Val's Cafe
Hello all
Hope you are all as well as can be. its very cold here today. and to add to that for the last 2 days the traffic where we live has been really horrendous. it took me 45 minutes to get home from our local high street today on the bus. it would normally take 5/6 minutes it is only 5 bus stops away. And I had already waited 20 minutes for the bus in the first place as they turned 3 around because they were late I was absolutely frozen when I got in. well yesterday our Lillie was 6 cannot believe how quickly time has gone. We are forecast to have snow in the early hours of the morning i hope we don't as it is my knitting day tomorrow.
Aidan Cookie is a good age and its good the vet is not too concerned hopefully you will be successful in getting her to eat and drink on her own. Yes my back is feeling a lot better but i am taking it very easy at the moment as it still twinges now and then to remind me it is there. Yes i thought the Caticorn was good hope Pepe likes the outfit that miss sleek organises. your right about Mr T never admits to anything. I despair at the cost of high street brought cards that's why I started Making my own in the first place years ago I must get back to doing them regularly again. mind you I have quite a stock of the charity cards now and also have ordered some of the new company ones too so I have always have a card anyway.
Barbara Sorry to hear about Hileena if you manage to be in touch with her tell her I'm praying for her too and send my best wishes. Back is feeling a lot better today long may it last just a twinge now and then. yes i do have wheat bag they are good.
Kath I love Jacket potatoes too with all sorts of fillings they are delicious
Toni yes taking all my painkillers and anti inflams that i am allowed in one day it seems to have eased a lot now. and Dr was not needed. My GDs Friend also has a little brother so is used to small children too they take them out together. my eldest GD also has youngest GD round to babysit if she and her partner want to go out, the good thing is my daughter only lives a 2/3 minute walk away. all our family are very close upset one and you upset them all. have you had a look at the website yet you will have to tell me what you think of the cards. they are really good quality.
Joan yes i have heard that too about lying on the floor but to be honest if i got down there I would struggle to get back up.
Now it is time to potter as i dont want to seize up.
Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening everyone sorry to be so late. Had a busy day today with one thing or another – visited my neighbour who is ok – there is a tiny hope of escape at the weekend if the care has been sorted out which it might have been Fingers crossed.
I am far more worried about Cookie (Grandma – Sleek also calls her Grandma). I am pleased to hear it isn’t her kidneys Aidan, but not happy she sounds so rough. Is this really just old age? How long do Siamese normally live? Would you consider an overnight drip, if you can’t rehydrate her yourself? It honestly sounds as though you can’t do any more yourself.
Miss Sleek says that Pepe says she is only tired, but did smell awful of the vets. Not nice and if she won’t eat the yummy food he will!! Or Tosca!! (Or Sleek if she’s there!!)
I am sending you HUGE ((((((())))))) for you and B and some very gentle strokes for Cookie.
Barbara I am lighting candles for Hileena such a worry she is a lovely lady
Carol your GKids are lovely so good they live local and can help out and even better - they like littliesClose family is very important to me.
I am glad the back has eased. Just take it steady for a while :?
Hoping to have more time tomorrow I still haven't been able to look on the website yet
Lillie 6 :shock: :shock: :shock: Nooo!
Hi Joan I hope all is well with you. Lucy's school where she works had ofsted in today so they've been being watched.
Did I miss anyone :? :? Kath??
To everyone else I send my love and apologies for being AWOL today. I’m not sure how much better tomorrow will be I am out for lunch with a friend. Will be able to get on 1st thing though I think
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, goodness it is chilly out tonight, minus 4 I think tcold tcold
Neighbours on the other side, their boiler went Kaput on Monday night, so they had no heating - their Daughter came with a portable gas fire and we have let them borrow two of those free standing halogen light heaters.
The repairs will be done as soon as they get the parts :roll: It's all boilers and problems.
Anyway, I digress. How is everyone?
I read that Hileena is really poorly, bless her, my thoughts and prayers are with her at this time. Combined we will make them even stronger.
Hi Joan, so you are having problems with your laptop as well. I hope they can sort it out and it does not cost too much to put right. Computers, what we did without them, seems a million years ago.
I hope you are all keeping nice and warm, that your boiler is working as it should. How are the doggies? Take care both.
We are not too bad, I think the coughs, colds, whatever the bugs were, are finally abating. Only three or four weeks now :roll: :?
Hi Kath, I like a toddle, I can just about cope with them. Glad the snow had stopped and you managed a short sit on your private benches. It has been SO cold, I am not surprised you froze to the spot.
Thank you for the lovely Apple Pie and Custard. Soul food for the winter weather.
17 is a good age for puss cats. I am on full Matron duties.
Thank you for taking some sunshine to the Sanctuary, I have neglected to visit recently, I know all our lovelies are so well looked after and Silver and his family are always checking up on them. Not sure if there are any new members, the wombats were the last ones in from the rescue.
Hi Barbara We had light snow on and off for most of the morning and early afternoon. Everywhere looked really pretty but all the roads were clear, which was fine by me and B.
We went round to Dads about 1030 and the window fitters (who are local and very highly recommended) had already had three windows out and new ones in. Everywhere was upside down but Dad didn't mind, he had an audience to recount all his tales of yesteryear
We sorted out what he needed from the shop and went off into town, had a rather nice coffee or two in Nero's and a toasted panetone each, with lashings of butter (for calcium and Vit D reasons only). :? :?
Did the shopping, then went to the vets, picked up another sachet of rehydration powders and they gave us some liquid cat food, that is easy to syringe. So I am on hourly fluids and liquid food, much to Cookies horror. She is taking it, reluctantly, no problems with swallowing and she is nipping for a wee as and when needed.
I used to do some Yoga and was always at the gym. Imagine. How times change eh.
It will be lovely when your GD comes to stay for a week, lots of trips out and visits to the GC etc.
Thank you for passing on the news about Hileena, I do remember her and she has been through so much. All the prayers are adding up and winging their way to help in any way possible.
Hi Carol I bet you were frozen solid, after all that time to get home, when it only takes 5 minutes normally. I would have been fit to be tied.
I hope you soon thawed out and relaxed when you arrived home. Glad to hear that your back is a little easier. Abundant sparkles to help with the improvement.
Let's wish the snow to pass you by, you need to get to your knitting group.
Time and tide, 6 years since Lillie was born, all goes by in a flash. Love the pictures
Pepe will love his Caticorn outfit when it arrives, I think Miss Sleek is awaiting the parcel man any day now.
I am on hourly Matron's rounds with Cookie, she is keeping an eye on me and if looks could wither me, when she sees me appearing with yet another syringe :roll: :roll:
I will have a proper look at the cards on the website, I am sure they are lovely from what I have seen.
Oh, your neighbour might be coming home at the week end Toni, that is wonderful news, I will cross everything that I can (which isn't a lot these days ) :shock:
We are worried too, poor Cookie. I am full on with the fluids and liquid food (without overloading her system). Pepe has been telling Sleek that Grandma is having SOUP, which he findsas you can imagine. SOUP, from the wicked Vets.
We would consider a drip, we were talking earlier, at the moment she is taking rehydration mixture and the liquid food in pretty good amounts, given her tiny size. We said we would rather her be at home and manage her intake here. She has had a little lap at her water, but not much, she seems pretty vacant, but, dehydration would be a cause of that, so hopefully she will improve a little now that we are on top of the intake.
The liquid food, in a tin, is full of pre biotic, pro biotic, high omega oils, all sorts of things.
We also tried different fishes today, Pilchards, Mackerel, neither of which she would go near, but Tosca, Great Grandma, was in there like a shot and is now known as Mrs Pilchard:roll:
We will take it a day at a time, get some more liquid food today.
Thank you for the huge hugs and gentle strokes for Cookies ((()))
Enjoy your lunch out with your friend.
The four windows that have been finished at Dads are really smart and very well finished and fitted. They are back today, to do the two bay windows, one front, one back. Dad is made up, he is over the moon with them. He is missing going out for coffee bless him.
I had better do some pottering. Get Cookies supper syringe ready. She is keeping a beady eye on me :? :?
It was Christine's Birthday yesterday, noticed and wished her happy Birthday on FB.
Hi to Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Birthday Girl, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.
Must move, back is ouching at me. :roll:
Love to all, stay safe and warm. XX Aidan
nice and simple breakfast todayXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
Oddly enough Aidan I tried the drip with Eric because he was starting to fear me coming near with my syringe and honestly he was a new cat when he got home eating Sheba of all things!!
We are all very concerned here. Our love ((((())))) and strokes continue to wing their way over to you all xxx Go Tosca Mrs PilchardSleek isn't keen either and agrees with Cookie (Grandma) on that.
She and Pepe are trying to make an energy spell and snow permitting will be off to the ravine later to see if the nymphs can help. They will also be having a word with Silver.
Thanks for the light and sensible breakfast
Good news that the windows are going in nicely and looking good so far. Dad will get his coffees out soon enough bless him
I hope your neighbours boiler gets fixed soon. We need a new diverter all it's doing is making the bath water run a bit colder, but we can survive until the (very good, but therefore very busy) plumber can come back on the 21st!
Joan I hope your laptop can be fixed mine needs a new battery, etc etc!!
I found Kath! Been out and about I am not sure about my walk today I have a sore back. Maybe going out yesterday in the snow and ice :?
Morning to Barbara too as you now Lucy and I met Hileena before Lucy got leukaemia. She is an excellent role model for her having epilepsy, but still driving etc.
Candle lit and prayers said ((()))
I replied to Carol already I think :? I hope the buses are behaving today though and you don't freeze again
I forgot to say thanks to Kath for the apple pie - love it!
Better get on!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
Kathleen you are doing so well with your walking.
Barbara it was cold out this morning I hope you are warm.
Aidan I'm sorry about your puss how old is he.
Toni I had a Doctors app this morning for the result of the Dexa scan he said we have'nt got the result yet a northern lady has been waiting since before Christmas. I'm please Lucy is doing well.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
My knees are so cold, they really hurt. But I haven't been ouside at all.
DN came to do my bloods. Told him off for NOT warming his hands. Brrr tcold
Thank you for the scrummy breakfast Aidan.Must look for a tasty snack. Pasta Fiesta Nachos - they will do nicely.
Joan I hope you get your DEXA scan soon. :?"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..very cold but sunny thank goodness
Aiden I am so sorry Cookie isn't any better..,bless her , I suppose its something that she is taking the hydration powder..some hugs for all of you and hope she picks up very soon..(()) thankyou for the prayers for Hileena she has been on the forum long before I joined ..I dads windows will be done now I hope..I had to laugh at him being able to tell the fitters his OH always has a cuppa with customers that live on there own and sits and listens..mind you he gives has good as he gets these days..I am sure there will be trips out when our GD come to say..
Carol thankyou for the prayers for Hileena..whats a shame you had to stand around in the cold..gosh you must have been in agony when you got home...and after the long journey that really is a nightmare.. :shock: Lillie is 6 did you say..gosh time really has flown..
Toni I will have everything crossed for your neighbour..its such a shame things have been held up..I remember you went to see Hileena ..she really is an inspiration you stop apologizing for not posting ..or else I will not turn up for choir practice..
although I have learned at thing or 2 about singing..
Kath I hope the bloods come back was very naughty of him not to warm his hands..hope you can get warm...
Joan it is freezing...but at least we have the sun its was miserable yesterday..
Just found out they have closed the mobility place that hires out scooters for the shopping also had a nice cafe ..were people could meet up..this blinking council of ours..I know there are cuts to be made but it is always the more vulnerable.. :x
Right on that note will have to move Niamh is on her way...
Love to everyone xxxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all
Thought I had better say hi to everyone.
Cookie not good, Vet coming to house tomorrow morning at our request.
Letter from my Aunt, the one we meet up with in Skipton regularly. Her CA has come back, breast, and she has metastatic cancer in her bone / spine and I suspect elsewhere.
All in all not a good day. Will write more later.
Love to all XXX Aidan. t4591XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aiden we are all here when needed..sending some very gentle hugs..((())) and lots of love xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
We did not have the forecasted snow in the early hours today so I did manage to get to my knitting group, the other good news is that the snarl up of traffic we have had since Sunday seemed to have cleared tonight as got back from my knitting group very quickly so hopefully the gas main works that was causing the hold up has all been dealt with now. My back is a lot lot better now but i am still taking it easy and taking the full doses of my co-dydramol.
Toni yes i think close families are very important too and although they live in Margate and we are her in London we are still in contact quite a lot weather its a phone call or a message on facebook or text. both my GS and My youngest GD will help out there sister with the little ones and vice versa she will help them
if they have any problems. the back is feeling much better and I promise I am taking things steady don't worry. and yes Lillie is 6 and its my Youngest GDs birthday tomorrow and she will be 16. and yes when you have time do look at the website and let me know what you think of them.
Aidan Hope you back is not being too Ouchy now after your potter around, sorry Cookie isn't a lot better. yes I was frozen Aidan but today was better on the bus got home after knitting group quite quickly. no snow which was good. Lillie had a great birthday so I'm told and yep 6 yrs have whizzed by since she was born, so miss sleek is on postman alert.
its now time for me to have a potter about
love and sparkles to you all. t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi all
I don't think I can get my head into gear at the moment. Too many things going round and round.
I will try and write later on today. Thank you for the hugs, love and sparkles, they are appreciated greatly.
Everyone take lots of care XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aidan I am so sorry poor Cookie isn't picking up despite your efforts
I hope she had an OK night and no deterioration at least prior to the vets visit today.
Pepe is either going t hide apparently or guard his sachets or if he is allowed to fly meet Sleek back in the enchanted forest to speak to Silver :?
Also very sorry to hear about your Aunt. ((((((()))))))
Joan how annoying no scan results they must be very behind then if one lady has been waiting that length of time! Will the surgery ring you when they have them instead of you going over for nothing?
Carol my back isn't great today so my meds will be up to prescribed dosage too today :roll: ((()))
I will be out again today! to see our neighbour in hospital and take another older neighbour t see her too. Still no chance to get on the site! Yesterday my friend came to drag me out for lunch and then had the village 'Friends of......' meeting (I am on the committee) and that finished near 9:30pm!
I cannot believe how the children grow up so fast. Sad isn't it? I know they want to grow up thoughShame your lovely family are so far away, but Margate is lovely so a mixed blessing and these days with the internet miles seem much shorter.
Do you meet your friend today for a cuppa and natter? If so I hope she escapes for an hour or so :?
Barbara I will shut up then
Choir practise tonight will you be ready? Please come via the shed
Closed your shopmobility? Grrrr!!!
I hope you both survived the whirling Dervish's visit t4591
Kath thank they were a lovely snackGlad the DN has been but cold hands? NO!! tcold tcold
Love to everyone!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen. carol Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
Kathleen have you got a fleece you can put over your knee's its the result of the Dexa scan I'm waiting for.
Carol that's nice you have clubs to go to.
Barbara I'm sorry they have closed the place and you can't have a scooter there must be a lot of people that use them can't you all get together and let them know how much they mean to everyone.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I'm so sorry I will be thinking about you.
((((((((Toni)))))))i'm sorry you have back pain it stops you doing anything. I'm seeing the Ortho in march the I can go back to the Doctor and he might have the result.
take care all
Joan xtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all...
Aiden I have been thinking about you and Bill in the night..and will do so today...many hugs for both of you ((())) xx
Carol I am happy to hear your back has improved..phew ...dont you just appreciate it...thank goodness the traffic has eased what a nightmare that was.. :roll:
Joan it was awful to find the people in the mobility cafe crying..they have closed the one in the next town has well..and the wasn't much warning at we are going to see what we can do..I hope your scan results show much better bone mass..fingers crossed for you..
Toni you are a busy bee..make time to rest in between..or else..fingers crossed for this weekend that your neighbour gets to come home..right the shed..might just see if I can sing without it this space..
my bread machine is mixing away so will bring some in later..
Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Aidan, thinking of you all.((((((Cookie))))))
t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all
Just to let you know that Cookie is at peace now, she had a stroke this morning,not long before the vet arrived and she is no longer in discomfort or distress. RIP our gorgeous Siamese, Cookie - AKA her pedigree name of Velveteena Sealed With a Kiss.
Thank you for your kind hugs and thoughts. Will write more later XX Aidan Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
oh gosh Aiden..I am so sorry..and know how hard it is bless..but the old lady had made up her mind..she is so beautiful.. bless her...
love to both of you...better go my tears are flowing..(()) xx RIP Cookie..
Barbara0 -
barbara12 wrote:oh gosh Aiden..I am so sorry..and know how hard it is bless..but the old lady had made up her mind..she is so beautiful.. bless her...
love to both of you...better go my tears are flowing..(()) xx RIP Cookie..
Thank you hun, bless you. Every time I gather myself, I start bawling again..............The Vet, Paddy, was just wonderful. XXX t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aiden I am so glad the vet was nice , it does makes a difference..has you know crying is a good release..hopefully it might just help you sleep..god bless xx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
barbara12 wrote:Aiden I am so glad the vet was nice , it does makes a difference..has you know crying is a good release..hopefully it might just help you sleep..god bless xx t4591 t4591
Thank you Barbara, I keep having "moments", we both do. All the lovely things that people have said, when I posted her picture on FB. And all the lovely hugs and thought and prayers from my dear friends here.
I don't think I can read back at the moment, so I will take it from tonight / today, if that's ok. I hope everyone is as good as can be.
We have some stormy seas in life, Thursday was one of them. Cookie did not really move much on Wed night and then on Thursday morning she had a seizure type event, not a fit as such, but definitely a cerebral accident. We are glad the vet Paddy, was due to arrive.
Bless her she was barely conscious after that, no reflexes and as the vet said, there has certainly been brain trauma. He was so good, gently prepared everything, found her tiny vein in her front leg and she was at peace.
He said there was no rush, we said our goodbye and he took her all wrapped in her blankets.
We made sure Pepe and Tosca were ok, they knew what was going on. Pepe had been to examine Paddy's Vets bag / box, sniffed around and was off like a shot into the bedroom. Tosca was just chilling out on the ottoman, but looking, as cats do, through tiny slits in their eyes. Toni, you will know what I mean. You think they are asleep, but oh no, they are very much aware.
We were bawling for a while, then we went round to Dads once we had composed ourselves a little and we said, we are going out to the GC for lunch, we need lots of coffee and chips etc. The window fitters had finished until next week, so Dad was super happy to be going out of the house for the first time in the week.
We went into the Vets on the way to Sainsb. We have arranged the cremation, individual, with a special slate box, that will have her ashes in. It is like a large Pebble, with her name and a paw print on. Really nice and she can be with us all the time (which she is already I know).
As we went into the Vets I said to the lady's on reception, (one of whom was filling up) "don't, don't say anything, or we will all be in pieces" They are so good and so kind, all of the team there. Everything paid for and sorted. They gave us the blankets back, all washed and dried, bless them.
Came home, Pepe was most upset, he has been looking for Cookie, Tosca is quieter than normal too. He will have been talking to Miss Sleek about Grandmaand even saying how good the Vet was with her and with us all.
Had another meltdown after posting on FB.
Had a Siesta, a bit hit and miss with dozing, but we needed a rest.
Neighbour rang to see how we were and to say how sorry she was.
Just chilling out a bit, B is seed beading, a good distraction.
I will potter a bit and fuss. Laundry to tend to.
Thank you all once more, you are all so special, always remember that. t4591
I will catch up again tomorrow, we are not going out, Dad is coming round, he needs a hair cut, he is like Freddy Boswell:shock:
Let me go see what I can find for breakfast. I think something sweet, for energy of course.
Love to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan and Bill
Some Belgian Chocolate WafflesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh Aidan
I am just bawling here don't even want to face plant
God bless Cookie - Grandma - Velveteena Sealed With a Kiss. May she be resting in peace now.
Miss Sleek has been up all night comforting her beloved Pepe who is beside himself. He keeps 'forgetting' that she has gone and going to find (annoy) Cookie.
He said the vet was nice, but still too scary - that his Mummy was keeping her safe while he waited in the bedroom.
He told Sleek that his Grandma was too old and ill and has gone to rainbow bridge t115006 where she can run and play with lots of pusskins.
I think it all sounded so peaceful and although desperately sad lovely that you were all there with her and it happened at home. You had a gut feeling that letting her go to the vets for the drip would not have been a good idea didn't you?
Thank you for posting the photo of your wonderful wonderful old lady 'Cookie' Never forgotten (((((()))))) t4591 t4591 t45910 -
Joan I really hope that the orthopod has a copy of the scan results next month!! He had better or will not be impressed I think!
Barbara your singing was lovely, but you were late again. No-one noticed or minded at least
Hi Kath and Carol
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Morning all..
Aiden how lovely the vets sound..and washing the blanket for you..Pepe and Tosca will need extra cuddles..bless..I know the chilled out look very well with Jake, like you say they pretend to be asleep.....glad to hear you got out for coffee and chips..they do help sometimes..and the little slate box sounds nice and fitting for Cookie..and thankyou for the Belgian Chocolate Waffles...(()) xx
Toni I did just make it to the choir..thanks to you..someone had a bite of my biscuit..not sure who though...
picking my precondition up this morning then off the the GC ..the little one.. for coffee..
Hope everyone has a good to all xxxxxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello. Aidan Barbara Kathleen and anyone else I missed
Aidan I'm so sorry he's not in pain anymore(((((((())))))))
Barbara the people from the council will need a scooter one day and there Wong be.any.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
I have too carry on with the A. Acid for a not her 5years
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh Aidan, I've just been to have another look at that gorgeous little face, and read your post. Now I'm in bits.
I've got an arm full of various tiny cuddlies, so I'll be fine, t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 Love her pedigree name.
Joan, I'm sorry you have to take Alendronic for another 5 years. :shock: I have a fleece and a crochet shawl to put over my knees, but I can't be bothered to fetch either of them. :oops: Not quite as cold today."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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