Val's Cafe
Afternoon to all, sunny, but very chilly. Fortunately everywhere was dry on the ramp, so no ninny walking was needed
I think the flying ban has been lifted, Pepe is all excited that they will be doing a dusk flying, they have super bright lights on their broomsticks, so should be ok :? :shock:
They have to be back within an hour, Hermione's instructions, as the frost will soon descend again.
I am glad the cases are hidden, no mention of them when they were on the phone earlier, pepe said nothing about holid--s.......
So some clothes were more Holy than Righteous where theyI think we all have some like that, super comfy, but well worn in shall we say.
Paul will get a shock when we all appear on the cruise, Hermione has booked a mass transportation for next week, not sure which day. Loony? No, not at all, a vivid imagination, that't what we are blessed with
I am hoping that they can zap / treat my Aunts small secondary, after her spine biopsy (ouch)........ :shock: Lots of Lignocaine please and thank you.
Can we convert that cycle to a tandem, I am with you on the road to Barbara's, there are chips on the menu tonight............
Hi Sue, no one could be anything else but kind to Joan or yourself Sue, you are both so caring and have a lot to contend with, in your own lives. Sending hugs and sparkles, hope you enjoy the rugby and Ant and Dec t4591 t115006
Hi Barbara, Toni and I are on the way on the tandem, for chip butties, if that's ok, with lashings of butter (for calcium). It might take us a while to get there :? :?
I have met all kinds of nurses, some who should not be in the job at all, some who are kindness personified and not phased by anything, like the student nurse you mention. Some have been rude (until I had words with them) but most are really good and do their best in a highly demanding job.
it was nice and quiet at the GC, a few people in, but nothing like it can be on a Friday. Lots of coffee, I had to have a scone, essential to keep a check that they are of high quality
Then we had a little wander around the garden plants areas, they are kind of mid getting ready for Spring arrivals. We are after another nice evergreen plant, to buy with the voucher we have from Christmas.
Then to Sainsb. Stocked up on water bread / essentials, for the week end. Dad did his shopping too.
He has said ok to the blinds, (we paid half) as a treat, so he is well made up. Should be fitted within a couple of weeks. He will be very smart and a la mode.
I will make sure you are ready for the choir practice, I will set reminders. Extra biscuits too.
Hi Kath, yes Sueday is a nice name for a day of the week. I highly approve
Salmon and lemon, mmm, thank you. I will do some new potatoes with fresh mint, parsley and butter, to go with the salmon.
Hope you sorted the Tesco order and remembered what it was you were thinking about :? :? if not, don't worry. Thank you got popping in to see all our lovelies, they are all well, Silver checks on them all every day and our keepers are very diligent. I hear we have Gibbons now :shock: :shock:
The forecast is for colder and colder as the week goes on. We do not need any more snow now. Dry and cold is ok.
I like your quote / signature. We do tend to think that our concerns are a huge issue, then when you look out into the endless universe, with Suns and Moons and endless galaxies, worlds beyond worlds, too distant to even comprehend, our worries seem so small. Goodness I am waffling on :roll: :roll:
Hi and hugs and sparkles to everyone in out and round about t4591 t115006 t115006 Let me go find something to tempt us, after we have eaten the salmon.
Everyone take lots of care, stay warm and safe. XX Aidan
Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Fresh Fruit and Whipped CreamXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
It's a chilly night again, frosty and a very sneaky breeze cfly tcold
I see you found the cake ToniI did leave a spare, knowing that there might be some face planting.
Miss Sleekness and Pepe enjoyed their dusk flying session, with high beam lights and super warm clothing from catazon. By the time I had dozed a while, he was back in bed, snuggled up.There was chirruping, so I think they might have brushed whiskers again t4591
Are Paul's things all pack-d for the cr---se and suitably hidden from eyes and crystal ball. It will be nice to get away while we are all frozen by the beast from the east, as they like to call it.
Carol, I hope you have had a good day, lunch with Mr T then meeting your friend for coffee, I hope she is as ok as can be, sending extra hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 to her. I hope you have managed to put your feet up with your pretty hectic schedule this week.
How has your week been Kerrin, are you still expecting snow? I hope the ouchies are not too bad without the Mtx.
Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Barbara, Charrisse, and all.
We have had a fairly chilled out evening, enjoyed watching cruising with Jane McDonald (did you watch it Barbara)? Eating bugs and the traffic.....oh my :shock: :shock: Wonderful boat though.
Just waiting for the email to say we have won the lottery :? :?
Well, I had better move, it is just after 1am and time I had a potter before cups of T. See what Pepe is shouting the odds about :roll:
Everyone take lots of care, keep safe and warm. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Apple and Almond Danish PastriesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara wrap up warm it’s getting colder.
Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend keep warm.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I hope you all have a good weekend.
Thinking of you Toi enjoy the cruise.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..the sun is out nice to look at through the window..
the little birdies are feeding away , the robin is always the first to come..and its mate, then all the sparrows and others..never seen so many sparrows..
Aiden sorry by the time you and Toni arrived on the tandem the chips were all gone, you will have to get faster transport I'm afraid..helicopter maybe..glad the GC was quiet, I love to see all the plants coming to life and cant wait for spring..I can imagine some of the nurse you have met in your career, there was only one when I had my first hip replaced..and she was so nasty because I couldn't do my own injection..I felt like I was back at school, one lady reported her..and she denied it of course
So dads blind are paid for and being he cant wait..I only saw a little of Jane's cruise last night but have recorded it..was it Vietnam..I didnt like the look of the ship..
Had the cram cake last night after the chips and just helped myself to a Toni is all excited ..not the cake but the cruise..
Joan I will wrap up warm thankyou..I have my thermal vest here ready in case we go out..trouble is then we go inside and I am on fire
hope you and Sue have a nice weekend
Kath I love it..Sueday...we had the salmon with our chips ..delicious thankyou..
Love to everyone ...hope the sun is shinning even though its cold.. m0150 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
First thing first. Today's meal is Baked Brie en Croûte with Apple Compote.
Far too cold to sit under the gazebo, so stayed home. Spent over half an hour sorting my meds out for the week. I could do with someone to fill my pill sorter each week. :?
Joan, you keep warm too. But I know that being the sensible lady you are, you will have your thermals on and so will Sue.
Aidan, I am a huge fan of Virginia Woolf, such a brilliant writer, but such a sad end. Not keen on 'The Waves', too complicated for me. But I LOVE Mrs Dalloway. Wrote a poem based on it once. I'll put it in the poetry thread.
Love to all. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 tcold tcold tcold tcold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a lovely m0150 day, but still pretty tcold.
You are right Joan, it is going to get colder over the coming week. I think we have a weather warning for mid week, of snow / harsh frosts and windy too. cfly
I have not been out today, only as far as the back door. B has been pottering a little in the garden, sorting planters out and fussing around. Too cold to stop out for long.
I hope you Sue and doggies are all as ok as can be, did you enjoy your shopping trip on Friday?
Hi Barbara, we have lots of sparrows, they love our hawthorn hedge, they like to gather and have a right old natter. They were becoming endangered, but numbers seem to be on the increase again
I know, all that way and no chips :shock: :shock: , Toni and I had to stop on the way back at the local chippy, but they were not the same as Michelin Starred ones from Mr B. Once we had had our greasy chips, Hermione sent us home in a flash, so we didn't have to peddle all night long. Bless her.
I have had a few run in's with some nursing staff, some who thought it beneath them to do menial tasks like bedpans and the like, that really wound me up like a clock. :x :x
There was no need for the nurse to be so grouchy with you, not everyone is ok doing injections themselves. I am glad she was reported, but sadly nothing was done. PALS are really good, they are very helpful in sorting out problems and "issues" on the wards.
Dad is looking forward to them being fitted, of course he wants them yesterday, but they will take about two weeks.
Yes, the cruise was Vietnam, Cambodia, it was very interesting and quite eye opening. The boat / ship, was really nice inside, spotless and lots of staff on hand to help with everything.
I am certain Toni is very excited about the Cru--e, and the cream cake
Thank you for the bakes brie en croute, sounds and looks lovely Kath, thank you, I will take a couple for our supper later.
You bet it is too cold to be sitting under a Gazebo tcold tcold you would be two blocks of ice :shock:
I will come over and sort out your pills for you, I am more than used to medication rounds and pill sorting.
I have heard of Mrs Dalloway, by Virginia Wolf, but I have not read it.
A brilliant woman, like you say, so sad that she took her own life at such an early age, after long periods of mental health issues. She was way ahead of her time.
I would like to ready your poem about her.
Right, I am onward and upward, almost T time, so I will go fetch some cake.
Hi to everyone, in, out and around and about. I will catch up again later.
Take care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Apple crumble Muffins with piped cream and custard and crunchy crumble toppingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Baked brie en croute!! Thank you Kath - I love brie and pastry so perfect!!
I filled Lucy's med's sorter this morning I can do your for you no problem
Aidan Apple crumble muffins too?? I am so lucky!! I've just eaten the brie Kath left!!
You've had a quiet day in then? I have picked Lucy up , been for my walk, done some ironing, cleaned out the fish tank (water and filter change) and hovered so I am exhausted.
It's Paul's birthday so we are out later for pizza and then a comedy night.
Hermione is an angel nipping us back home like that! Dreadful not to have the chips we were looking forward to though
I think I have kept the cases hidden from Miss Diddicat. She has been over to see Pepe while you were napping nd I think took another bow tie with her. This time a lovely tartan one :animal_busy: She loves flying in the dark with her beloved that is for sure
Barbara give us more notice next time the chips are because Aidan and I really wanted some
It's very cold here too but sunny.
I am getting exited especially as Lucy has agreed to stay with her Nan while we are away.
Hello to you too Joan. I am getting exited Tuesday is really soon now :shock:
Must dash need to get ready
Toni xx0 -
Evening all
Wow last time i was in here was on the 20th and I see lots of things have been going on as I said on Tuesday I have been super busy this week.
It is really cold here and s set to get colder and we may have some snow this coming week according to the long range weather forcast for our area we are due for 2days of snow that will slow me down if it happens as I will have to stay indoors much to my annoyance as I dont like staying in all day but will have to. as cannot get out with the walker when there is snow on the ground. Jst hope they are wrong. thing is you can never tell all forecast keep changing day by day. I will be going to my friends husbands funeral whatever as long as the road is ok for traffic as I will get a cab for both ways. it wont cost that much as it is not far away.
Have had my cards out for sale three times in the past 8 days and sold just 1 card, but at least my youngest tried out the ordering online on my website and ordered 5 cards which I get credited for and it all worked she ordered on Tuesday and received them Yesterday (Friday) .
for anyone who is interested in looking at my site it is on church meal and meal with Mr T were very much enjoyed.
My friend is doing ok I let the conversation go at her pace when I met her yesterday we spoke about her husband a couple of times but also about other things too. she said she was glad she had got out so although I had a busy week it was worth fitting a coffee in with her.
Sorry I am not replying to you all individually tonight but so many things have happened on here that it would take all night I think.
Have just been to the shed to gather a few hours and i visited the lovelies all are doing well and are being well looked after and Silver was there looking very sparkly and handsome. and I found the new Gibbons is it they were quite friendly.
well its time for a potter and a couple of little jobs
keep warm everyone
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, chilly and getting more so............. :?
Hi Toni, I am sure you are quite satiated with all the goodies, Kath's Brie en Croute was delicious and then a muffin, for a little sweetness.
Yes, our days in are very nice, time to just do your own thing and potter about. Fussing, dusting, preening and cleaning.
You have done more than enough too, no wonder you are shattered.
I hope you had a Happy Birthday Paul, I made a cake
Pizza and then a comedy night, sounds like a plan to me.
I am so glad that Hermione had us both home in a flash. The greasy spoon chippy was not ideal. We will have to ask for transportation next time Mr B cooks some chips.
There was another bow tie in my sock drawer. :? Tartan, very nice it is too. Did Mrs Darcey choose the pattern?
Apparently hermione puts landing lights on the ridge tiles, so that they can come in safely :shock: That was the reason for the clattering earlier.
I am glad that Lucy is happy to stay with Nan while you are away. Are Charlie and Tia doing the house sitting and Sleek minding.
It will soon be Tuesday..........
Hi Carol I thought the time would fly past, with all the activities you have been up to.
The weather warning is for two days of snow, but when you look at the forecast is says light cloud and dry :? :? :roll: I don't think they know where it is going to snow to be honest, until this beast from the east appears.
I don't mind staying in, if we have enough supplies. I never get bored.
I don't blame you for getting a taxi to your friends funeral, I remember you said it was not far from where you live. Good that you had a chat and a coffee together, talking about all sorts of things.
Oh, one card, that's a shame, they are lovely and I have the website on my fav lists and will be getting some without a doubt, they are really nice, lovely art work. I adore the cats and the butterflies and the flowers.
Don't worry about not replying to everyone, you have had a super busy time and you don't want to be up all night, writing. Says me, sat here at going up for 1am :roll: :roll:
The gibbons have settled well, they are noisy little monkeys :shock: once one starts, they all have a good shout.
There are plenty of hours in the shed, I popped a few in there yesterday, when we were doing so well with time, we had some spare.
We are being taken out for lunch, courtesy of our neighbours opposite. Looking forward to that. We look after their home when they are away, so they want to treat us. ( a very nice country pub not so far away, at the base of Pendle Hill, lovely location ).
On that note, I will move, my back is shouting the odds.
Love and sparkles to one and all. t4591 t115006 Everyone take lots of care and keep safe and warm.
XXX Aidan
A little breakfast selectionXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara yes I have my thermals on sue does not feel the cold.
Kathleen I’m sure you have your pills under control.
Toni I bet you are so excited Tuesday won’t be long coming. I hope Paul had a lovely day.
Carol no it’s not safe going out in the snow we have to think of our bones.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I hope all of you have a good day and your Dad.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Good Morning!
Carol I love the site and have been able to save it to my favouritesThe cards are lovely, not the usual high street ones which is much better for those who matter to you
I am very pleased you squeezed your friend into a busy week it sounded as though you were the right person for her to talk to ((())) Best of luck with the funeral I hope a taxi will get you there.
No need to apologise for not posting individually it's just nice to see you
Aidan thank you very much a birthday cake with real chocolate on it! Perfect. We had a good night out and when we got back went to see one of our neighbours' new garden room where the prosecco came out (yuk!!- shhh!!!) and got home about midnight. Far too late but of course Miss Sleek was up as usual with the larks :roll:
I just realised I hovered yesterday not hoovered!!! :oops: :oops: No wonder I was tired!
I am sure we can get transported next time or I can get the bus out??? If Mr B has peeled and chipped enough spuds??
Yes the bow tie was MRs Darcey's own tartan Aidan it is nice isn't it? I bet Pepe looks adorable in it.
Landing lights!!! That's what it is! What a good idea. Safety first. Apparently Silver can safely lad them on a cushion of sparkles if they ask him. t115006
Charley, Tia and my friend will do house and Sleek minding while we are away although when Nan drops Lucy off for work she will stay here all day to keep Sleek company. Nan will pick her up for her dinner shower and bed.
I hope you enjoy lunch out at the pub. We are out tonight with Pom and her husband to a pub nearby which has been closed and just reopened very posh!
Whatever is that noise coming from the sanctuary? :shock: Is the gibbons I see? Honestly? They are noisy, but so friendly!! Off to buy bananas.
Right breakfast! Mmmmmm....lovely
Thank you Joan Paul did have a lovely day and we will soon be off now only today and tomorrow left
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Tonight's supper is Quick chilli with creamy chive crushed potatoes, mmmm.
So Toni hovered, much more fun than hoovering.Glad Paul had a good birthday. t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006
Joan, I think I have my pills sorted. Not so sure my pills have ME sorted though. :?
Carol, I've visited your site, beautiful.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all ..
So late I had a sort of a funny turn this morning its twice now in 2 weeks ..very sickly and the room spinning..not like me at all..I just have to sit quiet till it passes ..must say it lasted nearly and hour... :shock:
Hi Toni
Happy belated Birthday to Paul..glad you hear you both had a lovely many years since we went to a comedy night..and then you went to Poms..and a meal our tonight I think you said..and all is sorted with the house sitting and miss kind of Nan to help out ..
sorry about the chips..I will send a cab next time..
Carol I love the website its so stylish..its a good idea to get a cab to your friends funeral..I am sure you will sell many more card when more people see the siteI certainly hope the weather is not has bad as they are saying..
Kath thanks for the chilli..nice and warming..I dont blame you for not going out
Aiden has been pottering inside thank goodness..I watched the cruise ..must say the ship was lovely inside and the staff amazing..
sorry about the chips.., next time I will give your more warning..
I can only imagine the nurse your came across..some do have this attitude and dont really want to do the job..but must say most are so lovely and dad has to wait for his blinds..I think you appreciate them more when you have to wait..
Thanks for all the goody's...what a selection..
Right I will leave you for to everyone keep warm.. t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Very tcold here today well except for church this morning I have had a pretty lazy relaxing day since cooking dinner when we got back. in fact I even had a nap this afternoon. don't like this cold weather my joints are really complaining. (but I'm not listening to them) glad you are liking the website and cards they are good quality too.
Aidan I dont mind staying in if it is by my choice, but I hate being forced to stay in because of the weather and if i have to I can be a real misery in fact I sympathise with Mr T when this happens. yes the cards are lovely they are even better when you see them. and the colours are even better some of them even have pop out bits that standout the one called butterfly cupcakes is one of these and all the butterfly wings pop out. I would love it if you did order some because although The company send them direct to you I still get my commission payment from them. I can assure you you will not be disappointed with them.
Thanks for refilling the hours in the shed always useful. yes i noticed the gibbons were noisy little things.
Hope you enjoyed the meal out with your neighbours.
Joan Don't worry if it snows I will not be going out I don't fancy slipping over.
Toni Glad you like the cards as yousay not your usual high street ones and the card used is more sturdy than the high street ones. also the gift wrap is also thicker than you high street ones and don't tear easily. as long as the road is clear the cab will get me to the funeral ok if we dont have snow i will go by bus. hopefully I was the right person for my friend to be with she said she enjoyed the afternoon,
Kath Glad you liked the website thank you the cards are beautiful.
Barbara thank you for the comment about the site the company set the site up for me but I send out the posts on it and manage it.
its now time for bed
Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
I am very late tonight...... :roll: after a lovely lunch, which lasted for hours, with our lovely neighbours at a fab pub not far from us. In the shadow of Pendle Hill, gorgeous village it is too.
That took up the whole afternoon, so we were shattered and went for our siesta's and did not need rocking.
Then by the time supper was over and my friend who is poorly, needed to chat online, her CT scans have been brought forward to hoping all goes well for her and they can find the cause of the problems.
Now it is after midnight, still, I am here, alive and stumbling (well, my kicking days are over lol).
Hi Joan I hope your heating is behaving and keeping you both warm and the doggies too, we will certainly need it this week, with the icy blasts that are on the way.
Thank you, we had a lovely day. We will catch up with Dad today and take him shopping.
You are welcome to the Birthday Cake, I hope Paul had a lovely day. A new garden room, very nice, prosecco, not so nice.....horrid in fact........
Naturally Miss Sleek would be up with the Larks, having no sympathies for peeples that stop out late
I never noticed that you hovered yesterday, I am impressed, no wonder you were tired out. I am sure we have all written the same, on more than one occasion
Pepe did look adorable in his tartan bow tie, a very nice tartan it is too Mrs Darcey, it matches his kilt perfectly.
Silver is just wonderful and can shower sparkles wherever we wish, landing on a cushion of them would be pure magic
Glad all the house and Sleek minding has been sorted, of course it would be, otherwise you would not be going, end of. The safety of our family, puskins and homes are priority.
So you have been out for dinner, very nice, I hope it was as good as ours, it was packed, with lots of people sat out tcold :shock: :shock: The napkins were so thick, I was thinking, I have sheets, thinner than these
The gibbons make a heck of a row, but they are quieter tonight, inside their warm house, they won't be going out in frosts. The meerkats think we have moved to the Arctic regions :? :?
Miss Sleek and Pepe were out over Pendle today, I did see them, when we popped out for a ciggy. Not sure I caught them on camera, but it is a nice picture anyway.
The super quick Chilli with the potatoes sounds and looks wonderful Kath, thank you, I will save some for tomorrow, the veggie version.
I totally understand the pills not sorting us out :roll: :roll: but I will not stop taking them, or I would grind to a halt. I have to pus some out, in order, so I don't forget, otherwise I am hopeless, when you take over 56 a day, even Matron gets puddled.
I hope any ouchies are minimal, many hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006
Hi Barbara, oh dear, having two funny turns, you have not got an ear infection have you? Just a thought, or vertigo (menniers), that can make the room really spin and makes you feel veryHave a word with the Dr maybe, just to check. There are simple tests that they can do to check on your balance / ears / etc. Some sparkles and hugs t115006 t4591
I am glad you saw the Cruise, it was a lovely boat, gorgeous inside and the cabins, with big jacquzee...... that's not right...... (how do you spell that word) baths. The staff were so kind and polite too.
Dad's blinds should be another week or so, he will be wanting them today, of course. But, we will divert him with shopping, might pop into the Range today and then to Costa for brunch. Have the car valeted while we are in Tesco's, they do an amazing job, it shines like showroom new.
Hi Carol, it is certainly cold, only minus 2 tonight, minus 7 later this week :shock: with a windchill of goodness knows what.
No harm in having a lazy day. We all love the cards and I will get some for sure. I love the butterfly ones. They are all really nice. The whole site is really pleasing, easy to follow and the colours are fab.
Glad the spare hours will come in handy. We needed a couple today, but not to worry, it has been a lovely day.
I am running out of time before my back goes from grumbling to screeching, a bit like the gibbons :shock: So I had better move my bones, throw some pots, sorry, wash a few pots :? Feed Pepe who is whingeing in the kitchen doorway.
Hi to everyone else, hope all are as ok as can be and taking care, keeping warm and safe.
Love to all t4591
Breakfast potatoesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Carol Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
Toni have a lovely time you both need a rest.
Kathleen it makes you wonder what our insides are like with all the tablets. Keep warm.
Barbara I hope you have a good day keep warm.
Carol keep warm I’m not sure when we are having the snow.
((((((((Aidan and))))))) I hope you all have a good day. The boiler man has to wait till he can get the machine to clean out the rad. Keep warm.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..yes very very cold..just hope the snow misses us...
Carol had a lazy day and I should think so after all the busy ones..I am confused..nothing new there ..have you made some of the cards is it a site for people to sell that make there own..will have another look..
Aiden you may be right with the vertigo..I googles what was going on and that came up..gosh I have never had dizzy spells in my life , and sort of flu like symptons ..I wonder if the sinuses have cause the ear infection..
glad to hear you had a good lunch with your neighbours..I do love a nice country pub..just wish we had one..such a nice picture you took..
breakfast potatoes..think I will save them for lunch..
Joan the rads fill up with black if they flush it out should be much better..fingers crossed..
Not long now for sleep..
Right better go still felling dizzy and a bit sickly..
Love to all t4591 t4591 xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Oh Joan, I don't like to think of my insides.
The stuff I've put in mine over the years. One liquid NSAID made huge holes in my tongue. Nasty. :shock:
These apple roses look too pretty to eat. But at least they're healthy.
So Toni's off cruising and missing all this snow. Safe journey Toni, have a great time.
Everybody keep warm. Vest, woolly socks, gloves and scarves. Failing that, stay under the duvet.
hcold tcold scold cfly t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 Let's beat the beast from the east."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, wanted to wish Toni a happy and safe cruise / holiday, we will miss you while you are away. As long as you have a fabulous time and really chill out. Dressing for dinner and all that jazz, lots of sparkles and champagne with the captain. We need pictures, of course.
If there is free wifi, then drop us a quick line to say you are safe and sailing away.
We are not long back from our trip out to the Range, then Tesco, whils't the car was valeted to a gleaming shine, inside and out. They do such a good job, hard work and freezing cold. We always tip them well, which is appreciated I am sure.
Now you are still feeling sickly Barbara, you could well have an inner ear problem, from your sinuses, or a sinus infection, which can lead to nausea and dizziness. They are all interconnected. Matron says pop to the Drs or Practice NurseSome ((())) and sparkles to help things along. t115006 t115006
Hi Joan, at least they are actually going to do something and clean out the system. We have one of the magna something, that is connected into the heating system, that gathers all the muck and is cleaned every time the boiler has a service. Mr B will know what I mean, magna flow is it? I forget.
Make sure you keep warm both of you and the doggies all snuggled up too.
The apple roses are far too beautiful to eat and terribly healthy Kath. Maybe we should have something to go with them
Some very creamy vanilla custard, should be ok with Barbara, not too rich.
Catch everyone later, time is marching. Need a lie down. Love to all, keep warm XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Aiden I will phone the doctors tomorrow..promise...its very scary when it fully comes on..thanks for the info on the sinuses, and thankyou for the sparkles..we have a grange not far away, I love it but OH thinks there is far to much in there...
did you buy anything nice..Toni will be all excited it really will do them both good..are you all packed Aiden don't forget we are going has well... mankini will be needed along with my bikinis..warmer climates here we come..your car is all sparkling ..must get OH to get ours cleaned.. :oops: did you mention I can eat that on its own...
Kath the pastry's will go nicely with Aidens custard..I have ulcer due to taking antiinflams for a num of years..I am so grateful for these patches..
My PIP form has gone off..less a couple of letters..I forgot there is only 28 days in feb.... :shock:
Think I had better get the feeds ready for our sanctuary..the poor things have been forgotten
Have a lovely time Toni and Paul...
Love to everyone ... t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Thank you everyone
I am all exited and pretty well all ready too!
I hope to be able to log in and say hello and look forward to my visitors on board all of you will be very welcome!
So far Miss Sleek hasn't sussed what is happening I am sure the girls and Pepe will do their very best to keep her happy and obviously not starved
Love to you all stay well and Barbara get well!
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
I'm early tonight we have had flurries of this nasty white stuff called snow on and off most of the day but none has settled and its all gone now we have forecast for some more snow showers tomorrow. I managed to get out today so made the most of it. while I can.
Tomorrow is my friends husbands funeral so will have to see what the weather brings into the morning as to weather i go by bus or cab. I cannot believe that it was a year ago Today we lost our Snowie still greatly missed. here are a couple of pictures of him for you 31-07-2012 09 30 15 (1).jpg?dl=0
Aidan I must admit I did enjoyed my lazy day yesterday its nice to have one now and then yes we are supposed to have very cold minus weather later in the week too. I must admit the website is good and very easy to follow and use, the company set it up for me when I paid my renewal fee for insurance that we have to pay annually along with 15 free cards as well. I am hoping that more of my friends and family who don't live close will order them on line too from my site because I still get the commission earned on them. So Pepe was hungry he knew you needed to move.Its a year ago today that we lost our Snowie.
Joan you and Sue keep warm too we have had flurries f snow today but it has not settled.
Barbara no these are not my own make of cards I am just a trader for the Flamingo Paperie company. they don't sell these cards to shops they use what they call independent partners such as myself so they are all unique designed by their own artists. and any profit they make goes to various charities . the reason for the site with my name on it is it was set up for me by Flamingo so that I can either sell to local friends and family personally or now i have a proper website up and running I can get those people i know and family further afield to order online from the website. Flamingo then deliver the cards to the person and credit me with the sale. please do take another look because they are beautiful good quality cards.
Toni have a good cruise and I'll see you on boardm0150 m0150 m0150
Well its time to move before the bones set into one position they don't like this weather at all.
love too all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol and anyone else I missed.
Barbara I hope you’re feeling better soon keep warm.
Kathleen I’m sorry you have taken such horrible meds you don’t know you just want to help your body.
((((((Aidan and))))) I hope you don’t get too much of the white stuff.
Toni and Paul have a lovely holiday you won’t have any snow there.
Carol you have good heating there we are housing ****. I hope you have a good day. Lovely dog
Take care all
Joan xx.take care
joan xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni Carol and anyone else I missed.
Barbara I hope you’re feeling better soon keep warm.
Kathleen I’m sorry you have taken such horrible meds you don’t know you just want to help your body.
((((((Aidan and))))) I hope you don’t get too much of the white stuff.
Toni and Paul have a lovely holiday you won’t have any snow there.
Carol you have good heating there we are housing ****. I hope you have a good day. Lovely dog
Take care all
Joan xx.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all...
Snow here I did think it might miss us hcold
Had a couple of snapchats off Toni this morning form Manchester airport..parking and the loo floor..not sure when they fly out but shouldn't be long..she cant leave us all here freezing so we are definitely joining them..
Joan thankyou..hope you Sue and the doggies are warm and you have snow ..
Carol I am with you ..and will have another look at the cards..and I will be thinking about you and your friend today so very sad for keep safe in this weather..
Aiden I hope you are ok and ninny walking if you do go out ...
They have shut a couple of schools here but its not that bad, I remember when I was at school making and igloo with one of the teachers..we loved it
Right off to try and get an appointment at the doctors..I hate going and they know I dont normally bother them OH say he will go done there rather than ring and not get through..
Take care everyone tcold t4591 hcold m0150Love
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