel relieved to get some positive advice and instructions regarding the lithium. I didn’t realise until recently that excessive lithium can be really bad and cause all sorts of serious problems like diabetes, but thankfully my level of lithium is high but not toxic. No one had really explained lithium toxicity to me in fact they still haven’t really explained.
like I said to toady it’s not right that we as patients are not always given enough info about our meds.
I have to have daily blood tests for a little while and Ive been told to stop taking lithium completely for 3 days and then to take half dose for two weeks mentally I’m feeling okay atm and I’m really praying that that continues to be the case.
Will you be able to walk today? Or maybe you could walk tomorrow? I thought I’d tell you a bit of a long extended story about LA it may seem a bit convoluted but there’s a good punchline 😀.
As you of course know LA has quite the temper and when my mum was showing him some cartoons online he kept “skip the ad!” at the top of his angry little voice (tho of he doesn’t know what ads are lol) with a kind of killer look in his eyes, so now my mum and I keep saying in loud voices “Skip the…( add appropriate noun)”, for example I sometimes say on Fri “have the mxt but skip the folic acid” and now to remind myself of new mental health med info sometimes i say to myself “skip the lithium for three days but don’t skip the Quetiapine” , or if D is lazing about I might say “skip the nap” it works for almost anything e.g. if Paul is perhaps eating a bit too unhealthily you can say skip the bacon bap 🥓okay have you got the idea by now ha ha.
one of the frustrating things about the blood test is that the early morning walks arent happening but as you said at least time they’re taking good care of me.
how is Lucy doing now? is she adapting well to working nights? Or is it still quite a difficult situation for her? I hope she’s ok.
Got to go now sorry if I went off on a bit of a tangent lol hope you have a lovely day T and take care. Xx
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Hi all here, and Toni who will be out & about & not reading - no news here, no rain either - seems to have changed its mind apart from a little bit much later.
Did manage to sleep without interruption, well until the first bird squeakings around 7. So a relatively quiet day so far - I sat down to write this and the phone went off, oh isn't it lovely when you check the number back and it's spam and you don't have to speak to someone 😉😂.
Quite hot although it is blowing a bit too, I was just going off on an idle train of thought wondering whether a tent in the garden would be hotter or colder than sitting out with no cover - that led me into watching a youtube video of someone putting up a vintage folding caravan, had not the faintest idea there was such a thing, what a bizarre idea. I can just see me putting one of those up single handed. Any at Goodwood frog? no I thought not. (hogweed, by the way 🤔 ooh, very cunning.. you've done this before, haven't you 😂). Hope you are having a good day :) xx
Hello Joan the rain has gone off the idea, so it's quite nice just a bit breezy. How lovely to see the fox 😊 do you hear them 'cry' at night ever, very unsettling sound til you know what it is, isn't it. Have a good day xx
Hope bosh having as good a day as possible, and yes early morning blood tests much better than the midday sun 🌞 v glad to hear the drug levels are high but not so high as they could be, that should resolve itself now I assume. I love 'skip the ads' haha, oh don't they drive me mad on youtube! especially if I'm listening to something relaxing at night & suddenly there's this awful over-enthusiastic voiceover and/or jangly soundtrack. Ugh, I'm with you on this one LA (but not to lose one's temper, of course 😇 well maybe I do & maybe I don't 😉). xx
Thinking of Kitty in hospital xx
and love to Barbara & Mr B and the blackbirds xx
As I wasn't up in the night tidying the cafe in my sleep I've done it now, and left a few plates of sandwiches in the fridge; too hot to cook. 🥪 xx
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hi again Toni sorry was in a bit of a rush didn’t finish my message properly just wanted to say have you tried caroboo carob bars? I can’t remember if I’ve asked you or not, tried a bit today not too much need to try and make sure my stomach is okay for the blood tests 🤢 or at least to try, tried one bar today orange flavour really liked the taste so this is my bookmark pic, its also vegan, bye for now Toni chat to you later. Xx
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hi to the toady 🐸.
how are you today? I was indeed thinking of using the cold spare room yesterday but somehow managed to tire myself out pottering about the house which was quite lucky really because it doesn’t always work out that way, did you have a good night? I feel a lot calmer today because I know that the medication etc is being looked at things can of course go wrong at any time but I’m trying to be positive everyone is more or less okay in the house today thanks for asking hope you have an okay day toady take care. Xx
PS pic is of carob cake which I did bake once or twice but it was a long time ago, is carob something that you enjoy eating? okay bye for now toady 🐸 and take care. Xx
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hi Joan
I’m not too bad today thank you, my mum seems ok today too, you’re right at least I know what to do now
I hope you and S are okay seems a bit cooler where I am temperature is a bit more comfortable hope it’s the same in your neck of the woods
bye for now hope you both have a lovely afternoon take care. Xx
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Hi all
just thought I’d share this joke I found if I’ve got enough charge, remember everybody including of course Toni and toady however bad a haircut you’ve had or have given yourself someone’s always had a worse one lol, have a good night all. Xx
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This was on display in Ipswich a few years ago now. My daughters didn't appreciate the visit to the art centre but I certainly did.... My childhood favourite on display so had to get a picture. Enjoy
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Morning everyone
Well it rained at Goodwood!! most of the day. Paul made us leave at 4am and we were there by 8ish left at 2 home for 6ish. It wasn't the members meet rather the 'festival of speed' which meant rather too many sports cars not enough old ones. there were some though at least.
Mike I am quite worried about you and we are all still thinking of you very much and hope you are now recovering and have finished your treatment sending you my usual strength and ((())) xxx
Kitty is hoping to be discharged back to the nursing home today feeling much better. Still no news about a date for moving into the flat. Maybe it's time for her to chase social services for help🤔
Good morning Joan how are you today? I hope both well and that you get to your cafe today with Sue which the underpass is still there. Not so many old cars unfortunately there was a lovely Ford Pop and a couple of Austin 7s. love to you and Sue ((())) xxx
How very nice to see you here @Rubikscubeboy and how very kind to find us those lovely pics of Bagpuss!!!!!! Thank you😊
Morning Barbara. How are yo today? I hope your eyes are behaving at least a bit?
All is well here expecting some rain later on I hope enough for the gardens, but the bad news is our moles like the rain and seem to get more active when it rains.
Do you remember the photo I had of Bessie Bot stuck on top of a molehill must have come up while she was mowing there!
Morning Reshmi do not 'skip the quetiapine' (Kari is also on that) whatever you do! It will be vital while you go 3 days without the Lithium. You have done so well with your mental health that I think your body should cope ok while things are settled down to better levels for you. I am very pleased your bloods are being done so often even if it does mess up your 🚶 walks😕
I walked far too much yesterday and my back and hip were screaming 😱 by the time we started for home. It was weaving in and out of other people that did it having to twist. I think we should have left a bit earlier maybe stayed the night before got there at 7 left at 11 or something before the crowds. Or Paul can leave me at home, but he likes having me there.
BIL can have his 🥞 pancakes, but skip the toppings😁I can see me doing this all day Reshmi!!
I have indeed tried the caroboo bars yum-meeee! skip the mint one though i didn't like that so much🤭I wonder whether someone in school uses that phrase or on telly🤔
They have stopped making Lucy do nights and since then all her shifts have been days so she is happy again. Thanks for asking about her.
Morning Toady how are you doing?
It rained most of the day on and off at Goodwood! It was warm enough and we were ok, but I felt sorry for the stallholders to be fair.
Today it is supposed to shower here I think we brought it back up here with us🙄 as long as it soaks my garden I'll be happy but it didn't wet teh ground at Goodwood so i am not optimistic.
Have I 'dealt with' annoying neighbours before?
say no more.....
I think a foldable vintage caravan would be too hot. Caravans always are in summer....but a tent that i do not know🤔 I used to camp a load when I was younger, but think I was usually out in the day time.
I must say the cafe does look rather tidy thank you very much. Did Sleek help you?
Take care everyone
skip the toppings guys for a (slightly) healthier breakfast!
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Good morning everyone
Toady (()) it’s a bit breezy her they say rain for the last few days but we have not had it yet. Have a good weekend.
Kitty (()) I hope you feel better now have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Barbara (()) how old is Niamh (()) now. Have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) that’s nice Kitty going back to the nursing home today. Perhaps it might not be to long before she moves to her bungalow. Sue just read about a grandmother arrested for murder of her granddaughter 3 years old and putting her in a rubbish bin. That’s good Lucy has got the work hours she wants. (()) have a good weekend love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and the carers (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) that’s good you can leave a tablet off have a good weekend love to your mum (())
Mike (()) have a good weekend and your sister (()) and sue (()) and vixen.
Rubikcubeboy (()) have a good weekend
take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all, Sleek has been curled up at the bottom of my hospital bed. I don’t know how she sleeps with all the fans day and night. They have to be kept on so we chesty people can breathe. Any way, I’m back at the home and all is quiet. Antibiotics (Doxycycline) are helping, so feeling much better. Sorry to hear about Mike and hope he is well. Love the photo of the blue teddy. I couldn’t log in for a while, but all seems ok now.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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Hi to kitty Toni🌺 toady 🐸Joan and Barbara, hope you’re all more or less okay today?
Thanks About blue teddy kitty glad you’re feeling a bit better 😀
Toni I could ask Bill to skip the toppings but I don’t think he would listen to this good advice somehow lol.
I’m doing okay thanks toady Toni etc just a bit short of time right now need to make new medicine charts and that kind of stuff blood tests seem to go okay even though I went to Waitrose today bit of a nice one -off I but I somehow managed to skip the cheese lol.
I think you’re completely right Toni we will be using the skip phrase all our lives and other people will be thinking what kind of antibiotics are those ladies on then ? Lol.
Okay got to go now otherwise I might have to fight for the shower 🥊.
I’m skipping off now, sorry signing off now lol bye for now I will try to post properly later on take care everybody. Xx
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Hi all - calling in literally to say hello, I have done some painting & other jobs & then went for a 'short' rest later and only woke up at half 8 🕣️😮 still catching up on a few odd lost hours here & there from catwatch I suppose. Anyway the evening has been absolutely repulsive here, cold, raining & blowing, am literally sick to the back teeth of this mad weather (I was gardening until 9pm last night with a glass of cold lemonade it was really quite nice!) and am going to bed in a sulk 🙄 I will see you all tomorrow & catch up properly when I have hopefully snapped out of it and am back to my usual sunny (haha) self.
Very pleased to see Kitty 😊 no choc ices in my last shop but maybe I can interest you in a bowl of neapolitan icecream🍨? Glad to hear you are feeling much better & you can log in ok, hope you have a good night :) xx
and everyone else does too, sleep well, see you soon xx
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