Val's Cafe



  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    It seems karen isn't very well. I'll try and have a longer chat later.

    Toni lucky you. we did go to Spain one October half term, I intended to make use of the pool but it wasn't warm enough at that time of year. however Dan still managed to open a window himself and jump into the pool one night :roll: Seriously tempted though. I've found it difficult in the past as being unwell and watching 3 little ones was an issue (with lots of tension and arguements between the adults) but they are older and more independent now so it would probably be more enjoyable.

    i'm still looking for a mattress and really i must make a decision today.

    still don't know where my char is moving too although she is moving this weekend. i know she hates to ask for any help, she's very independent and i don't like to interfere.I'm not expecting a lovely property as the rental costs in London are dreadful and i am sure she is worried about giving me any details.
    does your Daughter like her new room at Uni Toni?

    Right hope to pop in later and read how you all are. hoping everyone has a good day,

    elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, off to France at half-term - don't blame you :D

    Catie, It never ceases to amaze me how councils behave. Imprisonment for elderly and frail residents who struggle to pay their council tax....but squatters :roll: ...another story entirely. I would contact my MP if in the same position :wink:.

    Lots of Teddy Bear Talk :). I was given a wonderful bear as a small child. He was named Harvey and had the most wonderful growl. But sadly he met with a tragic end :( . Wy wife decided that Harvey had become a little grubby and would you believe......put him in the washing machine :o. I will say no more! :)

    Elizabeth, enjoy your canal trip and keep safe :)

    Best wishes to all :)
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh no poor Harvey! How long did it take you to speak to the wife after that 'incident' Mr O?

    i'm going to have to read back for the squatters story as I missed it with all my rushing about (I'm very hyper in an arthritic way):oops:

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Regarding having to cancel my holiday, I did allow myself to get a bit low. Especially with other things, like not being able to drive, thrown into the mix just recently. Then I reminded myself that, given what I presented with when I first went into hospital, I was very very lucky to even be here. My beautiful next door neighbour at only 55, lost her fight with MSA just two weeks ago. I miss her so much. Her daughter, who I am very close to, had won £3,000,000 on the lottery just the week before. Now, it`s of little importance to her, and she has learned a very hard lesson about what is of real value in life. My heart breaks for her. She had already ordered a dog before her mum died, and has just been for her.....A Bernese Mountain dog. She is absolutely gorgeous, so loving but is already really big at only eight weeks old. I think they are one of the biggest breeds of dogs there is, but hopefully will be just what she needs to help with the grieving process.

    Mr O, what a lovely hobby your wife has. Something that gives her such pleasure at the time, then goes on to give years of pleasure to someone else.

    Catie, I hope you are feeling stronger, and improving daily.

    Barbara, I think you have the best of all worlds there, with the lovely lab. Enjoy her then give her back.....a bit like grandchildren really, I suppose.

    Elizabeth, Slow down a bit, and take some time for just you!

    Toni, So glad that your girls are so happy with their lives. That`s all we ever want for them, to be healthy and happy isn`t it?

    Love to anyone I may have missed......Rosie.x.
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Elizabeth, thank you for letting us know about Karen - hope she feels better soon. My mum used to collect dolls and some of them were gorgeous. Then she sold the lot - could never understand why.

    MrO, poor old Harvey :(. I should think MrsO was mortified when he came out all limp and lifeless. Good idea about making contact with our MP - thanks :)

    Toni, wish I was coming with you to France. Have a lovely lovely time :)

    It's really misty here today, but very warm. I asked my daughter to go and pick a few pears and much to our surprise nearly everyone of them had fallen during the night. Imagine 2 laden pear trees...empty ...and the ground covered with them :o. Not as if it's been windy :)

    Hope Rosie, Barbara, Cocoa and all cafe friends are well :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    oops I am sure I posted this morning and didn't mention the K word..had a good day doggy sitting... :D
    I haven't... not a clue were I am up to if I miss anyone please forgive me..
    Rosie what a sad story I am so you say it puts things in very sad.I do hope you mange an holiday very really do deserve it..
    MrO poor teddy got thrown out when I got married my mum though I didnt want it.. :(
    Catie all those pears it is my favorite fruit..wish I lived near.. :D
    Elizabeth I see you are looking for a mattress...its so hard finding a good one...we tried one from Ike*..they let you take them back if you dont like it...and we didnt..trouble is lugging the thing around... :shock:
    Christine have they stop the rd works now then you can find the buses ...
    Toni yes I will take them up on there offer..she doesn't pull either
    I am sorry if I have missed anything..I am not with it today... :?
    Karen I hope you feel better soon...
    See you all tomorrow xxxxxxx...
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone

    Hope you are all doing well and those recuperating especially.

    MrO your bear story is so sad:( Poor bear.....I wonder whether MrsO is making all the bears to make up for yours!!!

    I am sorry this is brief, but today is set to be very busy for me. Taking eldest over o University to do some bits an pieces and also I am looking after my niece who is off sick from school

    Take care to our 'missing' café friends

    Toni xxx
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Toni, you sound like you have a busy day ahead - hope all goes well for you :)

    Barbara, you would be more than welcome to some pears and I wish we did live round the corner :). Have the injections kicked in yet?

    Rosie, what a terribly sad story and 55 is no age is it. I feel for you having lost a lovely friend and also for the lady's daughter. Hope you are healing well.

    Karen, hope you are feeling a little better with each day. I know we all look forward to when you can post again.

    Elizabeth, any more news about your daughter's flat? I do hope it's ok. A friend of mine has a daughter who is just about to embark on a PHD course. She's had a heck of a time trying to find somewhere in London. Fortunately she's found a flat to share with 3 other girls. They interviewed her twice to make sure she was the'right' person.

    Well, it looks as if my little bird will soon leave the nest. Her relationship with the guy she met a few months ago is growing strong and there's talk of them buying somewhere together. I'm just relieved that she's found someone who is so kind and caring. As she works from home, it's really going to be quiet around here :)

    Love to all cafe friends and hope you have the sun today - it's glorious here.

    Catie x
  • maria09
    maria09 Member Posts: 1,905
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Catie great to see you posting again
    I'm useless on this one coz the minute I read everyone's posts it slips straight about of my mind I blame the meds :roll:
    I know what its like having to cancel holidays had to cancel last years as daughter poorly poorly sick and the year before as my mum had her stroke and it was touch and go if she would survive luckily she did
    So this year we didn't tempt fate and book anything good job as our heating system has packed up totally,as has the gas fire then I broke the garage door and now the damn toilets gone so I'm guessing its going to be expensive :roll:
    Mr O your poor teddy! I still have my favourite bunny that my grandmother knitted called bugsy and another bunny called flopsy they are in my top cupboard out of the way they do bring back lovely childhood memories :)
    Hope alls well
    Will try get the hang of the cafe one day
    Anyone for coffee
    Maria :)
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    no news of the flat Catie. she is sharing with her boyfriend, they've been together many years and he has a place at goldsmiths uni (I think) with a part time job and Charlie has her new job. I assume she had help and advice from her London friends. I just think she doesn't want to worry me and last i heard her dad was helping her. I'm happy as he 'owes' the girls.

    Toni have a great time to ing and fro ing. has your Niece got the cold that is going around? oh has been floored and is currently asleep.

    Rosie how sad about your neighbour and it does make you look at things differently even though you have had a tough time yourself and you are entitled to feel frustrated about losing your holiday and your health compromising the things you enjoy.

    Catie I'm glad your daughter is settled in her relationship. didn't she have a bad 'un before? Not sure if a frosty night made the pears fall or maybe they had reached their best but you'd expect some to remain on the trees. Or somebody or something gave it a shake in the night!!!

    hi Barbara I'm down to choosing between 2 pocket spring mattressess now but OH has to give his input whereas I just want it ordered. i remember Charlie's Dad threw out her 'blanket' during our divorce. she used to take it everywhere .Thought he knew best of course :x

    Now I only saw a brief mention of squatters. i thought there were new laws nowadays?

    right I'll quickly pop over and see how Karen is. OH got angry about the time I spent on here yesterday despite me thinking he was ill and needed to be left alone. oh well!

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning :)

    Toni, I liked your theory about MrsO, but she's been making teddy bears since she was knee high to a grasshopper (so I'm told) :D
    Brabara, my wife's mother threw out her teddy for the same reason ..and...she has never really forgiven her :(. One things for sure, our four 'grown-up' sons still have theirs, even if they are hidden away :wink:

    Rosie, sorry to hear your news. I'm sure that your friendship with the daughter will help enormously. It is never easy to lose a friend, but to lose a parent is especially difficult. I hope you are feeling a little better with each day :)

    Catie, having had the pleasure of meeting both your daughter and her bf, what I would say is that they seem so well suited. They will be fine, so don't worry :D

    Elizabeth, sorry, but I've probably made comment about the squatters when Catie has posted very little info. Basically, the guy a few doors away has divided his large garden into 2. On the new plot is situated a caravan in which at least 3 people are living. There is no planning permission and the council don't seem that bothered. Catie emailed me a pic and frankly it's a real mess. Shame because it's a lovely residential road.

    Hi Maria, you seem to be having a really bad run of luck - hope things improve for you soon.

    Well, I had better make a move. My brother has persuaded me to invest my lump sum into a buy-to-let and we're off to view a few this aftn. It will be a joint venture and it will be interesting to see what we can find. There are many horror stories circulating about dodgy landlords, but quite frankly I've heard a few about difficult tenants too. Mmmm :)
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    afternoon was my hand injections today...thank goodness for the NHS text reminding me...they are done under xray so you go to theater but don't get a bed :lol: had to be there for 10
    Toni I hope your day goes well and your niece feels better very soon..its all go for you....
    Catie the little lodgers ...aww bless it will be quiet for a while..I dont like quiet :roll:
    To anyone else I may have missed..sorry hope today is a good one
    Karen I am still thinking about you..
    MO glad you have kept your sons teddies..and good luck with the buy to let..
    Maria not the toilet...gosh its never ending hope you get it fixed very soon
    Elizabeth...hope you find the perfect mattress..we did used to have a really good one and when it needed changing they didnt do the same one anymore
    I am now going to make a cuppa..why are these hospitals so warm... :o
    See you all later xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just popping in quickly to say hello. Having lots of family problems at the moment so not spending too much time on the laptop. I have read through but can't remember what everyone said. I hope those of you who are not so well, get better quickly. Hope squatters are evicted and no more teddy bears are thrown out. Hope you are all enjoying the last few warmish days.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all. Karen has ask me to apologies..she is not well on all fronts..I have told her to post when she feels like it..and not think she has to.
    Christine please dont apologize...I know you have lots going on with your dad and your family..if you want to PM me I am always here ...and I say it to everyone dont forget yourself in all take care..x
    Today is cloudy but warm and hopefully we are off out later...just got 2 GDs off to school in fact OH has not get back yet..its around 40 mins drive...they have got a kitten at there daddy' I might be kitten sitting very soon..8 weeks old and using its tray..when you think how long it takes to train a puppy...
    I hope that everyone has a goodish day..
    see you later xxxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh wants to invest in a buy to let. I'd consider buying one for the kids to live in cheap or rent to someone with a disability, someone who gets a rough deal in life. i know of several people who have been evicted because their autistic child is too noisy and I would love to help people in a similar position.

    I haven'tread your post yet applerose but you get things sorted and pop in when you can.

    Catie we have a lot of buildings in gardens round here and families are being squeezed into awful and dangerous living spaces. But very little seems to get done mainly because they have to give warning they are visiting so the people 'disappear'.

    Hope Toni and daughter are getting organised and the Niece is better.

    Have a good day Barbara. I didn't push Karen to elaborate on why she was bad just gave her my best wishes.

    Take care all
    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Life is never easy is it. My thoughts are with those with both family and serious health issues. Try to stay positive - not easy I know.

    Elizabeth, if everyone shared the same social conscience as you - what a better world it would be. Think it admirable that you would wish to help others in this way.

    Barbara, watch your curtains if the kitten pays a visit :wink:.

    Another beautiful day and I had better cut the lawns etc before MrsO's arrival - Saturday I believe :)
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    I agree, no need to apologise if you can't post here. Love to all who aren't well or have family problems.

    Maria, lovely to see you popping in :). We all have trouble remembering what has been said or intend saying something and then don't - so you mustn't worry. Gosh, what a time you've had of late with everything breaking down - jolly expensive too I would think. Hope everything is sorted soon.

    MrO...just 'thank you' :)

    Elizabeth, the folk who have allowed people to stay in their garden, also started to build an extension at the back which was two thirds the size of their existing building...withoout planning permission. They have been ordered to stop :shock:. The whole situation there is very odd.
    MrO is right - it's lovely of you to want to help in that way.

    Barbara...a kitten lovely. Bet he will be spoilt :) I remember one of our kittens jumping on the back of the sofa and then ripping the lining of a pair of curtains - it was Christmas Eve :shock:

    Lovely here today - hope you have the sun too :)

    Catie x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all lovely to want to help family's is the same position has you,,many moons ago I worked at a special know the ones before they were closed.. :x there was a little boy with Autism..he wasn't noisy but kept trying to escape..once someone left the gate open..its a good job I was fit in those days..could he run :lol: ..I loved him to pieces
    Catie sorry I am another that didn't know about the squatters thought you meant you had family round... :lol: the cheeky devils..hope they are gone soon...and the neighbours come to that.. :shock:
    MrO I will watch the kitten ..a long time ago now we had a cat that used to climb the curtains...hope this one is different ..then again it could rip my furniture to pieces....oooh..I am sure I will end up mining it whatever.. :D
    Today we went and bought a new toilet..a couple of inches higher than our old I am very happy...doesn't take much... :lol:
    See you all tomorrow...xxxxxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Karen, hope you pick up very soon. Take care.

    Barbara, thank you. You are always so thoughtful of everyone. Happy new toilet.

    Thank you Elizabeth. What a wonderful thing for you to think of doing. How awful evicting someone because their child is noisy. It's no-one's fault.

    Mr O, hope you got your lawns cut. Not long before Mrs O is home.

    Thank you Catie. I know some people think they should be allowed to do whatever they want on their land but they really do need to think about how it affects other people. I wonder if they'll be made to knock it down again.

    Maria, goodness me. What a lot of things breaking all at once. Hope you can get them repaired ok.

    Toni, hope your daughter is ready now for uni and that your niece is well again.

    Rosie, so sorry to hear about your neighbour. Bernese mountain dogs are beautiful. I hope her daughter finds some comfort with her.

    Just watching Supergiant Animals. Wow, I feel tiny. An elephant over twice my height, a snake which 3 people struggled to carry, elephant seals shoulder high to a man and men swimming with sperm whales. Fascinating.
  • coco67
    coco67 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    morning all, i hope all of you who are struggling see improvements soon.

    those of you who are doing ok remain that way,

    i will pop the kettle on and stock up the fire it is freezing here this morning,
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Gosh Cocoa, that sounds cold where you are. Hate to say it, but we have the sun and it's really warm. I had an appt with my doc today and the surgery was really hot - they had the heating on :shock:. The waiting room was heaving with people nursing bad colds.....the words 'stay away from me' kept going round and round :lol:

    MrO, I bet MrsO is coming back for 'Strictly' :lol:

    Christine, haven't a clue about what the council will do. Some people eh :roll:

    Barbara, your comment about family being squatters did make me laugh :D.

    Very quiet here today - bet you are all out skateboarding :wink::D
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00 did you know I`d been out on the skateboard? Just nipped back for an energy drink, then I`m off on me mountain bike for a few hours. Oh, how I wish!!

    My lovely GP rang me yesterday to see how I was, and to find out if I had heard about the physio she ordered when I first came home. She was not happy when I told her I hadn`t, and said she will chase them up. In some ways, I`m at fault, because I should have arranged for it to continue at home, whilst I was still in the system. Now I`m treated as a new patient. I was tempted to try driving again today, but then thought I should probably wait to see how the physio goes first.....if I ever get it!

    Well, I`ve just been round to visit the new puppy.....something I think I will be doing quite a lot of whenever she visits! To be honest, other than her lovely lollopy ways, I can`t really think of her as a puppy. She is so BIG. We always had a Westie, and she`s twice the size of them already. At only nine weeks old! Oh, but she is gorgeous. As far as I know, she hasn`t even barked. Just comes bounding up, then does the rolling over thing for tickles. She wanted to get on my lap, but I just couldn`t manage that. I think she will be an enormous comfort to her "mum", especially when they go back to their own home. They are only staying here for a little while longer, now that the funeral is over.

    It`s a glorious sunny day here today. I hope everyone has a good weekend....Rosie.x.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    afternoon all
    Catie I do get confused I blame the gabapentin..maybe MrO will know something about it..I was fine when I lowered the does... :roll: oh well most people wouldn't notice any difference... :lol:
    We also have the sun it really lovely...hope it last ..
    Rosie a new puppy have I missed this...what kind is it..sounds very big :o ....its awful how the hospital don't communicate ...I hope you hear from them soon..
    Coco hope you are keeping well...
    Our lawnmower has just broken...OH says the motor has given up..why couldn't it have waited a few more week.. :roll:
    Got my new toilet and it is just a couple of inches higher but blimey what a difference it makes.. :D
    Hope everyone has this lovely weather...see you later xxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all :)

    yep the loo higher REALLY helps I am pleased for you :)

    Sorry about the mower too, but glad bout the sun we had it too :D I have a lovely photo of Daisycat (as Daisykitten) on the floor surrounded by the living room curtains MrO you are right :lol: Then I discovered some double sides sticky tape (not for speed), but cats hate sticky stuff :)

    RosieYou do have a lovely Gp and I agree it's safer to see the physio before driving. The pup sounds ADORABLE :D she will really really help her Mum you are right :)

    Catie I hope you haven't picked up a cold at the doctor's today :? heating is bad for germs I think :roll: I agree with you I bet MrsO likes strictly!!!

    Coco lovely to see you and thanks for stoking up the fire....anything in the embers there??

    Christine Thanks for asking Charley is doing fine and my niece made it back to school today. they are good girls and usually get almost full attendance. Hope your garden is ok - I will be clearing out my greenhouse soon sadly :(

    welcome home tomorrow to MrsO and I hope the lawns were cut in time for her arrival :)

    Hi Elizabeth great idea to help some family with a child who has autism. Wonder what OH would think? Their money is as good as anyone's and it's terrible to think of them being evicted due to something out of their control :x

    Well l'd better get on

    Love to everyone Karen, Roses, Mig.....anyone else I accidentally forgot

    Toni xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Time to give the place a quick once-over incase Val happens in....


    and I mean quick :wink:


    what is this on the floor??

    and put the griddle on for breakfast


    Hope everyone is well this morning


    Toni xxx