Val's Cafe
Hi Toni
glad you’re well
mum is ok too thanks
don’t worry I’m not the kind of person who forgets to eat, lol, it’s just I was trying not to disturb others early in morning, but I had two jelly babies before I left the house today and felt fine thanks 🙏
that wasn’t my breakfast of course porridge with sugar and real milk was, which is something I dont have v often yummy ( the milk part I mean)
That was a nice pic
went to group today RR’s mum is in hospital with heart problems unfortunately
Nice M had a counselling session I think
J the organiser was there wearing a scarlet dress - I didn’t realise we were at the Oscars lol - but if it makes her happy - bless her.
I’ll go for now
bye tc xx
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Hi toady and Joan
sorry shatter by totm
will try to post properly later
bye tc xx
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Hi all 👋 just a quick line, trying to stay off the internet while it's fine(ish).
Frog is doing very steep things indeed (respect!) 😮 having ducked the thunder & lightning overnight, ooer 🌩️ and is heading channelwards. Hope you've had a lovely last day before the off & that all travel goes well 👍️. You aren't missing any super garden weather here, well mine isn't much cop, still windy but dry I suppose (grudging), last 2 days before another drizzly bit 🙄. Haven't done much outside although I have a new addition - the phantom plant pincher has been at it again 🤭🤫 spotted this little fox & cubs plant by the wayside & thought it may as well come home with me. Apart from that spent the morning trying to sort some old photos - pc wouldn't turn on to check the old sd card, my whizzy docking station wouldn't read the card at all, & the standalone card reader I have for this somewhere is, well, somewhere 🙄. Still, Jammie Dodgers arrived, and if Sleek has been licking the jam, then she has been doing it very discreetly, a bit off each 😂 frankly, am past worrying 😂. Love to all & take care :) xx
Hello joan, I thought of you when pinching this little 'fox & cubs' plant from the side of the road 🦊 it's just a hawkweed really but that's another name they call it, I didn't know til recently. Lovely colour though. Yes I can quite imagine the King outpaces everyone else, lucky old King 😔 can't imagine feeling that fit & sturdy. You were saying about your hands, grip & strength, yes most annoying isn't it, you go to do things and expect to just be able to 🙄. Rain here the day after tomorrow I think but hopefully just on & off. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, hope still feeling ok, no-one wants to feel woozy at WR do they, but I'm sure your theory about what & when you ate is the answer, & good that you got on alright with walk to group. Pleased to hear about nice M, sorry about RR though ofc 😔. I see, a bit of FB in moderation, good idea. Not much happening with me just getting into knots with various bits of tech today. I might scoff at pear-phones etc but I suppose the laugh is slightly on me really if my low-end tech predictably works less well. Three guesses how much I love tonight's pic 😄. Glad the porridge was nice I'll have to wait for the milkman before I can have anything milky at all, mind you he tends to come at very gothic hours these days so I could theoretically have porridge at 3am if I want 😮. Have a good evening :) xx
Always good to hear about people being able to carry on with stuff they love, keef✌️brilliant you got the bike you wanted. I would cycle & take my chances, but again, necks 🙄 in my case can't look round & up so it's not really on. But mine's not going anywhere; like Joan says I can look at it until it comes with me on my viking longship, or pedalo, or whatever I can run to 😂. Happy biking and ofc pics welcome if you feel inclined :)
Love to everyone 👋 xx
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Morning Everyone
Well today we really head for home. We'll be off to the tunnel later this morning crossing after lunch.
Hi Joan how are you and Sue? We have had glorious sunsine after the storm the other night but I am looking forward to my own bed and hugging Sleek 😻 ((())) xxc
Keef you tell us as much as you like!
I'm glad you got a new bike. I am sure you go out at times when the roads are as safe as possible.
I was going to tell you about an old member who left who was a biker he bought a 3 wheeler one. That can be your plan b bit I rather think you're doing OK.
Snetterton sounds fabulous 👌 imagine being able to get in so easily and often free. Get you seeing Billy Monger and being so cool 👍
If any of our words or phrases we use mystify you just ask and we'll explain!
I hope your day is good.
Morning Reshmi How are you today and your Mum of course?
BIL has icoffee does he?
Oh dear an eventful group then poor poor RR I bet he is very worried 😟
Glad M has started counselling that should help her and woo-wooo! Get J looking swish!
Funny you should say that about jelly babies I always have a sweet with me when I am out walking. You never know.
Breakfast yesterday sounded lovely. A good slow releasing carbohydrate 👍
Thanks for the coffee. Take care ((()))
Morning Toady😊
The last day was just lovely we are near the sea! The sun was out all day and is already out here.
Still my pusskin and garden are calling me so I will be very glad to be home.
Well done removing the fox and cub plant I hope it takes we'll.
Oh l am ready for home now so looking forward to my own bed and cat.
Will be able to see how the Fig is doing too. Hope it's not distressingly in bits😕
Glad you enjoyed the jammie dodgers pre or nor pre-licked!!!
Take care I am bringing the sun home if I can👍
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Hi Joan
how are you both?
thanks about the psych call
Sorry I didn’t reply properly yesterday
have a good morning bye tc xx
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Morning all, supposed to be heading off on my bike to meet up with my wife and son and her ‘rents on the IOW.
So @frogmorton you have that “want my own bed” feeling and I have the, “I just wanna go on tour man!!!” (Quoting Steven Tyler) feeing, but woke up with a bit of a headache to add to the normal pain. See how I am after a pill and a lay in.
So cant type too much.
Love that photo of when I have to go out. Exactly how I feel in that situation.
Love to everyone.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) It’s nice to see the sun again. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) I was looking for a fox and cub ornament I did not know there was a plant called that. Yesterday with the post was leaflet from Royal Mail saying buy your stamps on line and then they would come and take the post back. Have a good day (())
Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) have a good comfortable journey back Sleeke will be pleased to see you. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) you’re doing well. Love to your mum (())
Keef (()) have a lovely day and your family (())
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi all 👋 windy again 🌪️ I don't know what an anti-wind dance would look like but could someone have a go 🙄. Hope not too bad for those travelling.
Have a good trip back frog 👍️ nothing to report here at all, glad you have had some sun, yes pleeeaase do bring it home. If this summer and or subsequent summers don't improve I will seriously have to emigrate or (more realistically 😕) seal myself into one room adorned with 'muriels' a la Hilda Ogden and stay there. And I've said that before I think, so now I'm even repeating myself. I had one of my classic dreams where I'm in a city, it's getting late, don't know where the train station is, don't have much money, no phone, oh and Boris Johnson made an appearance - then you wake up, and remember that's still preferable to your actual life 😱😂. Have a lovely reunion with your beloved cat/car/bed (and teapot I expect), let us know the Fig update - cheerio for now :) xx
Hello joan, hope you're both having a good day 😊 at least there's sun but terribly windy. The fox & cubs plant will survive being uprooted I think, it can 'take over' a bit so will put it somewhere it can't go too mad. Hope you see a nice ornament sometime. I haven't had that PO leaflet I don't think 🤔 will keep an eye out. I have been reading about the nice lady who helps toads cross the road in Hexham (for which she is mocked & called weird by some, aren't people stupid 🙄). Friday tomorrow but it's only recycling bin day so mine can hang on, saves getting up early. Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, hope your day is not too bad, will catch up with you anon I expect :) xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
I hope you’re having a nice journey home
mum is ok thanks
im not too bad thanks
I’ve been feeling very shattered with totm recently, but right at the moment I’m a bit better as I managed to get some rest
LA and my sis are coming on Sunday to see the Dino play with us
so cheese is being bought and his new bed has arrived, I was permitted to sleep on it today and guess what? A decent mattress!
poor RR’s mum, I know 😔
its so hot in here I’ll stop for now
hope you’re having a nice evening bye for now tc xx
ps pic of Menai Bridge in Bangor N Wales, I’ve never seen it lit up like that though lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you today?
LA is coming on Sunday, so any spare cheese would be appreciated please lol
Sorry it’s so windy where you are
Yes I was ok after WR walk thanks, made sure I had some sugar when I needed it thanks 👍
glad you liked the pic
Gothic hours - oh dear lol
sorry this is short, I’m a bit tired
good night toady tc xx
ps scary Alice from Llandudno lol xx
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Hey @bosh your photos are stunning.
2am can’t sleep.
made it to IOW, although nightmare journey with delays due to accidents, each of which when I passed was thankful I’d only been delayed and not involved, also reminded me of dealing with such when i was at work and how bad it was for relatives of those involved. Made it all the more special to finally rendezvous with my tribe especially my little boy who I hadn’t seen for 3 days. He is definitely the reason i am still alive.
on a lighter note here’s a pic of my bike. It’s a bit of a classic being from 2011 but is the best one I’ve had.
Right hopefully get some sleep now.
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Home and having some help from Sleek with the washing!
Morning Joan we had a good journey home thanks. Got on an earlier train again. It can pay off arriving at the shuttle early. No letters though for Paul just a reminder to do his bowel screening test 🙄Lovely! At least my pusskin was here and very happy to see me🤗 Hope you and Sue are well? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today? Hope TOTM eases off soon
Is your Mum well too? She's having a good spell.
Those notice boards outside Churches really do show a good sense of humour don't they?😁
I am very happy to be home. Friday though MTX day so will get busy this morning.
Oooh! LA has a new bed does he? and it's got a good mattress that's lovely. I think he'll be with you soon when they break up for the summer. The Dino play is this Sunday? Yes! That will be fun. No BIL? Just your sister and LA.
hope the above is enough??
Let's hope RR's mum is much better soon bless her.
That pic of the Menai bridge makes it look lovely!
The one of Alice though looks a tad grumpy.
Well have a good day hope it's not too hot although it's supposed to be.
Morning Keef. Hope you are ok after your trip to the IOW yesterday. My turn to stay at home yours to travel now.
I am very impressed you managed it on your bike which by the way is beautiful. That's it outside your van I hope you all have a lovely holiday. I'm glad your pains went off enough for you to get there and even more so that you were not in the accidents you passed.
Your son will love you being there, how old is he?
Have a wonderful time.
Morning Toady. I'm home! How are you though?
My plants have all survived except one....a plum I think. Not sure why it is on a windy corner and the moles have been having a party on the green belt and in my new little lawn.🙄
All pots are now back I think where they should be and waiting to be rained on tomorrow so I hear?
That gives me today to get the washing dried. I did bring the sun back with me although it is straining on it's lead to get back to France😯
Sleek was sooooo pleased to see me she 'purred up a storm' as the mad cat internet people say. She didn't 'eat like a champ' though when I put her breakfast down no she just delicately ate a bit!! Must stop with those cat youtube vids!
This was me : (Tiny Chef running in the door after his holiday shouting for his cat 'Miss Penny') unfortunately it's not the whole video, but you get the idea?
Of course putting the kettle on was the second thing I did!
Oh dear what a dream. Not sure I'd like that if it had Boris in it. Today is the day we must get outside Toad we must hurry although I need to do one or two things first including going to see what my poor little car looks like. I will take photos.
Anti wind dance? 🤔 will have to give that some serious thought...
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Hi everyone
wppl xx
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Hi Toni
glad you’re back home and Sleek is helping out lol.
mums ok thanks
I’m not too bad thanks totm has eased just very slightly at the moment 🙏
I think the cheese pic will cover LA’s breakfast lol
i may have to fly to Normandy to get some more for his lunch though
he said he’s going to buy his mummy a Rolex for her birthday lol
pocket money must’ve gone up in value recently 😂
Bill and BB will be looking after BR while rest of us attend Dino play - serves them right haha
Yes weather is already getting nasty here 🥵
Alice in Wonderland was written in Llandudno apparently they have lots of relevant statues
im already becoming a bit crabby with these temperatures im afraid or should I say I’m becoming a toady?? lol.
bit tired too really so bfn Toni tc xx
👋 joan 👋toady wppl xx
ps pre - google pic and another of the welsh sculptures xx
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Hello all, the first search engine @bosh yes i do. The council offices where I worked in 1985 aged 16 were very much like that and so was the police force in 1988. That’s when you had one guy in the station, the station was like a small town in its own right back then, that knew everything about everything and he kept the records office up to date. It was his empire and you dare not go in without permission.
my son is fast approaching 3 yo @frogmorton. Unfortunately the ride down has very much knobbled my back and I can hardly walk today but it’s better than being home alone and miserable. He’s been building sandcastles on the beach this morning. Used to be the only time I ventured on the beach was to go surfing, now I have to be just content to sit and chill.
I will still attempt to teach him to surf as I can still swim and hopefully will still be able to when he is old enough to surf. I have already had to give in and allow him on one of my old skateboard longboards that he found being “stored” in the downstairs cloakroom
He was very pleased to see me arrive on my bike yesterday and all he would say for about an hour was “daddy, dad dad, daddy’s bike” and “hereitis” all one word holding up his latest favourite toy jeep for me to play with him, and combinations there of.
lovely day here today, forecast for next week not so great 😳
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
I’m not too bad thanks
mum is ok too 🙏
I hope this heatwave doesn’t last too long
i hope you both have a nice afternoon / evening
bye tc xx
ps funny faulty translation lol xx
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Hi toady
how are you this horribly hot day?
at least it’s too hot for me anyway
The gothic milkman now there’s a novel half in the writing lol
shall we make it a joint effort and split the proceeds?
We can maybe afford to purchase a professional anti - wind dancer with that, if not I’m sure LA will give the new dance a go, whether the country has enough jelly babies for his fee, I’m unsure, will French chocolate be acceptable as a substitute do you think? Oh dear I knew there was something i should have requested Toni to bring back with her lol.
if all else fails I’ll just give him a crate of bananas deep fried in fish batter with a note saying “ love from GI Joe”.
Boris Johnson was in your dream? Oh dear. I take it he wants quality European cheese after Brexit then? Well in all fairness if he can do the dance - but who am I kidding, I can’t even do it myself, the closest I can get to that is leaping to the doorstep for my milk, or is blood? Has vampire nurse developed a conscience? Is she slipping me some high iron - count bottles in case the GP has a mood swing? Fine by me, as long as it’s not at 3 o’clock in the morning.
bye for now toady tc xx
Ps gothic milk according to the Internet 😂 xx
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Hi all 😊
That vague blur you see is me trying to do every possible thing that needs dry warm weather, all at the same time. If Sleek has any clean dusters & check pinnies when she's finished at yours, I'll take her on here, time and a half tell her 😂. First come first served though while she does your post hol wash. Seriously it is beautiful out there, washing is drying before your eyes. Remind me I said that, over the next few days if it's wet, and I start swearing there hasn't been one good day. Glad all's well now you're back; plants mostly ok etc, cinematic cat reunions and all. I had no idea you could look at ⏰tock on the web, or had any real idea what was going on on that page, it's another world 😂 but I get the gist of the clip 👍️. Btw I have fixed my PC, I am a legend✌️(ok should've just checked the CMOS battery in the first place 😳 but you take your small triumphs where you can 😄). Have a good afternoon and hopefully some relaxation, and thanks again for the bit of continental warmth, v much appreciated :) xx
Hello to joan in advance, or arrears 🤔 anyway have a good weekend both of you and the dear dogs 🐾 xx
Hi bosh, v interesting Alice statues, wonder if they're one of those acquired taste 'some locals like them some don't' sort 🤔. Not much going on here except chores, have fitted in a couple of walks over the last few days - of course this is my kind of weather today so feel free to borrow my crabbiness but I may need it back tomorrow when the tables will probably turn, damp upcoming I believe 😕. Now that's what I call a milk bottle 😍 might almost be worth what they charge, though they might have to change the script of the customers who come in & write suspiciously good reviews (every time they have a run of bad ones) about how lovely super marvellous it is to have glass bottles. Your traditional no frills milk service in other words 🙄. I will give serious thought to the gothic novel 😂😂 an epistolary one maybe, made up of notes to the milkman? Or just a straightforward horror. Your call, as you'll be the one doing the opening chapter, you're the early riser, after all, and can start at 6am as per all the best writers 😉. No dancing for Boris, he was there with a large model of a loaf of bread with JOHNSON on the side, like an advertizing stunt for the supposed bakery that was his family's business 🤷♀️. Glad frog has you sorted for cheese, I can only add 3 dairylea triangles sorry 😂. Good luck in advance for Sunday & glad everyone ok at the moment 👍️ :) xx
Love to everyone 😘 xx
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Thanks toady
have a good night tc xx
Ps some relevant translation humour, good job i didn’t buy this cheese for LA😱
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Morning everyone
She'll soon have the ironing done!
Morning Joan oh dear your message didn't post again from yesterday 🙄I hope you are both well though. I am fine all more or less under control here washing all done and dried and most of the ironing too except 2 items. I felt so sorry for Gemma on Coronation street yesterday. I hope your day is a good one ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi how are you today? Apart from MTX hangover of course😕
So BIL and Big Babu will be on childminding duties will they while you are off with LA having fun at Dino play🤭 Let's see how that goes!!!
Glad I supplied enough cheese maybe for LA's breakfast. Feel free to take the motorhome to Normandy so you can fetch more of the yellow stuff when you need it.
I think I am very glad the Syrian cheese is not vegan imagine that! Things do get lost in translation. I have never managed to drink more than a steering wheel of a car never mind a whole one🤣
Rain is coming today, so I am told, so it should cool down for you soon. You won't feel so toady soon.
I had no idea Alice in Wonderland was written in Llandudno! There is a 'Wonderland' near here we used to take the girls to.
Anyway I'll stop now. Have a good day take care ((()))
Morning Keef. I bet you are having payback from the ride over. How long did it take? Is the bed there comfortable? Whatever it was worth it, i am sure, to receive a welcome like that from your boy😊
I love hearing what little ones say. Bosh has two adorable nephews she tells us all that they get up to and keeps us entertained.
Sitting chilling on the beach is good especially when watching a little one having fun.
I think you will somehow manage to teach him to surf when he's old enough.
Let's hope the forecast is wrong and you also get plenty of sunshine/at least dry spells.🤞
morning Toady
Yesterday was a cracker wasn't it not even too bad at night. Maybe i just got used to it over in France this last week or so.
I hope Sleek was helpful with your washing after mine was pegged out? She has finished my ironing all bar that one pair of bloomers so she'll do yours too later?
Glad you got the gist of the clip. Tiny chef is a sweet little 'man' who loves his cat (normal sized) tiny chef is about maybe two mugs tall? His speech is seriously iffy, but Kari and i both love him. He is vegan and cooks too. Mostly bread and vegan pizza though and apples.
look at the rings on his hob!
I managed to get outside a bit mostly sorting out the 40 (yes 40!) molehills! and we used our cadac (gas powered so not smelly - i hate it when people cause choky smells) to cook some veg on the BBQ in the early evening so that was nice. Pretended we were still in France. Had a glass of non alcoholic cocktail 🍹
I see you have washed everything in sight! I don't blame you such a day has been rare this year, but might change after this rainy spell.🤞
Well done you fixing the laptop 👏I am seriously impressed. Definitely a total Toady Legend!
Some pizza for us cooked by Tiny Chef
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Good morning everyone
Sue posted yesterday but it got lost I think. We went to town.
Kitty (()) have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())
Toady (()) What are you going to dream next I wonder. Have a good weekend
Barbara (()) Have a good weekend love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) I hope your Fig is not too bad when you go to see it. We went to town yesterday our neighbour asked if I could get some money out of the bank for him I said the bank was full of people. Have a good weekend. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) have a good weekend love to your mum (())
Keef (()) you can tell that bike is loved and cared about. Have a good weekend all of you.
take care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan
how are you and Sue doing today?
I’m not too bad thanks
im glad it’s raining ☔️
mums bs is ok today too thanks
do you like the rainy weather?
bye for now take care xx
ps ultimate therapists sign lol xx
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Hi Toni
how are you?
mum is ok thanks
im not too bad thanks
at least bill does look after BR from time to time, whereas BB would never look after us unless he was forced too lol
did you hear that LA says he’ll buy a Rolex for his mummy’s birthday? Lol
the Llandudno thing I just accidentally discovered
weather is a definite improvement yes thanks Toni
i think toady may have a case of the crab cakes about it though lol
good of sleek to do the ironing haha
I’d better go for now and get on with a few things
Bfn, you take care Toni xx
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Hi all 👋
Not that bad a day, middling for temps, only a bit of rain, so I think bosh and my Venn weather diagrams might finally have overlapped for one day 😄. Well apart from it being mostly at its sunniest when I was busy or eating etc. Never mind it was still a decent little window to get things done. Talking of little windows (bit of a stretch here!) have you ever come across a youtube vid frog, of a lad in the US that built his own tiny house about 5 years ago - not that unique, as it's a whole 'thing' especially over there, though he was the youngest at the time - gave me interesting food for thought last night. Some thoughts were not new (ie it doesn't half help to have grown up with tools & construction, have a handy dad & large network of neighbours/family &c!), and also it was notable that mums & grans main role was some sewing 🤨. But still quite something to see from a 13-year old, I was imagining me or any schoolboy in my day talking so capably of 'the process' and 'the build'. Have a look if you want a change from cat vids 😸 I used to watch a really cool cat rescue guy that played the piano to/with the cats but in general dare not wander too far into the short vid wilderness, I would never get out. Tiny chef seems to be a 'good sort' 😀 and I do like a bit of stop-motion. Have you and the moles reached a détente 😄 a busy mole or two I assume, not 40 different ones. Hope you are having a good day, tell Sleek not to worry about ironing, crumpled bedlinen etc is very 'in', well that's my story etc ✌️. Have a good Sunday :) xx
Hello joan, sorry about Sue's post, say hello for us anyway. I hope you both got what you wanted to do done in town. People's dreams are boring to other people they say don't they, somehow they're fascinating to yourself and you want to tell them 😄 mine are nearly always about train fares or money or telephones or missed buses, somewhere. Or people in the house. I'm never anywhere abroad or interesting 😕. Have a nice Sunday :) xx
Hi bosh, those phones were great, and you could take them off the hook without them wailing 🙄 mine just gets unplugged now & then but it's not quite as much fun 😄. Yes weather really quite tolerable 👍️ hopefully will get out later for a walk too. See you in due course, enjoy the play if enjoy is the right word, hope it's ok anyway, LA might get extra popcorn and snacks out of sis if word gets out she is in line to get a Rolex ⌚️ pocket money has definitely gone up for today's littleys, I would still be saving now and for years to come for one, at the rate of my infant years 😂. National savings stamps! they were quite fun, sticking them in your little book. Have a good evening 👋 :) xx
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Gothic Milk hey? I often say to my wife, “No more Skulls!” Unfortunately she hears, “No, More Skulls!”.
@dachshund yes the bike is well loved and looked after thanks for the kind comment.
@frogmorton the journey took too long. Made it to ferry with 5 minutes to spare having used up all of my ‘emergency’ time on traffic and an “I can’t ride another mile coz my bum is so numb’ stop which then left me on 30 minutes on the satnav till journey complete which seemed more manageable. Unfortunately it’s meant I am not able to walk too far at all even with stickman as Sucré calls it. luckily hotel is awesome and bed is comfy and theyve even let me ride bike up disabled ramp into the hotel for undercover parking.
hey @bosh that sign is brilliant. Fone brings back memories too.
rainy here today. Forecast not too brilliant either 😳
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