Val's Cafe
It's really windy here today :shock:. Hope everyone is safe and well
Catie x0 -
Afternoon all
Just been to get some bits from As**...really odd unless people are waiting for tomorrow to get party food
Catie its is very windy here and raining..Im glad MrO and family are settled in and you had a good time at your sisters....we have been so lucky...I do feel for all the poor people with no else and friend in Wales is still clearing up from the last lot...I was dreading it happening again just weeks later but it missed them this time...hope all that are missing had a good Christmas
And sorry Catie how are you you feel more confident now ..suppose it will take its time..
I will have a cuppa and sit by the window for a ponder..if I start snoring just nudge me..xxxxxxxx :noel:Love
Barbara0 -
Hello everyone,
Aw, look at Barbara there fast asleep, I won`t wake her, she looks so peaceful.
Good to hear from you Catie, and pleased that you enjoyed your Christmas. Apart from my gorgeous granddaughter`s births, I will be glad to see the back of this year. How about you? Please God, 2014 is better for us.....well for everyone. I really want to think about a holiday, but I`m surprised at how my confidence has been knocked. I was the one who was always off at the drop of a hat, especially to my beloved Andalusia. Now I`m deliberating over everything. Perfectly understandable, according to my lovely GP.
I`ll have a hot chocolate, and sit over with Barbara.....Much love to everyone, and stay safe.0 -
Hi Catie I just missed you. How lovely you got to see Mr O and his wife. Did you know him before the AC forum?
Hi Barbara. He bought me a ring for my 35th and when we first met he told everyone I was 'marriage material' but I've never been officially asked. But I guess getting R.A soon after meeting as an eye opener. I wasn't the easiest person to live with! Who knows Catie, maybe it will be on his 5oth?
So many of my friends have met got engaged and married since we've been together I find it tough.
E xxxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Hi Rosie, yep I deliberate over things too. You have to take so much into consideration don't you? I would like a holiday too, somewhere quiet and warm. I absolutely hate January.
2013 was boring whereas 2012 was a great year. I'm looking forward to the Winter Olympics and The World cup in 2014 and will try to get a bit fitter and not fatter.
Elizabeth xNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Barbara, I'm so glad the baby is picking up now. You get so worried about them, don't you? Brandy and babycham? When I was 16 or 17, my friends and I used to go to a dance. We could only afford 2 halves of cider. There was a boy one time who offered to buy me a drink but didn't ask what I wanted. He got me a brandy in a glass and a babycham in a bottle. I had no idea what it was and didn't know I was supposed to mix the two so I picked up the brandy and took a huge mouthful. Nearly choked on it and the boy was very impressed.
George Clooney. Mmmmm. Could you maybe swap Beiber for George? Would your GD notice?
Toady, I do think cats will pick and choose where they want to be, whoever treats them best. I'd be like you, if any pet wanted to be in out of the weather or to be fed, I would let them in my house.
Toni, I remember you telling us about the poor cat that your ex SIL had. So sad that people can do that. yes, my daughter arrived safely, thanks. I haven't been in the cafe as I've been up to my eyeballs in GC and toys. They have popped out for a couple of hours to visit my daughter's dad so a little peace and quite for me.
Elizabeth, sounds as if you had a lovely day both for dinner and tea. That was good of you to cook for the older ones. As for getting married, I think we get settled in our ways. I was married but have been living on my own for about 20 years now and I quite like it that way.
Catie, glad it was only your sister's internet that went down and not the electricity. That's nice that Mr and Mrs O are settled. Hope the wind isn't affecting you too much.
Rosie, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you do manage to get your confidence back and have your holiday.
We had a power cut on Monday morning. The whole of out town and the next including all the shops and street lights. Fortunately, ours was only off for about 2 hours. But, as you say, Barbara, it must be awful for those who don't have power for a few days or more. Went shopping yesterday with my daughter, dil and 11 year old GD. It was really lovely all the girls spending time together although my son-in-law was shocked when he realised we weren't taking the babies with us and he was looking after them. :shock:Christine0 -
Evening All :xmas_cheesygrin:
Good to see Catie is okI was about to get worried :? loosing internet is nothing compared to loosing your power yes!!
Great to Hear Mr and MrsO are so very happy in their new home - please do pass on our very best
Those two who came Christmas lunch - they are so lovely they ADD a lot to the festivitiesIt really is a pleasure to see them both.
Evening Barbara. Bless Baby - I reckon it takes a lot to knock her down doesn't it? I have a daylight lamp here for when I do my tapestry - its FABULOUS your OH will love it. I reckon you can have a word in the ear of your son if you'd enjoy a good wedding
Oops!! :xmas_redface: I hope I haven't woken her!!!
Elizabeth. No WAY were you 50 last March :shock: I reckon your OH really does have his good points, (not perfect, but none of them are :roll: ), and you do love your home so much......the kids are settled. You did right to stay with him.
Maybe his 50th is tough, but I am pretty sure he loves you.
Let's hope 2014 is more interesting - I agree 2013 has been well drab??? (Hubby went to see Hednesford our local team)
Good to see you. I hope you can plan a lovely break for next year and...I am with your GP - why WOULND'T your confidence have been knocked after what you've been through :?
I am so pleased you have been enjoying having your daughter and GCs thereHow lovely - THAT is what Christmas is all about isn't it??
Have you heard from Elfie at all??
I feel quite lucky with the weather. No power cuts, all fence panels present and correct etc....
I like the brandy and Babycham storyI bet that went to your head!!!
Ah well
Love to everyone all our missing friends
Got to sit outside the under 18's disco again while Lucy is inside ::) She's had a change of meds so I do worry :xmas_redface:
Toni xxx0 -
Hi Everyone
Barbara, I was surprised at how quiet the supermarket was this morning - bet it will be chaos tomorrow
I'm making steady progress thank you. To begin with it was a struggle and I wondered if I would see any improvement :shock:, but glad to say I did. How about you Barbara? - any news about those patches yet?
Christine, it really is a nuisance when we lose our power isn't it? Glad you only had to wait two hours though.
Glad you enjoyed your shopping trip
Elizabeth, I can understand how disappointed you must feel and hope that he pops the question soon. Let's hope his 50th will set him thinking
No, I didn't know MrO before joining this forum. What happened was that I posted on another thread that I had worked as a music therapist, MrO then sent me a pm asking for advice on a matter relating to that. We had a chat on the phone and our friendship developed from there.
I'm also looking forward to the Winter Olympics - really love the ice-skating
Rosie, let's hope that 2014 will be better for us allI completely identify with that feeling of not being as confident, but having been so ill, think it's understandable. My husband keeps telling me not to rush things and to take one step at a time - he's right of course
. So glad you have a GP who you have such confidence in - that will help you so much. Our lovely GP has just retired, which is such a shame. Still, he has worked hard and desrves to 'hang up his boots'
Toni, I would be sitting ouside the disco just like youDo hope Lucy will be ok and the new meds do their job
It's much quieter here this evening. Hope the gales have eased where you are - take care and keep safe.
Catie x0 -
Evening all
Thanks Rosie for not waking me up...I enjoyed the nap by the fire... :rudolph: I am glad you have mention the self confidence thing....I was always the one to book holiday even sorted our American one...we got lost but thats another does not the stuffing out of dil is trying to build mine up but not having much luck...we went to Spain last year with her and my son...but I was relying on them ...the airport terrified new years resolution my confidence.... :presents1: :madnoel:
Elizabeth ..thats it his 50th...I do hope so never mind the RA he has met a lovely caring lady... :rudolph:
Christine you made me laugh has usual..gulping the brandy down... :madnoel: first boyfriend bough me a cherryB...gosh it was awful...but you know what its like...yes I will have another one please...I was only 16.... :xmas_redface: I do like George Clooney.... :madnoel: how lovely a girls day out...thank goodess you get that power on
Toni..the light is still in the box... :xmas_evil: maybe in the New year..he will use it...glad you have one I know it should be alright now..hope you are ok sitting outside the disco....and that Lucy will be fine...but I can understand your worry.have you heard off dorcas I have been worried seeing the bad weather in Scotland
The girls have not been back yet so there Christmas stuff is in there rooms...but I had a little clear they can just hang there clothes up...right I will sit and watch the soaps....see you all tomorrow... :noel: xxxxxx
Just spotted you there Catie...I have to waitfor the New Year that is when my GP will get the letter meanwhile... :xmas_cry: Im glad to hear you are making progress even if just a little you will get there...hopefully Spring will help...did I really say Spring..... :presents1: xxLove
Barbara0 -
Wishing Everyone All The Best for 2014. Happy New Year and I hope it's a good one for each one of you
Catie x0 -
Afternoon all
Same to you Catie..I hope you see a huge improvement in 2014...we are just going round to our neighbours...the thing is I wont be able to stay awake till midnight and feel such a party pooper....hope everyone is keeping wellish ...will see you later :noel: :rudolph: xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon all
Just wanted to wish you all a very happy new year. Lets hope 2014 is going to be our year all round.
Would you believe, we have the electrical people coming out around the 16th of Jan. And just before xmas, we lost all the lights for down stairs. Luckily not the lamps. But it is very dark id the kitchen and utility room.
Anyway, have a good time tonight in what ever you are up too.Karen xx0 -
Sending my very best wishes to you all for 2014
Happy New Year
0 -
Aaaand, relaaaax. Daughter and family have left now and are visiting son-in-law's family in Scotland. I do miss them when they leave but it is so good to hear the quiet. My son came round and put everything back the way it was for me so just chilling this evening. Off to my dil's parents tomorrow for New Year's Day lunch.
Toni, no news from Elfie. Don't think we'll see him again till next December. I'm sure he'll be having a rest and then helping Santa make more toys. :candycane: Hope Lucy had a good time at the disco and you didn't get too cold waiting.
Catie, it is a shame when a GP you like, and who knows you, retires but, as you say, they need to stop sometime. Hope your new GP is just as good.
Elizabeth, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your new ring too. Maybe this year.
Barbara, hope this is your year for increasing your confidence. A bit at a time and you'll get there. Maybe OH is just waiting for the new year to use his lamp. Enjoy the soaps and your evening at your neighbours. I always think that after Xmas and new year, there are only about 10 weeks till decent weather. Sometimes that doesn't sound too far away.
Karen, you don't have any downstairs lights? That must make things difficult. Hope none of the other electrics are out. That's a long time before they come out. Thought it would be much quicker.
Hi Mr O. Best wishes to you too and to everyone in the cafe. Have a wonderful and peaceful year to come.Christine0 -
Hello everyone, only a quick post (I won't do justice to taking peoples' news in if I do it tonight so I'll read back over the thread tomorrow), just a general hello/happy new year, & sorry to anyone with power problems (constable, applerose & any others). definitely don't want a power cut here anytime with a fridgeful of enbrel.
Tiddles' family came back yesterday so 'normal' service is resumed, have seen much less of him (but he has been in for a while today, sitting on my brand new sofa which I haven't even sat on myself yet, while I'm still on the old one) I will go back to letting him in only as & when, & I'm sure he'll settle back down to thinking of here as just his emergency 2nd 'billet'.
0 -
Happy Near Year to all you lovely people I do hope its a good one...
We went to the neighbours then was in bed for 11....I heard the fireworks going must have been awake...
Toady glad to see that kitty's family is back
It is dark and raining here..what a shame I do love getting some fresh air on new years day..maybe GD in bed...
Will see you all later :madnoel: :noel: xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Just a quick visit to wish everyone all that they wish for themselves in 2014. Happy New Year my friends.
The weather is dismal, but I`m off out for lunch. Actually I`m hoping I can have just egg and chips......with salted caramel?.......Nah, only joking!!!!.....Rosie.x.0 -
I'm just popping in to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year. Hope it's a good one for us all.0
Happy New Year cafe dwellers.
I'm afraid I have woken up with a non-alcohol related headache 2 days running so have very little strength at the moment.
Make sure Tiddles wipes his paws with that new sofa.
Will be back later when I'm more with it,
Elizabeth xxxxxNever be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no ones definition of your life
Define yourself........
Harvey Fierstein0 -
Popped in to say hi and wish you all the best for 2014, xxx0
Coco its lovely to see you around...hope that 2014 is a good one for you..
And to our Dear Val..Rest in Peace my friend..this cafe will always run in honour of you....we promise to look after the kettle is on...and the grill is warming the cat is fed and the cow milked...will make more lavender pats...Val loved them on her feet....
See you all later...xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Sorry Christine I meant to say how lovely the flowers are..Val loved flowers in the cafe...
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