Val's Cafe



  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope your workmen come today or at least let you know when they’re coming.

    Toni (()) I hope you find an easy way to get to your friend’s house. Don’t worry. Maisie is better she’s eating now. She goes to the vets to have her wound checked. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have you seen the book. Pain by Mr Arthur Ritis. Have a good day love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni

    How are you doing this afternoon?

    I went to the town centre, it was tiring but good

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m a bit tired but ok thanks

    LA did a brilliant drawing of a cartoon cat - maybe you can hire him to draw Sleek soon!

    Payment in vegan cheese only - so time to stock up lol

    Builders texted to say they’re not coming today but are coming tomorrow instead to fix toilet or something like that

    I like Sleek’s snack

    I hope you enjoy the visit with your friend

    Not sure about LA, will ask

    Ablutions time

    Bye for now Toni tc xx


    How are you?

    No not heard of that book, will look out for it 🙏

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m a bit tired but ok thanks

    Bye for now tc xx

    👋greetings toady

    Shower battle now

    Bye everyone tc xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708
    edited 2. Sep 2024, 15:26

    sorry pressed wrong button lol
    so here’s another pic xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363
    edited 2. Sep 2024, 19:55

    Hi all 👋 workmen may (or may not, let's not get ahead of ourselves 😬) be here Thurs, only got that out of them because I sent the 'polite email' frog I expect but who knows. It was that or let them tip me off at less notice maybe and tbh knowing I have 2 clear days is worth a gritted teeth email. Sorry I'm all behind with news I read about the garden party you went to (sniff) such a lot of mixed emotions for everyone. Hope everyone well at the moment and we can get in the garden I expect as it doesn't look too bad ahead🤞thank you for Sleek plus biscuits 😻 I will certainly be tapping the floor, well the plate 😊. No to tomato chutney, not sure about digestion wise but definitely Good Housekeeping skills wise 😂 they'll stay there & ripen, like it or not 😉. How are or were the cucumbers, have they been consumed? I hope you managed to get to your friend's ok - catch up again soon, love to the coos 😘 xx

    Hello Joan, I contacted the workmen myself, may get done by Thurs with a bit of luck. I always say 'never again' but not much choice when you are in the hands of these people to get things done 🙄. Hope your day was ok good luck when you go to the vets, weather doesn't look too bad. Yes biscuit prices vary 'all over the shop' so to speak, and a lot of people have commented that it's not fair that value range prices are going up as much or more than normal ones, % wise; there's not much difference between them now really. Have a good evening:) xx

    Hi bosh, oh no you too with the postponing workpersons, ugh 🙄 hope yours do come & go with not much trouble. Spare tardises, ah well that's a bit tricky isn't it seeing as the only way to get hold of one seems to be to pinch it as the Doctor originally did I believe, any nosegay listings might be a little dodgy 😬 still I will let you know if one happens to fall off the back of Gallifrey next time it's in orbit 😉. Elderflower preserve, ooh well I do have elderflowers at the bottom of the garden! Enough to do anything with I wonder? 🤔 must check it out. Love the knitted sardines 😂 can they swim as well as LA though 😉🐟️. Hope he likes his new teacher when he goes and vice versa, will the poor person have Lorenzo et al to deal with as well? Have a good night, sorry if I'm behind with anything and hope you feel more settled soon 'in yourself' as they say 👋 :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363
    edited 2. Sep 2024, 19:54

    In case anyone missed this, I'm glad someone is living their best toad life 😂

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 3. Sep 2024, 05:36

    Morning Joan I left a bit early to get to my friend's and see her and the dogs only two sets of roadworks to get through!. We even managed to take them for a very quick walk between showers. Did you get Pepper to the vet in the end for those stitches. I'm so glad Maisie is eating that's such a good sign isn't it? Very good too taht she is being monitored. Does this mean she'd better not have any more pups in future?😕 Sending ((())) and hopes yu are well xxx

    Morning Reshmi How are you feeling today? Hope your Mum is ok too of course.

    Looks slightly better for our walks today I only managed a tiddly one yesterday with the rain🙄 Well done you getting into town yesterday.

    So you have builders too? Oh no I hope they come and fix the loo as per their promise or your Dad will be more than usually grumpy🙄

    So LA is a budding artist too not just BR. Yes please he can have his very first artist commission from me. I'd love a cartoon Sleek. I have ordered some extra vegan cheese (3 blocks so far) from workhardo coming here this evening.

    I actually did enjoy the visit with my friend. She is the one who lost her wife to cancer a bit back so sometimes it can be a little hard if she is feeling especially sad.

    I was glad to be away from here as we had the electricity off most of the day due to national grid fixing ours. It only affects 37 houses in the village but of course ours was one of them. Talking about timing though about 10 vehicles 25 workpersons all in front of the Church and a funeral due at 1pm! I was safely out of that at least. Bless them they moved all their vehicles to help at the appointed time apparently.

    Take care Reshmi have a good day ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    I am in love with Toad having a water massage how toadaly adorable🤗

    Good idea sending a gentle prompt via email i am sure knowing you it was extremely gentle and polite. The job just needs finishing so you can get on to the next thing🙄 Two days peace was worth being 'nice' I already knew though - Sleek told me. Well she said she pressed the send button with her tail? Any truth in that I wonder🤔She is en route under her own steam dressed in mackintosh and sou'wester so be warned. My workhardo order isn't here yet so she is expecting to eat your treats today.

    Thanks the garden party was 'totes emosh' as they say on The only way is Essex! Lucy was obsessed with that program on TV when she was ill🙄

    If I make green tomato chutney I give it away to family. Like you I do prefer to ripen my toms inside if needs be. I have just harvested (I think probably) the last 2 cucumbers they were fantastic this year being less reliant on sunshine just plenty of water.

    Yes i got to my friend's ok thanks only two sets of road works to contend with not including national grid outside the front door (see my post to Bosh).

    Take care Toady😊

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) I hope your workmen come on Thursday and it doesn’t take too long for them to do the job. I have some cod and parsley sauce fish cakes. Have a good day. Yes a lot of people use food banks it must be difficult when you have big families.

    Toni (()) No Maisie is not having any more pups. That’s good you got to your friends caravan with out too much trouble. Your friend is doing well. Yes pepper has is stitches out he doesn’t need his hoodie no more good. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) I made the book up Arthritis. have a good day take care. Love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    Good afternoon Toni

    How are you today?

    Mum is ok 👍

    I’m not feeling too bad thanks, mood is relatively settled today 👍

    Builders have disappeared, most likely feasting on lime cordial with the plumbers and the teddy bears at their communal picnic in the woods no doubt 🤷‍♀️

    LA saw his old teacher in Wart - Rose

    Just drying my stubborn hair lol

    Bye for now Toni tc xx

    Ps pic of “somewhere in Wales” xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    Mums ok thanks 👍

    I’m ok too thanks, just a bit of stomach ache

    I see you made up the book, that was funny lol

    Have a good night and tc xx

    Ps Alternative to varifocals - well at least it’s cheaper 😂xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi toady

    How are you today?

    We were builder - free today

    Mums ok 👍

    I’ve got a stomach ache but otherwise ok 🙏

    Maybe some lime cordial really needed drinking by the builders lol

    Toad’s water massage, that was funny

    No need to apologise for anything

    When I went to the town centre yesterday there was a poster outside one of the new bakeries saying something like “100 sandwiches for the price of 50”, well I exaggerate the numbers but you get the general idea, so basically the catering for LA’s next party is obviously taken care of haha.
    Group for me tomorrow

    Have a good night toady tc xx

    ps look toady I found this strange fictional image, I call it an ood in road - form! Xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363

    Hi all, just a quick call in I am a little fatigued as JA might say just from a few extra odd jobs phone calls etc, but better save myself for the cleaning & tidying action replay tomorrow 🙄 anyone's guess at the moment whether rain will stop play though 😕. Will be in & out here as and when, thanks all for the continued support in my miniature hour of need, ta much - hope to get back one day to letting the housework go to pot and lounging around eating icecream with Sleek 😸. Glad you navigated the roads ok frog I hope the funeral went as well as possible oh dear what a day to have disruption. Electrickery back on again for you now I hope as Catweazle would say. Yes it was a very polite builder's email it's good job they can't read between the lines 🤨. Love to frog family :) xx

    Thank you Joan will hope for the best for Thurs, weather looks a bit so far 🤞. So glad Pepper has his collar off 😊 good boy. Hope they were nice fish cakes what did you have them with. Have a good day tomorrow looks sunny anyway. I remember made up book names there was always one something about falling off a cliff by Eileen Dover 🤭 :) xx

    Night to bosh, love the Ood Road 😂 what a great address that would be! Hope your stomach feels better tomorrow we will leave the stacks of sandwiches for another day 🥪👍️. Have a good group tomorrow I saw that you said you went into town centre yesterday too 😀. Hope the builders turn up for whatever time they are due now in imaginary builder's timetable world I think they are working to a whole other calendar than we all are 🙄. See you soon 👋 :) xx

    Sleep well all 😴 xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning Toni

    Wppl xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791


    Morning Joan I hope you are well today? I am glad for Maisie that it will be no more pups the poor girls she can retire now and just be loved by her family. Also good news that Pepper's stitches are out no more babygro to wear!!!! They do look cute though don't they?😁 I bet all the other dogs out were laughing at him - if dogs do!!!! Have a good day foodbank for me this morning ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi I have just had my shower and washed my hair so know how you felt yesterday I am quietly dripping here but will need the dryer before the foodbank I expect🙄

    Hope you're feeling ok today? Mood nice and settled. Your Mum too with her BS.

    That picture which looks like an octopus is it a rd junction like our spaghetti junction here in the UK? It's amazing isn't it?

    Love the bifocals - I've just snapped two pairs of specs in half and sellotaped them together😉😁 Not!

    The builders may well be at a picnic with Toady's builders. Mine are legally not here ATM nothing for them to do just now thank goodness one more floor to do at some point but no rush. Tomorrow however it's the annual hedge cutting which is hard hard work. Noisy and messy although they do do a good job.

    I bet LAwas thrilled to see his teacher in wart-rose bless him. He'll be telling all his friends and will be the centre of attention🤗

    Hope you get to the group ok it has rained overnight here but it's dry now. Take care ((())) xxx

    Morning Toady

    Here was ma coo yesterday

    I was feeding her banana. Luckily none of the others spotted us because I only had one banana left. Isn't she lovely? I wasn't going to go out except to water the toms (got one more cucumber so Kari had that one), but Sleek was looking at her through the hedge. She is fascinated by them😻

    Soon soon Toady it will be over it really has to be only tomorrow to go.

    Sleek will no doubt tell you all about it when she pops over. She is happy to do more work of any kind as you can see she's ready for anything

    Yep electrickery (well remembered!!!!!) is back on and no longer run by a massive generator. Only 37 houses were affected unfortunately we were one of them. The Church wasn't but all the vans were parked there and the path had to come up a couple of pylons replaced, holes dug massive wires threaded through.

    Charley is currently stuck in a lift at work waiting to be rescued. She has an elderly person with her. This is not good at all. The elderly person is quite scared😕

    Take care Toad see you tomorrow.

    Have some breakfast I'll clear up afterwards too

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) the fish cakes were nice the only problem was there was two in the pack and once the pack was opened the 2 had to be eat. They were big I couldn’t eat it all. I had veg and some little potatoes. I’m going for a blood test this morning. That’s a good book. .Have a good day.

    Toni (()) sorry Charley and the lady were stuck in the lift. I hope they are out now (()) good photo of the coo. The weather is bad tomorrow so they say. Have a good day. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) sorry you have tummy ache (()) I hope it calms down (()) love to your mum (())

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi again Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mums ok 👍

    I’m ok thank you 🙏

    You were right LA started Year Two today and has a new teacher

    He looked very grumpy in his school uniform and proud daddy bill took about a million pictures of him standing with his school clothes on in front of their house aww ❤️

    Catsnap may crash however, but this is not my fault haha

    I had a stomach ache because I was forced to eat takeaway yesterday when my stomach wasn’t ok,

    I told my mum politely that this kind of pressure has to stop, the last thing I want is another gastric ulcer

    I think she listened this time Toni

    The builders are still drinking cordial and eating cheese sandwiches in the woods or whatever

    Mum thinks they won’t come here and do the work at all

    So there was a row about that early in the morning which disrupted my morning routine and delayed me leaving the house a bit - but I persevered in true Toni - manner 💪

    Group was good thanks

    Got their earlier than normal, so had a nice chat mainly with nice M and J the organiser

    Poor nice M has just been to court, something related to her divorce

    She also said she’s planning on visiting Pakistan at some point with some new friends she’s made, I think they’re people she lives with, I said that that’s nice, but if she goes she should be very careful as the culture is very different there and also, as with any new situation, she should be extremely careful about who she trusts, but she said it was a long term plan, so hopefully she’ll either be well by then or she may decide against it, Im not being prejudiced of course, just saying it’s a different type of environment, especially for women, or for any person who’s not mentally stable.

    You were quietly dripping, oh dear lol.

    How was the food bank?

    Yes my mood is settled today thanks

    I think the road pic was just some picture someone had “doctored” and created as a joke, I think the original joke was something like, “ oh the joys of the Scottish road infrastructure” - or something along those lines lol

    Thanks about the mono - focals haha

    Glad your builders are behaving themselves and are only partaking of posh soft drinks in their tea / etiquette breaks

    Yes I’m sure LA has told the whole of his social circle about his meeting with the nice ex teacher (a lady) and he may even have blabbed this to Meema The Pokémon haha

    yes I got to group ok thanks, nice and cool- ish weather, even wore my warm hat for a while

    RR was there in the group too by the way, he said something a bit too rude to repeat really, haha, I think he meant to say that he was born naturally (so no C - section or whatever of course) but he used a rather graphic phrase…umm the spirit of JA really needs to teach him some manners Toni - oh dear indeed - he does indeed say whatever comes into his head with “no filter”.
    That’s good that it’s dry now

    Have a lovely evening Toni tc xx

    Ps bills made a cake ( or a scotch egg or something)🤢xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708
    edited 4. Sep 2024, 17:52

    hi Joan

    How are you today?

    I hope the blood test was ok?

    I like fish cakes too.

    My stomach seems to have calmed down thanks

    Mum is ok today 👍

    Little LA started a new school year today - Year 2

    Hope you have a good evening and night

    Bye Joan tc xx

    Ps when the canine bill ate too many snacks lol xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi toad of the full fat - pastry hole

    How was the action replay?

    Mums ok 👍

    My stomach has calmed down for the moment thanks

    I went to the town centre on Monday to try and spend a gift card that dad gave me on my esteemed birthday but it didn’t work, in typical dad - manner - never mind, it was still nice to get out the house

    To be honest I’ve been why? - padding for much too long so I’ll keep this short

    I was just wondering if you would consider becoming a Pokémon?

    Toady the Pokémon?

    I would certainly buy you on nosegay as long as you don’t raise the price too much

    Ok I’ll stop for now

    Possibly another instalment later

    Good evening toady tc xx

  • toady
    toady Member Posts: 2,363

    Just a quick wave, I have given the housework 110% 🤥(or thereabouts) so it's all in the lap of the weather & workmen gods or patron saints, forecast has taken the morning's rain on and off and on and off and back again all day 🙄 make your mind up. Sleek has been a trouper frog thank you I will see that she gets her (unasked for of course) reward and many furry hugs & kisses 😽. I do hope Charley was let out very quickly how awful for both of them poor lady 😧. Hope everyone else ok today. Your coo is utterly beautiful 😍 she can have all my bananas any day, well the ones that didn't go into my baking this morning, but they were on the black side. Glad the electrickery is ok I didn't realize it was a whole new setup not just maintenance etc, in which case I hope it works! What would Catweazle make of today's 'telling-bones', not much I should think. Have a good day and will update you as soon as poss. 🤞xx

    Hello Joan, yes large portions are tricky aren't they I try & either buy the sort of frozen things where you can take out one portion ok or if its refrigerable things I take the 'use by' instructions with a pinch of salt, as long as it's the sort of thing you can do that with. Some things you just don't want to of course. It looks a bit rainy on & off tomorrow I'm hoping for the best 😬. Yes I like puns and old jokes like the funny book titles even if they are old enough to have 'whiskers' as they say 😄. Have a good day yourself love to Pepper :) xx

    Hi bosh, glad you escaped to group and well done indeed for getting your point across to your mum about eating, that's good I hope it helps. It is only fair after all. Sorry your gift card didn't work I used to like it when they were just paper vouchers in a nice card I suppose it's all plastic now or something even fiddlier is it 😔. My action replay housework did indeed feel like just that, deja vu, exactly a week ago for the first time round. Ugh it's not my cup of tea 😄 well I do do some normally I hasten to add but not to the tidy up for people level if I can help it. I did have a quick look at the list of Pokemon to see if anything took my fancy as an interesting identity, didn't realize there are quite so many of them! 😂 I'm sure if I just slipped into the list as Toady the Pokemon no-one would notice 👍️. Have a good night well done LA for managing a new school year start grumpy or not. Take care :) xx

    Love to all 😘 xx

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,791
    edited 5. Sep 2024, 05:28


    Hi Joan that is a shame wasting a fishcake would they not be ok to have the next day? Mind not sure I always fancy the same thing two days running. Charley escaped but it was well over an hour she was trapped. We are off to Goodwood today in the motorhome for the weekend it might be awful there. Oh well we'll cope won't we? At least we won't be too hot like last year. Have a good day thanks for liking my coo picture 😊 ((())) xxx

    Morning Reshmi

    Hope you are ok today (your Mum too of course) after that stupid take-away. Honestly you know what you can eat hopefully you'll be allowed to make your own decisions now.

    At the foodbank I saw at 3 people's children's back to school pics so I know exactly the one you mean❤️. It's always outside the front door for some reason! But don't they look adorable? It's just lovely and so cute even if they do have grumpy faces.

    I had no idea BIL was such a great photographer nor that he had a dog!

    I do hope Toady's builders are not also at this picnic/convention thing else all her cleaning will have been for nothing! Sorry parents row woke you, but i understand it. They probably don't know whether to get another builder or just carry on waiting….

    Oh dear nice M does need to be careful. I hope she either is well before she ventures on such a trip or that she goes with really good people who will look after her properly.

    Morning Toady

    Well done you. You can do no more now other than offer the occasional cup of tea which you are very good at. Sleek says you've 'werked reely hard' that unlike her you don't enjoy cleaning much. She loves it as you know - give her a duster or a mop and she's in her element.

    Ah yes our visit from the national rid was planned because the power cuts a month or so back showed a problem. Some of us had been running on a monster generator ever since. No idea what in earth catweazle woudl ahve made of our mobile telling bones at all! Hasn't a lot changed in our lifetime? Joan must have even more to tell n that subject change.

    Thank you that cow is adorable isn't she? She came over for her banana and to look at Sleek who was looking at her! I just love nature and animals don't you?

    It's supposed to pour down today and we are having our hedges cut too. Worse still we are off to Goodwood in the motorhome could be a fun (not) weekend!

    Well take care fingers crossed for today.

    A quick wave to anyone who pops by👋

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    good morning everyone wppl xx

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,093

    Good morning everyone

    Toady (()) That’s the problem with ordering things you can’t read every thing about it. Yes we have rain on and off right through the weekend. Have a good day. Do you know when your workmen are coming.

    Toni (()) That’s a long time to be closed in a lift. Did they start singing. Have a good time in Goodwood. Are the coo’s in the next field to you. The fish cakes once opened the two must be used. I would have left one. Love to Paul (()) and Charley (()) and Annie (()) and Lucy (()) and Tia (()) and Kari (()) and your friend (()) and your lovely neighbours (())

    Reshmi (()) have a good day love to your mum (()) take care the weather not very good.

    take care
    joan xx
  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Toni

    How are you this afternoon?

    Mums ok 👍

    My stomach isn’t completely ok, but it could be worse thanks

    Thanks about the takeaway situation

    It’s mxt day for me so feeling a bit ookey but could be worse thanks 👍

    Builders have come so “hallelujah” or something like that lol but they’ve disappeared for lunch aka extended cordial break now, so let’s just hope it’s not 4 hours 😱

    I don’t know exactly what they’re doing, but switched off the hot water so no shower yet

    I write one or two poetic lines, but the notebook is in the other room and I’m quite tired so I’ll have a forage for wild cheese sandwiches and notebooks later on

    Yes it’s very adorable in reasonable quantities

    Bill is a photographer you could say, I’m not sure I’d use the word “good”, enthusiastic is the right word I believe haha, no he doesn’t have a dog, he mutated into a dog eating snacks for the purposes of the pic 😂

    Yes poor toady, hopefully her builders will be sensible enough to drink their cordial from their trusty thermos flasks while working

    Thanks I was awake, just trying to get out of house at more than a snails pace when the loud row began, but yes partially understandable

    Yes thanks about nice M

    Nice breakfast- it might kill me though lol

    Have a good afternoon Toni tc xx

    Ps latest phone or excessive amount of garlic bread? I’m sure bill will let his stomach decide haha xx

  • bosh
    bosh Member Posts: 4,708

    hi Joan

    How are you?

    Mums ok 👍

    I went out early so weather was ok but thanks

    I’m not too bad 🙏

    Have a good evening take care xx