Val's Cafe



  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Everyone :)

    Goodness it is really quiet in here again - where are you all :)

    MrO, what a sad situation indeed. I really feel for that young mum. Looking after a little one is hard enough, but with no support and little money, it must feel overwhelming at times. How kind that you helped her and good for you for reporting the matter. I wonder what sort of response you will get? :shock:

    Christine, my daughter has suffered from asthma since she was 4 and uses inhalers. They do help, but during the summer months she tends to have a persistent cough. She's been told it's due to hayfever. Just a thought.

    So, where's the that where you are? :lol:

    Love to all :)

    Catie x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    I am fading fast brain wise..I honestly though I had posted this morning... :?
    Catie yes it is early days but I suppose it doesn't seem so to you..I keep thinking why is my hip aching like it does...10 weeks post op ..I have to remind myself....
    Christine yes two robins....did you see the paper today about them building on village greens...its so sad...hope they soon get to the bottom of that cough..and how are your ears...the warm oil for you ears doesn't set so don't worry about making things worse
    MrO don't worry I wont overdo the exercises..and the only restriction is I can never crossed my legs...and I think she said ski...couldn't do that anyway... :lol:
    Today its cloudy but very mild...just had a call about my hand injections do I want to go in Monday they have a cancellation...I have already had them... :o
    See you all later..xxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    MrOptimist wrote:

    I popped into the supermarket earlier to pick up a few bits and pieces....... I settled the bill, paid mine, and then had a chat with the girl. A single mum with so very little money and absolutely no support. How tough life is for some :(

    Now that was a very kind thing to do MrO - I have done the same myself in the past, but I am extra pleased that you have reported their attitude. Your help will have gone a long way to healing her upset and humiliation.

    Thanks to those of you who were so nice about my friend - she is a friend and she would l know do the same for me :oops:

    Barbara there you go it IS only 10 weeks!! Still quite early days. You have only just started your physio haven't you? Oh I bet you were so disappointed about no skiing :lol:

    Poor Christine with that cough. If it is the asthma maybe they aren't treating it aggressively enough??

    Hi Catie - another good idea about that cough and worth looking into. Let's see what they do in response to MrO's letter eh? Wouldn't it be lovely if they sent her 'something' :D

    Oh Elizabeth I am sorry you are missing your boy :( I am missing Charley too though she appeared today :) She is settling in really well and enjoying her course so - big sigh !!

    The spi*ders here at the mo are huge - TALL??? If you know what I mean? You sounded totally trapped - why do they do that? :oops:

    Karen I do hope you feel better soon and that Tony and the girls are all doing ok.

    Coco too I am thinking of you as well as Rosie Roses and all our missing
    café dwellers


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mr O, that poor girl. Putting more in our basket than we realise can happen to any of us or sometimes things cost more than we expect, especially if we are short of money. It was very kind of you to step in. Wish there were more people like you.

    Catie, a party? Oooh, wonder where it is. I'm sure someone, I think Barbara, suggested a party a while back. We must arrange it although it would be nice if everyone could come.

    Barbara, 10 weeks isn't a long time to get over a big operation. I think you're doing marvellously well. You could always go virtual skiing. :lol: Maybe they thought you'd like two lots of injections. :shock:

    Toni, that was lovely for you, your daughter showing up. Glad she is doing well.

    Thank you for asking about my cough and ears. I do get a tiny bit of hoarseness every now and again Mr O. Catie, I do get a bit of hayfever in the summer but my cough has been persistent all year round. Toni, my asthma does seem to be in control. I have no other symptoms and my peak flow is always very good. Barbara, the oil might possibly be starting to work. I'm not totally deaf all the time now. I can hear a little now and again. The nurse had a look again yesterday and said the wax had softened but it might take a while more for it to clear. She said I then have to do the other ear as that's getting worse. :roll:

    It's been raining here. More due in the next few days. Good news is that my daughter has taken a new job, starting on Monday. She's having to start little Nyv at the creche tomorrow to get her used to it. Her husband is in Seattle just now with his job. The company he has gone to see said they have a job vacancy he is thinking about going for. My son also has a potential 6 jobs due to interviews and bits of work he has done for other people which could turn in to full time. The council have asked him to find people who will be interested in working in the Nature's World park he is hoping to take over. No idea what he'll do if he gets all of them. :lol:
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mr O, what a kind man you are. Then to display your disgust with those being disrespectful to her, makes me admire you even more. Not to blow my own trumpet, but that`s exactly how I would have been, although I`ve been known to get a bit - well a lot - shouty when I feel strongly about something. My late, precious hubby used to laugh, and encourage me. I`m not quite the same little firecracker now, without him.

    I think I`m feeling much like Catie says she does just now. Raring to go one day then the nerve pain kicks in again down my leg, and puts an end to that. I have reduced the dose back to what it was with my meds. Firstly, because it was making no difference, and secondly, I didn`t like the side effects, not least the extra hair that I seemed to be combing out. This illness has taken a lot from me, but I`m buggered if it`s going to get my crowning glory! I`ve had a couple of low days, feeling that everything was taking such a long time. I said this to my GP, and she laughed and said septicemia, discitis, major spinal surgery, and ten weeks in hospital, will do that!.....Aye, I suppose so, but oh I just wish I could drive again. I`m so used to going where I want, when I want.

    Love to everyone else who is suffering, or is all wrapped up with family concerns.....Rosie.x.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Sorry MrO didn't mention your kindness at the supermarket...I did read it ..dreadful hoe they treated the poor girl..
    Christine I am glad you have seen some difference in your ear..hopefully it will clear soon..and good luck to your daughter in her new job..she must be lonely without hubby...and I hope your son gets his job sounds lovely..ask him is there room for me please.. :D
    Toni..hope you can get the spiders out... :shock: they must be tapping there feet to music... :lol:
    Rosie its good to see you I said to Catie its always one day at a time..but you have the courage to get there...slow but sure is better than not getting anywhere...gosh I confusing myself now.. :? you will get there and keep telling yourself this..xx
    Still thinking of Karen and Coco and anyone else thats missing...
    The sun has just come out but I think we are in for more rain....
    not sure what today will bring..see you all later xxxxxx
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    well done mr O. all they had to do was quietly remove one item. my friend said she had to help a lady with learning difficulties. she bought too much and the girl at the till was nasty and started taking important items off the belt. my friend stepped in and helped the lady choose the least important items to remove but nobody else cared enough.

    Spent yesterday morning trying to catch upon sleep but despite being shattered and my head swimming I kept waking up. I had a lot of walking about at Sons parents afternoon yesterday so shattered again however somebody is having a dropped kerb put in a few houses down and it is so noisy. Can't shut my ears as I have a parcel due :roll:

    You'll be back on your feet soon Rosie. feeling sick and losing hair are two side effects I cannot tolerate. luckily neither is effecting me at the moment. hope today is one of the better ones.

    Barbara your hospital is rubbish!

    applerose I was given an inhaler too but hardly use it as I'm certain it is not asthma. There is something wrong with my throat in my opinion, i can feel it and often have to keep coughing to try and clear it.

    apologies you might have realised my caps lock doesn't like to work unless I give it a bash.

    hugs to karen and Coco, hope they get through the day okay.

    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Many thanks for your very kind comments. I had a very positive response to my complaint and a £50 gift card is being sent in recompense. To be honest I still feel a little annoyed at what happened, and a little concerned for the young mum and her child. Still thinking about my next move :wink:

    What I would say about chronic coughs is that they are quite common and in the majority of cases caused by one or more of the 'pathogenic triad' of asthma, gastro-oesophagel reflux and postnasal drip. Any 'persistent' hoarseness should of course be investigated. GPs are there to listen and help, so make sure you express your concerns :wink:

    Rosie, Barbara and Catie - you are all doing well :). There are bound to be good and bad days - that's normal - and a little frustrating, I know.

    Best wishes to all :)
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I think you are right MrO, but sometimes I feel like a 'rat in a trap'. I will stay positive :)
    £50 :shock: done...that was such a good response and I'm sure that poor girl will be so pleased. Your kindness will have helped :)

    Barbara.... fancy the hospital making such a mistake. Makes you wonder what mistakes are made, doesn't it? :shock:

    I didn't miss the party then Christine...that's good :)

    A man from the Council is about to visit (about those squatters), so I must be off. Love to all cafe dwellers :)

    Catie x
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    That will be next weeks shopping for her - GREAT result :) Best wishes to you too MrO

    Elizabeth I had to go to Lucy's school last night ::) Still it's done now and I hope the dropped kerb will be done soon too :x

    We had dreadful rain here Barbara.....really grotty and wet. Daisycat is rather cross ;) Dancing spi*ers??? Help!!! They are rather tall with upwards know the type??

    Oh Rosieglow :( I really don't balme you for your hair - you have had a dreadful time and your poor body hopefully just needs to recover, but I do not blame you for reducing your meds ((()))

    I am over the moon for your daughter :) Well done her. The wee one will be fine in nursery :) Now hopefully it will mean your son will get one of his 6 possibilities too :)

    Catie I early missed you there hope the man from the council can help

    Love to all our missing café dwellers :)

    Off to my French class tonight :?

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    MeO £50 you enjoy spending it...I can imagine how worried you are for the young mum.. :( ..... Toni the spider have not left yet.. :shock: you enjoy your French class..and yes the horrible weather landed here at teatime.. :roll:
    Catie I hope the man from the council has been some help....and hopefully it wont be long before you feel more normal...
    Elizabeth its a strange hospital trust we have ...I cant fault the care ..its the admin side.. :roll: sorry you didn't mange to get a nap..
    Very windy and wet tonight...but suppose to be nice at the weekend... :D
    Hope everyone sleeps well...
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Today I am off out with my neighbour....she is Indian and tonight is making us a curry...much better than takaway... :D she is taking me to an Indian cash and carry..I love the it there ..the smell is wonderful..
    So I will see you all later...hope you all have a good day :D xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oooh Barbara

    Lucky you :)

    I wish I could come along with you. We ate out tonight at a rather nice Indian Restaurant but I would rather have home-cooked any day :


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Rosie, I think I would probably feel the same as you but your GP is right, you have been through a lot and it will take a little longer to get over it all.

    Barbara, I'm sure my son will find somewhere to fit you in. How wonderful to have your friend make you a curry. I'd love to have a loook round an Indian cash and carry. All those smells. Yummy.

    Elizabeth, that was lovely of your friend. I bet the girl on the till was very young and had no idea what was important. Hope you are managing to catch up with your sleep now. I stopped using my inhaler a couple of days ago and haven't noticed any difference. I'll leave it another few days and see how I am. I think my problem could well be in my throat.

    Mr O, success. I'm sure the young mum will be over the moon with that. Thank you, I have been seen a few times about my cough. Years ago, they always said it was postnasal drip and that they wouldn't do anything about it as it could be worse once I stopped medication. I've had x-rays and tried every suggested medicine. Still waiting to hear from my rheumie about the x-ray results.

    Catie, I hope the council are going to do something about your squatters.

    Toni, I don't mind spiders but don't like the sound of yours. Hope you enjoyed your French class. I love Indian food. Hope you enjoyed your meal.

    What a funny day weatherwise. Very dull this morning and cool. By lunchtime, the sun was shining and it was very hot - t-shirt weather and then in the middle of the afternoon, it turned grey and poured down. Teatime saw some more sun for half an hour before it rained again. :roll:

    I had to remind my boss today that the minimum wage went up on 1st October. Considering he has always employed quite a few people in his business, and still does, wouldn't you think he would know that. I only get pay slips every few months so I asked him to give me all the ones I was owed. I got May to July's and my usual amount of pay. He must have seen the look on my face so he said, I'll give you the rest of your pay slips on Monday and sort out your pay rise then. :x

    Had my flu jab this morning. I was only in there for 1 minute and then out again. It's like a conveyor belt.

    My daughter has told me that her new boss wants her to go to America for 3 weeks training. It means she's either going to have to leave both babies for her husband to look after or take the youngest with her and put her in the creche. She's not happy about that.I think she's hoping her husband will go with her as he can work anywhere.

    Hope everyone has as good a weekend as possible.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone

    Well I better have a whizz round just incase Val pops in :?


    I know I should use the dishwasher, but really I am quicker ;)


    there! All done


    That's pretty bad the boss 'forgetting' the pay rise :? I hope he will sort it though.

    Blimey America for your daughter?? I agree that the best thing would be for her husband to help out while she goes.

    The sun is shining here then it goes overcast :roll:

    Love to everybody

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni the curry was delicious...she is such a good cook..her mum and dad are veggie..but she isn't...but still makes lots of veggie curry's and starters..I am very lucky...I did teach her how to do a Sunday dinner.. :D and to top it off she give me massages... :D:D
    Christine thank your son :) how cheeky of your boss..they do try it on...I hope you get those wage slips and a rise come to that..we are having our flu jabs next week not sure what day...sorry meant to say how lovely for your daughter going to America...suppose she is in panic mode now..
    The sun is out here and its quite humid....hope it carry's on till winter...I am having a lazy day today... :D my eldest GD has cleaned the windows...its a swap for an hoodie..oh and hoovered the stairs
    See you all later xxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Barbara

    well all that in exchange for a hoodie?? Not a bad deal if you get it from prim :wink: ark/matalan :lol:

    It is rather nice still and as Ron (Rondetto said to me recently) every day like this is one less wintery cold day so all to the good :)

    I wish your neighbour was mine - she sounds really kind glad you enjoye your meal out :)

    Lucy and I went to the pictures this afternoon. WE cooked a curry first though to eat on our return ;)


    Toni xx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni, you are always so busy in here. Always keep the cafe tidy and clean. My daughter's husband is due home from Seattle tomorrow so they'll have to discuss it rather quickly as she starts the job on Monday. Ron put that a very good way. Makes the winter seem shorter. What film did you see?

    Barbara, now that is a good exchange - teaching her to cook a Sunday dinner for massages. Yes, I think my daughter is panicking a bit but I'm sure something can be sorted out. How lovely of your GD to clean your windows.

    Quite warm here today again but I stayed indoors. haven't been feeling too well. I get up, do a bit then start feeling dizzy. There's always something going round at this time of year. I did get 3 washloads washed and dried outside yesterdays dishes washed as I wasn't up to doing them. Saturday night and I'm off to bed early. What an exciting life. :lol:
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good Morning everyone

    It's lovely here just now clear blue sky and sunshine :)

    We went to see 'about time' Christine, made me quite teary :oops:

    I hope your daughter and husband can sort something out for the best - for all of them really :?

    I do hope you feel a good bit less dizzy today...horrible when you feel like that isn't it? :(

    No plans for the day except finishing my book and maybe a bit more garden clearing. Rondetto is threatening frosts by Thursday and since he is my weathervane :lol:


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just been on Wiki to read about that film. I only read the first paragraph because I think it told the whole story. :roll: Sounds good. Don't know if I'll get to the cinema but will definitely watch it at some point with a box of tissues.
    Still in bed but had breakfast so might see if I can do a little bit in the garden and maybe a bit in the house this afternoon. Maybe. :lol: Can you ask Rondetto to stop threatening frosts, please? I'm not ready for them. :lol:
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Toni I agree with Ron ..I love this time of the year when the sun is out...I think we appreciate it more than summer..knowing winter is not far away..
    I am rubbish at cooking curry' you enjoyed yours after the cinema...the hoodie was £25..and it has her bands name on not to middle GD goes to Prim*** with £10 and comes back with all sorts :D
    Christine... its good that your daughters husband will be home least she will have some back up there....hope it all get sorted for her...
    Sorry you are still feeling dizzy ...many years ago I had an ear infection ..and I felt sick and this could all be linked to your ears..hope you get to the bottom of it soon..

    The sun is shinning lovely to get up to...we are going away for a few days next Wales so hope it last
    Will see you all later xxxxxx oops just spotted you there ..morning Christine.. :D
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi Christine

    You will enjoy the film - a good one to watch on DVD for definite - my knees especially do not like the pictures :roll:

    Had husband out in the garden helping me today. Managed to plant 9 daffodil bulbs and clear a reasonable part of a bed. Also harvested new spuds for tea and toms and cucumbers for husband's lunch tomorrow.

    Lots still to do though.

    We cheat a bit with our curries now Barbara - I used to make my own garam masala, but it was very hit and miss. So now we use carry pastes? and add our own onions, (meat for some) paneer for Lucy and me and mushrooms etc.

    When will you be off to Wales? You deserve a treat now I think...recovered enough to enjoy it :)


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Toni the film does sound you my bones dont like the cinema so will wait for the DVD..even if I cheat with the curries they aren't very good... :roll: mind you since my neighbour started to make them for us they seem worse than ever.. :lol: her husband is white and he say he always wanted to marry an Indian girl for the curry's... :o
    Christine did you enjoy your lie will do you good :D
    We are going to Wales on Wednesday till Friday ..have you seen the weather couldn't make it up... :roll: still at least we have a sea view.... :D
    Hope everyone's doing okish...xxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Barbara a sea-view :D

    How lovely - whatever the weather....rainy seas are beautiful too :D

    Sigh - nothing like a proper homemade curry is there you neighbour's husband chose well :wink:


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, my hearing seems to be improving slightly so hopefully won't take much longer. I was worried that leaving it for too long could cause an infection. I'm sure you'll have a lovely time in Wales. Fingers crossed for the weather. I stayed in bed all morning then got up and had lunch and, apart from planting some bulbs, I haven't done a thing so well rested. problem is I hate wasting days off from work. Not to worry. I think I needed it so it wasn't really wasted.

    Toni, you have been busy. I planted some daffodils too. Had to do a few at a time then go walkabout. :lol: I make curry from scratch now and again but the pastes do make it very easy, don't they?