Val's Cafe
Hi to one and all - a foggy night here, very still, very quiet, very eerie :shock:
Hi Barbara, lovely to hear that you had a nice time with your Niece, I know you like to have a laugh and put things to right.
I am sure she enjoyed lunch, as part of her Birthday celebrations. A wedding, oooh, I will have to get a hatmaybe late summer / early autumn?
I like Matron Alexa Bubbles
Tosca and Pepe are not too bad, they still look for Cookie and will do, they have know her all their lives really. We assume that animals do not miss others, but they certainly do. Pepe is far more vocal and is up with the larks, takes some time to settle him back to sleep again.
We certainly would get up to mischief if we all lived locally. We would be onto that nasty man that called our lovely Joan a liar, like a ton of bricks.
I just had lashings of butter with the huge scone. I did ask for the largest one they could find
When I was retired on ill health from nursing I had no thoughts at all about claiming anything, despite all my working life, paying into the system. It was the lady at the NHS pension that said about incapacity benefit and when I rang them, they said of course you should claim for it :shock: I was still hesitant.
I see my Cardio next month, he will be asking if the DWP are leaving me alone - no will be the answer, I have yet to go through it all again. I dare say he will swear :shock: :shock:
Yes, onward with your search for the creams.
Hi Toni, thank you kindly for them commendation re my little dittyt4591
I gave Cookies little casket a pat and a polish tonight, she would not want any dust settling. Heaven's above.
We have some very nice puskin ornaments, which we would never part with. Nothing in the garden though, but, I suspect we might have to see what is at the GC, they have some fabulous ones, some are so real you want to feed them and pet them.
So that is why Pepe has been a sleepy boy this evening, the sea air from Lytham. He never said, but I did notice that the broom was very warm.
I bet they all enjoyed a cat catch up, whizzing out to sea and over the boating lake. Did I see some ice cream cone in the broom cupboard?
The red bow tie is in my sock drawer, rather fetching it is too, bit small for me though. It will fit Pepe perfectly.
Yes, Dad is very pleased with the windows and door. All works done to a very high standard, would highly recommend the fitter and his assistant. Just the man coming to quote and show some blinds (vertical) on Thursday. Dad likes it now that it feels more open and light, so wants to keep it that way. Go Dad, all modern and sleek
We have to keep him reminded as to what is going on and when. He will be round for a coffee this morning.
Of course, the wonderful animals in the enchanted forest can go to rainbow bridge, see and talk to those who have crossed over to the other side. Sniff...............deep breath.
Good to hear that your neighbour arrived home, with help from your good self. Just be, that is what dad would have said. Be at peace and just be quiet in your own space.
Charley's pus cat is getting better
Hi there Carol, good to know you have not been abducted or vanished into the shed with those hours. As long as you are ok, we will catch up with you today. I hope things went ok at the week end, did you sell any of the new cards?
Well, it is 1 in the morning. We have watched the ski jumping team finals from Peong Chang, Norway took the gold, which we were pleased with.
There is tennis on as well, from Rio, but we will never have enough hours in the day to catch up with that. It is not a major tournament, the next one is Dubai masters, which is a good one.
I had better move myself, or I will set.
Love and sparkles to everyone, in and around and about.
Everyone take care XXXX Aidan
Granola muffins with blueberry and cranberryXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Aidan Barbara Carol Toni and anyone else I missed
((((((((Aidan and))))))) no your **** are not spoilt they are loved.
Barbara that’s nice having a laugh with your niece.
Carol have a good day.
Toni I will be thinking of you in March.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Toddled to the Co-op and had a sit on the benches. Lovely sunshine. I'd ordered Chris some CBT capsules to see if they help him. Any advice?
I wondered if you'd like to share some fruit cocktail cup cakes with me."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..not found another dentist has appointment should have been this Thursday but its now the 28th..the only time there head dentist is in..who have i been seeing all this time..
Toni I am so please your neighbour is will be hard but so is visiting for her poor hubby it was so kind of you to help out like you did..we have 1 dog Susie and 2 cats tibs and sooty in our garden they are all marked , but I never thought of the day we would move ..
Carol I ma glad to hear you are ok just busy..I'm afraid I did take to many hours out of the shed..
Kath its been a lovely day for a walk m0150 ..glad you got out and about..cocktail fruit cupcakes sounds good to me..
Joan yes I love seeing my niece
I hope you and Sue have been able to get out and about soon be time to be able to sit in the garden....
Aiden glad you got the biggest scone, and why not..I like your little ditty much better then I can do..animals really do miss one another I am glad they have each other ..even if mum is not very maternal they know that each other are there..
I think we are old school not wanting to claim..I remember my late dad , he was a miner and had Jaundice and was so poorly, but on the 3rd day got our of bed and went to work it still upsets me ..glad to hear dad is all sorted with the windows and doors..yes we could all march to Swindon to tell Joans boiler man what we think of him :x I will partake in a granola muffin along side the one Kath brought in
Must say I have really enjoyed the ice skating ..gosh they have moved on
Now for a cuppa..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t69044 xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, a lovely bright, sunny day, rather cfly and chilly in that wind too. Stopping indoors.
Hi Joan oh yes, the pus cats are much loved, even though they drive us nuts sometimes :roll:as pus cats do. They seem to have been having mad times today, but are settled now. Bless em.
Have you heard any news from the Association regarding the rude maintenance man? He needs a dose of happy sparkles, (after apologising in person).
Nice to have a toddle Kath, lovely sunshine and if you are out of the breeze, it is quite warm. I see you have had a rest on your benches
Tell me more about the capsules you have ordered, I don't know of that abbreviation. Are they a herbal remedy? The ones I found where to do with breast enlargement :shock: :shock:
A fruit cocktail cupcake, as long as there is a cherry in every oneso many years since I had a fruit cocktail, I always tried to get the cherries. Thank you kindly. I am sure Toni will have some spare whipped or clotted cream to hand. We need our calcium after all.
So your appointment has been with a junior dentist then Barbara??? I do hope not. I am sure he is suitably qualified but he would like a more experienced opinion from the big cheese.
Thank you, I just came up with the little ditty, rather enjoyed writing it to be honest
I agree, we are old school, so many people now think that the world owes them a living, regardless. Very upsetting that your Dad went to work being so poorly, but there was little or no help then and no work, meant no pay. People in general, don't realise how things have changed in say the last 50 years. Beyond all recognition.
My late Mum could very rarely talk of the times when they had no food when they were youngsters, she used to get really upset, she said no one realises how hungry we were, but there was nothing. G dad had what small amount of meat there was and veg, as he was a miner. They had scraps, a little bread and some gravy if they were lucky.
We have enjoyed the winter olympics, it has all been very good
An at home day today, Dad walked round for a coffee, after he had been to get his paper up at the little shop on the park.
We are off to Skipton tomorrow, going to Tarn Moor, the natural burial woodland. We want to show him the memorial stones, where people's names are carved / engraved / what is the word, into the stone. He has seen them before, but has forgotten - bless him. He wants Mums name on and also Bills Sister and BIL, who passed away 4 years ago, within 5 weeks of each other.
Then to Specsavers, as one of the arms on his glasses have snapped off. We think he might have sat on them, but haven't said :? :?
Then Nero's, of course, for our sustenance and treats.
Right, cuppa, it is not far off siesta, let's hope I can nap today, I was SO wide awake yesterday, it was untrue :roll: :roll:
Hi to Toni, Have you been to see your neighbour? I hope she is doing ok at home.
Sleek and Pepe were on the phone this morning, nattering about clothes and the latest fashions on the cat walks. I think they are out and about again tomorrow, with the fine weather this week, there will be some broom miles adding up.
Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Elizabeth, DD, Toady and all.
Will catch up later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006
Can I resist a cake as well as a fruit cupcake? errrrrrrm, no XX Aidan
Buttered Pecan Caramel Cake - then we will have had our fruit and nuts.......:)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all.
What a busy week this is turning out to be, yesterday I had a problem with my mobile phone could not get into it when it asked for my sym lock on it, it would not let me put the numbers I'm so took a bus to the nearest virgin place and the guy fixed it. decided to have a look around the shopping centre there while I was there, and of course had to have a rest and a nice cup of coffee. Today I went to sw to weigh and had gained now I am 1lb above the top of my target range. wasn't too pleased about that so took myself off down to our local high street met Mr T and had a snack lunch and a coffee. then while he went back home I had a little mooch around the shops. then back home. Tomorrow I have my knitting group in the afternoon, Thursday afternoon I am taking my cards to a MS group a short bus ride away that i sell to once a month. about 1and a 1/2 after I get in we will be off out to our fortnightly church meal.
My friend called yesterday to let me know her husbands funeral will be next Tuesday it is happening a little bus journey from where i Live so I will be able to go. and this morning she rings to ask if I would like to meet on Friday for a coffee as she feels the need to get out so I have said yes to that. and then Saturday it is another open Morning. wowreading that lot back I feel shattered already.
Aidan i am a terrible hoarder like that especially things to do with my knitting and other crafts and books.
The open morning was a bit of non event the whole morning was just me and Mr T , not a sole came in but to be fair there were not many people about i think a lot of people were away for 1/2 term still maybe this coming Saturday will be better. our Church balcony is no longer use as our congregation is very small. Well done on the 9st loss before I have lost over 5 and 1/2 stone .
Cookie's little casket is beautiful
Your poem was lovely. No not abducted nobody wanted me :roll:
Barbara Thanks I agree there is a huge difference in the 2 photos.
Yes 42 years i have known my friend its a long time.
It's alright I did find a few hours in the shed think the naughty thing has been out stealing our hours again what shall we do with it.
Toni I lost over 5 and 1/2 stone to get to where i am now.
My friends husband is next Tuesday and i will be able to go it is at a cemetery a short bus rise from where I live. It is also the same place my Mm was buried so I can take the advantage of visiting her resting place and put some flowers on there too. which will be nice. xx
well its about time for a little potter and a cup of tea so off
I go.
love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Sorry to be late on folks a busy day all round here starting with thyroid bloods so I can see the doc on my return from the Cr**se. Then I had to pick up a parcel for Lucy from the sorting office. Managed my walk and had an unexpected visitor.
Aidan I have been giving my neighbours some space and privacy together at home. I have sent a text, but left it until this evening to do so. He may come to the shed tomorrow and hoping she might even make it to choir practise on Thursday. Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Dad is 100% right they want to just ‘be’
I have had a slice of cake (are you doing slices to stop me face-plantng???) very nice it was too
I heard them on the phone chattering too – honestly Sleek does screech when she laughs!!! They are off out again tomorrow back to Lytham, but one their own for a romantic day out (couple of hours really) and some whisker-touching. BTW there's a fluffy bow tie missing - did it come your way? It's pink/silver/lemon and pale blue? :roll:
Oh dear poor Dad breaking his specs – need to get them sorted ASAP. He should love Tarn Moor and be happy to have a stone once he sees them again. That will be when the cats nip out I suspect.
I saw the Rev Delphine out on her walk sans her little doggie. She does miss him.I have told her about you and Cookie. She gets it.
People do take food for granted these days don’t they? Lucy and I had the TV on when a water-aid advert came on and those kids were thankful for a glass of clean water. We can have coffee tea coke, squash, milkshake etc how lucky are we? :?
Sad to hear one’s own Mum going hungry
Carol 5 and a half stone?!! Wow!! You’ll soon ditch that 1lb knowing you.
Next Tuesday I will be off on my cr**e. I do hope the funeral goes well and an ideal opportunity to have a chat with your Mum and leave some flowers too.
Busy days ahead for you, with knitting MS group and Church meal out. I hope you put your feet up a bit too.
Barbara your poor Dad! He sounds to have been a good man. My Dad never took a day off to my knowledge either and died at 66. Typical. :roll:
I had a nice walk today with my new walking poles. Might take some getting used to! :?
So long as you tell any future buyer where your beloved animals are buried I am sure all will be well. It’s the memories in our hearts really isn’t it?
Kath those fruit salad cupcakes!3 of our five a day and with Aidan’s cake nuts done too. How healthy are we?
I had a nice walk out today as well in the sunshine.
Bad news Joan!My appointment has been postponed to a date when I am away! Been ringing to try to sort it.
Well love to everyone I hope I didn’t miss anyone.
Toni xxx0 -
Wow, Carol, hats off to you, I am exhausted already, just thinking of all the things you have going on this week and into next week. I will make sure there are plenty of hours spare, you might need them.
Some magic sparkles for you, at this busy time
I am glad the Virgin shop managed to sort your phone out. I would be hairless if mine decided to lock me out, I rely on it so much, it knows more about what we are doing than I do:?
Then a wander round the shops and of course, time for coffee and a sit down (essential parts of our days).
Don't you worry one little bit about a 1lb gain, with all that is going on and being busy about, you will loose it in a flash.
A nice snack lunch with Mr T and then some more retail therapy.
Knitting group, then your charity card sale for MS, I remember you speaking of that before. Quick turn around and then out again. And breathe.................
I am so glad your friend called you and let you know about the details of her Husbands funeral. Lovely that you can go, it will be greatly appreciated. Also lovely that she would like to meet up on Friday for a cuppa and a chat. It is the limbo time when people need to talk and get through, what is a very strange time.
Then Saturday you have another open morning. OK, I need to lie down:shock:
Sorry that the open morning last week end was a no show. Just your good self and Mr T. Onto the next one this week and let's hope for some people to come in and take a look.
So many churches are loosing their Congregations, as each generation moves forward, which is a great shame. Sad that the balcony is no longer in use
You have done amazingly well with your weight loss. I was equally as happy, but it has not stayed off, creeping back on each year.
it is nice to know that Cookie is with us and the casket is so cute, just like an ornament. I give it a little pat when I pass by.
Aww, we would worry if you did not post, we would think you had vanished in the shed, amidst all those spare hours.
Hi Toni, bloods done, ready for the Dr when you arrive back from the things we cannot mention.
It has been another lovely day, bright and spring like, although winter is on its way back again hcold We see quite a few people walking with walking poles.
I am sure your neighbours Hubby will pop into the shed today, if he can and it would be fabulous if she could come to choir practice, it would cheer her no end. t115006
I knew you were going to mention the slices of cakeI chuckled to myself when I posted it, Toni won't like that, not being able to face plant
It was a yummy cake, with pinkies out of course. ( I will find a huge face plant one for later today)
We will soon have Dads specs mended and he will remember Tarn Moor when we get there, it is only half a mile out of Skipton. We will show him the giant stones, with my Mum and Dads names on.
He is a coffee fiend now, so will be more than happy to go into Nero's, he is hooked on their toasties too
So the intrepid duo are off to Lytham again today, while we are out. They will have a nice stroll along the Prom and whiskers will touch I am sure t4591 Have you seen this, it is lovely
Pepe often does a paw shake, after he has had a snack:)
I will keep an eye out for the bow tie, it will be unmissable for sure. Found more glitter in the bathroom, on top of the towels and also a small rhinestone on the sideboard (B doesn't use them and we have never had any). Me thinks Miss Cookie is leaving little sparkles. t4591 t4591 t115006
Poor Rev Delphine, we share how each other feels, all of us. Some sparkles for her t115006
It is almost beyond belief when you see how many people are starving or have nothing to drink but filthy water, riddled with disease and we have so much choice, we don't know what to have next. Like two different worlds.
Tuesday is the unmentionable day, duly noted. I assume that the Sui--cas-- have not come out yet :? :?
We are healthy, all that fruit on Kaths cupcakes and then some nuts, wow, we are on a roll there.
Well, I had better do a bit more pottering. B is beavering away with his fab bracelets. Puskins are asleep, Olympics are on.....
Love to everyone, in, around and about. Take lots of care. Let me go find something for breakfast. XXX Aidan
I thought a superfood breakfast and smoothie, then we can have loads of cake laterXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
AWwwww! Aidan! How adorable is that cat? I have taught (???) Daisycat,(Miss Slimkins, Sleek, Diddicat), to tap for treats I will have to try to do you a video it is not as impressive as that of course
I am certain Dad will love the stones when he sees them and their position. When he sees your parents' one he will definitely be all for it.
A cup of coffee too as a treat for going while the specs are fixed I hope.
Not sure about the walking poles yet. The handles are upwards if you know what I mean and the straps take your weight. We shall see. Yesterday I am sure they slowed me down! The other day on Cannock Chase with Pom they were very useful indeed. We both got a pair.
Aha! Miss Cookie is leaving you little signs to show you she is stil there! How lovelyIt really lifts your heart when that happens doesn't it? I can imagine Sleek leaving not such nice messages....bits of small animals :shock: :?
What meaning does rhinestone have?
The cake was lovely and of course my pinkie was out, but a large soggy cake full of calories is always better
Healthy breakkie? ThanksSuperfood is it?
Woo-oo! to Joan - did you notice they have changed my appointment?
Love to everyone!!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen you are doing well walking.
Barbara I don’t like sitting in the garden I think what I could be doing and go and do it.
Carol you have lost a lot of weight you must be pleased
Toni I hope they can get you an appointment at a day that’s right for you.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I hope you all have a good day and your Dad.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all .. grey here..
Carol I am worn out reading your post..but busy is good it will keep you moving and out of mischief..what a shame people didn't turn up for the open day..its so sad to see how our churches are going..says me that doesn't go anymore.. :oops: it really will do your friend good to get out..bless her I hope the funeral goes ok and you don't have any problems getting there..and the weight will come off..wish I only had a pound to lose..
Aiden the stone at Tarn Moor sound lovely ..a little like they do at the top of the great Orme at Llandudno, but they arrange stones in there loved ones will help dad I am sure and B and you of course..your poor mum they did have it hard..its such a shame that people today don't know the half of it, maybe they would be more careful with there will be busy today so hopefully a couple of stops for coffee..yes a junior dentist must say they have been good ..but its dragging on GD think I look hilarious..
the cat is so funny..and very cleaver
Toni I thank my lucky stars every day..we have so much compared to some..I do hope your neighbours husband can get to the shed..and maybe his lovely wife to Choir..they know you are there when its next really will do you both good..hope you have lots of pics to show..dont worry about Choir..I will sing for both of us..
Joan I am the same when sitting in the garden thinking of all the things that want doing..and I get one time I wouldn't have..hope you are both well..
Now I will try the superfood breakfast thankyou Aiden
Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
After your kind comments about my poetry, I posted an old one in the poetry thread. "Anthem To Disability" You will recognize yourselves in there. Hope you like it.
I thought "Over The Rainbow Veggie Minestrone Soup" Might appeal. I think our fiend the Unicorn would approve.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006
It's very dim here, and getting colder. I hope we don't get any snow.
Carol, well done for losing 5 and a half stone. Please don't lose too much, we don't want you to disappear. :shock:
t4591 t4591 t4591 , t115006 t115006 t115006 and t69044 t69044 t69044 to you all."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all..................poof and the day has gone.
A busy day, but we seem to have done what we needed to.
I could not resist posting the link to that puskin Toni, who did the high fives, just adorable. I will try it with Tosca later :shock:
Pepe always liked to wipe his chin on a cloth, after eating, he used to watch me do it, then he would copy if I held the cloth up, too cute.
They have certainly been busy at Tarn Moor, some huge new stones in the memorial garden, for more names to go on. They must weigh umpteen tons each. A new wheelchair friendly path, from the pub car park, down to the woodland and meadow area, a new office on site, with loo. (It gets SO cold up there in winter). Best of all the lady who manages the site, was there today, so we had a chat and everything is sorted for the beginning of April.
Meal booked at the pub next door as well. All 15 of us.
Dad has new specs, £25 for new frames and they put new lenses in with the same prescription, all within an hour, while we guzzled coffee and ate toasties.
It was nice and quiet in Nero's, so we were pamperedI tried the apple and caramel muffin, but I am not impressed.......... :roll:
Dad got some cream, from the health shop, to rub into his ankle which is bad with RA. He has emugel, but trying a natural one for a while, is worth a go.
Whizzed round Tesco in a buggy, just wanted a few bits, so I was a shotit is nice to go fast, when all you can do it walk so slowly
Kwik Fit to have tyres checked and topped up.
Our bridge is open again now and they have resurfaced the junction in the village, hoorah, only taken me two years of grumbling and the MP hounding them recently
I have noticed the walking stick handles are upright, not sure how I would get on with them. Practice I guess. Better on Cannock Chase I am sure, off road so to speak.
I am sure Cookie is leaving sparkles. Rhinestones don't really have there own meaning or energies, like gems and natural crystals. They are just super sparkly. Sleek leaving bits of volesI like it when white feathers appear, we have had some just float down at the back door a few times, small ones, I keep them all.
Glad you enjoyed the cake, I will find one for you to dive into........
HI Joan, I am a bit like you, I like to be pottering and fussing with things, washing, drying, pots. Usually I am knocking something flying somewhere in the house. :roll: :roll:
I hope you have had a good day, any word from the Association or grumpy pants maintenance man.
Hi Barbara, yes, the coffee was very much needed, the first one didn't touch the sides. It was chilly and blowy at Tarn Moor, Mum used to dislike going up there to see Dads grave plot, unless it was boiling hot mid summer. Don't ever come up here in winter she used to say, bless.
I am glad the dentists have been good. It is a bit drawn out for sure, but let's hope the head honcho can do something more proactive.
Well, that was 4pm, now it is midnight :roll: :roll: :roll:
Neighbour popped in, not seen her to chat to for what seems like ages, that took us up to siesta time. Looked at the pc and it had shut down and restarted of its own accord :shock:
Anyway, naps over, supper over, then friend who I used to work with messaged, has not been well for months, had every test under the sun and is loosing weight like mad :? :? big CT scan next week.........wishing her all the best and to keep me informed.
That has taken us to midnight.
Fortunately, Chrome restored all the pages I had open so I didn't loose my post, phew.
That puskin is super clever, you can train cats, but they kind of do it on their terms, not yours.
Hi Kath, I love the poem you wrote and posted and yes, it is very true indeed, I think we have all been there in some way, I know when I have used a wheelchair, people have talked to B and assumed I cannot hear :? :? like, hello, I am in a wheelchair, but I am not invisible.
Over the rainbow soup is just wonderful, thank you, Silver Moon and all the wonderful creatures will highly approve. t4591 t4591
It is certainly getting colder, I have nudged the heating up to 22, cannot be doing with being nithered. I think we have at least a week of night time frosts, no sign of snow, yet........... :? :?
Well, I will see what the olympics are up to. Our Slalom skier from the Pendle Ski Club is racing soon, let's hope he does well, he is really good.
I had better move. Love and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Everyone take lots of care. XXXX Aidan
A selection of yummy porridgeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara my brain and my hands keep going they like doing things.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day. I’m sure you was having a test for something I cannot remember what good luck.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) no we have not heard from the boiler man. are your pussie cats rag doll cats lovely.
Have a good day everyone. Hello Toni.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I'm so cold today. even in the house tcold .
Joan, I think you must be thinking of someone else, Barbara perhaps? I'm not due any tests until next month (usual blood tests). Unless I've forgotten them. :?
Aidan, glad you appreciated the poem.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006
Layered Rainbow Cake. Looks yummy to me.
Don't know why it disappeared, never mind."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon was such a lovely morning we had a trip to the GC..
sandwich and a scone with cream and jam..we did share it ..honest
Kath I will go and have a look at your poem..tell you put them in a good does the rainbow minestrone soup look..thankyou
Joan my hands keep moving but my brain does it own thingI am not joking..hope you and Sue are keeping warm..
Aiden I hope your friends results are good..the waiting game is awful..sending some positive vibes for Tarn Moor is very cold ..I bet your mum was saying told you so..must be so lovely and peaceful though.. :)it will be nice for you all to have a meal in the pub, and a good chat.. its good to hear that your bridge has been restored and the road more bumpy such luck around here and many have complained :roll:
I did enjoy the porridge this morning thankyou ...thats what I had this morning with banana
Right will go and read kaths poem..
Love to everyone xxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Look at me, here, before 2 in the afternoon, unheard of :shock: :shock:
We were out early, vets, prescription to pick up (two large carrier bags worth), then Booths for something nice for lunch, then home.
Mad came to measure up for blinds at Dads, will ring tomorrow with the price :? :?
So, we have some catch up hours, which makes a huge change. I might even go and have another potter............
I did, I put all my recent prescriptions away, forced the cupboard door shut :shock:
How is everyone, it is a nice sunny day, with a chilly breeze. Cosy indoors and the puskins are :animal_busy: at the moment.
Hi Joan, Yes, our two puskins are Ragdolls, Mother and Son. Although Tosca would deny all knowledge that Pepe is anything to do with her, in any way.
Tosca and Cookie got on very well.
No news from the boiler man, mmmm, I think a letter of apology would be the minimum they can do.
Thank you for the hugs, they are always welcome Joan and always returned likewise to you both t115006 t115006
Oh dear, Kath is cold, let's turn up the sunshine m0150 m0150 we don't want you shivering in your boots.
The poem is very good and very poignant.
Did someone mention rainbow cake...........This one took my fancy, covered in chocolate, to make it extra yummy. Toni will have some cream to hand.
Oh, before I forget, we saw these in a shop window yesterday - I wanted them all, but B thought I was bonkers
Sleek and Pepe went out for a quick whizz around Pendle Hill and the Castle, while we were out doing our errands. They enjoyed it and it blew some cobwebs away. He had a multi coloured fluffy bow tie on, that is the one you said had gone missing :? no idea when it arrived Toni.
She did mention something about suspecting peeples going away.......I think she has sussed the cr---e :? :? there wasn't too much drama, as they were too busy flying their broomsticks. But, just to warn you.......... :? :? :shock:
Hi Barbara glad you made good of the lovely weather, enjoying a trip to the GC sandwiches and cake, SHARE, goodness, cakes cannot be shared. :shock: :shock:
Tarn Moor is a lovely place indeed, the natural burial sites are becoming very popular, far more than they ever envisaged. It overlooks the Moor, where Mum and Dad went on little picnics together.
It will be good for us all to get together again and have a family meal out, nice that the pub, next to Tarn Moor is open again, only a few yards away really.
Thank you for your thoughts for my friend, it is horrid, waiting, I would rather know asap, one way or another.
Only parts of the road have been re-done, but, we are grateful for small mercies and getting to the GC is much quicker, all of 2 miles.......not exactly a long journey :roll: :roll:
I am sure we will be there tomorrow. I am already dropping hints.
Don't forget choir practice tonight, singing sideways of course. :shock:
I wonder if Toni's neighbour will be able to go, it would be lovely for her.
OK, I will do some more pottering, I might whip the cordless hoover round, then get told off when I cannot catch my breath. :roll: :roll:
Hi to Kerrin, Carol, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.
Will pop back later - might just take a piece of the rainbow cake.
Take care, Love XXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oooh, we have a choice of rainbow cake, even better. It looks tempting, I will go fetch some clotted cream from the fridge.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
Shovelling cake into my mouth as it's time for choir almost :shock: :shock: :shock: Rainbows yum!! Multi rainbows
Been to see my neighbour this afternoon - she is ok but feels choir would be too much this week, but will come next week
Barbara will be with me I am sure singing sideways
I hope Aidan's friend gets results ASAP and as for the unicorn's perfect!! t115006 t115006 t115006
See you all later
Toni xxx
Sorry short and sweet love to you all t4591 t4591 t45910 -
Evening all..very cold indeed... tcold
Kath I love the poem , you are so clever..I certainly can relate to it..rainbow cake..yes please..
Toni I will be at Choir practice..and don't worry about next week I am standing in for you.. :shock:
Aiden another busy day for you, we did share the scone..but I cut it and the knife sort of goes at an angle I get the biggest piece..the tins are just perfect..
think I would have bought them OH keeps saying I am wacky..
strange things draw my attention should I say..
Sleek and Pepe had a fly over Pendle hill..poor things must be froze tcold.. and more rainbow cake..
glad you got some catch up we are about to have home made chips not has then for ages..think I said my OH should have a Michelin Star for them
Love to everyone .. t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Steady with the cake Toni, we don't want you having a coughing fit, mid song :shock:
I heard the singing, Sleek is quite adept at eaves dropping on the choir practice, via her crystal ball, then she let's Pepe have a listen. I could hear Barbara warbling like a songbird, even if it was sideways on :?Bless
Glad the your neighbour is doing ok at home and is coming to choir practice next week. You will be on --liday on the cr--se.
Miss Sleek didn't mention anything more of peeples leaving her alone for months on end. :roll: I think Pepe knows, but is keeping very tight lipped about it, there will be plenty of fuss and carry on next week.
I am keeping positive about my friend, who I used to work with, she was a wonderful care assistant, born to do the job if you get my meaning.
My Aunt wrote and said that the CT scan was more positive than negative, which is amazing news. She has a small secondary in her pelvis, but no other secondaries found. A few more tests and then hormone therapy. We will go see her asap.
I want that Unicorn tin, but B would think I had lost the plot (even more so than usual):?
It is cold Barbara, very frosty out, heating is on 22 so we are nice and warm.
Your singing was delightful and you will be doing an admiral job next week while Toni is on hol---y.
Scones do tend to cut at jaunty angles, which is most convenient, we need carbohydrates in this cold weather :? :?That's my motto and I am sticking to it.
Don't worry about Mr B thinking you are whacky - I am right there with you. I said to B a while back that we have Unicorns, nymphs, magic and a lovely zoo and Sleek and Pepe are always in touch or out on their broomsticks. :shock: He probably thinks, oh bless, it's a shame
You cannot beat home made chips, we always have the frozen oven ones, nice, but not the same as home made. So Mr B is getting a Michellin Star for his chips, we will be round to try them out.
It has been nice to have the right amount of hours in the day for a change. The man came and measured up for Dads blinds, B went round while he was there. Ringing with the price today.
Managed to sleep at siesta time, which was a pleasant change.
I hope everyone else is ok. Carol, who is super busy this week, I know I was shattered at the thoughts.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse, DD and all.
GC this morning, then shopping for the week end.
I will away and potter some more. Bones are ouchy, but onwards and upwards.
Everyone take care and keep safe and warm. There could be ninny walking if the decking is frosty this morning. :shock:
Love and Sparkles to all XX Aidan
Some sparkles from Silver
And something tasty for breakfast
Breakfast Blueberry CobblerXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Super icy out there isn't it?
tcold brrrrr!!!!
Sleek is livid Aidan!! Too icy to land safely Hermione has given an amber warning and says she will review at lunchtime. If she lifts the ban expect her over to see Pepe at nap-time.
I was packing yesterday (cases hidden in 'spare 'oom') and she only noticed me trying on clothes. Some binned due to being - well to be honest much-loved but holey :oops:
All fitted so went into the case
Paul's today!
Paul thinks I am a loony too with all our goings on. Wonder what he'll make of you all visiting us on the cr***s :?
Only one tiny secondary should be dealable-with I am pleased for your Aunt! As for the HCA you are in my opinion either born to nurse or not and if not - should not be nursing!!!
Thank you for the healthy looking breakie! and all the sparkles t115006 t115006 t115006
Morning to Joan!! I hope all is well your way - we have hard frost, but the sun is up too
Barbara I love real chips!! Michelin star ones even more!! On my way
If you are standing in for me next week could you please not oversleep and get there on time? Also means you can have my biscuit at break too
Love to everyone!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Everyone I'm back
Hope everyone is keeping warm.
thankyou for being so nice to joan.
wow the rugby and Ant and Dec this weekend perfect.
have a good weekend. see you next week.
Sue.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all the sun is shinning
Hello late dad played rugby , so we were brought up on enjoy and Ant and Dec..Joan is always so kind to us has really are lovely twins..hope that heating is behaving..
Aiden I am glad to hear your Aunt has a small secondary..still not nice but hopefully treatable and still thinking of your are right some people are born to be nurses..a couple stood out when I had my hips done..but one training nurse was the best I have come across..nothing phased her and she was so caring..she told me she had sepsis has a child and had a long journey to she understood..I got a big hug off her when I was discharged..see I am rambling again enjoy the GC ..silver does look spectacular..and the breakfast wow..thankyou the chip will be on tonight if you all want to come round..
Toni I wont fall asleep I promise..not easy after the you are all exciting just Paul's to do..
he is in for a shock when we all turn many does your cabin sleep..
you are donating me your I am in shock..dont worry I have the notes in my head.. :?
Right better move
Love to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591 m0150 xxxxLove
Barbara0 -
I'm officially renaming Fridays to Sueday. That way you will always have your day in the cafe.
How can anyone NOT be nice to Joan, or you Sue?You're both so lovely. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Salmon with lemon. Enough to share with pusscats.
:animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy: :animal_busy:
tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold tcold
Right, crack on now Tesco has been. Only my mind has gone blank. So I'll go for a stroll around to see the pets. Hope the forecast of snow is wrong. :shock:"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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