Val's Cafe
Morning all..we have snow that has stuck.. :roll:
Aiden I lost a post yesterday..think I posted the same time has Kath.I normally check it had gone but was forgot.. :roll:
Thanks for all the sparkles though...
Toni how lovely Miss Castle..I can imagine how you feel ..they are always your babies..I knew they would love her..I sing everywhere I go now to the annoyance of some people
I agree how they target the wrong ones with the PIP..I hope the snow clears soon and you can get out..
Joan so you have snow ..think its most of the country ..must say we dont have much thank goodness..keep warm both of you..
Carol right I am with you DLA for the under 16 ..some people dont know about the attendance allowance for the over 60..its still in place after many years ..what a lovely name they have chosen Rubie-leigh I copied and pasted it..I am double barreled has you know but keep forgetting to use it.. :roll: hope Mr T recovers soon..
Our GD is suffering awful stomach pain with the abs..and has got today off work..but has she is a carer will have to go in tomorrow bless her..her GF is a star and keeping me informed ..not that I can do much form here..
Keep warm and safe everyone xxxxxxx t4591Love
Barbara0 -
As we are desperate to see the manatees, I've posted a group photo of these beautiful rare animals - so gorgeous. But no cake today.
Barbara, fancy pants are onyour singing will never annoy us, we love it, and you. t4591
Joan. People throw wipes down the loo because it's easier than bagging them and binning them. Plus, most packs of wipes say FLUSHABLE on them. It isn't true. :x
Aidan, swear all you like, I have my fingers in my ears. :P
Snow is already melting. HOORAY. hcold
t4591 t115006 t115006 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all
I seem to have lost my mojo, after loosing my posting yesterday, moments before I clicked submit.
I will keep it quite succinct, just in case the pc has another re boot issue.
It is still mighty cold in that wind. I think we have come off quite lightly with the snow, we had some, but not a deal and most of it has vanished now, apart from on the hills.
I hope everyone is staying safe and warm and the snow is going away.
It was a blizzard when we came out of the GC yesterday, totally white out. Prior to that we had had brilliant sunshine.
I know our two puskins were in trouble with Minerva, for overriding her orders on the no fly rule. The no fly is in order until tomorrow, as you said Toni.
Pepe and Sleek do want their own Hobbit house, as you guessed, but I think they will have to wait until they are in Hogwarts good books again. :roll: :roll:
Glad Lucy is loving her job, makes the world of difference and I am sure she is a great asset.
Miss Castle, I like it. Bless them eh. I hope your snow is going asap, take care if you have to go out.
I think we will be ready for the Manatee's, it is a huge pool, well, several pools, all linked. Lots of floating plants for them to eat and fresh water spouts, to drink from.
Thank you Kath, for posting the Hobbit house, the Lemon Cake, and the Manatee's, you saved the day, as we always need cake. I did help myself to a piece, after I had finished cussing the PC.
I hope all the drains are now sorted, I know not, why people assume that wipes like face cleansers, baby wipes, nappies etc, can all be flushed down the loo and think out of sight out of mind. That's ok until the whole system backs up :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
I think Carol had a quieter day yesterday, name for the new little GGD, some shopping, bite to eat, then home and not going out until the temperatures go up a bit.
Thank you for the card book Carol, it arrived yesterday and the neighbour has already run off with it :shock: :shock: she loves cards and I said, you cannot get these anywhere else, so that was even more reason for her to pinch the book,
I hope you have not had much snow. It seems to have hit just about everywhere, with flights cancelled, roads shut................minus silly degrees in the wind.
Hope Mr T is doing ok on his Co Codamol, as Toni said, maybe some extra fruits, if there are any "problems". No, not too much sympathy, we are terrible if we are given sympathy. Men, I don't know. :roll: I don't count myself in that equation:?
I hope you are ok Joan, Sue and the doggies too. A quick run round the garden and then back in the warm, (not you, the doggies)Take care if you have to go out, otherwise stay nice and warm indoors and turn the heating up.
Yes, the snow stuck overnight Barbara, not a large amount though, thank goodness.
Sorry to hear that your GD is not doing well on the AB's, it is likely to be the metronidazole, it is often not well tolerated. Stomach and abdominal problems are it's main side effect. It is effective, but not pleasant, if it is too bad, then stop it and see the dentist or GP. ((())) for her to feel better asap.
Glad her GF is keeping you informed. Tell her Matron says stop taking it and review early in the week with Dentist and or GP. I know I cannot take it, just the thoughts.........
I have done plenty swearings now Kath, so you can take your fingers out of your ears:shock:
Love the picture of the Manatee's, they are so gentle.
No cake, right, let me go bake one immediately, before I loose this post too.
Lots of love to all who are in, out and around about. I will be back later, PC willing. Leaving hugs and sparkles to all. XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Triple Chocolate Cream CakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all - the evening has flown by, with the final of the men's tennis from Indian Wells, what a battle between Federa and Del Potro. Delpo won, in such a tight match, we are exhausted.
Not really done much else, some washing and drying. trying to keep my hands hydrated, four fingers have split now, so typing is not as easy at the moment.
We may be off to Skipton today, not sure..............see how we feel in the morning.
Pepe and Sleek have been rather quiet, muted chirrups, obviously sulking a little, after being told off by Minerva.
The Pool is nearly full, for the Manatee's, just adding salts and other minerals to the water, so that it is as near to perfect as possible. Silver has sprinkled some glitter into the water too, just to add a little magic.
Right, let me find something for breakfast. In the meantime, everyone take lots of care and keep warm and safe.
Love and Sparkles to all XX Aidan t4591 t115006
Alfredo Scrambled Egg Bake with Biscuit Topping and (Veggie bacon) fresh fruits and breadsticksXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara we had more snow yesterday. be careful if you go out
Kathleen thank you for the photo I wondered what they looked like.
have you got a lot of snow go careful.
Aidan all of you go steady when you go out. Yes I would like it warmer.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Oh just look at the luscious chocolate on those Brownies. I was a Brownie once (before Girl Guides) but definitely not edible.
I'm so glad the pools are ready for our Manatees, I can't wait. Found this song on YouTube "You and Me and a Manatee" (Manatee Song) - YouTube
and I just knew you you'd love this Manatees swimming and calling. t4591
Joan, no new snow and most of it has melted in the sun thank goodness. m0150
Thanks for the breakfast Aidan."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a bright day, chilly wind still, but all the snow has gone, hoorah. I hope that is the case for everyone else too, enough of the snow now..........
We didn't make it to Skipton, we are going tomorrow instead. So it was the GC for scones and coffee.
Hi Joan, I know you don't like cold, so you will be waiting for Spring to bloom. Our family in Swindon said they had had about 5 inches of snow, a lot more than we had. I hope it is going now and you are able to get out and about.
The neighbour on the end of our row, always comes round and clears any snow from our ramp, we never ask, we just hear him and in no time he has finished and gone, very kind of him. He does the rounds and clears everyone's decking etc.
Thank you for the links to the video's Kath, they are lovely, I never knew there was a song about Manatee's, we will all have to sing along. Have you ever seen such whiskers.............:)
I think the manatee's are arriving today, Minerva and Hermione are combining a special transportation spell, to make sure they arrive safely. Exciting.
You are welcome to the Breakfast, those brownies look lovely, I will have to try maybe one, or two.......with lots of sauce
Pepe and Sleek have been out on their broomsticks, high over Pendle, who is clear of all mists today. They have blown away some cobwebs and sent a message of apology to Minerva, for breaking their no fly curfew over the week end. :? :roll:
Well, it is pill time, again. :roll: :roll: so I will away and potter. I don't want to loose my posts again.
Hi to everyone, Toni, Kerrin, Christine, Carol, Barbara, Mig, Toady, DD, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.
I will pop back later, love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Sorry this is short, but I am having migraine aura after migraine aura ATM so can't see clearly a lot of the time.
I have also heard from Barbara by text and she asked me to let you all know that she has had a dreadful night with her vertigo/labyrynthitis (sp) sick all night bless her.
She dare not use the computer today for fear of making it worse.
Sorry....I can't wait to look at all the manatee stuff postsed by Kath and face splat that cake of Aidan's.
Love to Joan and Carol too and enyone I missed
Toni xxx0 -
Leaving huge hugs and well wishes to Toni and Barbara, Stemetil all round me thinks. t4591 t115006 t2507 t2507
One of our new baby Manatee's, sending hugs to you bothXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all
I just wanted to say hello and leave some extra hugs and anti ouchies, to all my friends here. I know Toni and Barbara are feeling pretty rotten at the moment, with Migraine and Vertigo respectively.
Wishing everyone well. As always, with abundant hugs and lots of sparkles XX Aidan
t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Ps, the Manatee's all arrived safely, they are settling into their pools, mum's dad's and babies too.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I'm glad the snow has nearly gone t is going to get a bit warmer.
Toni I'm sorry you have a migraine I hope it doesn't last to long thank you or letting us know a bout Barbara. t2507
Aidan that's good you have a kind neighbour to clear the snow a way'
Barbara I hope you will feel better soon t2507
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
What a cute baby Manatee. t115006 t4591 t115006
We were on the benches this morning.
Joan, we're glad the snow has gone too. It was lovely to hear the birds singing this morning.
Toni, I hope your migraines go away. I donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust today, quoting Lucy as my inspiration - she IS inspirational. t4591 t4591
Barbara, I hope you will soon be better too.
Aidan, many thanks for the hugs and sparkles.
Veggie sausages and mash, with Colcannon and rich gravy. YUMMY"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
How is everyone today? I am hoping that Toni and Barbara are feeling better than yesterday, t115006 t115006
Hugs too, for everyone else. With all the recent icy blasts, our omnipresent aching bones and joints, seem to cause increasing levels of ouchies. :roll: :roll:
Thank you for the veggie sausages, mash and colcannon Kath, it looks delicious. Glad you managed a little rest on your benches today.
Isn't he a lovely baby Manatee, adorable.
Hi Joan, I am glad it is not quite as cold, it will be better for you to get about now. I think you had quite a lot more snow than we did. Good that it is nearly all gone.
We did make it to Skipton, had a little potter to Nero's, only about 50 yards from where we park up. They were pleased to see us and the coffee, toasties and chocolate twist, was very nice indeed.
After that, we didn't really linger, popped to Tesco, their buggies were out of action :roll: , so I sort of hovered around the middle, while B and Dad went in other directions. By the time we were done, I was almost horizontal :shock: When you just want to get out and everyone is faffing about at the check out.
We saw lots of little lambs in the fields, so Spring is here.
It has been nice not to be blown to pieces when you step outside.
I think Sleek has been keeping an eye on her Mum, making sure she is as ok as possible. Pepe had a quick chat with Slimkins while we were out and send his t4591
Pottered about a little when we arrived home, now I am going quite dozy (nothing new there then). I am looking forward to siesta today, just to rest a while.
hi to Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, DD, Toady, Mig and all
Best be making a cuppa, my blood sugar is low, so a few shortbread biccies will go down a treat.
Will catch up later. Everyone take lots of care. Let me find something tempting.
t4591 t115006 to all XXX Aidan
Portuguese Egg Custard TartsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening everyone thanks for all your good wishes..I didnt know that our Toni was suffering with a migraine when I text her..I do hope she is feeling on the best side..and thankyou for posting for me Toni..(())
Well what a time I had..our eldest son called and wanted to call an ambulance .. :shock: it just floored me I hadn't even stood just came on ..couldn't hold my head up never mind open my eyes..what an horrible thing it is..Labryinthitus (SP) well that is what they are sticking I still feel drunk and not had a drink for 6 years..anyhow long story short they are fast tracking my MRI and have new tablets..
Aiden the hugs and sparkles all worked so thankyou..glad to hear you got to Skipton but sorry there were no buggy's..not good is it.. :roll: and kind of your neighbour to clear snow for everyone..I had to pop in for something to eat..I knew you wouldn't let us was either that or chips and egg..
the new tabs are prochorperazine...something like that..I adore the baby manatee..bless it..
Kath thankyou I hope all is well with you and glad to got to sit on your bench..sausage and colcannon...just the job...
Joan I am fine now thankyou..just a bit dizzy ..I hope you and Sue are is getting warmer this week thank goodness..
Right better go dont want to stare at this screen any longer..
Love to everyone xxxxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Sorry in advance this will be brief :oops:
Still having many migraine auras (some of you will remember the one I had solidly for 4 days about 8 years ago?? eyesight never cleared, but at least I am getting some time when I can see. Proved at eye hospital because when having an aura I am colour blind - not normally :shock:
Barbara of course I don't mind helping you! I think you were far worse than me and I am so very glad to read that you are getting MRI brought forwards.
I LOVE the Manatees baby and all the others too. I am so exited they are hereThey are so sweet and trusting and will be safe here. We will breed more
Joan thank you you are so kind I am fine really.
Aidan Pepe was over :shock: :shock: :shock: I had a wet ear-hole!! Did Miss Sleek tell him? :roll: I hope all is well with you both and Dad too?
Kath I read what you said about Lucy to her and she was so touchedShe can't believe an adult thinks that about her!
I hope Carol is ok and family and MR T is on the mend.
Off to be guys hope tomorrow is better.
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all
Hope everyone is as pain free as they can be with the very cold weather we have been having lately it really dose affect our joints. have just been to check on our lovelies a they new baby manatees are lovely. popped in the shed for some spare hours there are plenty in there if anyone wants them. Silver was making some bottles of sparkles for us all. It has been a bit chilly here today but nothing like it has been. hopefully it will warm up further now, after all it is supposed to be spring.
Gained 1/2 lb at slimming world today putting me 1/2lb outside my target so must lose that next week or else I will have to go back to paying the next week. have a very busy few days coming up tomorrow is my knitting group day, Thursday I am at the local MS group selling my beautiful charity cards from Flamingo Paperie, if anyone is interested in seeing what we have please look at my website at
this is followed up by our fortnightly meal with church friends.
Friday usual dinner out with Mr T then to meet my friend for coffee. And Saturday open morning at the church with the cards again. Hope I manage to sell some this time round. so I will be a busy little bee.
Toni I don't know either why they muck up the DLA payments like they do. with Lille they told my GD that now she is at school she doesn't need it anymore, as my Gd said just because she is at school dose not mean she no longer has the PKU, I still have to buy special foods just for her. but I think she said she has now been granted it for the next three years this time.
I am beginning to start feeling like a counsellor too lately. I suppose with Lucy not claiming the DLA anymore at least she doesn't have to go through all the hassle of claiming each year. Mr T seems to be ok on the co-codamols at the moment, no need for extra fruits or prunes etc.. He says the neck seems to be improving slowly. His back pains also seem to have improved a bit with the co-codamols but he has a MRI tomorrow for that to see what the problem is. we had a very light dusting of snow last Friday and Saturday but it did not settle for long all gone now. we need more of this now m0150 m0150 m0150 .
Joan The new baby is due mid August. yes I do have a large family at least i am not as bad as my aunt yet who has 4 children 19 grandchildren 15 great grandchildren with another on the way yet to be born. hope you and Sue have lost all your snow now and can get out on the scooters again.
Barbara My GGDs have a double barrelled surname to go with it too. Yes when Mr T and I change our surname last year it took me ages to remember to use both names.I'm used to it now. Don't worry about the copy and Paste
Mr T still spells Lillies name wrong sometimes and she is 6 don't know how he is going to cope with three of them. me I just get all their names mixed up. Sorry you GD is suffering with such pain hope she is feeling better soon.
Aidan So you have lost your post into the black void again its so annoying no wonder you were swearing at the pc honestly I think they have minds of their own sometimes. Oh dear the Pusskins have been naughty breaking the no fly rule hope Minerva gave them a suitable punishment naughty Pusskins. Glad you got the card book but your neighbour has run off with it oh dear did you get a chance to actually look through it first. hope she likes them enough to perhaps order some. We had a little dusting of snow Saturday and Sunday but all gone by Monday. but it was still bitterly cold.
Mr T has had no problems with the co -codamols and they are easing the pains slowly. no no definitely not too much sympathy. and of course you are excluded from that and rightly so.:?
night night all
t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 for you allStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi Toni Sorry I missed you there we must have posted at the same time . sorry you are having such troubles with the migraines. hope you are feeling better soon. Yes I'm ok and Mr T is improving slowly with the co-codamols. sending you some t115006 t115006 sparkles and some of these to cheer you up t69044 t69044Stay positive always👍xx0
Hi to all, a very frosty night here. tcold
Hi Barbara, labyrithitis is horrid, sometimes called mennieres / vertigo, an imbalance of the fluid in your inner ear. It affects people differently, many cannot even get their head off the pillow, without the whole world spinning and nausea etc. Stemetil is the same as prochlorperazine, just generic and pharmaceutical names. It is certainly the drug of choice and usually works quite well.
I am glad you are a bit better today and that they are fast tracking the MRI scan.
Happy to send out hugs and sparkles, I want everyone to be ok and it is upsetting to hear when friends are poorly. t2507
No, I won't let the side down if I can help it, with a supply of goodies, although chips and egg is a national favourite. Kath kindly adds to the lovely foods as well.
The little manatee is gorgeous, the parents are all fine and the babies are doing well. The specialist vets have been in to check them over, they are allowed into the pool, to make sure all is well.
Don't blame you for not staring at the PC screen for too long, far too many blue light rays, that our brains interpret to keep us awake. We don't notice them, until they are reduced, then your eyes feel a lot better.
Hi Toni don't worry about being brief. Good that you are having periods of clearer vision, I wish it would clear completely. We don't want you colour blind at any time.
All the manatee's are just fine, the pools are perfect for them, they have deep and shallow areas, heated to the ideal temperatures. All their favourite grasses, water plants, etc, are in plentiful supply.
Yes, Sleek did mention that there were poorly peeples in her house and Mum was not well. Needless to say he was up and off with his Drs bag, so sorry for the wet ear :roll: :roll:
We are ok, Dad too, more forgetful, but, we are keeping things as normal as possible. His GP rang, about blood results and wants to see him. Now B needs to be a chaparone really, as he will not remember what the GP tells him otherwise.
His new blinds are being fitted today, so he will be a happy bunny.
I hope that today is better for you too. Pepe might be over in the night to check temperatures etc. Just to warn you in advance.
Hi Carol, I wondered where Silver was, making new bottles of sparkles for us, he is a star, we need them in large amounts at the moment t115006 t115006 I will gather a few spare hours later, they will come in handy.
I am sure you will loose 1/2 lb in no time, so no charges will be raised, you have and continue, to do so well.
You have certainly got a busy few days ahead. Knitting, Out with Mr T, two lots of card selling venues, oh, coffee, nearly forgot that. Another meal out with Church.........phew, you will need those hours from the shed.
Good to hear that Mr T is feeling better with his pain relief. They will help with his back pain too.
I see he has an MRI today, I hope that goes smoothly.
I did have a quick look at the card book, then it was "borrowed". I will be asking for it back, she is away at the moment, house sitting for her in laws.
A quiet evening here, had a siesta which was very welcome, just to ease the bones a little.
Supper was a melange, onion bhaji, veggie samosas, chicken tika pieces and garlic bread. Wow, does the house smell a treat :shock: :shock: It was very nice, all from the deli at Tesco's. I think the windows will be opened in the morning, no matter how chilly it is, we need a freshen up.
Retinopathy clinic this afternoon, at the local new hospital, only a teeny one, two wards and outpatients, very nice, never anyone there.
All our other lovelies are fine, Blush has a new mate and is more than happy, they are off in the bamboo somewhere. The meerkats are not coming out of their burrows until we move away from the arctic:roll:
Lambs, lamas, Tapirs, Gibbons, Sloths, piggies, Giraffes, seals, penguins, emu's, elephants, Okapi, warthogs and all................oh and the spid--s too, are all well.
I had better potter a little, I am setting like a plaster cast.
Leaving hugs, love and sparkles to everyone t4591 t115006
Take care, one and all XXXX Aidan
Cheesy Egg Bake with Crunchy Cornflake ToppingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Popped in for some of that lovely breakfast thanks Aidan
I woke at 05:22 to a migraine aura, but only one as far as I know in the night. The two previous have contained several :roll:
Mind you I did have wet ears :?
Absolutely B must the Drs with Dad for any results. Even I don't go on my own if I can help it. I hope his blinds look lovely I'm sure they will.
I have been to see the Manatees - the baby is adorable!! I love him! Johnny said he thinks it is a 'he'.
Fingers crossed for retinopathy clinic :?
Barbara I was able to post honestly! You were far worse than me. I have had similar bouts to yours but was told mine was benign something vertigo. Stemetil is what I was given. My friend gets it from the IPAD.
Carol I am very pleased to hear Mr T is doing ok on his meds. Is the MRI on both neck and back?
Did you say your weight is 1/2lb out?!! You will soon have that shifted knowing you
Thank you for the sparklesGood idea Silver making us up bottles to take with us.
What makes 'them' think your GGD doesn't have PKU now she's at school :roll: Yes we were glad for Lucy to be off PIP although I suspect she could still get a little with the epilepsy and on-going bone issues she found it too stressful.
Morning to JoanI hope all is well with you all. My migraines are diminishing I think/hope thank you
Off to see a friend today it's her birthday.
Love to everyone I hope I didn't miss anyone :oops:
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
Barbara I'm glad you are feeling better what caused it,
Carol good luck to Mr T for the scan.
Toni I'm glad you are feeling a bit better does smell cause it.
Aidan I hope everyone is all right. we still have packed snow we could not go far on the scooters yesterday.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
I spent this morning by the Manatee pool listening to thei little squeaks and calls. So relaxing, I even had a cuddle with the baby.
Tiddles followed me in, but peeped through the glass partition purring. so sweet. t115006 t4591 t115006
I'm adult, Toni confirmed it.If only she knew.
Hope your auras have gone now.
Barbara, hope your Labyrinthitis has cleared up.
Aidan, lovely card. And we all love you too.
Joan, I hope your snow will clear away soon so that you and Sue can get out on your scootas.
Triple Pineapple Upsidedown Cake, full of cream.
t69044 t69044 t69044 m0150 m0150 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a reasonably pleasant day here. Sunshine this morning. Is it Spring, or is the beast from the east set to return at Easter time?
Hi Toni, I hope that was the last of the Aura's and your migraine starts to improve. Sorry about the wet ears, Pepe insisted that he came over and checked all vital signs :roll: :roll: Plus Miss Sleek wanted to show him in her wardrobe, now that it is all tidy.
Dad has new blinds, he rang to say they had been fitted and we saw them on the way to the hospital for my retina imaging. I think B is just going to say "I am coming in with you" tomorrow, when Dad sees the GP. I will go and hide in the T room
The Manatees are lovely, they seem very settled and have been checked out by the super vets, who are allowed to go into the water with them. All seems ok. Bless, the little ones are so cute, well, the others are too.
I was in and out of the clinic in about 5 minutes. As soon as I got to sitting down, he called me in, did eye test, then said I don't think you need the drops to dilate your pupils, they are already dilated :shock: :shock: I said, it is probably the mountain of pills I take. Anyway, no drops, so images taken, wait for results and off we went, back home all within 20 minutes.
I am sure Lucy would qualify for PIP, but, it is one of the most stressful things and totally understand how she feels. It is just a matter of time before I have to change over to PIP, from DLA. They don't take into account what is wrong with you, it is how it affects your daily living. How can your disability have no bearing on that? Anyway, I will be off on one if I I will shut up.
I hope you managed to get to see your friend today
Hi Joan, you still have snow laying on the ground, no, that is not good for scooters to travel on. I hope it melts as fast as possible. We are ok, keep going, keep pottering, as you have to do. Apart from our quick trip out to the hospital, we have had an at home day today.
Hi Kath, oh, you had a little paddle with the manatee's, they are lovely, they love water lettuce.
You are officially an adult, that's good, but young at heart, which is equally as good
Thank you for the lovely cake, it looks amazing and I might have to take a couple of pieces. Saves me baking this afternoon
I hope you are feeling better Barbara and the stemetil is working for you. Leaving hugs ((()))
Hi to Carol, hope Mr T went on ok with the MRI, a braver man than I, you cannot get me within a hundred yards of the department, let alone, in the scanner. Some people nod off :shock: :shock: :shock: not a hope of that happening.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Mig toady DD Charrisse Elizabeth and all.
I will away and take my pills, it is that time of day again. I need to potter a while, I am seizing up.
Love and sparkles to all. XXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all..a nice day but cold
Aiden you are a love I am always answer that we all suffer in some way or another..glad to hear you had a good siesta..and dads blind are all fitted..and hopefully all was well at your eye clinic , so they give the results there and then..fingers crossed for you..and you managed to sneak into the coffee shop..think I have that right..Im still feeling very drunk and queasy but hoping it will go soon..thanks for supplying the food..
Carol you are a busy bee, but its good sometimes...sorry you will have to pay at SW but I am sure it wont be for long..I must remember to use my double barrelled name..hope all went well for Mr T..
Toni migraines are awful ..and like I said to Aiden I am always aware that we are all suffering with a few things..I really hope they ease up very soon
Joan you are kind to everyone remind me when you get your other scan or your results...
Kath thankyou..its just lovely watching the manatees swimming you say so calming..
Got my letter this morning for the face to face :shock: next wed..28th I think so wish me luck..
Love to everyone ..not long off spring I can smell it in the air..t69044
Barbara0 -
Evening to you all
been a nice day here today temperature has picked up a bit but it is supposed to be cold again running up to Easter. Enjoyed me knitting group today my friend came again it looks like she will always come when she can like I do.
Aidan yes our Silver was very busy making the bottle of Sparkles in the shed. well I am hoping the 1/2 lb will come off I have been good Today. and will have to make good choices tomorrow at our church meal out. so keeping my fingers crossed for next week because I will not be able to go the next week as I will be going away for a few days with Mr T in Edinburgh. On the Tuesday after the bank holiday, so it will be harder to keep track of what I am eating.
Card day also tomorrow afternoon so a busy day so will probably need the extra hours to cope. co-codamols are working well at the moment. MRI went ok now just to wait for results. yes siestas very important when bones are complaining. Supper sounds super hope it tasted as nice as it smelt. hope the retinopathy went well.
glad all the lovelies are well ooh Blush has a new mate. and the Spid**s are all well our lovelies are growing all the time. we don't want you setting so off you potter.
Toni The MRI is for the back only the neck is a pulled muscle. Trying to be good so I do lose this week because I will not be able to go to the one after Easter. I have no Idea why they imagine that Lillie's PKU will suddenly disappear because she is at school Think it because most of them don't know what it is and its effects. and don't blame Lucy for not bothering because it is a lot of fuss.
Joan thank you scan went ok now just wait for the results.
Kath that pineapple upside down cake tasted good.
Barbara If I have lost next week I will not have to pay at SW so keeping my fingers crossed. yes a very busy bee. Mr T's appt went ok now to wait for results. I occasionally forget the double barrelled name but not often now.
Ok Time for a potter to get the joints moving before bed time
love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to one and all - some rain here tonight, not used to that, after the snow and ice of recent weeks.
Hi Barbara Thank you hun, you will make me blush :oops: I do try though.
We are all hindered in day to day living, in many ways, but we carry on, best we can, some days are fair, some are just forgettable and very painful. We share and care
We will have a good look at Dads new blinds this morning when we pick him up to take him to the Drs. He sounded pleased, on the phone.
B has just to get in with him to see the GP, that will be interesting........
I glanced at the images of my retina, on the mans computer, from what I could see, there didn't seem to be any glaring areas of retinopathy, but I will get the results in the post in a week or so.
It was SO quiet at our little hospital, a far cry from Blackburn. There was me, Bill and one other lady...............otherwise it was like the Marie Celestethat's how I like appointments, in, through, done, bye..................
I will be off to the T room this morning to wait for Dad and B. I will have time for at least one strong americano.
I hope you feel better each day, we don't want you drunk, no visiting the shed this week, Matron's orders. The Stemetil do help.
Mum and Baby manatee, enjoying their new sanctuary. I think we have at least 10, so far..........
So, the face to face interview for your PIP is next Wed. :shock: I will send Pepe and Sleek along, as I am seeing my Consultant Cardio. I have cancelled twice now and it is a year since I saw him. I normally go every 6 months :? :?
Pepe will have his wand ready and Silver will be there with sparkles a plenty. Sleek will make sure that everything is carried out correctly. Make sure you mention all aids and adaptations you have and how you are affected in day to day and the help that you need at all times. I will be thinking of you, that's for certain. t115006
Hi to Mr B, any chips on the menu this week
Hi Carol, it is warmer than last night. I keep reading about the weather over Easter time, but when you see the forecast, it looks kind of normal for the time of year, sunshine, showers, not howling gales and snow.
Glad you enjoyed your knitting group and that your friend came along too, which is very good.
I am sure the sparkles will be needed over the coming week, with various appointments and DWP assessments........never a dull moment in our cafe.
I know you will be good at making the right choices when you are out at the Church dinner. I would be hopeless, there has to be chips :roll: :roll: as a side dish.
Off to Edingburgh with Mr T, lovely, you will enjoy that. A long way, are you going on the train / plane / automobile?
I hope you sell some more cards today. t115006 They are all lovely and well worth the money. You can pay up to £5 or more in some shops, for a good card.
Glad the MRI went ok.
Supper did taste very good, even if the house wreaked of garlic :shock: :shock: I think we are back to fresh air again now.
Time for a potter, won't be long
I hope you are feeling better Toni, Pepe will be over again tonight. He has pestered Hernione to transport him over when we are all asleep. She doesn't want him night flying on his own. Expect a wet ear. :shock: :roll: There might be gliding and rug clicking as well.
Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, Charrisse, DD and all
I had better fuss a little, whilst keeping an eye on the tennis from Miami.
Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Some little treats for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0
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