Val's Cafe
Morning all
Not quite with it again so bear with me.. :?
Toni it good to hear that Lucy and your niece or doing ok...what is it with cats and curtains...Toni I will try the sticky take method...there daddy is called picking it up keeps stalking my feet...
My toilet goes in todaysorry meant to say the cafe is lovely and clean...
My two GDs the eldest and middle are away for the glad the weather is good for them...
Yes the sun is shinning....and today I am making lemon tart if anyone wants some...very lemony....
See you all later..xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara, yes you can blame your medication - there is strong medical evidence to support your claim
. Unless someone comes along to inform me otherwise
Well, everything is in good order and ready for MrsO's arrival. Catie, I think you are spot-on about 'Strictly'.
Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend0 -
Catie hope you didn't pick up any nasty germs in the waiting room. Wouldn't have thought they needed the heating on in there. I'm sure it would only cause more health problems.
Rosie how lovely of your GP to ring to see how you were. Wouldn't it be great if they were all like that. The puppy sounds gorgeous.
Toni, this place is sparkling clean as usual. You work so hard keeping it that way. Everything has slowed down in the garden and the plastic on my greenhouses is all ripped so I through them out.
Barbara, hope your new toilet is comfie? My son-in-law spends 2 hours at a time sat on the loo reading. :shock: Hope the weather stays good for your GDs and they enjoy their trip away. Lemon tart? Yummy. I like lemon.
Mr O, glad you have everything ready for Mrs O. Did she arrive home ok today?
Hope Elizabeth and Coco are well.
Looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow. Hope the weather's good.Christine0 -
Evening all
MrO thankyou..I always did wonder, now I know its not me going lala... :? hope MrsO has a safe journey home...
Christine..yes my toilet is brilliant..well has toilets youngest son is the same ...when he calls in for his breakfasts..he disappears for half hour...
I am going to start charging...
I hope the weather is lovely for you tomorrow then you can relax and did you get on with your petition...we are having a much larger housing estate going up near will be on sad to get rid of all the land ..we have very little has it is
think of all that are missing ..will see you tomorrow xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Welcome home to MrsO I hope she enjoyed strictly
Hope the new loo is good Barbara and yes I agree too; strong meds do make thought processes foggier in my opinion :roll: It's NOT age
and welcome to wee pusskin even if he/she???? Does trip you up:D
Christine shame about the greenhouse - Lucy has had several of those and they all 'died'Got husband up the ladder picking apples and damsons
See you all later if I am still here.....we had 2 ENORMOUS sp*d*r* here today and I am terrified :shock:
a very frightened
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toni we have had a pair of the enormous spiders...I don't mind has long as I know were they are :shock: ... but at the mo I don't... :roll: the kitten has gone home...bless she is lovely ...when she is tired ...she climbs on my knee and goes to sleep...
Its a lovely morning here again..not sure what we are doing no GC this weekend so we shall see....hope everyone has the sun ...will see you later xxxxxx oops nearly missed you there Toni..I will give you an hand...Love
Barbara0 -
Barbara, we managed to get 2500 signatures on our paper petition which will be handed in to the council on Tuesday. The online petition is slower. Only got 1100 so far. We need 2000 before we send that one to David Cameron. These ones are to get the council investigated to find out why they want to cram 1000s of houses in to a place where there are no roads or schools. They have said they have no intention of building these.
My son is also running an online petition to try to get a local park which has rare British plants and small creatures including Great Crested newts (which are protected) off the council. The council suddenly closed it in January and now want to bulldoze it to build houses. All the schools used this park as well as people from far and wide. Some people who have signed the petition, have said they have memorial trees or benches in there. A couple of people have even spread parents ashes. How awful for them if houses are built.
Toni, I'd love another greenhouse but don't think I'll get another plastic one. My son keeps saying he'll build me a proper one but he's so busy at the moment, I don't want to pester him. I found some poly tunnels for only £3.99 and they were great. I'll use them again. Oooo, what will you do with your apples and damsons? I've got lots of quince but don't know what to do with them. You can send your spider round to mine. I don't mind them. And they keep the flies down.
The sun is shining so I'll take the tablecloths and the towels outside and hang them up. Here's a bunch of flowers in a lovely vase for the table.
I was supposed to see the nurse practitioner a week ago as she had prescribed a nose spray as I've had a slight cough for years and she is determined to find out why. She had phoned in sick last week and I got a phone call again this week to say she is sick again so going on Monday, if she's back. I asked about my deaf ear. I've been deaf for 2 weeks now but they said they still won't do anything about it. I'm going to ask on Monday again.
I'm still in bed. Had breakfast but might go and get another cuppa before I think of getting up. Hope everyone has the sun.Christine0 -
Morning Everyone
Christine, I so hope you are able to stop those houses. It seems that no matter where you live, there are plans to build hundreds more. It is the same where we are and 4,000 are designated for our town. There have been many petitions, but it still looks likely :x
Hope your ear improves soon - really nasty for you.
I don't mind spiders...but.... I hate escalators. I used to think I had a phobia and it was panic making me dizzy when I used one, but then in conversation with my physio (about this and that) I was told that it was my neck problem making me dizzy on them. My husband doesn't tell me I'm being silly now - so that's good
MrO, the fact that you've been chased away a couple of times (on the medical threads), hasn't gone unnoticed. As you always say ...keep smiling
Barbara, you have to have eyes in the back of your head when a kitten is about, but I agree, they are lovely when asleep. Our cat got stuck up the plum tree yesterday and hubby had to get the ladder out to rescue him. HenryCat loves to climb - but is pretty useless at coming down :roll: :roll:
Toni, how's your daughter who had the op?
Hope Elizabeth and family enjoy their canal trip this weekend. Karen, hope you are on the mend and Rosie too. Love to anyone I haven't mentioned
Catie x0 -
Hi all
Been to the park with my chariot..walked a little and rode a little..what a lovely day..and have you noticed all the colour coming out of the tress..think the autumn colours will be spectacular this year...
Christine...its horrible when your ear is blocked..told you that my oh had to put warm oil in didn't really work but went on its own after a while ..good luck with it .. good for you with the really have done I said before they are building more near us...and there are great crested newts here they put all the black liners pinned to stakes to keep then in..we have a few moved into my little pond..we live on a rd with around 30 house and bungalows but when it came to the meeting to put our concerns forward... about the building ..there was just 4 of us there... :x
Catie how are you feeling wonder you felt dizzy..I hope every day sees an improvement for you...strange but I keep seeing the kitten flying past my feet and shes not here..
Hope you all have this lovely weather xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Catie, it is 'water off a duck's back'
. Dr Google obviously has what it takes
Many thanks for your kind thoughts in respect of MrsO who arrived home safely. She wasn't too happy when I met her because she had to endure a body search at the airport. That's not the first time either :shock:
Your comments about houses brought a song from the 60's to mind - does anyone else recall it? - now there's a challenge
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
What I am really concerned about is I still remember the tune0 -
Catie, the chances are we won't be able to stop the houses already planned but hopefully we'll be able to stop any further plans being past. There have been 2 accidents this week along one of our roads next to where they are going to build a village with the exit almost at the top of a hill on to a new roundabout. Madness. 4000 houses? More madness. I think the problem is they have to let the government know where they are going to build over the next 5 years and to prove they will build enough. I think they are trying to build them all now.
I feel a little dizzy on escalators too but it's only if I look down and don't concentrate on the top. I think it's because I'm scared of heights. Not a good feeling is it?
Barbara sounds as if you had a lovely day in the park. I've been putting oil in my ear for a fortnight. It hasn't done a lot and I'm worried about the oil soaking too far in and causing worse problems.
That's great that you've got some of the newts in your pond. At least some of them will be saved. They need to monitor them over a year and then get a licence to move them to a place where they won't return. That could take up to 2 years but, in the end, they are still allowed to build. It is really difficult to get people motivated to do anything. They all say it's a waste of time as the council will do as they please anyway. I tell them that if they ALL complain, they can get things changed. Such a shame you only had 4 people turn out.
Hope that invisible kitten doesn't trip you up.
Mr O, not surprised Mrs O wasn't happy about the body search. I was searched on my last trip. Although you know you're not hiding anything, you still worry in case someone has managed to hide something in your pocket. And errmmmm...... I remember that song and the tune.That is very worrying.
I found out that the park in the next town was holding a harvest home event yesterday. They got the public in to harvest all the fruit and veg which had been grown in the kitchen garden which is attached to the Victorian mansion. They also said they were showing cooking demonstrations in the garden yesterday and today so I decided to have a walk up. I walked through the High Street of our little town, over the bridge and then, for the next 15 minutes, the smell was sickening. It smelled as if the drains had all emptied out. No idea where it was coming from. Took me 50 minutes altogether but I really enjoyed chatting with the ladies who had cooked lovely veg soup for everyone, then looking at the veg which had been picked. Next I went down to the kitchen garden where they have an orchard and all sorts of veg growing, although most of it had been picked. I think I'd love to work there but it would be voluntary and I need to pay my bills. I bought a cereriac which the ladies used to make remoulade, which I had never heard of. It's a bit like coleslaw made with the celeriac and apple. I then walked home, back through the smell, along the High Street and up the hill where I collapsed in front of the tv for an hour.Christine0 -
Oops, I've had my post held up because I mentioned the 'k' word. I forgot about that. :?Christine0
Thank you Mods.Christine0
I remember that song Mr O as my Mum used to play it when I was a little girl. I also remember it got a thread on here once when Mellman posted the words- not sure why?
we also had an escalator thread too on LWA which was very interesting. Many people disliked them with the jumping on and off being so difficult and dangerous or even impossible.
We had our first 'large' spider on Friday- it stood guard on my bedroom door so I had to call to Lucy to go and get her dad who proceeded to put it in a plastic cup and then sit looking at it while we just told him to get rid of it quick! They seem much later this year.
We had a lovely weekend. A meal on Saturday and the canal trip yesterday and the weather was lovely. How lucky was that as I booked it 4 weeks ago. OH parents came too so we had a nice chat and the children behaved beautifully. I was so proud of my eldest boy as he walked round the boat and had a go at steering and was generally a typical boy (he's so quiet at home and just sits on the laptop. He's off on a 5 day trip in the lake district today, camping and hiking on a gaining confidence mission. I hope he enjoys it? I was worried about how he would cope but after seeing him yesterday I'm much less worried.
Toni OH made plum jam a few weeks back as we had a bumper crop (I washed up) and his Mum made quince jam.
glad you managed a trip out Applerose even if you had to waft through the dreadful smell to get there. OH has the blocked ears too so I are going to drip some warm oil in for him and we've all had that flu bug.
Well I'm really aching today especially my ankles and my shoulder. I think I sat at an angle on the boat but also we had to walk over boats to get to ours and there were 2 unexpected step downs which tore my knees. OH Dad only had his THR a few months back. OH made me laugh as when I got back to land he said 'well done you have passed your medical and are now fit for work and start Monday.' He had a point!
Hope Karen is able to pop in. she must be very bad.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Morning all
MrO I am another that can remember all the words to tickytacky..I will be singing this all day now.... :)poor MrsO...I have never had a proper body search but I am usually frisked has they call it :roll: ..they never stop my OH....must be my face..
Christine...what a lovely day you sounds idyllic were you live...just to be able to walk into the village ...I do love food shows...we had a large one a few miles away in the town center...brilliant demonstrations...and home made cakes
bet you slept last night...
Today's is cloudy here..and OH is working many jobs to do...not sure if they will get done but never mind...
Still thinking about Karen that is having a bad time...x
I hope everyone's has a goodish day xxxxx
Elizabeth I just spotted you there...another one that had a lovely day...I love barges...we had a friend that owned one and my OH used to do the heating for we got to use it..I am glad the weather turned out to be good..Love
Barbara0 -
:shock: Well, I'm really surprised so many of you remembered that song
Today I'm haunted by various Rachmaninoff melodies.... Tomorrow - who knows0 -
MrO, sounds like you have Earworms
. Don't worry, I've got them too
Yes, I also remember that song and 'Lily the Pink' also came to mind
Elizabeth, sounds like you had a wonderful day and I'm so glad the weather was fine. Hope you feel a little better in the coming days - there's always a price to pay for a good time isn't there? Hope your son enjoys his trip
Christine, I think the only reason the 4,000 homes haven't been built here is due to the so called recession - it certainly isn't down to the fact that we don't want them :roll:
I agree, feeling 'dizzy' on escalators is horrid. To be honest though I can't remember the last time I used one - certainly not in the past 10 years.
Love to Barbara, Toni, Karen, Cocoa and all cafe friends
Catie x0 -
I remember the song too MrO
My poor husband gets the 'search' every time bless him - has a guilty face I reckon. I am so glad your wife is safely home
Elizabeth the sp***er trapped you IN :shock: Thanks goodness help was at hand :? even if he dragged it out. I think this is their mating time so the brave coming!!!
Christine I don't like escalators either mostly 'down' ones though. Up I can cope with, but have to ensure there s another way of coming downThose polytunnels sound good for £3.99
catie - lily the pink!!! We sing it as skinny the stink :oops: Shame they build houses where no-one wants them and those who do want them can't get them ::) ah well....
Barbara it's been chilly here today too. Signs of things to come :roll:
I have been out with my friend who lost her husband to cancer (he was 44) it would have been their wedding anniversary so I am late on.
Hope all our missing café friends are alright....
Toni xxx0 -
Elizabeth, what a wonderful weekend you had. Glad your son enjoyed it. I'm sure he'll have a great time while he's away. Oh your poor knees and ankles and shoulder. Hope you are a bit less achey tomorrow.
Barbara, I did sleep quite well last night. Was still very tired this morning and woke up half an hour late. Had to rush as I had an appointment with the nurse.
Mr O, if you keep reminding us of songs, you'll have us singing all day long. La la la la la.
Catie, Lily the Pink. I loved that song.
Toni, I wonder if people really do have guilty faces. Some people do always seem to get pulled over. How sad for your friend. I'm sure you cheered her up a little.
I had to see the nurse practitioner today. I've had a tickly cough for years and she was determined to find a way of stopping it. After trying quite a few things, she's admitted defeat for now. I did mention that my rheumie had shown me an x-ray of my neck. It showed that the cartilage joints in my throat had turned to bone and he said that could be the problem. I saw him 6 1/2 weeks ago and he said he'd call me back in 2-3 weeks once he'd blown up the x-rays and got the blood test results back. Anyway, the nurse practitioner saw a letter from my rheumie to tell my GP that he was testing me for M.E. First I heard of it. He didn't let me see the blood sheet and asked the nurse to take it to phlebotomy which I thought was strange. He obviously didn't want me to know. I'm a bit annoyed about that. Still waiting to hear from him.Christine0 -
What meds are you on Applerose? I have had tickly cough for several years and they think it is cased by humira or MTx. That is why I am off MTX at the moment. I'm supposed to get an appointment with a chest consultant via my GP but, as usual, other things are taking priority, and i don't think it is a chest issue anyway as i have had x rays and lung function tests done recently. this is throat related.
i went for my flu jab today but they declined due to my current cold. trouble is I'm bound to forget to rebook it! I took the opportunity to go the building society and open up junior ISA's for the boys, something I've been meaning to do for ages but never felt well enough. So now it is done so it wasn't a wasted journey.
yep spider trapped me. i have a narrow doorway...Its the old airing cupboard used as the entrance to my bedroom (obviously knocked through) so i couldn't even walk round it. i did pick up a smaller spider a few days before but he was a different look altogether, fat body but little legs.
Had a quick message from Karen. Seems she is suffering badly at the moment poor thing.
I'm missing my boy. how are you getting on without your Daughter toni?
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Afternoon all just been to my first physio session...she has take me through he exercises and give me a print out to do at home and I go back next week
Toni how sad that your friend lost her husband so young and kind of you to go our with her on there anniversary...
Christine they do drag these things out..I do hope they can pout your mind at rest very soon and get to the bottom of that cough..good to see you slept well..thought you might do...
Catie how are you feeling...I hope you can see some improvement..I suppose its a matter of take things one day at a time..
Same with Rose I hope she is doing well...
Elizabeth thanks for the update on our Karen ..I am thinking about her.. sorry I might have missed something has your son gone away ...we haven't heard about our flu jabs I will have to ring them...
It was cloudy this morning but its a lovely afternoon...I have seen two robins in the garden...see you all later xxxxxx
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone
It's been cooler here as well, but the sun has been shining. Daughter and her bf have just departed for sunnier climes - Venice. I'm sure they'll have a wonderful time.
Barbara, I do hope the physio will help you - my fingers are crossed. I'm not too bad thank you, but do find each day very variable - early days I guess.
Toni, how sad for your friend - my heart goes out to her. I'm glad that she has a kind friend though - it will really help.
Christine, I hope they soon get to the bottom of your cough. Is there any chance it might be asthma, I wonder?
Elizabeth, thank you for letting us know about Karen. I have been thinking about her too and wondering about how her daughter is getting on at college.
Love to Rosie, Cocoa and all cafe dwellers
Catie0 -
Elizabeth, the only meds I'm on is an inhaler for my asthma and paracetamol when the pain gets worse. I am actually thinking of stopping the inhaler for maybe a week to see if it makes any difference. I've had x-rays and they are fine. Hope you get your cough sorted out soon. Did you rebook your flu jab or are you waiting till your cold goes?
Karen, sending some ((hugs)). Get better soon. Thanks for the update Karen.
Barbara, hope your exercises aren't too difficult. Two robins? I've only ever seen one at a time. Hope they weren't fighting.
Catie, I've never been to Venice but have been told it is beautiful. I'm sure your daughter and her bf will have a wonderful time. I do have asthma. I've been using inhalers for about 8 years now but I am starting to wonder if my cough has anything to do with them.
Quite dull here today but warm. Must remember to download a library book before bed. I've gone up early the last few nights to read and all my books have been returned.Christine0 -
Venice is a favourite of MrsO and we've been fortunate to visit a few times. I'm sure your daughter and her chap will have a wonderful time, Catie.
Christine, you mentioned a persistent cough. Do you experience any hoarseness?
Life is never easy is it Toni. Sorry to hear about your friend. As Catie has already said, your friendship and suport will be tremendously important to her. Hope your daughter has settled into Uni ok.
Elizabeth, our children never fail to surprise us do they. I'm pleased to hear that your son is gaining in confidence as time progresses. Hopefully his time away will give him a further boost.
Barbara, I hope your physio helps. Be careful not to overdo things though.
I popped into the supermarket earlier to pick up a few bits and pieces. At the checkout was a young mum with a toddler. Her goods were checked through and when it came to payment, she didn't have enough. Actually, she was short of £1.38. Honestly, the way in which she was treated was a disgrace and I've reported the matter to HQ. The poor girl was humiliated and quite frankly there was no need for such a scene. I settled the bill, paid mine, and then had a chat with the girl. A single mum with so very little money and absolutely no support. How tough life is for some
Best wishes to all0
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