Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening Christine
    How good to have a planning officer on your side...very rare... :shock: who knows what will happen...I hope hope something comes of should be proud of yourself...
    I love farmers markets we get one once a month not very big..but its lovely to see....
    I had a little walk with hubby round Ald**...I do love a lots of veg and at least I feel healthy... :lol:
    the baby has just gone home..with mum and daddy..we have bought an high chair then it easier foir them to feed her here...but wha5t I didnt know is that she hates being strapped in anything... :o talk about paddy..her mummy said she wont sit in her chair at home and they are shattered running round after her... :lol: I should laugh...
    See you tomorrow hope everyone's doing okish and have a good evening xxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you are all okish this evening.

    I've been awol for a couple of days now. It's not always easy when you have kids at home. Although, the youngest is always out with her one particular friend. They always end up here again. We have this friend staying for a sleep over on Friday. It should be fun. Youngest with a.d.h.d. and friend being autistic.

    Managed to get mosquito nets up at the girls windows. They wont have the windows open in this weather in case spiders or something come in, so now they will have their windows open.

    Christine, I agree with Barbara, you should be so proud of yourself. And people will thank you for it. Good on you.

    Barbara, not long now. And yes, you will be a bit nervous to lay on your side but will love it I can tell you. You will be a happy little bunny. Honest.

    Is Toni coming home today. Hope you have a good journey.

    Elizabeth must have gone away I haven't seen her around, even on facebook. So hope she is having a wonderful break.

    Everyone else who I have left out, sending big hugs.

    Have a good evening.
    Karen xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Barbara and Karen. I feel as if I'm only doing a very small thing. Just can't sit back and do nothing at all.

    Barbara, these babies certainly know what they do and don't want. No fun being strapped in. Ha ha. My 2 year old grandson always says he doesn't want to go where mum and dad say they are going. He always wants to go somewhere else. They now tell him where they don't want to go and let him say no, somewhere else. Not sure it's a good idea though letting him always make the decisions. :? His sister is 10 1/2 months and started walking a couple of days ago. Definitely no peace for my daughter and her husband now. :lol: Hope you got some good bargains at Ald* today.

    I think Toni said they were staying at a hotel then travelling so not sure exactly when they are home. It must be soon.

    Karen, we know you are really busy with the kids just now so don't worry if you can't post. Hope it goes well on Friday. That was a good idea putting mosquito nets up. I think the windows need to be open a lot at the moment.

    I think Elizabeth said she was having a break away. Not sure where. Hope she's enjoying it.

    Hope everyone else has enjoyed their weekend whatever they have been doing.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen dont apologies for not have so much going on with the school lovely that your youngest has a special friend :D bet you would love to be a fly on the wall when they are out...or would you :lol: I hope the sleepover goes smoothly :D
    Christine your daughter has her hands full...blimey bet she is shattered at the end of the dil has a daughter thats 8 and she helps out now and then...and when my son comes home he takes over for a it me are do babies seem to be harder work than they were when ours were little.. :? :lol:
    I am on my own today GC have gone to Blackpool with a friend ..hee those were the days... :D
    I hope Toni landed safe and sound at her destination...and anyone that is missing I am thinking of you...
    See you later xxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all. Been away to sussex for a few days. Had a super time. I asked for a steroid injection and its turned me into Superwoman!

    Will read back later. hope you are all well,

    elizabeth xxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Barbara, do you mind being on your own. I must admit, I do enjoy it every so often. I can get so much more done. Barbara, D Day is not far off now. Bet you cant wait.

    Elizabeth, lovely to see you. And glad you had a lovely time. How often can you have these injections, they obviously did you the world of good. Was it relaxing or action packed ??.

    Everyone is in today, I have the girls they have to tidy their room. And they have been told, if not then their friend will not be staying over. It is a tip. I cant even walk in there with out falling over something left on the floor.

    Hope everyone has a good day. There's no sun down here, but lovely and warm. That I don't mind at all.
    Karen xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Elizabeth I am glad you have enjoyed your was just what you needed...I can tell by your voice... :) bet you feel much better...
    Karen must say I do like my own company,....but I am not getting much done at the min...have mopped the kitchen ..not easy with crutches but managed it... :) and put casserole in the slow am very pleased...
    Am waiting for hubby to come home and take these stockings off then I can have a shower..not looking forward to him putting them back on.. :o
    Its good that you have got the girls to clean there 2 GD have absconded for the day so I am not looking in there rooms
    ... :roll:
    Will see you later xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, my daughter manages very well I think. She manages to get out every day which amazes me. I think you're right though that babies are harder to look after. I thought it was a doddle when mine were little. Hope you've enjoyed your time on your own. I enjoy my own company. Well done on getting the floor mopped and a casserole on the go.

    Hi Elizabeth. Glad you had a good time. You sound full of energy. I had a steroid injection a couple of years ago. Didn't do a thing for me.

    Karen, did the girls manage to tidy their room? It's never ending, isn't it? My sister's daughter used to push everything under the bed. Didn't take her long to tidy up. :lol:

    Heard today that my ex was having a triple heart bypass today. We split up 2 and 1/2 years ago and haven't kept in contact. Still a bit of a shock and hoping he is ok.

    The dreaded painter was at work again today. I popped out at lunch time. As I went out of the front door, I noticed the latch was on so I locked it. Came back and the latch was back on again and the back door wide open. My boss's mum has asked me to do extra hours and said she'll pay me. She said it's to clear up the dust and mess he's making but I think it's partly because she doesn't like him being there on his own. I've cleaned the kitchen to be told he's sanding down the big wooden kitchen table on Wednesday so I'll need to do it all again. I'd cleaned the master bedroom and he had the window wide open in the strong wind so that's all dusty again. Can't wait till he's finished.

    But some good news. My daughter has rented an apartment in the south of Spain for 2 weeks so I'm going for the second week when it will be my GD's 1st birthday. :D

    Hope everyone is as well as possible.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Great to hear that Elizabeth had a good rest and is now superwoman - you can help me with this ironing :lol:

    I'm home everyone and it's lovely to see you all....that webcam idea....maybe Skype could do it or I could have filmed them on my phone :?

    Karen I hope the kids behaved/are behaving alright....other people's kids are hard work. Lucy had a friend with us in France, but we all coped alright. Problem is you have to tell your own child off when sometimes kit's not really them to blame :(

    Christine that builder is a never ending problem isn't he? :roll: but a holiday is Spain IS good news. Sorry to hear about your exes health issues - I am sure eh will be just fine fingers crossed.

    Barbara doing a casserole and cleaning the floor on crutches is a great achievement well done you!!

    Hope Catie and MrO are ok.

    and anyone else I have missed

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Toni. You're home. Bet you are shattered. Take your time with the washing and ironing unless superwoman is coming to help. :lol:

    Just got a message to say my ex has had his op and is doing very well. Phew.
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just to let you know that Catie is in hospital, having undergone surgery on her neck, yesterday afternoon. The op seems to have gone well, but I will keep you updated :).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Thanks MrO
    Poor Catie...and she didnt say a thing.....give her my love and hope she has a speedy recovery...but more to the point that it eases the pain for her
    Toni you are back... :D if you are anything like me...I feel a bit down after my hols...just want to go back.. :) it was lovely hearing all about your put your feet up before the washing...
    Christine..I am glad to hear your ex is doing ok...very scary these nice of you to be concerned about him...says a lot about you.. :)
    The dreaded painter.....hopefully he will soon be done...why do they make such a mess clean up and it doesn't look any different...poor you having to keep going over it
    Brilliant news you are off to Spain..I am so pleased for you...make the most of it to recharge your batteries... :D
    Today I am on my own again....I am a dab hand at picking my crutches up with my grabber...I am forever dropping them...cant wait to have one then I can carry food and a drink...
    See you all laterxxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all

    Firstly, Thanks Mr. O. for letting us know. I wish Catie had mentioned something. We could have wished her well. But, at least the op is over now. And have a really good recovery. Shall look forward to seeing you back on here Catie, and you can tell us all about it.

    Barbara, you will learn all sorts of tricks when you are limited. Good on you for washing the kitchen floor and making a casserole. Don't over do it though.

    Toni, I bet you wish you were still out in France. Is it good to be home??.

    And everyone else, hope you have a good day. A bit overcast, but warm. Just as well I have plenty of washing to do. I think eldest has been holding on to all of it.

    Have a good one.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Yes everyone I do miss France already....just the traffic as you arrive in England is enough as MrO will agree no doubt!

    Thanks for letting us know about catie's surgery MrO.

    If you do get a chance please pass on my best wishes too.


    I hope everyone else is as well as possible


    Toni xx
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie wasn't scheduled for surgery. The op became necessary as paralysis was deemed a possibility :( . She was fortunate in that her daughter's bf was staying when she became ill. He obviously understood what was happening and acted promptly.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all
    Toni I suppose everything seems so much faster here...mind you it is... :? you will soon have your own place then there will be know holding you back :D
    Karen I am learning new tricks everyday....wherever I go in the house I take carrier bags ... handy for all the rubbish I pick up and taking things upstairs....and down
    MrO poor Catie I am so glad her daughters boyfriend was must have been scary for her..give her my love
    It has rained hard here today now the sun has come out...a bit late but still appreciated... :D
    I am starving and not a clue what we are having....will see you all later xxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm multi tasking and hyper. Using the chance to get on and sort out the children's toys ready for decorating the bedrooms for my Son to have his own room at last. I've also sourced a large oak dining table so no more excuses to sit at the laptop and eat. Civilisation returns!

    This is only the 2nd steroid injection ever and both have worked well but I know they don't like to give you too many. My Humira order is sorted and on its way. Going to take my Son for a walk in the woods tomorrow as he needs the exercise. I usually wouldn't be able to manage such a task.

    Another good thing...daughter has no knots!

    Barbara I'm a bag lady too! I have even put ironing in bags to carry upstairs. Toni I did tackle all the washing and ironing and even enjoyed it!

    Toni glad you had a lovely time and I also dislike the traffic.OH deided to take the scenic route through London to get home rather than face the traffic jams on the M25.
    Hope Catie is being well cared for and will recover.

    Okay I have to give up this laptop now so will go back toreading my book,

    Elizabeth xxxxxx
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    A lovely morning here so hoping to get out for an hour later.. :D
    Elizabeth you made me laugh daughter has no knots a pain..I think I told you my middle GD had very knotty hair...but she has suddenly grown out of it ....
    I am glad you have some energy...good for you getting the room ready bet he cant wait bless him
    We are trying to get carpet fitted to 2 of the bedrooms..but I am dreading OH stating to move things... :roll: I cant even empty the lower drawers...I wont be able to find anything when he is done...
    Sorry I am rambling..hope Toni had a good sleep last night after her journey..or was that the night before.. :?
    I Catie is doing ok..hopefully she will read these post...get well soon (((()))xx
    See you all later xxxx
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just a quick update on Catie. I've spoken with her husband and although the op went well, Catie is in Intensive Care. To be honest, that is to be expected for such an op and I would envisage a stay of between 3-5 days. This is a particularly difficult time for Andrew, as Catie is not in the local hospital - she was transferred to a specialist spinal unit. Right, I am off to give the poor chap some support and will pass on your kind thoughts :)
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mr O, thank you for the continued updates on Catie. That must have been so frightening for her. At least the op is over. Hope she is out of intensive care sooner rather than later. (((hugs)) for her and Andrew.

    Thank you Barbara. I did care about him and would still be with him but there were issues I couldn't handle. I always think it's not right that we drop things when we aren't able to pick them up. Just as well you are good with the grabber. Did you get out today?

    Karen, I've got my bedding out as it's the same here - overcast but warm. Kids, eh? I think they're all the same when it comes to keeping the washing till there's a huge pile.

    Toni, it's a pity you had to come back to the traffic. Just think, you'll eventually be living in France with all that lovely scenery and food and wine.

    Elizabeth, wow, you are still full of energy. maybe you could pop over here and do my housework for me. I like sitting down to meals with the family. Much better than in front of the tv or laptop.

    I'm having to take today off work while the sanding is done and then, instead of having Friday off, I need to work all day to clean up. :( Not to worry. it's warm here so I've got the washing line full and the doors and windows open. Just pottering about today doing bits and pieces.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    MrO thanks for the update...thinking about you Catie.. you get today off ..but you have to clean up Friday I would be asking for more money...not normal cleaning duties... :roll: but at least you get your washing out..I do think its nice you are on good terms with your X..its much better to be friends... :D
    I did get out today with my cushions...and OH of course... :lol: we went to the park and then had something to eat in a cafe..I had to laugh the lady had cushion ready for when I came lovely is that... :D
    Will see you all the way I am 5 weeks post op today so just one week to go....then one crutch and no teds.... :D:D xxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Thanks Mr.O for keeping us updated on Catie. Please send her my love. And lets hope she is out sooner than later. It must be very hard for her hubby too. With her being in a hospital further away. He also needs people round him. And by the sounds of things you are able to keep him sane.

    Barbara, how lovely that they had a cushion ready for you. I bet you didn't expect that at all. That's what you call looking after their customers.

    Christine, glad you had a day off and managed to get all your washing dryed on the line. Hope there is not to much of a mess for you tomorrow.

    Elizabeth, wow, I wish I could have one of those injections. They sound fantastic. To be honest my doctor has said that once I get to the point of severe pain, she will do the same for me. Good to know that when I do, it should work for me.

    To be honest, regarding all the washing. I remember looking at a thread on here where people were giving their ways of dealing with all sorts of things.
    And, now I always through all the washing down the stairs. And, I get the added pleasure of still making them downstairs jump when I do. Everything else goes in the good old plastic bags. Aren't they a god send.

    Hope everyone has had a good day today. Weather here is still lovely and warm. But not over the top any more.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh poor catie and poor catie's husband :(

    Thank you so much for passing on our best to them from us and for keeping us up to date MrO. My heart goes out to her and hope all our strength and good wishes help her along the road to recovery.

    Karen like you my washing gets lobbed downstairs every time ;) Its so much easier isn't it?

    5 weeks post p already Barbara?? WOW!!! Time flies and I am glad you got out today and that the café lady was so thoughtful too :)

    Christen I agree with you I still care about my ex even if he wasn't right for me. Glad you have found stuff to do today, but shame you have to work Friday ::) Yes imagine me living in France like MrO's son :D

    Good to see you Elizabeth even if you only get a fleeting look-in on the laptop ;)

    Love to all of you

    Toni xxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rather hectic day today with Son screaming blue murder.

    Haha Karen had to laugh. I made Lucy cry chucking the washing down the stairs- it gave her such a fright. she wasn't there when I looked! I'm just so glad that she wasn't carrying a drink.

    Very excited about the table arriving tomorrow. Its a Walton family size and I've always wanted one big enough to accomodate all the family.

    Promise to read all your posts tomorrow, just have to jump on lappy while I can

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you to all those who have left messages of support for Catie. I have passed your good wishes on to Andrew, who asked me to convey his thanks :).