Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Toni Aidan Kathleen Barbara and anyone else I missed
    Toni I'm so sorry about Lucy is there something that causes them. Lovely photo's
    Aidan have a lovely time with your brother in-law when he comes.
    Kathleen it's still cold out here and rat drizzly rain.
    Barbara will your teeth settle down soon are they alright to eat with.
    take care all
    Joan xx thank you Toni
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh my goodness Toni, poor Lucy. I've sent the bush babies bacl, thans for thinking of me, but Lucy needs them more than I do. :shock:

    Enjoy the Trout, spelt and watercress. Spelt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the closely related species common wheat (Triticum aestivum), in which case its botanical name is considered to be Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta. It is a hexaploid wheat, which means it has six sets of chromosomes.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all
    First of all love to Lucy and Toni and sending special healing hugs..I think the confidence she has is amazing and we don't want this setting Lucy back, but sure it wont ...Toni what a shock the ambulance being there when you turned up..(()) xx hope she feels much better today :)
    Joan I am sure these teeth have a mind of there own, maybe its one way of getting the weight off.. :lol: hope you and Sue have a good weekend..
    Aiden we dont want you getting the flu.. :shock: our youngest son has a mask because he is in and out of peoples you all have a good time at the GC is a bit like me with his memory..bless :lol: choir.. :roll: oh I forgot.. don't tell and a ciggy can be a breakfast.. :lol:
    Kath thankyou the pancakes and icecream were lovely..sorry you didnt get out but maybe today :)
    Thankyou all for the birthday wishes..for our son and GD.. :D
    both sons came this with chocolates and a plant and the other with a teddy with flowers..our GD had money toward a festival she is saving for..
    Tomorrow OH picks up our eldest GD and GF from the station..its all go...
    Love to everyone ... t4591 t4591 xxxxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Wow how quickly the days go I have only just realise how long ago I popped in and lots of things have happened on here for us all. all is good here with Mr T and myself except Mr T has had a very stiff neck over the last few days. however it has not stopped him doing the usual things. Hope all the mums on here have had a good mothers day Happy mothers day to you all.
    I did all the usual things on Friday Lunch with Mr T then on to see my friend, and church today.

    Barbara The amount of cards you order doesn't matter how big or small everything helps and I am sure you will love them. My favourite is the one called butterfly cupcakes all the butterfly wings
    pop out. I will have to find the picture of it when they are all out and put it on here for you to see

    Aidan I have taken some hours from the shed but I have left some there for you. The little lambs are lovely and they love there feed. the rest of our lovelies are happy as usual and are all fed and watered. the bushbabies and possums are all out dealing with a few ouchies.

    Toni Photo are lovely cruises at great I love them cannot afford them every year though. Sorry to hear Lucy had a seizure and ended up at the hospital it must have been a shock to see the ambulance turn up while you were waiting to collect her. Hope she is feeling a bit better today. Yes Mr T is behaving at the moment. He is suffering a lot of pain from a stiff neck at the moment. I am crocheting a blanket at the moment using up all my odd balls of wall.

    it is now time for a little potter i have been sitting down for far too long.

    love to all keep safe and warm t4591 t4591 t115006 t69044
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, it is now Monday morning, albeit early doors.

    I have just this minute sat down to look at the computer a while :roll: :roll: Quite where the day has gone I don't know.

    I won't attempt to write a lot tonight. I will read back and write more later today.

    I am glad that Lucy slept well and I am certain she will remember her meds in future. Experience is a great teacher, but with siezures, it is best to have as much prevention as possible, which I am sure you will have said. Sorry, I am being all Matronly.

    The outfits you had sound quite a la mode :lol::lol:

    Hi to Joan, Kath, (thank you for the trout, I am rather partial). Barbara, (we won't mention you forgetting choir practice to Toni)
    Carol who has been feeding the little lambs and checking on the lovelies. Hope Mr T has less ouching from his neck. He has all my sympathies.

    Hi to Christine, to Kerrin, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all who are in and around and about.

    Our Nice was early, so she nabbed the last table at the GC and that was at 10.30. We knew it would be busy, it was crazy, with it being Mothering Sunday as well. We had a nice brunch, then popped to Sainsb, then home, just as BIL arrived.
    All round to ours, they were all watching football, with lots of cheering and "COME ON" :shock: :shock: goodness, we are not used to such a racket :lol::lol: :roll:

    By the second half B said, well if you want to watch the other half, all go round with Dad to his place :) Which they did, they know we have a siesta and boy did we need it. :animal_busy: :animal_busy:

    All puskins are ok, Tosca had a bit of a "problem" with consti----ion, but is ok now, Matron stepped in. A teeny weeny en--a worked a treat. There, I bet you are all SO pleased you know that :shock: :shock: Pepe will no doubt tell Miss Sleek all about it, he kept a very low profile and pretended to be fast asleep. :lol::lol:

    Right, I will away, washer is busy, dryer is busy.................An at home day today, so we might catch up with ourselves, hair cuts are very much needed, I feel like Rapunzel :lol:

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Let me go find something nice to eat.

    Overnight French Toast Casserole

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmm..lovely french casserole there Aidan :)

    What a great life you two have normally football-free!!!

    Your niece might take after her uncle when it comes to table nabbing :wink: go her it sounded a lovely family do :)

    NOW I know what Sleek said Pepe said :roll: Poor Tosca :? Poor little soul I hope she is drinking enough. Pepe knew what was going on right enough, but was keep his eyes closed so he didn't get the same treatment...even though his problem is generally the other way around :shock:

    Lucy is going into work as normal this morning, but she will let them know that she had a seizure on Saturday which didn't require hospital treatment.

    I hope you are right about her learning from experience...she admitted that she keeps on hoping the epilepsy has 'gone away' :(

    Hello Carol Thank you for your kind wishes for Lucy. She is ok today and will be going into work (only 1 hour today).

    Sorry to hear Mr T is suffering with his neck.

    How is your friend doing did you make it to the funeral with the snow?

    The cruise was lovely, but far too expensive for more than occasional treats I agree. I hope the blanket is coming along well.

    Joan Lucy missed some of her medication due to being at her friends and had a VERY late night (4:30) as well as some alcohol out - add those 3 up and it's a real possibility she'll have a seizure. BUT she is young and probably needs to work that out herself :(

    Thank you Barbara - Lucy is ok now more or less. She does need to live her life like others her age do, but oh it's such a worry!

    She is going into wok this morning and hoping she is not on lunchtime duties today too.

    Glad all birthdays went well and you had a good Mother's day too :D Deserved :)

    I didn't miss you at choir as the lady who has the scrawtchy voice wasn't in either ;)

    Kath thank you for sending the bush-babies back they are on their way to you now she is much improved. :D

    That was a posh lunch with a bit of education thrown in! Thank you very much :)

    Will you be walking today? I will I think tcold

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen i'm sorry you have not been out we wont be going to day it's raining here the dogs had a long walk .
    Barbara how long did the dentist say it would take for your teeth to settle in.
    Carol I hope Mr T's neck soon settles down.
    Aidan you have been busy you need a rest now.
    Toni it must be hard for Lucy she wants to do the same as her friends and she wonders why she is different. ive always thought to have been given a problem means you can cope with that problem no 2 people are the same everyone has something to cope with.
    take care everyone.
    joan xx Ken Dodd has died you never knew when you were going home when you went to his shows.
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all getting all excited eldest GD and GF will be picked up by OH at around 2.30 :D
    Joan you are very you say everyone is different and cope in different ways..raining here has well..We saw Ken Dodd a couple of times in Blackpool..he was brilliant and a good family show..last of the old time music sad ..I think the teeth will take a while. :shock: .
    Toni Lucy will do her own thing come what may, good on her I say but I am sure she wont be missing her meds you say live and learn... :) bless her ..sorry I missed choir..but I needed you to back me up... :lol: must say the outfits sound brilliant .hopefully you will get to wear them another time.. :D we are football free apart form when I want to watch a match... :lol: just the cups..
    Carol glad the order will help...stiff necks are awful so I feel for Mr T..I use my wheat bag warmed in the microwave..hope it eases soon for him..
    Aiden your niece did well there..our son and family tried a few places but could get in ..I am quite happy at home when its busy..glad you all had a good time and they left you to have your siesta..good on B :lol: at least they could watch the second half with dad.. I hope Tosca is ok now..not nice the poor thing..French toast good does that look :D
    Right better make a move to everyone t4591 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kath thankyou the pancakes and icecream were lovely..sorry you didnt get out but maybe today :)

    Not flipping likely Barbara, it's tippling it down here!!!! scold scold scold scold

    We went to see Doddy in 1977 at the Nottingham Theatre Royal. It had been renovated and he re-opened it. I was pregnant with Emily and wet myself laughing. :oops: He was brilliant. t4591 t4591

    I've seen pics of Dawn's wound. It has greatly improved but is still a bit sore. It makes me wonder if Matron took Silver Moon round to her house. You'll be glad to know Aidan, it is looking very neat. :D

    Salmon Plank with Creamy Dill Sauce. t69044 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, yes, me, here, in the afternoon for a change :shock:

    I hope everyone is as ok as possible. I had a read back last night and have forgotten most of it (I blame the pills). :? :?

    Hi Toni, yes, we have a football free house, which is wonderful I must say.
    We are always filled with tennis, winter sports, grand tour cycling events, more than enough to keep us out of mischief.

    Glad you likes the breakfast, it smelled wonderful when it was cooking :? :lol::lol:

    Oh yes, our Niece is well trained in how to nab tables in a flash :lol::lol: She usually gets to wherever we are meeting, earlier than us and texts me, so I say, get the fav table, asap. She always does :) Bless her.

    We did have a lovely Brunch, lots of coffee food etc, they had to save me a scone, as they were about to run out :shock: :shock:

    Mrs Tosca is a lot better today, far more "comfortable" with herself, enjoyed pilchards for lunch with lots of oil and tomato sauce. She drinks for England. Pepe has already updated Miss Sleek and said that his Mother is feeling better today, after daddy did "medical" interventions.

    I wish the epilepsy would go away for Lucy as well. t115006 Siezures can be very few and far between as people get older, but keeping up with the meds is important, prevention Miss Lucy, listen to Matron :D:D
    Nothing wrong with having a night out, but, well being first, then party a little.

    Good that she has gone to work and also keeping them up to speed with events.

    Bear with, his Lordship has just woken up and will want food instantly :roll:.....................
    Quite why that took an hour, I know not :roll: :roll:

    Hi Joan, we did have a busy day, but I think we have caught up a bit today, having an at home day, like most, we have stopped in, while it rains and rains some more.

    It is sad about Ken Dodd, we all kind of grew up with him, Mum liked him, with him living near her home town on Merseyside. The Diddy Men, I used to like them :lol::lol:

    Hi Barbara, you will have your family with you by now, GD ad her GF, how lovely, I know you were excited.

    Did I read that your teeth have a mind of their own :shock: :shock: don't worry, they will settle and B uses flavour free Polygrip for his plate, which helps a lot. He is going to get them re lined soon.

    It was silly busy on Sunday, the staff said they were worn out, that was before 11am :shock: :? All good for business though. People were queueing for tables.

    Everyone knows about our siesta times, neighbours, family, etc. Come 5-6 pm, we are resting. We need our rest, a bit like spoons and hugs and sparkles, we need them all.

    Tosca is much better thank you, resting and recouperating from her "ordeal".

    Enjoy your visitors, I know you will.

    Kath is being sensible and not venturing out in the rain, don't blame you either hun.

    I remember the Theatre Royal being renovated, we went to see a few shows / concerts there, it is a great venue. I saw the Drifters there, what an amazing show that was.

    Oh dear, you had a little whoops, with laughing, not to worry, it has happened to us all :lol::lol:

    Matron has been sending out some very strong well being vibes for Dawns wound to heal and I am glad to hear that it is doing well, still ouchy, but improving. Silver Moon has been to visit her as well, but it was all done very quietly and secretly t115006 t115006

    Oooh, salmon and dill sauce, very nice indeed, I will gather some for supper, later on. Thank you kindly.

    I will find something yummy, to have for pudding.

    Better move, potter a bit more.

    love to everyone, Carol Christine Elizabeth Toady Kerrin Mig DD and all.
    Take lots of care, love and sparkles, until later XX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Baked White Chocolate Cheesecake, sounds good to me


    oh, ok Toni, you can have one to face plant in :lol::lol::lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Barbara yes Ken Dodd was good. have a go of time with your family.
    Kathleen it is still raining here.
    Aidan I have a bone scan on Wednesday 2 scan's dinner in between to give the injection time to work. I hope you have had a good day.
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi everyone.

    Been I while since I was here. Been busy with snow, school, swimming, new bathroom etc etc. My watch says I’ve done 17000 steps today so a long soak in the bath is needed.

    Surviving without the methotrexate but am discovering new aches and pains, the most concerning one in the neck. Hospital appointment in 3 weeks which is 4 weeks longer than it should have been.

    Take care everyone, will try pop in more often.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening to one and all..............finally stopped raining here and is quite chilly again. Frost are back by the week end tcold and very windy too cfly

    We will be with you on Wednesday Joan, for your bone scans, one morning and one after lunch. We will bring a picnic.

    Hi Kerrin, nice to see you. You have been busy, we know you are always hard at work and by the number of steps, doing that extra mile for sure :shock: I don't think I would get that many in a year :roll: :roll:
    Definitely time to put your feet up.

    Did the snow cause any major disruptions for you?

    A new bathroom, how lovely, everything all shiny and gleaming :)

    Sorry you are having ouchies since stopping the mtx. Many of us can sympathise with the neck pains / grating / spasms, horrid, it is wearing at times. Wonder what they will suggest at the hospital appointment?

    Don't worry about writing, as long as we know you are as ok as can be t4591 t4591

    I hope you have had a good afternoon and evening with your GD and her GF Barbara. Are chips on the menu, we know how good they are with Mr B in the kitchen. Give us lots of warning, so Toni and I can get there in a flash.

    I hope Lucy is feeling better Toni, Sleek was chatting to Pepe and all the other puskins, via the crystal ball. Lots of chatter, in various languages. They all send their love and sparkles to her t115006 t4591

    We have had our hair cuts, so smart boys again now. I think I did a very good job, but am still waiting to hear about my Salon Junior status :lol::lol: :roll:

    Pompholyx has decided to re appear, so I am waging war on it at the moment. :roll: The cold weather causes my hands to split like crazy.

    Enjoying the tennis from Indian Wells, great venue. Tosca is fast asleep and Pepe has had three small meals in 30 minutes, so he is happy, for a very short period of time, in fact he is shouting already and that is a total of five minutes.

    Off to the GC this morning, it will be nice and quiet, compared to the manic activity on Sunday.

    Then to the Vets, to gather more food for his Lordship. No doubt shopping after that.

    Hi to Carol, Elizabeth, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    I will pop into the sanctuary and make sure all our lovelies are ok. It think the super vets are coming in this week.

    Love and Sparkles to all. t4591 t115006 Take care XX Aidan

    Sunny Side up Veggie Breakfast Brioche

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Back on the train to work, boy oh boy did my body feel the 18000 steps last night and is still moaning this morning.

    The snow did affect us. Schools in my area were closed for 4 days but mine in London only in the Friday. I couldn’t get in in the Thursday either as the trains were messed up.

    The new bathroom is lovely although the bank account doesn’t agree. Just waiting for the shower to be put in on Thursday.

    The puskins have been dusting off their broomsticks to get an outing before the next cold sell settles in.

    Yes please to some breakfast!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Aidan Kerrin. And anyone else I missed
    Aidan sorry about your hands they must be sore. Have a good day.
    Kerrin. Sorry about your pain's they say more snow on the weekend.
    take care all love to Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Lucy.
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Kerrin. Don't worry if you can't pop in due to work, pains or whatever. It's always lovely to hear your news. Also we're sorry to hear of new pains. t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Better weather today, my poor prescription lady came in the torrents yesterday. scold scold scold We've been to the Co-op and sat on the benches this morning. Lots of bird song. :D

    Joan, we'll be there for your scans (and picnic) Hope you will have good results. Oh no, not more of the white stuff. hcold hcold

    Hope everyone I've missed (Toni, Barbara, Carol and Aidan) are feeling OKish. Help yourself to Lentil and Carrot Salad.

    t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to everyone. It has turned out to be a very nice Spring like day m0150

    Hi Kerrin, I am sure your feet and body were letting you know about 18000 steps :shock: :shock: It would have been interesting to wear a fitbit when I was nursing, especially at City Hospital Nottingham, (Kath and Mig know how long the main corridor is)

    I am not surprised the schools were closed and the trains all to pot, we had all sorts of weather and it was super cold here. Minus 12 one night :shock:
    We were snowed in for two days.

    I bet the bathroom is lovely, they say "it's only money", quite what that means always makes me wonder :? :?

    I think all the puskins met up today, given the fine weather, Pepe said there was a "meeting" on top of Pendle, while we were out this morning. Hogwart trained puskins from all over the place. I think it is something to do with the Spring Equinox and the moon :? :?

    Hi Joan, don't worry, my hands are used to having flare ups of pompholyx, Toni gets it too. I keep putting lots of cream and potions on, which usually sort it out.

    I hope you have nice sunny weather with you. Nice if you can get out on your scooters as the weather improves. We will be with you tomorrow, under the cloak of many rooms.

    Hi Kath, it is very different weather today, nice that you had some time to sit on your benches and listen to the birds, they are extra tweety at the moment, nesting time fast approaching.

    I am not looking at the week end forecast, I will pretend it is going to be fine............he says, hoping that no more snow appears.

    Lentil and Carrot Salad, is that feta cheese I spy on top? Lovely, I will dig in and take a doggy bag, for supper. Thank you kindly.

    Hi to Toni, I hope all is ok with you and yours, how is Lucy feeling today, sending more hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 the pictures on FB were very nice :)

    I think Sleek and Pepe went into the ravine, the Nymphs are coming out of their winter hiding homes, deep underground. There was evidence of gliding and clicking, so I am guessing they were having a wail of a time in the lounge, while we were out :roll: :roll: :lol:

    Barbara will be having a good time with their GD and her GF, have you been out and about, was it the afternoon T today? I am sure I remember you said Tuesday.

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth and all

    We went to the GC, it was busier than we thought, but there were tables spare. Scone was lovely as were the two large strong coffee's. I was in a lather by the end of the second cup :roll: :lol:

    Then to the Vets, paid my dues :shock: I keep telling Pepe he needs to get a job :lol::lol:
    Then Tesco's, then home.

    B has been out in the garden, having a bit of a prune on the buddleiah and Viburnum, sorting out some pots, shuffling them about.

    I hear the washer beeping at me, so I will potter away and get the laundry in the dryer.

    Everyone take care, I will pop back later. Let me go see what we can have for a treat. Toni, don't miss your face plant cake.

    XXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Orange and Pistachio Cake with Orange Buttercream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..what a lovely summery day we have had m0150
    Aiden all this lovely food you have left... :D you spoil us..yes our GD and GF are here OH and I went for the tea this afternoon while GD was picked up by her mum after no chips yet they had there tea at dads yesterday... I will try and post a pic of the many cakes ..but they did box up what we left for us to bring home..very kind of them.. :) I will have to get some of the fixing stuff..especially has you can get flavour free.must say its the talking..I now have a really bad lisp... :( glad B got to potter outside it has been so nice..but your poor hands have flared...did the cream we got help any..I have forgotten the name :? honestly my brain is awful ..I did hear the weekend weather will be bad.. :roll: glad to hear Tosca is doing ok
    Kerrin it good to hear from you , especially being so busy with all those steps..yes a nice hot bath and to bed you have a new bathroom.. :D its something we need..good luck for next week
    Kath glad you got out and about much better weather..and thankyou for the..easy to wet yourself when pregnant :lol: ...Doddy was brilliant such good timing..
    Joan good luck with the scans at least you get to have lunch out.. its going to be a long day..but we will all come with you to keep you occupied.. :)
    right will see if i can get this pic to everyone xxxxxx
    Oh if Carol pops in the cards arrived today and I am very pleased with them
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Our tea for 2..had to go back to photobucket I forgot how to use google..remind me someone.. :?it should enlarge if you click on it..
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all 

    Lovely to see you Kerrin not so good to hear you are suffering ATM. That snow was something wasn’t it? I can’t believe school was only closed for one day there! Here the village was cut off by 5ft drifts each end and down the lane opposite a 10ft drift cut them off totally!

    Daisycat and Pepe have been in touch with your two via the crystal balls and also on skype despite the inclement weather 

    Hi Kath now that lunch looks lovely perfect for me carrot and lentil thank you  I’m glad you managed your walk. I did too with another villager over the ‘Chase’$file/740x300px_rolling-image_BVCC_3.jpg&imgrefurl=

    Hard work, but worth it especially as we had a doggie with us 

    Hi Joan:) I hope the weekend’s weather isn’t too bad. Mind you we did miss the last lot ;)

    I had my veggie brioche this morning thank you Aidan :D  I hope you got Pepe’s food ok. Miss Sleek has been checking the sachets out I think so beware. She did mention to me that he seems to ‘need’ to eat very frequently….Lucy is back on form as no doubt Sleek has told Pepe but still has an egg on her forehead.

    Bloomin pompholyx I hope it goes away very soon. Gloves on washing up and chemicals to be avoided for the foreseeable. Oh but you do look very smart with your haircuts :wink:

    Are those chips due to be cooked soon? I really fancy some :? 

    Sleek and Pepe did go to the ravine she was late back in so I was worried bless her. :roll:

    Glad you got to the GC even if it was a bit hot. Thank you very much for the cake……and……splat!!!! :D:D:D Good job you always leave me my own so the others can have a clean one.

    So no chips today Barbara? Never mind we can wait ;) That afternoon tea looked amazing! Yum  :)
    Lovely that they let you take home all that you couldn’t manage. Paul and I won an afternoon tea a bit back you’ve reminded me – must book.

    I’m so glad all is well with your GD and her GF.

    Love to Carol (I hope I didn't miss you)

    and all our missing friends ((()))

    Toni xxx
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Mr T still has a ouchy neck he has booked an appointment to see the doctor on Friday morning about it funny enough he said it felt better now today he has had the pain back.
    tomorrow is my knitting day so that's a good afternoon out.
    popped into see the little lambs and they were all cuddly and friendly.

    Aidan Mr T has and appt with Dr on Friday about the ouchy neck.

    Toni Hope Lucy is ok now its hard you know she needs to live life like others her age but when things like the happen it is worrying. Yes I did make the funeral as the snow did not happen till I was on my way home so that was good my friend is doing ok thanks we met last Friday as the one before after the funeral i was snowed in at home.
    Yes cruises are lovely but very expensive. the blanket is going quite well crochet grows quicker than knitting.

    Joan Mr T still has the bad neck has the dr appt on Friday about it

    Barbara Glad you have your cards and like them thanks for letting me know they have arrived I received my first monthly commission on the orders I have had online today into my bank which was handy too. the cards are good quality too I think too.

    well its now time to potter hope I have not missed anyone.

    Love and sparkles to all

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening / morning, to all. Frosty again here. Spring not quite here just yet.

    Hi Barbra, glad you are enjoying the company of your GD and GF. Then you went to have your afternoon T and what a treat it looks as well. Those scones, mmmmmmmmm

    Kind of them to let you have a take home box, might as well enjoy the whole lot, it would be rude not to really :lol::lol:

    It has been a lovely day, clear and cold now.

    Google pictures. All of the pictures taken on the phone will go up to the cloud / google pics. Click on a pic you want, then it will open a box, with different choices. You need to click on the "create link" option. Then it will say copy the link. That is the one you put into the forum page, click on URL at the top and paste the link into the URL, between the two brackets in the middle.

    Does that make sense? :? If not I will go over it again.

    No chips as yet, do let us know, Toni and I are poised, with buttered bread :)

    Yes the polygrip is very good, B swears by it, the flavour free one is the best and you only need tiny dots to keep things in place.

    My Trusty is the cream, yes, it helps a lot, along with the dermovate and diprobase. Trouble is, I am always fussing about in hot water :roll: :roll:

    Glad you like the cards, they are lovely, I will be recommending them highly to friends and family.

    We will all be gathering in the cloak, early doors, for Joans appointment. Picnic is all packed and in the kitchen.

    Hi Toni, the Chase looks wonderful, I have been, but it is SO long ago, I must have been in my early teens. Glad you enjoyed the stroll, or was it a hike :shock:

    So that is why his lordship is being fussy pants again, they have been going through the boxes of food and deciding which ones have been "tampered" by the Vets :roll: :roll:

    I am glad to hear that Lucy is back on form, gentle hugs, avoiding egg on head t115006 Pepe has put his Drs bag, back in the broom cupboard for now.

    Now, gloves and washing up, it is not a good combination, with little sensation in my fingers, putting gloves on, is a recipe for disaster, unless all the pots are melamine. :shock: :roll: :lol::lol:g110.gif

    I am slathering all the creams on and the big pomph that was itching like mad, has subsided, fortunately it didn't blister.

    Pepe said that Hermione transported Sleek back home, as it was getting late. The Nymphs have gone back into their winter quarters deep underground, they don't do frost, or snowy weather.

    Glad you found the cake, I knew there would be a splat. Of course, one for you and one for sharing :lol::lol: You have an afternoon T to go to as well. I am feeling left out, I want to win one :)

    Hi Carol Poor Mr T, with his bad neck, all my sympathy Mr T. Mine has worsened over the last year, a right pain it is too. I hope the Dr can offer some advice and relevant treatment. t115006

    You are off to your knitting group today, which will be nice, plenty of coffee too :)

    Good that your commission came through and rightly so, the cards are lovely, without a doubt.

    Thank you for feeding the lambs, the keepers have been doing the bottles, while Barbara has guests. Johnny is off on his travels, so I am not sure what lovely will appear next?

    Right, I had better potter a little more. Everyone take care, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    A choice of goodies, bakes croissants with mushrooms, a very berry blueberry bake, or a meaty egg and cheese bake :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Carol yes crochet grows fast doesn't it? Glad you are doing well with it. I am so relived to hear you got to your friend's husband's funeral. God bless her and that you have been able to keep supporting her weather permitting.

    I hope husband's neck is better by Friday. If not that the Dr has some ideas to help him.

    Commission in the bank? Perfect :)

    Aidan thank you for all these breakfast choices!!

    I know washing up with gloves and nerve damage isn't great, but you must look after your skin too!! Else Pepe's Dr's bag will be back out again :roll:

    Thank you Lucy will be ok now I hope and that she will take care of herself when she is out with her friends in future. More sleep etc. :roll:

    Hermione did have to zap Sleek home she was late back and I had been calling her. The nymphs are wise to stay underground ATM it's just not nice weather for nymphs!

    They are apparently off to the beach later today as they are expecting to be on lock-down over the weekend if the Beast from the East returns :( Sorry about Pepe's sachets :oops:

    Today Lucy is off for her hair cut so a busy day for me it not being local. :? but there is a Waitrose over there which I rather like :)

    The Chase is wonderful - I am glad you have been. There are many tracks you can follow strolling yes, but with my trekking poles it's not too bad :)

    A quick hello to Joan :D I hope all is well with you all

    Love to everyone else

    Toni xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I got a letter this morning. :( My appointment on April 9th has been cancelled, after I arranged a blood test the week before. :x New appointment on 23rd at 8.30am. :?

    Hip is murdering me, thankfully I have some bush babies here, and lots of sparkles. :D

    Tea time treat (or whenever you fancy) Vegan Cauliflower Cheese - with chips Aidan and Toni. :wink:

    t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all ..has a letter for the face to weds 21st..but we know were the building is and there is no parking not even for blue I will ask for an home visit..fingers crossed..
    Aiden thanks for the info on the google pics..and the my trusty cream..I can remember what happened years ago but short term.. :shock: there poor hands ..they must be sore especially with the blisters..hopefully the cream will help..tell B i have just bought the poly grip..oh says if it doesn't work on my teeth then he can seal leaks with it.. :o the tea was lovely and it was there idea to box up what was left she said we dont give a good selection so mostly its never finished..yes GD and GF are cooking tonight a chicken pie with OHs chips so you are all invited..thanks for the lovely breakfast.. :D
    Toni how lovely the chase looks you are very lucky..and safe to be with someone else..chips tonight with chicken pie made buy our GD..Lucy will be looking forward to having her hair cut..such a good boost for her
    Carol its sods law that your OH has made an apportionment and his neck feels better..glad to hear the crocheting is coming on..something I was good at but not knitting..yes the card are nice quality and I now have then in ready... :)
    Kath your poor hip, I know how painful they can be..try some heat on summer I use a cold compress..
    Has Joan gone for her MRI today I am totally mixed up... :?
    Right better go love to everyone xxxxxx t4591