Val's Cafe
Morning All
Barbara, last week I had terrible problems with this forum, but this week it seems fine
Mig, that sounds delicious...please count me in and hubby too
Rosie, I hope your car is sorted out easily. It's such a shock isn't it - hope you feel a little better today.
We have the sun again, but it's a little cooler. Hope everyone has a lovely day0 -
Afternoon Catie and anyone else thats around
Catie its a pain when you can't log in or its slow, I only have trouble with this forum....
Well its been a lovely we went to feed the swans and have some lunch...its gone very humid now I hope it doesn't terrify me... :shock: we have one GC on the will have to make a veggie meal...she has been veggie now for 5 months...
I will see you later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone so sorry I am late on
Been having a migraine :? grr!!!!
Rosieglow I hope you are alright after the bump and the bubbas are too????
Hi Barbara. GD will be fine not eating meat - I haven't eaten it for over 30 years now and my Mum worried at lot at first
I bet the swans were pleased to see you and am very glad you had some time with your OH too
I have been ok today getting on, but do have problems from time to time. We had an overcast day, but tomorrow will be way better I think and the day after too...YIPPEE!!!
mig I had my dinner without the chop so if anyone is extra hungry they can have mineit was LOVELY thanks
Toni xxx0 -
Catie, hope you've recovered from tying up your beans. Mine are still only about 6 inches high.
Barbara, no I don't look after the teenagers. I'm the housekeeper. Their parents work at home but haven't taught them anything about looking after themselves. The boys are 16 and 17 and have just about managed to learn how to pour cornflakes in to a bowl and make toast. lol I'm not having any problems with the forum although everything was very slow last night. Hope you had a lovely day out. My daughter became veggie when she was 9. I had no idea what to give her so it was beans on toast for most meals. Thought she'd give up soon but, she's now 37 and only started eating meat again when she became pregnant 3 years ago and was anaemic.
Oh Rosie. I get really annoyed when people don't park properly. Hope you're feeling better about the bump and it doesn't cost too much to fix.
Mig, I'll pass on the lamb chop. I used to carry the lambs in from the fields the morning after they were born about 25 years ago. Never been able to eat lamb since.
Toni, hope your migraine has eased off. Sounds as if you are enjoying this nice weather. Hope it does keep it up for a while.
I've been putting all my ornaments etc back where they belong now my GC have gone. My daughter and her husband went to my sil's parents and were supposed to go home today but their car broke down and was going to cost too much to repair so they've had to buy another car and stay longer to sort out insurance. The next ferry isn't till Sunday. At least my daughter can have a good night out for her birthday instead of travelling home.
Hope everyone enjoys the good weather.Christine0 -
Morning all..thought if I get on early the forum will be a bit faster... :? well it is...
GD just gone to school in G-dads taxi....
Toni she is doing very well at being a veggie...she is 12...and so determined so I dont try and change her views..she was going to give up fish...but that was taking it a bit far...
I tried it once but Christine there are things I dont eat...and Lamb is one of them....I feel like a fraud not eating that but eating beef... :roll: Sorry Toni meant toi say I hope your migraine has eased up...they can be horrific....
Christine I am with you now...I remember you saying you was an housekeeper...those poor children...not being shown or allowed to do things..must be nice for them to be able to afford an you cook for them...sorry i am really nosey...
Its is cloudy here at the min, not sure what I am doing I will have a coffee and sit by the window...will see you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Everyone
We have the sun here and it's so beautiful. I had to push hubby out the door to catch the train for work....he wanted to go to the coast. Perhaps we should haveI've got all the cleaning gear out today and about to attack the cobwebs and dust as we are expecting a visit from daughter's new fella
I think I mentioned before that he's a doctor and I've been asked 'not' to mention or seek advice about all my ailments. Now would I do that....Yes probably
, but I will be good
Toni, I hope you feel much better today. I can really sympathise as I used to suffer badly, but since the menopause they have disappeared - what a blessing. Do you find there is a trigger for them?
Christine, I'm much better thank youGosh, like Barbara I was surprised at those lads being able to do so little for themselves. I think they will really struggle in the future. I remember as a teenager my brother was 'extremely 'lazy' and wouldn't help about the house at all. One day I had a go at him and asked him 'how' he would manage in the future. Don't worry about that, said he, I've learnt 'everthing' I need to know by watching you do it. For once I was lost for words
Barbara, I love feeding the swans too. They are so graceful and elegant.
Well, I had better make tracks. Hope Karen, Elizabeth, Rosie, MrO and everyone who pops in is well0 -
Hello everyone,
Another lovely day. although it does keep clouding over a bit here
Toni, I do hope you`re feeling better today. I imagine that migraine headaches leave you feeling rather battered, even when they subside.
Weeell.....I`m sitting in the garden holding a - cold - cup of coffee and feeling rather emotional. I`ve just had the lovely news that my second grandbaby is also a little girl. I am so thrilled as I only have sons. It seems it was what we all wanted, but didn`t actually want to say. Oh dear, I think I`ve got something in my eye with this wind.....what wind yer silly ****!.......Rosie.0 -
Just popping in briefly and haven't read back. Sorry been AWOL due to fatigue but managed to stay awake today.
My Son is 15 so had to get cake for him. Being called Jack I was able to buy leftover uion Jack cakes from the recent coronation celebrations. He had an exam and early start but hopefully will be read to party when he gets back.
Happy birthday Coco's daughter for tomorrow. Hope the day is wonderful and sunny.
XxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Congrats Rosie on your happy news and happy birthday Jack.
Feel quite summery just eaten a peach and have juice dribble down my arm and chin. Mig0 -
Catie, your post certainly made me smile
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the good weather. I'm slaving away at work as usual0 -
evening all
Christine I hope you have not overdone things...I remember it well when my sons would bring home there girl friends... the next ones will be my GDs the eldest is nearly 16....
Rosie I am so very pleased for you, I had two sons and prayed for a GD now we have 3...tears of joy
bet you cant wait
Elizabeth its good to see you only sorry you are still feeling so tired..what a brilliant idea with the cake...hope you can get some rest
Mig did you enjoy your tea...I was dreaming about it...
Mr O bless being at work in this lovely least it is here to stay for a few more you enjoy your weekend
I have been OH had to work has well..and he was under floorboards...and is now soaking in the bath..
I have 2 GC here tonight I will log off and hope you all sleep well xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Looks like everyone has been in
Barbara your GD will be just fine - it's easier these days, lots of veggie 'replacements'. I had to live on beanfeasts and veggiesIt is NOT hypochritical to avoid eating a particular animal at all. It's your right - and nobody should judge you. I don't at all - of the 3 girls only Lucy doesn't eat meat and Hubby does too.
(migraine is not completely gone aura keeps coming backbut still not been sick)
Enjoy GCs
MRO do not be overdoing it will youThe sun is fantastic tank you I am loving it and very good for the painters painting the windows too:)
Hi mig
Glad you enjoyed your peach and hope no bees wanted to taste you :shock: covered in the juice!!
Happy Birthday to your Jack Elizabeth I hope he has a great day. You rest up when you can we understand and will be here when you are up to it. :?
Aw ROSIE!!!! Great news!! Ickle bubba girls are so gorgeous. Do you knit?? I have all girls so hoping for Grandbaby boys myself when the time comes :shock:
Hi Catie I am not surprised hubby needs forcing to work in the weather. Hope daughter's new chap is nice...can't wait for gossip.
Christine I am glad the forum is behaving for you. Your daughter eats meat again now? I was anaemic too, but never told my doc I was veggieAte extra spinach and MIL tried to give e guiness when I was pregnant
Hope this is readable and I didn't miss anyone.
eyesight just isn't clear yet today :oops:
Toni xxx0 -
Barbara, no I don't cook for them. My boss's mum is Italian so they cook Italian meals from scratch a lot of the time. Your poor OH under floorboards in this weather. I certainly don't envy him. Enjoy your GC.
Catie, I can understand your husband not wanting to go to work. I'd rather stay at home too in this weather. I'd be very tempted to ask your daughter's new man a few questions but I can understand your daughter not wanting you to. I wonder how those boys will manage when they go to uni. Mind you, I taught my son to cook a few things and how to iron but, when I went away for a week when he was 17, he phoned my sister to ask how to boil potatoes and got one of his female friends round to do his ironing. He also said he didn't need to learn these things because he'd always have a girlfriend who could do them for him.
Aaah, Rosie, how wonderful. Bet you can't wait to meet her. There have been many times my eyes have watered because of non-existant wind so you're not alone.
Elizabeth, happy birthday to Jack. Great idea with the cake. Hope you are starting to feel a little less tired.
Mig, you've got me wanting a peach now but I don't have one. Might have to put it on my shopping list for tomorrow.
Mr O, hope you are able to spend a little relaxation time in the sun.
Toni, that migraine sounds persistent. Hope it clears off soon. Yes my daughter is eating meat at the moment. She has been either pregnant or breastfeeding for nearly 3 years so it wasn't good that she was anaemic. Once she's finished breastfeeding her youngest, she'll probably stop eating meat again.
Fingers crossed the weather stays warm for the weekend.Christine0 -
Morning all
Must apologise again I called Catie Christine.. :shock: not a clue what is going on in my head...blame the meds I say..
Toni my GD loves her veggie meals...well so far...says she misses steak puddings...sorry about your migraine they do linger...touch wood my head I havent had one since I was in my teens..
Christine I love Italian nice for them to have it cooked from scratch...I have made my own sauces but not foir a long time...
I hope you all have this glorious sunshine...its my hair today thank goodness it has grown so much ...she will cut and colour it...
Has anyone seen Coco and Karen about...hope they are okish...
Will see you all later...xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Everyone
Goodness Barbara you were up with the sparrows today. I hope your hairdressing appointment goes well.
Elizabeth, what a clever idea with the cakes. I hope Jack enjoyed his birthday.
Rosie, I'm really pleased for you
Toni, hope you feel better today. The 'gossip'on my daughter's fella is that he's 'a lot' older than her :shock:. He's very nice though and as long as they are both happy....who cares
. Emily is in a daze
. I expect we all remember those days don't we
MrO, hope you enjoy a nice relaxing weekend after what sounds like a busy week at work.
Christine, do your grow courgettes? I've found mine are so slow this year and was wondering if anyone else is finding the same.
Hello to Coco, Mig, Karen and anyone else who pops in0 -
Afternoon all
Still no Karen or Coco....
Catie I had to be up this morning for my GD going to school....its so far away through traffic ..OH take them but I get them breakfast hair went well thanks
We went to a lovely farm shop shop today and they had a cafe....home made cake....there goes the diet again..we got some lovely fruit and veg...
I hope everyone has a had a good day in the sunshine..and I will see you later..xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Been asleep again :roll: . Thank goodness its the weekend and I can take it easyish.
Ooh My Charlotte is coming to stay. Grown up female company and plenty of laughter...
Hope Tony is okay Karen, hugs to you all.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Catie, what is age difference? It's only a number. As long as your daughter is happy, that's all that matters. I grew courgettes last year, only got 2 small courgettes and they were half eaten by slugs. This year's are about 6 inches high. Not sure how high they should be by now.
Happy new hairdo Barbara. Mmmm, home made cake. Lovely. I always loved going for a cuppa and a piece of cake but can't now with my wheat intolerance.
Elizabeth, hope you have a lovely relaxing, but fun, weekend with Charlotte.Christine0 -
Evening all,My oh has decided WE will make a cake tomorrow,we have some dates that have gone a little dry so he got out the bero book and found a recipe for date tea loaf,now what has shocked and amazed me is that he actually knew where the cookery books were,just when you think you have them Sussed they go and do something out of character.
Hope you have all had a good day and have an even better one tomorrow.Mig0 -
Good morning everyone
So sorry I was AWOL yesterday, but my ex SIL took a kitten in a month back who was pregnant? Well they are here
3 of them in total and so sweet.
Mum had a terrible time though.....ended up at vet's twice finally at midnight for an emergency op - she was just too tired to push the afterbirth out bless her.
I hope to get on later and add some photos, but in the meantime
Barbara - I think Linda MCartney does a decent 'steak' pieand quorn a 'minced beef'.
Sorry I neglected the café will try to see you all later :oops:
Toni xxx0 -
good morning all
been away a bit as been so down and struggling, sorry to have neglected you all, i hope you are all ok
kettle is on for you when you come in, xxx0 -
Morning all
Elizabeth you enjoy having your daughter round...and nice weather..for you both
Christine wheat intolerance must be so hard..I know there are lots of things that dont have wheat now but ...I dont think I could cope...sorry I am being negative here....I will make some wheat free cake just for you...
Mig you enjoy OH cooking ..good for him having a OH watches all the cookery programs and loves them..but his master piece is egg and chips... lovely ..kittens in the family but poor mum..I hope she is doing ok..bless...and thanks for the info on the LM pies..I will give them a go...or my GD will...
Coco its good to see you in the sit down and have a cuppa ...I have been thinking about you and your son...I hope you are getting there...
is that everyone... Karen...I am thinking about you..
The sun is shinning...
Not sure what we are doing...but the garden seat is beckoning...
Will see you all later hope you all have a goodiish day xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
What I am about to say is meant kindly
. There is no point in just 'struggling' on when help is available. Why not book an appointment with your GP to talk about matters. They aren't just there to dish out tablets - there are alternatives
. Life is short and there to be enjoyed in the best way we can
Hope you all have the sun and are able to enjoy a wonderful weekend.
0 -
Hope the cake making went well Mig.
New kittens. How lovely Toni. Hope mum is doing ok now.
Toni and Coco. No need to apologise. All of us need time out now and again for some reason or other.
Hope you feel better now Coco.
Barbara, it was difficult at first but I'm used to it now. Don't like the smell of bakery shops any more. I have found a delicious gluten free cake. £3 and quite big. Only problem is, there's only me to eat it.Thank you for baking me a cake. I'll have a slice now with a cuppa. Talking of men cooking, my ex-husband was very good at buying snacks from the supermarket and putting them on plates. My 2nd partner could chop up ham and put it in to a jar of curry sauce and pour this over ready made rice. My 3rd partner (oh my goodness, I sound like a hussy :oops:
) was a good cook. He made some lovely meals.
Hope you are all enjoying some me time in the sun.Christine0 -
Morning all,
sunny again so aim to try and enjoy some of it, kettle is on for you all,
mr O my drs is a waste of space and there is no alternative surgery to join its not just my fibro and arthritis i struggle with but have other things going on at the moment which i have no control over but still have to deal with, i agree life is for living and do my damdest to enjoy it where possible but i am struggling at the moment not by choice,
hope everyone has a good day, i will leave the kettle on and go off quietly xxxxx0
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