Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Back again..
    Kath you little tinker not telling us it was your Birthday.. :) my choppers have been looked at twice and that is it...have to wait till next week ...oh no not a broken tooth on your Birthday.. :roll:
    Aiden the mini cakes went down a teat thankyou..I cant imagine how scary the ice chute is..the speed they do and head first glad we got a medal :D I cant travel very far nor can OH drive far really, we do go to Scarborough has you know but even that is getting hard.. :( now this arm cream does it work..I want some.. :lol: didnt it just feel spring like today ..the little birdies were singing away in the trees..I have noticed the robins have paired off so maybe some young in spring..the shooting is terrible how many more till something is done..apparently he was reported by people on FB ..people at school and neighbours..but to no avail :shock: :shock:
    Right better move..lobe to everyone xxxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone

    Kath you are very naughty not telling everyone it is your Birthday. Happy Birthday Hope you have had a great day t69044 t69044 those Iced buns look almost to nice to eat but i did find a spare lonely one in the tin to try out. :lol:

    Aidan I think your right I doubt if gun laws will ever be changed. I think it is so sad that people feel they have to go around carrying guns and feeling the need to use them. The mini cakes were yummy. B's Bracelets are beautiful so attractive he is so clever.
    everyone is attracted to the semi circular nature of the church when they see it for the 1st time. Mr T has been organist for a good number of years now. I am hoping for some people to come in tomorrow because its the 1st time the new cards will be out. Thank you for the hugs for my friend.

    Toni Yes 2 months off 4 years at target good record me thinks, its funny when I first started my aim was to get to each 1/2 stone since reaching target it's how many months can I keep it. oh dear poor you laptops are a pain when they dont work I agree. yes it is rather sad time for my friend at the moment.

    Barbara Thank yo for your comment about the weight loss I am very proud of myself at what I have achieved infact I look at old pictures of me before and when i reach target and cannot believe it is the same person i will post one one here. Collage.jpg?dl=0
    I am sure my friend and I will be meeting up again soon I have told her if I can get to the funeral I will as I have know them both since my eldest Daughter was 3 and she is now coming up to 47. so a very long time. hope we get some people into our little open morning tomorrow as it will be the first time the new cards will be on sale.

    We have been very busy this afternoon after our usual Friday dinner out together, having a big clear out in our living room and bedroom, six bags of rubbish thrown out could not believe how much we had hoarded away which will never be used again.
    Weather was really quite pleasant today. Traffic problem still carries on.

    love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Naughty, not mentioning it was your Birthday Kath, tut tut. Hope you had a lovely day and here is some more cake, just for you :D:D


    Hi Barbara, thank you to the little birdie that told us it was Kath's Birthday, she is a one, keeping that quiet
    You are very welcome to the mini cakes and I am sure Kath will let us sample the Birthday cake (fingers crossed) :D

    The luge just terrifies me, when I see them bump into the sides, or start going sideways :shock: :shock: head first, on a T tray, at 80 miles per hour, errr, I will pass on that one thanks.

    We are two peas in a pod, me not travelling well, ie painful and then some and B does not like driving far afield. Skipton is 25 mins, so that's ok and town and the GC are only a mile or so, even better.

    How is the PIP form, or should I not mention it? OK, I won't :? :?

    Well, I always use prolagene gel on my face, it is very good for tightening things up, those expression lines (we don't have wrinkles) :)
    Most throat creams are pretty good at tightening the skin a bit as well, might as well slap it on the arms too.

    It was like Spring, the sparrows were very talkative and the Robins and Mrs Wren, all busy away.

    did you see Cruising with Jane, it was magical, the cruise around Iceland, I was truly jealous, whales, northern lights, thermal pools, majestic landscapes, lovely people........ I want to go.............sigh. :roll: Oh and Roger Federa is No 1 in the world again, yay, happy for him, the oldest male ATP tennis player to be number one.

    The shooter was reported to the FBI and other powers that be, but nothing was done - sigh, how dreadful, just dreadful.

    Hi Carol You have had a Cathartic day, clearing out things that are not used or of use. We all keep things that we think will "come in handy" or "we had better keep that"............and so it mounts up. I am all for throwing things out and clearing space, very good for the soul.

    When I stayed with friends in the USA, they had guns in their bedside cabinets. I found it quite unsettling, so they moved them away, out of sight. It is the normal thing to have and in some ways I agreed with my friends, that if someone was entering their house ie a burglary, then they would protect their family and property :?

    Thank you, I have passed on all the kind things people have said about B's jewellery. :)

    The Church looks lovely, I like balconies in Churches too. Well done to Mr T, for his leading of the singing with the organ playing. I did enjoy playing, seems such a long time ago now. :roll:

    I hope you have some people come in today, to see your new cards. Sending some sparkles, to attract people in. t115006

    You have done so so well with SW, the difference is just amazing. Keeping within target is a great credit. I am afraid I have put so much on, since my mobility wain'd. I lost over 9 stone at one point and was SO pleased with myself.

    You have known your friend for a good long time, I am sure she would appreciate it if you were able to go to the funeral. Bless her, these times are just horrible events in life.

    I hope your neighbour has arrived home safe and sound Toni, grateful for your assistance I am sure. I will send Silver Moon over to leave some strong magic sparkles for her.

    Pepe was nattering to Sleek and the other puskins too, Tomi and Jericat, Mrs Darcey, Cuddles and other Hogwart scholars.

    He was telling them that Cookie is coming home today, in a special stone. :cry::cry: I am sure I will be a wreck at the vets........

    We will have a coffee in town afterwards, to gather ourselves. Dad will be coming into town with us.

    Sainsb and then home after coffee.

    We have had a quiet evening, Siesta was a bit of a waste of time :roll: wide awake for the most part.

    I am just pottering and writing in between more pottering. Catering to Pepe's every whim is a full time job :roll: :lol:

    Hi to Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, Christine, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    I had better move, I am rambling on.......................

    Everyone take lots of care, stay safe. Love and Sparkles. t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    breakfast is super healthy today, don't worry, back to waffles very soon. :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all grey here today and they said yesterday would be nice..
    Carol what an inspiration you are :shock: I know I keep saying it..but you lost the weight and kept it off not easy :) look 20 years younger on the second pic..glad to hear you will see your fiend very soon ...that a long time so you will know her inside out has they say
    Aiden thanks for the goodies..I did see cruising with lovely and the staff on the ship ..I was thinking the entertainments manager had an eye for Jane..wouldn't it be lovely to see the whales so close up..or even see one far away.. :lol: I must look for this skin tightening cream do they sell it in buckets.. :? :lol: I suppose the guns in America are needed..but I would hate one near me maybe we will need them soon .. :shock:
    Now the pip form is half done..I panic when I look at it do have to study it..there are a few answers to each question ..why does that surprise me :roll:
    It did say at the bottom of the forum it was Kath's Birthday ..hopefully its right.. :lol:
    I hope Toni's neighbour is home fingers crossed
    Off out in a min to everyone xxxxxxx t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had a birthday? I forgot :o Proves I'm getting old, memory lapses reign. Thank you for the cakes and things. 67 this year, not having one next year. :lol:

    We breakfasted under the gazebo for the first time since before Christmas.

    All those winter sports scare me, but those brave ladies who won Gold and bronze in the Ladies Skeleton are amazing. I won Bronze, Silver and Gold at Modern Ballroom Dancing when young. Couldn't do it now. Also did Ballet and tap - at the Royal Albert Hall no less. My teacher's name as Vambria. for Ballroom I had teachers named Peggy and Morag. Lovely names.

    We were scalped this morning. Both had Number 2 cuts. :lol:

    The young man who delivers our Tesco order is into wildlife photography. I can invite you to his FB wildlife page. He's very good.

    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
    my post flew off this morning I shall try again.
    Kathleen I'm pleased you enjoyed your birthday. plenty of nice food.
    Barbara I hope your teeth are not too painful.
    Carol you always feel good getting rid of things your good deed.
    ((((((((Aidan and B))))))))) I hope very thing is going on alright.
    the boiler man came Thursday the rad was slightly warm he took the cover off I said it's cold most of the time he said that's a lie I said it's not he left the next day he came to our neighbour saw me getting on my scooter and said how is it I said the same he said we will have to take the rad out a little while later I saw our neighbour he said the boiler man wants me to say sorry to you he was in a bad mood. when he said it to me I reported him to the housing pass she said she would see to it.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath its ok I am 68 this year..were did last year go I want to know..oh I'm a poet :lol: glad you got under the gazebo and had breakfast.. :) now the mum 2 should have waited till its a bit warmer..its such a lovely hobby taking pics of wildlife ..and nice to get away from delivery's..
    Joan how very dare he speak to you like that, our lovely and Sue have been so patient with all this..he should apologise to you not through your neighbour.. :x I feel like coming round and sorting him out,...with your help of course...I am teeth are fine no pain just look silly... :lol:
    not had my flooring fitted yet but we have someone coming next week..cant wait... :)
    Its been a really lovely day so we had a potter and took the chariot with us to feed the duck gosh there are so many and lots of bird watchers there, apparently a rare bird has been spotted :?
    Love to all t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a fairly pleasant day here.

    I seem to have run out of time, again. Must pop into the shed and see if Carol has left some hours out on the side.

    I am glad you say Cruising with Jane, Barbara, it was lovely and I am very envious, I know, envy is a sin, but as soon as we win the lottery, we are off on that cruise :) whether I like ships or not.

    You an buy Prolagene (by Elemis), in large tubes, but shop around, I have always bought mine from Amazon or Ebay, from sellers who have 100 % feedback only.

    Another one that I have used many times in the past is Nuxe, here is the link to it. It was wonderful too.

    I am pleased the pip form is half done, I had a letter from the DWP today and I thought, ok, here it is..........but it was just my entitlements for my DLA, which of course is indefinite, but not really :roll: :roll:
    They always have multiple choices for your answers, just to confuse you even further. How are the teeth / tooth

    You are welcome to the cakes and Birthday wishes Kath, don't worry about forgetting, I am not having any more Birthdays now, I will just call them extra cake days :)

    Lovely that you had breakfast under the gazebo, without being blown away or frozen solid.

    Way to go you, Ballroom, Tap and Ballet. Hats off to you. I love the names of the teachers, Morag is a great name.

    Hair cuts on number 2, very smart you are looking too. I am hinting at having mine cut tomorrow.

    Thank you for the invite to the delivery man's photography page, I have liked and followed it :)

    The Mexican salad looks lovely. I will find something unhealthy for afterwards :lol::lol:

    Toni, I hope you are not too ouchy, I have an inkling you might have done a bit more than you should, with your kindly help yesterday. :? :? Your neighbour is now at home I assume, bless her.

    Miss Sleek came over this morning while we were out eating scones and drinking coffee at the T room in town. There was evidence of gliding and clicking :roll: :roll:

    We went to the Vets and picked up our lovely Cookie. It is a lovely little casket, made of pewter. Here is a pic

    It is nice to have her home so to speak.

    Hi Joan, I cannot believe that the engineer called you a liar, I am gob smacked. You do right for complaining to the Association about him. He can leave his bad mood at the door, he is providing a service, not an attitude. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

    I hope you get a written apology, not just the one via your neighbour. Some folks eh

    I had better move myself, It is siesta time and need a cup of T first.

    I will pop back later. Everyone take lots of care, love to all, with sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    A vanilla and caramel cream pie - hurry, before Toni sees it......

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    bubbles wrote:
    Afternoon to all, a fairly pleasant day here.

    I seem to have run out of time, again. Must pop into the shed and see if Carol has left some hours out on the side.

    I am glad you say Cruising with Jane, Barbara, it was lovely and I am very envious, I know, envy is a sin, but as soon as we win the lottery, we are off on that cruise :) whether I like ships or not.

    You an buy Prolagene (by Elemis), in large tubes, but shop around, I have always bought mine from Amazon or Ebay, from sellers who have 100 % feedback only.

    Another one that I have used many times in the past is Nuxe, here is the link to it. It was wonderful too.

    I am pleased the pip form is half done, I had a letter from the DWP today and I thought, ok, here it is..........but it was just my entitlements for my DLA, which of course is indefinite, but not really :roll: :roll:
    They always have multiple choices for your answers, just to confuse you even further. How are the teeth / tooth

    You are welcome to the cakes and Birthday wishes Kath, don't worry about forgetting, I am not having any more Birthdays now, I will just call them extra cake days :)

    Lovely that you had breakfast under the gazebo, without being blown away or frozen solid.

    Way to go you, Ballroom, Tap and Ballet. Hats off to you. I love the names of the teachers, Morag is a great name.

    Hair cuts on number 2, very smart you are looking too. I am hinting at having mine cut tomorrow.

    Thank you for the invite to the delivery man's photography page, I have liked and followed it :)

    The Mexican salad looks lovely. I will find something unhealthy for afterwards [emoji38] [emoji38]

    Toni, I hope you are not too ouchy, I have an inkling you might have done a bit more than you should, with your kindly help yesterday. :? :? Your neighbour is now at home I assume, bless her.

    Miss Sleek came over this morning while we were out eating scones and drinking coffee at the T room in town. There was evidence of gliding and clicking :roll: :roll:

    We went to the Vets and picked up our lovely Cookie. It is a lovely little casket, made of pewter. Here is a pic

    It is nice to have her home so to speak.

    Hi Joan, I cannot believe that the engineer called you a liar, I am gob smacked. You do right for complaining to the Association about him. He can leave his bad mood at the door, he is providing a service, not an attitude. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

    I hope you get a written apology, not just the one via your neighbour. Some folks eh

    I had better move myself, It is siesta time and need a cup of T first.

    I will pop back later. Everyone take lots of care, love to all, with sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    A vanilla and caramel cream pie - hurry, before Toni sees it......

    I've seen the pie Aidan;)
    Too late!
    Pepe will look adorable in his dinner suit. Today she ordered about 5 different coloured bow tues!
    Sorry folks Charley didn't get over due to one thing and another. Her pusskin is ok it was only a wee infection!
    So no replacement laptop yet
    Using my phone which is not easy so just going to tell you l am ok and if course.............
    Wish Kath a very very happy birthday :):):)
    Love to you all
    Hope l can get on properly tomorrow
    Toni xxx

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I guessed you might have spotted the pie Toni :lol::lol:

    So your laptop has gone kaput and you are using the phone, it is not the same is it, takes ages to write things :roll:

    I am glad that Charley's puskin is ok, apart from a wee infection. Bless t115006

    As long as we know you are ok, then we can rest easy. I am sure you will be back on the keyboard as soon as you can.

    So that's what all the giggling was about, Pepe's bow ties, he seems happy with the selection.

    They were both beside themselves with the cuteness of this little love t4591 t4591


    I hope everyone else is ok, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Carol and all

    We are having a chilled out evening, me pottering, some catching up with the Olympics, a gold medal too.

    All the lovelies are just fine, we have wallaby's as well now, they are so lovely and bouncy.

    Everyone take lots of care, it seems colder tonight. Might have to nudge up the heating.

    Love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Traditional Belgian Waffles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you have a good day with less pain
    Barbara thank you for being so kind.
    Toni I'm pleased Charley's puss is ok an infection is painful.
    ((((((((Aidan and B)))))))) Pipe looks good with is tie.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I'm in!!!!

    This poor lap top :( Charley had better visit today or I will have to visit her!! :(:(:(:(

    How lovely to have Sue popping in on Fridays Joan :) I am very unimpressed with that boiler man


    Extremely RUDE!

    Thank you Charley's pusskin is already feeling better on her antibiotics :)

    you've seen Pepe's bow ties!! They together with the mug will be a bit of a clue as to what his new Birthday Present will be - if she can hold off until June :roll: How lovely is that one? BTW there are two different unicorn ones :roll:

    Silver had indeed apparently taken the unicorn outfit as flattery and managed not to laugh. A good job really as I have heard it's really loud and has been known to accidentally blow nymphs/rabbits/toads and small cats over.

    Oh that casket is lovely! Made me tear-up again, but so lovely now you can all begin to recover ((())) t4591 t4591 t4591

    Thanks for the waffles :)

    Kath here's a proper

    From yesterday I have popped a bowl of the chickpea yumminess into my fridge for lunch and some Mexican salad too,

    I knew you were a lovely dancer in your youth I think you said before. I bet you miss it :( Vambria! Where was that name from? :?

    Barbara I am glad you got out and fed the ducks - the chariot enables such trips doesn't it? You would have missed out otherwise.

    I didn't notice the tooth at choir practise, but did you pop something in my tea at tea and biccie time?

    Carol wow wow wow!!!! How much weight did you lose!! Barbara is right a definite inspiration t69044

    Good on you having a clear-out - always good :)

    I do hope you can get to your friend's hubby's funeral if you have known them all that time. It will have hit you too him going ((()))

    You'll be there to listen when it's all over and she will need you cuppas and natters. Better invest in some packets of paper hankies for your bag.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone :?

    At least I can post on my phone even if it was a reply to Aidan's post by mistake, but I want to take the new lap-top on the cruise if I can.

    Love to you all

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all...I wont mention the weather.. :lol: just that its grey..oh I did.. :?
    Joan we like to watch out for one another and I wish I lived nearer.. :x my youngest son works in heating has you know and she said if they aren't.respectful to customers they are sacked..has it should be..
    Toni you might be aware but be careful with the internet on a cruise..I know someone that works on them..and its short and sweet when he gets on..very expensive.. :o glad to hear Charley's cat is doing ok..I hope the infection clears up soon..the tooth is 4 teeth to be honest one broke and 3 on a bridge.. :roll: I have got used to singing out of the side of my mouth..hope your neighbour is doing ok is she home yet...
    Aiden the casket is so lovely and fitting..bless her little paws.. :cry: thankyou for the link to the cream..I would never have imagined they would work.. :o like I say I need a bucket.. :lol: the pic is brilliant very stylish cat ..I am sure miss sleek will be impressed..good to hear you had a chilled out evening..the pip form will be finish today but I have letters to get..we have only been with our new GP for less than a year so its not easy...and I am missing the latest pain clinic one.. :shock: I get palpitations thinking about it :roll: now for some of the lovely waffles boy they look good :D
    didn't fancy the caramel pie after Toni face splatted it.. :roll:
    Love to everyone especially the ones that are missing.. t4591 t4591 xxxxxxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara the poet
    and we didn't know it,
    shall we all set her a task?
    poems of cuddlies and pets
    is what we really expect,
    or is that just too much to ask.


    Aidan, I love Cookie's little casket.
    How lovely to have Sue popping in on Fridays Joan :) I am very unimpressed with that boiler man
    Me too Toni. And yes it is lovely to have a visit from Sue.

    You know, I've seen 5 birds today - all Wood Pigeons, But it made a change from just a huge dark tree. Thank you for the info about Silver Birch Aidan. I prefer them to Conifers.

    Sorry todays meal isn't vegetarian, but I know mig likes her meat, as do I.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a bit of a grey day here too Barbara. Not as cold.

    Hi Joan, Pepe will be a Bobby Dazzler in his new bow ties. How cute is the Persian kitten with the bow tie.

    I hope the Association get back to you today, with whatever action they are going to take over the plumber calling your a liar :x :x Toni already has the bus on standby, we are all ready to come and assist as needed.

    Hi to Sue and the doggies too. Hope you are all warm and snug and enjoyed your shopping trip.

    Yay, Toni is in the house. Well, until the laptop goes squiffy.

    Glad to hear that Charlies puskin is feeling better on the AB's. They rally a lot quicker than us mere humans.

    Not sure Miss Sleek will be able to hold off giving out presents until June. They were chattering about them yesterday, so I half expect one in the post, or down the chimney (that we haven't got).

    Two different Unicorn ones, goodness. Wonder what the other one will look like. Nothing has been muted by his Lordship.

    I am very glad that Silver didn't burst out laughing, if he can blow the little animals over - not doing any harm though, just covering them in sparkles, even more so when he sneezes :shock: :shock:

    The Pewter casket is just perfect, it is nice to have Cookie with us in spirit and a tangible reminder too. The top is not completely sealed, but I won't open it. Just polish and look after her.

    Those waffles had magical powers, I cannot stop eating them :D:D:lol::lol:

    True, you have your phone, as an emergency for posting to us, but the new laptop will be ideal for the Cru--e You said the word, oh dear, Pepe saw it and said "WHAT'S THAT"? :shock: I said you had misspelled the word Crush - I think he believed me :?

    Hi Barbara, why did I forget to mention your trip out to feed the ducks......forgive me. Chariots of fire, they get us about very nicely.

    It would be great if we all lived in the same small town / village, then we could all help each other no end. I am not surprised that your Son said they would be sacked. So would we, as nurses. I have seen ward sisters sacked on the spot for pinching a chip of the food trolleys. :shock: Two, within one week.

    That was when the food was served in large trays in the hot trolley and when everyone had been served, there always seemed to be mountains left over. So easy to just think, one chip won't hurt. I had done it myself, until the dismissals happened. :? :?

    That's a bit mean, charging a lot of money to access the internet in this day and age, on the big ships.

    You are doing very well, singing out of the side of your mouth, takes a lot of practice. What did you pop in Toni's tea? :shock: :lol:

    Oh I want to bathe in prolagene and Nuxe, then get out all skin suitably tightened, how wonderful would that be. We used Nuxe all the time while we lived in France. Their body cream was just fabulous.

    Thank you, Cookie's little casket is lovely, glad she is home with us all now.

    That's good if your PIP form will be finished, apart from the extra evidence to support your claim. You can always send that in later, if you are approaching the deadline date for returning the form. As long as you explain that you are waiting for relevant Drs letters etc.
    I don't think they insist on asking you for a letter from the GP, as the GP's can charge you for them. The DWP write to them directly if they need to and pay them accordingly.

    I am full of useless information me. When I have filled in these forms, I always either take a copy for the GP, or make an appointment to see them and hand it to them, so at least they have the most up to date information how things affect you in your daily life.
    They are palpitation inducing forms, the DWP don't seem to realise how worrying and stressful it is for us. I am not one who can take it in my stride. Make sure they are aware of that too.

    I have put another pie out on the side, sorry about the one that Toni found :shock: :lol::lol:

    Kath, a very nice little poem, thank you.

    Of magic and sparkles and puskins and spells
    tales of the forest, ravines and our selves
    our cafe's a wonder of wood nymphs and elves
    Our reason for writing is to keep our good cheer
    To listen and help, all those we hold dear :)

    Thought I would have a little go :)

    You have a lot of wood pigeons, same here, well, seeing as we are in the woods, it is no surprise really :roll: :roll:
    Magpies, but they are naughty and chase blackbirds to exhaustion. Noisy too, when they land on the roof.

    I like silver birch, they are a lovely tree. A lot of the trees around here have a preservation order on them, as an area of outstanding natural beauty.

    Have not had chilli con carne for a long long time. Thank you. Toni will pop some soya mince into one of the lovely sauces.

    We will need a cooling dessert, I will go see.

    Hi to everyone else, in, out and busy about. Hope all are taking care.

    Love and Sparkles to all. Will be back later. XX Aidan

    white chocolate trifles

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    I thought it was high time I ventured into our magical forest, it is ages since my last visit


    It was nice to see our friends the fox, the owl, (hiding up in the tree) and the stag as well. Winter is in full swing in the forest, no signs of spring yet.

    I popped into the shed and gathered a few hours, no doubt they will come in handy during the week. I left some for you Carol and Barbara often pops in to donate some to us :D

    The last bit of double glazing is being finished at Dads today, then all done, new, safe and smart :) He is very pleased with the windows and the new door, which goes in today. I am hoping that we go for a coffee and nibbles at the GC once they have finished. We will go round at our normal time and see how things are progressing.

    No other great plans for today, gather a few "bits" from Sainsb that's all.

    Been nice to have a catch up over the week end, all housey things, washing, drying and day to day fussing.

    Not sure if Pepe was on the crystal ball or not, it seemed very quiet at siesta time, there was no giggling and chattering. Maybe they were all having naps too.

    Enjoyed watching the tennis, Roger is just going forward in leaps and bounds, Number 1 again and just keeps on winning. Go Roger.

    Olympics have been good, from Luge to Ski Jumping, Downhill, it all. Well, Curling is a bit of a strange one, cannot really get into that :?

    I will away and see what is coming on at 1am. The Pc just crashed, but fortunately it restored the pages, otherwise I would have launched it skywards :shock:

    Love and Sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Let me go see what we can have for breakfast. XX Aidan

    Assorted pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone. Back to school today and straight into a busy physical day, BMX in the rain (not me thank goodness) and tennis club after school.

    I’ve had a few busy days. On Thursday went for an eye test and need glasses for long distances, my right eye was rubbish! Could explain the headaches.

    Friday went into London to apply for my SA passport but they wouldn’t accept my marriage certificate. Need to get it legalised!!!!!

    The weekend went on a trip to Suffolk to do a swimming gala yesterday. Went ok, 2 personal best times, 3 rubbish ones and a moaning body today! Also hit my shin bone hard on the steps when climbing out, it still hurts when I touch it. Not my best move.

    Snowmaggeddon predicted for my area of Kent from later in the week. Hoping to be cut off from the world for a week! School probably won’t be affected though.

    Off to have one of those pastries and try find energy for school.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all grey and wet here.. :roll:
    Aiden dont you dare worry about not mentioning my trip out I miss the Nuxe I have never heard of that one I know Elimis..but only used one of them and was impressed..its not useless information you are like Siri..ask and Aiden knows it.. :lol: the casket is lovely and like you say Cookie is and sound.. :) dad has his windows he is all snug in his new chair..oh the magic forest..its so lovely I could live there even if it is cold.. :D this PIP form is making me ill..its all we need..but what will be.. :shock: like you say they will get in touch with my GP..but he doesn't really know us yet..we are making copy's of the forms..when they are finished that is.. :o :roll:
    Fancy getting sacked for pinching a chip, like you say it so easily done without even thinking about it ....but they were the enjoy the GC today have the scone on me I will leave the money behind the counter..could you imagine us all living near one another the laughs we would have :lol:
    Kath my brother used to write poetry but me I am useless at it.. :lol: must say we have seen a few wood pigeons lately but have noticed the robins pairing off.. :D
    Kerrin back at school bet you could have done with another you need glasses..good that you have had your eyes tested though I certainly need mine doing..your poor shin ..glad to hear you wasn't mounting biking in the rain.. :shock: ..
    I had better go I am visiting my niece... :D
    Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t4591
    oops thanks Aiden for all the goodies..I wont be able to eat again today... :oops:
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Of magic and sparkles and puskins and spells
    tales of the forest, ravines and our selves
    our cafe's a wonder of wood nymphs and elves
    Our reason for writing is to keep our good cheer
    To listen and help, all those we hold dear :)

    How lovely Aidan, much better than mine I henceforth dub thee POET LAUREATE OF VAL'S CAFE

    I'll go to hunt for some waffles with chocolate sauce, strawberries and cream.
    Kath my brother used to write poetry but me I am useless at it.. :lol:
    Barbara, so am I. :lol:

    Sitting in this chair is hurtung my ribs and hips. Must get up. Love to all. t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,237
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Barbara I hope you have a good time with your niece and a laugh.
    Kathleen I have not seen many birds in the garden yet.
    Toni i'm pleased Charleys cat is feeling better. no we have not heard from the boiler man yet
    ((((((((Aidan and B)))))))) how old are Pepe and Tosca.
    Kerrin. I hope your sore shin soon calms down.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a nice day here, quite warm, didn't even need a cardigan on - get me :lol:

    Hi Kerrin, glad to hear that you are not doing BMX in the rain :shock: :shock:

    You have had a busy time, opticians, yes, that might explain why you have headaches, eye strain is a big cause. ((()))

    Swimming gala 2 personal best times, that great news, we won't mention the others. I would still be floundering on the first lap :roll: :roll: :lol::lol:
    Then you clobbered your leg on getting out of the pool OUCH It will hurt, there is not much to protect our shin bones really. Some sparkles to ease the discomfort t115006 t115006

    Now you have to get your marriage legalised, what a pain, can that be done at the registrars office? I hope it is not a long drawn out procedure........

    We are all in for some cold weather again, after a couple of days that have been Spring like........Kent does get a lot of snow, so you might be snowed in :)

    Hi Barbara, ok, I know, we both forget things, we are as bad as each other :lol::lol: :roll: :roll:
    Nuxe skin care, is HUGE in France, it is made in Bordeaux, or it was when we lived there. Very popular, we swore by it. Their eye cream was fabulous.
    So I am SIRI, or ALEXA, :lol::lol::lol: Matron Bubbles Siri, has a ring to it :)

    Cookie in her little casket is lovely to have and we know she is watching over us and playing with lots of other puskins over Rainbow Bridge. :cry::cry: ok, stop Aidan, or I will be bawling again.

    Keep up with the PIP form, I am right there with you, I understand fully, I remember one Dr from the DWP came to the house, I was completely freaked out, but he was very nice and I was kept on what was then Incapacity Benefit.
    My Cardio fumes, when he has to write to them every time, not because of me asking, it is the fact that they keep asking and he feels like they are not listening or taking any notice of his considerable expertise.

    Thank you for the scone, it was lovely.

    We went round to Dads and waited until they had finished fitting the door, made sure they were paid, Dad is very happy. By that time it was lunch time so we had same at the GC, I had chunky homemade veggie soup, with chips and then a scone, which was as big as a house side :shock: :lol:

    It would be great it we all lived on our own private park home nature reserve :)

    Did you try all the goodies, well done you :) cannot let them go to waste.

    Hi Kath no, don't call me the poet laureate, that is probably the second verse I have written in my entire life. Just came to me, so I wrote it down.

    You are our cafe poet, I might share one or two, if any more come to mind.

    ((())) for those ouchy ribs and hips, my sympathies t115006

    I will have a small helping (who am I kidding) of the waffles with chocolate and strawberries, thank you kindly. No need for me to hunt out something else to go with T.

    Hi Joan, no news re the boiler man, I will send Silver Moon over to make sure that there is an appropriate response from them.

    Pepe is 16 this year and his mother, Tosca, is 18 this month. Ragdoll cats do not normally live as long as other breeds, but ours seem to be doing ok at the moment. Not that they are pampered in any way :roll: :roll:

    Right, big hi to Toni, Christine, Carol, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    Time to make a cuppa and have a biscuit before siesta's.

    Will catch up later. Love to all, sparkles a plenty t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Had a lovely couple of hours with my niece..I treated her to lunch has it was her Birthday last week..I am waiting for the wedding, her boyfriend did propose last year on holiday..but she is in no hurry :)
    Kath you are good at should keep a book of them like my brother did I do love reading through it..gosh the Belgian waffles cake look good..dont worry I will leave some.. :lol:
    Joan I always have a good time with my niece, we have a laugh and put the world to right... :lol: I hope you and Sue are ok ..
    Matron Alexa bubbles sound better.. :lol: yes Cookie will be watching over you all..I wonder if Tosca and Pepe sense Cookie more now you have brought her home.. bless um would be brilliant if we all live on the same about mischief... :lol: you are welcome to the scone ...did you have lashing of cream or butter..
    Its awful what we have to go through I have never claimed anything in my life till the DLA and that was because my back consultant mentioned wonder your cardio fumes at them..
    Now I must look up this cream.. :)
    Did someone mention snow next weekend or am I dreaming hcold
    Love to everyone .... t4591 t4591 xxxxx,
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Did Kath[/b] say she is a rubbish poet?? :? Honestly?!! Kath you write so well!!!

    Mind you Aidan's ditty was definitely worthy of commendation


    We have only woodpigeons too, but have seen robins occasionally :)

    Aidan I know it's a comfort to have our pusskin's ashes with us. I have all of mine as well as one or two garden ornaments which I still speak to.

    The pusskins did get out today they went to the beach c/o Hermione. Did them all good and proper blew the cobwebs away. :wink:

    Will Sleek manage not to give Pepe his suit until June? I'm not sure she has been ironing his shirt and hung up the suit at the back of her little house. I suspect the bow ties will continue to come over :roll: Has the red one arrived yet? I think it's missing.....

    Glad Dad's bungalow is all done now and cosy for him :) I am pleased you got to the GC too.

    I also went into the enchanted forest and yes still snowy so pretty not cold at all oddly.... :?

    Mr Fox came over to be stroked and the Stag said they were all very upset over the loss of your beloved Cookie, but they have seen her playing at rainbow bridge.. :cry: sniff. Sorry.

    Barbara you sang quite well out of the side of your mouth ;)

    It was Kerrin mentioned snow in Kent next week.

    I would try to get the letters because the last thing you want is to wish you had if it all went wrong. It shouldn't though it sounds as though you are prepared for it. Fingers crossed.

    Yes my lovely neighbour did get home bless her with a bit of help from me. Settled them in and left them just to be 'at home' :)

    Joan I am not impressed you haven't heard off the boiler man :( grr!!

    Charley's cat is getting better and better :)

    Kerrin Lucy's school is off this week so sorry you are back and supervising rainy sports already.

    I hope you don't get the snow forecast :shock: unless they do have to close school :wink:

    I hope you can soon sort out the SA passport. How odd they won't accept your British marriage cert!!!

    The cats all went to the beach today I hope your two came back ok not too full of fish?

    I do hope I haven't missed anyone.

    Love to you all

    Toni xx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening All
    just popped in to say I have not vanished altogether into the big black void or been stolen like the hours by the shed :lol::lol: but I have been very busy today so have not had over the last 2/3 days so I will pop in tomorrow to catch up with you all my friends

    Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Stay positive always👍xx