Val's Cafe



  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a fairly bright and breezy day here. Nice to have an at home day, catching up with things and pottering.

    I am being vigilant with the creams and not allowing them to get any worse, in fact they are a bit better today. Even with all the creams, they are still so dry :roll: Dr Pepe's cream would be very wet I can imagine.

    I hope Joan is doing ok, I think we are all in place, having had our picnic under the cloak, while Joan has two scans.

    Good that Lucy is ok and will be better when she goes out again. Her hair is looking nice, Sleek sent a picture to Pepe :)

    Hermione has said that Sleek must not stop out late, when peeples are calling her into her house in her village :lol::lol: It was a powerful transportation spell, not sure if any leaves arrived, but there was a big flurry, when Hernione cast her wand.

    The Nymphs are back in their burrows, all very cosy, with little magic lanterns and fires, and bedrooms, so cute. They have seen the weather warning and their front door is locked tight.

    I think they are heading out to Lytham when we have a siesta, just as dusk is falling. They promise to be back before it is completely dark. Hermione is whizzing them there and back, then they will have time to fly out over the bay and maybe share a fish on the promenade. Bless

    Oh, a Waitrose, not been to one yet, I have never lived. I have no idea where our nearest one is.........I will have to look.

    Glad you had your poles, to assist on the stroll over the Chase. It is a beautiful place to spend some time. We are blessed in this country, there are some fabulous places to see.

    I see they are moving your appointments about Barbara, :roll: is that for the results of the bloods?

    Sending some extra strong sparkles and hugs, for that ouchy hip. t4591 t115006 May it ease, as soon as possible.

    Chips, you have done chips, oh and Barbara has done chips too :shock: :shock: , so, some of each will be very nice and the Cauliflower cheese is always a favourite, thank you.

    Hi Barbara - oh, the face to face, of course you need a home visit, if you cannot even park with the blue badge, then I would do just the same. I am not making any attempt to walk to a meeting as and when it happens. I remember B's Cousin, who is quite disabled, went to one face to face and it was on the second floor and they were not allowed to use the lift :shock: :shock: So she went home and told them to come visit, or change the location.

    No problems re the info on the Google Pics, or My Trusty skin care. I am wading through it at a rate of knots, with my little handies.

    Glad you have the Polygrip, and Mr B, don't you be cheeky, using it for sealing leaks :lol::lol: One tip, don't have a hot drink just after using it, or it will leak out.

    The selection was really nice for your afternoon T. Now, your tea is being cooked by your GD and her GF, Mr B is doing chips too, Toni and I will be over in a jiffy. We already have chips, from Kaths' tea time meal, but you can never have enough and it would be rude not to visit.

    Joan has gone for her bone scan, well two scans, one morning, one after lunch, giving the contrast medium time to work.

    We all have our mixed up moment, don't worry. I put a T bag in my fizzy co codamol last week :lol::lol: no idea why. :? :?

    I will make a move and sort out some pills, talking of pain relief, very much needed at the moment, it must be the changeable weather, or just bad joints really. :roll: :roll:

    I will find something nice and delicate for afters, all those chips will soon fill us up. with warm buttered bread and mayo............

    Hi to everyone else, hope all are taking care. I will put the kettle on for Joan coming home.

    love and sparkles to all, will catch up later. XXX Aidan

    This looks nice and light. Ginger and treacle sponge pudding :lol:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 15. Mar 2018, 12:22
    Evening all

    It has been a nice mild day today very early spring like. but there is the threat of bad weather again over Saturday and Sunday maybe some snow but then temperature goes up again on the Monday and rain showers.
    my friend has today joint my knitting group and will come along on Wednesdays with me.
    Now as of yet I have not got anything going on tomorrow so I think it may be a mooch around our high street and a coffee.

    Aidan mmmm what shall I have baked mushroom croissants, blueberry bake or meaty egg bake well perhaps a taster of them all they sound too good to miss any out.
    Mr T till h sees Dr he has my sympathy too as i know what i is like to have constant pain.
    coffee at knitting group of course that's a must . well we all know Johnny will come back with something new. :lol::lol:
    yep commission had, as I have your details on my notifications that tells me you ordered would you like me to send to one of my brochures so that you can browse through if you want more at any time the brochure also has my details etc. on the back so you can happily recommend me to friends and family thank you. I would be happy for you to do that.

    Toni I do have sympathy for Mr T, but I mustn't show it too much as he then tends to make a big fuss over it :roll: :roll:

    Barbara that respite was shortlived Mr T still has the neck pain so he will see the Dr on Friday. I actually prefer knitting but am determined to get my crochet better and use up odd balls of wool that I have. so this seeemed a good way to practise it will also be something which is practical. as I have your details on my notifications that tells me you ordered would you like me to send to one of my brochures so that you can browse through if you want more at any time the brochure also has my details etc. on the back.

    It is now time again for a potter and do a few little things i need to do so i will fly cfly cfly

    love to all t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, on a very windy night, it is blowing a hoolie oout there cfly cfly

    I hope you went on ok at the hospital yesterday Joan, we were all thinking of you and I hope we were well behaved under the cloak. Barbara was practicing her singing, quietly though.

    Enjoyed our siesta's and Pepe and Sleek enjoyed their time at Lytham, watching the sun set from the prom. Hermione had them back home the second it was going dark.

    Hi Carol That is good that your friend is going to join you at your knitting group, it will be nice for her to get out and meet others and enjoy a natter, over coffee.
    You are off for a mooch round the shops and then have coffee, what are we all like, we are coffee shop dependent :lol::lol: :shock:
    By all means, a brochure would be lovely, to have a browse through. Thank you kindly. I will recommend the cards, without a doubt.

    So Mr T still has a poorly neck, we can give him some sympathy. GP might refer for an x ray to see if there is any damage, cervical spondylosis is very painful and gives rise to lots of other symptoms, but we won't mention them at present. I remember the ortho consultant said so many of my neuropathy etc, was due to my cervical degeneration and bone spurs :roll: :roll:

    Johnny has not come back yet, but word is out that we need a huge enclosure :shock: :shock:

    Silver Moon wanted to say hello, he has been deep in the forest, with his family, gathering sparkles, to share with us all. :)


    I hope your hip is less ouchy Kath, sending lots of hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006

    Is Lucy pleased with her hair Toni? I do hope so, it looks very nice. Pepe and Sleek are impressed.

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    I had better move, I am setting solid.

    We are taking Dad for his routine bloods this morning, then, while we are within a stones throw, we will pop into the T room and partake of at least two coffee's and some goodies of the cake variety.

    Everyone take care, we don't want people being blown away. Stay safe.

    Love and sparkles to all. XXX Aidan

    Silver sent these for breakfast, Unicorn Sparkle Toast :shock: :shock:

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni and anyone else i missed
    Kathleen I hope you don't have any snow this weekend.
    Aidan I hope you have a good day today and your Dad.
    Barbara how are your teeth doing I hope you have a good day.
    Carol good Mr T is having is neck looked at I hope you don't have any snow.
    Toni I'm pleased Lucy is feeling better. have a good day.
    thank you all for coming with me yesterday I had 2 scan's I have to go back for the MRI then I will get the results of all of it.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Barbara, lovely singing under the cape. I fell asleep, hope I didn't snore and put Joan off while she had her scans. :oops:

    Joan, hope you don't have to wait too long for your results. t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006

    Aidan, is Johnny gathering elephants? Rhinoceros? Hippopotamus? Or are we to have a dinosaur or two? Thank you and Silver Moon for the sparkles. My hip is a little better today.

    Carol, how lovely to have your friend go to to the knitting group with you.

    Toni, I bet Lucy looks as gorgeous as ever.

    Toasted tea cakes with butter and strawberry jam. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to one and all, very misty here, no sign of Pendle Hill at all.

    Pepe and Sleek have been up to gather some fresh Pendle mists, for Sleeks spell cupboard. :shock:

    You are very welcome Joan, it was a pleasure to come with you and offer our support. So, we have another cloak duty, for the MRI scanner. Then all the results at one sitting. Let us know and we will be there in a flash.

    I bet you are tired after the long day at the hospital.

    Don't worry about snoring Kath, the cloak is sound proof now, so Barbara singing and you snoring, was just fine :lol::lol:

    I am glad your hip is feeling a bit better today, that is good. Sparkles are always free and always abundant. :)

    Now, you are asking, I have no idea what is coming to live in the super large enclosure, there is a massive heated indoor area, for night time. We have giraffes, do we have elephants ? I cannot remember.......... :roll:

    Toasted T cakes with lots of butter and jam, very nice indeed. I will take a doggy bag with me, for later.

    B had T cake at the T room, I had scone, with butter jam and cream and Dad had a bacon sandwich. All very nice. We had seen a tour bus pull in and swarms of Ladies, getting off and wandering into town. I said, you know where they will end up... :shock: :shock: :roll: .........I was right, in the T room. It was manic. Three ladies were just leaving, so they gave us their table.......kind of them.

    After a while it calmed down and they drifted off into town, to do some shopping.

    Dad had his bloods done, for the third time in four weeks - we cannot seem to find out why, apart from monitoring because he takes sulphasalazine for his RA. Anyway, no more bloods or appointments for him.
    I am at the Drs tomorrow, for my bloods / diabetes check. I know the care assistant will want to weigh me, but I just say "no, thank you all the same". I know her, she is really nice.

    I will be in and out as fast as I can. Maybe a coffee afterwards, just B and I. No point Dad getting up early just to come sit while I have my tests done.

    I had better move, I am setting very quickly. ?Need to potter asap.

    Love and sparkles to everyone, Toni, Barbara, Christine, Kerrin, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, DD and all. I will pop back later. XXX for now. Aidan

    Now, let me gather some T cakes, Toni will have some cream as well.
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh yes those cakes will do me - I have plenty of cornwall's finest clotted in the fridge :) Aidan as if I would ever be without. I enjoyed the unicorn toast though this morning :)

    Choir practise tonight hoping Barbara has remembered :? and of course nips into the shed to lubricate her vocal chords! I love the Chase and Lucy loves her new hairdo.

    The chips were WONDERFUL!!

    Aidan Miss Sleek's spell cupboard needed a top up. She has been in there tidying it up for ages bless her :)

    Super large enclosure, but no brackish water??? I was hoping for some rescue Manatees :?

    Carol I am so pleased your friend will come knitting that will do he so much good :)

    Ah yes never make a fuss of Mr T I will remember ;)

    We had a nice day yesterday. Today rain but then some sunshine :)
    Ok we'll have to be patient.

    Well done getting a table today that sounded not so easy.

    I hope Dad's bloods are ok and that yours go well tomorrow.

    It is always a pleasure to support you Joan ((())) we'll be there for the MRI too of course.

    Kath no walk for me today my back is too bad today:( I knew something was wrong yesterday. Had a cuppa with Pom instead.

    ((())) for your hip too. Oh yes Lucy looks lovely :)

    Love to all

    Toni xxx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..had a manic day GD has an infected wisdom we had to find an emergency dentist...long story short she has ABs and has to go back tomorrow..OH will have to take her there then onto, the station in the other direction..
    Aiden to late I did have a warm drink and all the fixadent melted.. :lol: so glad to hear your hands are improving..hopefully it will carry on ..we have just stocked our GD up with my trusty..she loves I see you got a seat in the Tea rooms but only just.. :) I have never been in a Waitrose..its the only one near to our GD in London so they use it often..good luck with the bloods hope all is I had gingers sponge and custard, and look at the at the sparkle toast :D no I dont let them weigh me ..the nurse at the new GPs just said do you mind..yes I do... :shock: :lol:
    Carol of course you can send me a brochure..glad to hear your friend has joined your knitting group..can we send hugs for Mr Ts neck..
    Joan it was our pleasure being with you for the scan so you have the MRI next week don't worry we will be there..think I might just bring a has been so lovely..and thankyou I am getting there with these teeth.. :)
    Toni the walking poles are brilliant and so do live in a beautiful best to make the most of I might just sound a bit strange singing till I get used to these teeth..maybe everyone else should hit the shed first..
    Kath did I send you to sleep with my singing..I must have improved.. :lol: wow there is a lot of jam on that teacake..I might just have 2.. :lol:
    we had a lovely meal last night made by our GD the pastry she made for the chicken pie was to die for..very thin and crispy.. :D will be so sad tomorrow.. :cry:
    Right better to everyone xxxxxx t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    Thought I had better write a few lines, as time is marching on and we have to be up earlier today, for my bloods etc.

    The Unicorn toast was nice, but a bit sweet, which is something I don't say very often.
    Of course you always have clotted cream Toni, I should remember :)
    Good to hear that Lucy is very pleased with the new hair do :)

    Did Barbara make it to choir practice, I know she is a bit worried about her new tooth.

    Chips were lovely, perfect with the french butter and crusty bread. Soul food. Thank you Mr B.

    Sleek was telling Pepe that her spell cupboard was getting into a bit of a mess, hence the spring clean. Re stocking of Pendle Mist is essential, for many of their spells.

    There are large digging machines in the enclosure, it does look like a huge huge pool, very deep too. You could well be right, Johnny knows how endangered the Manatee's are. It would be nice if we could help them. A breeding programme and re introducing them into their native habitat, away from boats and the like.

    The ladies were very kind to move from their table, letting the man with the crutches sit down.......... :roll: :roll:

    We will nip into Nero's after I have done with the health care lady. Must remember to take a we- we- sample too.

    Hugs for your ouchy back, don't blame you for resting up and having a cup of T with Pom.
    How is Rev Delphine? Well I trust. Caring for her flock.

    Is your neighbour doing ok at home and able to get to the choir practice? I will leave some sparkles t115006

    Hi Barbara, you have had a day of things, with your GD needing urgent dental treatment, AB's then on to catch the train today. Oh dear, you will be upset at them going.

    I am glad your GD likes the My Trusty skin care, it is wonderful, I keep a regular order now, don't want to run out.

    So you don't let them weigh you at the surgery :lol: . Sometimes, I will let one of the nurse practitioners weigh me, but I insist they don't tell me, just put it on the computer and don't tell me I am the size of a water buffalo :roll: BMI and all that

    It does melt the fixative, as you now know. Cold drinks only, until it is fixed.

    Ah, I see you went to the choir practice. I am sure no one noticed that you have a new tooth, all was fixed and stable.

    The pastry on the chicken pie sounds lovely, nice and thin and melting on the tongue. Toni and I missed that, we just pinched all the chips.

    I know you will be upset when they go back to London today. Hugs in advance t4591

    Right, I must away. Time for a little potter about, then cup of T and bed.

    Love and sparkles to everyone. t4591 t115006 Everyone take lots of care. Porridge is on the stove, simmering, with maple syrup and all sorts of fresh fruits.

    XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Now Barbara did you put something in their tea at choir? I only say that as there was a hoo-hah about milk and then some suddenly appeared :?

    No-one heard any problems with teeth and you were essential them being 2 sopranos down :shock:

    I do hope your GD feels better soon poor girl and that she's well enough to travel :? You'll miss them ((()))

    Carol thinking of Mr T at the Drs today fingers crossed. I hope he gets an Xray and something to help maybe physio?

    Now Aidan I hope your bloods go nice and smoothly today and you manage to dodge the scales. :wink: Enjoy your cuppa afterwards as a reward.

    I can't remember the last time anyone asked me to get on them luckily.

    I have been for my results (thyroid) and we are all happy that the T4 is as it should be. Repeat in 6 months now.

    Sleek usually keeps her spell cupboard immaculate, but lately with the weather she's let it get a bit messy. It's all back in order and she has a list in her basket which definitely includes more Pendle Mist. It's a staple of most spells I believe.

    She has been on the crystal ball to Pepe and they are meeting up later - worried about the threat of further snow tomorrow and a broomstick ban. I know Hermione has been getting weather updates. :?

    It would be lovely if we had some Manatees we could do a breeding programme they are very threatened as a species :?

    Yes my neighbour made it to choir yesterday for the first time since mid December :) Everyone was so pleased to see her!!

    A quick hello to Joan :)

    then off to walk a little - even a little in the rain cfly

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello every one
    Sorry this will be short joan is back from her walk and I have done nothing because everything I have touched has gone wrong.
    and I am having problems seting up face id on my new phone
    lots of love sue
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, I am so glad I don't have Pomph? I would be scratching until I bled and all the lumps turned septic. I'm like that. :? Oh Manatees, how lovely.

    The Pool

    Once I had a shallow pool
    where silver Minnows darted
    through the sparkling waters cool;
    and where the rushes parted,
    iridescent Rainbow Trout
    shimmered in the Sun's pure light,
    which shone amid the Willow trees
    and glinted through its trembling leaves.

    Now my pool is dark and deep
    with myriads of pleasures,
    where Manatee and Narwhal sleep,
    concealing secret treasures.
    Its milky waters form a shroud
    to veil the Sun's rays in a cloud.
    No light can penetrate this lair
    of fabled creatures, wild and rare.

    Will copy this to the poetry thread. Wrote it years ago, but thought it apt to bring it back.

    Today's choice is Ethakka Cutlet, Ripe banana cutlet.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..GD and GF have gone on there journey..back to London :cry:
    Who had dug a great hole in the enclosure, I fell in with my feet in the air..everything on show including my smalls :oops: ..thank goodness Johnny came along he was a real gentleman and closed his eyes while hauling me out... :oops: :oops:
    Aiden good luck with the checkup..nice to have a well deserved coffee after..and maybe cake...yes cold drinks form now live and learn.. :lol: sorry you only got the chips..I will get her to make more chicken pie next time.. :) they gave her 2 lots of ABs metrondiazole and amoxicillin..sorry not sure how you spell it , the dentist said it was an abscesses over the wisdom tooth..thankyou for the hugs.. :)
    Toni I did drink a bit to much of the milk , so nipped to the shop for more and called at the shed on the way back...I think soprano suits my voice... :D glad to hear your thyroid is controlled..glad you enjoyed the chips..
    Sue don't worry about posting , hopefully your day will get better has it goes on..and you can sort your phone..
    Kath I love the poem ..tell you, get them all wrote down and maybe I have never tried banana cutlets but there is always a first time :D thankyou..
    The sun has just come out..hope we dont get the snow that is forecast..
    Love to everyone xxx t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a misty day here, quite breezy as well, early on this morning.

    So there was a who ha about milk, at choir practice Toni. Thank goodness Barbara was to hand and rescued the day.

    Bloods went fine, no sugar in we- w-- sample. Bp, Pulse, all good. I said, don't ask me to get on the scales :) So we brushed that aside.

    I was in before my appointment time and out in five minutes. That's fine by me. Gave us more time to get to Nero's for coffee and cakes.

    I don't need to see the practice nurse this time round, so I will pick up a copy of me results next week and check them over myself, plus, my Cardio will want to see them the week after.

    Glad to hear that your bloods are ok and all are happy for the next 6 months :)

    I think Sleek had been over while we were out. Two jars were missing from the cupboard, so I am assuming that there has been more mist gathering from Pendle (which is barely visible). It is a staple ingredient for spells and holds lots of powers. Sleek was telling him about her wardrobe of spells and pictures of her beloved. :oops: :roll:

    Hermione has various weather warnings, a mini beast from the east again. I would guess the brooms will be taken out of action for Sat and Sunday. We have weather warnings for snow and ice, then when you see the weather, there is no snow at all :shock: :roll:
    Best if they are all safe though.

    We do have Manatee's coming to the Sanctuary, :D:D the huge pools are being prepared now, with mangrove trees and all manner of natural habitat vegetation. They should be ready next week. Silver is casting lots of sparkles to ensure things are helped by a little magic, to finish on time.

    They are wonderful creatures, they need all the help we could ever give.

    So glad you neighbour made it to the choir practice, that would be wonderful for her and for everyone else to make a fuss of her, rightly so too.

    Hi Sue, I had forgotten is was Suesday :) Oh dear, I think we all know what those days are like, no matter what you do, it seems to go wrong, drops, breaks or otherwise goes pear shaped. ((()))

    I hope you have your phone working now, recognising that you, are you :shock: It is something I have never set up on any of my phones.

    Did you get everything you wanted when you were out shopping, Hi to Joan and the doggies too.

    Hi Kath, Pompholyx can be itchy, with lots of little not to scratch though. They are not too bad at the moment, just the finger ends that are splitting :roll: :roll: I am surrounded with creams and potions :lol::lol:

    I love the poem, I read it on FB first. Wonderful.

    Now, ripe banana cutlets, mm, not too sure :mrgreen: I tend to gag when I smell or taste banana's, so I might give them a miss. Very sorry, as they look so good. Don't worry, I will pop a little cake in, for T time.

    Hi Barbara, I bet you are feeling all lonesome now that your GD and GF have gone back to London. ((()))

    So it was you in the big hole in the enclosure, I heard there was a commotion and they had to get the rescue team in and you had your smalls on show as well :shock: :shock: oh my :lol::lol:

    Once the manatee's are in place and settled, we can all go in and see them close up and if you fall in, you will be fine. The water will be warm.

    We didn't mind the chips, they were yummy. If there is a spare chicken pie next time, I will try some, well, if they do a veggie pie for Toni, I don't mind sharing that.

    Metronidazole and amoxycillin, I hope she is ok on the Metro. it is a strong one and can make you feel a bit sickly, I know I cannot take it. I will send some sparkles down to London t115006 t115006
    Not nice to have a nasty tooth infection.

    Right, I had better move, again, I seem to have been writing this, on and off, for ages.

    Time for a potter. Hi to everyone, in, out and about. Hope all are taking care and keeping safe and warm.

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Lemon, White chocolate and Strawberry Cake

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Well lots of things have happened here mostly all good. I don't remember if I mentioned back in December that our eldest GD was pregnant again well yesterday she had her 20 week scan, where if baby co-operates they can tell the sex of the baby. She revealed the sex to friends and family by a live video on facebook via the bursting of a huge balloon filled with the confetti of the correct colour. she is having a girl again giving us 3 GGDs. before than yesterday I had a telephone call from youngest GD tell us she has had the result of her Gcse in child Care exam and has passed it with grade B with which means she can start her course at college in September at level 3 child care instead of level one. So very proud of her. Today has been a mixed bag Started with Mr T being diagnosed with a strained neck muscle and now has co-dydramol and some gel to rub in until it goes away so nothing to worry about. then met my friend for a nice afternoon knitting and drinking coffee. when back home i get a call from someone I used to work with who also has good old Arthur who I haven't heard from for ages and she was telling me her 16 year old granddaughter committed suicide in June last year . then Eldest GD rings to let me know that she had been granted dla for Lillie which was taken away on her 5th birthday last year and she has been fighting for its return for a year. Then I see on face book that our gorgeous Lille got 2 certificates at school today for her reading.
    makes me exhausted reading all that back to myself did that really happen in just 2days :shock: :shock:

    Aidan love the Unicorn sparkle toast. Have sent a brochure off to you today. So its now manatees we are due to have in the huge enclosure whatever will Johnny think of next. when i get to see them I promise to be very careful and not fall in. :lol::lol: We have an amber warning for snow tomorrow hoping it is not as bad as they say last time we had a yellow warning.

    Joan Yes its good Mr T is going to see the Dr. we do have a forecast for snow from tomorrow into Sunday. just hope it is not too bad.

    Kath It was nice to have my friend at knitting group with me. Toasted teacakes with jam yummy. Love the poem by the way.

    Toni No no no we never make too much fuss with the husbands or the go on and on and on about their pain. :roll: :roll: he has strained a neck muscle apparently so nothing permanent.

    Barbara Thank you for Mr Ts hugs he has just strained his neck muscle and has been given co-dydramol until it goes away.
    Have sent off a brochure to you today.

    Its time to be off so I will say
    night night all
    t115006 t4591 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a very breezy and chilly night here, getting colder by the hour. Heating ramped up, so nice and toasty indoors.

    Now Carol, you do have a lot to share. So you will have three GGC, all girls, how lovely, all those gorgeous dresses and so many unicorns and mermaids. I think you will be very busy with those knitting needles.

    I am glad all is ok with your GD and baby. Well done to your youngest GD who can start at a higher level at college, I bet she is thrilled, as you all are :)

    Mr T has a strained neck and is on his pain dullers. I hope it improves soon. I can totally understand it when people say it's a pain in the neck. Tell me about it :roll: :roll:

    You had a good time with your friend, doing you knitting and drinking coffee ( it is essential to have coffee, proper coffee) :)

    Not good news from the friend you have not had contact with for some time, how terrible that her daughter committed suicide, something she will live with, asking questions as to why. Very sad indeed.

    It certainly has been a day of news. Rightly so that your GD should receive DLA, for Lillie. Too right, fight all the way, so many people are being given no points at all, when it is blatantly obvious that there are many things wrong, that affect their daily living. Makes my blood boil. I digress.

    How sweet that Lillie had two certificates for reading, way to go Lillie 8) 8)

    Thank you for sending the brochure, I look forward to looking through it :) t4591

    It will take some time to fill the huge pools with the right water for the Manatee's, they won't harm if you went in, although being so friendly and trusting has led to their becoming endangered, wounded by boats and propellers - very sad
    Barbara has already fallen into the pool, while it was being dug out. Her smalls were on show to the world :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I think we have weather warnings for three days. Our Niece has just messaged, with a photo, just taken, they are covered in snow. About an hour away from us :shock: hcold

    The broomsticks are out of commission, on orders from Hogwarts. Hermione was busy, so Minerva deactivated the brooms. Hence Pepe and Sleek have been on catchat for ages :roll: chirruping and practicing spells.

    Off to the GC this morning, might be tempted to a bacon and egg on toast, then a scone :) Dad will be having withdrawals from not going to an eatery.

    Well, I must away, it is after 1am and time I was pottering.

    Hi to everyone, Toni, Mig, Joan, Christine, Barbara, Toady, Kerrin Elizabeth and all.

    Take lots of care, hopefully no one is hit by too much snow. Stay warm and safe. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan

    Warm Crunchy Muffins, with honey, millet, strawberries and lemon zest
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Busy chomping as I type so the little noo-noo is hovering away :wink: Cake banana thingies and my breakfast all at once :)

    Sue never fear we all have days like that especially with technology :roll:

    Kath what a brilliant poem! I love it and so apt with our Manatees coming soon :) Thank you for letting us read it :D

    Barbara you did save the day with the milk and the added liquid helped a lot with the singing.

    I hope GD is on the mend now bless her?

    Good job I didn't fall in the manatees hole else it wouldn't have been smalls on display - rather larges!!!! :oops:

    Carol ah Mr T hasn't got anything too serious I am glad and you are 100% right we must never make too much fuss :roll:

    I am very pleased to hear about Lillie's PIP award and her certificates too :D

    As for the youngest GD and her grade B we knew she could do it didn't we? I am so pleased she will be able to start at the higher level at college in September :D

    Another GGD!!! Such lovely news!

    Good that your friend is getting out a bit now bless her. Sounds like the other one had to get over that terrible suicide before she could talk to people :(

    Now Aidan I didn't get offered the scales either at the Drs - all good eh? :wink:

    The Manatees hole is really coming along isn't it? It has a snow cover over it so they can keep working whatever although with the sparkles I can't see the deadline being missed.

    Sleek sneaked out really early this morning to yours for more jars how does she do it? Over-ride Minerva's deactivation???. They did go to Pendle and fetch more mist yesterday and some of it is the 'expanding type' which is a very powerful reagent. So I believe.

    She has got all her photos of her beloved in her little house with one in particular (an excellent glide) in a heart-shaped frame t4591

    Now the no-fly zone is in operation from 21:00 yesterday until 09:00 on Monday morning. Expect plenty of shrieking on the crystal ball. :roll: We have snow falling but so far too fine to settle :)

    I hope you get to the GC safely and have your B and egg on toast. I might join you for poached egg on toast. Nothing like it is there?

    Right onwards and upwards as they say.


    Toni xx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen lovely poem do you put them in a magazine.
    Barbara I'm sorry you fell down the hole.
    Aidan good luck with your test when is it. How is Band your Dad.
    Carol I hope Mr T's pain soon goes. Your granddaughter has done well. and a not her little girl on the way. It's all good.
    take care all
    Joan xx. Hello Toni how is Lucy. I can see it snowing now.
    have a good weekend.
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've gradually eaten a little of every cake in this thread, plus half a packet of jaffa cakes. :D

    So far, we've had the water board out to clear the drains. Next door have been busy with the wet wipes again. GRRRR! They have been told - countless times. :x Then of course there's the snow. hcold

    I need to see the manatees immediately, or sooner. I'll make sure I'm wearing my best frilly long johns in case I do a Barbara in the pool. :lol:

    Joan, some of my poems have been in a magazine, but not many.

    Fancy a Hobbit house in the garden? Maybe we could put one outside the cafe and eat our Lemon and Elderflower drizzle cake inside.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    One cosy Hobbit Home. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all..snow on and off but hasn't stuck..
    Aiden I text our GDE today she is quite poorly with the ABs.the house is so quiet now.. :( .I was concerned when I had a read of the pamphlet, I wonder if she could stop them and carry on with the amoxicillin..swings and roundabout has they say..but her face is still swollen..and work tomorrow.. :shock: hope you haven't had any snow and you got to the GC..and so glad to hear all was well at the checkup..just hope the results are good.. :) what a lovely breakfast and I save the strawberry cake till this afternoon... :D
    Carol your poor friend..this world is so hard on young people..what an awful thing to have to go through...
    So you have another GGD on the way... :D more reason to knit...and Lillie got certificate form school bless her it does mean a lot to them..glad to hear about the PIP..I am in the process of that.. :roll: and Mr T has been to the doctors and been checked out thank goodness , wish my OH would.. :roll:
    Joan I hope you dont have the snow then you can get out and about..they do say next week will be warmer.. :)
    Toni I did say smalls but believe me they are far from it.. :lol: more like a parachute.. :shock: how is Lucy getting on at her job...I bet the children love her..I really have got the hang of this singing..could be the milk or even the cider..thankyou GD is still poorly but at least they are safely home
    Kath yes wear your frilly long johns.. :lol: my late mum used to say always wear clean underwear in case of an accident.. :lol: drains blocked again, I hope they get them wipes are not good
    forgot to say they have agreed to do a face to face here, so am waiting for another letter... :o nothing on the head MRI has yet
    Love to everyone t4591 t4591
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Had snow today in small fluries on an of all day but none has settled at all so hoping it will not it will not settle to much over night it is jolly gold thou and windy. after all that has gone on over the last couple of days it has been a very quite today popped out to shops for some fruit and have a lunch time snack then home again it was just to cold to stay out. Made a mistake yesterday Mr T has co-codamol not co-dydramol as he told me. :roll:
    New yet to be born Baby GD is going to be called Rubie-leigh another unusual spelling my GD is great for choosing names like this. the three of them will have double barrelled Christian names all first parts of that end in ie and are all ten letters long.

    Aidan yes another one for the pretty dresses Lillie was a bit upset to start with because she wanted a brother not a sister but is happy now because they let her choose the babys middle name which cheered her up. Youngest GD is over the moon with her exam results.
    oh coffee is most certainly very essential when meeting my friend.
    I did say to the one who lost her GD to suicide how terrible it was after all you don't expect to outlive your Grand children do you.
    oh no Pusskins will not like to broomsticks being deactivated at all but needs must for there safety.

    Toni it would be the same with me if I feel into the hole for the manatees larges rather than smalls. GD is over the moon with the results as she will start at the highest level in September also that was only the written exam she still has the course work to add to that which hasn't been marked yet until a bit later. so the results altogether be even better. She has done so well.
    yes it is good that Lillies money has been sorted because GD dose have to spend extra on her food some of it is prescribed on perscription as not all can be brought in the shops. but she still has to buy other stuff.
    yes I think you right about the one who lost her GD needed to get over it a bit before talking about it. I almost felt like a personal listening service the last few weeks but if I can help anyone I don't mind.

    Joan I agree Youngest GD has done very well I am so proud of her she is only 16. the other Granddaughter the eldest one is a lovely young lady and her girls are very well looked after and brought up very well.

    Barbara Yes three GGD i'm very lucky I have 2 lovely GDS 1 equally lovely GS and 2 gorgeous GGDS and another one on the way. It is dla not pip with Lillie because she is under 16, but yes i'm glad her mum won and got it back.
    Mr T will only go to Dr if he has been suffering for a couple of weeks with the same thing. and it takes a lot telling him to go to get him to make the apt

    night night to you all hope you wake up to too much snow hcold

    t4591 t4591
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Well, I have just lost my entire post. I am trying very hard not to swear. MY PC randomly shuts down and re starts. Usually, it restores all the pages that were open, but not this time.

    I cannot go through all the writing again. It was good too.

    Sorry peeps, I am livid.

    I will leave warm hugs and sparkles, we need it when the biting wind and snow is like this. I will write again today. Love to all. XXX Aidan t4591 t115006 t4591
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So infuriating Aidan! :x


    We'll wait for your update later you are a good poster, but when I loose a post I loose heart to repost what I already posted if you know what I mean?!

    Carol you are becoming a counsellor :wink: As you know what goes around comes around and if you ever need support your friends will be there for you too.

    Too right kids with disabilities do cost more. I have no idea why 'they' seem to get their DLA and PIP awards wrong so often :roll: Lucy doesn't claim anymore now and hasn't done since she was really ill. We didn't need it so we stopped it and I like to think most people would think the same.

    Thick snow here and doing that blowing about bit again so unsure if I will get out today. hcold

    I hope MrT is ok on his tablets and eating some prunes or something :shock: :wink: He won't be used to it like us will he?

    So you don't have smalls either - turns out neither does Barbara :lol:

    Barbara I do hope your GD s well enough for work today? Sounds like she's been given some pretty hefty ABs bless her ((()))

    You definitely have got the hang of singing perhaps with the help of a bit of cider, but who cares why :D


    Lucy is loving her job thank you:) When the kids get on the coach to swimming and they see us in the garden/getting in the car they all shout "Look!!! There's Miss Castle!!" So funny to me she's my baby :wink:

    Kath we do need to see the manatees ASAP. They have lined the pool (its HUGE!!) and when that's dry it will be filled with brackish water ready for them. We will see them pop their noses out of the water.

    I love the hobbit house! Miss Sleek and Pepe will be after one :wink:

    Thank you Joan Lucy is doing ok ATM. It's snowed here overnight and still snowing and blowing about so that's me trapped in again :( I hope it's ok with you so the dogs can get out :?


    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed.
    Kathleen why would someone put wet wipes down a toilet.
    Barbara yes we have snow they say there's more to come. have you got it now.
    Carol when is the new baby due. You have a big family.
    Aidan I'm sorry you lost your post very frustrating I know. I hope the rest of the day is good.
    take care all
    Joan xx Hello Toni sorry you cannot get out we can't either the snow balls up under the wheel's of the scooter and it can't get through it. Lucy's doing well.
    take care
    joan xx