Val's Cafe



  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan Carol and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen we've been dodging the ice patches. you go care full when you go out.
    Barbara how are you feeling now.(((())))
    Aidan all the best for your eye test results. I hope your Dad get's on ok at the Dr's.
    Carol I hope everything is has well as it can be with you.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    All thawed here this morning Joan it's quite warm 5 degrees.

    Aidan thank you for the breakfast :) So much choice.

    How lovely to see baby manatee with Mum :) We have 10? Excellent and they have so much space don't they? I like the mandrakes too they have taken well - must have been some magic there ;)

    Enjoy your coffee while Dad and B go to the Drs I hope the results and blinds are both good.

    Wet ears yes - both! I had 3 migraine auras in the night again :roll:

    Miss Sleek is ok to fly at night, but Pepe isn't so confidant is he? Good of Hermione to bring him over :?

    I rather like the sound of the hospital they should all be like that!!

    I did see my friend :)

    Barbara I very much hope you are feeling a bit better? Keep taking the tablets ;) If you are iffy still for the PIP/DLA assessment so be it they will see another of your problems won't they?

    Don't worry about me it's only if I can't see to drive that I get upset or when the migraine makes me join you with my head down the loo!!

    Carol you WILL ditch that 1/2lb easily you have done far more :) I am lad your friend came too she is lucky to have a supportive friend like you.

    A weekend up in Scotland is it? I hope Mr T's neck is ok by then and good that he is having an MRI on his back. Had he had one before?

    Yes Lucy worried so much when she was on PIP that she would be seen out and be in trouble! She had cancer :roll: I don't think they do understand a lot of disabilities too.

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Vegetarian Korma, Aidan you could have chips with that. :D

    Anybody watch the new 3-part series last night? BBC4 9pm. All about different crafts, rug making, type setting etc. Next week its cross stitch and quilting. I thought some of you might enjoy it, Carol? I've told Emily and Alex, Alex does a lot of cross stitch.

    10 Manatees? Or is that just the babies?

    Toni, I hope your auras go away soon, and Barbara, I hope you feel better soon.

    Joan, I always go careful - don't want a fall. Did you tell me you are due a break from Alendronic Acid soon? Does Sue ave Osteoporosis too?

    Lots of sparkles for everyone. t4591

    t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Had another whatever they are this morning..but am fine now..
    Aiden the meds do help, I have put some in my bag just in case I am out when I have one,I did mean aware... :lol: yes we all suffer in some way but we are here for one another..glad to hear your hospital was nice and quiet we have one like that but the others.. :roll: hope your results are good..and I will tell the face to face person everything and all aides ready..thanks for all the goodies... :)
    Toni you are suffering...not nice having those auras in the night, hope it soon fades away..I can imagine how you worry about not being able to drive..anyhow I can sing tonight,,but will give the shed a miss..
    Joan I am fine there are far worse things..they are just something I am not used to...hope you and Sue are ok...
    Carol you are off to Edinburgh, somewhere I have never been..and glad to hear your friend is coming to the knitting group it will do her good..good luck at SW next week sure you dont need it
    Kath..thankyou..I have a ready cut rug here that I started when pregnant with my first son he is now 46..and its still not finished..think it time I did some :lol: pure wool it is
    Right better go to everyone .. t4591 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, a wet and windy night here cfly better than snow admittedly.

    Not quite sure where the day has vanished too, but, vanish it has.

    Hi Joan, I hope all the snow has gone now and you are able to get out and about. Let's hope that we don't get another so called beast from the east again.
    Thank you for your best wishes for Dad at the Drs. They usually say I have background retinopathy, little blood vessels that burst at the back of your eye, then go away, they like to keep a lid on them though, as they can get worse.

    you are welcome to the breakfast Toni, there was quite a selection of goodies :)

    Sorry to hear that you had three auras during the night, horrid, horrid, let's get those sparkles to send them away t115006 t115006

    Pepe was over, hence both ears were wet, he is a love, bless him, thinking he is Dr Longstockings :lol: :roll: Pepe is not good at night flying, hence Hermione allows transportation.

    So many manatee's, we will make sure they are all looked after and made strong again, so they can go back to their native waters.

    There was definitely some magic :)

    Oh if all hospitals were as quiet and seen immediately, boy would that be something.

    Good that you went to see your friend, it was her Birthday as I recall.

    Did you give choir practice a miss tonight? Maybe wise.

    I can understand Lucy being so worried, about PIP. I feel as if I should not be out and feel guilty for it. I noticed that there were new signs on the disabled loo's in Sainsb today. Accessible toilet, "not all disabilities are visible" which is very, very true, any of us can look ok from a cursory meeting, we smile, say we are "fine", but open the book and the reading does not match the smile at all.

    Hi Kath, thank you for the veggie Korma, I will have some chips with that, without a doubt :)

    No, we didn't see the programme, we will look for it on catch up. B and I would be very interested, with his seed bead work and amazing creations he comes up with. We always watch the Kirsty Alsop crafty programmes.

    10 Adult manatee's and 5 babies, so 15 in all. There could always be more, Johnny is on full alert to have any injured or stressed ones, be transported to our lovely pools and lagoons.

    Hi Barbara, so you are a bit better, but have had a couple of squiffy moments. I am sending out some extra strong get better vibes for you and Toni, we want your heads as well as possible. t115006 t115006

    I went to get copies of my recent bloods, for my cardio visit next week, all seems ok apart from my Triglycerides which are up quite a lot. :roll: ...........will see what the cardio says, as my cholesterol is normal......... :? I had to have a scone with cream, to get over it.

    I am glad you went to choir practice, very wise not to go into the shed, you would be more than iffy. :shock: :mrgreen:

    Might be time to finish that rug, after 46 years :lol::lol:

    Dad was ok with B going in with him to see the Dr, who was very nice. Dads thyroxine levels are slightly off, which could account for some memory problems, (personally I don't think it is hormone related, but, who am I). Anyway, Dad said he didn't have any of the symptoms that the Dr mentioned, but if he felt the need he would ask to see a specialist. Everything else was ok with is bloods. The GP is aware of dads short term memory loss though.

    I was in the t room and had had one very strong coffee, by the time we left, well over an hour or so later, I had had three and I was leaking and in quite a dither. Two is ok, but three, a bit much for my cardio and nerves. :shock: :shock: My own fault I know, but they were SO good.

    Popped into the vets for more food, which Pepe is loving. the last four boxes he has had, has been a nightmare to get him to eat. These are a different batch, so he is happy boy again. Spoiled, no, not at all :roll: :roll:

    Sainsb then home, lunch was late, which kind of knocks on to the rest of the day.

    Watched the final stages of the ski jumping which was on for ages, now it is after is on, in the background.

    We are having an at home day today, B is going to do all the hard floors with the new swifty / microfiber thingy.........Should be interesting, as the flooring in the adapted bathroom, is like totally non slip, even when sopping wet. It grabs anything you put on it, cloths, mops etc, like velcro. There could be "words" :shock:

    I hope everyone else is as ok can be. Carol, Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse.

    Many hugs and sparkles to one and all t4591 t115006 Let me find something for breakfast.

    Take care, XXXX Aidan

    Granola tarts with fruits and yogurt.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello every one
    I hope you are all coping with the weather roll on summer
    Joan is off on her dog walk so its me again
    Thank you all for all you do for Joan
    Have a good day full of all you love to do
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Sue, I can see the sun today. m0150 Joan is no trouble, in fact she helps us more than we help her. I'm a bit of a moaner, Joan never moans. She cheers me up no end. :D

    Ooo Barbara, get that rug finished pronto, with photos. Next weeks prog is about jewellery making, so right up Aidan's and Bill's street. Also cross stitch and quilting.

    15 Manatees in total, bless. t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591

    Lovely breakfast Aidan, ta muchly. :D

    Jumbo fish fingers and CHIPS

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Of course, it is Suesday :)

    Hi Sue, lovely to see you and hope that the doggies enjoyed their walk with Joan, while you get ready for dial a ride.
    I hope all the snow has gone now and doesn't come back until next winter.

    We all help and support each other, everyone is very special and you both care a lot about us all : t4591 t4591

    Hi Kath, those chips :shock: :shock: , they are a must have, they look amazing, so I will grab a doggy bag (not a plastic one) and potter along with some as fast as my wobbly legs will go. :lol::lol: :roll:
    You are not a moaner at all Kath, we have lots of health things going on, that drive us nuts sometimes.

    I am sure Barbara is already on with finishing the rug :? :? maybe

    Hope Barbara and Toni are feeling a bit better today, leaving abundant hugs and well wishes t4591 t115006 t115006

    Hi to everyone else, I cannot believe I am writing this, just after mid day. Right, onward, more pills needed. Clothes to dry, pottering to be done.

    Love to all, catch you later. XXXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all ..nice and sunny but cold
    Aiden why shouldn't you want to spoil your pussykins.. :) you had 3 coffee..on my no wonder you were eyes would have been rolling.. :lol: 1 is my limit at the dads didnt have any uh...sorry not you of course.....I have short term memory loss ..and have 2 writing pads to make sure when I think of something it is wrote down :roll: so today is an home day and B is cleaning..I am sure it will be sparkling..wish mine was... :roll: mind you have to say my kitchen and bathroom are nice a clean its the rest of the house... :oops: thanks for all the sparkles and hugs they are appreciated..I have been fine today ..fingers crossed..will make a cuppa and have one of the fruit head will never be normal.. :lol:
    Sue, Joan is always so kind to everyone and so concerned...its our pleasure ..I hope you both have a good day in town with ring and ride and the weather is good..
    Kath I like fish fingers .thankyou.and put cheese on them.must say the chips look good...think its time to finish this rug.. :lol: its an antique like me.. :lol:
    I hope that Toni is doing ok and the migraine will leave her alone..(())..
    Right better to everyone ... t4591 t69044 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all

    I know, 3 super strong coffee's, with extra shots, no wonder I was in a tizzy. We both leak coffee and I know that two is definitely my limit. My Cardio would not be too pleased with me. Sssh, we won't tell him.

    The only thing that knows what is going on here is my phone, without it none of us would remember where we should be and when, with who and why :roll: :roll: :? :? I have post it notes, always stuck to one of the kitchen cupboards.

    I am glad you are feeling better today - very pleased to hear, let's hope Toni is as well.

    Right, onward, once more. Be back later, Pepe is on the move........xx Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    hello everyone :)

    Lovely to see Sue on behalf f Joan. W do no more for Joan than she does for us - we all look after each other :

    Barbara I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. Good job you went to choir we are singing Sunday morning at All Saints. After the 'Safari Supper' too :shock:

    AND the clocks going forwards we will be asleep..... :roll:

    Kath 15 Manatees for now although the plan is for them to breed more with them being so valuable and endangered :(

    Thanks for the lunch - Had extra salt and vinegar on my chips (I never do really!).

    Aidan good news that Dad's bloods weren't too much to worry about and that the GP is now alerted to the early memory issues :)

    Dr Longstockings was here in the night (C/O Hermione) I didn't hear him just work up with wet ears when I heard him and Sleek shrieking with laughter :wink:

    Had two in the night and so far two today one at Pom's and the other at lunchtime. I need them GONE for the Safari Supper tomorrow :roll:

    Sleek informs me that the food purchased from the Vet's is edible.

    That was it Edible. No more no less.

    I can only manage on full-strength coffee(or tea) now too. Cardio would probably agree. Any stress brings on the need for cake to calm the BP back down I agree :lol:

    The house is almost as pristine as I want it for tomorrow's guests....I am doing starters. Pom has a free pass and isn't doing a course at all :shock:

    I must have spent 3 hours just in the bathroom :shock:

    Onwards and upwards!


    Toni xx

    Curry night at least!! :D:D:D
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    One more busy day to go tomorrow as we have open morning at church tomorrow well a busy 2 days have been out from 11.30 yesterday morning bite to eat out at lunch time then straight on to the MS group I go to with my cards once a month. arrived back home about from that, then out again at about 7pm for the fortnightly church meal, and finally got home around 10.45pm. Today out at midday for dinner today with MR T then straight on to meet my friend for coffee at 1.30 and got home about 4.30pm. so shattered tonight .one bonus yesterday was that I was very tired last night and went straight to sleep had a very good nights sleep. only woke up once during the night instead of 2/3 times.

    Aidan Yes off to Edinburgh looking forward to it as well. we are going by train and travelling 1st class as it is a long journey. didn't sell any cards yesterday maybe if I am lucky I will sell some tomorrow at church ( and as they say pigs might fly ha ha ) we will see.

    Joan Yes everything is good here hope you and Sue are good too.

    Toni yes hopefully at least the 1/2 lb comes off this week. more if possible because we are away for four days from the Tuesday after Easter. Mr T hasn't had an MRI before this was his first all went ok with it he says. neck dose not seem to be too bad.
    I'm sure Lucy would get Pip but they have tightened things up so much, I am lucky because I am still getting DLA because when they introduced pip I was already 65 and they did not touch that it stayed as it was.

    Barbara yes Edinburgh we have changed trains there but never actually stayed there so it will be something new to us too. will as far as the weight is concerned I should be ok next week as it is only 1/2 lb but well we will see.

    Its that time again folks and off I must go for a little potter

    love and sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, it is chilly again tonight, wet too.

    catching up with the tennis from Miami seems to be eating away into the evening / morning.

    You will all be asleep Toni, after a safari supper and then turning the clocks onward :shock: I am sure Barbara will have set her alarm

    Hermione has said that Pepe cannot be on medical duties and then spend his time shrieking with laughter with Miss Sleek :? :? That is not fair on the patient. Hermione was most disgruntled. Ooops. Any medical visits are purely medical, not hysterical. Oh dear, first being in Minerva's bad books and now Hermione's. There could well be a call from Hogwarts, for some extra tuition.

    The edible food seems to be acceptable, at the moment :? that could change at any time I guess.

    You do need the Auras gone, so extra strong well wishes to send them on their way. t115006 t115006

    So you are on starters for the safari supper, how did Pom manage a free pass? Or does it work in order and everyone gets a turn.

    I am sure you are all pristine and more than ready for guests. 3 hours in the bathroom, that's some serious cleaning, I am proud of you :)

    B was busy with the swifty moppy thing, as I thought, there were words and it kept falling apart, so he ended up on his hands and knees. I did some cleaning of areas I could reach. Some vacuuming with the cordless, but I soon got out of breath, so had to stop. :roll:

    Extra cake is certainly needed to soak up coffee, without a doubt.

    We are out with Dad today, popping over to a nursery to look at plants, then come back this way for coffee etc, not sure if the GC or the T room in town.

    I hope the curry was good :) smells lovely.

    Hi Carol, have your little feet touched base yet? You must be worn out, here, there and everywhere.
    No wonder you slept so well :shock:

    I hope you sell some cards today, at Church, people really need to take a good look at them and see how lovely they are.

    You will be comfortable in 1st class, en route to Edinbugh, it is a long way, so you need to be in decent seating, with food and drinks served. You can get up and have a potter about too, we don't want you shaped like a train seat :?

    Glad that everything went ok for Mr T's MRI scan.

    Well, my back is shouting rather loudly, so I will have to move around a bit.

    Hi to Christine, Kerrin, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.

    Love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    Some Unicorn cookies for breakfast :)

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Toni Carol and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen you are a lovely lady who has so many problems to cope with and you do so well.
    Aidan has so many problems to cope with the one that matters most is his phone.
    Barbara problem is for getting her problems
    Toni takes her problems in her stride and copes.
    Carol does not have time to have many problems.
    I'm sorry if I said anything wrong but it was how I saw it all
    have a good weekend
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, you could never say anything wrong. :D :oops: I'm going to have a little cry now. Bless you. xxxx

    Aidan, I'm glad Pepe thinks the new food is edible. :lol: . Thank you for the unicorn cookies.

    Carol, glad to hear you had a good night's sleep. Have you been floating with the Manatees? I'd love to, but the baby Manatees would think I was one of the mums. :?

    Help yourselves to some chocolate cake. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello all..what a lovely day we have had.. :)
    Still very unsteady, but I can cope with that..
    Kath I totally agree that Joan never says anything usually me :shock: :lol: thankyou for the chocolate cake just waht5 I need with my cuppa..
    Joan yes everyone has problems..I do hope you have had this nice weather but the little doggies enjoy it..and I repeat its me that says things wrong..not you... :)
    Aiden I love the unicorn biscuits..that will go well with the chocolate cake that Kath brought in..its a lovely day for looking at relaxes me.. :) I used to adore gardening ..not so much now just my raised troughs..I know how B feels about the mop I am still looking for the perfect one that will go between thing a swivel one..that doesn't come to pieces.. :roll: so your another with sticky notes.. :lol:
    Toni am I invited to the supper ..hope so after all that singing... :lol: you have been busy cleaning..ooh what starters are you enjoy your curry...sending lots of positive vibes that the Auras will go before tonight
    Carol you are busy again but meals out are good.. :D first class to Edinburgh will be brilliant..our GD got first class bought by her dad from London to us..she loved all the snacks and drinks..good luck with the cards...
    Just had word form my had the children last weekend and the little girl she is 10 told him what she thought of him..I am glad she is having her say but so sad all the hurt she must be feeling...
    Right my cuppa and cake to everyone m0150 t4591 m0150
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, dry, quite mild, not a bad day really

    Joan you would never say anything wrong, you are the last person I can possibly think of, who would do that. You summed things up just fine.

    I am lost without my phone, that's for sure. On the very odd occasion I have gone out without it, I have been fit to be tied.

    I forget things, just as Barbara does, we are two peas in a pod :roll: :lol::lol:

    I hope you managed to get all your shopping done yesterday, it is nice when Sue pops in and keeps us up to date on Suesday.

    Hi Kath Those Unicorn Cookies have magical powers, every time you eat one, you need another. Well, the more magic the better I say :lol:

    I did think about wallowing in the manatee's pool, but they have outlawed whaling so I will give it a miss :lol::lol: GreenPeace would have me floated back out to sea. :shock: :lol::lol:

    Now, that chocolate cake, it is looking mighty fine, I will take a piece, only a small piece of course :? :?

    I hope Barbara and Toni are feeling better today. Sleek was talking to Pepe about their indiscretion and they have sent a letter to Hogwarts, to Harry Potter, apologising for giggling while peeples were trying to sleep :roll: :roll:
    I think they are forgiven and are being sent on a mission to Lytham, to gather some sea mist, for the Wood Nymphs - no idea why, but they love it there and will be off in a flash in the morning. Something to do with the spring equinox in the morning........... :?

    We went to the Nursery this morning, with Dad. My neck and back were just miserable, so I didn't go more than a few yards, better to stand still and admire the plants.
    Dad bought a couple of evergreens, B bought another Californian Lilac.

    We decided to go to the T room in town, as the GC would have been packed to the doors. It was just nice in the T room, not over busy, the coffee (only two this time) was wonderful and scone was equally as enjoyable. Dad had blackcurrant and apple pie, HUGE pies they bake there. More fruit than Carmen Miranda had in her hats :lol::lol: (Am I showing my age there, I think I might be).

    Nipped into Booths, was tempted to some lovely freshly cooked chicken, on the deli, perfect for lunch in a sandwich. Pepe got a whiff as soon as we were in and was howling for his share :lol:

    Now just pottering, sorting some washing, taking lots of pain killers.

    Just in case Toni cannot resist diving into the chocolate cake that Kath baked, I will quickly bake a spare one :)

    Hi to everyone else, in, out and about.

    A little salted caramel gateaux

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Oh dear oh dear which cake???

    Both :shock: :?

    Just a quick pop-by I am about to finish up here and get ready for the safari supper please do come along and join in!!

    Miss Sleek says they are off to Lytham tomorrow but hasn't said why :?

    I will take photo of my starters when they are all plated up :)

    Joan bless you everyone loves you in here and admires your strength.

    Would you believe I have been cleaning the bathroom again cleaning?? No cleaning for you Aidan with a sore back...

    I hope to catch up tomorrow....when we have performed Barbara 10:00 (really 9:00).

    Carol I am glad Mr T coped ok with the MRI and his neck isn't so bad now. Even better if they won't review your DLA :)

    Sorry to be brief

    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, clear skies and chilly tonight. Might have to press buttons on the thermostat next to me :)

    Of course, both cakes are equally delicious, so best to have some of each. I did 8) :D

    I thought Friday was Safari supper, see, I am hopeless at who where when and why. I should have known when you mentioned the curry night, it was kind of a BIG clue :roll: :roll: Bless, it's a shame really. :? :lol: I blame the pills.

    Anyway, that's by the bypass. How was your safari night, looking forward to seeing pictures of the starters. Sorry I could not make it, I don't think I had the oomph. My apologies.

    I am sure Sleek will come clean about the little telling off from Hogwarts. They will enjoy their mission this morning though, blow away some cobwebs and gather the sea mist. Pepe is wearing his tweed outfit, plus fours and longstockings of course. He has a hip flask full of puskin milk, Sleek said she will treat them to battered haddock, on the promenade.


    No, no bathroom cleaning, well, apart from anti bac wiping around. Back is too shouty. I am sure yours will be clinically clean and gleaming :) we like clean.

    I hope Barbara has her alarms set, with the hour jumping forward. Service at 10, prompt.

    I hope the auras stopped and the migraine has subsided now. t115006 t115006

    Right, I cannot sit any longer, I need to potter again. Leaving hugs and sparkles to all. t4591 t115006

    Everyone take lots of care XXX Aidan

    Mini blueberry waffles with orange yoghurt dip

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sorry Barbara, you posted at the same time as me, in the afternoon and I never said hi. :?

    I was fine, just having a very little potter at the nursery, while B and Dad went off into various greenhouses and the like.

    The "mop" has been relegated to behind the kitchen door. It will be ok for dry dusting the floors, like they do in hospitals, but for washing them, not a hope.

    I do have to have notes, or I am at a loss :roll: notes and umpteen reminders on the phone.

    That was nice for your GD to come up first class, it does make a difference.

    So your neighbours children have been with their father. Good for the young daughter to say what she thinks of him, sad that it has to come to this, but, she obviously feels strongly enough about it, to speak out.

    ok, I am away. Love to all XXX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen i hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
    Toni has being in the bungalow changed your life or are you doing the same has in your house.
    Barbara you go steady I've never had a migraine but it don't sound nice.
    Aidan I hope all of you have a good day. Did you used to play tennis.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    So sorry I was unable to grab a quick of the guests followed me into the kitchen, but I did get the aftermath!!!

    All is cleared away now dishwasher is churning and napkins/tablecloth and umpteen tea-towels in a boil wash Aidan will be pleased.

    Only one lady tried the colour changing gin (with tonic) that Paul was ready to make, but all the food got eaten.

    The next course was a distance away (I drove as I hadn't drunk yet) and left my car outside the (empty) shop. I will be off to rescue it in a mo as it has my better specs in for choir (expecting Barbara any minute). That course was ALL vegetarian!! The couple are doing turkey to turkey veggie. It was lovely.

    Then to the last house for desert two choices and guess who had both :oops: Managed not to face splat though :wink:That took some doing I think I have got into bad habits :oops:

    Then to the party in one of the barn conversions ( caught up with those we hadn't seen) and finally a lift home with Pom.

    In bed for 2.30 BST :D

    Joan I must say the bungalow as changed our lives for the better. I still feel a bit as if I am on holiday though!!!

    Aidan I had a Swiffer good for dry dusting I agree. I had those non-slip tiles at our last house and they 'attach' to every fibre so no good at all there.

    Love to everyone

    Toni (who might have a nap this afternoon!!!) xxx

    Ps. Sleek and Pepe are out right now she has taken some pocket money ready to treat him to lunch and thinks he will look dashing in his plus fours. She has a tea-dress and sun-hat on :wink: as well as her basket full of empty jars....
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..sun is shinning..but think that Easter wont be so nice.. :(
    Aiden don't you worry about missing me..I am not easily offended.. :lol: I love that is by the I have never heard.. :lol: and Pepe in plus fours..what a gentleman :lol: I know the mop you are talking about , the velcro fastener will not stay put.. :roll: poor B having to get down on his knees to you had a potter..just the weather for it yesterday..not I hope you got some sleep with that poorly back..its so hard to get comfy..yes the little girl form next door knows her own mind..she is so very polite, I just hope he doesn't change her..
    Toni your table looks stunning..and glad to hear everyone enjoyed themselves..I did arrive late but just in time for pud.. :D gosh it was a safari .. :lol: and colour changing gin ..things have really moved on.. :) I was on my second sleep at 2.30...hopefully you can rest today..
    Joan I'm not having migraines..just fuzzy head..and sort of drunk but had nothing.. :shock: but fingers crossed was fine yesterday..I hope you and Sue are doing ok..
    Do you want a laugh ..if you can imagine we parked in front of our cafe yesterday ..and OH was struggling to get out..his foot was caught this man that was passing grabs him, puts his arm around him and pulls with the other..thinking he was struggling because he was old..he was really :lol: ..he was fuming but couldn't show it to the lovely man for trying to help.. :lol::lol: even he had to laugh..
    Right I'm off love to everyone m0150 t4591 m0150
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Beautiful day today. All clocks, watches etc set to correct time. I've eaten a WHOLE bar of chocolate and feel a bit squiffy (serves you right piglet :lol: ) So I've sorted out roasted squash for supper.

    Hope all are having a good day with no auras or dizzy spells.

    t4591 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I had better write early, before it gets too late :? if that makes sense. Time is already running away, I am sure if I went to the shed, I would see Carol, picking up that lost hour.

    It's a lovely sunny day here, I hope everyone is having fair weather too. m0150

    Hi Joan and Sue and the doggies too. I did play tennis at school and really enjoyed it, but, as years move on, you get into different routines, work was long hard hours, even as a student nurse, we often did a 60 hour week (imagine that now, there would be an outcry and elf and safety would be having the vapours). :roll: :roll:

    I can vouch for bungalow living, without hesitation. Toni loves hers and we love ours. If ever we moved back into a "normal" house, I would need a stair lift.

    Well the aftermath of the starters look to have gone down very well indeed, very nicely set out and presented impeccably :)

    Colour changing gin, never heard of that one. I know gin and tonic is all the rage at the moment, with so many different flavours. I just like the tonic, forget the gin.

    Sleek said to Pepe that the peeple wash machine was very hot indeed. We do like a hot wash :D , none of this "30 degrees and it's all clean" :? oh no it's not.........

    Then a lovely veggie main and two lovely deserts to finish, followed by a natter and a catch up. Kind of Pom to give you a lift home.

    Did you manage to get the car and find your better specs. I hope Barbara was there on time for the service.

    That bathroom flooring, is just a nightmare for catching every bit of fluff, every thread............ :roll: it is certainly non slip though which is good.

    I don't blame you if you have a nap this afternoon, we need to adjust out body clocks, cadence rhythms or something like that.

    Our intrepid duo are back from their morning venture to Lytham, apparently the sunrise was lovely. They had to wait for the chip shop to open. They have the jars of sea mist and have left it outside the Wood Nymphs door, in the ravine.
    Pepe though Sleek looked very spring like, she wore a nice cape, to keep out any chill while flying. He noticed her wearing a little rouge, eyeliner and catscara.

    I think they are back in the Hogwarts good books, for bringing so many jars of sea mists.

    Hi Barbara, it is lovely, but as you say, Easter could well be different. Looking at the forecast, it seems a week of showers and sunny spells, quite cool at night still.

    Oh no, I could not miss you out. I knew you posted at a similar time to me, on most days.

    B didn't mind doing some of the floors by hand, rather that, than throw the swifty mop out of the window. :shock:

    I did manage to have a siesta, I didn't think I would to be honest, but I did nod off. It is difficult to get comfy most of the time, but enough pills and potions seem to help me snooze.

    I am sure Mum will not allow her ex, to change the children. It seems they are lovely children, polite and pretty grounded.

    That was very kind of the Gentleman to help Mr B out of the car, bless, it's his age you see :lol::lol: (don't tell him I said that, or he won't do any more chips for us)

    Hi Kath, yes, all our clocks are as they should be, racing ahead :roll:
    A whole bar of chocolate, way to go Kath, don't worry, the squiffy feeling will soon pass, it is SO worth it :lol::lol::lol:

    Now the roasted squash looks wonderful, if I may, I will take two pieces, to have for supper. Thank you. Toni will love it as well.

    Hugs and sparkles back to you t4591 t115006

    I hope everyone else is ok, did you sell any more cards Carol?

    I will leave lots of love and sparkles to everyone, in out and about. t4591 t115006 t115006

    Will pop back later. Let me go find something to have after Kaths Roasted Squash.

    XXXX Aidan

    Strawberry Scones with Strawberry Cream

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).