Val's Cafe



  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    just popped in to say I have just written a long post and as i was about to post the laptop booted me out of forum ( how rude is that) :x :x and really cannot face writing that all over again so will pop in and catch up in the morning .

    Love to all t4591 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All. Sorry to be late in, but today was a bit busy with one thing or another culminating in a Best Kept Village Meeting in Church this evening! Still we got pancakes so I am happy enough ;) Homemade too they were.

    How lovely to see Kerrin! Glad you are on half term and able to recover a bit. Lucy’s on half term next week. Here it usually includes valentine’s day so late.

    Aidan Thank you for the veggie bagels for breakie – yum 
    I am very pleased to hear that Tosca and Pepe have moved closer to Cookie’s spot. Yes Hermione and Silver have explained about rainbow bridge to Pepe and he feels much happier about it. Miss Sleek is really excited to hear about it too and is actually looking forward to meeting her ancestors. She can jolly well wait a bit! :shock:

    She has ordered Pepe’s catetine present and left it, together with his card for you to pop out in the night if you can? :? The card is homemade. Lots of glitter and sparkles on it cat treats glued on and some cat nip stuck inside :? 

    Yes the present is the unicorn outfit he was after. :roll: Of course she couldn’t wait until June. She loves seeing him open gifts :D

    She and Pepe both woke us up early then? Cats eh? Of course she came over while you were napping. Did you not hear the chatter? She managed to make both he and Tosca laugh and tried some pilchard…..she is reserving judgement. :shock:

    I face-splatted in the oreo cake without looking properly and it wasn’t as deep as I though!! Blam!! Still it tasted good  :wink:

    Poor Dad with B criticising his painting skills (or lack of!). I am on my third coat on Lucy’s shelf. Just have the other side to do after a little sanding.

    Oooh Barbara!! You look rather good. Ten years younger I think :wink:  Might be best not to let B’s junior have a go at it……you might get a number 2!
    How frustrating about your teeth :(  I would be most unhappy in your shoes. Mind you my friend had a tooth implanted about 7 years ago and the jaw has sort of fractured where the tooth is. It has to heal before being redone (another £2000) and it’s a front one!!

    Kath lovely chocolate mud cake – it would be rude not to…….SPLLAT!!!! lovely ta :D

    My walk was very blustery too and I got pretty wet as it started to rain when I was halfway.

    I had some veg casserole for lunch thank you. :)

    You have been damaging the garage doors then?!! Oh dear!! At least you gave Sue a laugh and Barbara too :lol:

    Carol hello to you too. Technology really bugs me at times. So long as you are ok that’s all that matters!

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone. Awake in the middle of the night due to acid reflux. Something that has got a lot worse since stopping methotrexate. Called the Rheumy hotline yesterday, not sure if it is a RA thing but have never had it this consistently before. Might have to watch some Winter Olympics now.

    Strange how half term is different in different areas. I’m
    Enjoying two shorter terms.

    Chocolate mud cake, don’t mind if I do. Although not sure it’s good for indigestion.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, very frosty here tcold tcold

    I think we are having similar "issues" with our computers Carol. You were booted out of the forum, after writing a long post and I was about to sit and write and the computer went off, then re started and worked on updates, for what seemed an age. So, it is now going up for 1am :roll: :roll:
    It is most rude to be booted out of the forum, it isn't one that times you out, I know I have had posts open for a long long time, in between pottering etc.

    Hope you are ok and your back is improving to normal levels.

    Hi Toni, oh, is it Best Kept Village time, mmmmm, we have to plan, seeing as the next village always starts shall we say "in favour". Barbara and I will have the bin bags ready, just say the word :lol::lol:
    Pancakes, well, that might soften things a little, home made ones too, even better. Lemon and sugar?

    Tosca and Pepe have both had a turn, sleeping in Cookies spot, so feeling a little more at ease, but still not quite right. That goes for us all really. We will feel better when we have Cookie back with us.

    I should cocoa that Miss Sleek is to be around for a considerable time, meeting her ancestors indeed :roll:

    There was a whiff of catnip, so it was Sleeks card to Pepe, how sweet, bless her. Glitter too, all over the hall :? :roll: :lol: I will make sure he has them ready, for when he gets up.

    Pepe has gone for a simple message, for his beloved Sleek


    I think he has sent over some tuna scented roses too :shock: t69044

    He will love his unicorn outfit without a doubt XX

    The Jury is out on the Pilchards then, Tosca won't mind, she will happily hog the lot. Pepe is just repulsed by it :mrgreen::lol::lol:

    Ouch, how is your nose, after diving into the Oreo cake? It is not as deep as the chocolate mud cake, oh, I see you found that out as well. I thought there was a lot of cleaning up to be done :lol::lol:

    I am sure Lucy's shelf will look lovely, we will check how Dad has been getting on this morning.

    No, don't let me loose on Barbara's hair :shock: :lol:

    Your poor friend, fractured jaw from a tooth implant, is there no recourse on that from the dentist? I know they are uber expensive to have them implanted.

    Hi Kerrin, oh dear, acid reflux is horrid. Have you tried Ranitidine or Omeprozole, you can buy them over the counter / off the shelf. Both will reduce the amount of acid in your stomach and help sooth your oesophagus if it is inflamed at all. Gaviscon is good too, the advance one. Sparkles for is to get better quickly t115006

    We are watching some of the winter olympics too, the downhill has been postponed, again, due to high winds :roll: It looks super cold too.

    Chocolate mud cake will be fine, cake cannot cause any reflux or other problems, not possible :lol::lol:

    Well, my evening has become early hours, so I had better move and potter before bedtime.

    Enjoy your Valentines Day. Something sweet, to start the day.

    Heart shaped French toast with nutella and strawberries :)

    Take lots of care, keep warm and safe XXX Aidan

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Kerrin. carol Barbara Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I'm pleased I made people laugh. I hope you have a good day.
    Kerrin. I hope the pain soon goes it keeps you awake at night.
    Carol I hope you have a good day.
    Barbara how did you get on at the dentist.
    ((((((((Aidan and B)))))))) what colour coat did Cookie have.
    Toni was it March you were having your sinuses done.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aww! Aidan I love the French toast! t4591 t4591

    Miss Sleek is over the moon with her card! She loves it :) AS for the flowers they are lovely (nice touch the cat grass to help with fur-balls!) if a tad whiffy :shock:

    I will be more careful with my face planting :?

    So annoying when laptops update. Mine is really playing up - it won't even turn off :roll:

    It really sounds as though Pepe and Tosca are feeling a bit more settled the poor souls :( I very much hope you have Tosca back for you and B's sake very soon ((()))

    Charley's pusskin is having an exploratory today fingers crossed please.

    Yes 'Best Kept Village' alright. Bins of rubbish at the ready eh :wink: Apart from a bit of sabotage at least we know we are playing a fair game :) We plan to have 3 new (tall-ish) self-watering pots this year and are going to make a special scarecrow display - children around a maypole and a soldier putting a wreath down at our memorial garden.

    My friend's fracture isn't covered as she took a risk having it done because she had lost the original one in a car accident when she was only 19.

    - see the Dr about the reflux - your GP it's not good to have it regularly I think it can be harmful to your oesophagus :? :?

    I hope watching the winter Olympics is helping you rest a bit ;)

    A quick Woo-oooo! to Joan :) Did that radiator get fixed in Sue's room? Yes March 9th to see the surgeon then I suppose I will have to go on a list :roll:

    And to everyone else:

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Happy Valentines everyone t4591 t4591
    Gone are the days when I would send myself one.. :lol: I was at school.. :o:lol:
    Aiden the card for miss sleek is lovely bet she is over the moon.. :animal_busy: then again playing hard to get maybe..I am sure my hair would look just the same has it does at the min..I really do need a new hairdresser :shock: my neighbour is 87 and we both come out looking the same.. :shock: I am loving the Winter Olympics, but all these nasty falls..glad you manage a day at does recharge your batteries..saying that I am spending to much time at home lately..hope you enjoy your coffee out today and get whatever you are going for..see my brain has leaked again.. :lol: thankyou for the french toast..just up my street.. :D
    Joan they are still looking at my tooth..the one that has sheared off it next to my front tooth so I don't want them knocking that out :shock: hope you and Sue are doing ok ..and the garage door is back safe and sound..
    Carol it so frustrating to loose a long post..don't blame you for not trying Toni says has long as we know you are ok..
    Toni its best kept village again..Aiden and I will be there but I have to stop Aiden planting the odd rubbish in the next village..we don't want you disqualified..don't know about looking 10 years younger make me look older :lol: I say I need a new hairdresser..but don't like to tell her :oops: :roll: you take care of that back being so you enjoyed the pancakes...your poor friend..I was reading up on implants..its quite scary..
    Karrin I hope the Rheumy can help..but like Toni says get it checked out..I am loving the Winter Olympics..
    Kath glad to hear your son and Dawn came to she the one with the health problems..
    I didnt make pancakes yesterday ..not just for me :( ..OH thinks they are alien.. :lol: I used to love making them when the kids arrived home form school..any excuse.. :D
    Back to the dentist tomorrow..think its going to be drawn out..I don't mind has long as they can fill this gap.. :roll:
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh Joan, we laugh with you, not at you. I'm just glad you weren't hurt.

    Yes Barbara, poor love has RA and Bronchiectasis. As a driver for a local Interflora florists, she drives for over 100 miles to deliver flowers. Her poor hands. :shock:

    Oh Toni. Was the rain heavy? You poor thing, I hope you had a hot shower and a mugatea when you got home.

    Carol, that's happened to me several times. Most annoying.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all and happy Valentines Day t4591 t4591 Is it Ash Wednesday too? I seem to recall, from Church days of old.

    Hi Joan, Cookie was a Seal Point Siamese, she used to go darker in winter. She was quite tiny really, the male Siamese tend to be a lot bigger.
    Thank you as always, for the hugs t115006 t115006

    Is the heating working well and Sues radiator fixed?

    Hi Toni, I searched long and hard for the right Valentine breakfast :)

    Pepe is very glad that Miss Sleek is happy with her cards and flowers, despite the whiff :lol::lol: :?
    He has had his unicorn outfit on and loves it, the Jury is out on the cat treats, Sleek had been very generous with the glue. He loves the catnip though and has been rolling and gliding t4591 t4591

    Computers, I am sure they are fitted with a mind of their own and do just what we don't want them to do, at the most inconvenient time :roll: :roll:

    Lots of love to Charley and her puskin t4591 sparkles too t115006

    Sounds like you all have a plan, for the best kept village. A good plan as well. If needed, we will be there with bags of rubbish (biodegradable) :lol::lol:

    Your friend is certainly going to have a ££££ bill £2000 did you say, that's about right, for one implant. :shock: goodness knows what the celebs pay for their whole sets of pearly gleaming white teeth.

    March the 9th, I will book the cloak of many rooms for us all to be there with you. Much hand holding and listening.

    Hi Barbara, yes, Miss Sleek is over the moon with her card and Pepe is very pleased with his unicorn outfit.


    So you need a new hairdresser, B would do it for you, but it would mean at least a 2 hour round trip :roll: coming out the same as your elderly neighbour, oh bless. We will have to think of a reason to go to another stylist.

    There are some spectacular falls at the winter olympics, many ouchies as well. It is all good, the luge just makes me cringe, throwing yourself down an ice shute on a T tray, is not my idea of fun :shock: :shock:

    We didn't have pancakes either Barbara, cannot remember the last time I made them............20 years and more. So they are alien food to Mr B? :lol::lol:

    Hope all goes well at the dentist tomorrow, lots of aneasthetic :)

    Hi Kath, I remember you saying that Dawn had chest and RA problems, as you say, driving all that distance will not help with the ouchies at all. Sending her some bright sparkles t115006
    Thank you for the soup, I am not a love of seafood per say, but I will give it a try, with the chorizzo, it will be very warming I am sure.

    We were pretty soaked this morning, Dad went into the surgery for his bloods, B and I thought we would have a cheeky cig, before going in the T room. Well, it hailed and blew and hailed some more, so we gave up in the end, was frozen bow legged. Had to sit next to radiator in the t room, to thaw out and it took two coffees and a large scone, to help as well. :lol::lol:

    Well, it is time for pills, potter and a fuss round.

    Kerrin I hope your indigestion is improved, as Toni said, reflux is not good for your tubes.

    Carol, I hope your back continues to improve and the traffic has calmed a little.

    Hi to Christine, Mig Toady, Elizabeth, DD, Charrisse and all.

    Hope everyone is keeping warm and cozy, it is horrid out at the moment cfly tcold

    Let's have something sweet, to follow Kaths soup. XXXX Aidan

    Latte Machiato Cream Slices ( I think Toni might be partial to one or two)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    More yummy looking cake.

    I’ve had a bit of an ugh day, low energy and mood but went swimming which helped the mood and exercised the joints.

    Did venture out to the outlet shops and found a new pair of trainers. Slightly bigger than current ones so more room for the feet with the insoles.

    Indigestion still bad, but just taken some gaviscon before heading off to sleep.

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Hope you were all spoilt.

    Night everyone, keep warm and dry.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    I am late tonight. after looosing my last post when i was rudely kicked out by laptop I will not try to catch up but will just give you a little update. its very cold here at the moment and rainy too but luckily we have not had any of the white stuff thankfully, I gained half a pound at sw yesterday but my record of 3 years 10 months is still intact so I am ok with that. My friend rang to let me know her husband passed away yesterday, they say his body could just not fight the infections anymore, he was 81 last month. So I will not be meeting her for at least this Friday anyway as her sister is staying with her at the moment. My visit last Friday to my Aunt was very enjoyable and we had a good old catch up, and before we knew it I had been there for four hours and it was time to return home. today I have been at my knitting group so a good afternoon there. we have the monthly church open Morning on Saturday so now I have to sort out all my Brand new card stock that arrived on Monday. Traffic has calmed down a little but can still be a bit busy at certain times. hopefully the gas works will be finished by the end of this week but we will see i have heard so many stories so not quite sure what is right .

    well its time to say good night folks
    take care out there and keep warm
    love to all t4591 t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, no frosts tonight, but black as pitch outside, with our street light gone kaput :shock: :?

    There are not so many lights on the park, so when one goes out, it is super dark. Then B says, as we open the kitchen door to have a ciggy, you would never know if anyone was stood outside the door :shock: :shock: Thanks for that.

    Just reading of the horror shootings at the school in Florida. Why oh why, such a tragedy, thoughts and prayers for those who perished and who are injured. :cry::cry:

    Hi Kerrin, I am glad the swimming helped to lift your mood and of course eased the joints.

    New trainers, very nice, we all love a bargain.

    Still bad with indigestion, maybe a quick visit to the Drs. I would always advise anyone who has indigestion type symptoms, for more than a couple of days, to see their GP. Sorry, being all Matronly.

    I hope you were spoiled on Valentines too.

    You were late Carol, heading up to midnight, you are catching up with me :lol:

    Glad you have missed the snow, there is still some on the hills here.
    gaining half a lb is ok, still within your target and you have done supremely well, hats off to you.

    How sad that your friends Husband has passed away, I know you said how poorly he was. There does come a time when a person cannot fight off any more infections, despite AB's intravenous etc. Everyone has their limitations. Bless her, sending her ((())) Good that her Sister is there with her at this sad time.

    I remember you said you had a lovely time visiting your Aunt, the time flew by.

    I do hope your open day at Church goes well and people come and see your lovely new cards. I was having a read and a look at the Church online, I like the semi circle pews and Mr T playing the organ :) a man after my own heart. I wish I could still play, well, I could play, but it would be more like Les Dawson at the piano :roll: :roll: :lol::lol: the fingers do not do what I want them to do.

    I will wish for people to come and have a cuppa and browse the cards t4591

    We have had a fairly quiet evening, just about to see what is happening with the olympic games. I know they have had high winds which was put the downhill and slalom out for a day or two. Dave Ryding is our local boy, from the Pendle Ski Club, he is in the Slalom, so willing him on.

    B had loads of seed beads delivered today, so he is a happy bunny, carrying on with his patient work.

    I am happy, pottering, easily pleased.

    Pepe and Sleek were chatting away earlier, they thought I was asleep, but with all the shrieking and giggling :roll: :roll: not a chance, I think Sleek was trying to keep a straight face, seeing Pepe in his new unicorn outfit. :shock: :lol:

    Off to the GC today, we have not been this week, that will NOT do, they will be missing us. I am having withdrawals from their scones.

    Will pop into the Vets, need more food for his Lordship. I was ask when our Cookie will be back with us, should be this week :cry:

    Right, I must move, I am ouching. Everyone take lots of care, stay safe and warm. Love and Sparkles. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Sweet jam glazed muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Kerrin.and anyone else I missed
    Toni all the best to Charley's pus. I will be there for you.
    Barbara sue's rad is going to be fixed to day it was Monday. Sorry about your teeth.
    Kathleen I don't mind people laughing at me I laugh as well. I hope you have a good day.
    ((((((((Aidan and Bill and pussycats)))))))) I hope you have a good day.
    Carol I'm sorry you have lost long posts very maddening.
    Kerrin. I hope it clears up soon it hurts. How's your feet now.
    take. care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all nice to see the sun after the couple of dark days hcold m0150
    Carol you have done so well with your weight..I would take my hat off to you if I had one...your poor friend ..I am so glad to hear her sister is with her..its nice to have someone to talk to ..then I am sure you will both be meeting up soon..good luck with the cards not that you need it..
    Aiden thankyou for the cream slices and muffins..I must cut back on sugar.. :lol: you are off to the GC ..I find it comforting to go to places we know..its my age..mind you the food does help :lol: you enjoy the scones..what a shame you could have a ciggie you could light it in that weather..gosh you do need some light out your home..I have this one that turns on when people approach..but Jake has learned to use it bu walking backwards form the door.. :lol: glad to hear that B is busy with the seed beads..keep him out of mischief.. :) yea another shooting ion America when will this ever heart goes out to the people that have lost family or are injured..awful just waiting for the news.. :cry:
    Kerrin glad you got a swimming session you say it helps the bones and helps the moods very important..hope the new trainers help..
    Joan its good to have a laugh...hope you both have a good day..and hopefully that rad will be fixed for good
    Kath the poor girl like you say, I count myself lucky being retired ..I take my hat off to her ...its just not fair bless her..
    Toni I hope that Charley's cat is doing ok ..I forgot to mention it yesterday..they are such a worry
    My GD whatsapped last night..her GF yes they have made up..has bought her a meal at the shard..among other things..and our GD bought her flowers and wine and something secret..I am thrilled for them :D
    Now I have to get ready for the dentist..another look at it I think ..but I will have my say..
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591 xxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    The neighbour at the back of us has a 40 foot conifer in their back garden. It stops the light from getting to us. Well it DID, They're chopping it down at last, but it's SOOOO windy out there. cfly cfly but it will be nice to get more light. But a lot of birds used to roost in it. :?

    Aidan, thank you for sending sparklies for Dawn, she'll love them. Jonathan is suffering with his back again. The will both gets hugs and licks from their little Yorkies, Rosie and Molly.

    I fancied some Cinnamon Iced Buns t4591 t4591 t4591

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a chilly wind here cfly cfly tcold and dry, after a big snowstorm this morning :shock: no sooner here than it was gone.

    Hi Joan, I hope they can fix the rad in Sue's room, finally. Fingers crossed that is actually works this time.

    We are ok, the puskins are either eating, or sleeping, keeping warm on their fleeces, with the heating on of course.

    It is nice to see some sunshine Barbara, after the brief winter shower, it is pleasant to look at but very cold in the wind.

    Cut back on sugar, no, not until after Easter :lol::lol: It was nice to go to the GC this morning, the lady who is the best coffee maker, is just back from Thailand, so she was showing us all the fabulous pictures.
    The scones were as lovely as ever, with plenty butter and a little jam. I am with you on going to places that you know and feel comfortable in. I get into a pickle if it is somewhere I don't know, it must be my age too :? :? :roll:

    The maintenance man has been and put a new lamp in the street light, so we will be out of the darkness again. It was very spooky last night.

    We have a sensor light in the garden, but I think the batteries have gone :roll: it was really quite good, must ask B to go investigate. We do have outside lights, but seeing as the neighbours go to bed before 10, we don't like to leave one on :roll:

    It is terrible, the mass shooting in the school. The young man was known to be obsessed with guns etc. What do you do? How can you police every person in a country as vast at the USA.

    Good to hear that your GD and her GF have made up and are back together :) A meal at the Shard, wow, how exciting and all the other presents too. Lovely news and I bet you are made up for them.

    I hope all goes well at the dentist, do have your say.

    So you will have lots more light now Kath m0150 m0150 that's good. Some conifers just grow out of control, much better now it has come down. You will have to wear sunglasses 8) for a while.

    I hope Dawn loves the sparkles, here are some more, to keep the good vibes going. Thanks to Silver Moon, we have a tree that grows sparkles, wonderful.


    Lots of licks and love from their doggies will help them both.

    Cinnamon buns look lovely. Should I put something out that is soft, for Barbara, if she needs reviving after the dentist.

    Triple chocolate mousse cake should be ok, as long as Toni doesn't see it first :lol::lol: :shock:


    Well, the afternoon has flown here, almost time for T. I hope everyone else is ok, Toni, I think Miss Sleek will be chatting to Pepe when we are having our siesta, they said they would not fly today, as it is SO windy.

    Is it choir practice tonight, I hope Barbara is ok with her tooth and dentist visit, she may have to mime :shock:

    Kerrin, I hope your indigestion is less today, leaving t115006 t4591

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all.

    Will catch up again later, until then, take lots of care, stay safe and warm. Love to all XXXX Aidan t115006 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all -

    A quiet evening, here and in our lovely cafe.

    Everywhere is nice and clean, did Toni find the cake and eat with pinkies out :shock: How was choir practice? Did Barbara turn up and mime, due to dental intervention.

    How was the dentist visit Barbara, I was wondering if you made it to choir practice :? :? I left the lovely soft cake out for you, all mousse and yummy.

    I wanted to put on a couple of pics of the work B has been doing with his seed beading, baffles me that every single bead is hand sewn together........... :shock:

    All the lovelies are doing fine, Silver makes sure all the keepers and vets are giving every care needed.

    Kerrin I hope you are resting and the indigestion is easing.

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig DD Toady and all.

    I will see what is happening with the olympics tonight. Having caught up with the tennis from's all go.

    I will just go and gather some breakfast for us.

    Everyone take lots of care, keep safe XXXX t4591 t115006 Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Some goodies for breakfast XX French Toast, Pancakes, Waffles :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm...those muffins look lovey Aidan :) Thank you. The extra effort getting the heart shaped ones for valentine's day was lovely nd well-worth it :)

    Lovely sunny day here I am looking forward to my walk today.

    Ah yes the giggling and shrieking when Pepe and Sleek get on the crystal ball :lol: Bless them. If Pepe feels amazing in his unicorn outfit bless him. He wants to show it to Silver so she's been and warned Silver t prepare him first :wink:

    New beads for B and he is happy that's good :)

    Dreadful what happened in Florida. Honestly eh availability of guns is surely not good? :(:(

    Naughty B scaring you about nipping out in the dark for a cig!!

    Paws and fingers crossed for Charley's cat who is having tests today under sedation ((()))

    Barbara hairdressers can loose their skills you know and exactly what you said happens everyone comes out looking the same!!!

    Carol you are so close to 4 years remaining at target!!! That is amazing :) Totally proves that the SW plan is a life-time change :)

    My laptop I really poorly so I am having Charley's old one from her. It really will give up completely any day now.

    I am so very sorry to hear about your friend's husband :( so sad I know you will be there to support her when needed. ((()))

    Paul and I are off to Cheshire oaks outlet today Kerrin! He needs a new dinner jacket for our cruise.

    I am thinking about buying walking poles - what do you think?

    I am with Aidan see the GP about your heart-burn :?

    Hoping all is well with Joan and Sue and doggies.

    Kath that food looked yum but wasn't veg so I didn't try it ;) Went for my walk and it is still very windy and cold brrrr!!!!

    Love to everyone else
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Now that seems to have been yesterday's post :?

    Very odd.

    Charley's cat had her tests results rushed through for today. Fingers crossed again. :(:(:(

    Some good news though. My neighbour should be cominh home today!

    I will be going up at 1 to take all the paraphernalia back. She has been in 2 months and isn't used to this cold weather so not used to it and she drives up a ramp through the back into the passenger seat and needs the space and in my opinion to get the car door shut ASAP. She will be very shaky I know.

    There is all sorts apart from the usual clothes and toiletries. All those vile drinks :roll: two rage boxes the CPAP nebuliser battery for w chair etc etc

    Barbara had to break into the shed last night as is was locked (before choir practise) I have told where where the key is hidden now though :wink:

    She sang Ave Maria like and angel as usual a020.gif

    You must be assertive about that tooth.

    Fabulous news about your GD ad her GF :) PHEW!! Lucy is back with her BF too o all happy.

    Aidan yesterday's posts didn't post :( I did pop in and am enjoying my breakie as I type.

    I missed the cake, but found some in the tin so my pinkie will be out :lol:

    B's bracelets are so gorgeous!! I do wish you lived nearer I need some for my cr**e

    We went to Cheshire oks and I got 3 new frocks!!! I am so exited. Not so sure about my arms though.....why did no-one warn me what happens to your arms as you get older???? :shock: :shock:

    We got a medal at the Olympics!

    I am gad you have light again outside :)

    The GC was lovely you felt 'at home' and saw some lovely photos of Thailand :)

    Miss Sleek is going to see Pepe later she is going to measure him up for a dinner suit like Paul bought. Braces cummerbund the lot!! Hopefully she will manage to keep it for his birthday this time :roll:

    Kath I loved he buns how cute are they?

    When we chopped our conifers down (90ft I was told) our neighbour was so happy as it also exposed the lovely old wall :)

    l will be planting better trees for our birds instead :)

    Thank you Joan for your kind wishes about Charley's puss. Fingers crossed again results today ((()))

    Well I hope I didn't miss anyone!


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Good morning all
    This is joins sister sue if its okay with every one I will write for joan every Friday we go to town and Joan walks my dog with hers because we need to be ready for the transport love to you all
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all we have the sun again that makes me happy.. m0150 :D
    Aiden glad the light has been sorted on the site..I understand you not wanting g yours to shine in neighbours windows at night that is very considerate of you..we have 4 across the rd shinning on us.. :shock: on one bungalow...not giving up sugar till Easter..I go in overdrive at Easter.. :lol: there is something about Easter eggs .. :D yes its good to go to places you know..were we sit and how busy will it be.. :) we rally are pleased for our GD and her partner..we love both of them to pieces..they really are good for one another.. :D will update on the dentist in a min.. :roll: gosh B is so clever that is such a lot of work to do..and I can vouch has to how lovey they are.. :D all those goodies you have are spoiling us.. :D and such a lovely sparkly tree..
    Kath the iced buns were lovely poor Dawn she must suffer so much and your son with his back.... :( so the trees are coming down dont worry the birds will soon find somewhere else and still come into your garden.. :D
    Sue it lovely to hear from you has always ..I hope you have this sun today Joan must wrap up warm though...x
    Toni Im afraid I fell asleep before Ave Maria ..blame the must have been someone else singing like and angel :oops: :lol:
    I really do hope your neighbour comes home this weekend I do feel for her bless and hubby..hope all is well with Charleys cat..I am over the moon for Lucy.. :D on new clothes for your cruise how lovely..I do like Cheshire oaks..well used to..not been for years..
    Right the dentist..they had another look but they have to get the main dentist to take the tooth out next week or put a bar in it to support the new bridge..I might just see if I can find someone else to do it but who do you trust..not the reviews they put on :o if I don't smile broadly I can just get away with it.. :lol:
    Love to all have a good day... t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Sue, hope you are keeping warm. :D

    Yes, plenty of light here now the tree has gone.There are a couple of Silver Birch Trees that the MASSIVE conifer hid. There have been quite a few birds in there which I wouldn't have been able to see before.

    Barbara, how's yer choppers love? I bit into a chewing gum on Tuesday. I chew it as I have a dry mouth (Sjogren's) and a part of one of my back teeth broke off. :shock: on chewing gum for goodness sake. :lol:

    Aidan, love the bracelets. B is so clever.

    Don't know what Chick Peas Tadka is, but it looks yummy. Oh it's a Punjabi dish - mmmm. delish.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a dry and quite a sunny day, warmer than of late. Almost Spring like

    Hi Toni, I am glad Miss Sleek warned Silver, about Pepe in his Unicorn outfit - Silver did show all his teeth, but didn't laugh :? :? I think he thought it was quite cute really and was impressed by his efforts.

    It is terrible the shootings in the school, I doubt they will ever change the gun laws, they are so deeply rooted in their culture etc. So much will come out of the investigations about the shooter, his use of social media to promote his guns, which is SO wrong and anything like that should be banned and reported to the police right away.

    Have you managed to change over to Charley's laptop? They do give up the ghost, these computers of ours. I think they have built in obsolescence, so make us go and buy new ones :roll: :roll:

    I hope Charley's puskin has her results back and is ok, sending some sparkles t115006

    So your neighbour is home today, how wonderful. She will feel very strange at first, that link between being able to ring and a nurse will come along and being at home, is a very strange feeling, I remember it very well. Bless her she will be shaky, but, she will love being back at home, with the right package of care in place.

    Good of you to assist with the removal of all the goods and the like. A car full by the sounds of it.

    I read that Barbara fell asleep at choir practice, so, I wonder who else has the voice of an angel :shock: :? not me, I sound like a warbling Hippo :lol::lol:

    Locked out of the shed, oh dear.

    Thank you for saying how lovely the bracelets are, that is just a small selection, B is always busy making new creations. They would look lovey on the cru--- I must admit. Sparkly m0150

    We did, we got a medal at the Olympics, flying down ice on a T tray, well done......braver than I would be. Imagine the ninny walking :lol::lol: the size of me, imagine the speeds I would reach, no one would see me again :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I did feel at home at the GC, as I do with all the local coffee establishments, I am not one for travelling far, cannot sit that long and if it is a strange place, I am not good at all. Dad likes the security of somewhere local too I think.

    Now you have been to Cheshire Oaks, I know our Niece and her partner like to go there from time to time. A suit for P, with all the accessories too, very nice and three frocks for your good self, why not eh.
    Now, arms, well, a little firming cream (prolagene energising gel is wonderful) like lycra for the skin. I am afraid little bye bye arms are not just a problem for the ladies :roll:

    Pepe said that Sleek was coming over with her tape measure, when we are having our siesta, he will be a smart boy. She already sent him a new mug


    The sparrows just love our hawthorne hedge, winter and summer, they are always in there, chatting away. It was two rows of little sticks and now it is 6 feet high :)

    Sue and Joan, I hope you have had a nice day out shopping, on the dial a ride into town. Glad it is a bit warmer for you, better than frosts and biting winds.

    Hi Barbara, I am glad you are not giving up sugar until after Easter, with all the eggs in the shops it would be rather difficult. I prefer a bar of chocolate, a lot cheaper too.

    I am glad the light has been fixed, it was well spooky in the dark.

    Thank you for saying how lovely B's creations are - he has been a busy boy for sure. Patient to the extreme, they would all be out of the window if it were me. :roll:

    Oh dear, you fell asleep before Ave Maria. Had you found the key to the shed? Just the one drinkie then.......... :lol::lol: :? We will have to find out who else has the voice of an angel apart from your good self and Toni.

    The dentist, well, if you know and kind of trust the one you are with, then maybe stay with them. Otherwise it is by recommendation and personal experience from others. I can recommend ours in Skipton, but a tad too far me thinks. I hope they can sort it with minimal fuss and as little ££ as possible, whoever you see.

    Hi Kath, Silver Birch are lovely, we have a lot around here. I like the way the bark peels away like paper. The birdies will soon settle down and find new perches and places to feed and preen. The trees have nice catkins on them and are quite endangered apparently.

    They enrich the soil around them, after shedding their leaves, promoting other plants to grow like bluebells, violets, mosses. Birds love the seeds and the leaves feed a wide range of moths and other insects.

    There, that is my lesson on the Silver Birch :lol::lol: :shock:

    Oh dear, you have tooth problems as well. The Optician said I have Sjogrens :roll: Are they going to do anything to your tooth?

    B is a clever Bunny :) Thank you.

    Chick Pea Tadka, mmm, I like chick peas, (they have a little side effect, but we will draw a veil over that) :lol::lol: :oops: . It looks very good, so I will have to try some. Thank you.

    I will go find something sweet to go with your dish of the day.

    Love to everyone else, Carol, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    Time to potter, more drying to go in, wishy washy day here, for a change :roll:
    Cookie is in her lovely little casket and we will collect her tomorrow. :cry:

    Take care, Hugs and Sparkles t4591 t115006

    Mini pistachio cakes with lemon cream and raspberry's

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    A little birdie tell me its Kaths Birthday today... t69044 these are for you and this h080.gif... h110.gifhope you have had a lovely Birthday..
    Be back later...visitors here..xx