Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Toni you did make me laugh...yes rainy seas can be nice...they better be.... :lol: did you get the garden tidied...
    Christine the rest will do you good..I know you dont like wasting the time..but it wasn't wasted ... :D strange but I still feel guilty when I lie in... :roll: its so hard to get use to...
    Today I am kitten sitting...she is mad...I am cut to ribbons...then she suddenly settles down on my knee and had a nap..then wakes up and bites me.. :roll:
    She is at the min climbing on my I will see you later xxxxxx
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    What a glorious day. Can't believe we are into October as it really is very warm. Barbara, I will send this weather your way on Wednesday :)

    I see Rolf Harri# is to face trial in April - still can't get my head around those charges and I'm jolly glad I won't be chosen as a juror :(

    By the way Barbara, sounds like Kitty has the biting and petting syndrome - like so many of them do :lol:

    Hope you are all managing to enjoy the sunshine.

    Best wishes to all :)
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    We must have the same weather as you MrO.....lots of sunshine and really warm.
    Yes, I saw that about Rolf. I just hope it isn't true, but it's not looking good from what I've read :(

    Barbara, you sound busy kitten-sitting :). They are so cute when asleep, but when they out :lol:
    Hope the weather is good to you when you're away :)

    Toni, how are your French lessons going? I used to love French when I was at school, but remember very little now :roll:. Years ago my neighbour had a French Au Pair, who used to practice her English on my daughter (then 11) in return for French lessons - it worked really well. How I wished I had asked her to help me :)

    Christine, hope you are feeling a little better now :)

    Love to all cafe dwellers :)
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Bon apres midi mes amies :D

    That do you Catie?? :lol: My book and CDs arrived this very day and I have had the CDs playing all afternoon. Not 100% on the spelling though because the book is still shut as I have been cooking :?

    We are overcast here, dry warm and overcast, not to worry at least it's warm enough eh? :)

    MrO I am so glad you have got sunshine - it is lovely to be keeping this warm into October I agree - long may it last :)

    I do understand I think how you feel about all those celebs charged with offences form the 1970s or beyond.....I suspect there may yet be more high profile ones ahead.

    Thanks for your kind wishes.

    Barbara I got some garden tidied - husband managed more, but my back got very cross with me ::) Not to worry.

    Well rainy seas are far better than no sea??? I do adore kittens even if they do 'have you' regularly. I remember when Daisycat was little and charley had her first hemiplegic migraine the neurologist thinking she was self-harming :oops:

    Christine it's good to 'hear' (sorry) that your hearing is improving finally. Well done for planting your daffodils - I shall keep going like you - when I did the crocus it took me two weeks!!

    Glad you 'cheat' too with the pastes.

    Love to all café dwellers hope everyone is well. Especially anyone feeling extra rough

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all
    Toni same to you whatever it keep the French up then you will much more comfortable when you go is nice when you can or even try to speak there give that back a rest...or else..and yes you would think I have been self harming...they have just picked her up...the little beggar was fast asleep ....typical... :lol:
    Catie...are you feeling any stronger...we had neighbours that used to take in French students...I only wished I had picked it up..we didnt get the chance at school... :roll: it has been warm here but mainly cloudy...
    MrO yes Rolf Harries ..its very hard to believe...but we will have to see..I have been trying to tame the kitten..when she bites I shout..and she the little things knows...she jump on my OH head and started pulling his hair out...not that he has that much... :lol:
    Right I have made lemon drizzle cake with extra lemon if anyone would like some...xxxxx
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    So sorry that I haven`t been around much, but I am having an awful time tapering off Gabapentin. They haven`t been having much effect for some time now, and I read some rather disturbing things about this drug. All true, as I`m now finding out to my cost. My anxiety levels are through the roof at present, but it`s making me more determined than ever to get off the damn things.

    Love to you all, and I`ll be back when I am not so jumpy......Rosie.x.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Just seen your post Rosie. Can you speak to your GP and tell them about the adverse symptoms? I know of a lot of people who suffer from taking this med.

    Sorry been AWOL. A mix of colds and busy with the children. I hope to get back on Wednesday as have busy day tomorrow.

    Take care all
    Elizabeth x
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    She`s phoning me on Thursday morning Elizabeth. Earliest I could speak to her. I was put on the Gabapentin in hospital, after the surgery. I`ll see what she says, but I don`t really want to be offered "help" in the form of something else that I might have trouble coming off.....Rosie.x.
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear Rosie

    I tried this and got up to the highest does with no results....came off them no problem at all.

    I do hope you can get some help with it.

    Such a shame as I know one or two who really get relief with it.

    Barbara you tame that kitten :wink: - poor OH even less hair now :shock: I am practising my Francais :wink: and resting my back too.

    My day is a bit busy tomorrow too Elizabeth. I Hope YOU are ok and haven't got a cold? They hang around on these meds though don't they ::)


    Toni xxx
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Argh, timed out again. Ok here goes again. :lol:

    Barbara, I don't feel guilty really, probably because I live on my own so it doesn't really matter. I think I would feel guilty if there was someone else there. Kittens claws are so sharp, aren't they. No wonder you are cut to ribbons. I'll have a slice of your lemon drizzle cake please. Sounds delicious.

    Mr O, I wouldn't want to be on the jury either. How do you say someone is guilty when, all your life, they have seemed like a really lovely person who wouldn't hurt a fly.

    Catie, I don't remember but French from school either. I have travelled through France a couple of times and managed to buy food and drink from the shops and ask for directions. One time we stopped and I went in to a cafe and asked a man if there was anywhere we could put the tent up for the night. A few people burst out laughing so my partner went in to ask. Turns out I had asked if I could spend the night with his aunt. :lol: I do feel quite a bit better now. Thank you.

    Toni, I think the cds are good for learning a language. I'm sure the spelling will soon follow. I had to laugh when you said it was good to 'hear' about my hearing. :lol:

    Rosie, sorry to hear you are having such a bad time just now. Hope your GP can offer some help when she phones.

    Elizabeth, Sorry you all have colds. Hope they clear up quickly. Just come here when you have the time.
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm doing two posts in case I time out again. :lol:

    I got to work this morning to find my boss had gone away for a couple of days. He had, however, left all my wage slips up to date. And he left a note saying he will give me a pay rise as of this week. The minimum wage went up last week). He is giving me a rise of ........... wait for it .......... a whole £1 a week. Not quite sure what to do with it all. :( :roll:

    I used to work at home as a holistic therapist. When I got home today, I got a phone call from a lady who found my number on the internet. She had been phoning round looking for someone to give her an Indian head massage straight away. I did tell her that I haven't practiced for a couple of years but she sounded quite stressed so I told her to come round. She was very stressed and didn't stop talking about what had made her stressed. Just hope I helped a little.
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm doing two posts in case I time out again. :lol:

    I got to work this morning to find my boss had gone away for a couple of days. He had, however, left all my wage slips up to date. And he left a note saying he will give me a pay rise as of this week. The minimum wage went up last week). He is giving me a rise of ........... wait for it .......... a whole £1 a week. Not quite sure what to do with it all. :( :roll:

    I used to work at home as a holistic therapist. When I got home today, I got a phone call from a lady who found my number on the internet. She had been phoning round looking for someone to give her an Indian head massage straight away. I did tell her that I haven't practiced for a couple of years but she sounded quite stressed so I told her to come round. She was very stressed and didn't stop talking about what had made her stressed. Just hope I helped a little.
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone sorry I haven't been in cafe for a while I have been checking in ,sept was a really busy month for us we went away three times,twice up to Scotland and then down to our sons for my birthday,we went to Bletchley Park a most interesting place even grandchildren were fascinated.
    So today it poached salmon for tea with potatoes and peas maybe a little salad on the side.Fresh mussels are about at the moment think I may do some along side the salmon.
    Very cloudy here today and a little breezy,have a good day all. Mig
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Another beautiful day here....makes everything seem so much better :)

    Mig, what a busy summer you've had. Glad you had a lovely time and it's lovely to have you back in the cafe :)

    Christine, OMG.... I'm still laughing at your little mistake :lol::lol::lol:
    So funny :D
    A pay rise of £1 a week !!! Honestly Christine, what a cheek.

    Barbara, I am feeling a little stronger thank you, but each day is so different - find that a little disappointing - but will keep smiling :)

    Toni, I bet you are finding those tapes really good. My husband picked up German by listening to tapes. Our daughter's previous bf was German and so he thought he had better set too on learning German. He needn't have worried as Daniel's English was 'perfect' :)

    Rosie, sending you a (((( )))). I hope your doctor is able to help you when she phones.

    Elizabeth, hope everyone has recovered from their cold and you're ok too.

    Love to all cafe dwellers not mentioned.

    Catie x
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Blimey its been busy in here..must be the specials board.. :lol:
    Lets see what I can remember..
    Rosie I am on gabapentin..and I have lowered the does over has really messed with my brain..I dont say this lightly I was fine when I brought the dose now I am trying to come off it...good luck with it
    Christine you will have to visit the £1 shop with your rise..I am glad you have your wage slips ,and good for you giving the head should try and get back into would be a good side line for you :D
    Catie it must be frustrating when every day is different...hopefully very soon..things will look up for you...
    Mig its good to have you appetite is on the up now ...I love salmon... :D
    Toni I think this kitten is a she devil...she keeps running round with whit OH s hair :lol:
    Elizabeth you have had a bad time recently with it the meds that lower your immune system...hope you manage some rest
    I have just been to physio...she just watched me do the exercises and upped them slightly and will see me in two weeks.
    I am now off to pack and do some ironing ..keep you fingers crossed the weather forecast is wrong.. :wink: xxxxxx
  • constable
    constable Member Posts: 2,115
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I haven't been around at all for a while. Things have not been to good in the household here. I have not been able to read back yet. Only I did see mention of packing Barbara, where are you off to.

    H had her results back and she has 3 degrading discs in the back which is causing all her pain. So poor girl, has been told she must work through the pain as she is so young.

    Tony went for a nuclear test on his heart yesterday, a stress test because he is to immobile for the treadmill. He has to go back next week for another one, this time on rest.

    Having a great deal of trouble keeping up with everything going on to be honest, so if you don't see me around I apologise, just to much pain myself and really not coping.

    I hope things are better for all you café people. And I really hope I can get back on soon.

    Everyone look after yourselves and keep the fires burning as it were. Miss you all.
    Karen xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Karen!!!

    It is lovely to see you back posting but I can see where you've been :? .

    I am glad they are testing Tony so thoroughly and it is good that at least there is an explanation for H's problems. I think they ought to send her for physio to strengthen her core muscles to protect her back as much as possible surely??

    and love to You coping with it all

    Oh Barbara!!

    You do make me laugh :lol: Poor OH the 'fluff' being his hair :shock: the kids used to call Daisycat devil-kitten, but now she is an angel-puss :D

    I hope you are having/will have a fabulous break and get moer sunshine than you are expecting :)

    Catie - I am glad you are still improving, but it takes time I know. After my back surgery it took 10 weeks to be able to work again and even then I was crying with pain at the end of the day. At that time they were 5 and 8 and I had no choice I was a single parent.

    On the upside I saw continued improvement for OVER 2 years so hang on in there :)

    Thanks for the story about your husband's success with german through audio. I am enjoying it;)

    mig - welcome back :) Tea sounded lovely what's on for today then? ;)

    You know I would LOVE to go to Bletchley :)

    Christine £1 a week - mmmmm I think Barbara is right you can splash out in poundland :roll: Fantastic that you were able to help that lady with her stress I bet you did you know :) you listening and responding will have gone a long way.

    Take care everyone - those who are 'missing' too


    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all
    Karen you know were we are..and I am thinking about you all..I feel a bit useless really if I lived nearer...who knows how I could help...I am glad Toni is having the right test..and hoping that Hayley is not in to much pain...((()))xx
    Toni ..when the kitten is tired she is so lovely... :D she cry's to get on my knee bless her...hope that back is rested....
    Not sure how to say bye in Welsh...we are going around lunch mi boots and jumpers so sea air here we come...
    Think I will take my laptop...there is wifi in the B&B :)
    So I will see you later....xxxxxx
  • mig
    mig Member Posts: 7,154
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Menu for today pork and Bramley apple sausages with cheesey mash ,peas,carrots and onion gravy ,ice cream cornets for afters.
    Very dull and chilly here had fire on for a while,ready for tea and biscuits now. Mig
  • Catie
    Catie Member Posts: 362
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Everyone :)

    Barbara, we have the sun and so I'm sending it to you :). Hope you have a lovely time in Wales :)

    Karen, I'm sending you a (((( ))). So sorry to hear your news and I hope things improve for you all very soon. Until then, we are always here for support :).

    Toni, thank you for your kind words and support. It is early days I know. I guess I'm a little frustrated because having spent 3 months in and out of hospital last year - this year hasn't been much better. The problem being that my poor husband has had to do so much more and has health issues too (still works full-time). Just wish I could do more to help - but he never complains :). However, I thank my lucky stars that until 5 years ago I was fit as a flea :)

    Mig, please set a few more places - we will all be round to yours later :)

    Love to Rosie, Christine and all cafe dwellers :)

    Catie x
  • MrOptimist
    MrOptimist Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, enjoy your time away. The sun should be with you soon :)

    Life is full of 'ups and downs' and I know it isn't always easy to remain positive. However, I'm sure that most will agree that given time, things can and often do improve. My feeling is that it is very important to hold on to 'hope' :) My thoughts are with all those struggling at this time.

    Best wishes to all :)
  • applerose
    applerose Member Posts: 3,621
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oops! I didn't mean to post the same thing twice. Sorry.

    Mig, you have been busy with all that travelling. Salmon and mussels sounds delicious. So does the cheesy mash.

    Catie, glad you are feeling a little stronger but I guess it takes time.

    Barbara, the £1 shop is a good idea. Didn't think of that. Hope the exercises are helping. Poor OH. Hope he gets to keep some of his fluff. I think I've missed you and you are off on your trip so hope you are having a wonderful time and the weather is being good.

    Karen, oh that is bad news. So is there nothing they will do for H? Is she on painkillers? Hope things are ok for Tony. And you? Sounds as if you are having a really tough time. Try to rest and take care of yourself. Not easy I know. (((hugs))).

    I actually managed to pop outside after work and sand down and paint 3 windowsills. I desperately need new windows but won't be able to afford them for a while. It had been raining this morning but the sun came out for a while this afternoon. Very windy though so the swing cover has blown off and my garden chair was off down the garden with the green waste bags.

    Hope everyone I haven't mentioned is coping well with whatever is thrown at them.
  • tkachev
    tkachev Member Posts: 8,332
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hope Rosie's phone call about the Gabaten (sp)is productive.

    Well done on the DIY Applerose. Its good to get these things done.

    Poor you Karen. Just pop in when you feel able. Sorry to read your daughter is suffering so badly. When they say work through the pain hopefully this will be for the good. She won't want to cause more damage.

    My busy day was a wash out. I woke up with a screaming head-ache, got the children off to school then crashed back in bed. It took a lot of strong pills to clear it.

    Yesterday was better as it was Lucy's 10th birthday. We had a surprise visit from Charlie with a cake and pressies. Everything with the move went well, she is sharing the extortionate rent with 3 others and loving the job. She took back some of my curtains as I now have shutters in most rooms. Also had OH Mum and Sister to visit and we had a nice time and a bit of a laugh which doesn't often happen where OH family is involved!

    Barbara enjoy your time away. Send us a postcard :wink: to stick on the Itchen wall.

    I remember being as fit as a flea Catie. I hate losing so much independence.

    Have a good day Toni,

    Have to go for blood test soon so will re-book the flu jab as I am feeling better.
    Never be bullied into silence.
    Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
    Accept no ones definition of your life

    Define yourself........

    Harvey Fierstein
  • RosieGlow
    RosieGlow Member Posts: 175
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone,

    Thanks so much for all your good wishes. It really helps.

    Well, my GP phoned at nine thirty, and once I started to explain, she said she would come out to see me. I really am very lucky with her. She was with me for almost an hour, and I came out with a lot of stuff that I wasn`t even aware I`d been feeling. She thinks I`m a bit depressed, and said she wasn`t really surprised, given everything that had happened to me, and dealing with it on my own. Also coming off the morphine and gabapentin myself. She asked me how I felt about trying a month on AD`s. I said I would, provided they weren`t addictive. She checked me over, and said I was doing brilliantly, physically, although she is sending the District Nurse out next week to take bloods, now that I`m completely off the antibiotics. Doesn`t foresee any problems though. Feeling more positive now.

    Love to everyone, and thinking of those struggling......Rosie.x.
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello everyone
    Its Barbara from Wales.. :D Mr O and Catie thanks for the sun yesterday...but what happened today...its freezing :shock: ...but lovely watching the wave crash against the sea wall..
    Christine good for you sanding down the window sills and painting them...not an easy job...
    Mig the menu sounds lovely ..but sorry I missed it...
    Rosie you are right to try the ADs ..I was on them for a short while and really did will get there..
    Elizabeth thank goodness your daughter has someone to share with..must be costing a fortune..and happy belated 10th birthday Lucy... :D and I hope you headache has stayed away Elizabeth
    Karen I am still thinking of you don't forget we are here when you need us
    Well like I said yesterday was lovely but today is freezing..but we have been out most of the day ...its still good to have ours meals cooked...and we have a lovely room...
    Will see you all tomorrow xxxxxx