Val's Cafe
Barbara, it's terrible when people should be retired but they can't afford to. My sil's dad retired 3 years ago to care for his wife but has had to go back because they couldn't afford for him not to.
Mr O, glad you enjoyed your holiday. Twins and another on the way? Congratulations. Sorry their mum is struggling. It's hard enough without RA. I have 2 of my GC staying for a few days with mum and dad. It's hectic but so much fun. We're all going to my son's at teatime so there will be 2 more (another is out for the day so we will miss her).
Glad you managed to get back Catie. Wonder what the problem was. Fortunately, I don't feel the cold much so don't use the heating a lot. Don't think I could afford to.
Rosie, please stop. You'll have me going in the kitchen to be naughty. I know I have icecream in the freezer.
Karen, I often find posts seem to go missing. If someone posts just before you, a message comes up to let you know so you can see if you want to mention it. I often jump straight to another page so miss that and so my post disappears.
Toni, hope you managed to sort out the student finance. I hate hanging about on the phone like that. Thanks for cleaning the cafe and for putting the coffee machine on. Think I'll site a while and savour one of your specials.
Mig, hope the sun stays out for you and you get the fence painted. Thanks for the hug for Ruby. Going to see her shortly.
Ooooh, am I supposed to say white rabbits. White rabbits, white rabbits.Christine0 -
Ooooh, am I supposed to say white rabbits. White rabbits, white rabbits.
A pinch and a punch Christine
They are sending me a paper copy in the post :oops: I gave up :oops:
Hope you had some sun and enjoyed the caramel macchiato
Barbara - I can see your point you know....about people not 'getting there'. I do hope Coco IS alright and Karen too they are both AWOL oh and Elizabeth. Hope she has been in the garden getting the other shoulder brown
Hope you got your fence done mig and that it looks great. I also hope you haven't overdone it :?
If MrO and Rosieglow get in Happy June to you both. Hope all is well
and that I haven't forgotten anyone :oops:
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toni sorry about calling you Tony again... :oops: we were alway retiring to the coast...down South somewhere...but the older we have got and some health issues including arthur...the plans are put to one side....and we have quite a few friends that are in the same you try and do it while you are young....I am sounding like your Mum here....
Christine my OH is self employed..he paid into a pension but over the years we have had to take out...but its ends up it a good job we did because there isnt much left... :shock:
We don't have the sun this morning....but its we shall see what today brings....
I hope you all have a goodish day....xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hehehe!! Barbara I keep changing gender
Don't worry there are people I know who still must think I am a blokey
What a shame you didn't move......arthur would be what stops me if anything, but I suspect Grandchildren stop you too?? which is my main worry. I have none yet of course
My husband is self-employed too :? saves as much as poss, but the money for France is mostly 'there' from the villa in Florida. I hated it there :oops: Mind I did like the caravan we had in Exmouth....sigh. You are so right I say buy it now even if there is work to do because with university fees.....etc :shock:
Sun and cloud here today, but a good week ahead l think - Weds being really nice
Toni xxx
Ps Hi to everyone else!!0 -
Good morning Barbara, Toni, and all who pop in.
One of your caramel coffees please Toni. I love good coffee - especially caramel - and I`ve thought about getting a machine, but am totally confused with all the different ones out there, and how they work. I need something moi! Do you have one Toni, and what kind is it?
I`m off out for lunch to a farm shop and cafe, that has all home grown, home cooked, and home baked stuff. Very reasonably priced too.There are lots of woodland walks around the place, and some animals to see. Just the right sort of day for it, pleasant enough, but not hot.....Rosie.0 -
Good Morning to Everyone
Thank you for all your kind comments.
Catie, yes the twins are identical. My wife seems to know who is who, but I doubt that I ever will. I think there will be fun and games in the future.
We also have identical twin sons
Barbara, I'm a firm believer in what will be, will be. Perhaps you were meant to stay where you are
Toni, moving to another country is a big step isn't it. I have a friend who has bought a property in Tuscany with his brother and they spend 4-6 months of the year there - at different times. The rest of the year they reside in the Uk. Seems to work well for them
I hope you all have the sun today. We are off to enjoy lunch with friends who live in Bourne End.
Best wishes to you all and hope you enjoy the day0 -
Good afternoon all
Well, I am sorry to say, it is really hot down here. In fact I wonder whether it may storm. But on the good side, I have got loads of washing done. Got the girls uniforms all done and ironed. The rest can wait.
Barbara, I think you put Tony down because you were saying about my Tony. I do it all the time so don't worry.
Today, I really hurt and feel so so tired. I will be glad to go to bed. Awful isn't it, thinking like that but you all know how it gets to you.
After many cancellations because Tony has not been feeling well enough, he has his e.c.g tomorrow. And he even had a letter from our dr. asking him to get it done so she can refer him to a cardiologist.Karen xx0 -
Evening all
We have had a glorious day...dont you just appreciate it...
Rosie I hope you enjoyed the farm shop and walks...I do love produce straight from the farm ..we have a pick your own nearby and I cant wait to go...
Karen I will have everything crossed for Tony ..give him my love...and how are you doing....
Mr O you are probably grandma use to say you always regrets the things you didn't do...but I have so much to be thankful for...glad you had a good holiday...
Toni Toni Toni see I am practicing....smack my hands then I will remember....
I am sat outside with a cup of tea some ginger biscuits and my laptop..would you all like to join me...
I hope you have all had the sun...Love
Barbara0 -
I have had a few chances (sort of) to go to live in Spain. My ex-husband went to live there, my second partner went to live there and a man who was interested in me, but not me him, asked me to go to live there with him. Guess I wasn't meant to go either. My sil's parents have a place in Spain. They used to spend 6 months there each year but can't now as he has had to return to work after retiring 3 years ago.
Must be difficult Barbara and Toni when you are self employed to make sure you have enough money for when retirement age comes.
Oh Rosie, homemade everything sounds wonderful. Hope you enjoyed your lunch.
Mr O, I don't know how people can tell identical twins apart but some people can.
Karen, I love getting lots of washing on the line when the sun is out. Only got a bit today though. Sorry you are feeling in pain and tired today. Hope you are better in the morning. Hope all goes well tomorrow for Tony.
My daughter and I took the 2 babies to our local park today. We went on the swings and the slide and there were see-saw things with a digger on the end and you could move sand from place to place. Then we went in to the butterfly house. Tyg loved the butterflies and the huge fish in the pond. The dog jumped in the river and Nikki had to pull him out. It was a good day.Christine0 -
Christine what a lovely day you had...did you have a go on the digger...I used to love taking my GC out now we have to wait for the baby to start toddling...the other two are a bit too old for parks....
I am off to bed shortly..I know its early..but I'm shattered
Hope you all sleep wellish...night xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all,painting all done oh and daughter did most of it but I did do some. Oops just remembered we didn't do the bird table.
Hope Tonys hospital appointment goes well. (()). Mig0 -
Morning all
Its a lovely sunny morning here...OH is working so I will have to potter...don't mind that one bit...
Good Luck to Karen hubby Tony today he has his ECG so I will have everything crossed for him....and I am thinking about Karen who will be doing all the worrying.
I hope you all have the sun...
Mig good for you getting the painting I have brushes and paint here if you fancy helping...
Have a good day everyone will see you later ..kettle is on and there are eggs poaching...xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Barbara, thanks so much for you're good wishes for Tony. And you are so right on me doing all the worrying. But, that's what we do isn't it.
Girls back at school today so it's quiet here, feels funny.
Mig, after you've done Barbara's painting you could always come down to me, our front room needs doing.
No sleep last night, so feeling very wobbly. And I took 2 diazepam.
Hope you all have a lovely day with the good weather.Karen xx0 -
Morning Everyone
Barbara, I've just been doing a spot of weeding, so the poached eggs will go down a treat
Karen, I hope you are feeling a little better today and my fingers are crossed for Tony. Expect you will both be glad when you have the results - must be a worry.
MrO, I bet you think you're seeing double at times. Hope you enjoyed your day out yesterday.
Sounds like you're having a wonderful time with your family, Christine. I'm so glad the weather has improved and you've been able to get out-and-about
This morning a very elderly gentleman knocked on the door to ask if we needed a window cleaner. I felt so sorry for him as he looked so frail and in need of money. Guess it's a sign of the times
Is anyone else plagued by 'charity bags'....three more were delivered today.
Feel like a Victor Meldrew moment is coming better be away. Enjoy your day everyone0 -
Afternoon all
Karen I hope that Tonys is back home...and I still have my fingers crossed...its quiet here...but when you think it will soon be the 6 weeks hols...
Catie its such a shame that people cant retire,,that poor man....we had someone doing our roof not long ago and he was 70...when you think people are walking into this country and living on benefit...its just not fair..oops sorry that was a rant.. :oops: but I do feel strongly about it....
I have been pottering about and got some little jobs I am going to sit in the garden....and listen to the little birdies...
see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Barbara
Well I think we'll have to retire at 69 soon :? so scarily 70 will be almost normal :shock: The working population are paying the pensions of the retired (it's not really 'saved'), so by the time i get there older people will be the majority!!!
Hope you sat out and the birdies are a tweeting
Catie we get loads of charity bags too....and only so many clothes to recycle :roll: Hope you have some sunshine.
Karen - it makes a diference when the kids go back doesn't it? Well only one of mine went back....two are on study leave :roll: studying maybe :?
You are right we women do worry - is it in our genes?? Hope Tony gets on Ok with the ECG
mig you might not have done all the painting, but every little helps doesn't it?
Our outside windows are being painted this week staring tomorow :shock: That'll be fun eh :roll:
Gosh Christine you nearly ended up in Spain. Wow!!! I think it sounds as though you are meant to be here.Self employed people have to save extra hard and take insurance incase they are ill etc. BUT they must prefer it :? My husband definitely does
MrO I hope your lunch was lovely yesterdayI think we will have a bolt-hole here somewhere if at all possible at least to start with The Tuscany idea sounds perfect!! So twins are on 'your side' then - of COURSE you wife will be ble to tell who is who - she has experience
Love to everyone and anyone I forgot sorry
Toni xxx0 -
I hope the window painting goes ok still haven't done the bird table but I was doing some dreaded ironing so couldn't be bothered to paint.
Hope the ECG went ok.
Cold gammon (left from yesterday)and mixed roasted veg for tea. Mig0 -
Mig, well done for getting the painting done. I love roasted veg.
Karen, hope all went well for Tony and you are feeling better now.
Catie, I used to get 3 charity bags every week. I have now put a poster on my door asking them not to put them through. Still get the odd one but I prefer to take the few things I have to the shop myself.
Barbara, hope you enjoyed sitting in the garden. Everyone went home this morning so I was rather late for work. Oops! When I got home, I managed to get 2 lots of bedding and 2 lots of towels washed and dried outside in the sun. Didn't get to sit outside though.
Toni, the 2 teenage boys where I work are on study leave. They spend some time sitting at the kitchen table with all their books open but texting away on their phones while listening to loud music. They have frequent breaks too.Christine0 -
I can belive it :roll:
Laptop's on, but I is facebook....twitter.....ebay etc
Kids eh?
I loved roasted veg mig...we had pasta....easy-peasy because I did ironing too today :roll:0 -
Good Morning All,
Wall to wall sunshine here & hope you have the same. I tied some runner beans to their poles yesterday and today I'm paying the price :shock:. So, I've decided to have an easy day
Christine, having a poster to deter hundreds of charity bags seems a good idea.
Right, I will put the kettle on as I'm first in the cafe. Hope you all have a good day0 -
Afternoon all
I couldn't log in this morning...this site is so slow at times or is it me... :roll:
Catie I just love runner have done well to get them all tird up...I hope you are having some me time now
Toni I think my hubby will still be working at 69...trouble he is in attic and under floors doing people heating and plumbing... :roll:
Christine do you look after these teenager is it your job....
We have the sunshine don't you just love it doesn't make my joints any better but I don't care it does give you a lift...
I have home made shortbread biscuits if anyone want some...
Will see you later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
What a glorious day it`s been, and set to last til at least the weekend, from what I could see on the BBC weather site.
Decided to nip out really early to Tesco - 7.00 am - so that I could spend the day in the garden. There was a big van parked across the car next to me, with the back doors open. Not in a bay. Goodness knows why, as there were lots of spaces so early. With the sun in my eyes, and a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders, I struggled backing out, misjudged it, and caught the pointy edge of the van door. I was barely moving, but it has put a small, but deep dent in my car. No damage to the van thank goodness. It really upset me for the rest of the day.
I`ll have a nice hot chocolate, and sit outside to drink it......Rosie.0 -
Evening all
Rosie its awful when people park like this..we find the worse ones with the blacked out windows...we have had a few near misses with them at supermarkets...I hope its a dent that can be got out easy...but like you say its so upsetting
I hope everyone has enjoyed the lovely weather...I am shattered from all that sitting in the garden...
Will have a cuppa and then see you in the morning xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all,It's overcast here at the moment but is supposed to clear later.
Lamb chops with jersey royals ,peas, carrots ,Yorkshire puds ,mint sauce with onion gravy for tea put your orders in only one chop each they're a bit pricey.
Hope all are well and enjoying this weather,long may it last. Mig0 -
Morning all
Mig it was cloudy here early on but now the sun has come outI will put my order in for tea that sounds so good....I will bring the crusty bread...
Today OH is off work so we will be going out somewhere not sure were yet...I hope you all have the sun ...I will see you
Forgot to say is anyone else having trouble with the is so slow..and sometime I cant get in... :roll:Love
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