Val's Cafe
Catie, hope you enjoyed Downton and your lazy day.
Elizabeth, your daughter is writing a book? How exciting. Can I ask what it's about? Hope you son's exam went ok.
Have you managed to go for your x-ray yet Barbara? I'm thinking they don't think it's serious or they would have you straight there but best check it though. I don't mind snakes. I've held a couple and they're fine but wouldn't fancy having one as a pet.
Thank you for the present Toni. Nicely chiiled. Lovely. Glad you've sorted out the area you want to live in.
Oh Mig, ouch. At least you had lovely lamb chops.
There have been a lot of fireworks going off tonight. Guess the neighbours wanted their own display before going to an organised one tomorrow. They usually have a display and bonfire in the next village on the green but they don't advertise it so we never know whether or not it's on till we get there. Last year we turned up an hour early and there was no sign of it. Went back an hour later and the bonfire had appeared and two parts of the green had been roped off. I think they do it deliberately as they don't wan too many people turning up. Is anyone else doing anything for bonfire night?Christine0 -
Just popping in quickly to say that my second beautiful granddaughter has arrived, weighing in at just under nine pounds......and almost two weeks overdue. Her mummy had rather a bad time of it, and she was finally delivered by C Section. Thankfully, they are both now doing well.
Will be back when I`ve had - hopefully! - my first full night`s sleep in weeks......Rosie.x.0 -
Morning all
Off for my Xray in a bit so I am on early..and had to get up with our middle GD for school
Mig it not nice when they struggle to get blood...its surprising hoe different nurses can get it easy..I have seen them take it out of the foot..not mine may I add..
Toni were is all the wine you brought back..I have found some empty bottles :? maybe we have had burglars...
Rosie many CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your new GD..and another good weight.poor mum ..its not nice when its a last min caesarian hope she is getting some rest..mind you there isno such thing now in hospital..hope you slept well..
Christine..we have had fireworks going off all weekend and last night..we were saying bonfire was held on the 5th and no other day.when I was young...a long time ago..hope you enjoy if you get to the sounds so nice having a local one like that
Ihad better get ready..the hospital is only tens mins away..and it is part of our trust so they will relay the xrays on the comp...I know its not come loose or anything, think it would be more painful..we will see what has happened.. :?
Hope you all have a goodish day see you later xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Hope thing go ok with X-ray Barbara.
Rosie many congratulations on the baby.
So went to pick new glasses up this morning and got drenched .having sausages today they are pork with sun dried tomatoes and caramelised red onion in them having new potatoes and peas.
Out tomorrow to meet up with my sister and aunt girly shopping and lunch.
Hope bonfire nights not too noisy. Mig0 -
Morning all
Thankyou Mig..she is ringing today save me traveling to the big hospital has I call have a good time girly shopping today..I haven't done that in ages...sorry you got been strange weather one min sunny then pouring down..
You have made me hungry...I dont have an appetite till I read your menu...
Today I am still resting this hip very sore..but not has bad so here is hoping...
See you all later xxxLove
Barbara0 -
Raining here today too
I hope mig doesn't get too wet and still has a good day out
Barbara I hope the news about your hip is good and extra rest will fix it for you.
Rosieglow - CONGRATULATIONSI hope Mum is ok - I had an emergency caesarean myself with Charley and it's not the easiest op to get over. When you have a hysterectomy you aren't allowed to lift a kettle of water - with a caesarean you have to lift a baby
Oh do we have a name yet??
Bonfire night was fairly noisy, but bearable here - I expect more over the weekend though.
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hi Everyone
Rosie, many Congratulations from me as wellHope mum and baby are doing well
Toni, Welcome HomeGlad you have found an area that you really like - makes things easier and I'm sure the 'right' property will come along soon.
Barbara, glad your hip is feeling a little better - that is good news. Hope the xrays are ok
Christine, did the firework display take place? It was very quiet here and pouring with rain.
Mig, a 'girly' day out - hope you've had a lovely time
Well, I've had a bit of a shock this morning. My hubby had toothache and so popped along to the dentist. He had cracked a bit of a tooth and needed ONE filling at a cost of.....wait for it:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: £170 . What a rip-off. Can't find a NHS dentist around here and so we are stuck. Needless to say...he won't be going back :roll:
Will see you all later... When I've calmed down0 -
Afternoon all
Xrays ok..she wants to see me next week to check how it is that is good news ...
Catie I managed to find an NHS dentist early in the year..but if we miss a checkup they will take us off the took me 2 years to find um so not losing them now... :roll: :roll:
Toni thanks for the wine...I did leave some for you cant wait to go back...
Christine hope you have had an easy day at work
Its raining here on and off....but quite lovely neighbour is cooking us a curry tonight..bless her cotton socks..
see you all later xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
congratulations rosieglow. let us now how Mum is feeling after her emergency c. I'm glad baby arrived safely.
Hope all is well with the xray Barbara. What a scare!
I have had 2 days of catch up sleep. Nights have been difficult as Lucy's probs have built up again and she was in a lot of pain. same time Dan sneaks off to do his stuff in the bath. He knows when I'm distracted but its not what I want to deal with at the best of times let alone with the other probs.
Son says exams are going okay.he has trouble listening and concentrating so just shuts down. School are giving him some extra tuition in a small group. plus he's caught up on a few assignments with help.I can only hope it all comes together on the day.
We are going to a fireworks display on Friday. I'm not a fan as my dad was hurt by a firework many years ago when it went off course.He was holding me at the time and have memories of him hopping about looking very cross. No compensation culture in those days :roll:
hugs to all including MR.O.
E xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
It was great to catch up with my aunt and sister ,we did a bit of shopping nothing important and then we went for lunch :x we went to a restaurant chain named after two blokes it was awful, the service was bad which I could have let go if the food had been good ,two had fish,chips and salad the batter on the fish was hard,i had salad and calamari which had been deep fried in batter it was like chewing an elastic band it was so greasy so after complaining we were offered a voucher for our next visit which I said wouldn't be happening so they took the drinks off the bill (cokes and coffee ) to top it off it was pouring down when we came out.
Hubby just made me a bacon cob with brown sauce bliss. Mig0 -
Evening all,
What a lot has happened while i have been AWOL so....
congratulations to rosieglow
Oh Barbara i do hope you are ok take it easy STOP ice skating!
catie hope you have calmed downdentists can be expensive cant they!
Toni so glad you had a great time
mig it is so nice to go out for coffee and a chat sorry to hear you had a horrible mealgood you complained, may be worth writing to head office for a full refund? good of hubby to do the bacon cob
E. hope you get some sleep and that things calm down for you fingers crossed for the exams. try and enjoy the firework display it is unerving when remembering a bad experience could you watch the display from the car?
hope everyone is as well as can be hugs to everyone and now i shall put the kettle on for a cuppa anyone want a drink?
Rose x0 -
Yaaay, congratulations Rosie and family. Glad mum and baby are ok now. Does your new GD have a name yet?
Glad all's well with your hip Barbara. I'm sure the pain will ease up soon. Yes, thanks, work was fine today. Mostly ironing as I haven't done much for a few days. Think I'm almost at the end of the holiday clothes.
Oh Catie, that's extortionate. It only takes a minute to take a tooth out so even with the anaesthetic etc, I can't understand how they can charge so much. It's no wonder a lot of people don't go. Hope OH feels better now without his tooth.
Elizabeth. I hope Lucy's pain doesn't last long. Good to hear your son feels his exams are going ok and that he is getting some help. Hope you enjoyed the firework display.
Glad you had a good catch up with your aunt and sister Mig. What a shame about the meal. it's a bit silly of them offering a voucher for next time. If the food is bad, there won't be a next time.
Toni, did you go out to a display? I went to one in the village down the road. They had a huge bonfire and about half an hour's worth of fireworks. it was a really good atmosphere. Lots of fireworks in people's gardens for the last few nights.
Finally got round to phoning my rheumie nurse. I had blood tests done without being told what they were for and was told they were normal. She had a look at my notes and said it was a full blood count, liver, kidneys, thyroid, rheumatoid factor. All came back normal. I asked did that mean I don't have RA now. She said the levels were within normal range but that doesn't necessarily mean I don't have it. I told her there was no mention of the x-rays I'd had done. She checked them and said everything was ok then said there is a tiny bit of OA in one little finger and quite a bit in one foot. My rheumie didn't tell me that. Seems he doesn't need to see me any more after 4 years. If I need to, I've to see my GP and, if he thinks it necessary, he'll refer me back. It's left me feeling like a bit of a phoney and as if it's all in my mind. Not sure if that's good or bad at the moment. :?
Sat here watching Bag of Bones on my own. Hope it's not too scary. :shock:
Thanks for putting the kettle on Rose. Think I'll have a hot chocolate before bed.Christine0 -
Morning all
Elizabeth you are having an hard time..I hope Lucy feels better soon..and your son does well at school...the concentration thing is so hard....hope you manage some rest today
Mig I am glad you complained about the meal, sometime they think they can serve up anything...and charge what they want...its disgraceful..good for you .. glad you had a good catchup with your family...
Rose..I do get mixed up with all these roses we sorry id I haven't mentioned you lately...but its lovely to see you and dont worry I have put the ice-skates away..hope you are keeping well
Christine glad you are coming to the end of that ironing..wish I had someone to do mine when I come off holiday..this Arthritis thing is so complex..I have blood test for RA but my levels go up and down..then they thought another type ..because my hair was coming out..but I never got would be nice to put a name to I know how you feel..not heard of bag of bones...
Today I am still nursing this hip...the sun is I might just get to the shop when hubby comes in...suppose to be seeing my niece..hopefully next week
Have a good day everyone ..xxxxxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Ooooh, very quiet in here today. I think you're right Barbara about arthritis being complex. Guess some of us will never know for sure. Didn't get to the end of the film. I had recorded it and tried to fast forward the adverts. For some reason it went right back to the beginning so I switched it off. Will watch it another time. I'm getting my new V*rg*n T*vo box tomorrow so not sure what to do with my recorder. Will probably put it upstairs.
Hope everyone is ok.Christine0 -
It gave me a giggle.
Son failed driving test,failed on reverse bay parking in the first five minutes of test but that was the only thing that let him down.
Does anyone else watch the quiz show The Chase ? Mig0 -
I love that picture Applerose!
Movicol is working brilliantly I'm pleased tosay.
I'm going to have another sleep today-I must need it. I start the night with my Son to settle him to sleep and the new mattress plays havoc on my hip. I can't wait to get back to my own comfy kings size bed.
Son has French exam today. He's been given a 2nd chance but he's not bothered. He lives in a cuckoo land of computers.
Not seen Toni lately. Are you catching up with your washing Toni?
Hi Roses 1, nice to see you.
I do watch the chase sometimes but it usually clashes with cooking time.
Love to all
ElizabethNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Morning all
Christine the pic is brilliant I needed the laugh...hope you new Vi***n box arrives ..its good to watch things when you are in the mood or not to tired..saying we tape things then cant be bothered..
Mig..sorry your son has failed..but I am sure next time will be different...most be do fail first time..fingers crossed for him
I hope Roses GDs are doing ok..cant wait to hear what they are both called
Elizabeth glad your daughters tummy has settled down...I hope you get back in your own bed...we had a king size bed in the B&B in lovely it was to have the extra room..we couldn't fit one in our bedroom..
Today I am off out..OH has the day off so far...going to choose wallpaper for one of the middle GD wanted Justin Beiber... :roll: dont think so..
Still thinking of Karen hope things are improving for you all
And Coco..let us know how you are getting on
See you all later xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
How did you guess Elizabeth :roll: Simple you're a Mum too!!!
My Lucy had a maths exam and English an she didn't revise either
Sorry the mattress hurts you hip - you need your bed back :shock:
Hope you had a good day out Barbara and I agree no to Justin Beiber, but hope you find some nice paperI am soooo relieved your hip is ok pheweee!! Keep resting though eh?
Mig he'll pass next go I think if that's all he failed on. My step and daughter both passed this year - both second go so he will too
Christine those horses made me laugh out loud!! Very apt I thinkI do that with films somehow 'loose' where I was and end up back at the beginning. I hope your new one is lovely
Hope Catie is doing ok and still improving - please send our love to MrO won't you???
Well what a nice sight!! RosesLovely to see you. You missed the wine, but I will have a look on the bus see if there's any left.
Hope Rosieglow's Grandbabies are well and Mums too.
Still thinking of Karen and Coco....
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Mig, don't worry too much about your son's driving test. I'm sure he'll pass next time if it was only one thing. I watch the Chase several times a week. I do enjoy it but, like Elizabeth, I'm usually cooking at the same time and have to keep running in to see the questions.
Hope you catch up on your sleep Elizabeth. Hope your son manages to settle himself soon so you can stay in your own bed.
The engineer brought my new V*rg*n box at teatime. Wow, I have so many channels, I've missed everything by the time I've scrolled through. Didn't think the channels would change. I've got 3 channels with Xmas films. :shock: Hope you managed to find some wallpaper without JB on it. :?
Elizabeth, hope Lucy did well in her exams, despite not revising.
Watching my first Xmas film. Only because there isn't anything on I want to watch on all those extra channels I now have. Think I'll switch off and go to bed with a cuppa and my book.Christine0 -
I do get back into my lovely bed eventually but usually half way through the night. the pain wakes me up. My son has come looking for me but I tell him to go back to bed and he does-without a fuss. then I need my pills and my own bed to recover from the pain.
I had 4 hours of deep sleep in the day.I had promised to met Lucy at her school for her book club so dragged myself out of bed. It poured down and when I got there I found I had the wrong day! On the way home Lucy told me off for trying to rush across the Zebra crossing( I hate to hold up the traffic)! Told me to worry about myself and not others.
I believe Coco had a trip out the other day. I hope Karen starts to feel better soon.
Take care all
Elizabth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Good Afternoon All,
The cafe is quiet today - bet you are all out xmas shopping
Christine - just loved that pic - really made me laugh
Mig, sorry to hear about your son, but as the others have said, sure the next test will be better. Learning to drive is so expensive though and I bet that's an expense he'll be glad to see the end of.
Yesterday, we went to see MrO's new house and it's beautiful. Set down a leafy private road and in wooded grounds. So very quiet and a haven for the wildlife. We wished it was us that were moving in
Hope everyone is okish. Rose, lovely to see you popping in.
Have a lovely weekend
Catie x0 -
Sons just phoned to say he's got a date for his next driving test ,it's on the 3rd of dec so I will be asking for crossed fingers,it costs £62 pounds for each test ! Mig0
Evening all
Had 3 GDs here today and next doors little girl..who wanted to saty while mummy went shopping...she is like a little 5 years old she is tiny and so good
It has been storms all day today.. :roll: the sky went black at lunch time..
Mig I will have everything crossed for your son..It wont be long now....blimey the price has gone up
Catie MrO house sounds nice he has moved in lovely to be so quiet....
Christmas shopping ...I need to get list first.. I did get a couple of things last week but they were for adults...
Hope everyone is okish see you later xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Fingers duly crossed mig for him. I know how expensive it it - we had 4 this year :shock:
He will pass this time l'm sure and what a great Christmas pressie that will be
Catie thanks for the MrO update. Sounds like the spot they have chosen is perfect
Elizabeth - what a shame going out of the WRONG day in the RAINLovely to hear what a sweetie your Lucy is
Christine I am glad you have your new box and hope you LOVE it!! You soon start saying 'there's nothing on telly' I bet
Barbara I am glad to see you I was about to get worried but see you have been snowed under with kidsHorrible here today, dark and cold but no rain
Sorry I am late posting this - I started it ages ago, but then we did 'fireworks' for the kids. Photos are on Fbook for anyone who wants to see them
Toni xxx0
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