Val's Cafe
barbara12 wrote:Karen my eldest GD had to get a different jumper for the last year, and her daddy got her one without the badge... they have really embarrassed her..its terrible how they are coming down on the wrong people not the ones that are causing trouble... :?
I noticed that too - last year skirts like belts (did I just sound like my Dad :? ) blazers waist height with no badge, makeup 3 inches thick....
They are SCARED of those kids and their parents.
Not us 'good' ones
Hi Maria and Elizabeth - Yes IT or maths is good these days - maybe he can teach it in time??? If he's good with littlies?
Right Off to watch the goggle-box
Toni xxx0 -
Hello everyone,
Well, I`m finally home after ten weeks, and it is so lovely to be here.
Following my surgery, I spent three weeks in a fabulous rehabilitation centre. It had everything there, including a hairdressing/beauty salon which I made full use of. The food was all freshly cooked on the premises, and was superb. I worked really hard with the physio in the gym there, and am now walking with just one stick. Considering I couldn`t walk at all, due to the discitis, I`m really pleased with this.
I get tired very easily, and also feel a bit emotional, but I suppose that`s to be expected.
I haven`t been able to read back, but I hope everyone is as well as can be........Rosie.0 -
Morning all
Rosie it is lovely to have you back with us you have been missed..and I am glad you had good care it must make all the carry on sit by the window and I will make you a you mind me asking what led up to you needing this..
Elizabeth ..yes you are right has long as we support and love them..
Maria its good to see you in the cafe...
Toni hope you enjoyed your evening with the box...yes its always the ones that do has they are told.. :roll:
It is raining here...OH has to get a bedroom ready for a carpet..what on earth do we do with the wardrobe... :shock:
Will see you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Barbara,
A cuppa, and a sit by the window is just what I need, thank you. If my memory serves me right, you were about to have a THR just as I went awol. How did that go? I really hope you are on the mend.
With regards to my problem, I never really got answers to my how/why questions. Just what was going to be done to treat it quickly, which of course was what was important. From what I worked out myself, I had discitis in my lower spine. Because I have arthritis there, I was used to having the pain. It was only when I woke up one morning, in pain so unbearable it made childbirth seem like a walk in the park, that I realised that I had to get help. I tried to walk and couldn`t. When I got to the hospital, the first bloods showed septicaemia, so I was immediately put on really strong IV anti biotics. I was told much later that had I not gone into hospital when I did, the outcome would have been fatal. I really didn`t need to know that! I only came off the AB`s three days ago, and am now on oral AB`s for six weeks. Once I was in the ward, I had an MRI scan which showed severe infection of the discs in my lower spine. I think this is how the infection got into the blood, causing the septicaemia, but I`m not absolutely sure. Anyhow after four weeks, the infection had cleared, and I was able to go to the specialist hospital for the surgery. I have to say that I had every scan, ultra sound, ECG, and blood test to try to find out what was going on. Everything came back clear, so that was good to know. I bet you`re sorry you asked now aren`t you?
The weather has turned very wet and cold. I love the sun and waited years for a summer like this, and what happens. I miss the bloody lot!!!......Rosie.0 -
Oh Rosie
Welcome Home
Being a bit teary is perfectly normal after all you've been through.
Your progress is AMAZING!!! Well DONE
No need to read back!! None of us would expect you to!! Catie had emergency neck surgery and is just home too. Barbara's Hip is done and she has done fantastically well too! The rest of us have done our usual ups and downs....
You should pick everything else up over time I'm sure
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Goodness Rosie, 10 weeks is a very long time but so glad you are safely back. I'm sorry you had so much pain but without it would you have gone to the hospital in time? In a way it alerted you to a dangerous situation.
Son went back today but still have Lucy recovering. I hate to say it but its been a good day and gone slowly and I've got lots done. They sent a nice new mini bus today as many people complained about the state of the old one.
Toni he has a lovely rapport with little children although I don't think he'd cope with the written work and notes they have to make. I doubt he'd be interested but as a good hearted chap he'd be wise to consider caring as a career.
We are always getting letters about the schools clamping down on the skirt lengths but never seem to notice it on the pupils as they all seem to have incy wincy skirts. My hairdressser is dead strict but I noticed her daughter walking past with a teeny skirt on and wondered if she lowered it before she reached her doorstep!
Hope Coco's trip to London is going well. Love to you all,
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Afternoon all
It is busy today. Lovely to see Maria, not sure whether I have already said that. And poor Rosie, you have been through it, 10 weeks, wow, glad you are home now. And making really good progress. It must have been very scary for you.
Elizabeth, I sat last night taking buttons off of her skirt so she could wear it today. Her school are going to get her a new skirt from the right shop and going to pay for it.(as we had payed out, not knowing there had been a letter) So that was a result. And I know what you mean about skirts rolled up. I am sure mine do it once they are out of my sight. At least neither of mine wear make up much.
Barbara, have you sorted out the wardrobe being moved for the carpet.
We have a brand new wardrobe all packed sitting in our kitchen, it's been there for over 1 year now. Cant get anyone to help and Tony just not being well enough. We will get there one day though, I am sure.
Catie, make sure you do as Mr,O, says and take it nice and easy.
Toni, Mig and anyone else hope you are having a goodish day.
It is really dismal here, rain and dark. A bit like I feel today.
Have a good afternoon in whatever you are up to.Karen xx0 -
Afternoon all
I did come on here earlier and left a message for all, but suddenly it came up that mods needed to check it ???
I am sorry if I have put anything wrong, I didn't think anything I had put was bad, I only put nice things.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I have been in and hope all of you are well. Especially Rosie and Catie.Karen xx0 -
Blimey Rose that must have been terrifying...I'm so glad you went to the hospital...thank goodness you had the sense to go..or things would have been so different..poor you ...I hope you are feeling stringer every know were we are ...and tears are a good release..
Like Toni says my new hip is doing brilliant thankyou...just the rest of me want doing now...
Elizabeth dont schools make life hard work..good that you had a quiet day and got some jobs done...we see girls going past our house with there fake tan on and hutching up there skirts...mind you its good to be young..
I have been shopping...but didn't get far really ...we have 2 maybe 3 GDs coming tonight 2 sleeping and the baby visiting...
Will see you all later..xxxx
OOps just spotted you there Karen have you been swearing again....hope you are doing okish ...end of the week already...x
Barbara0 -
Oh Karen what did you do?? Were you trying to sell us kitchens
Good to see you
Elizabeth - what a great idea for your son - caring perfect
Re the skirts - they are 'meant' to be hipsters I think but they nip them UP when parents and teachers aren't around - except the scary ones - no-one ever tackles them :roll:
I hope Lucy is fit for school next week. just reminded me :shock: I used to fold my waistband over on my skirt too :oops:
Rained ALL day here - poor Daisycat.
Think I ought to get the fires lit in here
Toni xx0 -
It really WAS the 'K' word and happened to my post too
Toni xxx0 -
So are we not allowed to talk about k*tch*ns now without our posts being deleted? They are annoying those adverts though, aren't they?
I used to fold the top of my skirt over and over. Our deputy head made us kneel on the floor and our skirts had to touch the floor. We all refused so got detention which none of us went to. We were then asked to do lines but we didn't do them either so they gave up in the end.
Rosie, what a terrible time you have had. It must have been very stressful. Glad you are back home. Hope you are taking it easy.
Karen, I should think the school should pay for a new skirt if they don't like the one you got. It's ridiculous how much uniforms are. My mum made me a school summer dress one year. All we were told was that it had to be blue and white stripes. I went to school with it on and was told not to wear it again because the stripes were too wide. Mum went to see the head and I was then allowed to wear it. Don't know what she said to him but it worked.
Elizabeth, glad you got some jobs done today and had a good day. Glad they sent a new bus. The kids shouldn't be travelling in one that is falling to bits.
Barbara, hope you got your new carpet down. Did you manage to move the wardrobe or did the carpet layer move it for you? I don't think they are meant to move heavy furniture now because of health and safety but most of them are happy to do it anyway.
Toni, poor Daisycat. Will she not go out in the rain? Skirts like belts? My dad used to say that. Always made me laugh.
Hope Coco and Mr O are enjoying their holidays.Christine0 -
Hi Christine
What a rebel you were at schoolYes my Dad used to say skirts like belts too
and my youngest has the extra problem of being taller so her skirts might be the same as other girls but look shorter :roll:
As for the *K* word I shall try to avoid it from now on. They were sooooo annoying weren't they? It's much nicer without them
Daisycat is happy again - the sun is shining
Hope everyone else is doing well today.
Toni xx0 -
Hi all
You little rebels you...I got dragged back into school for taking my hair out of a ponytail..just before I got to the school gates... :shock: and I got a slap... :roll: think my skirt must have nearly been on the floor in those days..
gosh I feel old now..
Christine they helped my OH move the wardrobe...he did empty it but its a pine one and very heavy ...anyway it is done now...trouble is the others look dirty now..I did use a carpet cleaner but that made them go dirty quicker
Toni my dad used to say its a belt and it was past my knees...
The sun is shinning but there is a chill in the air...we went to get a bathroom blind today it is all mouldy been like that for a year... :oops: I have a got a plastic one with seagull on ....
See you all later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Haha Dads bless them.I remember my Dad always complained we didn't wear vests as he thought we would catch a fatal chill. I suppose his generation had to worry about things like that.
Crikey is the K word banished from the forum then or did it trigger a spam alert?
Lucy is still bad and in a lot of discomfort. I'm sitting with her. Thankfully I can leave Dan alone because I bought him some new ear defenders and he hasn't kicked off once today even when the triggers have started !
I'm so pleased the skirt issue has been resolved Karen (not sure why I thought it was trousers :roll: )
Shame about the wardrobe Karen. Some chairs we bought with the table turned out to be DIY which I hadn't realised. some local carer charities have people who come round and fix things, mow the lawn, put up shelves. I wonder if there is one in your area?
Catie how are you? Where in West sussex do you live as I'm a Sussex girl myself. Hope Rosie is being well looked after.
Take care of yourselves
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Toni, I wouldn't say I was a rebel exactly. It was, and is, just that if I really believe in something I will fight for it. I couldn't see what the length of our skirts had to do with our education. Another time, I was starving and didn't see why I should wait till the last sitting for my school dinner, so I fiddled with my tie so you couldn't see what colour ran through it and I went on first sitting. The teacher on duty questioned why I was on the wrong sitting and I swore blind I wasn't. He laughed and said I could stay for being so cheeky.
Barbara, think I would have let my hair down too. it doesn't make you work harder because you've got your hair up.I love solid pine furniture. Can't afford it so I make do with the pretend stuff.
A blind with a seagull on sounds summery.
Elizabeth, oh yes, the vests. Mum and dad were always asking if we had our vests on, especially if we were going on a night out when we were teenagers.Poor Lucy. Hope she gets better soon. The ear defenders are a good idea. Glad they work. It'll make life easier for you as well as for Dan.
Hope everyone is having a goodish weekend and getting some sun.Christine0 -
I think assertiveness is a good thing (as is standing up for other people's rights), sometimes rules are plain daft! I like the tie - idea for early lunchOur kids have clip on ties to stop them ding fat ties - we did them too
Poor Barbara getting a slap though:shock: Liked to let your hair down eh?
Nice new blind eh? They do go mouldy in bathrooms don't they :roll:
I always wear my vestsI get cold except summer of course
Elizabeth I am so so sorry about poor Lucy I hope things ease for her soon. Good about your son's ear defenders though - well DONE
I think the spam thingy picks up some words....another forum I know you can't say c*cksparrow for instance
Love to everyone
Hope catie is still on the mend and Coco id doing ok :?
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Karen I think I forgot you yesterday meant to say Im glad the school has sorted the skirt...flat pack furniture...we have quite a few was me that had to assemble it OH would put the drawers upside down..
Christine this wardrobe wasn't expensive we got it from an auction..and cleaned it up..but its so flipping heavy wish we hadn't bothered... :roll: I love how you were a rebel at school Toni say that is good sometimes..
Elizabeth your poor daughter...I hope she feels better very soon..Ihate to see children poorly...
Toni...yes I was slapped ...and I was good at school unlike my naughtey eldest brother...
Mig will be settle into her holiday now ...hope the weather is good
Rosie I hope today is a good one for you and you are recovering well
And Catie...the same to you ...
Today the sun is shinning...1 GD in bed...
Not sure what we are doing today will let you know later have a goodish day everyone xxxx
oops meant to say I hope Coco had a safe journey and the meeting went well its been a long haul for youLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts - they do help. Andrew is watching me like a hawk, so time on the computer has been limited - for my own good I know
Elizabeth, I actually live in Norfolk. Earlier this year when Andrew's aunt was ill we were travelling down to West Sussex to see her. A lovely part of the world though - apart from property prices :shock:
Well, on my return I had quite a shock. A neighbour had divided his land into two and allowed the siting of a mobile home on it. If that wasn't enough, the guy living in the mobile home is running a business from it. Last Friday we learnt that the owner of the land had additionallly extended his home without planning permission. So now the council are chasing him big time. Glad I didn't know what was going on when I was in hospital
This morning I had an email from MrO to say he's a grandad for the third time - a little girl this time. I wonder if she will be given a beautiful French name.
Hope your daughter is feeling a little better today Elizabeth - pour little soul.
Also hope you are making a good recovery Rosie and Barbara too. Perhaps we should book a world cruise for our convalescence.
Better make tracks. Love to you allx
0 -
Evening ??all
Hope you've all had a good day. The weather here has really turned. Really heavy rain.
Been awol as had one of those 24hr bug things.
Glad to see Catie, you are making good progress, and make sure you listen to hubby. He know best. Just keep improving day by day. And lovely news from Mr.O about his lastest grandchild.
And of cause, Rosie to. Hope you are getting there.
Wonder how it went for Coco. Bet she will be absolutely exhausted.
Now, all this talk of naughtiness at school. I have to be honest with you all. I was a naughty one. I did always get into trouble.
I suppose at the end of the day it takes all sort doesn't it.
Well, it's D day tomorrow. And at the mo things are pretty stressless. Keep your fingers crossed.
I am going to sit by the window with a nice cuppa. and watch the world go by.Karen xx0 -
Evening all
Catie its good your hubby is keeping a watchful eye over you...not get plenty of rest and recover...little and often has they say..but only what they say you can do...and thank for the info on MrO ..blimey he got there just in time...
Karen I will have everything crossed for H ..hope she loves it..has for the bug they are going round youngest son has been unwell with a tummy bug...and my GDs other GM is in hospital as we speak..high temperature and bad take care and plenty of fluids..
The weather here is raining one min and sunny the next...
Hope everyone is doing okish...xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
Thanks for all the good wishes. Now that I`m safely home, I can admit just what a scary time it was. It was made a lot worse because I`m a widow, and my two sons live long distances from me. They came right away of course, and had the consultants jumping through hoops with all their questions. Mind you, they developed a great rapport with them, because I think it was obvious just how desperately worried they were. Once I started to improve, they had to think of their work, so they came alternate weekends. Even though I had lots of other visitors, I missed them so much, and couldn`t wait for the weekend.
I hope everyone else is doing OK. Catie and Barbara especially, and Elizabeth`s little girl.
As it looks like I will be needing my stick for a while, I have pimped it, from top to bottom. All glittery angels in turquoise and purple, with little silver stars and moons. I love it, even though you can probably see it from the moon!
I also did a little bit of housework, although the hoover defeated me I`m afraid. The lads want me to get some help, and I will if I absolutely have to, but I really don`t want to.
These days I find there`s not much telly that I can be bothered with, but I have really enjoyed the programme Vera. It`s the last one tonight, and I am looking forward to it. Ooh, just seen there`s an hour of Corrie too. I`ll go and watch that now...Love to you all....Rosie.0 -
Barbara a slap!!! Not very nice, but I wonder if they treated you harshly to stop you turning out like your naughty big bro. Sadly the glorious day we had has ended in rain and I have put the heating on :shock:
Rosieglow how LOVELY to see your son's step up like that - I bet you were very proud and their Dad would have been too. I am watching the hour of corrie as l type. Good idea pimping your stick
Hi Karen - Hope you are properly over the 24 hour bugI am glad things are pretty stressless today
I agree with you I have been thinking about Coco too.....
YOU? Naughty??? Well go you I sayBetter that than one who is bullied :?
Catie I am with Andrew there - you mustn't overdo it, but it is lovely to see you posting
Gosh a lot has happened while you were in hospital :shock: glad you were out of that! I hope it all get sorted easily enough.
Fantastic news about your email - as Barbara said he only juts made it!!! Congratulations to MrO and the whole family
Toni xxx0 -
Exhausted. Stressed. Its been one of those days. Sorry not going to be cheerful tonight.
Just popped in to see how you all are, glad to see nothing major has happened and you are all coping okay. Rosie I didn't realise you were a widow. Must be so hard for you living alone especially after such an ordeal.
Hope Coco has arrived safely home.
Will catch up tomorrow.....
Keep well
Elizabeth xxxxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Toni, what spoilsports making the kids wear clip-ons. You've got the heating on? It must be colder there than it is here. I still feel quite warm and had the windows open this afternoon.
Barbara, I guess that is a problem, the good furniture being so heavy. I got the strap over my hand once for talking. The one and only time and all I was doing was telling the girl behind me to stop talking to me because I was listening to the teacher.Hope your son feels better soon and your GDs grandma recovers quickly.
Catie, I'm glad Andrew is taking good care of you. Just as well you didn't know what was going on at home. It sounds like quite a change.
Mr O, congratulations to you and your family. How lovely, a little granddaughter.
Karen, sorry you've not been well. Hope you are better now. I've got my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Rosie, that was good of your sons to visit you and looked after you so well. What a great idea to pimp your stick. It sounds lovely. Don't try to do too much too soon with the housework.
Elizabeth, sorry you've been so stressed. Hope tomorrow is better for you.
I've been quite busy today. Met with some friends for brunch this morning. Had to leave after an hour because my son was picking me up and we were going to watch my GS playing football then from there, we went to Grandma's for a late lunch. After that, I came home, tidied up, watered my plants then repacked my suitcase a couple more times. Couldn't get everything back in again.Well it's done now. I don't think I will have internet access while I'm away so hope everyone stays well and those who are recovering, get well quickly.
A last cup of hot chocolate then bed for me.Christine0
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