Val's Cafe
Morning All
It's so dark here and such a contrast to yesterday. Like you Barbara, I was hoping for glorious weather 'til xmas.....wishful thinking I guess. My hubby is like yours - hates needles.
Toni, the Fair sounds a really good idea - will cheer us all upNever been to a French Fair before - are they like ours? I have been to a few of their xmas markets though.....Fantastic
Rosie, I'm so pleased that you're feeling a little better. I feel stronger too, so am really pleased about that
Christine, it's such a shame that you just can't 'leave them to it'. Perhaps another job will come along with people who appreciate you - I hope so.
Good idea about getting a copy of your results
Hope everyone has a good day and love to all not mentioned
Catie x0 -
Afternoon all...thought it was still morning..
Christine yes we had a good day out..I really am showing my age being happy about a flue jab..dont get me wrong I am not 65 yest but have them because of my kidneys I have found out :roll: OH is 65 by the way..and believe me it was hard getting him there... :roll: hope you get some answers soon
Toni..I am on for the fair...not sure who is driving yet..
Catie the weather is the same here..dark and wet..but tomorrow looks good
Gosh I am tired...but sure I slept well...or did I.. :? hope things are improving for Karen and her family
I am making blackberry and apple crumble if any one fancy's any..see you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Some pie over here please Barbara - I have some of Cris' clotted cream to dollop on top
Catie the fairs are exactly like a HUGE one of ours and a night market rolled into one so you will love it
I too hope Karen and her family are doing ok and thinking of Coco, Roses, Elizabeth and any other missing café friends....Christine too not like her to be AWOL :?
I expect MrO is still very busy packing up :?
Dark here too though we did have a brief spell of sunshine here this afternoon - very brief.0 -
Toni, I'm here. Yes I might only spend 1p each shopping trip. It would be silly to spend it all at once.
What sort of fair is on in Bordeaux? A swim in a solar-heated pool sounds good. Just noticed you have said it's like a huge one of ours. I love going to that sort of market in the evening. There seems to be much more atmosphere.
Catie, good to hear that you are feeling stronger. I'm keeping an eye open for another job but haven't come across anything suitable yet.
Barbara, I sometimes feel more tired if i think I've had a good night's sleep. Some people say you can have too much. Not so sure about that though. I'll have a little of your crumble with a drizzle of custard. Yummy. Oooh, just noticed that Toni has some of Cris' clotted cream. Think I'll have a dollop of that instead. Thank you.
I'm still in a bit of shock. My boss and his family set off for America this evening for 2 weeks. Can't remember where they said exactly. Anyway, he actually remembered to give me my wages for this week and next. That was the first shock. Then, he came and asked me if I would like any of the contents of the fridge as it would only go in the bin. That was the second shock as he normally throws it out before he goes. It's such a waste. So I've got a packet of ham, some lardons and about a dozen yogurts.
The fair rolled in to town last night. Our High Street was closed while they brought the rides and caravans in and will be Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. A lot of the shops close this week saying they are on holiday or doing renovations. People tend to stay away except for actually going to the fair so the shops don't take much if they do open. I used to love taking my kids but the grandkids aren't bothered so I won't be going.Christine0 -
Morning all
Toni I have never been to a night lovely that must be with it all lit up..anyhow we are all coming on the I will get to swim in the solar heated pool...oops just forgot I cant swim...but can paddle..
Christine how good to have a traditional fair that takes over the town...or is it... :? we get the odd ones on the fields we have left..when I was young my dad used to take me and my brother to a very large fair had side shows..with all sorts of strange things on showhe those were the days..
and Christine you enjoy the free food..and your wage rise..
The sun is shinning here...but wont be out today I am looking after the she devil...she sleeps on my eldest GDs bed and last night its has scratched her face while she was asleep...good job her eyes were closed...:roll:
See you all later..xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oooh, can't wait for our bus trip to Yarm Barbara. When I was in Spain with my daughter, they had long polystyrene tubes. I lay across a couple of them and I could swim. Usually takes me a fortnight to even attempt it so we'll take some of them for the non-swimmers.
It's both good and bad having the fair take over the town. It has been coming for hundreds of years. I love the tradition of it but it has changed so much. At first it was all traders and travellers selling horses, cows and cheeses mainly. Then the fairmen started bringing fairground rides and they stopped all the trading except the gypsy horses. The gypsies still bring horses and run them up and down the High Street at the opening of the fair. The mayor does his speech then the councillors, some of the local elderly and the gypsy royalty go for a banquet. The downside is that many people avoid the town so the shops do badly. A lot of them close for the week now.
Went up to see my grandkids this afternoon. Hadn't seen them for a couple of weeks. Little Ruby has grown again. She laughs and giggles all the time.
Hope everyone is doing ok.Christine0 -
Have/had/a/busy/time/with/my/boyno2/as/he/wants my/full/attention.Trouble/is/i/need/to/help/the/others/with/essays but/then/he/starts/taking/things/to/pieces/or/chewing/metal.The others/find/it/hard/to/concentrate/on/their/work.
Glad/your/boss/thought/of/you.Some/people/have/no/need/to worry/about/money/do/they?
Well/done/Rosie/for/getting outandabout.
ElizabethxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Morning all
Christine I would have loved to have seen the traditional fair...blimey the shops must lose a fortune and its not good in this day and age..but it sounds so lovely were you live...I am going to google it..because I had never heard of Yarm till I met you..I was wondering how Ruby was getting you couldn't wait for that cuddle...
Hello Elizabeth just spotted you there my goodness you are having probs with that comp..hope you get that bill paid...its must be hard when your son needs your full attention...I say it again what a good mum you are..
Its is cloudy today after a lovely day yesterday..I am hoping to get out will see you later...
Karen hope things improve for you very soon you know were we are...
Coco not seen you around I do think about you and anyone else that is missingLove
Barbara0 -
Crikey Elizabeth, I'm seeing double having read your post
. Wonder what the problem is? - would drive me crazy :!:
Sorry to hear about Karen and hope things improve for her soon
Toni, you are making us all green with envy, but enjoy your time awayI think MrsO has dragged me round every xmas fair that exists
Catie, good news about the scar healing ok. Did Emily enjoy Venice?
Rosie, delighted to hear you're feeling a little better
Barbara, our twins (15 mths) crawl at lightening speed across any room. They show no desire to walk at all, but talking is another matter as they chat away...continously
It's pretty chaotic here, but progress is being made. Yesterday our buyers surveyor called and managed to fall out of the loft :shock:. He actually missed his footing on the loft ladder. Fortunately, no harm done
Beautiful day here and hope you have the sun too
Best Wishes to all0 -
What a lovely day....lots of sun and so mild. The utility companies will hate it
Emily loved Venice. MrO. She stayed in a beautiful hotel situated by the waterside and said it was very romantic.
Gosh, the Surveyor had a lucky escape :shock: and thank goodness he wasn't injured.
Elizabeth, what a strange problem with your computer - hope it's sorted soon for you
Barbara, it was a good job your grand-daughter's eyes weren't open. Another 6 or 7 years and I expect kitty will have calmed down a bit (if she's anything like ours have been)
Karen, hope everything settles for you soon. Life can be hard at times and we're all thinking of you.
Love to Toni, Christine and everyone who visits.
Catie x0 -
Afternoon all
MrO I love to watch my GD dragging one leg along on her bum like you say lighting must ne lovely listening to the twins chattering away ...they know what they are saying...the poor surveyor glad he is ok...good luck with the moving..
Catie we have rain today so you must have our weather from yesterday...and yes the utility company's wont like it one bit...says me withy the heating on today... :roll: I hope the recovery is going okish....
Ihave just had a brain wave..the bottom of my bathroom blind has mould marks on it...I was going to get a new one but I really like I got oh to take it down,I cut the marks off on the bottom with some very sharp scissor and its like new...Love
Barbara0 -
Oh poor Elizabeth!!! That must be so annoying. You take care of yourself and family we are thinking of you.
MrO I reckon you must be making progress. I hope you have video'd the twins chattering they sound adorable
Good on MrsO dragging you to all the fairs she could!!! That surveyor was lucky I must say!!! :shock:
Barbara I bet the baby looks cute scooting along toowell done rescuing your blind. ours has gone rusty. so I am now closing it slightly
off the windowsill so air gets round
Hi Catie I am glad you had a nice day and even gladder the utilities won't be happy - they don't deserve our money
Christine you ARE a good girl only spending 1p at a time - good idea - make it lastEnjoy the posh food too why not at their expense
I hope the fair goes well and doesn't cause any upsets. Ruby is coming along a treat sn't sh?
I hope I haven't missed anyone
But just incase love to all missing café friends
Toni xxx0 -
Just a quick note to say hello. Don't know if it's my computer playing up or the internet or this site but everything is stretched out twice the width of the screen and I can't read properly what you've all said. Will check back later. Hope you are all doing ok.Christine0
Me too Christine
so I am pressing enter sooner than needed incase I am making it worse!!!
At least it's 'prints' it normally
Hope you are ok?
Toni xxx0 -
Hello everyone,
Well. I`ve just spent a pretty sleepless night, hoping that the phone would ring to tell me that one - or both! - of my little granddaughters had arrived. The first is now four days overdue, whilst the second is due today. I`m actually thinking it would be lovely if they arrived on the same day. I don`t think I was this jumpy before I gave birth myself!
I obviously have had to accept that, for a little while at least, because of the distances involved and my immediate health, I will have to be satisfied with Skype, and pics. Whilst this did upset me at first, I have to be realistic, and know my limitations for travelling on my own right now. As long as the babies are OK.
Love to everyone......Rosie.x.0 -
Morning all
Toni what a good tip for my blind..I will tuck it over my little box with crystal in to draw the damp out...its not worked very well....I see there is probs with the forum .I have been lucky not had them...hope you have got them sorted
Christine same for you..I hope the probs are sorted ..and hopefully you are having a lovely lie in today...
Rosie...ooh these baby's do take there time..tell you they are so comfy in lovely to have two due...I am sure if you do has you are told it wont be long before you are visiting them..thank goodness for Skype
It is cloudy this morning and I have one GD here who is poorly ..she came home from school with a sore throat and last night she was hallucinating with her I got up and gave her some paracetamol...then got up again because she was upset...bless..hopefully its one of these short bugs
Will see you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
It's happening again today Barbara for me, but not to worry
I expect blinds in bathrooms have this problem all the time like shower curtains ::)
Your poor GD Barbara.....get the paracetamol down her if you can keep her cool...
Oh yes have you tried a cooling patch on her forehead??
Rosieglow you are so sensible! Very wise and much the best plan for now. really we are
very lucky to live now where we have Skype aren't we?
You take care and I hope you hear some news soon. I love it when babies are due. Well
I love babiesWill you be a Grandma,Nanna or what??
Love to everyone and keep well
Toni xxx
(wet here:( )0 -
Oh no. Still got a very wide page. Means scrolling from side to side to read all the post. Seems to go on forever across the page. :?
I can see Toni whizzing round the cafe cleaning up. Can't keep up with you.
Rosie, I hope your GDs will arrive soon. isn't Skype wonderful. I keep up with my GC across the sea with it.
Barbara, hope your GD is feeling better in the morning. You feel so helpless sometimes when they are ill.
Mr O, the twins sound delightful. Bet they help each other along.
Went down to the fair at teatime with my son and his wife and the GC. Spent about 2 hours enjoying the atmosphere. Kids went on the bucking broncos twice, the dodgems and the waltzers. A 14 year old girl had sat on the back of a dodgem last night and was spun off on to the road. She was taken away on a body board in an ambulance. Haven't heard how she is. Just as we were leaving, it started to rain. before we reached the end of the High Street, it was chucking it down and lightening was flashing across the sky. I felt really sorry for the people flying round up high on some of those rides.
Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow.
ps. Think I mentioned my boss has gone on holiday and I've told you about 'the painter'. Well my boss told me he was going to contact the painter and tell him not to come while they were away so there weren't any problems for me. Anyway, the painter turned up on Thursday, walked in to the house and made himself a cuppa and stood talking to me. When he'd finished it, he said right I'm off now. Glad I had that cuppa. As he turned to leave, he came over and said, 'Come here you. Give me a cuddle.' He gave me a big cuddle then walked out telling me to take care. I feel a bit guilty now. :?Christine0 -
Oh Christine!!!
Still got a wide page :?
Poor you with the painter malarkey. So long as the HUG wasn't 'creepy' maybe you can get on with him now?
Did you say a lass spun of a dodgem of all things???? Waltzers I get, but a dogem....Blimey I do hope she is ok :shock:
Hope everyone else is well today
Forgot the loos yesterday so quickly
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all
Toni the cafe is lovely and clean...and I will have a look for the cool strips..because they always come here when poorly...I remember my eldest GD 16 when she was little she would ring me up and say GM can I come I am ill..then it was
on the couch with he duvet all tucked in
Christine glad you had a good day at the fair..we had the thunder was a lovely day the suddenly it went black...and the heavens opened..
The poor girl falling off the dodgems...I have a thing about GDs friend was seriously hurt on a fair nearby ...the case is still going on 3 years later....apparently the ride wasn't put together properly..
Hope the hugs was a good hug Toni like we think differently these days sad...hope you enjoy a lie in
Will see you all later xxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Toni, yes still got a wide page. Having to scroll to the right to move the page up and down then back to the left to type a message.
The hug was well meant I'm sure. Just very unexpected. I do get on with him in a way. We have a chat now and again. It's just he makes himself too much at home and has me very worried leaving the doors and windows open when my boss and his family are on holiday. And the mess he makes. Any way, my boss knows all that now so it's up to him whether he does anything about it or not. I'm not worrying about it any more.
Oops, the girl was thrown from the waltzers, not the dodgems. My sister said a lot of the teenagers were sitting on the backs of them so it's no surprise. I do think the man in charge should have made them sit properly or ask them to get off. Young teenagers don't see the dangers.
Barbara, why do these things always take years in court. I don't know why they don't just get on with it. I know they need to gather information from witnesses and check the equipment but surely that needs to be done immediately. Hope they get it sorted soon.
Spent the whole morning in bed then needed to get moving. Hadn't planned to do anything today but remembered I had ordered a new hoover which they said would be delivered on Tuesday. Got home yesterday to find a card saying it was with a neighbour but the neighbour was out. So I collected it at lunch time. Took half an hour to assemble it so had lunch then set off hoovering everywhere. Decided to wipe down all the window frames and sills and clean the bathroom. Plopped down in to a chair after that to watch Casualty. Cried all the way through that. Just watching Surprise Surprise now and started crying at the first story. Worn out now.
Hope you've all had a good weekend. Hope those who are not so well are improving. Here are some (((hugs))) for those who need them.Christine0 -
Morning all
Christine sorry you still have the wide page I know what you mean because it happened to me quite a while ago...I will put my thinking cap on to see how it was resolved...glad you are on good terms with the decorator...make life have been busy with that you are tired but content that it is all done for now...
Yes it is crackers how long the system takes...the girl was thrown from a very high ride when a bolt came loose... :shock: and there were lots of witnesses...she has never gone back to school because of her injuries...
Toni it wont belong now till France...I think our half term is this week but some finish next week...
Today I am having blood test...don't you just love it....then I have a Christmas list to it really that time of the year...sure we didnt used to start this early... :roll:
I am thinking of all the people that are missing...and hope today is a good one..xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hi Everyone, sorry I've not been about - problems with this site. My page seems very narrow and jumps about when I'm trying to read your posts. Goodness knows what's going on.
On Friday I received some really sad news. A close friend having battled breast cancer and having been given the 'all clear' (after 10 years), has been told she has cancer of the uterus, left ovary and stomach. She is in hospital and waiting for chemo. It's so sad because she's such a lovely kind lady. Life can be so cruel.
Hope everyone is as well as they can be - thinking of you all
Catie x0 -
applerose wrote:Just a quick note to say hello. Don't know if it's my computer playing up or the internet or this site but everything is stretched out twice the width of the screen and I can't read properly what you've all said. Will check back later. Hope you are all doing ok.
Busy/weekend/and/my/Son /had/a/meltdown(noise/related).But/good/news/he's/taken /to/his/new/bedroom/brilliantly/after/being/in /my/room/for/man y/years/so/there/is/good/news/too.
ElizabethxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0
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