Val's Cafe
Aidan. the Swiss tarts looked a bit like a Bakewell Tart, but were flatter and contained currants in the filling, with a cherry on top. I used to love them. I'm glad you have your phone.
Carol, what a lovely combination Snowie was. And cuddlesome too.
The District Nurse has been to change Dawn's dressing again. Yes it is ouchy. I don't know how long she needs to have it done for.
Joan, I'm sorry you can't get out. Blooming snow. hcold hcold
Barbara. no Tesco, we had to reschedule for Monday!
Pumpkin and Leek Nut roast anyone?"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, finally the howling gales have stopped and the snow is vanishing, hoorah - enough for this year, thanks all the same.
Best laid plans, thought we would have a leisurely afternoon, but the neighbours over the way popped in for a natter and to collect the laptop that B had sorted out for them.
Now it is nearly 5 :shock: I was going to play with my new phone all afternoon, ended up washing, drying, making coffee, pottering, nattering..................never mind eh.
I hope you can both get out soon Joan, it is ok when it is your choice, but when you are snowed in, it is no fun. The buggy I had was no good in snow, or gravel drives.
Good that you have lovely neighbours too, we are blessed.
Oh being stuck in the car would be terrible. I know that a lot of people came to their assistance, hot drinks, food, water, there was even a Greggs lorry, stuck in the snow and the boss said, distribute all the cakes and goodies. We would have been ok with that Barbara.
I am glad it is going now and that the wind has died down.
London Devon Cornwall, Kent, Lincolnshire etc, all had really bad snow, far more than we did. We came off quite lightly I think. At least you know your GD was ok, despite the lack of transport.
Sounds like you have white coat syndrome with the Drs, B has the same, his BP is sky high when he goes for a check up, but on the 24 hour test, it was perfectly normal.
You are welcome to the sparkles, they are free and abundant t69044 t69044 I hope you feel less squiffy and sickly with the Stemetil.
I will play with the phone later, I am determined.
I will keep hunting for these Swiss Tarts Kath.
I need to come and assist with Dawns Dressing, make it less ouchy, with lots of TLC. Sending t115006 t4591 for healing.
Pumpkin and Leek roast, sounds wonderful, I will take some of that, thank you kindly.
I hope Toni and Paul are ok, Miss Sleek is doing well with her catnotherapy and Pepe is being a little trooper, keeping her occupied. I think they can fly from tomorrow, so they will be chuffed, they need to touch whiskers, bless t4591 t4591
Hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Toady, Mig, DD, Charrisse and all.
I will catch up again later. Everyone take lots of care and keep warm.
Love and Sparkles XXX Aidan
Apple and candied ginger pudding - nice and warmingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..yes the wind has eased thank goodness
Aiden another busy day for you both ..hopefully you can now play on that new phone..I wouldn't have minded being stuck at the back off a Greggs lorry...there sausage rolls are delicious we only normally buy them when if we put a buffet on for something or other the last one was Niamhs party..listen to me cant you tell I'm hungry..yes the Stemetil seems to be doing the trick thanks to you..
Toni messaged on snapchat to say were they were and couple of pics of lovely beaches..but I forgot were it was ..somewhere nice and warm..sadly you cant save the pics they disappear after a min or apple and gingers pud..I will make some thick custard
Kath there have been many not got there ordered I suppose its understandably with the bad weather glad yours will soon be there..Its good that the district nurse has been to least she would spot if it was infected..Nut roast..very nice..and with chips I see..
speak to all.. t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, yes, I am sat down for a while and it is before midnight :shock: :shock:
Glad all the snow is thawing now. Rain tomorrow and then warmer temperatures. We will think it is mid Spring Barbara and be too warm
Until then, the heating is stopping on 22 during the waking hours.
I will be playing with the new phone for sure. Top end smart phones are my guilty pleasure :? :roll: have been for years. Why not eh.
I would not mind being handed piles of goodies from a Greggs lorry, as long as I wasn't stuck on a motorway in a blizzard. Their sausage rolls are legendary.
Good to hear that the Stemetil are working, Matron is a wise old owl,
Warm beaches and having a lovely time then, our Toni and Paul. So the pictures vanish on snapchat, I think you can set them to do the same on instagram. I signed up for the latter but I am going to delete my account, I have no idea what it is all about and I am not in the habit of taking a photo of every move I make
Toni will have such a lot to tell us when she gets home. Looking forward to some pictures
Pepe has been doing a lot of gliding, to impress Miss Sleek. They are looking forward to their flying today, up over Pendle and play in the snow on top of the hill. I must say Pendle looks beautiful when covered in snow. They might pop into the ravine, to see the Nymphs who have been in their warm underground home, during the beastly weather.
Silver has been with his family, sharing sparkles far and wide, to those who need them. t115006 t115006
Thanks for the lovely thick custard, went well with the ginger sponge.
Our Niece is coming over today, with her partner, she has baked a carrot cake for Gdad, so we will all go out to Nero's for snacks and coffee, then come home for lots of cakeI will share, of course.
Right, I am going to move. I need to potter a little.
Hi to everyone else, here, there and all around. Take care, keep warm and stay safe. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Hash Brown Cups, filled with baked eggs and cheeseXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara the dogs don’t like walking in the snow. You go careful
when you go out.
Kathleen the co-op by us has run out of food. Go careful when you go out.
Aidan take care when you go out. What is your new phone Sue has an iPhone 7 red. No the scooters won’t move in the snow. Have a lovely time with your niece.
Take care all.
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Goodness me Joan, a Co-op without food! Hope they get restocked soon. :?
Bin men and Tesco tomorrow. Hope they don't get their vans confused!
Aidan, yes please do come and make Dawn's dressing less ouchy. Poor love. t4591 t4591 t69044 Apple and Ginger, yummy. I'm sending Stuffed Mushrooms today.
t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..raining but less cold..
Aiden I love new technology..even just taking it out the box..the smell of it..and then getting to OH says has long as it keeps me quiet ..
So you niece is coming with a carrot cake..hope you save us some....yes Toni is in warm climates did she say Honduras..not a clue really...Silver is so kind with the sprinkles..bless him...I can imagine how nice Pendle Hill looks covered in snow..we have Winter hill and can see that is covered in snow..I have to admired the nurses and doctors that have walked through it to get to work..what would we do without them, but sis you see that they were charging them 20 pond a night to stay over in the hospital..typical of this country..right rant over..will try and ash brown with egg and good do they sound..
Joan our little doggie use to love bounding around in the snow she was a Jack Russel and white so we could never find her..fancy the coop running short of things..hope your neighbour got what you needed..
Kath I hope that Tesco make it tomorrow hopefully most places will be clear..stuffed mushrooms sound nice..
We have been for supplies this now its chill day..a bit like most days really..
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all, hoorah, the snow is nearly all gone, we are into plus centigrade, for the first time in what seems like ages
I hope the snow is all melting for you all.
Oh dear, the CO OP has run out of food Joan, people panic buying, then they end up throwing it all away as it goes out of date :roll: Mind you, Booth's bread shelves were empty today, stripped......... :shock: :shock:
So the lovely doggies do not like the snow? I was watching a video that my BIL had put onto Facebook, of dogs enjoying the snow in America, they were having a fabulous time.
Our Niece had to abandon the trip over, they live well over an hour away, half way up Howarth Moor, they had had more snow and it was not safe to drive. :roll: They are coming next week instead. We said that's fine, we would rather you be safe, than try and risk it. Our roads are all fine, even the lane is clear, but, they are in a different valley.
My new phone is the LG V30 Plus, it is wonderful, I was loyal to Lg for many years and it is good to be back. I love it.
You had best keep a watch out for the delivery and the bin men Kath, they might pick up your groceries and leave a full bin :shock: :shock:
I would love to assist and help make Dawn's dressing less painful, I would give her some Rose Quartz to hold as well as lots of sparkles from Silver Moon t115006 t115006
Oooh, the stuffed mushrooms are a must have, I would love to take some to have with supper. Thank you kindly XX
I am still on the hunt for those Swiss Tarts, but while I was looking, I found these, for our treat time. Maple butter tarts with currants
Hi Barbara, oh yes, I love new phones, I change mine once a year, preferring to buy them, rather than get them on contract, you end up paying through the nose. I got a good deal for mine, searching and finding the best place to buy, with the best reviews etc. Unpacking is half the fun, everything is always so pristine.
I am waiting for the case to arrive, I always have my phones cased, they are too valuable not to. Should be here tomorrow, if the PO get their backlog of mail sorted.
Honduras, verrrrrrrrry nice too, I hope all is well on the cruise. I bet Toni and Paul are really enjoying it. Paul works long hours, often away and Sue is always busy and looking after her village friends.
Pendle is covered in mists, so we cannot see a thing of her today :roll: :roll: Typical.
I used to travel through some terrible weather, three buses, to get to work........snow, hail, rain, thunderstorms...........but, we just got on with it and didn't think of not going in.
I did read about the nurses being charged, who stayed over at the is all over the press and I am sure they will get their money back, it is just outrageous when people go that extra mile and then get stung, for being there on a click clack bed. I would have been fuming.
We went to Nero's with Dad, coffee, toasties, then a rather nice raspberry and nut, frangipanne slice, it was delicious. Got a few bits from Booths and then home, to chill out. I was going hypo, so had to throw chocolate down my neck :roll: :roll: Obviously I need a lot more cake
Pepe said he has been flying out over the hills, with Miss Sleek, they saw us in town, from the Castle lookout. Miss Sleek is really chilled out at the moment and is happy for peeples to have time out of the house, Pepe said they have gone to another village and it is a long way away, so other peeples are in charge of tender care :? :?
Right, I will move, I am ready for a cuppa and some biscuits.
Everyone take lots of care, all of our cafe friends and everyone else too.
Will catch up later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening to all, or should that be morning to all ?
Misty, much warmer than of late, well, hanging around 2 degrees, which is positively balmy.
Why is it, that when midnight approaches, not only do I turn into a pumpkin, but time just flies :roll: :roll: :?
I will, I will, I will play with my new phone...............
We have had a fairly relaxing evening, some washing / drying, a siesta that was a bit of a waste of time, catching up on the ski jumping........
I hope everyone is able to get out and about now. I read there is a water shortage in the south east, due to burst mains and high demand :shock: Half the shops are running out of stock, this last week has certainly brought us to a standstill.
I won't dilly dally, I will sort something nice for breakfast first.
Hash brown waffles, with egg and cheese, I could not resist, they look SO good.
We are having an at home day today, catch up with some pottering and chores.
Tuesday we will go into town to the T room, I can hear the scones calling me.
All the lovelies are pleased that the snow has gone, apart from the penguins, who now have their own snow machine. hcold
Hi to everyone, Kerrin, Carol, Christine, Toni, Barbara, Kath, Mig, DD, Toady, Joan and all.
Take lots of care, Love to all XXX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen I bet your pleased the snow has gone.
Barbara yes they like going out they don’t slip. have a good day.
Aidan how is your phone. have a good day.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen I bet your pleased the snow has gone.
Barbara yes they like going out they don’t slip. have a good day.
Aidan how is your phone. have a good day.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Tesco arrived at 9.55am. Hear the bin men nearby, but the food is safely away, only the rubbish will be taken.
Aidan, have you noticed the Unicorn cake I shared on your FB page? I'm pleased the penguins have their own snow machine. They'll have tons of fun with that.
Super Rhubarb Tart for tea.
m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all. It feel a good deal warmer today, even turned the heating down, as I was too warm :shock: Even the sun has been shining for a while. m0150 Birds are singing away.
Hi Joan, the phone is just fine, I love it. I think I have it as I want it now, with all the apps etc.
Have you managed to get out and about now, hopefully all the snow has gone.
I am glad the food was put away, before the bin men came Kath. I did see the Unicorn cake and I do need one of them, for sure
The Rhubarb tarts look very tempting, so I will sneak two away, for later. I am sure Barbara will like them as well.
Have had a catch up day, washing, sorting, fussing etc. The washer has just beeped at me, so that is finished its second lot.
Puskins are ok, resting, as is normal. They do have their noisy moments and mad half hours, normally when we are just sitting down with a cup of T :roll:
Pepe will be talking to Miss Sleek later, when we are having our siesta. She really has been most calm, he did send over some fresh tuna steak, as a treat, enjoying his magic wand and its powers (that are monitored by Hermione, thank goodness).
Right, I will away and sort out t time pills, drying etc.
Hi to Carol ( I put my order in this morning for some cardsxx
Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Toni, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.
Everyone take lots of care, will catch up later, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 Aidan XXXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all sorry I'm late but went gallivanting...well went to see bil who is quite poorly..but his daughter,OHs niece
has moved in for a while.. ..then had something to eat at the I was shattered and had a nap very unusual for me..
Aiden the phone sounds very nice I have never had an LG my last 2 are Samsung..think you get stuck on a certain one..suppose its what you are used to..glad to hear your Niece postponed there trip, very wise..our Wilkos were saying they haven't had a delivery for over a week..must say the other shops seem to be well stock..says OH that is..did you get your case..I am the same must protect it and keep it looking new..I had a contract with my first one but have bought then ever since..glad to hear you have an at home day..mines tomorrow and the day after..
not heard from Toni since..think they might be home soon did she say a week :?: :? thanks the sparkles
..right egg and waffle and the maple butter tarts from last night...
Joan I can just imagine the little doggies with there short legs in the snow bless um..hope it all gone now..and the shops are restocking.. you got your order..our binmen come tomorrow..and its the blue bin..must make sure there are no parcels in it.. :shock: and thankyou for the rhubarb tart takes me back to my GDs garden
Will leave you for to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Not been in to see you all for the last two days. Saturday all our sno was gone, and I was able get out so I made the most of it. We had our delayed dinner out as we were unable to do it on Friday due to me not being able to get out. Then I had a good mooch round the shops a little bit of fruit shopping and an extra cup of coffee. Got home to find I had left a carrier bag in the café so had to go back for it. By the time I got home for the second time I was shattered and fell asleep in the armchair. so day went very quickly.
yesterday I we had internet problems and i couldn't get into anything so of course i have had to spend time catching up with everything. Today our weather has been quite pleasant and temperatures have risen. hope you have all lost the nasty white stuff now where you are.
Aidan firstly thank you for ordering some cards from my website earlier today, I have received an e-mail advising me that you have ordered, They are very good with sending the stuff out you should get them in about 3-4 days and the will send you an email to say they have been shipped.
Glad you managed to get your new phone and are happy with it. Never had an LG I like and usually have Samsung.
Unfortunately due to the weather my friend and I were not able to meet on Friday but now all the snow has gone I am sure we will this week
Joan I agree staying in is boring I hate it don't mind if I choose to stay in but hate it when I am forced to stay in. hope all your snow has gone now and you can get out on your scooter.
Barbara your right London doesn't often get snow as bad as this was But it was all gone by Saturday.
Kath Our Snowie was funny really we knew he was a staffie x but not what he was crossed with until we took him to the vet who said what the cross was. he had the spots of a Dalmatian but at skin level not on his fur. he was very cuddly loved nothing better than sitting on the sofa beside you being fussed and cuddled.
Well I think I now need to go for a little potter as I have sat in this chair far too long
Love to all t4591 t4591 m0150 m0150 t69044Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to everyone, on a wet night. Better than snow though.
So, you have been gallivanting Barbara, that's ok, we all have days like that.
Sorry to hear that your BIL is quite poorly, I know you have spoken of him before and said he is not well at all. ((())) Good that your Niece has moved in for a while, to help as needed. Some extra sparkles t115006
Then to the GC, then home for a nap. No harm in that, we all need naps, they are important for us Arthur folks. We cannot go on like the Duracell Bunny :shock:
I was an LG fan for years. I have enjoyed the last two Samsung phones, but I was drawn back to the LG side. The company I bought it from are buying my Samsung as well, so that's a good deal.
I thought my case had arrived today, but all the little parcels were for B, seed beads and the like :roll: maybe today, as I don't want it to get so much as a mark on it. They are all pretty tough, but being all glass front and back, they are always at risk, if you go ooops. :shock:
I hope Sainsb is stocked up, we are out of bread and that is a rare event. We will find out later.
Things should be getting back to normal. I hope we don't all have problems with water supplies, some places have none at all. The damage a week of very icy weather can do.
I think Toni was going away for a week. I hope they are safely on their way home. Miss Sleek said to Pepe that peeples are travelling on the Hogwarts train :shock:and will be back into her village very soon. They will be exhausted from travelling, time differences, sitting for long be leaving some ((())) and t115006 t115006 for Sleek to give out on our behalf.
So you were out and about as well Carol, I think everyone is enjoying being free from the snow and ice.
Nice to have the lunch out, that was postponed from Friday. Then some shopping, then home, then back to fetch the shopping again....... :? :? :shock: no wonder you fell asleep in the chair. I am sure your friend will be looking forward to meeting up this Friday. She will need a chat after such a sad time.
I enjoyed looking at the cards and bought some to keep in stock. I love the artwork, they are really nice, cannot wait to see them, I know you said they are even nicer when you see them first hand.
I will definitely be ordering more.
Samsung do have a huge share of the mobile phone market and have done for many years. They do make fabulous phones, but the new S9 was silly money, going on for £900 :shock: :shock: and I could not justify spending that, even for a guilty pleasure.
Snowie was obviously a real fuss pot and enjoyed being petted and sitting on the sofa.
We will take Dad shopping today, after popping into the T room, well, rude not to have at least two coffee's and a cake.
Yes, potter, I need to potter as well. Time is marching on to 1am, again.
Hi to everyone, in out and around about. Take lots of care, love and sparkles. I will nip and see our lovelies then sort out breakfast.
XXX Aidan
A little selection to choose fromXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Kathleen it’s nice to be back to normal isn’t it.
Barbara what is a blue bin used for.
Carol have a nice time with your friend it’s nice she has you.
Aidan all the best with your new phone how the world has changed.
Take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Joan, I've never been normal
but I know what you mean. We had a sit on our benches this morning. It was so nice to listen to the tweety birds while we were out and about.
Aidan, couldn't you keep your phone in an old sock until your case arrives? Just a thought.
I've recently renewed my subscription to NOS, and yesterday all my goodies arrived. my NRAS subs was taken out of the bank today, so my magazine should be here soon too.
Thought a bit of summer pudding might brighten your day, especially as it is Italian.
t4591 t69044 t4591 t69044 t4591 t69044 t4591 t69044 t4591 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all very mild outside..
Got a message off Toni they are back in Jamaica..that must have been there starting they are out on a rum tasting trip..then head for they expect to arrive home tomorrow tea time..thank goodness they have missed all the awful weather..
Aiden I unusually upgrade after they have been out for a couple of years..they are outrageous prices..when I think our first cat cost the same has a phone today :shock: so your cover didnt arrive I am sure it will be there soon ..must say that is interesting the LG are buying Samsung..its strange but if I fall asleep in the day I have awful dreams and keep jumping so try not to..I can only imagine how tired Toni and Paul will I said glad they missed the weather here..
BIL has lost lots of weight now..but will he have the doctor we have had a word with them to call on him but not let onwe have told him to claim attendance allowance has he is in his 70s but no he wont.. :roll: thanks for the sparkles..
a lovely breakfast selection thankyou
Carol I am glad to hear all your snow has gone and you can get out and about and have your you appreciate it..did you see the snow drift in the midlands..its usually us up North that get the worse of it..I will go and look at the cards right now..think I have left it to late for my march ones but have a couple in May and July
Joan our blue bin is for cardboard that is clean, but if we have a parcel delivered and not in they put it in of these day it will go into the lorry collecting it..
Kath I think the summer pudding will go down very nicely..not sure what NSO is ...
will make a move to everyone t4591 m0150 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
NOS Barbara, National Osteoporosis Society.
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, it is mild out today, makes a pleasant change and the birds do think that it is spring all of a sudden.
Hi Joan, hope you and Sue are ok, has the radiator been fixed yet? Or are you still on the "wait" list.
It is nice and mild today though, so the heating is not coming on as often.
I am getting on fine with the phone, I love it. You are quite right, how things have changed, in the last 50 years even. Computers were not even thought of, the first mobile phones were the size of a house brick with a battery the size of a gable end.
Now, we rely on computers and chips (the micro ones), for just about everything. Phones are as thin as can be and kind of run our lives, knowing more about what is going on that I do :?
Have you been out on your buggies yet?
Hi there Kath, well, what is normal.............let me see if I can find a definition...........
"the usual, typical, or expected state or condition".
So, given the above statement, I am with you, totally not normal in any way, shape or form:shock:
Lovely that you had a nice rest on your benches this morning, listening to all the birds singing, they certainly are happy today.
I could keep my phone in a nice soft sock, until the case arrives. No post at all today
The Italian Summer Pudding sounds and looks delicious. I will get some clotted cream to go with it.
How is Dawn, hope her dressing is not too ouchie, extra hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006
HI Barbara, yes, it is just a BIT different to this time last week when we were frozen solid.
So our Toni and Paul are back in Jamaica and going on a rum tasting trip - that should ease the travel back to the UK tomorrow :shock:Thank you for keeping us updated.
They chose the right week to head out of the country.
Yes, the new phones are silly money, not that mine was in any way inexpensive, but it was not a £1000 like the I phones can be :shock:
No case, no post, not happy. We have a few things waiting to be delivered. They will all arrive at once.
I like to have a siesta, but it is not often I actually fall to sleep, despite having a cocktail of medication........I must be so used to it all by now :roll: :roll: never mind. Pepe likes to get into bed and have a snuggle, bless him.
My legs used to jump, now they just give way. :roll: I was like Kenny EverettI often have bad dreams, I think they are a side effect of some meds. One of the heart meds I take, has side effects where you see odd shapes, shadows etc. A bit strange I can tell you. :shock: :shock:
I hope the Dr can help your BIL, people are so proud and determined, not wanting to be a bother. Good idea to hatch a plan for the Dr to pop in. Of course he should have full attendance allowance, the forms can be filled in on his behalf and sent off. You can download the form from here and send it off.
We went into town with Dad, to the T rooms, had my lovely scone, with cream, jam and butter........Dad and B had tea cakes and B pinched some of my cream and dad had some of my jam :shock: Coffee was perfect, just as we like it. We know the lady who was in charge of the machine today, just as we know them at the GC. B took one of his smaller display boxes in to show one of the ladies who works in the T room, he had also made her a bracelet, as she is having a tough time with her daughter being poorly, having found an aneurysm on her optic nerve. She was having an angio and stent today.
She was SO grateful, she loves healing crystals. Another lady who works there said oh, I will have that one please, how much.........he didn't take them in to sell, just to show.
Then to the vets, more food for his Lordship. I did show him the monthly statement of how much his fussiness costs - but he took no notice :roll: :roll:
Then Sainsb, for supplies, then factory shop, for a nosey and B bought a new coat / jacket, with the money he got from the bracelet sale
Well, I had better move, the washer is done, so I will pop things in the dryer and potter a while, before T and biscuits.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Toni, Carol, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all our forum friends.
Everyone take lots of care, will pop back later on. Love and sparkles to all.
t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
hi to one and all - it has gone quite chilly again tonight, nudging the heating back up.
Hope everyone is as ok as can be.
Toni should be home today, shattered after a long flight and the hanging around at the airport for hours. I am sure the holiday will have been a great adventure and we are looking forward to seeing pics and hearing about it.
Miss Sleek is giddy with excitement, she has seen peeples returning in the crystal ball. Of course she was on the phone to Pepe immediately and they went out for a fly round, in the good weather. Peeple watching from the Castle look out in town. A quick fly around Pendle and back home again, having blown the cobwebs away.
Pepe has had his fur trimmed round his neck, it get so long. He won't let Daddy 2 do it, so the salon junior has to get busy with the scissors :shock: :shock: It is ok, ish........
A fairly quiet evening here. Not doing a great deal.
Not sure what we are doing today, no doubt we will go somewhere with Dad, likely end up for coffee and snacks, wherever we land.
Just waiting for the lottery to email me, to say we have won. As ever, it could be a long long wait :roll: :roll:
I will potter a little more. Everyone take lots of care, stay safe.
Silver has left some special sparkles for us from the book about Unicorns.
Love to all XX Aidan t4591
chocolate and fruit pancakes anyoneXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I have osteoporosis what help is that forum. i'm pleased you could sit on your seat again.
Barbara we have a red box for the cardboard yes you could lose a parcel in there.
Aidan yes we are still waiting. It's nice it's warmer and we don't have the heating on so much. how is your Dad doing.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..very mild last night..I was having a moment..over heating I mean..
Kath thanks for clearing that up..these forum are brilliant for getting all the info you need..I have learned so much for AC over the years
Aiden B and dad pinched some of your cream and jam..noooo....thanks for the link I did think of doing the forms but wondered if he would be mad..bu I will do it anyway...yes Toni and Paul had a 9 hours journey to Manchester I think, then a long drive to Stafford ..they will need an holiday after wonder Miss Sleek was getting all excited..glad she has Pepe to help calm her down the flight would have done them both good..
No wonder B has sold the jewellery it is so lovely..he deserves to ..once people see it they will spread the kind of him to make one for the lady will mean a lot to her I am sure..
So you haven't heard off the lottery..never mind maybe next week..the afternoon nap is good even just taking the weight off your joints..I am going to try it more often..
The sparkles are lovely coming out of the book of unicorns...its very kind of you and a lovely breakfast to boot..chocolate and fruit very healthy I think
Joan we have a great big blue bin..4 of them to be honest :roll: they are a pain..hope you and Sue have a good day...
Right better go my dentist is teeth..and 240 less in my pocket... :roll:
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Barbara, yes I love my forums. I belong to thousands. Well, several anyway.
Joan, it isn't a forum, it's a charity £18 per year, with 4 magazines a year. To have a look, visit you can download (or read online) several brochures and some of the older magazines. I find it very helpful.
Aidan, it is getting colder again, and wetter. But none of the white stuff I hope. DN came and did my blood test, and my BP. 171/89, pulse 73. :?
Cheeseboard and crackers?"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
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