Val's Cafe



  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Morning all just a very quick thumbs up to bosh for this morning 👍 am on mobile so excuse my not stopping, hope to call in on proper internet later! ☕ love to all have a good day everyone 👋

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) thinking of you. I hope you soon get the internet back we miss you (())

    Barbara (()) Take care all of you (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) That was good Paul was there to rescue you (()) We will see Jacky on Saturday. Thank you for speaking to Barbara (()) How is Lucy now (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) don’t worry about tomorrow we will be thinking about you (()) love to your mum (())

    Keen (()) I hope all is well there (()) love to everyone have a good day.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Toni toady Joan and Keef

    how are you all?

    mums ok thanks

    my psych call is at 11.30 am today

    bfn tc xx

    Ps pic of sunrise In Cornwall xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Toni Joan and toady

    thanks about the psych call

    it went well

    no change in meds needed

    bit tired now

    more later bye tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606
    edited 12. Jul 2023, 16:30

    Hi all 👋 back on a reasonably stable connection, touch wood. Sorry I didn't hang about this morning, I do post from mobile occasionally but that's only through the wifi as well, I don't have 'that' sort of phone plan just payg.

    It was exactly like you said yesterday frog, so off & on that you were holding your breath braced for it to 'go' again 😬 sorry you had similar troubles with phone. It's the coming & going that's most annoying, you think you're ok then you see the dreaded yellow triangle of doom is back 😫. Yesterday was a bit fraught anyway as I had to have the grocery people out twice as something wasn't right, so I was waiting at both ends of the day. Now I'm being tormented by builders again 🙄 no quote from the one lot, no email back from another firm, one today that only wants to drive by & look at the job from the street (I exaggerate but not far off) etc etc 😂 . Anyway that's my woes, hope Sleek did not come back and report that I was in too distracted a state 😂 I am 'myself' again, more or less 😉. So sorry about your car breakdown, yes that's just rubbing salt in the wound! 😣 Penelope soon I do hope. I did get outside yesterday thanks, birdies all fine, pigeons sitting side by side on the fence looking pretty, the sparrow families are feeding chicks somewhere, today has been nice in parts too. The fox and cubs plant has made me a little fluffy seed head 👍️. V glad you have heard news of Barbara 😊 hope things are ok with Kitty too. Sorry if I am not quite caught up, don't think I've missed owt vital🤞(how is Lucy's work, are things any better these days?) Love to all :) xx

    Hello joan, I was going to say I don't suppose I have more problems one after another than anyone, maybe I just go on more about them 😬, but then again my shopping went wrong yesterday & the builders are still being useless so maybe you have a point 😂😂 oh dear. Well there are so many awful things going on every minute of every day that mine are just chicken feed. I had the postman's leaflet today you mentioned, I think it's much the same as I have used before, it's worth it when they pick up for free - the leaflet says the £0 charge ends 15th Aug in the small print (but sometimes they say that and start it again anyway, or soon after). Everything else ok with me thank you, hope you & Sue are well and the dogs - I read today that the man who created the labradoodle breed regrets it now 🤔. Love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh glad everything went as well as poss for you this morning 😀 that's good news. Sorry I'm a bit behind I will catch up I daresay have read back on LA and the dubious goings-on with chewing gum and 'medicinal' t*c t*cs 😮 and making an escape bid, & BR too into the garden, yes you could well end up with Popeye's biceps. I could do with those but I'm not going to acquire a couple of wandering littleys just to get them, would be easier to eat the spinach 😄. You are doing so well doing the WR walk regularly 👍️ I had an email today from a tea company to say you could win a prize for snapping a selfie at WR at their shelf, but first person at each branch wins, a draw from all entries would be fairer 🤨. Hope it has not been raining on you on your walks. You mentioned the Wonderstuff song, I do know a song of theirs but I can't remember if it's the right one (old age/things slipping 😄) so I'm not going to google to check yet. A music topic back for you, do you like Tori Amos at all? Hope everything ok with you this afternoon and HV is relatively quiet🤞. All the best if you go to Weds group and hope maybe good news of nice M (I think I said last time it was good she had a counselling session that might have been me assuming, I hope it's a good rather than a bad thing) and better news of RR. Bye for now 👋

    Hope keef is having a better day🤞

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone

    Sleek just checking she's got all of Toady's washing in.

    Morning Joan. Bad news😓 Penelope will not be ready this weekend might have to wait until Monday😕Woe is me. Never mind I do want it done properly. Be interesting to know where Jacky's daughter has been on her travels. Lucy is not too bad at all thanks for asking. Hope your day is good love to you and Sue ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi hope are you doing today? Perhaps still a bit worn out after yesterday.

    I bet you are feeling so much better than before the psych appt. I take it the Psych was pleased that you were so quick to take advice when some worrying signs happened.

    Hope your Mum is doing ok too?

    Are you going to the group today I wonder. I am doing as little as possible. I need to nip to the co-op where I can get my favourite vegan butter I ahve Ocado coming tomorrow, but they don't sell it. WR do and ocado used to do WR stuff.

    Loved the Church notice board!

    Take care today ((()))

    Morning to Keef if he pops in. I hope all is well on the IOW and the family are having a good holiday. Take care I bet you are already worrying about the journey home with that sore back🙄

    Take care keep making memories for Sucré.

    Toady I am so pleased you posted If you couldn't have go on yesterday we might have started to worry.

    Darn internet.

    Guess what? yesterday I blew my stack and changed phone provider! After 25 years with the same provider I changed. I had had enough enough of calls which drop out 3Xs in one (short) conversation.🤬

    I did the Offcom check (It checks phone and internet) and it told me that my previous (well current it won't take effect until the 18th!) provider had virtually nothing for calls or data here and only one had two green ticks so I rang them. On the landline of course!

    Next week you won't get me off the phone! Well you probably will I don't make a lot of calls to be honest, but at least I will be able to finish the conversation from now on.

    Maybe you can look at yours for internet? Just a thought.

    Builders! I actually almost believed it when you said one just wanted to drive past!!! Some actually are that lazy!

    Yesterday I tried driving the Beetle? and would you believe it that the handbrake came off in my hands? Well the cable inside did!!! I give up!

    I am very pleased to hear that all wildlife seem to be ok and the sparrows are feeding babies. Mr and Mrs B not had any chicks this year then?

    My moles are still very active🙄bless 'em!

    Take care and I hope you have all essential groceries. I should by the end of the day fingers crossed.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209
    edited 13. Jul 2023, 08:06

    @frogmorton there is a funny story about convoys. My wife was out walking wearing one of her many Harley Davidson t shirts a while back with Sucré and about eleventy billion Harleys rode by and each rider waved to her and obviously Sucré loved it but she couldn’t work out why until she realised she had that T shirt on. (We both used to ride Harleys until I switched to BMW for comfort reasons) Most group rides these days we are all linked with intercom so it only takes one rider to spot something and everyone soon knows about it 🙄

    I’m yet to catch up with the posts as I started typing this two days ago so more to come.

    I will however keep an eye out for the Blue Figaro, although heading home tomorrow weather permitting.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your carers (()) and Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) that’s good you are back (()) I’m sorry you are having builders problems again. Looking from the outside how can he see properly even with a camera. Have a good day. Thank you Sue and doggies are well.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I’m so sorry you have to wait till Monday. Good luck with your new phone provider (()) have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) that’s good the chat went well for you (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef (()) I hope all is well there (()) love to your wife and Sucr’e (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi everyone

    how are you all?

    I’m tired but ok thanks

    sister’s birthday tomorrow

    LA said girls and adulks can’t learn new things 😱

    bfn tc. Xx

    ps pride sandwich humour lol xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209

    @dachshund yes all good apart from the obvious. Home tomorrow, family following Monday. Thank you.

    hey @frogmorton , yes the journey home has been on my mind. I got blocked out of my normal parking place as someone, with a blue badge, had parked across the disabled access. Well the evening reception lady went into full battle mode, “I’m not having my motorcycle guy park in the carpark!!!” And within minutes she had it sorted. Incredible lovely people here both at the hotel and in general. So I again parked in the hotel conservatory canopy with what seem like millions of flowers.

    I would love to give you a tip to stop the moles, but I don’t know any.

    hey @toady and @bosh hope you both okay.

    hello to anyone else I’ve forgotten, sorry.

    spent morning building a mini wall/dam on beach with Sucré, well I sat in my camping chair designing race tracks in the sand with stick whilst Loanda and Sucré did the building. Now chilling at caravan before i do my deliveroo bit on my bike and go pick up KFC for us all for evening meal. My idea as Loanda and her dad love a KFC.

    I’m fairly certain riding the bike is making me worse but have no plans to give up (again) so will just battle on. I love being apart from the majority and on two wheels. Got priority treatment on ferry here and always got good treatment at tunnel and on cross channel ferries in the past. Even more now I have a blue badge too. Like I say the people here are lovely. We visited a donkey sanctuary yesterday and the guy there gave me my own parking bit just for my bike out of the way which means i can have a stress free hobble around.

    Have a few days on my own coming up as Loanda at work and Sucré will be with grandparents so will probably be bloody miserable come middle of week but at least i can ride there to visit. I can’t believe i did two years without my own transportation.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209

    Sunset in Halstead a few weeks ago.

    not as good as yours @bosh but it was taken on my fone.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209

    My little dog would have sorted out your moles frogmorton.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Hi Keef

    I think it’s a very nice picture

    im ok thanks

    I have bipolar and I had a psych assessment yesterday luckily it went well but I was quite stressed beforehand

    glad you’re ok

    take care,

    bosh - also known as Reshmi lol

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331
    edited 13. Jul 2023, 20:34

    Hi Toni

    how are you?

    today was not group day as it’s Thursday, though you did have me confused temporarily, lol

    i did go to the town centre to buy sisters gift though, some jewellery as it’s her birthday tomorrow, we’ll go to MH on Sunday

    I’ve also got her some chocolates

    Sorry I’m v tired so I won’t read back

    mum is ok today thanks

    I’ll try and write a bit of detail about psych call tomorrow

    bye Toni tc xx

    Hi Joan

    how are you both doing today?

    yes I’m glad the psych call went well too thanks

    mum and I are are ok today thanks

    im just feeling a bit tired

    good night tc xx

    hi toady

    how are you? How’s the Wi-Fi situation?

    im tired but ok thanks, the necklace I got for my sister’s birthday was reduced to £2.60!! Don’t tell snobbish bill I’ll never live it down lol.

    LA’s escape bid - I love it lol

    im quite tired so I’ll go for now, no medicinal sweeties with my tea for me tonight.

    bfn tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hi all 👋 literally a line, internet fine thanks and have had a good day 😊 got quite a bit done thanks to the fine weather (and the fear of the impending wet days), but have been called to nosegay this evening just as I was knocking off 😫 one little sale 👍️ still have to go & stick the label on the parcel, & one silly question 👎️ tomorrow will do for that 🙄.

    Love to all and look forward to calling in tomorrow 😊 xx

    btw sorry bosh I started the is it Wednesday today thing Toni probably caught it off me 😬.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230

    Morning everyone!

    How are you Joan? an Sue is she doing ok? Soon be your appointment won't it? Is this 3rd time lucky🤔 I do hope my new phone provider will be much better than the last one. I've been with them for 25 years, but finally my patience rain out. Have a good day love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef I am so glad the hotel are looking after you so incredibly well. (and the donkey sanctuary too) I think a photo should be taken of the bike surrounded by flowers!

    We need intercoms when we rally then if someone get's lost they could find us. Interesting. You were the family's own deliveroo driver then!!! Very good. I am sure the bike isn't helping your back, but you know we have to balance and weigh the risks up and our mental health is also important.

    Your little dog would love my moles! He/she looks so sweet😍 My cat has caught two, but I think she's too old now to try. They are exceptionally sweet to look at you know. Very small with HUGE paws😊 What is your dog's name. Joan will love him she is our resident Dog-person.

    Do you live in Essex? I have lived near Halstead a few decades ago. Colchester, Coggeshall that way..... Beautiful sunset.

    Take care enjoy every moment and don't think about the return journey yet. You can do stops en route and take advantage of biker's preferential treatment too. Figaros also get treated well and bikers always wave at us. Lovely isn't it?😊

    Morning Reshmi how are you today? I hope a little less tired? Your Mum has been on a roll of good health too I am pleased one less thing for you to worry about. I know how much you care about her.

    Oh dear me yes I got my days of the week mixed up every day this week😯. I need the weekend to 'reset' I think.

    How lovely! Your sister will really like her jewellery I can imagine she likes to look good. Chocolates too she'd better hang onto those if she can! Hide them from her dear husband. Maybe tell him they are really bad for anyone with suspected gout???? MH for you this weekend then.

    Yes why didn't Noah swap those mosquitoes?😂 Those Churches really have great senses of humour don't they?

    Erm LA!!!! Where did he get the idea that girls can't learn new things? Tut tut! Auntie Goddess Mima needs to enlighten him asap! Children are just such good fun aren't they?

    I hope your day is good ((()))

    Morning Toady. I hope you are feeling ok today. I also hop the weather isn't as bad as we are being told it might be.

    Typical, the minute you are ready to sit down Nosegay shouts!🙄 I bet teh question you answered was already answered in the description too?

    Glad your internet is ok.

    We had a fire a few yards up from me yesterday UNDER THE ROAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes an electrical one coming from the new house that's being built I think.

    We had two fire engines and half of the national grid out.

    I was mildly terrified.

    For Bosh to take to Maidenhead.

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    We are going into town. Have a good day everyone

    Toni sorry that must have been frightening.

    Toady have a good day good luck with the builders.

    Keef that’s a lovely dog the same colour has mine. That’s good having your own parking space.

    Reshmi you are doing so well ove to your mum.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Good afternoon Toni

    How are you?

    You had a fire under the road??

    That sounds terrifying, I hope everything is ok now?

    mum is more or less ok at the moment thanks

    the psych call was positive thanks

    the nurse said even on the lithium I take, which is one of the best medicines for bipolar, people can have theses tiny relapses, which is probably what i experienced, she said that the really good thing is that I went to the doctor that’s the gist of what she said.

    Low pollen count here today! Thank goodness for that - toady and her fungal spores are taking the day off, lol.

    Thanks for the cheese mountain lol.

    Yes sisters choccies will go in her husband’s stomach no doubt, lol, apart from one choc in all honesty, if not just half lol.

    The plan is now that my parents are going to MH tomorrow, instead of Sunday, because they’re going out or something like that, I may or may not go tomorrow, depending how I feel with mxt hangover.

    Sis told LA that everyone is still learning things, even girls and “adulks”, lol, BR apparently nodded his head like a wise old man at this point and said very seriously, “yes even mima is still learning”, bless him, so if mima can learn, anyone can learn basically, yes gout, there’s a worrying point, I think bill is going to have to seriously modify his diet, whatever his b test result, at least if he has any sense whatsoever in his stubborn head 🤷‍♀️.

    ok I’ll stop for now Toni tc xx

    ps let’s hope bill hasn’t written this sign - ooky 😱

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,606

    Hello folks 😊

    Dull & rainy as expected, though it has just stopped for 5 mins, but I think it's in for the day - this means indoor jobs - that means housework 😫. Thank Sleek for helping get the last of the washing in yesterday frog, it was the very nick of time 😄 might be the odd dry patch over the next few days but it's not really gardening weather is it 😕 I have stuff to play with, as well; I got some tree guard type things and tall pointy cloches as the latest weapon in my slug battle 😄. Hope things are quieter & less dramatic with you than they were yesterday 🔥😮 omg! call Pugh, Pugh, Barney Mcgrew 😬 I would have been v alarmed too, anything to do with electrics 😱 (what you get for building new houses mutter grumble). Hope it's properly sorted. I checked the Ofcom checker out of interest, I'm usually fine, being with EE which is the one of the main 4 networks off which others piggyback &c; though I only use it for texts so it's never that crucial I have a good signal. My cheapo broadband is as good if not better than when I was with others, I'm 99% sure my problems are with the wiring and whatnot. Hope your move is a big improvement. Nothing from any known builders.. 4 at last count.. the drive-by chap, I think his idea was (possibly assuming I'd be out in the daytime), he could stop and have a recce of the job on his way past, no thanks! - we left it that he'd give me a ring back instead & fix up to come & see me but more likely he's nipped by, sussed if he wants to do it or not, decided not, will never hear from him again 🤪. More disappointed about the first lot, who came out, & seemed promising. Nothing much else happening, nosegay person's question was not covered in listing no, because it was the usual, 'will you take..?' 🙄. Such is life. Weekend tomorrow, Fig soon! No more dodgy Beetles!! Hang on. Have a good if damp day :) xx

    Hello joan, hope it didn't rain on you & Sue in town🤞it's not very nice is it 😔 scuttled out and dragged the bins in this morning and that's about it for me outdoors-wise. The builder probably wanted to come by & just get a rough idea of the job but I don't want someone noseying about while I'm out thank you very much. It's obviously going to be a long haul I wonder if I'm on some sort of blacklist 🤔😂. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, yes I've damped my evil spore-producing ways well down today, and you should be alright for a while not much sun around is there. Glad you got into town to do your shopping, hope sis likes her presents, those are my kind of prices 😄 no-one will hear it from me 🤫. Poor old bil and his gout 😕 do you suppose it was that 4th breakfast that did it or maybe even the 3rd 😬 joking aside not nice, hope he can get it to abate. Have a nice quiet day if you don't go to MH but ofc hope you don't mainly give it a miss because of mxt symptoms. Glad to hear that even you can still learn things, there is hope for us all then 😂 I have started doing a daily maths puzzle because it's such a weak point and it surely ought to help 'the little grey cells' a bit as Poirot would say, can't hurt anyway. Not much going on with me, have a good afternoon 👋 :) xx

    Same to keef, as Toni says it's nice that the hotel has been so helpful with parking etc and yes hang on to your transport as long as you can✌️. Lovely to see the donkeys, they are beautiful, I support the Sidmouth sanctuary 💗. Hope your day is as good as poss :)

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209

    Just loading up now to leave and………

    it’s raining ☹️

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,209

    That should have been 09:30 this morning but for some reason it didn’t post until it connected to my home wifi when I walked through the door.

    wet ride home although only one lot of traffic at the A3/M25 roadworks. Rained all the way and then really chucked it down for the last half hour. Lovely.

    Took several breaks to ease back and neck but still have a bad head due to neck compression so going for a nice hot bath.

    had argument on ferry, there were half a dozen ladies from one of the coaches hanging around the lift then the captain states return to car deck we are docking so with that one of them goes off for a wee and they want to hold up the lift of 15 people till she comes back. Crazy.

    will catch up with all the posts in a bit. 😁

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Greetings to toady Joan and Keef

    hope you’re all ok this afternoon?

    my sister’s birthday is today

    bill doesn’t know if it’s gout yet, he needs to have a blood test

    I still haven’t injected my mxt due to cleaners etc will do it soon

    toady - maths - good for you

    thanks Joan for your kind words

    mum is ok atm thanks

    bfn tc everyone xx

    Ps pic of my sister apparently lol xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,230
    edited 15. Jul 2023, 05:47

    Morning Joan. Well done getting into town both of you. I hope you didn't get soaked? It rained here almost all day. Did you have a bite to eat in your café? Hope you are both well. All is well here although Charley's puppy (the youngest) scared us all and had to go to the vet's seems ok now. ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi hope you are well and the MTX hangover isn't too bad. I had a feeling the nurse would be pleased that you were quick to take advice when you had that tiny relapse. Good you are already on the right dose.😊

    I have it on good authority that BIL did indeed write that board outside one of his favourite cafés. I have had a handwriting expert assess the writing and also there were fingerprints. So yup he is guilty. Seriously I do hope it's not gout or if it is that it's just a flare and it goes off soon. Losing weight will help as we all know which might happen easily if he stops pinching your sister's choccies!

    She is indeed a very glamorous sister

    so I made her this cake.

    Your sister di right telling LA that everyone is still learning even adulks. BR is incredible at his age saying even Mima!! Get him. Reshmi you are still learning😁

    I hope you feel well enough to make the trip but if not put your feet up and chill for the day.((()))

    Morning Keef. The bike looks lovely surrounded by all those flowers! So pretty. most of all dry and safe under cover. The angle statue is looking at it!

    Well done getting home in one piece I hope your back survived the journey and that your neck feels way better after the hot bath. Lots of breaks is the best thing you can do I do the same. Just move about a bit so you don't 'set'.

    Why on earth did they hold up the lift for that long? Can the only afford one lift trip per journey?!!🙄

    It's been a lovely holiday one little Sucré might remember too😍

    Morning Toady. So far it's better out there than it should be. Very odd, but I think the rain is coming.....

    I know the cloches you mean they are quite pretty anyway and will make a lovely addition and if they keep the slugs out even better🤞

    The Beetle is fixed, the handbrake is done and the seat position improved no end too. I am very pleased. One of the ladies in the village - who has a modern Beetle) took me over to pick it up. She loved it. Figgy will be home soon I hope. Tyres crossed!

    That fire was scary! All safely sorted electric are dangerous Paul has super expensive insurance for that very reason.

    I think you might be right about the 'drive by' builder. That might be the last you see of him. Yup🙄Are you back at square one now then?

    I am very pleased to hear that you are on a good enough network maybe you need a new router? That might be all you need? I was with EE well still am until the 18th. They actually tried to ring me to keep me, but they couldn't hear me!!!!! Shame I couldn't tell them that's why I'm leaving them!

    Ah well end of a 25 year era i am a bit sad, but there you go.

    Has Sleek told you about her treat puzzles? To try and slow her down on her treat requests/eating? She's not impressed. Will take some pics....

    fruity cake

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,246

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) Love to you and your carers (()) have a good weekend. Love to Anita (()) and Val (()) and Emily (()) and your Dad (())

    Toady (()) I don’t think that man who wanted to look from the road would do a very good job you don’t need him. Good luck in finding the right one you will. Have a good weekend (())

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) have a good weekend (()) love to your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your brother (()) and his girlfriend (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) good luck with the Penelope coming home on Monday (()) yes we went to the cafe Jacky’s daughter has been to India she’s going to Germany to her brothers wedding. Then she’s going to Vancouver. She gets around. Have a good weekend. All the best to Charley and Annie’s puppy. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Keef (()) your motor bike looks comfortable that’s what you need. I have a mobility scooter I know why it’s like in the weather. Have a good weekend all of you (())

    Reshmi (()) you are doing well with the injections (()) love to your mum (()) have a good weekend.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,331

    Good morning everyone

    wppl later

    had mxt later than normal so half asleep 💤 💤

    thanks for my sister’s cake Toni

    mums cooking lamb curry 🤢

    wppl xx

    pic summarising my feelings on aforementioned foodstuff lol xx