Val's Cafe
Hi Reshmi, yes was back home now back at docs waiting for appointment. Having appointment I should’ve had last week when I cancelled due to migraine.
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Hi Toni and toady and Joan
how are you all doing today?
i slept for 9 hours after jab and feel a lot better thanks
mums also a lot better but has an attack of the grumps
problem is probably dad - no surprise there
BR was sad that i wasn’t there yesterday when they ate cake he said “mima wasn’t there” and looked at me with an upset little face, a sentiment the two “alpha males” they call bill and his big bro could learn from lol
the waitress almost ran in her massively high heels to the kitchen to procure the uneaten beans for LA - what a cheeky monkey he is indeed.
ok I’ll stop for now tired after hot shower
bye for now everyone tc xx
ps an unusual sign - I didn’t write it, promise lol xx
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Hi all, hope everyone doing ok today 👋
All quiet here, just doing a burst of housework & washing (the wind is handy for something, anyway), I blame frog for using the word cleaning 😉 . Glad to hear tarmac part one is done, hope to hear part two is over with and there is no part three, if just for the sheer quantity of biccies that would involve 😱 no wonder Sleek has been squirrelling some away. I may have had the benefit of her rainy day stash 😉 hopefully she's back with you now, I told her three times to use the back door and I'm almost sure she was paying attention. Talking of back doors mr speckly is now strung across the side passage instead, from wall of house to that fence 😂 fairly high up so we reached a kind of entente and I ducked underneath. Having turned out & washed some bedding etc I see that much like the clothes I already sorted, stuff needs replacing 🙄 so if Sleek wants to come shopping with me then her advice would be much appreciated she has better taste than me. I was well narked last night looking at a shopping site, items I wanted were out of stock, so out of interest I looked at the EU site - in stock, but won't post to UK (thanks brexit 🙄), but also free domestic shipping in that country no min order and just 2 euros something to all the places they ship to inc Ireland. On the UK site, eg to just post within UK? £4.99 flat rate 🤷♀️. Gah. No harm done here by the weather don't like the look of the heavy overnight rain though. Have a good Friday and a nice walk & catchup with Kari :) xx
Hello joan, yes weather has settled down a lot, but rain to come apparently. Have not been out but it looks like it may be sunny tomorrow so might be able to pop out then - I need some new craft knives before I can start the cupboard, you can't buy them online anymore (understandably) you have to verify your age, so perhaps easier to get some from a shop - they won't have any problem believing I'm over 18 😕. Still very quiet in the garden, no little birds, lots of magpies though. And mr spider is back 😄. Hope Sue is well and Lexi & Pepper :) xx
Hi bosh hope you & your mum are feeling better today (edit just seen that you do, after a good sleep 👍️). Yes please to tea 😊☕️ , nothing happening here just poking about online looking at things and not seeing much I like or buying anything 🤷♀️. May get a walk tomorrow if it's ok, I noticed online yesterday that a message on al fresco site said certain things were only available til a certain date because of a store re-fit, only I wasn't logged in 🤔 presumably all stores aren't having a re-fit at the exact same time. Probably just the internet snooping, your IP address etc, as usual, nosey parkers 🙄. Aw BR & the cake and missing you, how sweet. Have a good evening :) xx
Good luck for the x-ray results keef 💀 you can discuss them with spider skeleton, something in common to talk about. Look forward to seeing it (I think 😬). Mine is back, in the garden, we are working around one another 😄. Once I get my washing in it can have the place to itself. Will report back on the paint additive if there is anything worth telling. Glad you got a good bike ride in :) have a good evening xx
Love to Jewels and everyone/anyone passing xx
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Had a minor emergency earlier. Little man requested apple crumble again for pudding. Got him all set in his tower stand thing to help next to table and we had NO BUTTER!!!
So quickly got the wheelchair out of bunker and the two of is made a made butter run to Sainsbury’s, I think he giggled all the way there.
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Got blood test for cancer markers on Thursday in connection with the incontinence problems. Little bit stressed about it coming back as positive. And have a whole list of stuff I’m not allowed to do 48 hrs before test so I won’t be doing my James Hunt breakfast for a few days 😉
you might have to google that one.
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Sucré helped me put this little pedal board together. He actually drilled the holes with my new cordless drill and wired up the cables under my instruction. He is such a great little person to have around.
I now have some ambient effects to add to the guitar sound for the non blues stuff that I hardly ever play lol.
and there’s space left for some more stuff I’ll never use. 🤪
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^ oh gosh how impressive 😊 apple crumble and diy/home electrics, what a kid (and brilliant Dad giving him these skills 👍️). GL for next week xx
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I am absolutely finished and going to bed. Busy day very tired.
Goodnight everyone catch you all tomorrow you lovely people. xx
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Good night Toni toady Joan and Keef
Keef sorry to hear your news, hope you get to see the doctor soon.
ps pic of Florence at night xx
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Morning Everyone ❤️
Hi Joan hope you snd Sue are both well?Guess what? In spite of eating all the biccies 2 days running they finished the job! And it looks 👍 now all we have to do is keep off ot fir 7 days which we can do easily. Let's hope this time it actually sets. Love to you both ((()))
Morning Keef
How lovely being woken up by a small boy wielding a coffee flavoured plastic burger! Even lovelier that you could make him happy be pretending to taste it!
Hooe the X Ray is helpful that's all we can hope for that it shos something treatable 🤞
I'm so glad you went on your bike. Just what your spirits needed😊
You and Anda have it sussed. She paints (no sign necessary!)you cook👍👍👍 I am sure the emergency run to Sainsbury's was great fun for Sucre.
Well impressed with your budding electrician cum musician cum masterchef! Wow!
Sooner you have those tests the better. Agreed no champions breakfast for you! Safety first will be thinking of you ((()))
Morning Reshmi
Loved that first pic so 😍
I think you needed that 9 hours sleep after your jab. Thars good.
Sorry your Mum had the grumps. Ni doubt the antecedent was indeed Big Babu🙄
How adorable is BR❤️ showing empathy at such a young age. I don't think the two alphas are going to change Reshmi....😕
I bet all L A had to do way wrap the waitress round his little finger! Hah! Then he didn't eat the beans🤭
No sign necessary for us women I agree hehehe!
Take care ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you this fine (yes fine) Morning?
The drive is DONE! Looks good as long as it sets🤞
Another vast quantity of biccies gone, but worth it.
Sleek did indeed bring some to yours only fair as she was there all day two days running. She did come in the back door too no small tarmac cat prints on the floor. If there had been I would have treasured them though❤️🐾
That's odd. I did some bedding sorting yesterday! I need a few bits too. Isn't that bad! Brevity hasn't done us many favours has it? That's a huge difference in availability as well as delivery costs🙄😕
I am missing my Fig. She's trapped in the garage for at least a week now.
I'll see if I have a decent pic of the drive...
Well I am very pleased to hear Mr Speckly has relocated and you can both live alongside each other now. Just remember duck!
Have a good day
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Good morning everyone
wppl xx
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Good morning everyone
This is Sue HELLO.everyone we are both off to town for a meal
hope everyone is coping the best way they can
sorry this is short
thank you for asking about Pepper he is very scared around other dogs
love sue
take care
joan xx3 -
Happy methotrexate day Toni 🤢
I’m cooking up witches brew as we speak
mum and I are ok 👍
more later xx
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Hello all 👋
Not much going on here.. sunny day, did another line of washing, went into town, tired now, that's it in a nutshell 🥜.
Hope everyone ok as poss - did you get into the garden frog? Tarmac! I see smooth tarmac 😀 never thought I'd see the day 😄. Please set!🤞you must be so glad they've gone. Sorry Penelope is confined to quarters though, in fact what do you do about driving in & out in anything for now? Hope you've had a good day anyway, it was very nice, hot enough to go to town in short sleeves 😮 didn't buy anything of interest today though. I wore my mask in the shops and the woman at the supermarket checkout said 'Are you still wearing a mask?' in a tone that implied it was very odd and what would I be doing that for 🤨 not much you can say to that. At some point in the afternoon after I got back the telephone suddenly rang - it lives!! I was horrified 😱😂 now I have to phone people again 😬. No messages thankfully. Love to all, I am going to knock off early & try to not be too late for once 👋 :) xx
p.s. I have a tomato! 👍️ I thought you'd like to know 😂
Hello joan hello sue 😊 I hope you had a nice meal in town. I went to town too but it was not very interesting apart from being nice & sunny and it was a walk I suppose. I came home and thought I had left one item behind at the supermarket checkout but it wasn't on the receipt and I remembered I'd changed my mind & didn't buy it 😬 oh dear. There were blue tits around again today nice to see some little birds in the garden, they tap on the window in the morning 😊 I think they are picking little bits off the sill & looking for insects etc. Hope Pepper is alright not feeling scared to go for walks 😔. Have a good Saturday :) xx
Hi to bosh hope the witches brew is no worse than usual, have you tried a pinch of something to make it nicer 🤔 not sure what would be best. Probably not custard powder. Went into town today but there was nothing interesting and frankly the reduced to clear prices were more than I'd want to pay for un-short-dated stuff, I mean to say 🤷♀️can't a toad get a bargain any more 🤨. Glad your mum is ok today, I am off to bed early, well assuming nothing fascinating catches my eye on the internet 😉 see you soon :) xx
Wave to keef 👋 hope things ok no more butter crises & not too tired today I hope - have a good night xx
Love to all 😘 xx
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Hi Toni
how are you this evening?
my mum’s temperature has gone thanks 👍
im not feeling too bad for a mxt day thanks- how about you?
I had a lovely walk this morning, it was cold but 2 jumpers and a coat weather, I haven’t had to dig out the thermals here in “Reading on the Equator” as they call it lol, not yet anyway, but I do sometimes wear them at home in the early morning as the thermostat is still rebelling- I threatened it with the guillotine and the heath risks of a cake - only high sugar diet - although that’s more your department of course- but to no avail.
My leg and foot aren’t too bad thanks, they’re getting slightly better now, but part of the foot still feels a bit sore and basically various areas on my right side are a bit painful but it’s improving in general thanks for asking👍
group wasn’t too bad thanks, but RR was not present, some kind of infection, I hope it’s not covid.
also someone’s elderly husband isn’t at all well apparently though to be honest I don’t really know the lady in question very well so of course it’s sad, but only in very general terms.
the covid vaccine wait was terrible though, I waited for close to an hour, a lot of the time I was standing and my foot hurt so much, it was also a damp day which of course never helps us.
nice M and J the organiser were there in the group, nice M’s dad coined a great term the other day, when I politely refused some offered choc cake recently, saying that I’ve been eating far too much chocolate recently, M’s dad laughed a lot and said, “ so your not cholesterolising today then?” Should we tell the physio GI Joe? I want to tell him, but he may get us struck off some list or other, probably the waiting list to get into the bakery lol, which would probably be doing us a favour, well me at least haha.
I’m glad your drive is done, it looks nice.
Thanks about the pic.
Yes BR is a patient and kind young man, he sometimes he gets obsessed with my mum / his granny and when he sees a family photo he’ll call everyone his name for her which is “Abu” - aww.
I hope you’re having a nice Saturday Toni bye for now and tc xx
Ps pic of the fresh water reservoir of the Montsouris in Paris xx
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Hi Sue
how are you and Joan doing today?
I hope you both had a nice meal.
bye for now tc xx
ps some east London art near where my sis used to live xx
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Greetings to my fellow Vulcan toady!
I know it’s a long time since I’ve answered you properly, I’ve been busy with this that and the other, but I’m trying to make amends
how are you today?
what’s the wind like in your locality?
here it was quite enjoyable for me at least it was so in the early morning especially after being in the stuffy house, my room gets extremely stuffy a lot of mornings, it’s a challenge not to fall asleep again lol
i looked that up about the jam, Alice in wonderland etc, that was interesting, jam on alternate days, lol, I must admit it’s a bit of a weakness for me, but in my defence, I often have the no added sugar variety.
the day I went out for the MH meal was difficult, one reason is that my dad didn’t know the way back from the restaurant to the MH “mansion”, so instead of using sat nav / map like a normal person, he followed bills car, driving at a rate of knots as it were and the car itself seemed to bumping along whilst swinging to and fro as if we really were on the open sea and I was feeling distinctly nauseous 🤢🤢🤢- yes 3 sea sick faces required unfortunately
also bill didn’t know what he was doing either so we came very close to trespassing on private farmland - an ookey experience all round really.
is your chocolate bar stash secure toady?
I must admit I’m impressed by your self control, I could never buy chocolate in bulk like that, that’s very impressive.
the leg pain etc is improving thanks toady, here there’s a hospital helpline that the nurses answer, or that the patients can leave messages on and they get back to us, but at the moment I think I’ll leave it, as it seems to be going in the right direction 👍
I hope you have a good night toady tc xx
ps a stained glass staircase in Japan xx
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Lovely to see Sue yesterday 😀 it was Not Friday it was Suesday! I'm not all surprised Pepper is nervous around other dogs I expect Sue is now too! Hope the meal was good? ((())) xxx
Morning Reshmi
Good to hear your Mum's temp settled and that your leg and foot are a little better now. That's so unfair the queue for the covid jab. Unsurprising but unfair considering most people going for it are likely to be older....😕
My MTX day wasn't too bad at all either. (Good cauldron pic BTW!) Had a good sleep so atm feeling pretty good for once although it can sneak up in waves when I get to complacent!
BR is just adorable he really is! I bet your Mum feels really loved when he calls her that ❤️
Cholesterolising eh? I like it! I like the word and doing it too! Especially (vegan) chocolate and greggs vegan sausage rolls.
That's RR missing two weeks running I do hope he is feeling OK. A bit of a worry though.
I have not worn my vest even first thing but if I am up before the heating (I usually am) I put my dressing gown on over my clothes! Hope no one rings the doorbell 😖
Well you take care today and enjoy your walk ((()))
Morning Toady
How are you this sunny day? It will be I'm sure. Did you see the harvest moon? I didn't it was too cloudy😕
Sleek enjoyed the trip into town. She said she held paws?
Don't worry my 'normal' car is on P"s drive with permission from her daughter. Paul's work van too is in a barn on one of the farms. Just got to wait for Penelope. We can walk on it fine though, the drive. Yes please please do set🤞🤞🤞🤞
A beautiful tomato there Toady. I grew million bells??? I think this year. What were yours? If you can remember of course. I did get out at the back. It was nice I agree. So much so something bit me!😡
Well better get on I suppose. Hope you have a good day and well.....ignore the phone🙄
Morning Keef
I do hope all is well with ypu Keef not like you to be AWOL ar all.
Sending some ((())) for now take care hope the family are all OK.
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Good morning everyone
Kitty (()) Have a good weekend love to everyone (())
Toady (()) that’s good your internet is back. I saved £20 a month by not having a landline. You did good walking in to town (()) have a good weekend.
Barbara (()) love to Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())
Toni (()) That’s good your drive is finished (()) 🤞 have a good weekend. Thank you pepper is a lovely dog when he’s of the lead he makes a wide circle around a dog he has to pass.
love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())
Reshmi (()) I’m sorry you had to wait an hour for your injection and your mum (()) we are going this morning my appointment is 10 20. Have a good weekend
Keef (()) I hope your pain is better today (()) have a good weekend love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())
Julie (()) have a good weekend.
take care
joan xx2 -
good morning everyone, yes busy day yesterday with family. Sorry I was awol.
nice tarmac Toni. Looks like race track quality. Sucré would be happy to test it out with his remote control rally car to see if it passes FIM quality control. I do hope so much that it sets fine and you happy with it the colder weather should help it go off.
Will have to read back over posts to catch up.
Saw Nicole my gorgeous osteo lady yesterday. The treatment she does does make a difference, but sometimes it doesn’t last very long, which is obviously my fault for riding my bike home or whatever, although I was good yesterday and rested for an hour after treatment.
gotta go now Sucré has the wardrobe open where his spare toys are. Chaos ensues……
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Goodness me Toni!
what kind of breakfast is this? Lol
good morning everyone
wppl xx
ps same French reservoir but from a different angle I guess xx
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She’s at it again!!
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Hi again Toni
how are you this afternoon?
Thanks about mum and my foot too.
the queue was so long as no one had told the nurse that she had to some flu jabs too
are you feeding bill or something like that? Lol
a massive pic of ice cream and pastry on the website im feeling sick already 🤢
Only joking just hope you’re not making a habit of becoming VC’s kangaroo advertiser lol, enough tempting food pics everywhere else and isn’t that the truth
anyway junk food brainwashers aside, lol, glad your mxt day is going well 👍
Thanks about the pic
i think first week RR was just receiving a delivery but yes a bit of a worry now
mind you infection could be anything really maybe he ate some contaminated brownies and has to eat dry toast for breakfast or even, shock horror - porridge!! That’s way to healthy for him lol I’ll have to alert Th***tons, they may need to file for bankruptcy lol.
ok I’ll leave it there for now Toni, hope the mxt waves of nausea / discomfort / fatigue aren’t catching up with you and I also hope the same for myself 🤗
bye and tc Toni xx
Ps gothic flowers lol
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Hi Joan
how are you both doing today?
mum and I are ok thanks
thanks about the queue
how are you both feeling after the covid jab?
have a good night and tc xx
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Evening everyone 👋
Me today: still tired and with quite enough to do already: I think I'll pull one of the bedrooms to pieces & all the furniture out so I can paint the large wall 🤷♀️ well so I can get at the wall, the painting bit will come shortly I hope, sooner the better so I can restore order it looks horrendous 😫.
Is that apple pie frog? I wondered if it was rhubarb at first glance but apple I think 😍 anyway yes please. Not such a nice day was it, so Sleek was glad we went shopping yesterday instead (yes that was me, the mad-haired slightly odd-kneed woman holding a cat's paw and the only person for miles around wearing a mask, always nice to blend unnoticeably into the background isn't it 😂😂). Dull too today not much light on the subject, or on my toms 🌞🍅 hang on guys. Those are Stonor's exhibition, and I usually do Garden Pearl, they did best being little. I keep getting emails saying 'have you chosen your bulbs yet?' 😬 do I look like I've chosen my bulbs?! Hope you had a good day yourself, you did already mention you were using P's drive sorry, hope everything going ok so far so good with the tarmac. I didn't see the harvest moon no, I didn't look out but I think it would have been overcast here too. How is your bite, not one of the monster ones I hope🤞. No other news, hope everyone well, have a good Sunday :) xx
Hello joan, I pay about £22 for my landline & internet all in with free calls (but that's just basic broadband not fibre or anything superfast). Not a very nice day was it and drizzly on & off, but I got masses of washing line dried the last 2 days so can't complain. Have a good Sunday, October already, eek 😬 . Love to both :) xx
Hi bosh, thanks for yesterday's catch-up post 👍️ hope things not too bad with you today. Glad your leg is improved enough that you can just keep an eye on things for now. We have a rheumo helpline too it used to be a bit better it's always just in message taking mode & 10 minutes of recorded info first but that's the same as the GP and everywhere these days 🤷♀️. Gosh that was a long time in the queue no way I could stand for that and I'd be starting to droop if I'd been waiting an hour sitting tbh. Poor nurse too if she had been given more to do than she could reasonably get through in good time. Hope you find out at next group that RR is ok 🤞good that nice M was there, and nice M's nice Dad too. Hope HV ok today and EF too. The MH meal drive back sounds a bit like a comedy scene from a show 🚗 😬 not funny for you at all though, wanting a nice short calm drive as possible, not people weaving about the countryside 🙄. I haven't been out today, the wind has dropped right back thanks it's not too bad out there just dull & probably rain to come, ugh. Talking of water those reservoir pictures are amazing, so many hidden astonishing things you never knew were there. As far as my bulk stash of chocolate goes yes I think it's safe, including from me because I don't remember saying anything like that 😂 what did I say?! Oh dear my memory. I'm not disciplined really, I don't ever really want much of anything sweet at a time so there's no self control involved. I don't have much about other things like good habits & sensible sleep so I'm definitely not St. Toad the paragon of virtue 😳. Hope you have a good Sunday 🖖 :) xx
Can I borrow Loanda for my bedroom wall by any chance keef 😬 mind you it's white she would probably refuse on principle 😄. That looks great I love that wall 👍️. Glad seeing Nicole helped and hope some of the benefit is still there even after biking and whatever might have been the fallout from the toy wardrobe being raided :) xx have a good Sun.
Love to everyone 👋 xx
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