Val's Cafe
We didn't get any trick and treaters either Barbara (well a couple of pre arranged friends who came to visit Lucy).I think it has calmed down nowadays thank God.
Yep this lappy is behaving but thre is still only 1 between 3 ofus.Jack has his own computerand I onlyuse that in an emergency.
son has done no revision for his forth coming exams :roll:
Hope you are all doing well,
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Hi Everyone
Gosh, the cafe has been busy, I will read back in a while and see what's been happening.
It's been one heck of a week here. First the electric went down and then the internet. It felt like we were living in Outer Mongolia and not the UKNever mind, such is life.
Hope everyone is ok after the storms. Several trees came down in our road, but fortunately we didn't have any damage. Our poor old cat was petrified though and had a spikey tail for days. Toni, you must be glad to have escaped the chaos - so glad you're having a great time
Hope you are all well and that Rosie's expected grandchild has arrived safely.
Catie x0 -
Afternoon all
Elizabeth you are right I think because people have stopped opening there doors it has died down a little..anyone want some sweets I have a bag use to my GDs they have there own...I wish people would give them fruit...
Catie its awful when the elec goes down..I have bought lots of candles but not needed them yet...touch head
Glad you are safe after the storms it must have been an awful noise..
Well we went out this shop went to the car and it wouldn't go..and it was pouring down..we rang the RAC and they came within 15 mins..thank goodness ..they got us going with a push but the starter motor has gone...shes an old lady but we love her...
See you all later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
That was quick service from the RAC Barbara and a good job that push worked
- hope they manage to fix your car up ok. I remember as a child being very attached to one of our cars, she was called 'Big Bertha' and I cried buckets when she reached the end of her life. Don't know about everyone else, but all our cars have been named
. My brother's first car was called Dolly
This afternoon I received a call from MrO, who says he feels it best if he doesn't post on the forums any longer. To be honest, I can understand why as I've noticed that some of his posts have been answered in a way that I would describe as unkind (not in the cafe). Several times I have seen him post information which has been dismissed by other members, and he's actually been told that what he's said is wrong. Corrected by people who are not doctors :shock: - yet if they had read his answers carefully, I think it is probably clear that he is. I think MrO finds it particularly frustrating that some people join this site without a diagnosis and then receive the standard reply that they aren't doctors but it sounds like a particular illness and to google it. He says that in the majority of instances the symptoms given were not symptomatic of the illness the person was told to google and that in turn could cause considerable stress. Anyway, I shall miss him on this forum. He sends each one of you his best wishes for the future
Catie x0 -
Oh not posting again..what a shame I haven't read any other post he has wrote apart from one yesterday, and If I was him I would ignore it..because I have had some not very nice things said because I agreed with the not swearing on this forum ... :shock: I am glad he agreed because we were few and fer between...
maybe he could carry on posting in the cafe...
Yes our old car..I sometimes call her Doris...she is 15 years old I think we got her 10 years ago and has only let us down once before..she is now in our local garage...till tomorrow when the part arrives...hope she isn't lonely..
We are having a curry tonight so..I will see you tomorrow hope you have a good evening..just a thought I haven't seen Christine around hope she is okish...xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
From my experience no one has a monopoly on medical matters not even the specialists, and if you find someone wants to disagree with you then let them do so, if their that narrow minded enough to be intolerant of others then its their loss, the only real damage comes when they can't let things go so become malicious, seen it on here a long time ago, the ones who do most damage are people who will go to any lengths to get their way if they can't win a stand up fair argument, this type can't handle not being in control and take enjoyment by name calling and picking on someone for daring to be different, but the worst trait of all is chattering in the dark corners to turn others against those they dislike, their the same characters who were bullies in the playground when we were kids, they are the most dangerous and devious sort of all as they erode the harmony of a group like acid on steel, I thought we'd seen the last of it but I guess like life illness isn't a respecter of who it picks so like a gentle rain they drip into forums like we all do but unlike most who come seeking a safe friendly place to dwell they do as they do so revert to type fairly soon and then set about others for a bit of sport, no one should feel they need to leave a forum because some little twerp can accept another persons take on things, its awful to think some posters feel so oppressed and picked on by a few bullies that they feel they have no choice but to leave, we've been there got the T shirt and the forum never really recovered from the last time so I'd hate to think it was going the same way again, its just so sad to think it is, life is hard enough as it is, if we cant get on with each other then what hope for humanity.
PS its why I don't come on here often or go on any other forums, The cyber village has its fair share of cyber idiots wandering around in it.0 -
Thank you for the warning about the note through my door Elizabeth. I have heard of them. Fortunately this one was genuine. When are your son's exams? I used to hate revising.
Good idea Toni to lend Mr O the bus to move house. Perhaps we could all help. Sounds as if you're having a wonderful time.
Barbara bet your GC looked good last night. I dressed up as a witch, as I did last year. Scared the life out of a few who came last year but no-one knocked last night so, like you, I have a tub of sweets which I'll end up eating. Glad they got your car going again and she's back home with you soon.
Good to see you back Catie. Hope things weren't too bad without your electricity. Think I'd be more lost without the internet than the electricity.Can't believe people can be so nasty to Mr O. Please tell him we'd like him to keep popping in to the cafe even if he feels he can't post elsewhere. It's their loss not Mr O's.
Internet is on a go-slow again. Typing is taking forever so I'm signing off now. Hopefully it'll speed up again soon. :? Hope everyone is doing as well as they can be.Christine0 -
Packing today
Woe is me, but at least I will see my beloved Daisycat. Her tail won't be Spikey Catie will it? But up in the air with pleasure to see usI am glad you are back online
I am very upset that MrO isn't going to post anymore. Mellman has said some of what I would have said there - it can be like school bullies - and Barbara too don't be upset, your opinions are yours unless they hurt anyone else, you are entitled to them. I just do not see why people can't 'live and let live'
My first ever car was an ancient Vauxhall Victor Barbara and the starter motor was naff on that - the lads used to have to push my forward before setting off in thatAt 15 she is entitled to need 'something replaced'
A witch Christine? I bet you looked good - shame no kids knocked and saw your costumeMaybe people are getting worried about safety? You have a point about MrO maybe he will just pop into the café now and then eh?
Elizabeth - we used to visit Grandparents dressed up when mine were little on a pre-arranged basis. Much better than scaring people and probably safer for the kids too.
Exams?? What exams? GCSEs??? I hope he does well anyway your son.
Glad you can get online even if it's on a shared basis.
Love to everyone missing friends and new Grandbabies too
Toni xxx0 -
Morning Everyone
Mellman, thank you for your post - what you said made so much sense. It does make me sad when people are unkind to each other
Barbara, you are a lovely lady and I didn't like what was written. Just glad you keep smiling and didn't take it to heart.
Toni, I think DaisyCat will be over-the- moon when she sees you. When we are away from HenryCat, there isn't a day that passes when one of us doesn't bring him into the conversation - because we always miss him so much
Christine, thank you for your kind words. I've noticed that when it's the school hols, the internet is sooo much slower - bloomin nuisance at timesDid your boss bring you back a wonderful present?
Elizabeth, your son sounds exactly like my daughter was in respect of exams. Goodness knows how she passed them. Has he any idea as to what he wants to do in the future? I feel so sorry for youngsters today - so difficult for them.
Karen, hope everything is improving for you. We all miss your posts, but it was nice to see that you were able to pop-in the other day. Take care of yourself.
Love to Coco, Mig and other visitors to the cafe
Catie x0 -
Morning all
Mell well said..I listen to what people say..and don't mind a good argument..if we all agreed then life would be you say the forum didn't recover from last time..
Catie thankyou for your kind words..I do like to have my say but also listen to others..hope that internet is picking up..I didnt give a thought to the kids being on holiday...wonder why it was a bit are you doing with the recovery ..dont fo0rget you can talk to us..
Toni..thankyou..sorry you have to pack up...Daisy cat will be at the window..I have the she devil here today...she is trying to catch flames in the gas fire... :shock:
Christine..I would love to see a pic of you..we didnt get a I still have a bag of sweets here..there are a few missing...
Hopefully our car will be back today..think she might be coming to the end...hopefully another couple of years ...the garage thinks not..
I will see you all later xxxxx anyone heard of RosieLove
Barbara0 -
Thank you for remembering me Catie.
I've been feeling very unsettled of late,it's not what has been happening else where on the forum and apart from the odd twinge life has been very good on the arthritis front ,I have been on the humira a year now it's working as well as it did in the beginning,maybe it's the change in the weather don't like the early dark nights either ,maybe life's a bit flat after all the traveling last month.
Anyway blood test Monday and rheumy visit a week later .
So just had a blt for lunch and its ham salad for tea but tomorrow for Sunday lunch it's fish fingers on crusty bread with home made pickled onions and pickled red cabbage also homemade,there's loads so just put your orders in.
Hope you have all been as well as you possible can. Mig
Ps fingers crossed son for who's 38 and takes his driving test next Thursday.0 -
Mig you are always missed from the cafe..I love to hear about your menus...there has been a big change in the weather...I have noticed it is effecting people..including myself..I hope the blood results are good..
I have had a fall and hurt my new hip..its not dislocated..or I would be able to walk on it bit its blinking painful...has though I have done something to a I am taking my meds and resting it..struggling to get up stairs at the min...but sure it will ease..if not I will ring them next week..
will see you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Aw, Toni, you're on your way home already? At least you've had a good time and, as you say, you'll be seeing Daisycat again. Yes, I felt a bit silly sat here on my own dressed up and no-one coming round.
Ouch Barbara. I wonder if you should phone sooner then next week if you are in so much pain after your fall. Hope the pain eases soon. I must have missed some of the posts. I didn't realise that some nasty comments had been directed at you. How awful. You never have a bad word to say about anyone. I think it is those people who have a problem if they cannot accept that not everyone agrees with them. I hope you are letting it go over your head. I have been eating a few of the sweets each night. I was going to give them to my GC but don't think there will be any left when I see them.
Catie, I didn't think about the internet being slow during the holidays. There will be a lot of kids online at the moment. Things seem normal at the moment. Hope I didn't speak too soon. :? My boss has sometimes brought me back a bottle of wine or box of chocolates and, when they went to Japan, I got some lovely chopsticks. This time I got 5 great big .......................... suitcases full of dirty clothes to wash.
Mig, I think it is very easy to feel a bit under the weather after a holiday, especially when the weather starts to take a turn for the worse. Hope the blood test is ok and you have a good appointment with your rhumie. Good luck to your son for his driving test.
Scare alert. This was me at Halloween.Christine0 -
Oh Christine the pic made me laugh..I can just imagine the kids when you opened the door....
but they dont come next year
Thanks for the kind words..the person has been ringing round she has people phone nums...its was all to do with swearing on the forum I was against it and they didnt like it..oh well no different from real life :roll:
I will ring my hip nurse Monday feels like I have pulled something I am being very careful
I still have a bag of sweets left...but my teeth are getting an hammering...
wonder if Rosies GC is here..and how is the other little one doing ..good I hope
Coco not see you around hope you are safe after the storms yesterday we had it quite bad but you had it worse..
And to anyone else that i8s missing I am thinking of you xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Morning from a very windy location in Norfolk - 'tis very blustery out there :shock:
Christine, your pic also made me's fantastic
Talking about halloween, my hubby was at the supermarket and overheard a converstaion. A lady was looking at the masks and her husband told her that he wasn't sure why she was looking at them, because she already had hers on. The lady was not amused. Made my hubby laugh though
Shame on your boss for not buying you a lovely present..... Very unappreciative to say the least :roll:
Barbara, so sorry to hear about your fall - last thing you needed. Hope the pain settles quickly and you haven't any damage to your new joint.
Thanks for asking about my neckLast week I saw my Consultant and he was really pleased with my progress. Each day is still so variable, but he said that's 'normal'
I will have to learn some patience
Toni, hope you have had a good journey home and you are all safe and sound
Mig, so pleased your medication is working so well for you - that's wonderful - and great encouragement for others' too.
My fingers are crossed for your son and I wish him all the luck in the world with his driving test
Hope everyone still encountering these high winds is safe. Love to all our missing friends
Catie x0 -
Evening all
Catie it must be so frustrating every day being least I could see some improvement most days...just the thing my hubby said to me take your mask off love...
Mig yes good luck to your son on his driving test...and so pleased your meds are working well...
Toni have a safe journey home..hope all this awful weather has gone when you land...
today I have a wheat bag on my hip...and resting will see how tomorrows is..xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
We have had some dreadful name calling on here and some awful threads but thankfully the mods removed the members responsible but since those times just over a year ago I haven't really seen much upset , definately not like the old days.
I'm sorry Mr O but I didn't see your posts elsewhere so cannot comment but people will never agree 100% and you just have to stand your ground.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Morning all
Elizabeth the forum was just settling down then this..but it will pick up again is your daughter going on in her new house...good I hope.
We have sun today and frost ...its quite nice...I have the kitten again beginning to wonder if it will end up living here...thank goodness my eldest GD didn't get the snake she wanted.. :roll:
Hope everyone is doing okish ..hope Toni has got home safe and sound...xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon Everyone
Barbara, we also have the sun and glad to say that the wind has departed - for now at least.
Oh dear, I would be no good around snakes.....the word 'creepy', comes to mind :shock:. Give me a lovely little kitty any day
I've decided to have a really lazy day and will catch up on 'Downton' which we've recorded. Hope everyone has a good day
Catie x0 -
barbara12 wrote:Morning all
Elizabeth the forum was just settling down then this..but it will pick up again is your daughter going on in her new house...good I hope.
We have sun today and frost ...its quite nice...I have the kitten again beginning to wonder if it will end up living here...thank goodness my eldest GD didn't get the snake she wanted.. :roll:
Hope everyone is doing okish ..hope Toni has got home safe and sound...xxxxx
I'm sorry to read you had a fall. I would get an xray to check all is well if I was you buti know that is easier said than done. Twice my THR has squeaked horribly when trying to get something from a low cupboard and then I did get some spikey pains. Its very worrying but I was told you'd know all about it if it came loose.
I haven't heard from my daughter only that she rewrote some of her book so I can onlyguess that all is wellwith the house.
My boy has his english exam today.I'm scared for him as he did not revise until yesterday afternoon and then not very much. He'll have to retake it if he doesn't do very well.
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
I'm back everyone thanks you so much for your kind thoughts. Sad but glad to be home and Daisycat has forgiven me this time straight away
I LOVED the picture of Christine
You are a star my girl!!!
I do agree with everyone else that Barbara if the hip isn't right very soon - or significantly better at least - maybe tomorrow? Advice ought to be sought :?
Glad to hear Mig's meds are looking good and she has been inAlso that catie is still doing so well after the op. Elizabeth I hope your son 'pulls it out of the bag' this time eh?
Love to you all
Will post properly soon
Toni xxx0 -
Its good to have you back Toni....just leave all the present by the fridge...
or bet Daisy cat is made up...
glad you had a good time...did you pick a property...
And yes Elizabeth and Toni I have rang the arthroplasty nurse today..sorry spelling.. and she asked me to get an xray at my local hospital ..much nearerbut told me to rest before hand.and she will get my consultant to look at the xrays...
oh well I dont think its serious...
See you later xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Been in the fridge ,thanks it went very well with the lamb chops I had for tea.
Barbara glad you are being sensible and getting X-rays.
Had bloods done couldn't get any out of arms had to go in back of hand . Mig0 -
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