Val's Cafe



  • Sharon2960
    Sharon2960 Member Posts: 329
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Chocolate cake AND lemon drizzle - mmm mmm mmmmmmm save some ( large) slices for me!! With ginger beer please!!
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mig, we'll have to share notes on how well the heel cream is working and see who gets to wear high heels first. :lol:

    Elizabeth, that was nice of someone to buy your son some chips. And he gets to keep his £10. Hope your head and arm feel better by morning.
    Coco, thanks for putting the fruit juice in the fridge. Very refreshing.

    Good news and bad news. My son has a job interview in about a week so I've got my fingers and toes crossed. My dil, the one who had little Ruby 9 weeks early after losing 12 babies in 5 years, has been told she may have cancer of the ovaries. She's having a biopsy on Friday so fingers and toes crossed that it's not cancer. My daughter put her son back in to creche this week. Some of you will have read about how badly the babies in the company's other creche were treated. Well, he came home yesterday with a big gash on his head. They said he'd tripped and fell against the windowsill.

    Looks like being a hot night again tonight. Hope you all cope with it.
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all,

    Hope you managed some sleep last night. Boy what a night with 2 fans going in our bedroom and still the sweat was pouring. And they reckon today down this way is going to be around 32. NNNnnnnooooo. Shop day today, so that should be fun. :(

    Coco, really good to see you. Has your washing machine stopped yet??.

    Elizabeth, lets hope they do work for him, as I said his sugar level is extremely high. Glad that your boy had his chips and he didn't spend his money. And I hope you feel better real soon.

    Applerose, sorry to hear the news about your dil, I shall most certainly keep everything crossed for her. And for your son, as well for his interview.

    Mig and Applerose, I don't think I could wear high heels any more even if I wanted to. I have some sandals with a 2" heel and find I fall off of them a lot. I do hate it though, always wore them. And me being a 5.2, look dinky in flats.

    Right, everyone take it slowly today as it is going to be so hot. Don't know about you lot but boy does it make me feel sick now. And my legs are continuously throbbing.

    one ice cold drink and I shall go have a cold shower me thinks. See you all later.
    Karen xx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not a good night like the rest you as hot but had my usual morning sleep to catch up.

    I sent the £10 back to school so whoever paid for his chips could take it but they took the purse too! Its my little purse I use for loose change so hoping it comes back today.

    I have been shopping too Karen. Long trek round S**nsburys but had to buy some bits for Eldest Son as he is is off to Dorset tomorrow until Saturday. As the weather is so hot I hoped to buy some cooler trousers as all his joggers are very warm, thick material but had no luck. His brother has some joggers that may be more suitable but doubt my eldest will be keen on borrowing them as his brother is not very hygienic :oops:

    Poor Applerose. How awful that your Grandson came home with the gash after all the bad reports. Accidents do happen but confidence must be low ATM. I also hope its not bad news for your DIL. Massive worry poor Girl. Good luck to your Son. I hope You will remind us nearer the time.

    Good day Sharon. We have lashings of ginger beer here. Help yourself!

    Hope everybody has a good day.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Not a good night like the rest you as hot but had my usual morning sleep to catch up.

    I sent the £10 back to school so whoever paid for his chips could take it but they took the purse too! Its my little purse I use for loose change so hoping it comes back today.

    I have been shopping too Karen. Long trek round S**nsburys but had to buy some bits for Eldest Son as he is is off to Dorset tomorrow until Saturday. As the weather is so hot I hoped to buy some cooler trousers as all his joggers are very warm, thick material but had no luck. His brother has some joggers that may be more suitable but doubt my eldest will be keen on borrowing them as his brother is not very hygienic :oops:

    Poor Applerose. How awful that your Grandson came home with the gash after all the bad reports. Accidents do happen but confidence must be low ATM. I also hope its not bad news for your DIL. Massive worry poor Girl. Good luck to your Son. I hope You will remind us nearer the time.

    Good day Sharon. We have lashings of ginger beer here. Help yourself!

    Hope everybody has a good day.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks everyone. I'm sure things will be ok in the end.

    Sharon, I love ginger beer and ginger wine. Well, anything ginger really.

    Karen, hope you're not feeling so sick today.

    Elizabeth, hope you get your purse back. Surely they will realise you didn't mean them to have that as well. Hope your son enjoys his trip to Dorset.

    I was almost home from work at lunchtime when a young girl approached me and asked if I knew where a particular bed and breakfast was. I could have given her easy directions but it was a long way round so I took her through the middle of the estate where I live. Turns out she was Spanish but had been living in Estonia for 8 years and had come here for a job interview. She had already checked in to the B&B but had gone to the High St and got lost on the way back. By the time I got home, I was bright red and very very hot. And I didn't have any sun cream on. At least I did my good deed for the day.

    I can't be bothered cooking and don't fancy salads so I only had a sandwich at lunchtime and a fishcake for tea. I did have a few of my home grown lettuce leaves though. Had to be a little healthy. :lol:

    Sending you all a cool breeze.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm back everyone!!! We had a great time in France though it was even hotter than here it was more bearable somehow :?

    I have had a quick scan and see some good some bad news Christine I do hope that your DIL will be ok and it's just some naughty cells playing up :? FANTASTIC news about the interview :)

    Karen I miss Barbara too but did get a text when I got back last night from her home and I think Joan Dachs has posted on LWA so will look later. I hope Tony goes on ok on his new meds and his sugar settles soon.

    Tis some hot as Cris skezier would say :wink:

    Hi Elizabeth Have taken a lashing or two of gingr beer for my husband he loves it - the cra**ies one :wink: I hope you get your purse back and your son will be ok this weekend it's so hot :roll:

    Who suggested the sch*ll cream? I bet they'll have sold out before I get there :lol:

    Sharon - have both cakes - remember no calories here and a cup of tea with each :wink:

    Coco!! Lovely to see you :) I hope YOu are doing ok? thanks for the cakes :) Got some Cornish clotted if anyone wants some?

    mig - can you pick me up some red stilletos too - I would LOVE to wear some.....sigh.....


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Has you can see I am back, I have read back best I can and will do again later....but I have to say a massive thankyou for all your kind messages..I have been reading them in hospital..but couldn't post..need stronger glasses... :lol: just to say I hope Christine's DIL will be fine...and I do send her some healing thoughts...and Karen's hubby Tony...hope they get the bloods sorted with the new meds
    And glad to see that Coco posted.. sorry mi brains gone
    Cant quite believe I have this new hip ..I am doing well and have posted longer in LWA....the district nurse rang to say she will come on the 23rd to take the staples out...I am all sweaty and would love a shower but not long now...hubby is washing my hair today.... :D
    I have missed you all...
    Love to everyone
    See you later ((((((()))))xx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    And a big GOOD MORNING to you Barbara. I am glad you are home and doing well now. It's so lovely to have you back. Hope you have a good day, maybe have a sponge bath, that would make you feel better. And of course having you're hair washed. Now, you make sure you rest up totally apart from you're exercises you have to do. You'll be running around before long.

    To everyone else, have a good one, take care in this heat. I hardly slept at all last night, to hot. Be glad when it does cool down to catch up on some sleep.
    Karen xx
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara
    I'm so glad you are back
    Enjoy your hair washing hopefully it won't be too long before you can shower once your wound heals
    Just don't try and do too much
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara I seem to be following you !
    Toni will try and get you some red stilettos,there seems to have been a run :lol: on them.
    Had a great day yesterday we got given two tickets for a matinee performance of 39 steps very funny tongue in cheek ,so we had a drink in the bar afterwards ( 5 o'clock in the afternoon tut tut ) and hubbies niece is in there with a friend so one drink turned into a couple or three ,slept like a top last night.
    So tortellini and roast veg today ( veg needs using up) strawberries and chocolate ice cream after.Now going to watch the golf was at the open last year I won £26 ,fingers crossed.Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Maria its good to see you in the cafe...and yes I feel wonderful now my hair is washed but what a palaver.... :lol:
    Mig I have heard the 39 steps is it any of it related to the original they said it was different...mouth watering food has usual...must say the strawberry and choc ice cream sounds nice...
    Karen its good to be hubby has just said you must be recovering back on your comp... :)
    He washed my hair but its has flooded the bathroom...but at least I dont need a shower now...gosh what a difference...I really feel human today..right I must go walk abouts...or else...see you later xxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, it's good to see you back and all in one piece too. You sound as if you're doing really well, so that is good news :). Let's hope it cools down soon as I think that will really help you.

    Elizabeth, thank you for asking about Andrew's auntie. Sadly, she passed away, but at 87 (a month from 88) she had a good innings. She's at peace now, so that's good.
    I felt for both you and your son when I read about the £10. Poor little soul must feel so lost at times, but he's lucky to have you as his mum.

    Christine, what a worry for everyone with your d.i.l. Let's hope she has good news soon. ...any luck? Did you find the house of your dreams in France?

    Karen, you really are in a hot spot at this moment with the weather - hope it cools down for you soon. Did your daughter manage to find a job for the holidays?

    Mig, you do have some lovely trips to the theatre. We haven't been for a while, but I love to go.

    Was it Rosieglow who posted from hospital (bit muddled I'm afraid) - anyway do hope she's feeling better.

    Well, I had better make tracks :)
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all, 39 steps is basically the same story but is done as a comedy,there are only four actors in it and its done as if they are amateur dramatics players,it's very funny.Mig
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Toni. Good to see you back. Did you find a house? It was me who saw the advert for the cream. They said if you use it, you will definitely get in to your heels. Bet they did sell out straight after the advert. :lol:

    Hi Barabara. Great to see you. Glad you managed to get your hair washed. You must feel so much better after that. And I guess the bathroom got cleaned too. :lol:

    Mig, drinking in the afternoon? And not just 1 but 2 or 3? Sounds like a good afternoon all round. And the added bonus of being able to sleep afterwards.

    Catie, sorry to hear about Andrew's auntie. As you say, she's at peace now.

    Thank you all for your wishes for my dil. I'm sure things will turn out just fine.

    Was feeling a bit annoyed at work today. My boss, his wife and I have often laughed during the winter because they wear coats and scarves indoors while I wear a t-shirt because I always feel so warm. During this hot spell, they walk around saying oooh, it's hot isn't it but have never asked me how I'm coping with all the extra heat. Haven't even offered for me to use one of the fans while I'm ironing in the utility room while the washer and drier are going.

    On a brighter note, I made strawberry ice lollies with my home grown strawberries last night so that was nice to come home to. I also poured a glass of red wine and cream soda to have with my dinner. Forgot about the drink till I went in the kitchen just now to get a drink and it was there waiting for me. :D

    It's cloudy here now but still 27 degrees. Hope it's cooler where you all are.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen its good to be home...I hope things are going okish your end
    Mig I can tell how much you enjoyed the play...I love live productions but dont get to many
    Catie I am sorry to hear about Andrew aunt....but still so glad it wasn't you that was so poorly..
    Christine how awful that they dont give you a would mean so much if they treated you right
    rosiglow in hospital I hope she is doing ok....
    I bet that Toni is sat looking at her pics of the house.... :D I know I would
    Hows Elizabeth doing and Maria
    Sorry my brain is going...I just cant sleep on my back...I am propped up on pillows at the mins but its so blinking warm :shock:
    We have had a try at putting the teds stockings on my good leg....OMG the other one will have to stay on for the least my feet are washed... :)
    Will see you all later xxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Crumbs tons of news!

    Firstly welcome back Barbara. You must feel so relieved it is done and dusted. A flannel wash will have to do until you can shower again but good you got your hair washed. I managed with the back sleeping- do you have a pillow between your legs as it is easy to forget you musn't cross those ankles! I did that once after my THR absent mindedly......

    Catie I'm sorry your Aunt passed away. She did indeed have a good innings and it was lovely of you to travel and care for her.

    Welcome back Toni from your travels. Hope you had a lovely time. Did you bring us back any treats?

    Early finish for 1 Son today. A whole 6 weeks of him freaking about noise....what joy! And I have no respite this year (but grateful I had so much in the past). I got my purse back, and the tenner was still inside (don't know where it went for a day). anyway he goes to a Wednesday club during term time and they found the tenner and took out his fees so another payment problem got solved. They probably thought I'd put it there for them. Its only 50p per week but they never took the money in the past despite me letting them know it was in his bag. Nobody seems to want to take the money for anything!!!!!

    Karen I hope to be around for our word games on fb. I bought a cooling pad for the laptop that kept cutting out and a new Dell plug. Its only taken me about a year to get around to getting an extra plug. Previously had 2 laptops sharing 1 plug but with Summer hols coming up thought I'd better get it sorted.

    Well no days out or trips away arranged but don't intend to stay at home for the entire 6 weeks.

    Applerose so hoping the news for your DIL is good.

    Anyone got any jam and scones to go with the clotted cream?
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Barbara, hope you are still feeling good about things. As Elizabeth said don't forget your pillow between your legs. I had problems in sleeping on my back, in the end went to the doctors and she gave me sleeping tabs. So maybe that would be an avenue to go down. Keep up the good work Barbara.

    Elizabeth, I have some lovely pineapple jam. But, alas no scones. And regarding the 6 weeks. Well we are much the same. Don't know what we are going to do. It all depends on Tony and on how he feels. And of course money. That is a problem. But I am sure will manage something.

    Hope everyone is coping with the heat.

    Catie, you asked if H had found a weekend job. Well, she has not even tried. Doesn't even get dressed which she knows really winds me up. But she's a teenager, I suppose I have to go along with it.

    Right, I am going to have a glass of vimto with plenty of ice if anyone would like to join me, I shall be by the window enjoying the breeze.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi All

    Well isn't it great to see our Barbara back where she belongs? :):):)

    You are doing GREAT Barbara just take your time and you will be fine.

    Catie no luck this time, but saw one or two lovely ones. I will try to post links??

    that's one with a fabulous garden :)

    So sad to hear your news, but yes she did have a good innings she did :)
    Karen I have two at home at 18!!! The eldest just started a part-time job but was INFURIATING me before then - she can stay in bed till 3 :shock: Youngest got her job a few moths ago at 15 if you remember at a hairdresser's :roll: Your H will be fine in her own time.

    Elizabeth I brought us some brie and emmental of course and some French chocolates in the fridge if you fancy some?? Glad you ache your purse back, but like you am not sure about 6 weeks ahead.... :shock:

    Thanks for the recommendation of the heel cream Christine :) I bet they sold out!!! :lol: The strawberry ice-lollies sound fantastic!! Great idea there :) Am not impressed no-one has asked how you are coping with the heat :( I hope you know we all care?

    Still thinking about your DIL

    Mig the 39 steps sounds great if I lived nearer I would definitely go to see it. I think we should support am-dramatics :)

    love to everyone and hope I didn't miss anyone :oops:


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, I wouldn't worry too much about the stockings and just wash what you can manage for now. I can't sleep on my back either. Only on my left side. Hope you can get comfy tonight.

    Elizabeth, I do hope you will be able to cope ok during the holidays and you find plenty to do with your son.

    Karen, hope you too manage some days out during the holidays and that Tony is up to it. H hasn't tried looking for a job? Typical teenager. Most of them want to spend all their time in bed or on their phones and game stations. The girl next door has just left school. I heard her mum telling her she could have the holidays off and then she WAS getting a job. She was told that during the holidays she had to get up early, go for a walk then do the washing up, have a break then do some more housework. Wonder if it happens.

    Toni, that house looks lovely but you didn't find the right one. Maybe next time. And yes, I do know that everyone here cares about everyone on here. It is lovely to know that. It's just annoying that people without problems don't think to just ask how we are now and again.

    Here are some cherry scones I made this afternoon. Help yourself everyone. I believe Elizabeth left some lovely clotted cream in the fridge and Karen has left some delicious pineapple jam. Oooh, I might have one of Toni's chocolates. Thank you for bringing them back Toni.

    Well my DIL's biopsy op has been cancelled and rearranged for next week. It's awful having to wait for things like this.

    Thankfully it has cooled down a bit. Managed to go outside this evening to pot up a hanging basket. I've hung it on the outside light. Just hoping it doesn't come crashing down as the basket felt a bit heavy.

    Sleep well everyone.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All this lovely jam has made me hungry!

    Fraid I had to stay in and sit with my Son after school. He cannot stand certain noises and of course everybody has got music playing or mowing their lawns. He starts swearing and wants to throw glass over the hedge so I daren't take my eyes off him.

    My other boy stays in bed til 3 most weekends and then stays in his pyjamas all afternoon/ evening!!!! Are we too soft on them?????

    Hope all you struggling with sleep manage some shut eye,

    So another week to wait for your DIL. Poor thing hope she gets good news.

    E xxxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Not much sleep last night...
    Karen I might just try a sleeping tab..thats if he will prescribe them
    Elizabeth I do feel for you having no respite for the 6 will need a break...hopefully something will turn up...
    Christine I am so sorry your dils biopsy has been bad enough her worrying ..without them extended it for her...I do wish her friend had very much the same brought on bu pregnancy....she is having treatment for it scary but good that they have picked up on it
    Toni I love the take your time,,and choose the right one this is so exciting.... :D
    Some rotten pain going on in this hip today suppose its the healing will have a cuppa and see you all later xxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,222
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara

    if you ask anyone who has surgery it takes AGES to get back sleeping normally. Elna had kept a diary with her first knee which I remember reassured her after the 2nd, when she couldn't sleep.

    Maybe you can 'catch up' in the day for now? It's really early days isn't it??

    I agree about Eizabeth's loss of respite BUT admire her attitude - she feels lucky to have had it in the past. It is so noisy outside and having to supervise your son Elizabeth will be a bit of a bind, but safety first I suppose.

    Christine! they cancelled the biopsy? Naughty :x grrr!!!! Thank you very much for the cherry scones and will help myself to some clotted cream on one :D


    will try to stick to one :oops:
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon Everyone :)

    It's so much cooler here today at 18c and tempers here are less frayed lol
    When it cools down I think it makes you realise just how hot it has been.

    Barbara, I hope the pain lessens for you. Guess it's early days and as you say, there's still a lot of healing going on. As everyone has already said.... take it easy and don't overdo things :)

    Karen, I'm so glad those 'teenage years' have been and gone. What I found really irritating was the 'back chat' we used to get. Then came a succession of really 'weird' boyfriends lol. Anyway, you have my sympathy.

    Toni, it's a shame you didn't find a suitable property - maybe next time :). I absolutely love the one you have just posted - so pretty :)

    Elizabeth, I also admire your attitude - that you were lucky to have respite in the past. Is it because of the government cut-backs that help has been withdrawn?

    Christine, I feel so sorry for your d-i-l having to wait. About eight years ago I had a tumour in my womb which was originally diagnosed as a fibroid, but because it grew very rapidly, the fear was that it might be malignant. I was given a hysterectomy and that tumour at removal was 8lb in weight :shock: :shock:. However, even at removal they couldn't be certain and then I had to wait a few days to find out whether it was malignant or not. It was awful and such a worry. However, everything turned out ok. Waiting is so stressful for everyone.

    Now off to do some weeding :wink:
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Glad to hear it has cooled down your way. Although it is cloudy it is very humid so still a sweat box.

    Barbara, sorry you have pain today. You make sure you take whatever meds you need to keep it at bay wont you. Not worth being in pain. And of course, keep up the good work.

    Christine, I think that is awful that they cancelled on you're dil, they don't realise how stressful it is for her and her family.

    Catie, an 8lb tumour, wow imagine walking around with that. I must have been wonderful for it suddenly to be gone. And that the news for you was good.

    Elizabeth, it is sad that they have stopped your funds for your boy. It put the full pressure back on you doesn't it. To keep him occupied all the time.

    Toni, I do hope you and hubby find somewhere that really appeals to you both. Hang in there, it will happen.

    Tony re applied on his dla for full care so I can claim Carers Allowance. Of course they have refused. So, we shall be appealing, and this time going to the Citizens Advice this time. Why do they have to make things so so hard for us all.

    As I said, it is really sticky down here, so 1 vimto with ice, plenty of ice, in fact I shall have some vimto with my ice.

    See you all later, have a good day.
    Karen xx