Val's Cafe



  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Karen, you have been very busy. Did you get your ironing done or are you leaving that for another day?

    Barbara, I think we are due some bad weather here in the north-east too. :( Checked my pond but can't see any tadpoles. My son has hundreds in his pond. I have had frogs for the last 2 years but they lived in my greenhouse. The wind tore it last year. Haven't seen any frogs this year.

    I ended up getting 2 lots of bedding plus 1 load of clothes washed, dried outside and ironed so thanks for your help Toni. Also got the grass cut and some tidying up done.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Coffee machine is on and I am making pancakes :D


    Sunshine this morning but I hear, not for long :(
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine we have loads of frogs but not seen any frogspawn...I have asked about this and apparently the frogs migrate from others ponds...and they dont always spawn...unless the newts are eating it :o
    Tony I would love one of those fancy coffee..and I found the ginger nut biscuits thanks
    It was sunny earlier but now it is clouding over...
    hoping to get mu herb garden ready is r5asied up for me and only little but I love it
    Hope you all get some sun today...see you later xxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all,Any pancakes left ?
    Just doing all the washing from weekend away,great time ,have posted about it.
    Hope all are having a good bank holiday.
    Pleased Ruby is doing well. Mig
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm glad everything went okay at the jobcentre KarenC. I was worried about you.

    I mentioned astronauts because That's my Sons current obsession! Tongue in cheek incase people don't know my style.

    Aching today but going to sit in the sun.

    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It was nice enough here just before lunch time for me to get my bike out and ride up to my son's house. He had said they'd be going out for the day but it is their anniversary today so I wanted to drop a card off. As I cycled in to their road, they passed me in the car. No-one noticed me except my GD. I did have a cycle helmet and sunglasses on and they wouldn't have expected it. A couple of minutes later, my phone rang. It was my GD asking if it was me on the bike. :lol:

    Cloudy and quite windy now so don't fancy going in the garden so sitting here watching Location Location. I've had lunch and it's not too far from tea time but I think I'll have one of Toni's pancakes anyway.

    Glad you had a good time Mig. I'll go and read your thread about it. Hope you haven't got too much washing to do.

    Elizabeth hope you've got plenty of sun to sit in. Could you send a little over here please? Ours has gone.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It is pouring down here...the sun went i8n has we went out... :roll:
    Mig I knew you would enjoy your weekend I have read your post and it was even better than I imagined... :D
    Elizabeth I am glad you kept the sunshine...enjoy it
    Christine..fancy your GD knowing it was you bless her..glad you was able to get out...gosh I did used to love riding my bike...
    Well didnt get my herbs out....wonder if summer will be next week..but then again the kids are off d it usually rains... :?
    Will see you all later xxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, once I needed to stop and my foot slipped, and the pedal scraped down one shin. When I tried to set off again, my foot slipped again and the other shin got scraped. It happened because I haven't been on my bike for ages and I'm worried about the traffic. I've put some arnica on the scrapes and they're ok now.

    My Dad and my 2 sisters and their families have gone to Scarborough today till Friday. Looks like it'll rain for the middle 3 days. Typical. Hope you manage to get your herbs out later Barbara.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well DONE CHristine for getting on your bike!! I am proud of you - use it or loose it I say :lol: and bless GD for spotting you.

    Barbara the rain has arrived here too now sadly, but it will save me watering the veg plot - husband has already left for work and i won't see him till thur now :( Caramel macchiato coming right up :wink:

    Help yourself to a pancake mig you are welcome :) Glad you ahd such a great time - I am so pleased for you :D

    Elizabeth I hope you got some time in the sun in the end. You deserve it having been so rough lately.

    Hope I ahven't missed anyone :?
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Mig, glad you had a good time at the races.

    It's still nice here, but will probably go tomorrow. I did get all the washing done, but still have not done the ironing. Been having one of those days where I have not been able to stay awake.

    Barbara, I only have to see this man once every 6 months. Phewwww.

    Elizabeth, Catie, Coco and everyone else I have missed off, hope things are going ok for you all.
    Karen xx
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to everyone who has popped in today...... hot choccie is keeping hot help yourselves, biscuits in the tin :wink:

    Rose x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen I am glad you only have to see them every 6 can relax a little...
    Rose its good to see you helping yourself to the biscuits thats what they are there for.... :D
    Christine that is how I always stopped on my bike I still have the lumps on my shins.. :lol:
    Toni..sorry I called you Tony you say you dont need to water your veg...but I need the sun just to sit in the garden...hopefully very soon.. :lol::lol::D
    Today it is warmish wet but hopefully later it will clear up...we are nursing a baby wood pigeon here that a cat has had hold looks a lot better today...hopefully we will be able to let it go soon....will see you all later xxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Ah, Barbara, a baby wood pigeon. Glad the little thing is getting better and shall look forward to hearing that you have released the little birdy.

    It's very wet here today. Not nice at all. Still chucking it down. So glad I have a tumble dryer.

    Hope everyone has a goodish day and has better weather. Where's the sun gone :(
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Karen we have just tried the wood pigeon but it still cant fly, there are no signs of it being we will have to wait
    It is still raining I am sat on my stool ironing...well when I am not on here... :?
    I will have a piece of cake...could just eat a scone with jam and cream... :D see you later xxxx
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I everyone, hope your all ok, popped in for a cuppa and just to let you know im alive, sorry ive not been in here but with what has happened (Woolwich) it has had a major impact on my son and ive been dealing with him, his PTSD kicked in big time so ive had a lot to handle,

    kettle is on and ive brought some lemon drizzle cake, carrot cake and chocolate cake in for you all,

    take care xxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, my bum bones didn't half hurt by the time I got home. :lol:

    Karen, hope you haven't felt so tired today.

    Barbara, hope your baby manages to fly off soon.

    Coco, your son must have been so upset. I hope he can come to terms with it at least a bit. Is he able to talk to anyone about it?

    No rain here today. Just overcast. Think it will be the same for the next couple of days.

    I think a cuppa and a piece of Coco's carrot cake. Thank you.
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It hasn't stopped raining here all day.Lemon drizzle cake for me.Anyone know a easy recipe for a cake using dates that have gone a bit dry.Just going to bed shall take iPad and play angry birds. :roll: Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Coco I was thinking of you and your son on that awful day...your poor son must have been distraught...sending some hugs for both of you and hope he can settle down soon (((())).the young man only lived 10 miles from us...we have had so many young lives lost in this area .
    Christine I have just read your other post and I am disgusted that we can trust people to look after our children and must be so upset at the very least...(((())))
    Mig I love lemon drizzle cake..and I am hoping the sun will shine is out but will it stay.... :roll:
    Today OH is off we are going out not sure where yet...and no I am staying clear of garden rains every time I buy plants....
    See you all later xxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Barbara

    I hope you are well today?

    Good to see so many in yesterday again. Val will be pleased l think :D

    Coco - your poor son :( I hope he is ok with his family's support :?

    Did mig leave lemon drizzle cake?? I think I will see if there is any of Cris' cornish clotted to go with it ;)

    Ooops better get on :oops:


    Toni xxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I spent too long in the sun and have burnt one shoulder. I was enjoying my book too much. Next day it poured with rain.
    Finally saw my new rheummy nurse after many moved appointments and last min cancellations and she was lovely. Off my meds until had anti biotics and a chest x ray. I thought my cold was much better!

    Coco I can imagine this has upset your Son and hope you are able to help him. It can't be easy for him hearing such horrific news.

    Hope every one is as well as can be,

    E xxxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    I would say Good, but the weather is awful, it was lovely sunny skies this morning but now it is chucking it down. And of course it is Wednesday, so shop day.

    Barbara, poor little birdy, I do hope you are able to get it to fly soon. You might have to contact someone as to what to do. Have a lovely time out wherever you go.

    Coco, my heart goes out to your son. It must have really knocked hi for six. My thoughts are with him and of course yourself. Not an easy thing to deal with. One thing I do know is that you will bring him through this.

    Everyone else, hope you are all okish.
    Karen xx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elizabeth, sorry didn't see you there. Sorry you got burnt shoulder. That's the trouble when you are enjoying something like a book, you get so involved you just don't realise. And sorry the nurse has said no meds for you and chest x-rays. Hope they get it sorted out quickly for you.
    Karen xx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Karen. I hope all is well at yours and you are enjoying half term.

    I'm minus one child today.

    Well said about knowing Coco will bring him through.

    hope you manage the garden Barbara. My hollyhocks are still waiting to be planted from late April. I keep threatening to employ a gardener.

    Leave me some cake Toni,

    E x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Toni sorry I finished the drizzle cake off..... :oops:
    Elizabeth glad you have such a nice rheumy nurse...I hope the chest infection clears up have had such a rough time
    Karen the little birdie started to fly so we have take it away from the cats and let it go...I will worry about it now....
    Me and OH had our pub lunch again ...the 2 for £6.50....and we pushed the boat out sand ordered some chips with it... :lol: chilli rice and is pouring down here need to water the garden...
    See you all later xxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, I feel a bit better today as I know the babies won't be going back to the creche so they are safe now. Glad your little birdie is ok now. I'm sure he'll be fine. I order chips sometimes too if I'm out for a meal as I don't eat them at home.

    Toni, was there any of Cris's clotted cream in the cafe? Wouldn't mind a dollop on a slice of cake and a cuppa.

    Ooooh, Elizabeth. Ouch. Hope your shoulder isn't too painful. Glad you found a lovely rheumie nurse. Hope the x-ray turns out ok and your cold clears up soon.

    Karen, it has rained here all day and been quite dark. I think they mentioned nice weather for the weekend.