Val's Cafe
Morning all
Christine I keep missing you....
you are having a time with those buses ..I hate change..especially with the get so used to getting on and off in certain places...I would love to have seen the lady face when she got on and saw you...
It is dull here today...hubby is working and one GC in bed....I think today will be a lazy one for me...hopefully
Hope everyone is well I wont name you all in case I forget somebody...see you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
sorry been AWOL. Had my hands full and also I'm very tired so not getting very much done and feeling guilty.
Currently trying to decide on a colour for my Sons new bedroom. I'm taking my time much to OH's annoyance but these things have be done right. My Eldest son wanted orange so have done an accent wall, which looks lovely but I cannot find the right shade to go with it. I'm looking for a very pale blue. Naughty OH got orange paint on the carpet because he is always rushing things and didn't bother to put a sheet down!!!!!
Glad to hear Catie is out of intensive care but how awful she will have to lie so still for a while longer.
So glad your daughter has found 2 uni's she likes Toni. Again a big decision that must be taken slowly and carefully.
It was me who asked how Cris was Toni as she has been absent for so long now. Her eyes must be so bad and that an't be easy.
Glad you had fun with the girls Karen. Its nie to spend quality time together.
Okay off to look for more colour inspiration.
Elizabeth xxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Afternoon all,
Hope you are all as well as can be. It's lovely weather here. But not that horrible heat, this heat is much nicer.
Barbara, how are you getting on. you must be back for your 6 week check up. Or, have you already been.
Those pics of the sheep, lovely. They always have such lovely faces.
I hope Catie is still improving. And Wonder how her hubby got on with the consultant. Mr. O. thanks for keeping us informed. And send some big hugs from me to both of them.
Elizabeth, don't feel guilty, it's not your fault you are feeling so tired etc. (but I do know what you mean) We are all much the same I think, its a mother thing.
I have been taking the youngest out looking for some new school clothes. She has actually started to grow. And today went to H's college today to give over all the paperwork and pics for her i.d. badge when she starts.
And then tomorrow, we will go and get her results. She is very apprehensive.
Still cant get Tonies sugars down far enough. Bless him, he is really trying so hard.
Christine, I bet you are glad that the painter has finished now. And what this business with you and the buses eh. Mark you, I hate buses. And this way they are so expensive nowadays.
I shall sit by the window and have a chilled drink (vimto) and watch the world go by. I feel very pent up with all the goings and comings that is happening in my family.
Have a good day everyone and sending you all some big hugs. ((()))Karen xx0 -
Evening all
Elizabeth I am rubbish with colours...could you not go with a swatch and get some paint mixed or is it paper you are OH is the same with any job never put a sheet down
Karen I do hope that Hs results are must be scary for her...I will have everything crossed for her..glad to see you are getting there with school clothes...its all go at this time of the year..hope you get sorted at Hs exciting
Today I have done very little...hubby was late coming in so we had fish and I feel sick...serves me right...the baby has just gone home she is having a bad time with her back teeth...bless..
I will see you all tomorrow xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Barbara and Elizabeth, I have to admit that I am one of those people who do not put sheets down when painting :oops: I do so love doing the painting. Well, don't know about nowadays though. We do need to decorate. That will be a challenge wont it.
Hope everyone has a good evening and shall see you all tomorrow.Karen xx0 -
Sorry I am late on everyone :oops:
Good news catie is on the mend - if you can MrO please do send my/our very best to her.
Elizabeth yes you DID ask after Cris I did tell her and she asked to pass it back to you.
The sheep are so sweet and gentle. They take custard creams out of your hand and never nip you(Christine - they are work, but they are so sweet it's worth it and if she is too rough she just makes sure they are fed and watered)
Silly OH spilling paint :roll: I hope you can get it up in time....I do always 'cover up' Karen (I am a goody goody and rather clumsy too!!)
I wonder why you can't get Toney's sugar down low enough??? Just incase it could be is he accidentally eating fruit high in it like grapes?? Just an idea as it's easily done.
Thanks to you all for being pleased for my stepdaughter. She is a different girl like a weight off her shoulders
My fingers are firmly crossed for your daughter's exams Karen.
Barbara I am sorry the poor baby is suffering ATMI agree with you in some DIY places they can tell you what goes with what.
Christine those buses!! There's a really good decorator near me who does a room for £250 and I thought that was a lot :shock:
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
The sun is shinning we are doing well
My old hip is really keeping me awake...and I cant face going through another THR just yet...the new one is doing brilliant must say...6 weeks checkup tomorrowbye bye ted stockings....
Toni is everything sorted now for your must me quite stressful getting everything in order
Karen the same for seems so long ago I did it with my sons.... :?
Christine I hope they get your buses sorted very soon...we dont want to lose you
Catie I am still thinking about you...xx
And to everyone that is missing hope you are doing okish
I am hoping to get out son offered but I cant get in his car... :roll:
Will see you all later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Barbara, you should go back to your dr's. Maybe you need something stronger for your other hip. But so pleased for you that the new one is doing so well. D Day tomorrow, bet it cant come quick enough now. Is your sons car very low and with only doors in the front. I do remember when my brother gave us a lift to the station, I had so much trouble getting in and out. It was like candid camera.
It's been chucking it down with rain nearly all night. But we do need it.
Catie, I am thinking of you, Hope you will be home soon. Bet you do to.
Toni, is it me, but I think I am more nervous about the results than H. And I did forget to say glad your step daughter has got sorted out. Must be a load of your minds.
Right a nice cup of Earl Grey by the window. And then get ready to go. Also looking at a new car on the disability today. Hoping we can get a semi automatic this time.
Have a good day everyone in whatever you are up to. xxKaren xx0 -
Afternoon or evening all
Karen my sons car is quite low...well it is to me..I sick my bum out backwards like you do..and I cant get it on the seat :roll: and yes its 2 door...ours is an old car but just the right height...I must be used to it...we have had a lovely warm day got out for an hour..cant walk very far with this old hip..but I enjoyed it...I forgot my couldn't go in a cafe..not without making a fool of myself....
Good luck with all the results ...
Might see you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Karen I hope all has gone well for your daughter. Whatever happens she has her place at college and I reckon she will LOVE it
Thanks for your kind thoughts about My stepdaughter - yes we are all ok now...phew
I really do and that the car was 'right' for you.
My husband (then 'boyfriend' of 6 months), brought me home from hospital after back surgery in a panther Lima (sports car) ::)
Glad you got out for a bit anyway Barbara - I think you are doing so well. How do you feel now at the prospect of having the other hip done????
Charley is getting nicely settled and sorted out - the 'tick list' is almost done nowIt's rather sad I think
I hope all our 'missing' café-dwellers are alright :?
love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Don't know how you managed that journey ( from your back op) Toni. Must have been a struggle. the worst I've done is go on the back of a scooter at 8 months pregnant, but we women are good at adapting to the situation with pregnancy.Not the same as illness and pain.
Well Barbara I'm 4 years needing a 2nd THR and still worry it is too soon. Give yourself time and let the 1st recover. You'll start to realise how different they are and soon want both doing but until then take each day at a time and don't set targets. Its great you have got one done.
How did the results go Karen? Glad you are getting sorted ready for college. Its awful to have to do everything last minute. I've been mentally preparing for new uniform since the 1st week of the hols! OH kindly took Jack to get his new PE kit and shoes (although not pleased with Jacks choice of shoes- they are a bit boring).
Love to Applerose and Catie. Hoping you can sit up Catie. hope your family are behaving applerose.
Chose farrow and ball pale blue paint called cabbage white- how confusing. their blues were green tinted and their whites are blues! Still this is all part of the attempt to get my middle child into his own room after many years. OH is looking forward to moving back in with me
Take care, hope I haven't missed anyone
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Afternoon all
Just back from my6 weeks checkup....
It went really well and she was lovely...they want me to have physio to get it stronger ready for my next one... :shock: I can get rid of the stockings...but some of the 90% rules will be for life... :shock: I felt really down when she said this...apparently you can dislocate it anytime in its lifetime..and there is no pain to warn you it is going to happen low seats are out...she said about cutting toenails you can try in a few months...but go down on the inside of your leg...very slowly..
Suppose I am pain free on that side ..but just feel a bit down... you say its one day at a time...I hope you get there soon with yours..cant be easy with a family to look after..
Its good you have found the right colour of it looks lovely
Toni it is sad when your little ones leave the nest..I sobbed my heart out when my eldest one went and again for my second be proud of yourself...
I will see you all later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
Barbara, I can understand you feeling down. It is a big build up to the 6 weeks check and then it's just to get on with it. At least you can try lying on your side now. Sending you some big hugs of comfort.
Also, as I recall, it is Barbara and hubbies anniversary today. Congratulations to you both Barbara. Hope you are going to celebrate. xxx
Hope everyone else is having a goodish day.Karen xx0 -
Well remembered Karen
Happy Anniversary Barbara and husband
Today has been ok Karen. Still getting my head round Charley going, but am ok reallysniff sniff
Very muggy is it with you too?
Hi Elizabeth - I wonder whether 'love' got me through that car journey??wouldn't even try it now
I hope your cunning plan to get middle child into the correct bedroom works out for you and your OH - you DO deserve it now
That colour sounds nice, but I wonder why they have got the names and colours matched illogically :? Well so long as it 'goes' that's all that matters.
Barbara.....well I think you are doing brilliantly and of course the physio is a good idea. Toenail clipping sounds a scary prospect :shock: I am sure the 90 deg rule will become second nature soon you know. Shame about the ted stockings - I bet you had got attached to them by now
Love to everyone and hope our missing members are ok and Catie is still improving
Toni xx0 -
Aww thanks Karen and Toni for the good wishes...44 years... :shock: I was 19 and never been kissed...well just a couple...
I am feeling better after my little was like she was saying you will never be the same again...
Tonight we are having a takeaway and going out tomorrow .....
Toni it is very humid feels like the heating is's some more tissue...bless...Charley will be fine...and mum will be mum...
I hope everyone has a good evening will see you tomorrow,,love to everyone xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara, Tia has gone to stay with her Nan so only Lucy is here with us.....the bathroom basin is still clean and the bath isn't blocked up with hair and the floor strewn with towels
Woe is me.
I am ok really honestly.(slight fib) Thanks for the tissues
44 YearsWELL DONE both of you, but of course he chose well
I would have felt the same I think after your appointment, but the lessening of pain? HAS to be worth it?
Hope your takeaway was good - we had Chinese food tonight YUM!
Toni xxx
PS Daisycat is here to cheer me up0 -
Barbara, glad your check-up went well. I'm not surprised you felt down. There was a lot of build up to your op and looking after yourself and now things are sort of normal now. Hope you can get some pain relief for your other hip. Happy anniversary. Hope you had a good day.
Toni, yes it is quite sad for us parents when our children leave us. You will get used to it and it is a big adventure for them. Strange how we can be annoyed with the mess they make but we miss it when they're not there.
Karen, did you get a new car sorted out? It chucked it down here during the night too. We had an electrical storm up above the clouds too but I missed that. Everyone was talking about it. My daughter drinks Earl Grey. I don't like the smell of it. Her teabags make the normal teabags smell like Earl Grey too.
Elizabeth, thank you. Things are quiet on the family front. The sister who cares for my dad has gone on her third holiday this year. My other sister is looking after the little one for her. Haven't seen either of them for 2 weeks and won't this week either. Those paint colours are confusing. Bit like those sweets advertised on tv. The colours and flavours don't match. Hope it works for your son.
Painter called round yesterday to collect his money. My boss handed it over and told him what a wonderful job he had done and asked him to come back today to paint some outside windows. I tried to tell them but they just laughed. Oh well, it's their house and their money I guess.
Bumped in to my son and dil this afternoon when I left work. They were going to see their solicitor so I offered to look after little Ruby. The other two were at grandma's. Ruby and I had a lovely chat and a good giggle about something. Don't know what but it was fun.Then she wanted to go to sleep but insisted that she was upright on my shoulder and I was walking about. Every time I tried to change her position or to sit down, she started crying again. So an hour and a half and a broken back later, mum and dad came back. I did enjoy the cuddle though.
Hope you are all having a good weekend. Hope Catie is improving quickly. Have you heard any more, Mr O?Christine0 -
Morning all
Toni some hugs for you (((()))....glad you have Lucy there ....not sure about daughters but my sons would come and go....have bin bags will travel I called them...
Christine like you say when they have so much money...I think if you had told them how many hours he worked they wouldn't have bothered
How lovely you had an hour with Ruby..dont they just lift you...I cant pic Niamh up but when they put her on my knee..well you know how it feels
...and like you say the chatter and they know what they are saying....
Today I will bonce back...could sleep on my side last night....and I was so looking forward to it...but this old hip is too painful....but give it a few more weeks and I should be able to sleep on my new hip
We had an awful storm in the night... :shock: there must be floods somewhere ...we are on a slight hill so not to bad here..
Not sure what today will bring...
See you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all,
Hope you are all reasonably ok. It has been chucking it down all night and hasn't stopped.
Christine, we are going up today to talk about the new car. Tony was feeling to unwell the other day. And I do feel for you, losing one of your kids. I dread the day mine go. I don't think I will know what to do with myself. Mark you, on saying that Tony keeps me on the go.
Barbara, your right, give it a little time and you will be back to sleeping on your side.
Sending hugs to all of you and hope you all have a good day.Karen xx0 -
Yes Barbara, babies do seem to know what they are saying. That's such a shame your old hip was so painful and you didn't enjoy sleeping on your side as much as you'd hoped. Maybe it will take a bit more time. Not long I hope.
Karen, I hope Tony is feeling better now and you found your car today.
We had a storm here from about 8pm last night, lightening right across the sky right outside my window. Not much noise though. Quite a bit of rain this afternoon just as I was arriving home. Floods halfway across the roads. I live on top of a hill but the road outside floods because the drains can't cope. If it gets too bad, it comes down the step in to my garden. A couple of times, it been so bad, it has started coming in to my porch. Don't tell my insurance company though.
Another good afternoon with dad (just the 2 of us), although listening to him repeat the same thing over and over is very tiring. He has forgotten that he went on holiday with my sisters and the kids earlier this year. He thinks he went there last year on his own. I just agreed. Don't think it's a good idea to tell him otherwise if he can't remember it. He just gets upset.
Have a good Sunday everyone.Christine0 -
Evening all
Karen sorry if I have missed you saying you was getting a new car....hope you do ..we have had ours for over 10 years...I love the old girl she wasn't new when we got her..but has been so reliable....we were called going out tonight for our...but we didnt in a rut I think....
Christine...we had that awful storm...and we have found a few leak on the roof.... :roll: your poor you just have to listen..I am glad you had a good time with him..parents are so precious I haven't had mine for a long long time.....we had the baby here tonight...the only words we can tell she is saying is..all goneI hope that everyone's doings ok....especially Catie...rosieglow..coco and anyone else I might have missed
See you tomorrow..hope you sleep well xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara won't it be great when you can sleep on your new hip
Then it will REALLY feel worth it won't it
I DO miss the mess....the towels are ON the rails? There are no long drak hairs in the shower (the other two are red and blonde!)
You and Christine have made me think......GRANDCHILDREN! That's what I have to look forward to anyway. Lucy and Tia are still here and of course Daisycat
Christine your boss is a bit barmyImagine putting up with that? If she lived nearer me I would find her a better decorator!
I am glad you can talk to your Dad and are patient with him. He needs to talk and you are good to him. Some happy memories for you to store away
Karen I think Tony does keep you on your toes being poorly as he is bless him. I hope you have sorted out the new car - how lovely
I hope all our missing café dwellers are alright and Catie is still progressing well.
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Morning All
thought I will nip in and give the place a quick clean in-case Val pops by - she might as she is feeling a bit better according to Mellman...
Washing up done....never did like dishwashers
Quick hoover
and rubbish out
Coffee machine is on.
Love to all hope everyone is well and Catie is still progressing.
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toni I just cant wait to sleep on my side....this blinking back hates me lying on it.. :roll:
Good news the hip is doing so was me having a blip but not for long...Yes Grandchildren...I always say its a different kind of love..hard to explain but you will know one house is a tip when the girls are here..but like you say when everything is in it place there is something not quite right :?
the cafe is lovely and clean..and its good to know our Val is doing better...when she has finish her treatment we will have a party for her
Hope you all have a goodish day...its very warm here but cloudy I am making loads of apple crumble if anyone wants some...
See you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all sorry I haven't been in the cafe for a while,hope you are all doing as well as can be.
After painting the bathroom my hands and forearms broke out in spots seems to have been a reaction to the white spirit,they itched like mad anyway they are slowly clearing now.
So today's lunch is sirloin steaks with onions,mushrooms ,tomatoes and peas and maybe some new potatoes .
Hope you all have a good bank holiday. Mig0
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