Val's Cafe
Morning All
Toni, that bikini certainly wasn't mine - if only
Brantome, looks very serene....but crikey what a slope .... I think a few of us might end up having a swim after a drink or two
Barbara, I bet after your next hip op, there will be no stopping you
I love feeding the ducks and swans too - so restful.
MrO, now you get back on this thread - we all miss youThanks for all the info. Glad to say, I'm back in business and up and running
Wishing everyone a lovely day0 -
Thank you kindly, Ladies
Catie, in times of desperation, you could always use mail2web - but glad all is well
Enjoy your holiday Toni. I shall be over in September0 -
That's really odd. I put in www. etc for the site suggested and a dodgy site appeared - so I removed the www0
Afternoon Mr O and Catie...
I haven't gone hubby has a job to Im sat here waiting... :roll: poor ducks they dont know what they are missing....granary bread...
Not a clue when he will be back..suppose there is always tomorrow
My last injection tonight...yippee
See you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Catie, glad you got your emails sorted out. Hope you didn't have too many to catch up on.
Barbara, did you get to see your doctor today? Why on earth do they not have suitable seating in the waiting room? You'd think they of all places would understand people's needs. Well done getting the cooker top cleaned and some ironing. The rest can wait till later. Hope you managed to get out today.
Toni, the bikini isn't mine but I'm sure I could manage to squeeze a bit of me in to it.Thank you for the wine. 11.14am is close enough. Mmmm, and maybe a croissant to go with it.
Just noticed, the bikini is Barbara's. Sorry Barbara, hope I haven't stretched it. Brantome looks wonderful. Glad you are enjoying it.
Hi Mr O. So you're off to France in September. Maybe we could get the bus out and come and visit you too. Strange the www should take you to a completely different site.
Thank you for thinking of my dil. I think 4 weeks is a long time to wait but I guess if anything was wrong, they'd contact her sooner.
My boss's mum turned up today and said she'd forgotten I would be there. The painter was coming to paint one of the bedrooms and she was worried he'd leave an outside door open when he went out as he's done it before. He turned up at 10, went for his lunch break from 12 till half past. I popped out from 1.30 till 2. When I got back, the front door was wide open and the painter was upstairs with an angle grinder going so he couldn't hear if anyone came in. I had a quick check round downstairs, then went back to the front door to find his wife about to come in. She'd come to borrow his phone as hers was broken. They left their 2 kids to play in the garden. Next thing, the painter and the kids were in the garage playing with the drum kit, then they ran through to the playroom. I'm sure if I hadn't been there, they'd have been all over the house. They didn't leave till 3. The painter said he was staying till at least 6.30 so I had to leave him. Just hope my boss's mum checked everything was locked when she came down later to put the alarm on. I didn't tell her as she is already worried sick in case anything happens while my boss is away but I think I'll have to tell him.Christine0 -
MrOptimist wrote:That's really odd. I put in www. etc for the site suggested and a dodgy site appeared - so I removed the www
:shock: very wise to omit it then :shock: that case I reckon yours is the pink one with sparkly all over it (size 10).
Brantome is beautiful. The kids went on the river in a canoe, but I wasn't allowed. Probably as well
Barbara - we are in a place called Villars about 12 Km away from Brantome. You would have loved the river if you like ducks as there are lots and ducklings too
Christine you are right of course about your DIL they would 'find' her if there was anything urgent - it's happened to me. Is your bikini the one with flowers on it (also size 10)?? Reference to your gardening exploits.
That painter and his family did rather behave a bit cheekily I think ::) Naughty really. Hopefully no harm done and bosses Mum will be none the wiser. As you said you can tell your boss when he gets back.
Well today we are off to Ste Foy La Grande then to the night market at Eymet.
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all cheeky is that painter...its not right ...would he like people climbing all over his house when away...I hope there mum came back and locked up..I would hate you to get in trouble....
I rang the GP thankyou for asking...he has upped my amytriptaline for a few weeks..sorry spelling...the receptionist said can you come in...I said yes if I could sit down...
Toni how lovey to canoe down the river...such a shame you could do it...but how restful places like that must there are loads of good bakery' carry on enjoying...
I hope that all that are missing are doing okish...wont name you in case I miss someone.... :?
Today I have 2 GD middle one that is 12 is a dab hand at putting these stockings on me ....hubby still struggles ...
Will see you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Hope you all managed a good night's sleep.
Barbara, you're dr's reception has no seats. That is bad. Glad though that they have upped your ammy's, maybe now you will get some well earned sleep.
Christine, I think that painter is well out of order doing what he did.
Catie, glad that Mr.O. has been able to help you.
Mr.O. good to see you back, hope you will stay, it's good to have a man around you know. I bet you cant wait till you go over to France.
Toni, the bigger sized yellow spotted bikini is mine, really wish I was so small again. It does look so lovely the picture you showed. I cant remember who said it but, boy if I had a drink on that slope, I do know where I would end up. In the water. I get the wobbles anyway and I don't drink.
Does anyone know...has Elizabeth gone yet on her break. I have rather lost where everyone is.
Hope everyone has a good day, the weather here is lovely again. Of course because we took the girls out yesterday it was very overcast and rained. But, we still had a good time, and now paying for it.
Take care all of you.Karen xx0 -
Karen its the way I tell um...
they do have seats but they are to low..and they.don't have arms to get up from... :roll:
Im so please you had a day out with the girls...rain or no rain young uns don't care...
See you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone
MrO, a 'dodgy' site eh - that sounds intriguing.
Thanks for all the info and help
Christine, what a bloomin' cheek those people have. We had something similar happen to us when we had an extension built a few years ago. Went out, only to return to find one of the builders playing with his kids in the garden, rather than doing any work :shock:. Before our arrival they had enjoyed a picnic with food and drink from ours truly. We weren't impressed :roll:
Toni, a size 10 eh.......if onlyI was when I married, but the years since have taken their toll
Karen, I was wondering about Elizabeth too - hope she is ok.
Barbara, what a kind grand-daughter to help you - must be lovely company too
Have a nice day everyone.0 -
Ladies, do not despair about your 'size'. True beauty comes from 'within'0
Hello Catie and MrO..
Catie I still say that size 8 bikini is mine..but didn't say I could get in it.. :oops:add a 1 to it...I do have lovely GDs but I would say that...but bless her putting the ted stocking on they are not she has earned her spends
MrO you are right about late mum used to say that...and I must agree...
its has gone black here so think we may be in for a storm.... :roll: please dont thunder...first night in a month without the injection....yippee
Will see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Toni, yes that's my bikini. As it's a virtual one, I'll be able to get in to it.
Hope you enjoyed Ste Foy La Grande and the market.
Barbara, how lovely of your GD to put your stockings on for you.
Karen, isn't that typical for it to rain when you went out. Glad you enjoyed it anyway.
Catie, that's even worse than this painter. Eating your food? How did he think he would get away with that?
Thank you Mr O. Guess we are all beautiful really.
Managed to get some of the garden tidied today and have got signatures from about 3/4 of my estate on the petition. Only 2 people so far have said no. 1 because she knows the people who sold their farm for houses and 1 because he wants to buy one of the new houses. Everyone else practically grabbed the petition out of my hand to sign it, the feeling is so strong.
Hope everyone sleeps well tonight.Christine0 -
MrOptimist wrote:Ladies, do not despair about your 'size'. True beauty comes from 'within'
Thank you MrO well-said
Christine we did enjoy Ste Foy and the market wasn't Eymet, but Duras luckily I remembered in time :oops: The kids are all spent up now!!
Well done for the petition signatures and of course the gardening
Barbara I am so glad you are jab free now BRILIANT and Gd deserves a medal doing a Ted stocking is no mean feat!!!
Catie your 'builder' story sounds BAD :shock: you can't trust anyone can you :roll: Is Elizabeth really AWOL? I hope maybe she is just busy with the kids and that she is ok :?
Karen - good to see you. The 'virtual' bikinis will fit is all and we all look fantastic too (MRO is quite right). Glad you had such a good day out and hope that you are recovered now.
See you all later
Toni xxx
PS sorry if I missed anyone0 -
Morning all
Christine you are doing a brilliant job with the is so similar here the farmer at the top of our rd has sold his is greenbelt but that doesn't make a jot of a difference thanks to the government....
Toni carry on enjoying your holiday...tis raining here... :roll:
I have 2 GDs in hopefully they will do some jobs for me when they get up....bless they are not having an holiday this year...wish I could take them...
Hope everyone has a goodish day..the kettle is on and will see you all later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Barbara and All
It's dark and gloomy here, but the garden is enjoying the rain.
MrO, that's a lovely thing to say. Have you 'hung up your boots' yet?
Christine, I don't think they cared a jot about taking ice-cream from the freezer and cakes from the tin. That was the least of our problems though as we came back another time to find the WRONG tiles on the roof. Now that was a shock :shock:. We were told that the right tiles had been ordered and it was the suppliers fault....mmmm. We went to the trading standards office and given some good advice. In the end we subtracted the cost of the tiles from his final bill. The tiles look ok thankfully. This guy was the s-i-l of a builder who had done work for us in the past and so it came as a shock to find he was such a rogue :roll:
I hope you win your battle with the petition
Barbara, when I was a young girl. I used to spend my summer hols with my grand-mother, and I cherish those memories because she was such a wonderfully kind and loving person. I'm sure that your grand-daughters will feel the same way
Toni, what is the cost of living like in France these days? Does it compare favourably with the UK?0 -
Catie wrote:Morning Barbara and All
Barbara, when I was a young girl. I used to spend my summer hols with my grand-mother, and I cherish those memories because she was such a wonderfully kind and loving person. I'm sure that your grand-daughters will feel the same way
Now that is sooooo right Catie
Catie - the petrol is cheaper, the food similar and the wine - MUCH cheaper
Barbara I am sure the girls don't mind helping you at all
Toni xxx0 -
Steady with the wine Toni
Yes Catie, I have 'hung up my boots' and feel a lot better for having done so. We will now enjoy the 'freedom' that retirement will bring
. With one son in France and another in Oz, the suitcases are ready and waiting
0 -
Afternoon all
Catie...I do hope the girls always remember how good it was here...that would mean so much..I hardly remember my Grandma ..she was nice but had Victorian attitudes
How disgusting that the builders treated your house has it was there home cheek doesn't come into hubby works in people houses and if they leave the key and they say make yourself a drink he wont ....
Toni are you having a good time...plenty of good food and wine...and relaxing of course..
Mr O you enjoy your holidays lovely that you can choose between family....
Today I had a mishap with a pram ...well she ran me down and took my crutch with her...she came bounding out of the supermarket....not a sorry or anything...and I was only saying how kind people are when they see you on crutches... :roll:
Tonight is Indian takaway....cant wait...
If I dont see you later hope you all have a good evening xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara, the farm just down the road from me was sold and they are going to build there. There is a main gas pipe running through the middle of it. It blew up in the late 60s leaving a huge hole. The houses will only be a few metres away. I keep imagining the conversation with the insurance companies. Insurance company - Is there anything we need to know? Householder - no, not really. Well there is a gas pipe a few metres away from the house but it has only blown up once. :shock: Your grandkids sound wonderful Barbara. I'm sure they would enjoy doing some jobs for you. That must have been a shock, being run over with a pram. Hope you weren't hurt. Bet she was young. Some of them have no manners at all.
Catie, so it was the suppliers fault sending the wrong tiles but the builder still put them up anyway? Surely if that was true, they would have exchanged them or checked with you? You did right not paying for them. Just as well they looked ok though.
Toni, it must have been a good market if the kids spent all their money. Sounds as if you are enjoying the wine.
Mr O, how wonderful having 2 places to visit. Bet the cases are permanently at the ready.Christine0 -
Good Morning everyone
I promise I am being 'good' with the wineI have children with me and tend to be responsible anyway
Fabulous really to have your 'children' in such lovely places and to be able to stay there and enjoy Grandchildren too - even better
I am sorry you got knocked over!! Blimey lass I hope you are ok?? I missed my curry while over here, but have filled up on plenty of other lovely French food and Créme Brulée too
Christine that gas pipe story sounds a bit scary!! I wonder whether that ought to come up on surveys too??? :? The night market is lovely and has a great atmosphere a lot of the towns and villages have them here
I hope everyone is well especially those who haven't been in for a while...fingers crossed they are well just happily busy :0
We start our journey up country today....5 hours driving today then Hotel in Dreux then the rest of the journey tomorrow. If you don't hear from me till after Sunday please don't worry the wifi at the hotel was rubbish on the way up :roll:
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Christine..its surprising how these planners get round things...I want to know how.... :roll: I would be putting up poster mentioning the explosion...I have been in trouble before..protesting...another long story...
Toni you have a safe journey up lovely ...wish you had a web cam and could show us all the lovely villages on route...and your you don't want to come home..
I slept a bit better last night...must be the amys..I make sure I have a good walk in the tires me out...a good walk is half hour these daysbut I will up it soon ...
it is cloudy here but warm...not sure what today will bring..just one GD in bed....
Hope all that are missing are okish...see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Toni, creme brulee? Mmmmm, yummy. I love going to evening markets. So much more atmosphere. Enjoy the rest of your journey.
Barbara, we want to know how they get round these things. That's why we are doing the petition. We might not find out but we can only try. I have been on a couple of protests but never got in to trouble.Half an hour's walk is pretty good. Don't do too much too soon. Hope you sleep well again tonight.
Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.Christine0 -
Morning all
Christine you see if you can get an appointment with your planning you dont... :roll: but carry on what you are get so many people sitting back grumbling about things and doing nothing
Hope our Toni has had a safe they are shattered today..but the wine will help...and the lovely food...
5 weeks post op next Wednesday...then one more week and hopefully can sleep on my will be scary at first but nice
tis cloudy today..but lovely and GC here today the middle one and the eldest are on very quite here..
Hope everyone is doing okish ....will see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Barbara, well only just. It's nearly midday now.
We already have one of the planning officers on our side opposing the housing and supporting our petition. I agree. Lots of people have said what's the point in doing anything. The council will still please themselves. They don't realise that if THEY all complained, they can stop the council or at least get answers.
Yes, they will be quite tired but I'm sure it'll be a nice sort of tired as you say, helped with good food and wine.
Only a week and a half to go. I know you can't wait.
A bit cloudy here but a bit of blue sky showing through. Thinking of walking up to my son's. Need to check they'll be at home first. If they're out, think I'll walk in to town as there's a farmer's market on. Don't need anything but need to get out for a bit.Christine0
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