Val's Cafe
An early afternoon to everyone.
Thank you so much for your kindest of words and the sharing of our loss.
Bless you Toni, I knew you would be so upset. Have some tissues, we bought some more boxes yesterday
Pepe is certainly not himself and keeps having a look round, to see where Cookie is. He and Mother are having oodles of extra fuss and any sachet of food he likes, even if I have to throw half of them out.
Miss Sleek has been a great comfort to him, while we slept. She is a love and then some.
Rainbow bridge, how lovely t115006 I am trying to keep it together, so I can type.................
Everything was peaceful, after Cookie had had whatever cerebral event, she knew nothing, her spirit had already gone. The Vet could not have been better, very caring, gentle and Matron was all eyes :? :?
There was no way we could have taken her back to the vets, I knew she was too poorly.
Hi Barbara, enjoy the GC for your coffee and thank you for the hugs.
Chips and soup and coffee were just what I needed yesterday, oh, plus a very LARGE scone.
Bless you Joan, thank you for all the big hugs, Cookie is at peace now and will be watching us all.
Another 5 years on the Alendronic AcidSeems a long time. How is the new boot.
Oh Kath, take some tissues as well, we have plenty to go round, believe me I keep having to dip into the box.
Her Pedigree name is gorgeous isn't it.
WE LOVE the Cookie cake, thank you SO SO much, it is wonderful. XXX
Right, I must move and potter in the kitchen a little. If I keep busy with my trusty cloth, I am fine.
Dad has been round for his hair cut, so he feels 10 years younger. Had a croissant and coffee and he has gone back home to admire his new windows and no doubt fall asleep in his chair :roll:
Love to everyone, will be back later. Deep breath, onward we go.
XXXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
And Vice Versa Aidan!
We are always here for each other - be it celebrations or losses.
One of my old cats years ago didn't eat for days after my Benjamin Blackthorn-Browne was run over. He kept 'asking' us to call him and in and out searching.
Bless your other two Tosca and Pepe of course they must eat anything they fancy and much much fuss is essential.
Miss Sleek's mascara keeps running......she is asleep ATM, but she was over visiting earlier not sure whether you were napping.
She said it was too quiet - Cookie was the noisy one.
Thank you for the tissues
Love and ((((()))))
Toni xx
Love to everyone else too of course t45910 -
Hi to all, a very chilly and frosty night here. Lovely and clear though, nice to see all the stars
You are quite right Toni, we do stand by each other, in the good times and the bad. This is a unique forum, where people get to know each other, meet up from time to time, share our lives, emotions, grumbles and laughter. We are Blessed.
What a lovely name, poor Benjamin. They say animals don't share our emotions, well, I beg to differ. As your dear old puskin was upset and didn't eat, Pepe and Great Grandma Tosca are very quiet, Tosca was looking at the back of the sofa, wondering where Cookies had gone. Pepe is the same, keeping close to where she used to sleep on the sofa. Ok, I am off again.bear with..................
Much fuss is the order of the day, they are both eating ok, Tosca even let me clipper a few lugs from her fur. In the end she was a smiling crocodile :shock: :? :? so enough was enough.
I think Pepe and Sleek went out while we were napping, they went to the ravine and gathered some sparkles and recharged their wands. The wood Nymphs were very kind and Silver was there, showering all with mystical magical star dust. Mrs Darcey, Cuddles, Tomi and Jericat where all there too, Hermione had transported them over. She was very upset and wanted them all to have a good chatter together.
I noticed glitter on the en suite floor, came from nowhere? Strange.
Cookie was a proper noisy Siamese, making herself heard, no matter what. She could shout the house downand would happily have a conversation with you. ( I hope that makes sense, they do talk, our puskins).
We are taking Dad into town this morning. Pop into the T room for a coffee and no doubt a scone, rude not to when they have taken the time to bake them.
Pop into the Department Store (Dawson's) they have been in Clitheroe since Adam was a lad, they also have a new store in Skipton. Great for lovely china, bedding, gifts, kitchen it.
Pop into the vets, take them a card, thanking them for their care. Pick up some more, yes, more food for Pepelongstockings.
Dad wants to get some paint, he is itching to do a little decorating, now that he has new windows in. Then he wants new blinds made to measure. Go Dad
I hope everyone else is ok, Barbara, Kath, Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD Joan and all.
I will potter a while, the washer is nearly done.
Everyone take lots of care XXX Aidan
Breakfast anyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thank you for the lovely breakie Aidan
Of course animals feel like we do and yours are showing it by looking for Cookie t4591 . My Mum's cat waited for my Dad when he died - it comforted her too to know they both felt his loss.
I am relieved that Pepe and Tosca are eating at least and accepting extra attention. Miss Sleek did that 'going backwards' business you know it!I don't know what treats they had yesterday when they all met up in the ravine, but it was soon all over the floor here
There was glitter in the en-suite and no possible source? Say no more. t115006 I expect Aidan's Mum will be watching you all closely too and your own parents.
Remember tissues when you call into the vets today won't you. Of course you want to thank them and Mr Pepelongstockings needs his food
Good on Dad having new blinds I am sure they will be perfect and together with a bit of decorating finish it all off beautifully
Some extra ((((()))))
A quick HELLO! To Joan
and hello to all our other café crew t69044
Toni xxx0 -
Afternoon to all.
It was only morning the last time I looked and now it is T time. :shock: :? If you pop into the shed Carol, can you drop off a couple of hours for us please, thank you.
Cats do know far more about what it going on than people think. They are very aware of times of day, who is doing what etc. Even if they seem to be fast asleep. They do have a sixth sense, the vet was adamant about it.
Oh yes, the going backward routine, yes, we know that one very well. I think they had a big picnic of treats etc, made by the wood nymphs. I think they all had too much. Tosca was busy with a hairball in the early hours
No idea where the glitter could have appeared from, with the amount of cleaning and hoovering and the like, for it to be there sparkling away, yes, it came from the Rainbow for sure. There are many watching over us without a doubt.
We never made it to the vets, we ran out of time as they close at lunchtime on a week end. :roll:
Right, I am running out of time before T. It is siesta time.
Love to all, will catch up later, I hope Kath brings a cake :?
XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all popped into the shed but all the hours had gone..better put some more in..
Aiden I totally agree that animals feel emotions..or share them..we had our Susie a Jack Russel that was dads..and our rescue cat tibs..our Susie went first and tibs was besides herself looking for her..and Susie wouldn't eat for a while when dad passed away..and would wine at night so we had to let her sleep at the bottom of the bed..
the department store sounds nice , it was only a few days ago I was saying how they are dwindling..its so dad is will be a good distraction for him..thanks for the lovely breakfast I did help myself to some this morning..Pepe and mum will look after one another..bless..
Joan I am sorry you have to carry on with the meds sorry forgot the spelling..but hopefully it must be are right about the council one day they will wish they had the mobility center.. :roll:
Kath I have tow blankets and I am the same cant be bother to go and get them..its out tonight has there is snow forecast...
Hi to Toni hope all is well with you and yours..
Got my letter for the PIP this morning..I knew it was coming but still a shock to open it..thank goodness I have copies of most letters.. :shock: :shock: fingers crossed the form has to be filled in and arrive to them by the 6th March I think it said.. :roll:
Will go and put mt feet up Niamh has just gone..
Love to everyone xxxxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
I have been having trouble getting into the forum for the last couple of days but all seems sorted now so here is just a little update. Thursday was our fortnightly church meal so. yesterday (Friday) Mr T and I had our usual Friday dinner out. my friend couldn't meet again as her husband went back into hospital again with another nasty infection so I don't know when we will be back meeting again. so because we didn't meet I went to visit my elderly aunt who I don't visit very often and spent the afternoon with her. I was wrong
the gas works near us are not finished until next weekend and to add to it for the next week they have the 6 nations rugby at Twickenham that also affects us and also a bridge across the river Thames near us is closed for repairs soo that affects the amount of traffic in our high street so Its going to be a nightmare this coming week. Other than that all is good my back is getting better day by day.
Toni I am still taking all doses of my co-dydramol only thing is that that causes other bodily functions to misbehave.
Joan yes i love my knitting group.
Aidan Have put some hour back in the shed for us who seem to loose them and some sparkles too for those who need them for whatever reason at the moment glad to hear Tosca and Pepe are eating and having lots of extra fuss.
its time for me to have a potter before bedtime can't remember if I have already said this but last week mr T's sister tripped over someone's wheelie bins wheels and smash her knee in and has had to have an operation. she did this last year too she fell up her daughters back doorstep that was the other knee. so she has smashed up both her knees in the last 2 years. she is in her 80s so not a good thing.
Love and sparkles to you all keep warm out there t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all on a VERY stormy night here, didn't know we were in for such a battering cfly cfly
Hi Barbara, thank you for popping some hours back into the shed, I think Carol might have gathered some for me, just before you got there.
The side of the sofa that Cookie favoured, is left empty, neither Pepe nor Tosca will lay on the blankets on there. It is all clean with fresh laundry, but they won't go near it, as if it not their place. Bless them. They are both still looking for her, as are we all.
Dawson's is a lovely family run department store. We bought some very nice china mugs, some for T and some for coffee, nice and thin. We cannot be doing with mugs that have rims like plant pots
Let's see how long they last, with me in the kitchen :roll:
I would guess Dad will have the paint brush out today, just hope he doesn't go at it like a bull at a gate :? :?
Pepe and Mother tend to keep their distance from each other, she is not motherly at all, preferring to spit at him :roll: She tolerates him, just.
We have a snow warning too :shock: hcold so we are stopping in today, need a day to ourselves and time to potter and fuss, plus I have B's hair to cut and I think next door will pop round as her bestie friend is stopping, she is lovely. She wants to look at the jewellery that B has been making.
Oh, the dreaded PIP letter. I am expecting mine to appear sooner rather than later. I have most things copied and copied again, but my Consultant will write a scathing letter to them, he gets so annoyed. My GP will do the same.
I know you only have so many days to get the forms back to them, unless you beg for more time.
Let's hope that we don't have to jump through too many hoops, we will have to scatter lots of sparkles over the forms.
How was Niamh? I bet you were ready for putting your feet up.
Is your neighbour ok? And the lovely Sisters who went into full time care?
Did you see the new Cruising with Jane McDonald?
Hi Carol Glad you have made your way back to the forum. It sounds like you have had a busy time with dinner with the Church and then time out with Mr T.
Sorry that your friends Hubby has gone back into hospital. Sending lots of well wishes his way. We don't want any more nasty infections. t115006
Nice that you had a catch up with your Aunt. She will be pleased that you went to see her I am sure.
Oh dear, you are going to have a lot going on around you, what with the gas works and then the 6 Nations Rugby, it will be busy to say the very least. :shock: Closed bridge as well, eeek, the traffic will be manic. t115006 some extra sparkles to help.
Very good to hear that your back is feeling betterMost pain dullers do have their "effects" on our bodies and their goings on. :? :roll:
Thank you for the spare hours, I have put them in our wardrobes, to use todayOh and some extra sparkles, they always come in handy at any time.
Poor SIL, both knees now badly damaged, bless her, I hope she recovers ok. Things like that really do knock people sideways and when they are of more mature years, it just adds to the problems. Sending her some ((()))
How is your neighbour Toni, I was wondering if she made it home this week end? I bet she cannot wait, but all things must be in place.
Say hi to Rev Delphine, I bet she is missing her lovely doggieIt has been a sad time.
Not long now until the crui-- holi--y. Pepe knows nothing and Miss Super Slim Sleek has not said anything about peeples going away and leaving her with nothing :roll: :roll:
They were skyping earlier, she is helping him with the loss of Cookie. He knows that Cookie is with us, just because we cannot see her, does not mean that she is not there. Bless her, she is a wise puskin.
Hi to all our other friends, Kath, Mig, Christine, Toady, Kerrin, DD, Charrisse ....................
I had better potter a while. Carol and I should form a pottering group
Everyone take lots of care, whatever the weather throws at us.
I will pop into the Sanctuary as well, to see all our lovelies.
XXX Aidan
I thought these looked quite healthy, for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning all..
Aiden we to got a bettering last night..I got up twice to check what was going on.. :shock:Pepe and Tosca are really missing Cookie bless..I remember you saying that Tosca wasn't maternal..not nice to spit at your daughter..sorry I had to laugh...
hope dad takes it slowly with the painting..if he is anything like my OH he always looks like he has something to prove.. :roll: my neighbour is getting there..if the children want to see there dad it will happen soon..but supervised..the sister are really enjoying there time in the home..mind you it is costing them a fortune..and I worry what will happen when the money runs out..hopefully they will out live the money..and Niamh was good , she has gone much better with the school she is at..but we still had out feet up..
Yes my tummy turned over when I opened the letter for PIP ..i sort of knew with it being in a brown envelope..I am still panicky.. :shock:
Carol your poor friend and husband i hope he comes home very soon...then you two can meet the rd works have not finish ..oh no so you will have to plan well we dont want you standing in the cold.. :roll: the traffic sounds horrendous..glad you at least manage to get in the forum..and look after that back..
I wonder if 'Tonis neighbour is coming home this weekend..I do hope so
Not a very healthy breakfast Aiden but delicious..thankyou
Right will have to go OH is taking me for breakfast ..just hope its not busy..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hello Toni Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Toni how is your back and your sinuses getting on.
Barbara I hope you have a good day yes the boots are comfortable.
Carol yes it's nice to go to a club. I used to go swimming.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) how old was Cookie I don't know what to say it's like you have lost a person.
I could not get on this morning
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hi Joan My back is not too bad how about you? My nose still feels bunged up. Seeing surgeon on 9th March :?
Hi Barbara we also have had nasty winds makes my eyes run and almost blows me over!!
Try not to worry about the PIP form just take your time fill it in in pencil first and if you don't understand something take advice! I have filled in PIP forms for Lucy when she was ill (she doesn't get it now of course) just take your time.
If the neighbour gets contact it should be supervised! :x
Neighbour isn't due home until this Friday sadly as the care package can't start until then
Carol your poor friend with her husband. I bet she needs a break from it all
Gosh the 6 nations!! I should have thought of you you poor thing
The poor lady smashing up both knees at her age. I do hope she feels better soon ((()))
Two meals out for you, but I am sure you will still be fine weight-wiseI know what you mean about those tablets. Have some prune juice!!!!
Well Aidan that was a lovely 'healthy' breakfast which I came close to face-planting in!!
Miss Sleek is happy to support Pepe in any way she can bless her she likes to feel needed. She is also upset about Cookie being gone, but is adamant she is here still with us all.
They aren't lying on Cookie's spaceBless their little hearts. It must be worse for them really as they don't really understand what's happened
Give them both extra strokes from me ((()))
Dad is painting?! So am I (Shelves for Lucy's room)! I hope he does his preparation first?
The Rev Delphine is feeling bereft like you two are. She has an elderly cat at least to help a bit.
My neighbour should be home next Friday when the acre package kicks in
Not long at all until the thing-we-won't-mention!! I am actually getting exited now!
Take care of yourselves and remember we are all thinking of you here. You should be able to call into the vets tomorrow ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Nothing to say really. Just popped in to make sure all are as well as can be, send my love to all and some vegetarian rolls to munch.
tcold hcold tcold hcold t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. Sleet, hail and just in the midst of a big snowstorm :shock: :? hcold
we don't want snow, we need to go to Skipton tomorrow. :? :?
Hi Barbara, it was fierce last night, I thought some trees would be down. It sounds like a train running through them, not nice. Now we are covering in snow, very quickly :roll: :roll:
Puskins are rather quiet and of course there is a no fly zone when we are having all manner of weather :shock: :shock:
Mother has never been the nurturing kind. After 5 weeks of looking after her litter, it was over to me, she could not bear the sights of them :roll: :roll:Nothing has changed in the last 16 years, Pepe is still not in her good books
Dad won't take it slowly with the painting, there will be little or no preparation, just open tin and slap some paint about. :? :roll:
Glad your neighbour is slowly getting there and rightly so, the visits should be supervised, no question about it.
Once the Sisters money gets to a certain level, then the local authority take over payment to the care home. They have to allow you to have some money to call your own.
That is good to hear about Niamh doing well with the school, but putting your feet up it essential.
I bet your tummy did lurch, when you saw the "brown envelope" of the DWP.
Make sure everything is detailed, copied etc. I usually go and see my GP when I get another hoop to jump through, just to make him aware that the powers that be are wanting yet more proof :roll:
The strawberries made the breakfast very healthy:? glad you enjoyed it.
Hi Joan, Cookie was 17, she was certainly part of the family, without a doubt. It is a great loss, but we did not want her to be in an pain or suffering and the Vet was so kind.
The snowstorm seems to have passed, everywhere is white over, Pendle is certainly covered.
You could have face planted into the waffles Toni, no one would have noticed :shock:
Miss Sleek is being a great help and she is needed, without a doubt. They will be chatting again later, at the moment Pepe is asleep on the blankets from the dryer. He watches where I put things when they first come out, nice and warm to settle down on. Not that it is cold in here.
We will give them both extra fusses from you. They just won't lay where Cookie slept on the back of the sofa.
Dad? Preparation? er, no, open tin, slap paint, job done :? :? :roll: :roll:
We will see what he has been up to in the morning.
We share Rev Delhpine's loss, bless the Rev. I am glad she has puskin to look after and of course, her flock too
Everything crossed for your neighbour to come home next Friday. She must be pretty fed up by now. I would be pitching a fit.
The event that we cannot speak of is getting close now. I bet you are excited, rightly so.
We will do our errands in town, prescription, vets, etc, before we head off to Skipton, to collect Mum's ashes. The undertaker has been looking after them. When all the family are up near Easter, we will scatter them at Tarn Moor and have her name carved into one of the big stones. I am sure our visit to Skipton will involve coffee, toasties and cakes.
Thank you for your kind words, I know that everyone is thinking of us and it is very much appreciated t4591 t115006
Sorry, was absent for a while...........wishy washy's laundry is very busy today.
Hi Kath, thanks for the invite to Arthritis Action on FB, I have liked the page and will enjoy reading the articles.
Thank you for the lovely veggie sausage rolls. We need soul food in this weather. I said it had stopped snowing, well I was fibbing, it has started again........... :roll: Sending lots of love back to you, hope the ouchies are keeping their distance t4591 t115006
Hi to Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Charrisse, Mig, Toady, DD, Elizabeth and all
I had better do some more fussing, I will pop back a little later on.
Let me go see what we can have, after devouring Kaths lovely veggie rolls.
Take care, keep warm, stay safe.
XXX Aidan
Raspberry Bakewell Tart and CreamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening All
Just though I'd pop in and say hello it has be a bit of unusual day we were late back from church due to all the traffic problems and we were both hungry so we had a quick snack meal, and i cooked our roast tonight. (oops my favourite programme is on so I will be back in a little while. Ok i have watched my programme and I'm back again) now where were we. it's very cold here today again. at least my back is almost back to just normal pain now and today I have only taken 2 lots of my co-dydramol as have not had the need to take the others.
Aidan yes my friend id really having lots of problems at the moment with her husbands health, and thank you for the sparkles t115006 I had a great afternoon with my Aunt I really should visit her more as she is now the only one of my mums sisters and brothers who is still with us and she is my mums youngest sister she was 13 when i was born. and is the oldest person on my side of the family after her its me. oh dear that makes me feel really old. and Sil is about the same age as my Aunt . my Bil is just a bit older than them. She was very pleased to see me in fact the afternoon went too quickly.
Barbara the traffic is rather horrendous at the moment when there is a hold up around here every where gets really snarled up so we just have to grin and bear it The gas works are emergency gas works so couldn't be helped I suppose.
Joan I must admit i do enjoy my knitting group.
Toni I must admit although my friend can get a bit annoying at times and can sometimes be a bit if a l know everything type of person I do feel a bit sorry for her at the moment.
Sil has been through it a bit lately last time she was in plaster for about 6 weeks then a number of weeks with it in a brace think it may be the same this time. but her daughters will keep us updated which is good.
its ok with the meals out as i do try to choose wisely. and it is always the same [places so we know what is best to order.
yes its all happening at once with the traffic. my back is almost better and today I have been able to cut back on the tablets.
well must away to do some little jobs before retiring to bed
so sending you all love sparkles and hugs t4591 t115006 ((())) keep warm and safe.Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening / morning, to one and all.
Awoke from our siesta and we are now in Narnia :shock: hcold hcold I did say "I wonder if the little bits of snow have gone", then when we opened the back door, it was a definite NO.
Everywhere looks very pretty, about 2 inches of snow and it is still doing something, hail I think, tapping on the windows. I think there will be some ninny walking this morning......... :roll:
Hi Carol, I am sure your roast dinner at supper time was lovely, quick snacks are essential when time is running away with us.
Hope you enjoyed your programme. Good to hear that your back is kind of its normal levels of ouches, rather than really shouting at you and you have dropped off some co dydromol. Have not heard of them being used in a quite a while.
Some more sparkles for your friends hubby, plus some for your friend too, I am sure she needs them t115006 t115006 I know you said your friend can be a little overbearing at times, but she is having a rough time at the moment.
I had a feeling you were going to have a lovely time visiting your Aunt. Like you, I only have one Aunt, on my late Mum's side, who is still with us.
Now, age is a number, so you can pick and choose what number you like, so no feeling really old. Today I am about 100:?
I hope your SIL mends soon, bless, it is horrid to fall at any age, it really shakes your whole system. Well wishes to her.
We have had a nice home day, getting things done, loads of washing, which suits me just fine.
Litter tray all sanitised and fresh litter, which always goes down a treat with the puskins.
I cut B's hair. I did ask if I was a level 2 NVQ stylist now? The reply was "when did you pass level 1"? :shock: :shock:
I am still the salon junior then, but that's fine, I can sweep up, I don't mind :? :roll:
Ironing done and general fussing.
Hopefully it does not snow any more tonight, so that we can get off the park and away to Skipton. We tend to have more snow up here, than down in town, we are just that bit higher and on the snow line.
Silver Moon is more than happy in the snow. Casting magical sparkles far and wide.
Pepe had a nice chat with Sleek, while I was napping. Not sure if they didn't ask Hermione to transport them into the ravine, to see the wood nymphs. He had a very cold nose :shock:
Well, I had better have a potter around. Hi to everyone Toni, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD and all
Take care, love and sparkles t115006 t4591 XX Aidan
Some Spanish breakfast treatsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh! Those breakie treats look rather nice Aidan....have we got any cream?
Sleek said Pepe's Mum isn't motherly like me, but that his two Daddies are motherly and he gets plenty of love and fuss and warm blankets to sleep on
They did go to the ravine Hermione is keeping a special eye on Pepe atm (and Tosca too really :roll: ) and nipped them over for half an hour. She has had a chat about Cookie to him. He just needs to talk bless him.
It was snowy at the ravine as it is here and with you! They made snow pusskins and the nymphs had rides on Pepe and Sleek's backs! Sleek said it was good o see her beloved laughing again
Lucy is about to stagger over the rd to school. Breakfast club at 8 fingers crossed it's open.
Dad has been slapping paint on? I have been sanding and using primer and undercoat too :shock: Only today can I attempt top coat.My hands are a little achy, but I'll be ok!
NVQ2? You were pushing your luck there weren't you? :shock: :shock: :shock: At least B lets you cut his hair anyway.
Silver moon may even have sent the snow to make us all slow down a bit :?
Carol was your programme 'Call the Midwife'? We have it recorded to watch later.
I feel for your friend too bless her she has had a rough time. One of my really good friends always has an opinion too, but I let it go over my head
I am very pleased to hear you are back down to 2 lots of co-dydramols well done
I hope you don't have to go far today with the traffic as it is?
Also that SIL gets on ok. Good that daughters will let you know how she's doing.
My sister is the only person alive who has known me all my life!!! Scary isn't it? Luckily she's 56 so should be around a good while
Kath I ate several of those veggie rolls yesterday afternoon with my cuppa and then a large slice of Aidan's fruit flan :shock:
Thank you!
Hello to Joan Do you have snow? If you do will the doggies have a wee in the garden today?
Love to everyone!
Toni xxx hcold hcold hcold0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
Toni I will be in your pocket in March. That's good your back is better.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
((((((((Aidan and)))))))thinking of you I hope you have a good day.
Carol have you got snow we have not got any yet.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes some snow here so I wont be moving.. hcold
Aiden you didnt even pass level one in hair cutting..B is very brave letting you near his..oh bless I love this forum for the laughs...
so you have snow we need some ninny walking if you go out ..poor Pepe it was a good job she had you to cuddle and clean her..I suppose Tosca only had the one little.. :roll: its good to hear that the sister in our rd will at least be left some money and be looked after..they think they are on holiday...bless them..
I am still looking at the PIP form and its looking back at me.. :shock: thanks for the breakfast..Spanish style..
Toni I will fill the form in pencil ..good thinking or at least my son will he said he would help..I hope that the school was open for Lucy..the children will really love her I just know it...
Carol your poor SIL..I am terrified of falling ..and to think I used to roller skate..its an age thing I suppose..but glad to hear your back is doing ok..I forgot about the rugby really will be busy..enjoy your visit with your aunty..wish I had one left..
Joan I am happy to hear the boot is comfortable..its make a big difference..and its good you dont have this snow at least you can both get out..but take care..
Kath the veggie sausage rolls look so good..I might just have a couple..hope you are doing ok..
Last night we had chicken casserole from the slow cooker ..and suddenly there was something hard in my mouth..I have two bridges either side has come of..but the tooth that was holding it has sheared at the the dentist for me, I am dreading them trying to get the root out..and no smiling for a while.. :roll: and the cost... :shock:
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Too cold for snow here. :shock:
I don't have Coeliac myself. Which is a good thing really as Derbyshire Health Authority will no longer allow patients to have their Gluten free food on prescription!! :?
Aidan, thank you for liking the Arthritis Action page. Did you visit their website?
Toni, you are definitely the most motherly mum I know.
OOh Barbara. OUCH.
Help yourselves to some veggie casserole - whatever time of day it is."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, chilly, but all the snow has gone from our neck of the woods.
I hope everyone is as ok as possible and keeping warm tcold
Of course, there is always cream Toni, clotted, double, single, go with those yummy Spanish treats. I cannot remember their name though. :roll:
Two Daddies are very Motherly, Matron is doubly MotherlyPepe is quite right.
Mother is the matriarch even though Pepe thinks he is the big brave boy.
Hermione said that Pepe was coming to terms with how poorly Cookie was and how she needed to go to Rainbow bridge in order to be forever well and to watch over us.
They did enjoy their time in the ravine and had fun in the snow.
Tosca as on the side of the sofa that Cookie loved, then Pepe went on, as if Mother had given her approval that it was ok to lay there. Nice to see.
Hope Lucy was ok in the snow. There was some ninny walking down our ramp, although it is easier to walk in fresh snow, than slush and ice.
We went to pick Dad up, as normal, duly noticing the areas of painting that he had missed :? B pointed out a few places. No sanding down or prep for Dad, slap it on and hope for the best.
I guess I was pushing my luck with NVQ level 2 with hair care :roll: still, no harm in asking and I wasn't surprised at the answer I received
The snow was very local to Clitheroe. A mile out of town and there was not a flake, nothing in Skipton either.
Hi Joan, thank you for the hugs, always welcome
Did you get any snow? Ours has all gone, apart from on the hill tops.
Did they come to mend the radiator in Sue's room, I think it was the 12th you said someone was coming out.
Hi Barbara I see you were in the line of snow as well. Don't blame you for not going out.
B is very brave for letting me near his hair, I am always on pins, even after 17 years of cutting it. Cutting a hairdressers hair is quite nerve racking. We do have a laugh on here don't we. Good medicine indeed.
I am glad to hear that the Sisters are happy and enjoying their holiday. Yes, they will be able to have some of their own money, rightly so too.
Have you started to fill in the PIP form? Good that your Son will help and there are lots of articles online, to help with the various sections of the form.
Oh dear, more than you bargained for with the chicken casserole, a broken bridge and tooth. Try not to worry, they are skilled at getting teeth out, no matter how little is left. We will come with you under the cloak. ((()))
Too cold for snow then Kath. We all say it, but then I think, well, it snows in the coldest places on earth, so how does that work then.
That is not good, taking the gluten free foods off prescription. Makes me so mad, when people have paid into the system. None of us are disabled or ill, for the fun of it.
I will visit the website for the Arthritis Action page.
The veggie casserole looks very nice indeed, I have popped some in the fridge, for lunchtime today.
I didn't have chance to get on at T time, so we were without cake
I seem to have lost most of my post, so, before it all vanishes, I will post this quickly. Grrrrrrrrrr
Hi to everyone else, love and sparkles t4591 t115006
XXXX Aidan
Veggie Bagels for BreakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara sorry about your tooth and bridge I hope you dont have to wait too long for an appointment.
Kathleen last week when I was backing my scooter in to the garage it has wooden doors the wind blew and there was a noise and a door was on the back of my scooter sue went to a neighbour she could not tell him because of laughing so she said come and look he fixed it.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I hope you are getting through it all I don't now what to say.
take care all
Joan xx. love to Toni xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Just popping in to say hi. Off for half term this week, so catching up with rest and chilling. Last term was pretty tough.
Hope you are all well. I’m plodding along with extra aches and pains (and indigestion) now that I’m off methotrexate.
Take care and keep warm.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Joan, you don't do things by half do you. I'm sorry for your garage door, but you did make me laugh.
We toddled to the Co-op this morning. Got home just as it started to rain. This is what it was like. cfly cfly ecky thump, scary wind or what. I thought my bobble hat would blow off, then I thought my Rollator was going to take flight - with me attached.
Jonathan and Dawn popped in last night.
Chocolate mud cake? Don't mind if I do. Enjoy."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..had my 5 to 6 weeks hair cut and coloured this morning...
Aiden you will soon be at level 1 I am sure maybe 2 if you are careful..B must trust you like you say its nerve racking cutting an hairdresser must be good at it now..all the snow disappeared form here quite quickly thank forecast more for this morning but dad think she has finish painting but missed a bit..bless my OH painted white over over matt..and it was driving me mad seeing were he had missed..
I wonder if Tosca will get on better with Pepe now that Cookie is no longer does make you think what is going through there little minds..bless
They looked at my tooth today and the large gap..I cant smile anymore.. :roll: and said they will have another look on Thursday.. :shock: I did say how many looks will it take..because they will have to sort another bridge after the tooth is out.. :shock: the veggie bagels were delicious thankyou..had 2 before my hair cut..
Joan what are you do make me laugh..sorry but I am glad to hear your neighbours fixed it for least its something to talk about, has my later mother would say..
Kerrin I hope the aches and pains dont go any worse..are you going to restart the meds are get new ones..sorry if you have said my mind leaks information..glad its half term for you ..ours is next week..
Kath you would be like Mary Poppins with that rollator..its quite windy here but dry for mud pie and a cuppa thankyou..
Love to everyone .. t4591 t4591 xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all. Brighter day today, chilly wind, snow on the hills. tcold
Oh dear Joan, you had a garage door on the back of your scooterand Sue was in fits of laughter
Ooops. Glad the neighbour came to the rescue and fixed it for you.
I am glad it didn't land on top of you. :shock:
We are getting there thank you Joan. I think it just seems one thing after another these days, or is that part and parcel of getting older I wonder :?
Hi Kerrin, nice to see you. Good that you are on half term now, to recharge and rest up a bit.
I hope your hands / fingers are not too troublesome since stopping the Mtx. Hugs and sparkles to ease the aches and pains. t4591 t115006
Hope you have a nice week off, best be sending some Gaviscon over, for your indigestion.
Hi Kath, I know, poor Joan, garage doors landing on her scooter:shock:
I take it, it was windy on your potter to the Co Op :shock: :shock: cfly cfly Hang onto your hats and to your walkie. I assume you didn't have a sit on the benches, you would have benn frozen tcold
You enjoyed your visit from Jonathan and Dawn, nice of them to pop in and see you
Chocolate mud cake, well, thank you, I don't mind if I do. If Toni sees it, she will face plant into itI hope you have a spare one, just in case.
I thought we might get a little lie in this morning, but Pepe decided it was high time to start shrieking for breakfast :roll: at some unearthly hour. Managed to settle him down for a while, but he soon started again...........might as well get up.
Now, he is :animal_busy: catching up on his sleep :roll: :roll: He said he will catch up with Miss Sleek later on, when us peeples are napping. I think he is feeling a bit better and Mother is very vocal at the moment, having had some pilchards for lunch. Pepe is none too keen on them at ALL
I see Barbara has appeared from having her hair done, very nice too.
I will have to apply for my level 1 NVQ, apparently I would not pass the theory test :shock:
B does trust me to cut his hair, sometimes I hold my breath and almost forget to breathe, when I am doing around ears etc, just in case I make a mistake :shock:
We will see if Dad has finished the missing bits of painting when we go round tomorrow. He has an appt at the Drs for bloods, so maybe a cheeky coffee while we are out
We will see if Mother and Pepe get on any better, I think they are both too set in their ways now, to become bosom pals. :?
So you have to wait for the dentist to have another look, after having a look already :roll: :roll: no smiling until such time. I am glad you asked them how much looking it will take..........
Glad you enjoyed the bagels. Kath has left a lovely cake, if you want some, get in there quick, as Toni will dive into it when she spots it
I will leave a spare cake, just in case.
A quiet day here, pottering, watching catch up on the winter olympics and now the tennis from Rotterdam. Not glued to it, just on in the background.
Hi to Carol, Toni, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Christine and all.
Right, I will make a cuppa and fuss some more.
All the lovelies are doing just fine, I think we have Koala's now - Johnny has been out rescuing again. They are super cuddly.
Take lots of care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Oreo chocolate fudge brownie cakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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