Val's Cafe
Just a quick visit. We went to the Sawley Co-op before the snow arrived. It seems to have gone now (sunshine instead). m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
But I'm sure it will be back again.
tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold tcold hcold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
My apologies, the last two days have just vanished, but, I am here, in Narnia :shock:
I am hoping that Toni and Paul managed to get away safely and are enjoying their time away, don't you worry about us, in the snow, frozen bow legged
I trust you managed to get in to see the Dr Barbara, what did they say, was Matron on the right lines, ear / sinus infection ?
There is so much in the Range, that you can get befuddled with it all. The one in Burnley is not too big, so you can actually see all of it, lots of sparkly things and shiny sequins and the like.
Now, mankini, are we sure about that, in this weather :shock: :shock: :? :? tcold hcold Is the world ready for me in a mankini????? well, I know the simple answer to that one "NO"I will pop on one of those edwardian bathing suits, with arms and legs in and all very modest.
The car was lovely and clean, but that was short lived when we woke to about 2 inches of lovely powdery snow. Easy to walk on and nice and crunchy. Of course the car is filthy again now, with the wet and salty roads. :roll: :roll: typical.
All the snow went, apart from anywhere in the shade. Then when we opened the back door this evening, it has all come back again, another 2 -3 inches. It all looks very pretty and seeing as we don't have to go out today, we don't mind.
I hope you have not had too much, a lot of places further south have had a lot more than us, Kent, Lincolnshire, etc.
Good that your PIP form has gone off, all we can do it wait now, see what the DWP say, in their infinite wisdom. I have all the sparkles possible for it to be ok for you and rightly so.
Thank you for tending to our animals, the keepers are doing a fabulous job, but they do like us to pop in and see them.
Miss Sleek has been confined to barracks, due to the weather being so bad. She has finally sussed all that has gone on and has been bending Pepe's ear, being abandoned, no food, no heat, no water.......... :roll: :roll:
Pepe has been consoling her and I think she managed to cheer up when she saw him in his kilt and bow tie, doing some gliding and performing :shock: They are both going to be stir crazy but Hermione will not let them out when the Beast from the East is upon us.
You stay well and enjoy it all. Looking forward to some pictures
Hi Carol, Let's keep our fingers crossed that you don't get too much snow, I know it has been bad down south, lots of accidents and some fatalities, airports closed etc. You take care, when you are out at your friends late Husbands funeral, will be thinking of you.
The pictures are lovely, I cannot believe a year has gone by, truly I cannot. Bless, poor Snowie. Thank you for sharing them XX
I am glad you enjoyed your lazy day, they are nice sometimes, we need them, to recharge our batteries a little. I have been terrible the last two days, they have just gone, I have been browsing and reading up on phones, I am itching for a new one, even though mine is the top one of 2017 and only a year old. :roll: My guilty pleasure, so the time just goes when you are reading on the web.
I will order some cards, I will have a good look through again and sort out some, it is always nice to have some in stock at home.
Hi Joan, we seem to be back in a winter wonderland again, most if it went, only yo return tonight. When we were in town, in Sainsb, there was a total blizzard, you could not see into the car park it was coming down so heavily. B was walking over to Homebase, he said it felt like being at the north pole :shock:
I hope you are both ok and the doggies too, they will be ok in the garden in this weather, running about, do they like snow to play in?
I am glad you had some snapchats from Toni, Barbara, at least we know she was near the loo and was at the airport :shock:
I didn't even ninny walk in the snow. Fresh powdery snow is fine for me to walk on. It is ice and slush that I don't like.
The school was closed in the village and there was barely a flake of snow, it was all up here, on the park.
I bet making an igloo was wonderful, shall we have another go now hcold hcold
Have you got an appointment at the Drs ??
I am glad you made it to the Co Op Kath and the snow you had, has gone, or has it come back again :? :?
Thank you for the wonderful toasted marshmallow milkshake, that will go down a treat.............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
We went into town and to the T room, the coffee was so perfect I could have stayed all day. We know one of the ladies well, who works there and she was manning the coffee machinery. We also had bacon, egg and mushroom, in toast. It was fabulous.
Right, I must move, I have phones to research :roll:bless, what am I like.
Hi to Christine, Mig, Toni, DD, Elizabeth, Toady, Charrisse, Kerrin and all.
Everyone take lots and lots of care if you have to go out in the bad weather. Leaving a mountain of hugs and sparkles. t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Mushroom and cheese toasties for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and And anyone else I missed.
Barbara I hope it went well at the Doctor’s.
Kathleen i hope you have a good day.
Aidan and B keep warm we have a dusting of the white stuff we are down to have more tomorrow.
Take care all Toni thinking of you
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I'm with this weather. Sun one minute. m0150 m0150 Dark and snowing the next. scold scold hcold
Carol, forgot to mention your gorgeous photos of Snowie. No wonder you miss him.
MANKINI!! I'm saying nothing Aidan. Quite like the Edwardian bathing suit though.I need a lie down now.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
Fish fingers, spinach and scrambled egg on toast."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Been at the dentist this morning..Drs tomorrow..
Anyhow they cant ft a bridge to replace the one that has come off because the tooth has broke..I knew this..just a millimeter more she said and they could have done its either an implant or a plate..the implant beside the price has such a risk of infection so cant chance plate it is much to the amusement of my you take out she said.. :roll: back next week to have it fitted they did all the horrible rubber stuff in my mouth today... :roll:
Kath its the same her one min snow the next sun but bitterly cold fish fingers scrambles egg and spinach..maybe just the fish and spinach
Joan..hope you dont have snow..must say we have done well compared to some..thankyou its the Drs tomorrow.. the doctors wanted me to go this morning but had the dentist.. :roll: I got a couple of snapchats off Toni form Manchester airport..they were lucky today flights have been cancelled..I am sure you will look better in a mankini then I would in a you say lets not go there
a Victorian costume would be just the job..and one of those machines that take you to the water..
poor miss sleek ..I am sure Pepe will do the right thing by her, maybe move her into yours for a while..oh I see you mentioned the whatsapps form glad they weren't least I dont think they were.. :? now you have got me fancying egg on toast we have just bought duck eggs
Carol sorry I forgot to mention the lovely pics of Snowy..bless its gone so fast..
Right I haven't had any lunch so will go and get my egg on..
Love to everyone stay warm and safe..xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, what a winters day it is too. We woke to more snow, another two / three inches.
It is bright sunshine at the moment, you need sunglasses, then next time you look it is a blizzard. :shock: :shock:
Having an at home day, not venturing out today. We have enough of what we need and Dad is ok, so we can all stay indoors.
Hi Joan, I hope you are not too snowed in, I think most of the country is in for some snow, there is a red alert for Scotland, not quite sure what you have to do in a red alert, hide I assume.
I think we are all confused Kath, with the dazzling sunshine and then a total white out. No sign of many cars on the park today, even the postie has not come up the lane, cannot blame him.
Let's try and get the thoughts of me in a mankini out of our heads, :? :? it's all Barbara's idea, that I should wear one on the cruise ship.People would be abandoning ship.
The Victorian bathing suit, with the hot on wheels, to take me into the water, thus preserving my modesty, would be far better
I am sure you do need a lie down now Kath. Enjoy the rest and think of nice things. t69044 t115006 I will go and tuck into the fish and eggs and spinach, looks lovely.
Hi Barbara B can sympathise with the risk of having implants, they are uber expensive, about a 1000 ££ a tooth and they do risk infections, without a doubt. B has plates, most of his are dentures, although you would never ever know. He was having so many problems with his own teeth, they just left ones that were good, to support the plates.
I bet you have had a time of it, that blue rubber stuff that they put in your mouth is not pleasant at allLet's hope next weeks trip is a less yucky experience. Ah, the amusement of your GD, taking the tooth out at night. Great to be young and think that nothing can go wrong.
So the Drs is tomorrow, maybe a course of antibiotics, but if you are very dizzy, they can give prochlorperazine (stemetil), which is very good for vertigo / menniers.
Just looked out, it is a total blizzard again now. hcold :shock: :shock:
I am glad Toni and Paul were not flying today, they would likely be delayed or cancelled, depending where they were flying from, it is bitter cold and set to get a lot colder, with 50mph winds tomorrow. cfly cfly
Pepe is keeping Miss Sleek occupied, they are playing quidditch on their cat play station 4so they are both happy. They are grounded during this weather, oh, now the sun is coming's crazy.
Mum and Dad used to buy duck eggs and used them in their cake baking, lovely rich sponges.......mmmm........
I hope everyone is taking lots of care, keeping warm and snug and not going out unless it is absolutely necessary.
We need something nice and stodgy, to keep us warm.........let me go see.
Love to all, in, out and about. XXX Aidan t115006 t115006
Steamed Cherry Pudding with Orange CustardXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi Aiden..just popped in to see what was for pud..gosh that looks so good, and what is needed in this weather..
Dont worry we can both have the costumes ..can you just imagine the looks you say better than a mankini or in my case bikini..I did wear one many moons ago.. :shock:
Poor bill and there I am grumbling about one plate..I have had trouble with my teeth since I was a child..and always brushed them.. :roll: the weather is the same here ..snow then its gone then this afternoon it was back..not looking forward to tomorrow.. :shock: glad to hear Pepe and Miss Sleek are together on the PlayStation..wait till I tell Niamh
Right I will get my steamed pud and custard..thankyou..
Love to everyone xxxx m0150 m0150 lets think not working :roll: t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Sorry Aiden my mind was on the pudding..
I forgot to say thankyou for the info ..especially the stemetil..I will mention this back to the pud..
Barbara0 -
hcold tcold Well, there is still snow coming down, very light and very sparkly t115006 t115006
It looks beautiful, but we are pretty much stranded on the park at the moment.
We have a lane / side road about 1/3 of a mile long, on a slight hill, to reach the main bigger road in the village. It is not one that is gritted, so, as you can imagine, it is covered in snow. Several cars have made it up, slipping and sliding, which makes it all the more difficult for anyone else trying.
Our neighbour spent an hour, getting up the lane tonight :shock: :shock: So there is no way we are going to risk it, unless there is a big thaw, which seems unlikely with a wind chill tomorrow of minus 15 !!
So, it will be another at home day. B will go round and see Dad, we rang him to see if he was ok, he seemed quite happy, nice and warm, he has plenty food in.
I thought you may pop in Barbara, to see what goodies there were for our treats. We definitely need suet puddings (vegetarian suet) in this weather, soul food and comfort food. In fact I wish we had some, we have the custard but no pudding :roll: :roll:
We will look just fine in our full bathing suits, with matching hats of course.
I think we look very fetching. Where did we find the child? :? :?
B had a lot of gum trouble and he has never felt better since having most of them removed and plates fitted. I remember he had 9 out one day, the denture put in and we went straight round to mum and dads for lunch :shock: :shock: I would have needed a week in a spa hotel, to recover.
We are nice and warm, except when we nip to the back door for a ciggy and then it is super cold, with light snow blowing straight at you. I like to look at all the sparkles though, wonderful to see, but we need to get out soon.
I did write to the Council highways and asked if they could grit our lane, as everyone is stranded. We will see if they respond.
Miss Sleek has been a tad dramatic about being left :roll: , but Pepe is making sure that she is kept occupied and they have both enjoyed watching the snow.
I hope all goes well at the Drs, keep us posted as to the outcome of the visit. Stay safe and be very careful while you are out.
How is the cruise Toni, warm and lovely. Think of us, with our knees knocking tcold
All the lovelies are safely in their indoor houses or burrows, they are all nice and warm, safe, dry and very well fed.
Hi to Kerrin, Toni, Elizabeth, Christine, Carol, Mig, Toady, DD, Kath and all................
Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Dutch, thick vanilla skillet pancakes, with blueberry sauce.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen did you read spring has been put on hold.
Barbara good luck tomorrow with the Doctors.
Aidan what about jam roly poly or spotted dick things like that are wrong these days but they kept you warm.
Take care everyone
Joan xx.take care
joan xx0 -
We NEVER have snow here, so what's all this about then! Photo of our back garden at 8am March 1st 2018.
First, some of Aidan's delish pudding. Thank you kindly sir. Love the bathing suits, but the child doesn't belong to me. Mine are all grown up, even the grandkids.
tcold tcold tcold cfly cfly hcold hcold hcold hcold scold scold
Today is meant to be wheelie bin day, the council have cancelled it. I feel sorry for those with hospital appointments that use non-emergency patient transport (like I do) as that isn't running either. So glad I don't have one. Poor Dawn needs a wound dressing every day. She had a septic cyst removed from her back and also has a water infection.
Joan, I hadn't heard that but as today was supposed to be the first day of spring, I can well believe it. scold scold scold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..
Gosh this weather we had plenty of snow last night and this morning but its this wind..everything is being blown over..
Been to the doctors and he has given me stemetil thanks to ABs though he wants an MRI of my head..not sure what they will find..not a brain I know that..I had one when I went about these sinuses.. last year I think..
Aiden Im so glad I got the stemetil..I have awful motion fingers crossed..I love the costumes can you imagine Tonis face when we turn up..goodness knows who the child belongs tosorry you cant get out..the side roads are awful so stay put if you can..this is were freezers come in..
good that B can get to check on could do with a smoking tent outside,..mind you it would take off in this wind :shock: yes all the animals are safe and snug..I have to laugh we have 3 cats here they do have a cat flap but come round here to see what we have ..and sit by the fire..not so daft..oh thankyou for the skillet is there any custard left..
Joan thankyou you and Sue stay warm and safe...
Kath I was thinking the same this morning..people that have appointments.
Did you all see the people dropping hot drink and food from the bridge on the motorway..not dropping but letting them down by rope..the poor people have been stuck for hours..roll on spring..
OH has been out and about thawing people outlet pipes on there boilers..if your boiler goes off its usually the pipe that is frozen in this weather, so a kettle of hot water on the pipe does the trick
Take care everyone xxxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, goodness me, what a day, are we really in the UK, or the Arctic tcold tcold hcold cfly - I know I said I like snow, well, enough already........ :shock: :shock:
It seems to have finally stopped snowing now, but the wind that is howling is blowing it all into drifts.
An at home day. Our neighbour braved it to go to his OH came round for a chat, well, she blew in, with a lot of snowHe is picking a few things up for us on his way home. It is the lane that is the problem, treacherous when it is covered in snow and ice.
A few cars have been out and managed to get back, so that is an improvement.
We, well, B is going to take a chance driving so we can go out tomorrow, it is Dads Birthday and we want to take him out for brunch and will get supplies too.
I hope everyone is keeping safe and warm, it is a wild wild day.
Oh Joan, all those puddings are essential to have in winter, we need good stodgy foods to keep us warm, with lashings of custard. I hope you, Sue and the doggies are ok and the heating is working well. I bet the doggies nearly vanish in the snow if it is deep, do they like to play in it?
Oh, never say never Kath, see, you said it and now you have snow:shock:
Thank you for the picture of the garden. I think most of Britain is covered, some areas deeper than others, but generally a white out.
Glad you enjoyed the pudding and the bathing suits too, rather fetching I must say. Mine has special super strength wiring in it, so keep everything in place :shock: :? :?
It must be a nightmare for the emergency and patient services in this weather, trying to maintain as normal a service as possible. What annoys me are all the hoax calls that people make, wasting time that could be spent saving lives.
I hope Dawn can get her dressing changed asap, if I was nearby, I would pop in and see to it.
Spring will have to go on hold a while, is it the 22 or something like that. Not sure.
Hi Barbara, we did have a lot of snow as well, thank goodness it is not snowing like it was yesterday or it would be halfway up the back door.
The wind is getting stronger here, twigs and little branches all over, whipping the snow up into little tornadoes.
Oh I am glad you have some Stemetil, it really is good, but be careful it can make you a bit sleepy. I hope it works well. So, another MRI, not sure they will see anything different to last year, of course your brain will be in there, don't you worry.
Toni will love it when we turn up in our bathing outfits, very a la mode,
We have been snowed in for two days, but will try to get out tomorrow, there are some cars out and about today and our lovely neighbour is bringing us some emergency supplies. Bless him. He didn't have to go into work, the boss said don't bother, but no, off he went............ :? :?
I am glad that the three puskins are all enjoying the fire. They know a good place to go.
There is plenty of custard left, worry not. Enjoy the pancakes.
Sleek and Pepe have been on cat chat, enjoying the snowy weather, from inside of course. The no fly zone has been extended, due to storm Emma and severe wind chill. Miss Sleek has been less dramatic today, Pepe has been giving her hypnotherapy for her abandonment complex.
Right, it is cup of T and nearly siesta time. So I will love everyone and leave for now. I will pop back later.
Ginger toffee sponge and custard, to keep us warm.
Everyone take lots and lots of care, keep safe. Love and sparkles XX t4591 t115006 AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Well lots of snow hcold hcold hcold hcold here I have stayed in today was not going to even attempt getting out our side road and pavements never get gritted only the main roads. Mr T went out today and said even the main road pavements were icy. so think I may be in for a couple of days more. although the snow has been settled here since Tuesday night I did get to my knitting group by taking a mini cab. have had to keep getting up and having a little potter around. as I need to keep the joints moving or else they will be shouting at me.
Tried to order my online Tesco shopping today. to find there were no Time slots available until Saturday afternoon. So now have ordered a delivery from Asda for tomorrow. Any odd little bits Mr T can get from our local shop at the top of our road, as long as he is able to get out. I am just hoping it will ease soon cos I am bored already of staying in just don't like it.
Joan I am just glad that our heating is ok now, Hope you and Sue are keeping warm. thank you we were always being told our Snowie was a lovely dog.
Barbara yes funerals are not the nicest of things to have to go too but at least it did not snow at that time only later in the day did we get the white stuff that settled.
yes do have another look at the cards the quality is really good and
well worth the money.
Aidan Thank you in advance if you order some cards as one of the charities the have supported is the charity that researches the enzyme problem that our Lillie has. that's what made me register with them in the first place.
The funeral went ok and my friend was ok with it. there was no snow that came later in the afternoon so I was able to go and come back by bus .I also managed to put 2 pot plants on my mums grave as well after the funeral as it was not snowing at that point.
Mr T thought his phone was not working last night but we now think it was the charger as he put it on charge again overnight and this morning it was working.
Kath Thank you Snowie was a lovely dog.
think it is time that I moved again and had a little wander before I set to armchair shape
Keep safe and warm everyone
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Well, it is still blowing a gale, despite the weather saying winds easing. cfly cfly
Fortunately no more snow, just the drifting snow now.
Grateful for our neighbour bringing the bits we needed. He said the lane down to the main road is very scary. :shock:
We are going to try to get out today, with it being Dads B Day, he is like a caged lion and needs his prescription picking up, so we will see how we slither down the lane..........I will keep my eyes shut.
Hi Carol, so you are snowed in at the moment, I think most of the country is covered in snow, some of it very deep.
Take care Mr T when you are out and about.
Glad you will have a delivery of groceries, with the bad weather, I imagine everyone is wanting to get them delivered, which I cannot blame them for.
We have had no post for two days, the postie won't come up the lane if it is like a bobsleigh run.
My new phone is at the sorting depot in town...........which is driving me nuts, I want it here, with MEWe will pick it up today, or try anyway.
Pottering is our main stay, we need to do it, I just set like stone, guess you do the same.
I will order some cards next week, I need some in stock, for those B days that happen and you think oops, no cards............
I am glad you managed to get to support your friend at her hubbies funeral, she will be very grateful. Good that the snow held off and that you could take some flowers to your Mum's resting place t69044 t4591
Good that Mr T's phone is working again.
Right, I had better make a move, it is 1am and my friend keeps messaging me on FB, so I am here, there and all over the place.
I will put some fresh blueberry muffins out, in the tin, for breakfast. Wish us luck with the journey out.......................
Hope you are enjoying your cruise Toni, thinking of you both m0150 m0150 don't worry about us in the snow and storms :shock: :shock: :roll:
Love to all, please take lots of care and keep warm and safe. XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen I hope it’s not too bad there for you and someone can come to do Dawn’s dressing.
Barbara good luck with your brain scan they will see how clever you are. I went to see the hip man yesterday I have not got arthritis in it the pain is coming from my hip I have a twisted spine so I’m having a MRI and a bone scan.
Aidan good luck with the lane go careful you don’t want to be on the news like some of the people you see. I hope you get your phone.
Carol what breed of dog was snowy we have long haired dachshund mini’s they are cuddly. I hope you have a good day.
Take care all
Joan xx. I bet Toni is glad she has missed the snow.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all what a sounded like hurricane force..we are so exposed her back and front..I thought the window were going to come out.. :shock:
Joan you made me laugh..not sure they will see how clever I am your hip pain is form your back,,this is what I had for a few years..having my second hip did help a bit but the back still make it so painful at times..hope all is well when you have the scan..
Carol so glad to got to your friends you had an at home day has well .. you be careful if you go out today..and nice that you were able to put flowers on your mums grave...I will order the card this weekend has we have two Birthday this month ...
Aiden I took the stemetil yesterday he did say to take it will do that today..I nice of your neighbours getting you some supplies ..this is how neighbours used to be..coldest march day on records it says..I only felt it when OH opened the front door.. :shock: I thought we both looked very fetching in the costume..its kind of Pepe to help Miss sleek through the abandonment ..they really are good for one another bless..I am hoping its warm for Toni they have had snow in Spain and Italy..but its a lovely break for them you are venturing out today..must say most of our snow has gone but this freezing wind is awful..Happy Birthday to dad hope you all enjoy ..I am sure you will after being stuck in...
oh forgot to say my blood preasure was high and he was concerned about the headaches..and my eye sight ..but that has been going for a while..put me in a bag and shake me up and I will be right
Must move..stay warm and safe everyone xxxxx t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Glad to say that Dawn has had her dressing done, and said it hurt, but is better for now. Put my mind at rest.
She even asked if we needed anything fetching. But apart from Tesco not coming (down to weather) we are OK. We've rescheduled the delivery for Monday.
hcold tcold scold cfly
Hope all are keeping warm and safe.
t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t69044 t69044 t69044
Trying some Empire biscuits today. I've been looking for Swiss tarts. I used to love them, but all they have now are Bakewell tarts. Nice, but prefer the Swiss tarts. Also lie the Melted Snowmen."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Melted snowmen
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hope everyone is keeping warm and taking a great deal of care if venturing out.My joints do NOT like this cold weather,wenting shopping with tights jeans and heavy socks on. tcold0
Hello all..the freezing wind hasn't dropped one bit .. :shock:
Just to say I had a message off Toni and she asked me to tell you she is ok and its quite hot.. :shock: but cool in there cabin..send some over here Toni...she has seen crocodiles, dolphins, and an iguana..but no manatees...they are very shy she is hoping Johnny will rescue one..
she send her love to everyone...I told her we are having the coldest march on record.. :roll: so glad they are enjoying it..and they have the sun....
Kath I will partake of a few of the melted snowmenand glad to hear that Dawn has had her dressing changed and all is nice of her to ask if you needed anything..hope that Tesco get through..
Mig its lovely to hear form you..yes its a bit chilly out there but must say our snow has gone..but very windy..
Hi to Aiden when he pops in hope you got out and about today..
Love to everyone... t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi everyone
still have Snow lying did not snow all day until about 2.30 this afternoon. just after Mr T came back from the shop to say the main road that runs along the end of our road, and our local high street were all clear and it was raining. then it decided to snow again for a little while, and made a light coating on top of what was already still lying around. The trouble is the council only grit the main roads and not the side roads which is why I still dare not go out. Yes I know its the safest the thing for me to do, but after one day of only getting out for a couple of hours and 2 days confined to home. I am getting really fed up with it and just want it gone now. I missed both of the main meals out I usually have each week. and wasn't able to meet my friend for coffee either today. (Stop moaning Carol lots of others cannot get out either.) :roll: :roll: hopefully our weather forecast for tomorrow is right and after perhaps a little sleet in the morning we then have no more snow forecast for next week, and it is supposed to be warmer. we will see.
Mig I know how you feel my joints don't like this cold weather either having lots of pain at the moment.
Barbara I didn't get out today still to much snow and ice around for me with my walker.
I was very glad I got to the funeral and also managed to get a couple of pot plants on my mums grave, probably both ruined by now with the weather.
Thank you in advance for ordering off my card website if you have any problems send me a message and let me know.
Joan Snowie was a Staffordshire bull terrier crossed with a Dalmation. Our Snowie loved his cuddles. he was a very loving dog and a big softie.
Aidan Yes confined to home don't trust myself to go out too slippery. it's driving me absolutely mad at the moment and that's after only 2 days :roll: :roll: .
We have had post alright its so annoying when you are waiting for something and you know where it is but cannot get it hopefully you managed to get out today to get it. Happy Birthday to Dad.
We must keep pottering after all we don't want anyone setting to stone do we
Yes we managed to get our shopping all be it from Asda and not Tesco like usual. Mr T will get some fruit tomorrow as he has been able to get out.
My friend was pleased that I could get to the funeral and that the snow held off and get to put a couple of pot plants on my mums grave as well was a bonus.
Thank you in advance for saying you will buy some of the cards. if you have any problems message me.
well must take a little potter around as I have been sitting in thsi armchair far to long and joints are now moaning at me to get up and move.
keep safe everyone we need some of this m0150 m0150 m0150 to melt all of this hcold hcoldStay positive always👍xx0 -
my the day has flown past, almost as fast as the winds we have been enduring. Goodness, Thursday night was frightening to be honest, we could hear branches snapping in the woods........... :shock: :?
I will write more tomorrow, but wanted to say we are ok. We did get out, had coffee and brunch for Dads Birthday at the GC, which was very nice. It was very quiet, with most of the car park an ice rink. We were well looked after and the bacon and egg toastie had so much bacon in, we were being spoiled rotten.
I finally managed to get my hands on the parcel and have my new phone in my little mitts. It was a fuss and then some, but, sorted and I am a happy bunny.
Sending you hugs Joan, let's hope they can offer some help with your spine problems, the MRI will spot things, he says, not going within a mile of one. You take it all in your stride, we are so proud of you and Sue. I bet the doggies are so cuddly.
It was horrid last night Barbara, we were pretty freaked out, it was way over 50 mph winds, we are quite open here, on the park, so it hits us full force. It sounded like someone was banging on the window at times. Finally, it seems to have calmed down.
Yes, take the right amount of Stemetil, hope they are helping.
High blood pressure, worried about your eyes, headaches, oh dear, let's pop you in that bag and shake things up. Sending a lot of hugs and well wishes. t4591 t115006 Hopefully the MRI will help with diagnosis and treatment. Are they increasing meds for your BP?
Thank you for the update from Toni, I am so glad they are having a good time, that it is warm and they are enjoying the break.
Pepe is doing a sterling job looking after miss Sleek, she has been ok today, not too over dramatic, he sent some tuna over, with one of his magic spells, so she was very impressed with that. She even admitted that the family peeples were looking after all her needs :shock: she is a changed woman.
The car behaved impeccably on the snowy lane, no sliding, skidding, well driven by B of course. Down and back up, with no trouble at all. It was nice to get out and about. Dad doesn't like birthdays, so we didn't make too much of a fuss about it.
I am glad that Dawn had her dressing done Kath, I bet it was ouchie too. Sending hugs and mend quickly sparkles t4591 t115006 t115006
I think everything has been delayed, disrupted or cancelled, due to the weather over the past three days. Glad the delivery will be there on Monday.
Thank you for the empire biscuits and the melting snowmen, I will have a handful with my T later tonight.
Are these the Swiss Tarts you were thinking of
Hi Mig, lovely to see you and likewise I trust you are keeping warm and safe. It sounds like you have enough layers on when you were out shopping. Don't blame you one bit. XX
I hope you can get out and about soon Carol, it is frustrating, we were getting a bit stir crazy. As long as it is safe, don't take any undue risks, we don't want any falls.
It is supposed to warm up by Sunday, after what has been the coldest week for many a long year. Chaos all over the country, fancy being stranded in the car for 20 hours................. :shock: :shock: must have been terrible.
I am sure you friend was very appreciative that you could go to the funeral, they are difficult and draining times in life.
I will be looking through the cards next week and picking some out
Right, onwards, I want to play a little with the new phone.
Hi to everyone, Toni, Kerrin, Christine, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.
Take lots of care, keep warm and safe. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Mig Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara I’m sorry about all your problems. Yes a shake up would sort you out.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day. Keep warm.
Mig nice to see you I hope it’s not too bad where you live.
Carol its boring staying in we have not been out for 2 days we are in a side road as well the scooters cannot move in the snow.
you take care.
Aidan I’m pleased you have your new phone. Our neighbour gets things for us at the shops as well.
Have a good weekend everyone keep warm
Take care
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all at last the wind has dropped ..
Aiden I really felt for the people stuck in there cars and the toilet.. :shock: how kind of people to help out the best they could even walking in the snow to get food to them..
Glad to hear you got out for dads birthday..they did spoil you with all that bacon..our GD in London face timed me to show me the snow she was walking in.. :shock: no buses..
you got your mitts on that new phone today you will be busy on it ..if you are anything like BP is always high when I visit the doctors but have had 2 24 hours ones and it was okish..thanks for the hugs..and sparkles
more bad weather on the way.. :shock: hope there was no damage from the scary...
Joan what a shame you haven't been able to get out and about..but hopefully this weekend..all our snow has gone now..must say it wasn't to bad just the freezing wind..glad to hear the neighbours are helping does bring out the best in people..take care both of you..what do the doggies think of the snow..
Carol like I said to Aiden our GD works in London must say its unusual for you to get it so bad..hopefully today it will clear for you..if you go out today be careful ..they are warning about black ice were the snow has gone..
OH has gone to sort someones boiler..somebody old he says bet they are the same age has us...
Keep warm and safe everyone t4591 t4591Love
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