Val's Cafe
My thoughts are with you Catie - and your friend. I'm always here if you need advice etc
Rosie, I hope the babies are delivered safely. Always an exciting time
Best wishes to all.0 -
Think it's most of us then? Can't just be us then Christine, but the page isn't wide anymore has it been fixed??? Is everyone else ok now too??
Waltzers then!!! Yes I have seen the kids being silly - they make me travel sick they do :oops:
I agree about the painter - if the boss knows then the issues around security aren't your problem
Elizabeth great news about your son liking his new room - that is fantastic - not so good about the meltdown hope all is ok now?
Catie I am so sorry to hear your dreadful news - please accept my sympathy and good wishes to your friend. You take care of yourself now
Barbara - the poor girl!! they did ought to pay up so she can get on with her life if it was clearly their fault. Insurance companies no doubt
Yes France on Sunday till the following Sunday I can't wait
Hope your blood test went ok :?
Hi MrO - I hope all is going well with the packing and preparations ready for your move. It will be lovely once it's done
No news from Rosie about impending Grandbabies???
Ah well
Love and thoughts to all our missing friends, hope you are all ok :?
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
MrO..hope the packing is going to plan
Catie so sorry to hear about your friend..these things are such shocks when they have had the all clear...all you can do is be a good listener..xx
Elizabeth you are still having probs I see...seems like a forum thing..I have been lucky so far..glad your son likes his room
Toni you go Sunday lovely...the bus is all ready for anyone that wants to come...not sure were we will the way thank Cris for updating her blog...its so good to have her back
Rosie..have these babies come yet...I hope all is well with both mums and grandma of course...
will see you all in the morn...sleep well..xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Ooooo, my page seems to be back to normal.
Barbara, our half term is next week. Are you going to see more of your GC? I got quite a shock as the hoover was full by the time I had finished. Just shows, my old hoover wasn't doing it's job properly. I'm not doing a Xmas list just yet. :shock: Hope things went ok at the vampire department. See you've popped in while I was posting and said the bus is ready for us all to go to France with Toni.
Catie, it is difficult when the page doesn't work properly. Mine has been so wide for a few days that I've had to scroll up and down as well as from side to side to see everything. Sorry to hear about your friend. It seems so unfair, doesn't it? Hope you are doing better now.
Elizabeth, hope your son has settled down again after his meltdown. Good to know he likes his new bedroom. Bet you are relieved to get your room back again.
Hi Mr O. Hope you are well and the packing is going ok.
Toni, I don't like the Waltzers. When I was in my 20s I got whiplash. My neck was extremely painful for weeks. A few years ago, I went to a (can't remember his title but he pulled my arms, legs and head and gradually released them.) He said my neck problems were probably from the whiplash. So you're off to France again on Sunday? Is the bus ready for us all to follow you? Barbara has just popped in and said it is ready.
Any news from Rosie? Wonder if she's busy skyping the babies.
Heard on the news this morning that nPower, who I'm with, are putting their prices up by 10%. I locked in to a slightly cheaper price than I'm paying now, last night. Phew! Think I got in just in time.Christine0 -
Morning all
Just had physio... :shock: one of the movement I cant do...she thinks it the damage I have in my lumber..oh well I will keep at it...
Christine just missed you last night...oh yes I will see lots more of my GC...especially the middle one who is 12...the eldest will be out with her friends..I keep telling her to enjoy her young life...
I have never been keen on the just goes to show you getting wiplash
We are with Npo***its disgraceful how the government can let this go on..people are choosing between eating and keeping warm..we have a card that we can pay money we keep topping it up...
Wonder if Rosies GC are here yet...
Right I will go and get something done...see you all laterxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning all
Just had physio... :shock: one of the movement I cant do...she thinks it the damage I have in my lumber..oh well I will keep at it...
Christine just missed you last night...oh yes I will see lots more of my GC...especially the middle one who is 12...the eldest will be out with her friends..I keep telling her to enjoy her young life...
I have never been keen on the just goes to show you getting wiplash
We are with Npo***its disgraceful how the government can let this go on..people are choosing between eating and keeping warm..we have a card that we can pay money we keep topping it up...
Wonder if Rosies GC are here yet...
Right I will go and get something done...see you all laterxxxLove
Barbara0 -
oops how did that happenLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone.
The babies still haven`t arrived, I`m afraid, although one daughter-in-law is being induced right now, so hopefully it won`t be too long. The other one has just seen her midwife, who informed her that today was actually her due date, not last Saturday as we all believed. Me?......I`m a complete bloody wreck!!.....Rosie.x.0 -
Not/going/to/post/much/with/this/space/bar/cursor problem.Other/laptop/went/to/the/computer/man/last/night as/I/gave/up/trying to/fix/it.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
evening all
ooh Rosie I hope its a quick labour for her...let us know when she or he arrives
Elizabeth I see you are still having probs....throw it on the floor see if that helps... :roll: hope its mended soon
The baby has just gone home...mum and daddy went shopping for an hour..she walked but only a little I now have my feet up..
Hope everyone is doing okish see you tomorrow xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
One beautiful, healthy granddaughter has arrived. She weighed in at 8lbs 9ozs.
One down, one to go!......Rosie.x.0 -
oooh Rosie that is wonderful news
..and what a good weight ,,hope the other one is not far we have any names yet...xx
Barbara0 -
The problem was caused when Tkachev couldn't use her space bar. The words were separated by a / but with no spaces so the forum thought it was all one word, therefore it couldn't start a new line!
I've put in a few spaces in the relevant places to get it back to normal. (Tkachev, no worries, please post, all you need to do is press return every now and again until you get the computer repaired)
YEH0 -
Thanks Moderator for the explanation.
Good that we won't have to 'loose Elizabeth' while the other laptop is fixed too
Rosie - CONGRATULATONSDo we have a name yet for the ickle bubba?
Good luck with number two.
Aw bless the baby Barbara she did walk for you in the end even if the bum-shuffle IS far cuterGood to hear you are persevering with the physio even if it isn't possible to do it all :?
Bus looks pretty ready I thinkcan we sneak some luggage in for me - we are flying Ryanair and you know their luggage limits :roll:
Christine - your new hoover sounds really good and the old one must have been really badI hadn't thought of necks at regards waltzers, but you are right they must be horrendous!!
Hope everyone else is ok. Love to you all
toni xxx0 -
Yaaay, another new baby. Congratulations to you and baby's parents, Rosie. Hope baby number 2 won't be much longer.
Barbara, your physio sounds difficult. Good for you persevering. I'm sure it'll help eventually. I agree about the fuel providers. It's like being back in the dark ages having to choose either to eat or keep warm. You can change provider or cap your prices even with a top up card now. If you want to check prices out, I can pm you where I checked mine. Not sure I'm allowed to put it on here. I'm sure you little GD will be running about before you know it.
Elizabeth, it is a pain when something goes wrong with the keyboard, isn't it? A couple of my daughter's keys stopped working recently so I had to try to add the letters while reading her messages. Not easy. Hope you are doing ok.
Moderator, thank you for sorting out the problem.
Toni, I fly quite often with Ryanair so know what you mean. I usually only take a carry-on. I think last time, they wanted £30 each way to check in a suitcase. :shock:
Well, as my boss is on holiday, I have managed to do most of my hours already so am only working tomorrow morning, then off on Friday.Might get my hoover out again.
Christine0 -
evening all
Thanks mods for helping out Elizabeth.....and us come to that..hope you soon get the laptop sorted...
Christine we have changed providers 3 times in 3 years...I think they all have us to boot...but you PM me the site I will maybe give it another try and take it easy while they are away....
Toni we flew Ryanair last time..must say they do the job cheaply...we just took one case and one carry on we put the shoes in the hand luggage..better get the bus packed I will make a picnic basket for all of us..
Yes its only one part of physio taking the leg out to the side...very strange but I will get there
I feel sick just eaten a packet of Thornto**special toffee from the £1 shop..I am a gluten for sweets.. :oops:
Hope baby and mum are doing well....Love
Barbara0 -
Morning to anyone that looks in..
The sun is shinning here..what a difference it makes ..but wont be going out am doggy sitting..I would love to take her for a walk...but maybe soonI hope everyone's okish ..I do think of our Karen and Coco who we haven't seen around..I know that Karen is having a rotten some hugs for her ((()))
Rosie any news on the other baby...
See you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Rosie, Congratulations to both you and your family on the birth of your granddaughter. Wishing her a long, healthy and happy life
Hectic here - as usual. At the moment we are spending most of the day sorting out our buyers' queries
I'm starting to wonder if he might be Victor Meldrew's brother
. My wife tells me to keep my cool as we haven't exchanged contracts yet
- will have a party when we have
Best wishes to all.0 -
MrO I will get the cafe ready for the does look nice with white tablecloths on..good luck with it all...
doggy gone home now ...she try's to climb on my knee.. :shock: she must weigh 3 stone....sorry dont know metric..
Hope everyone okish ...xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning Everyone
Barbara, the white tablecloths look just the job - really smartI must be getting really old, only it brought back memories of a tablecloth we were given as a wedding present, only it wasn't white, but bright orange :shock: :shock:.
MrO, the only consolation is that your buyer, won't be living next doorI expect you will be glad to be in your new home.
Rosie, how wonderful, a baby granddaughter. What's her name?
Toni, most of our cases have been loaded onto the like you...we are ready to go
Christine, enjoy the extra time to yourself whilst the boss is away - you deserve it
I've just received a card from a friend saying she's moved to Garstang in Lancs. Have to admit, it isn't a place that I know, but having googled it, thought it looked lovely. I was wondering if anyone knew this area at all ?
Karen, hope things have improved for you - Cocoa too. Love to Elizabeth and all who visit
Catie x0 -
Barbara, did you manage to have a look at the link I sent you? I get weekly emails from the main site which are sometimes very useful. Just been reading that Ryanair are going to allow a 2nd carry-on bag which is helpful as I like a small bag to keep my passport and boarding pass in rather that have to carry it in my hand and risk dropping it, which has happened a few times. The cost of checking in at the airport will be less as will printing a boarding pass at the airport. Bet they put the prices up though. Must admit, I can't eat a few sweets or chocolates. It must be the whole packet. That's why I stopped buying those big Xmas tins. :shock:
Mr O, yes, I agree with your wife. Wait till the contracts are signed then say what you want.
Catie, an orange table cloth? I think that would be lovely in the summer. Thank you, I have quite enjoyed yesterday afternoon and today. Decided to give the outside front windowsills a second coat then couldn't stop painting. I did the inside of the front door and the 2 window frames and sills in the bathroom then the front door step and the step going from the sitting room to the stairs ( it used to be carpeted but I took up the riser part). Today, ended up staying in bed most of the morning reading supermarket booklets and checking emails, then did some tidying in the garden and inside. Feel as if I've both rested and dome something.
Trying to sit with my feet up on the settee but there are so many cushions, there's not much room for me. Keep sliding towards the edge.Christine0 -
My goodness Christine!!!
Once you get started you can't stop well done for all you painting!!
Two carry on bags with Ryanair you say?? Well I eat a whole bag of sweeties too - ears pop of courseBags are almost packed just got to take a trip to Nottingham tomorrow so Lucy can see her new 'boyfriend' :? Will report back
Catie I am glad you are ready because I will be watching for the bus - see you all at Bergerac Airport 11am their timeMy mum had an orange tablecloth and a green one too. Mine are black or white and that's that :?
I have heard of Garstang and know Lancashire is lovely - are you thinking of visiting once recovered??
We LOVE a party don't we? That doggy sounds rather large I hope you coped ok Tes*o have party-poopers on offer.
Oh Dear MrO I am sorry you have a grumpy and awkward buyerReally difficult to keep your patience when you have to deal with someone like that
Keep your eye on the bigger picture - you lovely new homeImagine Christmas there
Love to everyone and especially those recuperating and our missing friends
Toni xx0 -
Hi all
Toni you have a lovely time in France relax and enjoy..don't worry I will keep the cafe clean...honest...if possible let us know you have landed safe and nice that Lucy wants to say bye to her new boyfriend...
Christine I did have a look at the link what a brilliant sire I have look at it before but never took much notice so have been busy all that painting you must be really proud ..yes I have just read about Ryanair will make a difference must say ...they get you there and back and that is what matters...
Catie Garstang is about 15 miles from us...near Blackpool... orange table cloth...we got red sheets for a wedding present...must say they were unique in the 60s...
The bus is all ready to go to France..Toni has kindly supplied the wine..mind you bet its cheaper there...not sure who is driving..but never mind ..never mind just a small detail..
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