Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Thanks toady

    I think you mentioned galaxy bars and a variety of chocolate bars or something like that?

    yes EF are ok thanks

    but poor BR put up with a new lady baby hitting him and then smiled sweetly! oh dear he’s too kind for his own good, he also shared his chips with granny voluntarily, well at least he does punch the teddy - thief from time to time lol.

    HV is well, it is its usual self tbh, well at the days almost over, well for non - nocturnal types.

    have a good night toady tc xx

    ps lava art - it’s got to be cooler than Big Babu’s head 😱😱

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228


    Morning Joan how are you and Sue? Poor Pepper walking wide circles around other dogs. It will take time but hopefully he'll get his confidence back in time 🤞 I bet it shook Sue up too though((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi how are you feeling today? I hope not to bad and that your Mum is well too.

    The pic was supposed to be vegan apple pie with vegan ice cream. All Keef's talk of his apple pies made me fancy some!!! Sorry it came out huge. Yes please do give BIL the leftovers!

    Ah I see now the nurse was not expecting so many people for jabs. I bet that was stressful then for her (or him?) too.

    I wonder whether RR's delivery was in fact a large box of massive chocolate buttons? His secret diet food🤔 quite possible don't you think? Let's hope the infection is something and nothing. It could easily just be a bug hopefully he'll be back next week full of tall--tales as usual.

    Am feeling back to normal today I hope you are too? All well until next Friday now.

    I feel a bit late and disorganised already today. I hope you have a good day.((())) Take care.

    Morning Keef How are you today?

    Thank you the drive seems pretty good maybe supermarket carpark quality. F1 definitely! Do send Sucré over with his little car! He can be the first to use it. We have to wait a week so Penelope will be started up in the garage for now bless her.

    I see a certain person's wife (Loanda!) is now halloween-ing the garden!!! It looks great I bet Sucré loves it too😊 You have a wall! I love walls don't you? We have one too although it's brick coloured not spooky grey.

    I really hope the Osteopath's hard work helps for a good few days this time Keef well done for resting that should help it last a bit longer.

    Hope Sucré didn't trash the place with all his old toys 😮

    Take care ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you today? It rained her yesterday quite a lot in fact a lot a lot😕 So no gardening for me. Paul was off for the weekend so we got out for a bit and had a posh coffee, so it wasn't too bad. I hope you at least saw your wildlife?

    Your toms do look lovely hopefully today they will get some light on them fingers crossed

    My bite is a bit of a monster one, but I am studiously ignoring it. It will go I am on day 4 I think.....

    Sleek said she wore her mask to keep you company. I don't supposed that added to the inconspicuous party walking down the highstreet!

    Well done getting things ready to pain the wall That will be a great achievement once done. You'll be so pleased with yourself.

    We are lucky having P's drive for our cars, but not so when it rains!! Never mind it won't be forever will it. Day 3 of that only have to wait 7🙄 will try to wait for 10 if we can so no blame can be attached to us if it fails to set again.

    Well let's hope today is drier. Take care.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Good morning all.

    Hey Reshmi how are you today after the jab?

    hate to say it but bad head is back. Hoping cuppa tea and gentle stretching of neck will fix it.

    wppl. xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) love to you and your family (()) and carers (())

    Toady (()) that’s good £22 for the internet and broadband. We only have the main channels. You are good painting the walls. We haven’t seen our new neighbour she doesn’t go out everything delivered.lovely tomatoes. Have a good day.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) I hope everyone is getting on alright. Have a good day (()) love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) yes we have sore arms we had the flu jab as well. How is your mum now (()) sorry about your foot and leg pain (())

    Keef (()) have a good day I hope your neck pain soon goes (()) love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Think the head is linked to the enthesitis as everything hurts today, lump in neck is up and neck hurts. Might have to take some naproxen. Fed up.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Good morning Toni toady Joan and Keef

    wppl xx

    ps pic of my house apparently lol xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601
    edited 1. Oct 2023, 19:50

    Hi all 👋

    'Lazy Sunday Afternoon.. ' 🎶 just looked up those lyrics, and I couldn't have told you it starts with 'wouldn't it be nice to get on with me neighbours' 😬😂 say no more.

    Not that lazy in fact but at least got a fair way on with the painting prep. I have too much stuff 😣 not that this is news to me but it's even worse when you're dragging it around the place in boxes. Speed is of the essence I think so I can get everything back before I need something and realize I have no hope of getting to it 😄. Yes I'll be v glad when it's done frog especially as it's a horrid lilac and hasn't been done in forever. Not enjoying myself. No rain today but no wildlife either, it's just me and the odd pigeon, robin, and mr speckly now - not even a mouse. Hope things ok with you, sorry you had to have your drive out & coffee in the rain but probably as good a place to be as any. Light rain tomorrow it says but that includes 3 hours of heavy late at night 🙄 ugh. Nosegay is still quiet as the proverbial 🤷‍♀️ no news there. Even a silly question from a silly buyer would break the monotony, & prove there is someone still out there 🤨 beginning to wonder! Hope everyone well :) xx

    Hello joan, thank you about the painting, at the moment I think I'm sorry I started 😬😄 I don't mind doing it myself but it's not my favourite, don't really want anyone in to do it though; there isn't really space to move around for a big workman anyway they are small rooms and you need to be my size to squash around what's in there (too much!) I ought to part with some bits of excess furniture. Not much sign of your neighbour then, I guess that's good if it means she's quiet as long as she isn't actually unfriendly. Hope she likes it there. Have a good Monday, love to both :) xx

    Hi bosh, oh yes I do remember about the choc shopping, that shopping 👍️ thanks, don't worry I didn't buy anything in trade sized bulk quantity I just topped up a packet of twixes I keep in my little office by the coffee machine and they were only mini ones so they last me a while (edit: it's not a secret stash now I've told everyone where it is, I will never make a spy 🕵️.) I think I can trust Mr Spock to eat the galaxy in moderation, I mean it would be a sad day if all that Vulcan self control went out of the window 😮. (I find that choc bar really quite sweet wouldn't want much of that myself at any one time.) Hope your day is not too bad and the lava is not flowing too freely across the floor 😬 oh sweet little BR, being the soul of good nature 😘 well apart from the occasional well-deserved punch 😄 that's only fair though. Nothing else happening with me today won't be too nocturnal tonight myself I must trowel a bit of polyfilla into the wall before bed to set overnight and then get off fairly early, exciting eh. Have a good Monday yourself :) xx

    Wave to keef 👋 hope your day wasn't too bad all told and a bit of stretching and plenty of tea helped the neck🤞xx

    Love to everyone 😘 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Keef

    sorry to hear about your Enthesitis, how are you feeling now?

    i didn’t feel too bad after the jab thanks for asking,

    just some arm pain and a bit of a flu - ish feeling but it didn’t last for long

    have a good night take care x

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Toni

    how are you tonight?

    don’t worry I was only joking about the dessert pic

    it’s a good job it was vegan!

    now I won’t have to report you to GI Joe the physio lol

    the sad truth for me is that some vegan dessert - type foods don’t seem to suit my stomach, but never mind

    I’m not too bad thanks Toni

    mum is ok today too thanks she went out to lunch to Cost A Packet today, not the one I frequent though, so she was in a bit of a better mood which was good

    recently BR treated her to a spirited rendition of Baa Baa Black Sheep and then for the encore Baa Baa Pink Sheep! A free thinker, diplomat and peace maker, that one, yes women or lady babies are under -represented in nursery literature lol, even though sometimes they like to hit him instead of exchanging pleasantries 😱

    that ookey Ellie the hitter - no jelly baby casserole for her.

    Yes the nurse (a female) did see a bit stressed out, poor lady.

    Yes I wouldn’t be surprised if RR was receiving a premium giant choc button delivery to add to his chocolate factory/ warehouse or whatever he’s got going on there lol.

    yes hopefully he’s just got a minor infection

    I’m not feeling too bad at the moment thanks but sometimes I still feel tired on Sundays from the mxt hangover.

    Hope your late start didn’t affect your day too badly?

    nice breakfast pic - what is that exactly? Spring onion pancakes maybe?

    have a good night Toni tc xx

    ps giant sculpture in Florence Italy xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Joan

    how are you both today?

    sorry about your sore arms

    i am not too bad today thanks

    mum is ok today thanks

    my arm and leg are gradually getting better 🙏

    I hope you both have a good night bye tc xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Hi Bosh and everyone, not too bad now thanks for asking. Head just ticking over, pain still there never really goes completely anymore but it is manageable atm. We went to the zoo for lunch, we have yearly passes so quite often just pop in for an hour or less. The drive in Anda’s car has set my neck off more but i knew that it would. I hobbled around the area by the restaurant then gave up and sat on a bench whilst my two went off.

    Home alone now so tomorrow is hopefully a guitar and piano day if my head clears.

    Toady how is the painting going???

    Toni, is it setting yet???

    Thats me done for the day. Good night everyone. xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi toady

    thanks for the chocolate stocktake update haha

    ok mini Twixes - I will find it in my heart to forgive you lol

    yes Spock will not be defeated by a mere choc bar indeed, I’m not sure I can say the same for myself

    im persevering at a snails pace with Balzac but am finding it really interesting though, the way he observes different characters, he writes about a compulsive liar, who tells one why and then finds the act of lying so “delicious” that he piles lie upon lie, sort of like jam on toast I guess lol, don’t tell The Queen of Hearts, indeed it’s a lot like LA, he once told me that mummy said he could have double the sacred jelly baby portion today and that of course he didn’t remember it wrong, mummy changed her mind, “people can change their minds mima, you should know that!” or some very fictitious and non - vegan sat - fatty porky pies at any rate, oh dear.

    Lava flow was a bit less today actually thanks, as mum and dad had a small lunch outside

    dad is refusing to wear jumpers when it’s cold outside - I won’t even begin to comment on that

    good luck with the polyfilla situation, if you run out, I’ve got some R Brek lol,

    good night toady tc xx

    ps goth staircase xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Tea anyone? I’ve got jammie dodgers 😁

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Love that staircase Reshmi.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,228
    edited 2. Oct 2023, 05:48


    Hi Joan how are you today? Is Sue still doing well? You two really are a bit of an inspiration. Shame you haven't met the new neighbour though hopefully she (is it a she?) is nice😊Perhaps pop a welcome to your new home card round??? Take care love to you both ((())) xxx

    Morning Keef

    I am sorry to hear about your head although glad it's manageable. Did you get any information after that Xray? and is there any chance yet of getting an MRI so you can actually get a diagnosis and possibly treatment? Gentle stretches, in the meantime, are a very good idea I agree ((())) So sorry the car doesn't 😣

    We used to be embers of a local 'farmy' place too and took the kids regularly when they were young. I bet Sucré enjoyed that very much. It's good for parents too I always think if the kiddywinkles are happy😉

    The drive seems ok so far at least to walk on at any rate. As for driving on they recommend a week off it we will give it 10 just so we know we haven't harmed it.

    Hopefully a nice musical day for you. take care ((()))

    Morning Reshmi

    How are you this delightful dark day - maybe it will pick up later? I hope so I'm walking with Kari in a bit. Hope not at all MTXy or flu-jabby either.

    Glad to hear your Mum was happier yesterday a trip to Costa-packet will do that as will a beautiful rendition of 'bah bah black/pink sheep' sung by an adorable 3 year old❤️ Isn't BR delightfully inclusive? Whatever he will do in his future is as yet unknown there are so many opportunities for one such as he. No!!!! Naughty naughty Ellie definitely no jelly baby casserole for her. Funny how some children go through that phase hopefully she'll grow out of it soon enough.

    I saw the foster babies yesterday at the village Harvest festival they are growing up fast bless them. One over a year one nearly a year.

    I also saw a lorry full of chocolate yesterday on the motorway travelling south perhaps en route to RR's with his weekly supplies.....

    They were pancakes yes yesterday much healthier - courgette pancakes. Physio-approved honestly.

    Take care today ((()))

    Morning Toady

    How are you? Not a great day here so far although to be fair it is still dark and Sleek has been out twice and not come back soaked.....

    Yes I do remember that song starting with that line! Isn't it just spot on😁 Luckily we are getting to the season when mine stay inside. They mostly irritate me in summer when they are outside. In winter you don't see hide nor hair of them. Unless, of course, they have one of their huge family parties.

    Yes speed is of the essence isn't it not just because of the existing colour (🤢) but the access to something you will almost certainly need urgently once it's out of reach!!

    How on earth did you get no rain? It didn't stop all day here yesterday and I'm sure you are within 40 miles of me. No idea where I got that idea from probably made it up🤔

    How is Mr Speckly? Has he made a pretty web which you will enjoy in autumn mists and winter frosts maybe? I do love webs in winter. Not much sign of life here either but we do have a 'problem' in the Church porch..... the swifts have a second 'litter' as Sleek calls it. Hopefully they will be ok with the bad weather approaching quickly.

    Is nosegay still out there? I'm sure it is people will start buying for Chrimbo soon

    Take care and have a good day.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Morning Toni, was told 6 weeks till results of xray. I’ve had MRIs on back and neck, the results were the same. Bone degeneration and osteophites with nerve impingement and I have no clearance between pelvis and vertebrae. Nothing can be done, just pain management. The tramadol is becoming less effective though, especially since the enthesitis diagnosis which was told it doesn’t work for anyhow.

    just having a morning rather than 2am cuppa tea then off to bunker. I have new strings on my guitar that I keep in E flat tuning for all the SRV songs I play. He was a very talented guitarist taken from us far too young when his helicopter crashed in low cloud. It was actually Clapton’s and he gave his seat to Stevie saying he would wait and go last. 😳

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,242

    Good morning everyone

    Kitty (()) have a good day love to all of you.

    Toady (()) I think it’s good doing things on your own you can stop when you want to. When people come in they rush to get to their next customer. Have a good day (()) I had a picnic bar the other day that was nice.

    Barbara (()) love to you and Mr B (()) and your son (()) and Niamh (()) and your niece (()) and her fiancé (())

    Toni (()) that’s good your drive is alright so far (()) we have spoken to our next door neighbour her names Becky it’s just we don’t see her. She doesn’t go out she has a problem the Doctor says she’s a mystery

    Reshmi (()) how is your leg today (()) love to your mum (())

    Keef ()) yes I remember that plane crash and there was another singer that happened too. Love to Sucr’e (()) and Loanda (())

    Julie (()) have a good day


    take care
    joan xx
  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Well i played my four SRV songs twice and Deja Voodoo by Kenny wayne Shepherd all in E flat tuning but I am in absolute agony now. I only took one tram this morning trying to cut down but it’s not working so have given in and taken some more and gone horizontal for a while. Very frustrating.

    anyone follow ken bruce from r2 over to ghr? Just about to listen to pop master. It’s okay if you can zone out on the adverts.

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Got any waffles left Toni?

    ahh, just remembered got home bake chocolate croissant in freezer 😁

    will cook that when i make it back downstairs.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Good morning everyone

    wppl xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320
    edited 2. Oct 2023, 14:41

    Hi Toni toady Keef and Joan

    how are you Toni? It is rather gothically gloomy today isn’t it?

    I wouldn’t have minded so much but there’s a lot of lava on the floor and everywhere else

    mum is in a mood but otherwise ok right now thanks

    BR is indeed “delightfully inclusive” lol, I like that phrase 👍

    No mxt hangover and jab effects definitely gone now thanks

    yes mum enjoyed going out and listening to little BR that’s true

    Ellie bit BR the next day😱

    little Miss Ellie The Lady Baby - someone needs to tell her this is not the way to express affection…oh dear.

    that’s nice about foster babies, choc truck and pancakes lol

    sorry I’m rushing a bit due to the BB situation- I mean Bathroom Battle not Babu lol, mind you when Big Babu enters the bathroom, it would be quicker, less hassle and more hygienic to fly to India to take a bath lol.

    LA is ok thanks, I currently know slightly more Italian than him but that’s a secret.

    bye for now Toni tc xx

    👋toady and Joan

    will post again later xx

    ps where’s toady buying her chocolate from? Oh dear 😂

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,601

    Hi all 👋

    Bit rainy & grim, yes gothically gloomy about covers it 😕 did I definitely have no rain when you did frog, was that Sat? Maybe a little when I wasn't looking 🤔 but not deluges for sure. I'm more like an hour and a quarter/half away (I think, depending) but weather can be funny from the next town to another even. Not doing much today didn't have the best night, just a bit of filling & sanding to the wall, painting might commence tomorrow? or the next day. Got up early for a fed*x parcel that required a sig, which he clearly wasn't going to ask for 🙄 anyway good luck ever trying to find what they accept in the way of a signed release thing you can leave, mentioned all over their site but no specifics about what form this should take, no details, no click here for a form.. one of the most obvious faqs you would think, but nope. Apart from that just pottering and paying bills, including a huge chunk to the water rates, ouch 😬. Do hope the little swifts will be ok! 🐦️ that is late considering they have that mammoth migration to do. Still no birdies around much. Mr Speckly's web is indeed very fine, preferring not to think about autumn mists &c 😣 in fact that was autumn, winter and xmas in the same post, omg 😱 gets out garlic crucifixes and anything that might ward off the horror 😄. Still if it heralds quiet from your neighbours, I can't begrudge that. Jolly good idea to keep off the drive for extra time, yes very sensible plan. Have a good day & love to all, kiss to Sleek 😽 :) xx

    Hello joan, that's a very good point that you can go slowly and not rush your own painting. It's not a nice wall and needs various bits making good, no-one would bother with that to the same extent as you can do yourself a bit at a time 👍️. I haven't had a Picnic for ages! I can't remember 🤔 I worry a bit about anything nutty I especially didn't want to break a tooth over lockdown etc. Do you remember 'Nutty' bars, they were practically all peanuts! and a fudge sort of middle. Have a good afternoon :) xx

    Hi bosh, thank you for the offer of R Brek as subsitute filler 😂 I bet you could do a lot lot worse in a pinch! Currently slow going but no point me rushing it too much I will only be annoyed if it doesn't go well, not that it's worth fussing too much, just a happy medium. Glad your parents had a break and meal out yesterday even if your mum's mood has crept back a little since 😔 hope she has a good day tomorrow. Interesting to have an update on the Balzac I meant to ask how it was going. I like the analysis of the compulsive liar character and what a perfect example to illustrate that courtesy of LA and the jelly babies 🤨 very artful, these mini mafioso. I note that your Italian is better than a certain littley but I shall observe the 'omertà' 🤐 and keep your secret 😄 (not strictly the right sense of the word but it turned up in a quiz today so it may as well come in handy!). I love Baa Baa Pink Sheep, wish I had thought of it. Very imaginative 😊. Btw I hasten to assure everyone I have not been buying dubious kitkot bars 😳 I would not be allowed in the cafe in case I was going to bring it into disrepute. Have a good rest of afternoon & evening :) xx

    Hi keef, was awake round 4am, I missed out on tea had to get my own 😔. Sorry it's been a bit of a frustrating day but you fitted in some good playing. Such a twist of fate about SRV, Waylon Jennings & Buddy Holly come to mind of course, also cases where people should have been on a plane & weren't - Johnny Rotten & the Pan Am flight (and the Four Tops if I remember correctly). I haven't listened to popmaster for a while I will remember to give it a go, I am no good though. I did answer the right number of days & hours in the opening line of Nothing Compares 2 U on Brain of Britain a couple of days ago, while the others were answering stuff about science & 13th century popes or whatever 😄 mind you I was the only one who knew what the IPCC is 👍️. The painting is at the wish it was done stage, I haven't got the life force to finick as much as I'd like so it will never be a great wall but will be better than now (has not been well painted in the past & various cracks & uneven bits 🙄). Sooner it's done I can restore order the better. Hope you get some decent rest and have a better day tomorrow xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,202

    Sky above Halstead just now.

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi Keef

    My goodness that’s an ominous looking sky there.

    I hope you have a good night, or hopefully at least a tolerable one, take care x .

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 5,320

    Hi toady

    how are you?

    No deluge, well that’s good at least.

    Mini mafioso that’s funny lol, the other day Big Babu was holding his hand when they were crossing a busy road in the MH type general area, when LA suddenly shouted out with an extremely solemn face “Mamma Mia”! I had just crossed the road by then and I was so startled I looked back to see which Italian “adulk” gangster was yelling such a loud and enthusiastic minor expletive- only to discover it was teddy bear - thief extraordinaire little LA, it’s a good job I hadn’t been helping him cross, because the noise disrupted me so much I may have just reflexively let go of his hand -what a very naughty young criminal there haha.

    Thanks for the vocab, LA is learning at a clever child’s rate of knots though, so I doubt I’ll beat his Italian language skills for long lol.

    mum wasn’t in a great mood today, maybe it’s just the weather

    also if in doubt punch the vampire nurse and steal a lollipop maybe? No, therapeutic as that would be, we had better stick to good behaviour and knockoff chocolate bars - I won’t tell anyone else in the cafe lol

    I hope you have a good and restful night toady tc xx