Val's Cafe
Morning all
Karen I thought it was only me that throw the washing down has has I could to shock...but my hubby is going deaf so he would know if I had fell down or not.. :shock:good luck tomorrow with the sleepover...keep them low on sugar dont want a sugar rush on top of everything..
Elizabeth you enjoy the table sound brilliant...we are the same here they dont sit at the table...I might just do something about this..
Toni have you recovered from your holiday yet...or are you dreaming of the next one...
Thanks MrO I hope she will be home very soon
The sun is shinning ..for the min it poured down earlier...I tried one crutch this morning but this other hip has given up...I dont want another THR just yet...
Will see you all later have a goodish day...Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
The sun is shinning, so another load of washing to be put out. Why is it that when everyone is at home there is so much washing. It seems never ending.
Barbara, you take it easy, as you said, you don't want to fall or something. That would be awful.
Elizabeth, I have thrown my washing down, checking that there is no one there, and my youngest has appeared and I have thrown them all over her. She didn't mind though. She thinks I am a mad mum any way.
Mr. O, thanks for keeping us informed. Make sure Catie's hubby know we are thinking of him as well. And I really do hope that Catie is now recovering well. Sending her some big hugs ((()))
Well, I hope everyone has a good day. And sending out hugs to whoever is in need.Karen xx0 -
Evening all
Karen I am careful but I do keep forgetting the 90% rule... :roll: daft things really like scratching my foot...
I hope everyone's keeping wellish has anyone heard off Coco...
I have one GC on the way here the middle one...and I have had 2 people texting that I met in hospital we made really good friends
So I will see you all tomorrow xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Sorry I been AWOL today but it's A level results and I have been v busy.
PROMISE to fill you all in tomorrow and catch up properly.
I hope catie is still on the mend and everyone else is ok.
HUGE apologies for not reading back
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Elizabeth, sorry you had a bad day with your son yesterday. Hope he was ok today. A Walton table. Sounds fantastic. My boss's mum has one but think it is only used to put things on these days. I love them.
Thanks Mr O. Hope Catie is recovering ok and her husband is coping.
Barbara, maybe it's still a little early for one crutch but it won't be much longer.
Karen, isn't it strange, years ago all the washing got done in one day. These days, the washing machine is on constantly when you have a family.
Had a routine rheumie appointment this afternoon. The next town, where I get the 2nd bus, is having a major make-over and all the bus stops have been moved. I thought I had found the one I wanted but turned out it was for the bus going in the opposite direction. Checked the map of new stops and walked and tried to run halfway down the High St and round the corner and halfway up that road to find it wasn't there either. On the way back to the High St, I noticed a big queue across the road. Finally found the stop I wanted. I was glad to sit down when the bus came. Xrays and bloods done. 2-3 weeks for results. Hope I'm ok tomorrow for the big clean-up.
Hugs and spoons for anyone who needs them.Christine0 -
Morning all
Toni dont apologies...we keep saying this...just when you feel like it or have time..hope the A level results were good...
Christine...what an awful day you had...they could have put proper direction to the new stop....but then again that would have been to easy.. :shock: hope you are not to sore today...oh forgot you are working...and cleaning all the dust up...I will come and help you...I have 3 static mops here..hope its not to hard a job for you...
Today is my pain clinic appointment 2 oclock...I dont want any more back injections...wish me luck
I will see you all later hope you have a goodish day...xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh good luck to you Barbara
Fingers crossed and will be in your pocket
Hi Christine
'washday' was Mondays in those days, but I am pretty sure we didn't do as much of the stuff then ::)
What an awful journey you had - I bet you aren't the only one who struggled in that mess
Hope bloods and Xrays were ok and yes 'the big clean-up' tomorrow. Try to rest up now if you can.
I hope Catie is doing alright and her husband too.
Sorry exam results. My eldest did ok and is going to her first choice University. Stepdaughter has to do another year sadly
Love to everyone
I hope 'we' are all as well as possible
Toni xx0 -
Afternoon all,
It's not very nice down here today. Very dark and keeps raining, so no washing out on the line today.
I think it is the weather but I am having a very tiring day, already been back to bed, so tired. Do any of you feel like this when the weather is cold and damp.
Barbara, I am thinking of you. Lets hope they didn't try and persuade you into another injection. Let us know when you get back and recovered of course.
Christine, you had a bad day yesterday with all that walking about trying to get a bus stop. And today, you have to work. Hope it's not to bad for you.
Catie, hope you are still improving ay by day. Some more buckets of hugs.
Toni, I have to wait until next week before my daughter's results. So glad that one of them got the university they wanted.
Sending out some hugs for one and all.Karen xx0 -
Not everyone is suited to exams. My Very bright daughter who passed all the entry exams to posh schools and passed her 12+ right at the top did not get good GCSE or A level results. Gosh I remember the flood of tears. She is doing well at uni though. Toni I hope step daughter is okay about it and at least she gets another shot and congratulations to you Daughter.Hope she will really enjoy uni life.
Poor you Applerose-luckily I never have to catch a bus anywhere. I'm so out of practice! Don't think I'd manage without a car.
Yes plenty of bad days with my Son, and he reacts so badly. The language he uses is appalling and has pinched and hit me lately whereas he never did before. Latest obsession is using the bath as a toilet, not my favourite thing to discover late at night.
Table is in place and proving to be useful.Sadly not an old original oak farmhouse table, which would have cost over a grand but of the style and size.
My washing is out on the line, lthough it has been rained on all day as cannot be bothered to bring it in. The old fatigue has returned and my throat is playing up. One goodthing all that weight has gone despite eating as much as usual
Excuse spelling mistakes but I can't go back and correct as laptop playing up and keeps wiping everything.
Have you heard from Cris Skezier Toni. Its been so long since I've seen anything from her? I do hope she is coping okay.
e xxxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Afternoon all
Back from the pain was a lovey dutch Dr..she was so pleasant and asked loads of questions went through my files and examined my back..then she said I think you should try more facet joint injections.. :shock: I said I am no wimp and have just had a THR and bursa injections in my hips...but nothing hurt like these did...and they didnt work..she smiled and said you summed that up I feel guilty giving people the injections..she then said she will try nerve blocking ones and one in my tailbone... :roll: she can do these while I sit up..but anything else I have to be lied on my tummy...she has also done blood test to see if anything else is cause this joint all in all not bad..
Elizabeth glad you have the table in it looks good and what a lovely gathering place..sorry to hear your son has gone worse....I suppose he will change with age..but it must be so hard for you
Toni your poor stepdaughter...but like Elizabeth says ..some people come on later and are not good with exams..congratulation to your daughter..
Karen..the weather here is glorious...I am shocked sure it said rain...
I hope that Catie is recovering well
I am off for something to eat...see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
oh thank you so much all of you.
My step daughter is alright......she is going to do another A level in one year. She knows we will support her whatever happens. She has always been very bright (like yours Elizabeth??) so it has hit her hard. My eldest has both dyslexia and dyscalculia so I am over the moon for her! What a position to be in- both thrilled and sad :?
I am so pleased for your girl
Cris is doing well - as Cris does despite it allShe is amazing what she has to cope with. I will let her know you asked me
Karen I haven't forgotten your daughter's results aren't until next Thursday. I really really hope that she does better than anyone could have hoped
Barbara I am just glad you have had no jabs!! and of course that the doc was NICE
Hope everyone else is doing well and that catie continues to get well.
Toni xxx0 -
Barbara, it sounds as if your appointment went well. Did you have the nerve blocking injection? Hope it works for you. Thank you for helping with the big clean-up. It was appreciated.
Toni, I don't think anyone is happy with the High Street at the moment. Bus stops moved around, our market pushed from one end of the street to the other, people falling off the kerbs because they have made them lower to help less able-bodied people but they are missing their footing and want normal kerbs back. I have to go back in 3 weeks for blood results and to discuss them and x-rays. Congratulations to your eldest. She has done fantastically well. Hope your stepdaughter isn't too upset. I'm sure the year will pass quite quickly for her once she gets started on it.
Karen, I tend to find I'm more tired when it's hot and feel better in the winter. Hope your daughter gets the results she wants.
Elizabeth, I was like that. Top of the class in every test all the way through juniors but middle-of-the-road in senior school and very average results in those exams. it sounds ever so difficult with your son. Are you able to tell him off or is that not a good idea? I hope he gets over the hitting and pinching very quickly. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have an original oak table but I know they are extremely expensive. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Painter was supposed to turn up at 9.30. By 12, my boss's mum came to the house and said I might as well get the hoovering done. I was waiting till as late as possible till the painter had finished. He finally turned up at 1.30 and said he still had to do some sanding in the bedroom and was going to sand the table again. So I've cleaned the main bedroom 3 times and the kitchen twice plus dusted everywhere else twice just to have him sanding again. Well I can't do any more now. He had 1 bedroom to paint and 1 table to sand and glaze. He's spent 8 days now and hasn't finished either.
He came in and left the back door open and had the french doors in the kitchen open as well as the main garage doors and the back garage door. I'd had enough by 2.30 so left. Got a few things from the supermarket then had a wander round one of the charity shops. Turned round and the painter was in there too. I did think about going round to the house to check that he'd left it secure but I had shopping and thought he could probably get back before me anyway. Also felt that as I'd finished for the day, it was no longer my responsibility to keep a check on him. Feel quite guilty now though for not going to check. I was almost dropping when I got home so sat with feet up all evening.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.Christine0 -
Morning all
I have to wait for an appointment for the injections..they are done in it will probably be a couple of months.. :roll:
Christine good for you going home...there is only so much you can do..and you have done over wonder you were tired...hopefully there mum locked up... I suppose its one of those jobs that never ends...thankless task my late mum would call it..
Toni what a shame that your step daughter didnt get the results she wanted..but if she is taking another one maybe things will work out for the best...she has a good mum and dad behind her...your daughter must be so proud of what she has done against all wounder you are proud of her
Give Cris some hugs from me...she is missed...especially her story's about the employees...
I do hope Catie is doing well..
Today it is cloudy ...not a clue what it will I will see you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Ooooh, where is everyone? Have you been in here all by yourself Barbara? I hope they are all enjoying whatever they are doing and feeling as well as they can.
I wonder too how Catie is doing. Hope she is ok.
Hope you've had a better day Elizabeth.
I went to Dad's today. Only me there. We had a good laugh over a few things so that was good. Got a little bit rained on and hoping for more rain to water the garden as I really don't have the strength to go and do it.Christine0 -
HI Christine and Barbara
I think it's been quiet as its Saturday. Glad your Dad was okI read the ongoing decorating saga and couldn't BELIEVE that he was in the shop :roll: I am not convinced it will be done in time you know :?
Stepdaughter has been to see a University for next year today (I found two suitable ones online) and is back MUCH happier and more positive.
We have been sorting accommodation for eldest.
I dreamt I 'lost' one of the kids :? Think I must be worrying.
Elizabeth I do hope your son has been ok today and hasn't injured you. You have so much to contend with((()))
Barbara the 'employees' are still working our Cris hardand she wouldn't have it any other way.
We will be with you for your jabs - in your pocket
I hope Karen feels better today and that her daughter isn't worrying about next Thursday :?
My fingers are still firmly crossed that catie is on the mend.
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Christine I am quite good at talking to dont mind one bit has long as everyone's had a good day...
Im glad you had a good laugh with your dad bet it made such a difference to him...all the memory's would come back..
Toni I know our Cris would have it any other way bless her,,,the animals keep her going....she told me about wish...
but what a lovely life it had...
glad to see your step daughter is getting sorted...she must feel relieved...
It is suppose to be nice today here but it is pouring down at the min..we are suppose to be going to a farm shop and cafe with my beloved I will see you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Sorry, haven't read back properly yet.
Barbara, hope you managed to get out, and that it stopped raining. It keeps threatening down here but nothing yet. I don't know whether to put the washing out or not.
Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I have woken with loads of soreness and pain today. So will try and take it easy.
The girls had a lovely night. Even had me wearing a face mask. There were blue ones, I had that colour, green ones and 1 purple one. H took pictures of us as well. Well, as long as they had a good time, I don't mind looking a fool.
I hope that Catie is improving each and every day. Sending some hugs ((()))Karen xx0 -
Karen I hope Catie is improving every day too. Let's hope so.
Sounds like a good time was had by all especially the girlsI reckon part of being a mum is acting the goat
Barbara - have cushion will travel ehHope you enjoyed the garden centre and café.
I know it was sad about Lady Wisheteria, but she lived the longest of all of Cris' girls didn't she?just to make you smile
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Afternoon all
Karen I did get out and so did the sun its been a lovely day after the rain..what have I missed Karen you all wearing mask..sounds good fun..the things we do for the kids...
Toni wish had such a lovely home with Cris..I can only imagine how she must miss herI know she has another lady..but forgotten the name...give her my love...
Yea my cushion is my bestist should have seen all the family's picking there own fruit and veg at the GDs wont do it because of the wasp..
mind you there were a lot out there...
Anyone heard off Catie ..hope she is ok...and Coco..she has been missing a while
Will make a cuppa and see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Just popped in with an update on Catie. Good news as she is now out of Intensive Care. However, she has to remain flat on her back for goodness knows how long - the info is rather vague :? , I believe Andrew is meeting with Catie's surgeon tomorrow for an update on progress etc. We shall all have to keep our fingers crossed for her
Best wishes to you all0 -
oops I thought I had posted on here today...I must have seen my name..but it was from last I am worried... :shock: is it me the meds who knows..
thanks MrO ..wish her well from me
the sun is shinning here but I haven't been out... :roll: so got my ironing done...and hoovered with my left hand...and one crutch in the other
Hope everyone as had this sun...and you have had a goodish day...xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Thanks for that MrO
All our very best wishes are with Catie. I expect it's a lot for her husband to take in
Thanks again.
Barbara Cris has a proper flock now!!!
There is Breagh,Ethel here who also has a real sister there altogether about 6 of them including Alba who came down from Scotland spent the night at our house much to the excitement of the girls
Not many of us managing to post at the moment. Don't worry you aren't going mad
Hope everyone is doing ok. Elizabeth, Roses Rosieglow, Christine, Coco, Karen and karenfowls etc :?
Toni xxx0 -
Toni, that's wonderful that your stepdaughter has found a university. It'll give her something to aim for. Did you manage to get accommodation sorted for your eldest? Your dream probably shows you aren't really looking forward to your daughter leaving home. It does take a bit of getting used to. I never knew Cris but have heard her name mentioned numerous times. She sounds like a lovely person. How lovely having a sheep stay for a sleepover.
Karen, hope you are feeling better today and have less pain. Sounds as if you and the girls had a great evening with your masks. Bet it was a lot of fun.
Barbara, glad you enjoyed your trip out. Did you go to a farm? it's possible you did post earlier today. A few of us have and then our post has disappeared. I think it happens if someone else posts just before us and we don't see the notice which pops up. You've done really well getting both ironing and hoovering done.
Thank you for the update Mr O. Brilliant news about her being out of intensive care. Hope she doesn't need to stay on her back for too long.
The painter apparently spent 12 hours on Sunday............. painting the door to the outside shed. :shock: He turned up this morning to put the top back on the kitchen table, left his invoice and left. Phew. He's charged them £600 labour for painting 1 bedroom, sanding and glazing1 table and painting 1 door. :shock: At least he's finished ..... for now.Christine0 -
Morning all the sun is shinning again
Toni thanks a lot for the pics they are brilliant....I did wonder if Cris would end up with a flock..I remember her saying she had traveled from Scotland with the lovely for you and the girls...has she still got the horse coming or were they to much for her...
Christine Cris is so lovely she suffer a lot ..but keeps her little farm going ..she adore animals and they are her family
£600 :shock: gosh ..I would have painted them for that...they know how to bump the price up....wonder if they will pay it all are question it..
Hope you have now done with the cleaning
Today I am going shopping with my neighbour...just hope I can get in the car I struggled last time
Will see you all later ..I hope everyone is well..xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
It sounds really lovely to have a flock of sheep. It must be hard work for Cris but she obviously loves them.
Barbara, they have so much money, they'll probably just pay it seeing as it took 2 weeks. Hope you managed to get out with your friend.
I got the bus to the big supermarket in the next town after work. Once I had my few bits, I went to the bus stop and must have just missed the bus so settled down to wait for half an hour. About 15 minutes later, the bus arrived and I jumped on, thinking it must be running quite late. When it got to the roundabout, it turned right instead of left. I'd got on the one going the opposite way. Had to get off at the next stop and cross over to wait for my bus. It made it even funnier because a woman had been waiting at the first bus stop with me and had popped in to the supermarket as there was a half hour wait. She had come back to the bus stop to find me gone then there I was already sat on the bus when she got on.Christine0
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