Val's Cafe
Evening all
Had a ride to the park earlier...ten min walk round and was shattered but how lovely to be in the sunshine....dont trust myself in the garden its a bit up and down....
Karen I am on the vimto...even made lolly's with it...a bit cooler here till next week.... :shock: fingers crossed for the appeal...
Toni was it this hot in France....
Catie an 81b Tumor...blimey you hear about these things.... :shock: apparently some have teeth and hair in them...sorry to much info...
Thanks for your good wished everyone....I am now off to bed...hope you all sleep wellish xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Elizabeth, that must be so difficult for you and your son. As you say, there is always a lot of noise at this time of year. How old is your other boy? I read somewhere that it is in teenagers' genes to stay in bed till at least lunch time. One school actually changed the start time till late morning because of this.
Barbara, sorry you are in pain. I guess we all think everything will be good after an op but it does take a while to recover. You will get there. How lovely that you got out in to the sunshine. Just be careful not to overdo things.
Toni, did you eat all of those scones? There doesn't seem to be any left.
Catie, wow, an 8 lb tumour? Glad you recovered from that. They have told my DIL that she may have to have a complete hysterectomy, depending on the results of the biopsy. I'm just so glad they finally had Ruby. Hope you enjoyed your weeding.
Karen, I'll keep my fingers crossed for Tony's appeal. Citizens Advice should help.
A bit cooler here today too. Thank goodness. Might get some sleep tonight. Hope it's cooler for all of you and you sleep well tonight.Christine0 -
Morning all,hope everyone is managing this heat, take care,
kettle is on xxx0 -
Thanks Coco
Tis good to see you
going to do my macchiatos if anyone fancies one??
Oh Christine.....I am sorry but the scones.....well......they just fell into my mouth :oops:
You're right about teenagers I think their frontal lobe isn't developed till they are about 24 so....they are a bit nocturnal
Barbara - you ARE doing well getting out alreadyI knew you could do it. Take it steady and make sure you are resting lots and lots
Apparently it's 36/7 in France now :shock:
Have topped up the vimto stock for Karen and anyone else who fancies some and the ice cubes too.
We will find a house Karen you are right
I will keep fingers crossed for Tony's DLA so you get your carers too. Good idea.
Catie great to see youI hope you didn't overdo the gardening yesterday?
I haet the back chat too ::) Kids eh?
I have a houseful like Elizabeth and well I know I will miss her but at least one should be off to University soon. Fingers crossed for results ::)
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
I have read back ..but my brain has gone to mush...
No sleep last night....but am getting other hip is really complaining but I am not listening.. :roll:
A bit cooler thank goodness....
Just to say Toni I tired one of those coffee's in Llanadudno a couple of weeks ago...yes I am hooked that and Vimto.....
Will see you all later hope you are doing has well as poss xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
Barbara, you are doing so so well. But make sure you don't over do it. Things must have changed even since I had mine done. For the first 6 weeks basically nothing, well a tiny bit a house work ie washing up as long as I was siting down doing it. Mark you I never listened to the rules anyway.
Coco, good to see you and hope things are okish for you at the mo. I do miss you.
Thanks Toni for putting the vimto in the fridge and ice to. And that temperature in France, I def could not tolerate that.
Hope everyone else is taking it easy today.
It was cooler here tis morning. But now the sun is back out and it is roasting again.
Right, 1 vimto with ice for me and if anyone else would like to join me, I shall be under the tree out the back of the café.Karen xx0 -
Hi Coco. Hope you are ok. Thanks for putting the kettle on. Not sure what I want to drink yet. :?
Not to worry about the scones, Toni. I might make some more later. They were rather tasty. 36/7 in France? Way too hot for me. I remember being there a few years back when it reached 40. Could hardly walk and it was difficult breathing in the hot air.
Barbara, you are doing very well and no, don't listen to your other hip. You have a new one now and that one is more important.
Karen it is cloudy here today too but the temperature is much more pleasant. Think I'll join you with a vimto under the tree before I go and get a few jobs out of the way.
My brother is getting married next Saturday so I have to get the bedrooms dusted and aired and get the beds made ready for my cousins from either end of the country arriving on Friday afternoon.
Spent the morning sorting out a couple of disasters with my son's help. I went under the kitchen sink to get some cleaning things out of the big plastic box I keep them in, only to find the box was full to the top with water. Looks like the washing machine pipes are leaking. My son has switched off the water to the machine till he can get back to fix it.
The chest freezer has been very noisy for the last couple of days. I searched online for possible problems and found that the high temperatures can make them work overtime. Yesterday, it was quiet but the temperature had dropped so I thought it must be ok now. Well, this morning I went to get a slice of bread out for toast to find the bread and a couple of other things had defrosted. My son has quickly emptied and repacked the things which were still frozen and taken most of what was defrosting to his house to eat tonight. Can't decide whether I should get someone out to fix it or just go for a new freezer. This one is 14 years old but I can't afford a new one at the moment. Must check to see if the house contents insurance will cover it.
Enjoy your afternoon everyone.Christine0 -
Son is being an absolute nightmare so constantly on my sore toes. Still I thrive on a bit of action.....
Other Son came home and seems to have had a good time but had to laugh as his towel, flannels, soap all appear to have been unused and the jury is out on the toothbrush!
Right will do my best to read back but have to be prepared to abandon ship!
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Yep funding for Summer clubs has been cut. It used to be day trips out and in the past when I had my THR it was 4 days a week for 4 weeks with the Clubs and school. Now it is 4 Saturdays in the centre which will be using computers for £25 per day
Son is 13 and the heat is definetely affecting him and he has a short fuse so combination of age and heat.
2nd boy is 15 but no trouble really just plays on his laptop all day/night.
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Evening all
Karen its still 6 weeks....saying that they have made some of the dos and dont's 12 and18 weeks...the nurse said he may ask me to keep sleeping on my back for another 6 weeks... :shock: oh well whatever it takes....I haven't been out today yesterday was enough....fingers crossed for Tony's appeal
Oh Christine that is awful...I do hope you can get the freezer fixed...but I would tend to try for a new one....we spent money after money on out last one....good on your son for helping you put...even if he does get some meals out of it...better than being wasted.....hope you get it all sorted soon
Elizabeth so there are more cuts effecting you and your son.....its no wonder the heat is getting him down...bless..
Tonight I have nearly done myself a mischief...bent down to scratch my leg...I totally forget the 90% ..the first time and the last wonder people dislocate there new hips :roll:
Hope you all have a good evening....see you tomorrow xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening Barbara and everyone.
Barbara, hope you are ok after your easily done isn't it. Do you feel you're making progress with each day?
Karen, I was really glad when the tumour had been removed. However, a year later I had to have plastic surgery and that wasn't fun. I'm glad I went through it though because no-one would ever know I had ever had surgery in the first place.
My fingers are crossed for Tony's appeal.
Elizabeth, my feeling is that with this government, compassion went out the window. It is so sad that help has been withdrawn.
Christine, what a day you've had with your washing machine and freezer. I hope you manage to sort things before your family come.
My fingers are crossed that your d-i-l will be ok and won't have surgey either
Toni, my fingers are crossed that your daughter has good results and can take her place at uni. Has she set her heart on a particular one?
It's been nice and cool here today, but we are ready for 29 or more tomorrow. We're off to a wedding in Battersea on Saturday, so hoping it won't be that hot.
Hi to Coco, Mig and everyone who visits0 -
evening all, its really muggy here and awful, i hope its cooler where you are,
barbara i hope your behaving with that new hip i hope your ok sorry ive not been around for you xx
will grab a cold drink and sit by the window for a bit, im shatered but to hot to sleep any0 -
Elizabeth, sorry you are having problems with your son. Hope you can cope ok for the next few weeks. Seems any funding to help people who need it is being cut. It's all wrong when we know there are people sitting on their backsides and getting paid for it. I had a giggle about your other son. My ex used to run a football team which my son played for. Each summer, we used to take them on a holiday in this country with some of the parents to help. Football matches would be arranged throughout the week. We'd stay in a community centre with some facilities. A few days after arriving home, the parents would all say they had put in a new still wrapped bar of soap and a new flannel and tube of toothpaste but none of those things had been opened while we were away.
Barbara, I'd be absolutely shattered if I had to sleep on my back for a few nights, never mind 6 weeks. Hope you can manage it. Yes, my son is good. I do try to do everything myself. I had asked him to just come and take some of the food but he insisted on sorting the rest out too. OOh, ouch. Hope it didn't hurt for too long.
Catie, it must have been awful for you to have to go through plastic surgery as well. They must have been good if you can't tell. Hope you have a lovely time at the wedding. It needs to be warm and not too hot. My brother is getting married on Saturday too so I'm wishing for the same.
Coco, it's a bit muggy here still even though it was much cooler during the day. Hope it doesn't affect your sleep.
Right the house is ready for my cousins arrival on Friday. Just need to buy some food in a few days.Christine0 -
Hello everyone,
Just a brief post to say that I am still in hospital - five weeks now -although a different, specialist one. All the infections are now clear, and I am having my surgery tomorrow - well today now. It`s a Decompression of the Spine op, which seems to be a fairly commom procedure, with a great success rate. I have established a really good relationship with my surgeon, over the weeks, which gives me extra confidence. He`s the best.
I will post when it`s all over, but would be very grateful for any loving thoughts anyone may have, going spare.........Rosie.x.0 -
Morning Everyone
Goodness Rosie, you have been through a rough time. Sending you my very best wishes for your op and a ((((hug))) too. I hope everything goes really well for you and then you will be able to return home soon.
Christine - glad everything is ready for your cousins arrival
Well, it's really hot here today - shouldn't grumble I know, but it's difficult not too
Barbara, I hope you had a better sleep and feel a little better today0 -
And best wishes from me, too, Rosie. It's good that you've got such a good relationship with your surgeon. Hope that everything goes well for you.
Take care, Meg0 -
Good luck Rosie glow I hope it all goes well.
Seems it a boy thing then Applerose. Glad its not just my childOh and how odd freezer and washing machine are having problems. Lucky the cleaning box caught all the water. Hopefully the machine is okay and its just a repair to pipes job.Might be nice to buy a new chest freezer if you can afford it, patching things up is usually a waste.Hope you didn't lose too much as those chest freezers can be very big.
Catie I was thinking the same thing this morning. Compassion has gone out of the window. I am more worried about others though who are in a far worse place than I am.
Morning Coco. Sorry that the heat is making you worse.
Well if I was a gambling girl I would have put money on a girl being born today to K & W, because it is my Dads birthday (sadly long gone). Both Toni and I have a Charlotte and that is one of the favourite name choices.
Barbara it is so easy to forget the rules after a THR!
Karen hope you are well. Good luck with the DLA (although it is pip now isn't it)?
Take care in this heat all
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Hello everyone
I hope you are all having a good day. it was cooler here but it's getting warmer now.
i'm going swimming this afternoon.
take care
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Afternoon all
So many people posting I do read them and normally take notes in my little book but it has gone missing...
I see that Rosie is still in hospital I do hope that all goes well for you ((())
And its so good to see out Coco back and dont you dare apologies...we all have pain and other things going on
Its also good to see out Joan back with us....
I have had another mishap my good hips has given up is such a struggle getting up and down stairs with it and these hands..poor hubby is having to follow me up and down...and go to work in between... :roll: the good news the new hip is doing well cant wait to get the staple out tomorrow ...andI got 5 hours sleep....
See you all later hope you are managing this heat....xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
It's supposed to be 28C here in the early evening and is warming up already. I'm not looking forward to the thunderstorms we've got forecast. I'll be in my usual place, under the stairs!
So sorry to hear that your good hip is now playing you up, Barbara. Five hours sleep is quite good, though. Take it steady and be kind to yourself.
Meg0 -
Hi everyone,it really heavy and muggy here ,feels stormy though it was supposed to pass us by.
Hope you are-all keeping well. Mig0 -
evening all, xxxxxxx0
Rosieglow, 5 weeks is a long time but at least the infections have gone now. I'm guessing you have had your surgery by now so hope you are recovering well. Have they let you know when you might get home?
Catie, it has been cloudy here today but warm. It's quite muggy now so hope we all manage to sleep tonight.
Elizabeth, it's always the same. Nothing happens for months then everything goes at once. My son came today and tightened the washing machine fittings. There was still a bit of wetness so he'll come back with some tools if it still drips. He also took me out and I bought a new freezer. The freezer I had was huge and I didn't really need one that size so I went for an under counter one. We emptied what was left in the old one, through at least half out and my son got another bag of things which had just about defrosted so he was cooking it tonight. I've just taken chicken and salmon out of the oven and cooked up a big pan of stew and mince to go in the new freezer once it cools. That'll come in handy when my cousins are here at the weekend.
Joan, hope you enjoyed your swim. Wish I could swim but I'm terrified of the water.
Barbara, I think I need to get a notebook to right down what everyone has been up to because I always forget by the time I get to the end and have to keep going backwards and forwards. I answered your other post about flipper so will just say here that I hope it eases off for you soon and hope you get a better sleep tonight.
Meg, it's around 18 degrees here and I think that is too warm for this time of night. Hope it cools for you. I heard on the radio that the storms could be bad and that the rain won't be able to soak in to the ground because it is too hard now. That could mean flooding.
Mig, hope the storms do miss you. I do enjoy a good storm but hope it's not too bad.
Hi Coco. Hope you are ok.Christine0 -
dachshund wrote:Hello everyone
I hope you are all having a good day. it was cooler here but it's getting warmer now.
i'm going swimming this afternoon.
take care
joan xx
Oh Joan Welcome back to the Café I have really missed you
Hi Megrose - Don't be frightened if we have a storm - you can hide under the stairs with my cat Daisy
Rosieglow best of luck with your op - it will go really well I am certain after all you've been through.
Elizabeth it's a boy thenNot another wee Charlotte out there....never mind I am pleased they are both so well.
Mig it feels totally stormy here too :? mind I think it would clear the air a bit.
Barbara 5 hours sleep you are doing so well and great that new hip (does it have a name yet?) is doing well. Poor 'old hip' though :? tell it to hang on in there.
Hi Catie - hope all is well with yourself? You didn't say...? All being well it will cool down a bit soon.
Christine!!! tut tut! I only have girls and the soap and toothpaste get used ::) Mind one of them skips showers fairly regularly. The other two can have more than one a day ::) How many cousins will there be - I hope you will have a great time
Coco - lovely to see you. It is hot and really it doesn't make sleeping any easier does it?
Rightyho folks off too bed for me
perchance to sleep??
Toni xx0 -
Good Evening Everyone
Hot choc for me i think warm me up as its soooo cold
Hope everyone isn't suffering too much in the heat its draining me of all my energy, what little i have :shock:
Rosieglow you have been going through it (((hugs))) hope you feel better soon after your op.
Barbara hope you are feeling much better after some sleep
Joan i bet you enjoyed your swim, a lovely dip in the pool, was it an outdoor one?
I think if we have this storm it should give us some clear air and we should all be able to sleep easier!
Nite all
Rose x0
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