Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Sorry I get mixed up with all the Roses... :? so if I get things sorry
    Rose..I hope its a bit cooler for you...its 21 here here so that will do....running on empty is not good...heres some of my spoons...x
    Christine..I used to deliver and collect envelops for disabled I know what you mean...some treated me like I should not be on there property some were lovely it takes all are doing a good job ...
    its was lovely lovely and sunny early on..but its clouding over now...I am going into our little town for a a walk with hubby not confident on my own yet.... :)
    Have a goodish day everyone...see you later xxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good afternoon all

    Hope you are all having a goodish day. We had some lovely thunder storms last night. Still really sticky though.

    Sorry I did not get on last night, but Tony had his appointment and there's nothing that seems bad. But the dr does want to do some more tests on him. But at least it makes a change for a dr to want to find out and not just send him away. So, now is getting his sugars right or at least lower.

    Elizabeth, I have an apology to make, it was my left arm, and yes Barbara, it is all coming from the neck and shoulder. I know I keep saying it but I am losing my mind. I saw a friend today and she asked me why I had not replied to her text. I insisted that I had but we arranged to meet next. When I got home, I checked and she was right. I hadn't replied. :? :oops: :roll: Is there any hope I ask.

    Barbara, hope you enjoyed your walk into your little town with hubby.

    To everyone else, at the mo I cannot for the life of me remember what I have previously read, so just sending love and hugs to all.
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Anyone heard of rosieglow...all these roses I do get confused.. :oops:
    Karen dont you worry about not posting it will spoil it for you if it means you worry...if you get the Im confused.. :oops: its awful I have 2 notepads and make list of everything and even that doesn't work
    Yes we ha d a little walk..our town is so quiet not we only have a little shopping st..but there is no one about such a shame for the traders..went and sat on my cushion in the park ..yes we still have one... :roll: but I am shattered when I get home...suppose its early days..I had a nap and feel much better
    The sun is son and Dil are bringing a cake and a couple of goodies for Niamhs Birthday that will be nice
    Hope you are all doing okish xxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bon Soir Mes amies!!

    I hope you are all doing well at the mo?

    It's fabulous here in France warm and lovely. The pool is great and easy to get into with Roman steps.

    I am 70% through the first book I downloaded to my kindle ;)

    Take care everyone


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, glad you enjoyed your walk. It is a shame for shopkeepers in towns where there aren't many people. They work just as hard as in the busy towns to keep their businesses going. Hope you enjoy tomorrow with the birthday girl.

    Karen, glad Tony's test results were ok. It is good that they are doing more tests. I've had a GP tell me he didn't know what was wrong after tests came back fine and just send me away. Hope he gets his sugars under control. I wouldn't worry about the missing text. Just blame brain fog and the hot weather. :lol:

    Bonsoir Toni. Sounds wonderful over there. I'm not jealous. Really. I'm not. :mrgreen:

    Hope you're all having a good weekend.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Toni its lovely to hear from you...the swimming pool sound so nice...think I might just come and join you.... :D if only all pool had roman you carry on enjoying..
    Christine its awful watching our town become a ghost one..I was born here and remember it being so busy...then the supermarkets came along...I have lost count how many we have nearby and there is another on the way.... :x our council should be held to count for selling land..sorry I'm off again..I nearly got arrested once for this ...a long story... :roll:
    Come on we will go and join Toni...sure she wont mind.... :lol:
    The sun is shinning again...birthday goirl is coming later with her cake and more goodies.. :D
    See you all later xxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Hope you all got a good night sleep.

    Barbara, it is such a shame how buildings seem to pop up on every spare piece of land. If we go on like this we will have no more countryside left. That's terrible.

    Give your granddaughter a big cuddle from me on her first birthday. My goodness, that time has gone so quick.

    Toni, I too want to come over and join you, especially the pool with the steps. Wow, you wouldn't get me out of there. Keep enjoying.

    Hope everyone has an enjoyable Sunday.
    Karen xx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    mini holiday booked to see my family. I'm really excited. I've had a quiet afternoon as OH took my Son out to see some steam trains. I WAS supposed to go too but Daughters tummy playing up a bit so she wanted to stay home so OH taken our Son out alone. So been busy sorting out a few things while it is quiet.

    I could do with a sleep but expect they'll be back soon.

    Glad Tony's results are okay Karen and they didn't just dismiss him.

    Toni I am envious. Enjoy the croissants and pastries and swimming in the pool.

    Hope DIL results come back okay Applerose. Its out of your hands but must be so worrying.

    Right off for my cuppa,

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Karen I gave her a cuddle ..and said it was from Aunty Karen...It doesn't seem 2 mins since you text me when I was on my way to the hospital when dil was in labour...see I don't forget.. :D
    I hope your arm and neck are behaving for you
    Elizabeth you got some quiet time....good for you...
    It is pouring down here...the baby has just gone home...bless she came with a little pink tutu on and a tiny banner saying I'm one today....and brought a birthday cake.... :D her party piece is to stand up holding on to my crutches....while I am trying to move.... :lol:
    Well no need to water the garden...
    I will make a cuppa and sit by the window and have a ponder ..
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Barbara, so glad the wee one had a good time today. And standing withyour should have got someone to take a pic, that I would love to have seen. Hope you are feeling not to bad at the mo.

    Elizabeth, so glad you are going to get a break. And to see your family too. You do deserve a break. Hope your son enjoyed his time with the steam Trains, and hope your daughter is feeling a bit better now.

    Toni, if you are not careful, you are going to receive a load of visitors. We all want to come I think.

    Right, I am going to bid you all a good night. Hope you all manage some sleep.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Come on over girls!!


    The water is perfect - just cool enough but not cold

    and the wine is chilled


    Can you imagine the laughs we would have at a pool party??

    g035.gif Husband is out fetching fresh and hot croissants too.....

    Christine I am thinking of DIL....

    well I am thinking of all of you


    Toni xxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni that's me hiding at the poolside, :? it's not a good luck me in a swim suit just slide the wine over. :lol: Mig
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    it is pouring down here..Iam not going to grumble again about the heat.. :roll: mind you it was hot :o but dont like the rain...
    Karen I have been trying to get some pics on via usually works so not sure what is wrong...I will have to email them to you
    Toni carry on it a private pool ....or are you on a camp site...I need to know then we can find you... :lol:
    Christine I am also thinking of your Dil...I do hope the results are good..sending some good vibes for her...(((()))
    Mig are you all packed the bus is ready for France....
    Today I will be trying to iron...yes you heard right..hubby has done some..but he is so busy with everything else....
    Still not sleeping my back is killing me at the mo...but 4 weeks on Wednesday so getting there....
    See you all later xxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mig I can see you :lol:
    Come on over here it's a private pool so only us here...well and husband, but his eyesight is totally iffy :roll:

    Barbara I would hate having to sleep on my back - I bet all day it hurts :(

    A bit of hydro-therapy might help?


    f050.gif and a drink too

    Cheers mig
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Right Toni....... I am on my way..... That's when I can find my passport :lol:
    So glad you're having a wonderful time :)

    I've been AWOL because of a dodgy router. Our internet provider sent out a new one and that was duff too :o . To top it all. my laptop is playing up and I may have to buy a new one. Trouble is, I don't like the look of windows 8 - that's because I'm useless with computers :lol::lol::lol:

    A belated 'Happy Birthday' to your little grand-daughter, Barbara. What a lovely age :)

    Hope everyone is managing ok :)

    Catie x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..or is it evening... :? never quite sure
    Catie we need a new router...we have a really old one and go on to our supplier and they said we will have to pay....nope I said...I know people that are with you and have much better I am hoping to hear from them...Aww thanks for the birthday wishes...she had a lovely day playing with all the boxes... :lol: PS I have tried windows 8 and dont like it one bit
    Toni..I have my teeny bikini all ready.... :D good job hubby's eyes are iffy..dont want him fainting....right there is Christine Catie mig Karen and me anyone else before the bus leaves... p065.gif deckchairs on board...Toni hope you are ready for us here a glimpse of my bikini.. :lol:r070.gif
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a goodish day.

    Toni, I will have to be smuggled in as I don't have a passport. Do any of you have a large suitcase I could jump in. I read your post about the swimming pool and I went into a dream of being in a lovely cool pool on a lovely hot day. Ummm.

    Barbara, are you going to iron sitting down. And, re your not sleeping, have a word with your dr, they should be able to give you something to help you go off to sleep.

    Catie, do you know, I don't even know what I have. windows is about all I know. That's what I am like with computers.

    Christine, how are things with your dil. I am thinking of you all.

    To everyone else, sending hugs.

    Barbara, I have a itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow pokerdot bikini. Not a pretty sight I can tell you xx
    Karen xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elizabeth, hope your son enjoyed the trains. Glad you've got the holiday booked. You could do with the break. Hope your daughter if feeling better today.

    Aaw, Barbara, your GD sounds so sweet with her little tutu on and using your crutches to stand. Hope you got some ironing done but not too much. Can your GP help with your sleeping and your back?

    Toni, I've packed my bikini and toothbrush. On my way. Mmmm, a lovely glass of wine sitting round the pool in the sun. Couldn't get much better.

    Catie, good to see you. Wondered where you were. Hope you get your laptop sorted out.

    Karen, I've got a big suitcase. You could jump in there.

    Mig, are you already sat at the pool with Toni?

    Phoned my dil this afternoon but she said they told her it would be 4 weeks before they could give her the results. Thanks for asking.

    My boss and his family are on holiday now so that means my boss's mum is popping in every now and again and flapping about. Is there any post? Have there been any phone calls? There's a light flashing on the phone. I don't know what to do about that. I'll have to phone my daughter about it. Are all the doors locked? Has any milk been delivered? Aaaaargh! My boss only asked her to check the business mail, nothing else.

    Hope you are all enjoying the cooler temperatures.
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone,

    I was up with the sparrows again....same old problem....
    Hope everyone else had a better night.

    Barbara, your last post did make me smile with the animations :)
    Our router was sent free of charge, so I hope you will be sent one Barbara.

    Karen, when I spoke with my internet provider because I was unable to access my emails, I could sense the level of despair in his voice lol. He began by asking me what version of Internet Explorer I had.... Panic this end because I didn't know lol. He spent 45 mins sorting me out - that's how bad I am. My daughter told me that next time she will sort everything :D

    Christine, what a nightmare with that lady popping in :?
    I'm so sorry your poor d-i-l has to wait 4 weeks for her result. Having to wait for such news is agonising I know. We are all wishing for the very best of news for her :)

    Elizabeth, I'm so pleased you're going to have a break, because you deserve one. I think we all admire the way you cope with everything :)

    Toni, I am thinking about those croissants you'll be eating for breakfast. Am I jealous........ You bet :lol::lol::lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Christine that is all you needed your bosses mum sticking her hooter in.. :o suppose you will need to bite your lip has my late mum used to say...but it cant be easy :roll:
    Catie I asked about a router..and they refuses so there is a battle going on between us... :x I hope you get yours soon ....I had to laugh I had probs with my smart phone...tell you it is much smarter than me... :lol: the poor man on the end of the line was losing it....I sorted it in the end...
    It was sunny early on this morning but its clouded over....I am taking your advice and going to see my GP today for something to help me sleep ...its awful with this back being so painful....trouble is I will have to stand in my docs there chairs are to low... :shock:
    Hope everyone is doing okish and I will see you later xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning ladies :)

    We have had some overnight rain here, but the sun is out now.

    Who's bikini is this yellow polker-dot??? :? What size? 8 :shock:

    Someone must have smuggled Karen in somehow....

    Croissants are ready by the pool :) (it was cleaned by the 'pool bot' yesterday

    Christine - your wine is poured (even if it is only 11.14am :wink: )

    Catie - I am the same when I ring my provider - I won't do it unless it's essential!!! No way :( I bought myself a new router in the end and it helped no end.

    Barbara I am so glad you are seeing the doc...your poor back :( Hope driving the bus yesterday didn't make it worse ;)


    Toni xx
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie, I've sent you a message as you aren't able to access your emails :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon Mr Optimist...hope you are as well as can be... :)
    Toni the bikini is definitely mine size 8.... :lol: that why your hubby has bad eyes... :o:lol: ...thanks for the pic...what a clever idea enjoy
    I have just got two jobs done sat on my stool....cleaned most of the cooker...well the top....and done mo9re ironing..and still haven't got to the bottom :oops:
    Its is sunny here so I will sit in the garden when hubby comes in totake my stool out...
    see you all later xxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Lovely to see MrO there :)

    Aha - it's your bikini is it Barbara :wink:

    This was Brantome yesterday


    Well-done getting two jobs done.....makes you feel far more 'normal' doesn't it?

    Hope everyone else is doing ok.


    Toni xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all.. the sun is shinning for how long I dont know...
    Toni what a stunning this where you are staying..I think not has you said you have a private pool :D you carry on enjoying...
    Today me and my cushion are off the garden center then to feed the swans and ducks.. :D he I love the outdoors..use to walk for miles with my little looking forward to doing it again...
    I hope you are all wellish and have a good day..see you later..xxxxxx