Val's Cafe
Elizabeth, hope you are feeling better now and your headache has gone. At least it sounds as if you had a lovely day yesterday. What a lovely surprise. And happy birthday Lucy.
Rosie, what a lovely GP. I was prescribed amytripteline for 2 months. It was to help me sleep, not for depression, but I came straight off them after that with no problem and felt much better too. Glad you feel more positive.
Hi Barbara. How is Wales? Hope tomorrow's weather is better than today's.
The weather has done everything today. We've had cold and hot, rain and dry, cold and hot, windy and not. While I was out, my hood was up and down and my coat was fastened up and opened. Glad I'm inside now though the way the wind is howling.Christine0 -
Hello everyone
Lovely to see you Barbara from Walesglad you have had some sun at least
Christine - our outside windows were painted this year and look great, but I reckon there is more filler in them than wood nowWell done YOU though
Rosieglow - what a lovely doctor. I am so glad you have told her all about it all including the gabapentin issues. I think you have made some wise decisions and hope the bloods are ok.
Catie - I can see why you are worrying about your husband. That's so kind of you, but I am sure he is just glad to have you home and as well as you areCan you pick me up on the way to mig's for my tea? Cheesy mash is one of y favourites. I will bring my own veg sausages
MrO you are quite right keeping positive is definitely a good attitude and represented in your name. Like you I hope our poorly friends and family get well soon.
Elizabeth Belated Happy Birthday to your Lucyand how lovely Charlie visited too
Sounds like a good time was had by all even OH's family
I have been busy today Outpatients for my Lucy today then a migraine !!! and still managed to drah myself to my French class. Off to bed now though to nurse this head. Elizabeth you have all my sympathy with yours
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Morning everyone,
I hope Barbara enjoys her last day in Wales. I`ve really missed my holiday this year, but I`m determined to make up for it next.
Christine keeping busy - when possible! - always makes me feel better, and you seem to keep busier than most.
Catie I miss my precious husband always but never more than I have these last months. Once when he was in and out of hospital himself, he was thanking me for always being there and I said you`d be there for me. He said that if I were ever in hospital, the security would have to drag him away. You sound as lucky as I was.x.
Mr O I have always been a positive person, right up to a couple of weeks ago, so it came like a bolt out of the blue to accept that I had started to get down. I start the AD - Sertraline - today, so fingers crossed it helps.
Toni and Elizabeth, I hope your headaches are starting to ease, and you manage a restful weekend......Rosie.x.0 -
Barbara, my feeling is that you will always take a positive from a negative. So come rain or shine, you will enjoy yourself, I'm sure
Rosie, when your medication kicks in, you will feel much better. Your body has been through so much of late and it's bound to take it's toll on you emotionally - that's understandable. I'm sure the days ahead will be better for you and it won't be long before you're planning that holiday.
Catie, I think Toni is 'spot on' with her comments. Andrew cares for you because he loves you....simple. When you're a little stronger, I would prescribe a short break to recharge your batteries
Toni, I hope your head has cleared this morning. My observation over the years is that general fatigue can be a trigger for migraine be careful not to overdo things
Christine, your D-I-Y skills, sound a lot bettter than mine
Elizabeth, the problem with your OH's family, seems similar to mine. You have my sympathy. As they say, you can choose your friends, but......
Karen, I hope things are improving for you all.
Best wishes to Mig, Coco and all who visit0 -
Hi Rosieglow
I hope you can get a really lovely holiday organised next year to make up for this year - you deserve itMy fingers are crossed for you that your new meds will lift your spirits
MrO you agree with me about Catie's husband because we are right he really does love her 'page one' of the rule book for spouses in my bookThank you my headache is a lot easier and actually I think you are almost certainly correct about the reason for my migraine :?
I hope you and yours are well?
Love to all our café dwellers and especially to anyone who is struggling a bit extra at the moment
Toni xxx0 -
Hope everyone is as well as can be
Toni, we are well - thanks for askingHowever, it is all go at the moment as we have just sold our house :shock:. Last weekend, MrsO noticed a house for sale in our local paper. We took a look and it screamed 'buy me' - to MrsO at least
. I made the agent an offer and it was accepted. We then placed our house with the same agent and we had a cash buyer within 24 hours
The house we are moving to belongs to a banker who has returned to USA - so very keen to sell. If things go to plan we should be in our new home by Xmas. The property is situated in a private road and so extremely quiet - looking forward to the peace and quiet - must be old age
Best wishes to all0 -
Good Morning MrO
Good to hear that the family are all well.
Fantastically exiting news about the house :shock: wowIt will be very hectic won't it though? Well done for securing a sale so fast.
To be honest I would LOVE to live at the end of a lane with no neighbours :oops:
Rightyho then I will give the café a quick once-over incase Val pops in
just put the rubbish out...
Toni xxx0 -
Evening back at tea time...
It was a nice rest but blinking freezing..after all the good weather we have had...I was adopted by a seagull it kept coming to the window and pecking...
Right lets see if I can remember what you have been up to...
Poor Toni and those migraines..I know how bad they can be from my teens...yes I still remember that far back...hope it has eased up for you ..not sure what you was doing at outpatients..hope everything is ok...
MrO I do try to be positive but dont always manged have been busy buying and selling houses..I hope it all runs smoothly for should be in your new house for Christmas..oops you said that ..I would love the peace and quiet..we live on a busy rd that used to be a country lane.. :roll:
Rosie I do hope you can get an holiday carry on recovering and it wont be long..
Catie hope you are doing well....
Christine hope you have had a goodish day off...
Karen I am still thinking about you and Coco
Hopefully Elizabeth has got rid of the migraine...they are awful
Right I will leave you for now xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Welcome home Barbara
I am glad you are in the warm, but also that you have had that break before winter really hits :roll: Hope the new and old hips held up?
Lucy was seeing the paediatrician re her epilepsy so nothing to worry about. Neurologist next month at Birmingham Children's hospital.
Get the heating on
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toni I am so glad to be in the warmth...the new hip held up but the old one didn't like it but who care..I didn't listen to it..well a few swear words..
glad that things are ok with Lucy..let us know the date of her next appointment ...and will be in your leg in each.. :shock:
Its very dark here this morning...must say we did have a good that helps...I think.. :?
middle GD has broke the screen of her we have to see if it can be mended quickly before daddy find out...
Hope everyone doing okish ...
See you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Places Swear Box on the table for Barbara
. I'm only joking - expect we are all the same, some days. Pleased you enjoyed your break
Toni, hope all goes well for your daughter
The packing has begun. After 20+ years in the same house, we have accumulated what can only be described as 'a lot of old junk'
Best wishes to all0 -
MrO dont apologize.. you are right we could build a new cafe with the money...
We have just had the baby here, will she walk again no chance..bless she is to quick on her bum dragging one leg behind..
Now I have my feet up...and hubby is in the bath...still one GC here the middle one...
Hope everyone is doing okish xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Cafe Dwellers
Welcome back from Wales, Barbara. It's a shame the sun didn't continue to shine, but I bet you were glad of a little break. That gull sounds a little demanding lol. Oh dear, hope you manage to find someone who can fix the Ipod screen.
MrO, it sounds as if your move is meant to be - a cash buyer for your house and a vacant property to buy. Hope everything goes well for you.
How is your d-i-l at the moment?
Rosie, hope you are feeling a little better with each day. It must be so hard without your lovely husband, but our friendship and understanding is always here for you.
Elizabeth, I agree, the loss of independence is difficult. Hope both you and your family are well.
Toni, I hope all goes well for your daughterNot long now 'til you are off to France. Let us know where you are staying and I'll ask Barbara to bring out the bus
Love to Karen, Coco, Mig, Christine and all who visit0 -
Morning all
Catie yes I did enjoy the was a B&B so we had to go out for the evening meal..but we found a very old pub ..with lovely food..we didnt get the ipod fixed it had to be left for mending..she is hoping her daddy doesn't notice :roll: the sun is shinning here and raining so we should have a rainbow
I will go and look for the bus not sure were I left it last time.. :? then we can all join Toni when she goes to France..we could help them decide on there new house...
Hope everyone is doing okish..xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Barbara, more expense then. Let's hope it's returned as good as new
Thank you CatieI meant to ask you if your scar is healing normally?
My d-i-l is a little better thank you
Right...back to the packing
Best wishes to all0 -
computer prob sorry!
Hugsall xxx x x xxExxxxxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Don't worry about the computer issues Elizabeth - it happens :roll:
MrOI'll help you do down the settee!!!
and this lot can go in the bin
Barbara we are off to the Gironde this time near Ste Foy La Grande
Here's the bus - it's rather clean though I wonder who did that???
Was it catie? Better not be catie you shouldn't be cleaning buses just yet :shock:
Aw Baby won't show you her walking skills then bless herI hope you can get the IPod fixed. Lucy's has been broken for months and still works.
Love to all our missing friends
Toni xxx0 -
Rosie, hope you are starting to feel better with the Sertraline. Maybe you could have a look at some holiday brochures for next year.
Mr O, that was very quick selling then buying your house. That will be lovely to get in before Xmas. Think I would need to hire a huge skip if I ever move.
Toni hope your migraine has gone now. What lovely flowers on the tables in here. You are always so busy in here and now helping Mr O.
Barbara, welcome home. Hope you enjoyed your break despite the weather. Hope you didn't bring the seagull home with you.
Catie, Elizabeth, Karen, Coco, Mig - hope you are all doing ok.
Well I asked my boss if I could have more than £1 a week wage rise. He didn't seem too pleased but said I could have £2 a week. Then, while I was sorting through the office paperwork to recycle it, I found a receipt for a 1 night stay in the Savoy in London - £386. And he can only afford to give me £2. :roll: He is taking his family to Florida on Wednesday for a fortnight. His wife asked me if I could do all the ironing ready for packing. I spent 4 hours ironing. She did thank me twice for getting it all done so that put a smile on my face.
Finally got a letter from my rheumie about the blood tests he had done 10 weeks ago. He says they are all normal and he doesn't want to do any further investigations and that I should see my GP about the fatigue as he has no explanation. I feel as if he's saying there's nothing wrong with me. Doesn't mention whether or not I need to see him again next year. :roll:Christine0 -
Morning all
Its a lovely sunny morning here..
Elizabeth hope the laptop probs are sorted soon...not sure about the young ones being obsessed I feel lost if mine goes down
Catie you start packing Toni has found the bus...not a clue were I put it...hope today is a good one for you
Toni how lovely to have France to look forward to..and don't forget we need pics..then we can help you choose....
Christine..the cheek of your boss....its typical these with the money dont want to part with stick to your guns...we will all come and help with the ironing and put him in his place...he wont want to get someone else because he know she can trust you.. :roll:
I am off out today hubbys is off will take my chariot...if I can mange with crutches then I will..see you all laterxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Everyone
Barbara, hope you have a lovely day. Always nice to leave the 4 walls behind for a while
Thanks for sprucing up the bus Toni. Right...better start packing...
Christine, your boss is a real meanie. I bet there are times when you just want to leave them to it.... Could the fatigue be due to anaemia I wonder ?
- that can make one feel exhausted.
Elizabeth, it's so frustrating when computers play-up - hope you get yours sorted soon.
MrO, everything seems to be healing well thank you...but... I did have to have one of those nasty injections :shock: I think the fact that I was 'stitched up' by a plastic surgeon, may have helped
Well, I have had a shock this morning. We received a letter from our utility company (Atlantic) informing us of another increase and the price we can expect to pay for our Gas/Electricity :shock:. Goodness, where will it all end :roll: Right, moan over and I will pay a visit to Uswitch
Love to everyone not mentioned
Catie x0 -
Hello everyone,
Lovely sunny, crisp day here. Hope it`s the same for all of you.
Feeling a little better today, although still got some anxious feelings. Drove to Tesco, then went to see a couple of friends for coffee, My balance still feels a little wobbly when I`m walking, but definitely a huge improvement.
A bus trip through rural France sounds wonderful. Bring it on!.....Rosie.x.0 -
Afternoon all
had a lovely day out...and got our flu jabs done..I had to drag my OH there ..he is terrified of needles they didn't have any has a child...
Christine I meant say earlier..don't be put off because the test are ok...get them don't again later on
Hello Rosie...Im so glad you have been out..not sure if you are on the gabapentin but that make me anxious..and even more so after must feel so much better having a drive out..good for you..
Catie..its awful how the government have given them a free hand to charge us whatever...I think many are going cold then they can afford to you are right to moan...
I could have done with this weather when on our little break..hope it continues till Christmas...xxxxx
Barbara0 -
Barbara, you had a lovely day out to have a flu jab? :shock: I'm going to ask for a copy of my test results so that I can work out what he means by normal. Maybe if we all keep our fingers crossed, the weather will stay nice.
Catie, you wouldn't believe the number of times I've wanted to walk out but I can't afford to. I do sometimes become anaemic but blood tests came back normal. Well I'm assuming I was tested for that. I usually am. I'm going to ask exactly what I was tested for and for a copy of the results. I got a letter last week with my utility increase. I can't decide whether to lock in till 2015 with the ones I'm with or try another one.Not sure about the 2017 as it'll be £15 a month more.
Rosie, glad you feel a little better. I'm sure you'll continue to improve now. I bet you enjoyed the time with your friends.
Went to T*sc* for my shopping today and got a 2p voucher off my next shop. Hmmmm, wonder what I'll get with it. Managed to find some gluten-free pizza bases. Haven't had pizza for about a year so will enjoy a home-made one.Christine0 -
Hi Everyone
Sorry I am late on
Christine - you enjoy your pizza you will love it2p to spend next time you go instore? Be careful and try not to spend it all at once
Well-done getting your rise increased a bit more - every little helps
Barbara well-done for having your jabs done and even better getting OH jabbed too. Today has been much nicer hasn't it? Rather lovely in fact
Good to see you Rosie and well done for the drive out I am sure it's done you good and sounds like progress is definitely being made
Catie - the bus looks good doesn't it? There's a fair on Bordeaux so I think we should go there for definite....? of course a swim in the solar heated pool?
It's awful the cost of our fuel these days isn't it? and nothing we can do
I hope I haven't missed anyone
Love to all café dwellers
Toni xxx0
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