Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All

    Thanks for all your lovely comments about my photos hope you are not fed up with seeing them.
    Have really had Pay back from our sneeky friend Arthur this time round decided today that I need to take all doses of my co-dydramol for a few days I usually only take 2 of the 4 doses as dont normally need them all, but I have today this morning pain in my back and knee was really bad could hardly walk. we still had our usual dinner out at lunch time with Mr T. did not meet my friend for coffee as although her husband has been home from hospital just over 2 weeks now he is being a bit difficult about her going out at the moment. she is hoping we will be able to meet next week.
    it seems we are due for some sleet tomorrow, and Sunday, and snow showers on Tuesday so we shall see. don't mind the sleet because it doesn't settle.

    Kath Thank you for the comment about the girls they are sweet but both are naughty little monkeys sometimes. :lol:
    My Tesco delivery was today also my was between 10 and11.

    Barbara Yes i love the photo with me and the GGDS too just wish Graycie had been smiling I have one of me and Lillie and she is smiling that one is lovely too.
    The SW result at weigh in really surprised me but I was not going to complain yes when I go out it is second nature now to pick the wisest choices dosen't always work but most of the time it dose.
    the website now is better than the one I had before as this one was done by the company itself and not by me I just need to sort out a couple of things with it and all should be good.

    Toni the girls look adorable yes but believe me like all other kids their age the can be really naughty at times too. :lol:
    It is funny with the GC because despite the fact they are always getting at one another they are all very close too, and are always there for one another when something is wrong .
    my fingers are well crossed for youngest GD for her results because as her my daughter says the eldest GD didn't really apply her self to the course when she did it and GS always had academic problems being that he has dyslexia. but youngest knows that she has got to knuckle down and work hard because she is well on track to achieve the needed results.
    I am hoping to do so much better with the cards this time and I have a better website this time round to do it with.

    Joan yes we are all very proud of youngest GD . Glad you are enjoying the pictures of the birthday meal.

    Aidan yes the cards are lovely and if they are the same quality as before they are well worth the price and hopfully soon they will have the other bits that they did before too. they are all unique too as they employ their own artist too and you will not find any of them in the shops they are only sold by the indepedant partners as they call us now.
    I loved the cake all I had been told was that my cake was themed.
    The lovelies were all ok i didn't see any new ones that I didn't know about so Johnny is being good.

    Well its now time for me to have a little potter
    Love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to everyone, a very chilly night, thick frost tcold tcold

    Friday seems to have vanished in an instant :roll: completely run out of hours in the day, so I must check in the shed later.

    I did explain to Pepe that it was one needle at the Vets, but he wasn't convinced at all Toni. Given Miss Sleek interpretation of events, he thinks it was more needles than an acupuncture session :lol::lol: :roll:
    I hear that she is even more Sleek than ever, according to the weigh in at Cat World. So Pepe says anyway. They are a pair for sure :roll: :roll:

    Oh yes, I can hear through the crystal ball, when it is on and tuned in, I cannot hear what our intrepid duo are saying, but I can hear background noises :) Barbara was very impressive with her voice, suitably helped by the cider.

    What a pain, literally, that your neighbour is awaiting discharge, but has to go through the whole process of putting everything in place - I hope they can fast track it a bit, goodness. Bed blocking, well, only by default that they cannot keep the same or similar care package in place and have to start all over again. I am glad she has a nice view from the ward and is the youngest on the ward. Mind, that can have mixed blessings, depending on the other patients.

    I hope she enjoyed your visit and then the Minister coming in and Pom as well. I kept meaning to ask after her.

    Glad that your heating is working, it is essential at the moment. I can imagine a power failure is a bit problem for your neighbour, with hoists (does it have a battery back up)? C Pap, nebiliser etc.

    Our neighbour. Went off to the Drs, saw the nurse, who did ECG, but was concerned that the symptoms presented as potential heart problems. So, phone call, can B take her to Hospital as not allowed to drive. As there was nothing acute on the ECG, then there would be likely a 4 hour wait for an ambulance.
    So B took her to Blackburn and her hubby met them there.

    B got home not long before 6, of course it was rush hour there and back.

    They both came round when they got home, not long after our Siesta. Chest is clear, (which I had said last night, that I could not hear anything), but lung function tests needed. Could have COPD.

    Bloods and ECG were all normal, so no cardiac event, thank goodness. Hubby was coughing at the hosp, so the nurse listened and said he had a chest infection and to go to the Drs on Monday :roll: :roll: I am going to get a stethescope and pulse oximeter, to keep at hand. I did have umpteen at one time.

    Glad all the food was lovely, it looked SO good. Calcium, yes, the more cream the better.

    Hi Joan, thank you, we are on the mend I think, some days I am coughing more than others. Half the nation seems to be poorly at the moment, with one bug or another.

    I hope your heating is working well in this chilly weather. We are in for some frosty nights and some more snow I think.

    Hi Barbara, that is good to hear about your neighbour who had sepsis. That he is sitting up for some time during the day. He will have lost a lot of weight, bless, prayers and thoughts are with him too.

    Dads new chair arrived, of course we had given them my mobile, so at 0800 they rang me :shock: :shock: to let me know they were on the way "that's fine, thank you, bye" and went back to sleep.
    Dad was up and ready for them anyway. We went round and spent some time there. We didn't go out for coffee. Did a little more sorting. He is all ready for the new windows on Tuesday (when the snow is forecast ) :roll:
    We will go out today, to the GC, B says he is treating himself to a full English, get you mr B. :lol::lol:

    BIL and SIL will be coming over after lunch, so they will be calling in, not seen them since before Christmas. Time flies.

    Glad our neighbour was not in cardiac trouble again and I would guess that it is COPD that has started.

    I do need my medical equipment. I know people call on us, with me being a retired nurse, but, there is a limit to what I can do, if I don't have anything to to hand, to listen with or test with, I can only go by symptoms. I will be arming myself.

    The My Trusty skin care is being sold in some Tesco's and Lloyds Pharmacy's now, just a heads up Barbara, if you need a re stock.

    Hi Kath, I hope you managed to keep awake for the Tesco delivery :shock:

    Thank you for leaving some lovely hot buttered muffins, I had no chance of getting in at T time. Bless you.

    Don't blame you for not going out. We have a weather warning I notice, not quite sure what we are going to get. :?

    Hi Carol. Oh dear, payback ouchies, I will send Silver over, to shower some sparkles, to help ease them. 08d69c57942b07609edd0ee4cc80235c.jpg

    Pepe wanted to pretend to be a Unicorn, so he has sent some sparkles for you. I am sure they will work just as well

    Glad you managed to have your lunch with Mr T and I am sure your friend will be able to meet up next week. Hubby is feeling precious at the moment I bet.

    I forgot to congratulate you on your loosing 1lB at SW, way to go Carol, more dinners out then, seems to be the order of the day :)

    I will have a good look through the cards, they all look really nice. Lovely colours and good to know that they are not available elsewhere.

    Well, time is marching onwards, at its usual frantic pace. I have no idea how I worked full time and still managed to do everything at home as well :shock:
    Ever since I was put out to pasture, there are never enough hours in the day.

    I will go sort some breakfast.

    Hi to Christine, Mig, Kerrin, Toady, DD, Elizabeth and all.

    Everyone stay warm and safe. XXX Aidan

    Some Dutch baby pancakes

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed.
    Barbara are you moving. keep warm.
    Kathleen when you go outside it takes a while to get warm when you get in.
    Carol yes they are lovely photo's thank you for showing them.
    ((((((Aidan and B)))))))) it's a pity you cannot give your chest infection a way like a cold. have a good day.
    have a good weekend everyone
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning Joan :) It's raining here hope you can get out with the doggies!

    Carol my girls were the same - adored each other as tinies then sort of fought a bit until the eldest left home now the best of friends!! Having said that if someone hurt one of tem the other would step right in!!!!

    Have I read right....can we have the website where you cards will be? If so you must PM me or can I get it via facebook?

    Your daughter will definitely have a daughter to be proud of she will work extra hard for the other two :roll:

    Your poor friend! I hope her husband allows her out next week :roll:

    ((())) for your aches and of course you must take your painkillers as prescribed if needs be.

    Barara yes I highlight our part - much easier that way isn't it? Don't want to be singing baritone!!

    Such good news that your neighbour is strong enough to sit out every day now :)

    Mine will just have to be patient. She insists that it must be sorted before she gets out otherwise they might decide they can manage without!! :shock:

    I expect it's easier without the fish? They do take some looking after don't they?

    Kath thank you for those muffins they landed on my lap at exactly the right time :D

    I hope you don't get snow and feel more awake today.

    I hope Tesco went ok I have Ocado tomorrow afternoon :)

    Aidan Thank you for the diddy pancakes :)

    Miss Sleek is indeed sleeker :lol: slight gain :lol::lol: So long as she isn't fat I am happy she needed it when she had her poorly teeth. The tootpaste must be working!! Definitely only one injection bless her. She was so scared her paws were sweating.

    I'm not sure whether the idea is to gain weight at Cat world??

    I'm surprised you can hear us over her laughing (screeching!!) via the crystal ball :lol: They do have a laugh don't they?

    She loves the cartoon Pepe!

    I am glad to hear your neighbour is ok, but not impressed that another trip to the Dr is required to get the antibiotics now :roll: :roll: You maybe need a new stethoscope....whatever you do don't try Pepe's will you?

    B's taxi in operation again too I see :wink:

    Has dad been out of his chair yet ;) I bet he loves it. I do hope the snow isn't bad enough to stop the windows going in on Tuesday hcold

    My neighbour is being brave to remain there I think. The ward is quiet no strange confused walking about at least. :shock: Only one pain in the rear end who taps on her tray for a nurse....over......and over :roll:

    Well must get on busy day ahead including a 'casino night' tonight :)

    Love to everyone!

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...dark and wet... :roll:
    Carol I certainly love seeing your pics..I am quite nosy..a bit like Aiden :lol: sorry Toni says siblings are up and down with there feeling for one another till they get older..your poor friend having to stay in I am sure an hour wouldn't hurt him..hope you can meet up soon..try and rest your back with moving between them you dont seize up..hope it eases soon for you..(())
    Joan we have been morning for over 20 something years..we do need a lick up the bum..not easy after 43 years ..but needs must..hope you are both doing ok..
    Toni your friend is right if she comes home without care in place she will never get it..fingers crossed they get something in place soon..but glad to hear she is ok on the ward for the moment ..yes the fish tank was hard work..but I do miss it .. it relaxed me.. :D glad I had you to prompt me at the choir practice..I could easily lose my place ..then what.. :shock:
    Aiden thanks for the head up on my trusty cream..I am on the last of the large pot..I have used the oil on my hip scars and has made a GD love the cream it ease her skin..especially her hands being a carer..oh dear the shop rang you..but the chair is here and dad will be trying it out.. :D it was very good of B to take your neighbour to hospital..and back through all the traffic bet he was so good for them to have you next door..we used to have a matron across the rd..and I remember us visiting her asking for advice..till one day I took my eldest son his eye was so swollen with something in it..and she said oh I don't do eyes.. :lol: don't blame her..she was lovely enjoy the GC.. :D
    Kath I hope you slept ok last night..not sure what BLF stands for is it something to do with your lungs..
    we have found the flooring online it is discontinued but they have some in stock its coming Monday..will have to get someone to fit it now..
    I will help myself to some mini lovely thanks Aiden
    love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    OOh Toni, I hope you didn't get butter all over your lap. :o

    Yes Barbara, British Lung Foundation. They are very good. Glad you will get you flooring. :D

    Enjoy some Welsh Cakes.

    t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to everyone, chilly day and a chilly night. Some snow and sleet today.

    I think our hours should be known as Cillit Bang and the day is gone :? :?

    Hi Joan, it would be nice to give this chest and cough away, but everyone seems to have it already :roll:

    I hope you had a good time shopping and didn't get too cold. Is the heating still working well?

    Hi Toni, they were too cute those diddy pancakes, easy to have at least 10 or so :D:D
    I knew Miss Sleek was even more slender, Pepe was totally convinced about her weight loss :roll: :roll:
    Glad her teeth are doing well with the toothpaste. I did try it on my Siamese of years gone by, oh, what a performance.

    Bless, her paws were sweating, they do get in a state don't they.

    Miss Cookie, our Siamese is not so good. Just generally slowing down and unsteady, not interested in eating or drinking. I know she is of an age, over 17, very old in human years. Matron has been on duty with the syringe, boiled cooled water, just a few mls every hour or so, which she doesn't mind. A trip to the vets per chance on Monday. She is fast asleep at the moment and just wants to be warm and comfy. Bless her little paws. :cry:

    I thought Sleek would like the cartoon Pepe Unicorn. He wants a full Unicorn head dress now :roll:

    We were very glad to know that our neighbour wasn't showing signs of a heart problem again, unstable angina etc. I have had that and it is not pleasant. I am super cautious with her, having been in the same boat on more than one occasion. Take no chances.

    I will be getting a new stethascope this week. Pepe's would definitely not work.

    She was very grateful for B taking her to the hospital and they want to take us out for brunch, to repay the favour.

    Dad is very protective of his chair, no one is allowed to sit in it but himself :lol::lol: I am sure he has nodded off on more than one occasion already.

    I am glad the ward is quiet for your neighbour, sometimes it can be one long disturbance, just by the law of averages. Good thing to make sure everything is in place, before going home.

    Mmm, tapping on the tray, to gain the nurses attention, would not wash with me I am afraid. If you need us, press your buzzer, no need to tap :)

    Casino night, was lady luck on your side?

    Me, nosey, no, not at all Barbara, we are not nosey, we just like to be aware of what is going on. Keeping ourselves informed. :lol::lol:

    No worries about the heads up on the My Trusty skin care. It saves my hands when pompholyx starts and the horrid warty thing on my arm, that would not go, has all but gone completely. Just the scarring from the previous dermoblade removals. I am amazed how it has made it vanish. I like the face oil, use it a few nights a week, to top up on the moisture levels. Smells wonderful.

    So you had a Matron nearby, I know our neighbour is eternally grateful for the prompt action that has been taken over the years. Nurses usually have one area that they are not too keen on, eyes was your Matron's no go area. Not a lot phases me to be honest. You just do what you can. I need a pop up ward and clinic room though, with lots of supplies.

    Glad the flooring is coming on Monday and I am sure you will find someone who ca fit it, does Mr B not know of any people "in the trade"?

    We did enjoy the GC, it turned out to be full brunch and a scone, so I was stuffed :) but it was good. Dad enjoyed his Mini English. It was super busy, even by 11am, we had to wait a little while for a table.

    Thank you for the Welsh Cakes Kath, they were perfect with a cup of T :)

    Then BIL and SIL came in the afternoon and stopped until T time, then they went back to Dads to have fish and chips from town, while we had our siesta.

    And the day has gone.

    An at home day today, hair cuts are on the agenda, I feel like I am wearing a cloche hat :shock:

    Hi to everyone else, Christine, Carol, Mig, Kerrin, Toady, Elizabeth and all

    I had better be pottering a while.
    Everyone take lots of care and keep safe and warm. XXX Aidan

    Some Sticky Pecan Buns

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I hope all of you are having a good weekend.
    Barbara one day you will find the right place.
    Kathleen how are all your pain's now.
    Aidan and B how are you feeling today I hope a bit better.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone!

    Casino night was fun last night but would have been better if my neighbour had been there :(

    It was with tokens not money and Charley came a good 2nd I broke even.

    I had my sticky pecan buns with a large dollop of clotted cream :) Yum!

    Miss Slimkins isn't too worried about Cookie and neither is Pepe they say she is an old lady. Grandma they call her. However I, as a human agree 100% she should be checked out ((())) Let us know what they find out :?

    The toothpaste goes on Sleek's paws she licks it off and it coats her teeth on it's own. It's Lucy's job in the evening.

    Of course she lost weight :shock:

    She plans to get Pepe a unicorn outfit for his birthday...was it June?

    It is good that the neighbour didn't have anything worse - I am a bit unimpressed that the surgery did not prescribe ABs to prevent another trip there :roll:

    Brunch out will be lovely :)

    Bless dad being possessive of his chair!! I bet he's dropping off in it too :) Does he have a blanket?

    Yes the ward my neighbour is in is a quiet one apart from the 'tapper' she has her buzzer by her, but thinks the nurses are all her skivvies I think! :x

    I wish they did a my trusty skincare for heads. Lucy has nasty psoriasis on there. Using stuff form the docs ATM and coconut oil too.

    Thank you for the welsh cakes Kath :)

    I get butter everywhere lap, chin you name it ;) t4591

    Barbara you wouldn't loose your place at choir!! your singing is too angelic!

    My neighbour is right very wise, but I hope they hurry up and sort her. Last time this happened she was in an extra MONTH!

    Well done getting your flooring I hope it can be fitted ASAP.

    I need to add a few new fish to our tank to be honest I do find it restful too.

    I know Joan is online! I hope shopping went ok and you got everything. Ah there you are! Thank you we are having a good weekend I hope you are too?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm, love those Pecan Buns. Tanks Aidan, I'm all stuck up now. :lol:

    Joan, pains not too bad at the moment. I pottered most of the morning. Now I'm in my LazyBoy on my laptop, I'll deteriorate. :x

    Sun is shining today, there's no warmth in it though. :shock:

    Iced Battenberg. :P

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Snowy on top of Pendle and very chilly. Stopping indoors is the best option.

    Cookie is much the same, she did eat some of Pepe's supper last night, has had a couple of laps at her water and the rest in a syringe, without overloading her. I suspect it is renal, Siamese are very prone to kidney problems in their old age.

    Pepe and Sleek do call her Grandma and Tosca calls her Auntie. With Tosca being over 18, she rules the school and spits regularly at Pepe (her son), to keep him in his place :roll: :roll: We will go to the vets Monday and and see what they say :? :?

    Casino night sounds fun, well done Charley for coming second and at least you broke even. I would have lost all my chips in a flash :roll:

    Sorry, slight delay, Pepe wakes up, must have food, must go to wee, must go mad and climb walls................I think we are calm again now :shock:

    His Birthday is in June, you are quite right Toni. He will be made up with a Unicorn outfit. I won't let him read about it.

    It was next door's Hubby, who met B at the hospital, he was coughing and the nurse said you need to see the GP, you have a chest infection. Or, you can wait 4 hours to see someone here :? She could not queue jump him, as it was his wife who was being treated.

    Oh yes, Dad has a couple of very soft blankets for his chair, so he is well away and naturally very defensive of any intruders into his chair :lol::lol:

    So Mirs Tippy Tap on your neighbours ward, thinks nurses are skivvies. Mmm, I think we have all met many of them along our chosen career path. 99.9% of the time you have to bit your lip and smile and go and scream in the linen room. :shock: :shock:

    Only occasionally have I had words with a patient, one was screeching for a nurse, when we were all up to our necks looking after other far more poorly people and he wanted more water pouring into his glass, that was 5 inches in front of him. :roll: :roll: :x :x He was far more settled after I had had a word with him about the meaning of prioritising care needs. :D:D

    Poor Lucy, B has lots of sympathy for her with Psoriasis, he has had it for years. It was better when we lived in France, because of the exposure to UV, wearing shorts and T shirts.
    He uses a combination of Exorex lotion and childs farm gentle moisture, which is 98% natural. See link, they do a shampoo as well.

    You could use the My Trusty Skin oil, the one for the face, that would be fine on sore areas on the scalp, it is all natural too. t115006 (ps it is good on our laughter lines too, we don't have crows feet, no mam, we have expression and laughter lines)

    We both use Dead Sea Minerals shampoo from the health store, they do quite a range of products with sea minerals / salts etc. All worth a try.

    We aim to please and help :)

    Hi Kath, here's a nice warm flannel, with lemon juice water, to clean away all the pecan sticky yummy buns.

    Glad the pains are not too bad at the moment, maybe we are all having a bit of a break from the bad ouchies. He says, trying to get comfy on his gel cushion. :roll: :roll:

    You enjoy your lazy boy and rest up, it will do no harm.

    Thank you for the lovely cake, I will help myself to a modest slice, or two. You have saved me rushing off to bake something for T time :wink::wink::D

    Big hi to everyone else. Barbara will be along soon, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig Toady Elizabeth and all.

    I will fuss a while, before we have a cuppa. Best go give Cookie some more fluids.

    Take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXXAidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    have not been out today giving the back a bit of a rest and also it was cold and I didn't fancy sitting on a hard church pew this morning so i gave it a miss.
    Still in pain but think it is feeling a little better tonight, if it doesn't improve over the few days i will get and appointment with the doctor.

    Aidan Really not too sure that my back pain is normal payback think I have tweaked it a bit or laid awkwardly i really don't know it was really bad yesterday a bit better today but taking all doses of co-dydramol so hopefully it improves more tomorrow.
    Tell Pepe thank you for the sparkles and he makes a lovely caticorn. :lol::lol: I Think Mr T has sympathy about the back as he occasionally suffers himself but of course he would never dream of saying so to me. :roll:
    the cards are beautiful they are very good quality too and quite reasonable at £2 per card really when you think of the cost in the shops.

    Joan Glad you lock the Photo's.

    Toni I have sent you a pm with the website on hope you have got it you must let me know what you think of them.
    I'm Sure my GD will work hard she has promised she will it's what she really wants to do, and she and her friend are often in the holidays taking Lillie out. and they are great with her.
    my daughter were the same it runs in our family me and my sister are 7 yrs apart in age but upset one and you have the other one to deal with too.

    Barbara Glad you like the photos and your not being nosy at all. I love putting them on. My friend had this once before last year when he was in hospital he was the same he is in his 80s and she has always done everything for him. she never lets him do anything in the house so i suppose he get bored as he is not very mobile.

    must potter and move the back before it sets. l least the knee is feeling better now as that was a problem to start with as well

    night all love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry I'm late..but evening all..
    My laptop wouldn't turn on this morning after an update that I delayed since before Christmas..anyhow got it working,then had a busy sort of day but did nothing :lol:
    Toni it's very kind of you to say I sing like an angel :lol: must say the casino night sounded good,and Charley came second in something.. Sorry my brain has the shed open tonight,might just pay a visit
    Aiden yes we are just watching and know how nosy I am with Google st view :lol: .I don't blame dad for being defensive of his with the soft blankets :D..the GC sounded good I do love having breakfast out,but like dad a mini was good of your relatives to go and let you have your siesta,now they are the kind of visitors I like...i don't think I could ever go near anyone's were made to be a nurse.. :D
    Kath I hadn't had battenberg cake for years..i must try it thank you
    Joan I think we will find the right place..must get looking it's out there somewhere :D
    Right I am going to to everyone sleep well.. t4591 t4591 xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Hi Carol, sorry to hear your back is troublesome at the moment. You have my sympathies for sure. I don't blame you for resting up at home and not sitting on a pew - they really do nothing for backs, even in the peak of health. I wonder why Churches don't offer a few seats that are less rigid and a little bit more supportive, to those who need them.

    Hope you are keeping up with the pain meds and taking things steady, pottering gently. Let's hope is eases off soon. Backs are notorious for hurting some time after an event, no matter how minor we might think it was.

    Leaving more sparkles, glad you liked the ones I left on FB :) t115006

    I like "Caticorn", I will tell Pepe that he will suit his new outfit when Miss Sleek organises it. I have a suspicion that she may not be able to wait until his Birthday.

    Mr T shares your back trouble. Of course he would never admit anything, that's what men are like :roll: (excusing myself of courses) :lol:

    The cards are not expensive at all, as you say, you can soon get to nearly £5 for one nice card on the high street.

    Hi Barbara Glad your laptop is working again. The last update was a big one and seems to come with its own glitches. Windows has a mind of its own as it is :roll: :roll:

    I quite understand those busy days, where not a lot gets done. We seem to have a lot of them.

    It is nice to know that you have the voice of an Angel, how lovely. Now, steady away in the shed.

    Google street view is amazing really. When you think we had big map books in the car, or those that you had to fold up and they NEVER went back into the right place. Now, we can view, door to door, in an instant, anywhere around the world. Amazing how technology has moved on, in our lifetimes.

    I am sure Dad will put an alarm on his chair, so it goes off if anyone else sits in it :lol::lol: He rang in the morning, to ask were we doing anything today. No, it is Sunday Dad, day of rest and pottering about. He sounded fine and we will see him this morning.

    I think everyone in the family knows that we have a "siesta" time early evening, so they are always mindful of such. Obviously there are exceptions, but as a rule, people migrate away at the right time. We are set in our ways aren't we :? :? :roll:

    Eyes, yes, don't mind eyes, was never too keen when they were injecting around them etc.
    Bone marrow biopsies were never my fav thing to assist with, either Sternum or Femur. Always made my toes curl up to my shins, :shock: but you have to grit your teeth and reassure the patient.

    The Battenburg cake was lovely Kath, thank you. I had two ish slices, with some thick double cream.

    Now, we have to get you into a lovely park home Barbara, everything you could want, including furniture and all fittings.........was the best move we have ever made :)

    How are the GC, have you seen your Niece recently? We have not seen B's since New Years week end. I think they are ok, have had little chats on FB.

    Cookie is much the same, she is having her fluids and has had little drinks of her own accord, but no food, she is just not interested at all, wants to sleep. t2507 Vets this morning, I will be phoning first thing. They know us so well, they would fit us in even if there were no appointments left.

    Pepe is keeping an eye on Grandma, we put her some wet food down, which he promptly ate :roll: as if to say, how dare you give anyone else my food :lol::lol: :?

    He will be talking to Miss Sleek about vets, he will be off into hiding as soon as he sees the carrier come out.

    Well, time has marched at a rapid pace this evening. I had better move myself.

    Hi to everyone else, leaving many hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006

    Take care and keep warm and safe. XXX Aidan

    Fresh croissants anyone :D

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Carol Aidan Barbara and anyone else you missed
    Toni I'm pleased you enjoyed it and Charley.
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
    Carol I'm sorry your back is playing you up I was told to lie on the floor to help it.
    Aidan yes recliner's are comfortable I hope you have a g1od day.
    Barbara how is your sinuses doing.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thanks Aidan for the croissants lovely :D

    I am SURE Miss Sleek won't be able to wait until Pepe's birthday she was the same last year when she got him his cape :roll:

    The cats still don't seem worried about Cookie, but I am and you are. I have my fingers crossed for her and Miss S has her paws crossed (in her sleep) while you are at the vets. My Eric had that feline kidney failure. He drank a bit out of a water fountain if you have one? She might be feeling queasy :( ((()))

    Hahaha! I can imagine Dad having an alarm fitted on his recliner :lol:

    I hated holding Lucy still for her bone marrow aspirations and intrathecal chemo :? nope nope :(

    Ah sorry Drs surgery for maligning you :oops: It was the husband who had the chest infection not the patient! :oops:

    Please thank B and you too for the advice and link. Gosh that is a good price the last one she tried (when the prescription ran out I bought another) cost over £10!!!

    Hi Joan yes it was a good weekend thanks. I used to lie on the floor with my back, but don't now prefer on my side with a pillow between my knees.

    Barbara don't you just hate technology? I think my laptop is on it's way out too sadly :(

    If the shed isn't technically open you can always get in anyway and help yourself ;)

    Charley came 2nd at the casino night. Meaning she got the second most chips!

    Oh Carol :( ((())) I hate it when my back plays up. Are you taking your painkillers and anti-inflams?

    The Drs say we should always give it at least 3 days before going there so you are wise to wait a while.

    That's it with sisters. No-one can upset your sister - or else!! How lovely your GD and her friend look after Lillie - I bet her mum appreciates it :)

    Thanks for the PM I will take a look at the cards later :)

    The lazyboy sounds comfy Kath - why not have a rest after working?!

    Thank you for the Battenberg - lovely with a cup of tea....sigh :)

    Better get some work done!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    Carol sorry I was so tired last night forgot to say I hope that back eases up for you very soon...I feel for you ..mine doesn't like me standing in one place..have you got any wheat cushion to warm in the might help..some hugs to help hopefully..(())
    Toni I am with you , good on Charley :D sp I can help myself at the shed.. :o I wont be greedy..poor Lucy having bone marrow taken...gosh I cant imagine ..has she started her job PMs I sent one to you and one to Elizabeth ages ago ..I am wondering if they aren't going through I have cleared my boxes.. :?
    Aiden thankyou for the croissants..I only buy them when our middle GD comes.. poor cookie I hope she will be ok ..they are such a worry..hopefully the vet will find what is wrong..I can just imagine the alarm going off on dads chair.. :lol: what a shock that would be..nurse and doctors have to do some horrible things to people and like you say they have to reassure them has well..not sure I could do it.. :shock:my niece has been doing extra shifts so haven't seen her its her Birthday the day before will will be meeting up sometime this month.. :D and our eldest GD will be here in March she has a few days holidays left cant wait..and thankyou for asking..
    Joan my sinuses are doing ok at the min..thankyou for asking..and how is your foot the boot helping at all..I hope you both have a good day were right about the cold weather its landed today.. :shock:
    now for some lunch..cant rely on Aiden for every meal... :lol:
    Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thought some hot baked potato with peppers and cottage cheese might go down nicely. Even though its sunny, it's really icy cold out..
    tcold m0150 tcold m0150 Hope it's going to be OK to go toddling tomorrow. :?

    My Lazyzboy is really bad for my hips.

    Sending gentle (((()))) for Cookie. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all.

    Wanted to give an update on Grandmama Cookie. Went to see the Vet, (he is quite young and has seen her before, September was her last visit ) Glad it was him anyway.

    Cookie was an Angel, as she always is at the vets, sits and looks at them and never flinches, spits, moans, bites etc etc. Vet did a good exam, no lumps and bumps to be found, especially around her kidneys.

    He said she is a very, very good age and old age is the likely problem, ie nothing specific, but a stately Lady puskin.

    He gave her a long acting antibiotic jab and a very long acting steroid injection. Lasts at least two weeks plus. ( I did ask for one myself "while you are at it...........) :lol::lol: He had his nose in her mouth, :shock: checking for signs of renal problems. She was like, ok, whatever.

    He said, no, I would not be doing this with Pepe or Tosca :? :?

    She is dehydrated, so we are on rehydration therapy at the moment. Mixed and being administered by Matron, who is on hourly duties. Encourage diet, smelly fish, mackerel, sardines, etc. anything she wants really.
    He said she can have full fat milk, mixed with water as well. I tried that and Tosca thought it was rather nice, as Cookie gave it a wide berth :roll:

    Pepe has already send a message to Miss Sleek, via Catsagram, saying that Cookie smells of the vets and has had many many injections and the vets nose in her mouth as well :shock: :lol::lol:

    He did say, any worries, they will take her in and put her on a drip for 24 hours.

    She has had her first rehydration mixture, doesn't taste too bad, thought I had better try it. Plus she has been for a wee too, which is good. Just the food and drinking on her own accord. We will get there.

    After shopping, then a bite to eat at Dads, then going to the vets, then back, then sort out, now it is 4pm already.

    So, I will leave hugs and sparkles to all, thank you for thinking of Cookie ((())) t115006 t4591 I will catch up later tonight.

    Those potatoes look yummy Kath, let me go find some cakes for afters.

    Later, love to all XXX Aidan

    Strawberry Chocolate Ganache Cake - ready Toni .......................

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aiden thankyou for letting us know how Cookie got on ..I know you must be worried..bless her is she always so laid back ..she sounds adorable..its good they didn't find anything but will keep an eye on old is she by the way I know cats can live to a ripe old age :) hopefully you can get her to eat soon..I can see the others are watching for whatever new treats are available.. :lol: (()) for all of that is a face plant cake ..just wait till Toni sees it.. :shock:
    Kath I do like jackets potatoes..nice and comforting..thankyou I hope you get on your walk tomorrow..wrap up warm..
    Just had my neighbour in she is doing month is court but she says she is willing for the children to see there dad if they want..the things is he is now banned form not surprised to be honest..
    right Im off to get a slice of that cake before Toni gets to it :D
    Love to everyone xxxxx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, I had better write something or it will be afternoon on Tuesday before I get here :roll:

    Hi Joan, did you lie on the floor when you had a bad back? :shock: I know some people can and do - I would never get down, or up.

    Hope you have had a good day and managed to get all your shopping at the week end. Keep warm and safe, it is going to be a chilly week.

    You are welcome to the croissants Toni, they looked SO good, obviously made with loads of butter, so full of calcium and goodness :)
    I think Sleek has told Pepe about the present she has bought him. He was growling at the walls, having a mad half hour, so obviously overwhelmed with excitement :roll: :roll:

    We are quite worried about Cookie, apart from the fluids I am giving her, she will not drink, nor eat a thing. Matron is there regular as clockwork with his syringe, much to her horror. But, I feel the need to do something.
    The vet was lovely (despite Pepe saying that he is the one that turns the food into poison :roll: :roll: ).

    All she wants to do is curl up and sleep. She is very unsteady on her feet. :? :? She may feel queasy, but no sickness. She is taking the rehydration fluids, very reluctantly.

    We will have to take it a day at a time. Have to pop in the vets again, to pay some dues :shock: and pick up some more food for his Lordship.

    I bet you loathed it when they did bone marrow and intrathecal caths on Lucy, bless her. They really are unpleasant to say the least. ((()))

    No worries, re the links, I hope you can find one of them that helps. I love the Mr Trusty and it has cleared the Seborrhoeic warts on my arm and I never thought a cream would do that. Nothing else has worked, apart from having them sliced off or frozen.

    Exorex is expensive, but effective. £30 for a large ish bottle. You can get them on prescription though.

    Oh dear, is your laptop not in the best of health? I will send some sparkles over t115006 to give it some oomph.

    Hi Barbara, oh croissants are very important, middle GD must visit more often, then you can buy lots more :)

    Thank you, we will keep a very close eye on Cookie and see how things go. She is a dear old Lady, bless her little paws.

    Nurses do get to deal with some pretty alarming things during their working day, you have to put a brave face on sometimes and remember that the person in your care is relying on you to help them, in situations that are often very frightening for them.

    I bet you are looking forward to meeting up with your Niece, with her Birthday being this Month. That reminds me, Nephews Birthday on Friday, better get a cheque written out.
    And your eldest GD is coming to see you as well, lovely. Definitely time for cakes.

    Kath is being a star and helping out with the meals, :lol: just in case I cannot get into the cafe. Doesn't mean I am not thinking of everyone, time just ebbs away sometimes.

    There is Kath, with the lovely jacket potatoes, they look wonderful and I will take two please and thank you. You are doing a great job, helping out with the treats, the days and hours are vanishing at this end.

    It has been a pretty grey ish day here, odd flakes of snow and bitter cold. We have weather warnings for snow, just when Dad is having his new windows in, starting today :shock: tcold

    Take care if you are out and about today, it is likely to be icy, we don't want any added ouchies.

    I find most chairs uncomfortable after a short while. Hence the reason I am up, down, up, down............ :roll: We cannot go more than 30 mins in the car, without stopping so I can get out and move around.

    Cookie is just over 17 now Barbara. As the Vet said, a very good age, as in, she is an old Lady, reading between the lines a bit. :? :?

    The two different meals that the Vet Nurse gave us to try, have all gone west. The fishy one was given a wide birth by them all and the chicken one, Pepe was trying to dig up the hearth, to bury it, so that was not a success :roll: :roll:

    Thank you for the hugs XX

    I hope you managed to get some of the cake, there are three, one is for Toni to face plant, just mind you don't slip. We will have to mop I think. :lol::lol:

    I am glad your neighbour is as ok as can be. Kind of her to allow access to the children, not without supervision I would guess. Being banned from driving does not surprise me at all. Silly man, what a shame, to discard the family.

    Carol I hope your back is a little easier for you t115006 t115006 Love the pictures on FB of your GGD.

    Hi to Kerrin, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD and all.

    I had better potter a little. Give Cookie another hydration drink. She will see me coming with the syringe and think oh no, not again.

    Everyone take lots of care, keep warm and safe. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006

    XXX Aidan

    Some little breakfast treats

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Toni I'm sorry you have a problem with your laptop so have I mine is at the tech shop being look at. good luck.
    Kathleen enjoy your walk in the sun if you have it wrap up
    Barbara yes I have ankle boots now they are comfortable. I hope you have a good day.
    Aidan how are you both feeling today. No I cannot get on the floor now unless I fall it's the problem of getting up.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Went for a toddle this morning. A little bit of snow but it had stopped before we went out. Sat on the benches for a short while, wrapped up warm, but still froze. We got some apple pies, and pain au raisin.
    tcold tcold hcold hcold

    Aidan, I'm happy the vet seemed not too concerned about Cookie. 17 is such a grand age for pusskins.

    Just off to visit the sanctuary. :D I'll take some m0150 m0150 with me.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..its snowing here but quite light for now..
    Aiden poor Cookie and you having to watch and worry bless her..17 is a good age but has you know they can live much longer..the 2 next door are 19..I hope she eats or at least drinks something soon..(()) :( so dad is having the new windows in..boy its couldn't make it up ..I hope they are quick at replacing them..Has for getting on the floor..impossible these days and to think I did keep fit and yoga.. :o thankyou for the breakfast it was lovely..we are really looking forward to our eldest GD coming to say and its for a week this time and not just a weekend.. :D
    Joan I am glad the ankle boots is ok for you..gosh I used to do all my exercises on the floor..cant even get there never mind get up :lol: hope you both have a good day and you get your laptop back soon
    Kath I bet you had a nice cup of tea with the apple pie when you got back :D nice and warming and good to be home..
    Not sure if any of you know Hileena..I have posted on LWA..she is still in hospital and very poorly..its makes me so sad..we have been in touch most day for a few years now..but never met up...I will say a prayer for her.. :(
    love to everyone xxxxxx t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Poof and that is Tuesday gone.....................................

    Just a quick update, before I collapse in a heap with a cup of T and some of that wonderful pie and custard that Kath has left for us. Thanks hunny, it looks wonderful.

    Cookie is not really any better, I am still administering fluids with a syringe, popped into the vets and they gave us a liquid food to try, can use it with a syringe as well. Bless her. She has just started to have a little lap at the water dish, not much, but something.

    Been a busy day so will catch up later and write my daily diary :lol:

    Love and Sparkles to all XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).