Val's Cafe



  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh what's going on in here.....looks so spick and span ....even flowers carefully placed to hide the damp patches :) Oh, hello Val, nice to meet you :)

    Barbara, I'm glad you've found a garage you can trust, as you say, that's so important. I think we all have a story about dodgy goings-on with cars :o

    Christine, I often lose posts - so frustrating.

    We've just had a shower which is very welcome and saves all that watering.

    Hope everyone is okayish. See you all later :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Catie..yes it is a good garage..
    I have just popped in to say I have a letter with my pre-op on the 27th of this month and my op.. :shock: on the 10th July my late Mums birthday...I am petrified....I did ask them to do both hips at once but they wouldn' not a clue how I will get on...suppose I am not the only one with both hips wanting doing..they promised to get me some back injection before the op...but I have an appointment for late July at the pain no chance...sorry I am rambling here...nerves.....I will really need pocket duties...xxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Is the queen coming to visit never seen the place so sparkling.
    Barbara just posted on your other post ,I'm available for hand holding duties.
    Right where's the instruction for that coffee machine ? Mig
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Better get started on the decorating before Unsure asks his decorator to help! A lick of paint is all it needs and possibly some new flooring.

    Well the tiredness caught up with me so I'm in bed, on laptop and listening to music but will need to take a nap soon.

    Ooh Barbara has a date for her THR. Stay positive and just think how much it will help you. You will be so grateful afterwards. OH dad has his THR on 25th June and is paying £11000 for the privilige because he has a holiday booked for beginning of August (also he is a builder so needs to be well enough for that but I still think he's mad paying all that money for the sake of waiting a few more weeks for an op).

    Well I'm off for that nap now,

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    I have been having some problems in getting on. But here now.

    I'll be honest, I have read through all previous post's (I think) but again, I feel so run down, and feeling rough. I know I have missed things in here so please accept apologies.

    H, is all finished now. And would you believe, she doesn't know how she finds out about her results. Even the school is un sure.

    Barbara, brilliant news on you're pre-op. As Elizabeth said, you will be so glad you had it done. And you're appt. is the same day as we all go to H's graduation.

    I hope you all are okish.

    Elizabeth, I do remember seeing that you have done something to you're arm. But cant find out what. What have you done. Hope you are feeling better with it now.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Blimey Elizabeth some people have more money than sense :roll:
    Hope you sleep well and the nap leaves you feeing refreshed.

    mig have you sussed the coffee machine yet? I want to make my macchiatos on it :?

    Barara I am over the moon that you have your date - brilliant :) Have they said how long you have to wait between hips??

    Catie Val was the originator of the café a lovely person :) No showers her so far and in fact some SUN!!!

    Gosh Karen! They don't know how she gets her results?? What a great school :roll: Good all exams are over for her - the A level ones are here too...phew!!

    Don't worry if you missed one of us we do understand sometimes life is hard enough..:)


    Toni xxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well first we have to plug it in ,crikey it's lit up like a Xmas tree, now what's next . Mig
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, great news getting your appointments. I know you must be nervous but just think about once it's done. You should feel much better. I'll be there in your pocket.

    Elizabeth, leave the decorating to us. You put your feet up. You need some more rest. Don't want you to tire yourself any more than you are. You can supervise.

    Karen, you too. Feet up. Here's a cuppa for you both.

    Just been on the phone with my son. His business partner of 2 years disappeared for a week a couple of months ago taking with him the details to access the accounts. He came back but refused to talk to my son saying he was too busy with the company business. My son hasn't been paid for 3 months, he didn't pay the staff and has now sacked all but 1 of the staff so the business has to close down. My son is so frustrated with the solicitors because they are still gathering information after 2 weeks and haven't started court proceedings yet. Now it's too late to save the business. Just hope my son finds another job quickly before he loses his house.

    Let's see. What happens if I press this button on the coffee machine? Whoops! Errrmm, where do we keep the mop and bucket?
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning unsure

    Indeed a tunnel?? That doesn't surprise me at all......heaven only knows what you'll find in there - be very careful knocking those bricks out.

    Right coffee beans. 8 different sorts here

    Arabica and Robusta. Green unroasted, Kenyan, Ethiopian???Colombian (thought they did cigars??) and Nescafé :D

    mig had the instructions they are - a bit tea-stained but ok.....

    Christine I cannot believe you are telling me a story which is happening to my Ex SIL's partner too!!! The receivers were called in on Tuesday, his car was returned on Friday and he hasn't been paid for two and a half months :shock: Horrifying isn't it? In some respects it's good that your son is a partner in the business because he does have some rights??? I do hope it sorts out for him :?

    Don't worry about the floor I've mopped it up ;)

    I hope Barbara is feeling less up in the air over he now-imminent THR :?


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks so much everyone for your kind are a lovely lot
    Toni Im not sure how long between hips...they might not get me back :shock:
    Karen Hs graduation bet she cant wait... what a school that has been ...I do wish her well in the future..
    Christine I am so sorry to hear about your son...its awful when you cant trust partners are renowned for this...such a shame they have had to sack people....I do will have everything crossed for your son...hopefully he will soon move on from all this
    Mig what you having to eat today I always looked forward to the menu...
    unsure a tunnel I vaguely remember this :lol: didnt it end up at some sleazy nightclub...where parker pens were on offer... :?
    Elizabeth that was a lot of money fir a new hip...I hope you feel less tired today
    hope I have mentioned everyone....the sun keeps trying to come out...but failing at the min..I will try out this coffee does make some strange noises... :o
    See yo
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    What a day it has been. To begin with, the washing machine flooded the kitchen.... What a mess. Then having cleared the place up we decided to pop along to our local retailer to buy a new machine, only to find they were closed because of a funeral. Crikey, what did we do before the days of washing machines. Having said that I remember turning the mangle for mum. No washing machines then of course :) On returning home, hubby declared he would make us a sandwich for lunch. Goodness, it came as quite a surprise when I bit into a slug. Hubby had picked some lettuce, washed it, but failed to notice an infestation of the little perishers. Hubby of course wasn't wearing his specs and without them he's as blind as a bat :shock: :D

    Barbara, I hope you feel ok today. Did you manage to sleep ok last night after your news?

    Christine, what a terrible thing to happen with your son. If he isn't able to save the business, I hope he is able to secure employment very soon. I expect you are really worried for him and so I'm thinking of you too.

    Unsure, what did you find in the tunnel? I did notice the brick dust as I entered the cafe :)

    Toni, all those coffee beans :) I do like a nice cup of ground coffee and the stronger the better :)

    Karen, hope you feel a little better today.

    Elizabeth, it must be draining to have periods of extreme tiredness and I do feel for you.

    Hi to everyone else :)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The tunnel Catie is in the back of the gentlemen's lavatories - I had to look for it :?

    I am so sorry about your flood - how dreadful :shock: My Mum had a twin tub and it was great - those white were really white weren't they?? :D

    I am horrified about the 'slug' story though far far worse :mrgreen:

    Barbara of COURSE they will 'let' you back for the second hip :lol: They will adore you!!

    I think the coffee machine is actually supposed to make those noises. Professional 'barista' sounds


    Toni xxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Barbara, I am thinking of you. And know that when you've had it done and you are back on you're feet, you will be so glad to have had it done.

    Catie, thanks, I am feeling better today. Actually had some decent food today.
    You're problem with you're washing machine, reminded me of when it happened to us. Our eldest, she was around 3 and on Xmas morning came through to us and told us that we had a swimming pool in our utility room. Well, I do remember the mess. I feel for you. And the slug. Yuk, you poor thing.

    Toni, I thought you were away for this weekend in France...or have I been losing my mind again. Which is probably the case.

    Elizabeth, I hope you are surviving ok. My thoughts are with you.

    To everyone else, I do hope you have all had a goodish day.

    It was chucking it down this morning here and then late afternoon, the sun came out so I managed to get some washing out, purely because it was so windy.
    Karen xx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well it was pasta tuna bake,thought I would be clever and put goats cheese on top big mistake ,both flavours were too strong,had to pick it off,but there's loads of it . Chicken dinner tomorrow,gonna stuff my chicken breast with haggis it yummy. Mig
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooo, a tunnel? I'll get my hard hat and go for a nosy down there. Leather recliners? How luxurious. Only problem is, once I get on one of those, don't think I'll be able to get back off. :lol:

    Toni, really? I'm wondering how often this sort of thing happens. My boss's wife told me it is happening to her friend too. I hope things work our well for your ex sil's partner. Thanks for mopping the floor. I went to look for a 'careful, wet floor' sign and got lost. :lol: Toni, what were you doing in the men's? :?

    Thanks Barbara. There was no need to sack anyone. The business was starting to take off. Just hope they take my son's partner to a tribunal over it. So you think the tunnel goes to a sleazy night club? Maybe we could all go for a boogie. :lol:

    Catie, what a horrendous day. I don't think we could survive these days without our washing machines. And you bit in to a slug. Eurgh. :shock: Thanks Catie. My son is applying for every job going at the moment. He will find something. I know he won't give up till he does.

    Karen, glad you are feeling better today.

    Mig, chicken dinner sounds delicious. I don't mind a little haggis but not a lot. I remember when it was my daughter's christening and I was doing the catering, I decided to make a haggis for my family from Scotland. I asked the butcher if he would mince everything for me but he said no as the liver wouldn't all come out of the mincer so I had to stand and chop everything up very small. Didn't turn out too bad.

    Spent the afternoon at dad's. It is really hard work as his Alzheimers is getting worse. He repeats himself a lot and the conversation goes round in circles. He's just got back from a holiday with my 2 sisters a fortnight ago and he thought it was last year. He's now going to get brochures to find a holiday for this year. It's so sad watching him.

    Woke up around 4 this morning wondering what the noise was outside. Got up and went to the window to look outside. I had left the window open a crack and the noise was the wind whistling through. :lol:

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone.
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all, cold wet and windy that's the weather not me.
    I remember the sleazy nightclub,not that I ever went there of course,they used to have bad women, bad booze and toxic meat pies .
    Hope the weather improves for the tennis. Mig
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not much chance of the weather improving mig sadly :( Tuna pasta sounded pretty scary :lol: maybe mozzarella would have been a better bet :wink: Hope the chicken turns out well for you today I bet it will.

    Unsure I expect it was you who switched on the coffee machine. Makes a darn good coffee it does :D

    Christine - I promise you I was partly cleaning the loos (incase Val pops in again) and partly LOOKING for the tunnel :wink:

    I hope your son is doing ok this weekend after his terrible week? and thank you for thinking of my Ex SIL and her partner (they have two young kids too :roll: ) Did I tell you he has already had a job offer? So that is good news of course still no pay fro the mortgage yet.... :roll:

    How lovely you sisters looking after your Dad between you :) The holiday will be one THEY will treasure in their memories for him. Very sad for you all though.

    Karen France is 14th-16th July :lol: Glad you feel more yourself today. Yes the wind yesterday!!! Really blowy wasn't it - good for drying washing

    Love Toni xxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Hope you all managed a good night sleep, for a change I did.

    My brother has just lost his business and trying to deal with benefits at the mo. Oh do I know that one. Well, we all do in some way don't we. He is in a bad way, has been ever since our mum and dad died.

    Lovely here at the mo. Hoping for it to stay as I am meeting Kentishlady today. I haven't been out in days and days, so will be nice to get out and meet up with someone.

    Unsure, I will come and help you with the clear out. If my back and legs hold out. I'm sure there will be others who will come and help out. And, wow...there must have been some heavy partying going on in there.

    Have a good day everyone and hope pain is not to high for you all.
    Karen xx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Karen, glad you had a better night and hope it will enable you to recharge your batteries a little :). It must have been awful to have had a flood at xmas - really felt for you.

    Mig, chicken breasts stuffed with haggis - that's an unusual combination. What was it like? I've never had haggis before, but it's something I've always wanted to try.

    Christine, it must be so difficult watching your dad struggling with Alzheimers. My Mother-in-law suffered from vascular dementia and in the end was convinced that she was standing on her head and not sitting in a chair. All she would talk about was her first husband (hubby's father ) who she divorced. Said she wished she had never married husband number 2. She couldn't remember any of our names, but never forgot her husbands or her childhood days. A friend of mine decided to take her mum (and sister) on a world cruise. Neither Jane or her sister had realised how badly their mother's memory etc had declined ( even though she had been diagnosed with dementia). Anyway, the holiday was filled with happy memories, but Jane said when they arrived home, her mother asked 'when' were they going on holiday. She had absolutely no recollection of the holiday at all.

    Unsure...bikinis, ladies underwear....what sort of establishment is this lol

    Toni, not long to go now :) We will miss you when you're away, but look forward to all your news on your return :)

    Barbara, before I had my last op a friend suggested taking 'arnica' to help with bruising and the healing process - wondered if that might help you?

    Hi to Coco, Elizabeth and everyone who visits :)

    Take care everyone :)
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Changed my mind about going for a boogie in the club. I'll go get some elbow length rubber gloves and give you a hand Unsure. Sounds as if it will need to be a very big skip.

    Mig, miserable weather here too. Wonder if any bad women from on here went to the club. :lol:

    Toni, that's some good news at least that your ex sil's partner has been offered a job. I have one sister who lives next door to dad so she does all his cooking and accounts and takes him shopping. My other sister and I work all week so go every Saturday to give her a break.

    Oh Karen, not another one having problems with losing a business. Hope your brother can get things sorted out. Hope you have a lovely time with Kentishlady.

    Catie, how horrible for your mil thinking she was standing on her head. Yes, people with this sort of problem with their memory do seem to remember way back in the past and do enjoy things like holidays as they happen but have no recollection of recent events.

    Managed to do my ironing and washed up yesterday's dishes. Too grey and wet to go out so guess I'll have to put the ironing away. I've got some books to read. Halfway (well nearly) through one paper book and one of the staff at the library kindly showed me how to download library books on to my new e-reader. Doubt I'll get those 3 read before they magically disappear. Hope I can borrow the same ones again. I've got some music playing just now so bopping away on the settee as I type so sorry if there are mistakes. :lol:

    So is the coffee machine working now? Don't want to cause another mess but I'd like a machiato thingy.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Im late..we had to go and see a poorly friend...she is 105...and still living in her own home... :shock:
    Catie what a rotten day you had with the washer and the slug...I had eaten a peach once ...well bit into it..and there it was an almighty large slug or caterpillar ... :roll: hope you have got the washer fixed..
    Toni you do make me laugh ...what I meant was would they ever get me back for the second hip....I think you are dreaming of France..and who can blame you... :D
    Christine I have heard about arnica and I will start to take it...thank you...I will try anything..I am so sorry to hear about your dad..I can imagine how hard it is....must be like you are losing them....(((())) but you are doing all you can...please be gentle on yourself...
    Mig tuna bake is my middle GDs favorite meal while she is veggie...I hope you are doing ok...
    Karen thanks for your good wishes....I am glad you are getting there and eating is Tony doing ,,sorry if you have said I am geeting lost here....
    Unsure...I had nightmares about the mankinis...did you see any Parker pens... I only have one goodish between us we have two... :)
    It is very windy here and rained most of the firend that we went to visit at 105 has 5 cards of the queen..but would you believe..after the first one that had to apply for the others on line...she will now go inot a nursing home and defy's anyone to get her there..bless.. :D xxxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Haggis is a bit like **** only more spicey.i once had haggis stuffed chicken at a wedding reception it had a pink peppercorn sauce on it.
    I advise anyone going in the tunnel to wear a bio-hazard suit,it was rumoured to be that bad. Mig
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Karen, Glad to see you about. The arm was sunburn when I was watching my Lucy sitting side on but it has been sore and swollen for a few weeks. I'd say it is an incy bit better.

    How worrying Applerose.As a partner he should have access to all accounts and info, so sounds worrying his partner took all the details with him. Obviously he needs to take a very close look out any outgoings. Hopefully his mortgate interest will be paid for a short time enough time to re establish himself, or housing benefit if renting.

    More money than sense is how I'd describe OH parents especially as the wait for the NHS is only 8-12 weeks for an op and its the same surgeon.I still think 5 weeks recovery is pushing it for their holiday flight. I'd rather have the hols and come back refreshed for the op.

    Must go as OH is due home from his jolly in Belguim and I need to get a few things in order.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope all have had a good Sunday. I had a lovely time with Kentishlady, time just sped to quickly.

    Barbara, you're friend reaching 105, that's fantastic, whats her secret then. Bless her.

    I have to say that I could not bring myself to try Haggis. Just knowing whats in it. Silly I know. I'm one of those, I have never tried rabbit because I had a pet one. Sad isn't it.

    Well, hope you all have a good night sleep and lets hope tomorrow brings the sunshine to us.
    Karen xx
  • roses1
    roses1 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good evening

    whats been going on in here then! i shall open the windows the smell of paint is rather strong.

    Looking good it is :wink:

    Now the tunnel was originally founded by tjt (Tony) i think he had a DVD collection down there.

    And a new coffee machine :D i just love playing around with these and making pretty patterns in the froth! :lol:

    Who wants a cappuccino?

    My moms Aunty is 103! 105 is amazing!

    Rose x