Val's Cafe
Hi to one and all - late again......... :roll: :roll:
Been rather a flat sort of day, nothing particular, just...flat.
Let me see how everyone is.
I am glad you had the noo noo running Toni, those muffins were lovely but very crumbly.
I was choked when my Cardio said he was now retired. 24 years is a long time to have someone look after you.
I will soon get to know the new Consultant, as you say, it will take a few visits. I trust my Cardio's recommendation.
I am not surprised Lucy was so upset when her Neurologist did the same.
Glad you managed to have some lunch in the dining room under the cloak of many rooms. Linen tablecloths and silver service I presume. Super soft loo roll is a must, we need "comfortable" things.
Oh yes, bedspreads are vitally important with pus cats. Fleeces on the backs of sofas and armchairs too. Poor Miss Sleek, feeling nauseous. Was it a hairball? She said to Pepe that she was feeling billious overnight.
They were both ok over at Lytham, lots of sea mist today, with it being quite frosty last night, there was a nice mist, just on the top of the sea, perfect for the nymphs. They didn't have haddock today, just an ice cream, which they shared, Cornish cream of course.
Hi Joan, I am sure I will get on just fine with the new Consultant. My Cardio said he was very personable and had a very good bedside manner, I should think so too.
I hope you are both ok and the doggies too. Enjoying the better weather, he says, now that it has started raining. Uncle and Aunt from Swindon are coming up next week, for a few days, to stay with Dad, so that will be nice.
Hi Barbara, I think all the children are off now, some where at school yesterday, some finished last week. They seem to stagger the holidays a bit.
I was glad to hear that there are no changes in my ECG, sad that the Bosss, as I call him, is retiring, but, everyone leaves at some point in time and I had been wondering when he would retire fully.
Good for you, making your voice heard. I will do just the same. I will not be made to feel guilty for having some sort of social life, rather than look at 4 walls. We do do what we can to keep us sane, boy does it take some doing as well. Our normal, is not the normal we used to have, nor will it ever be the same again. We are not making our disabilities a life choice.
I have been retired due to ill health since 2001 / 2002. It was my Cardio who said, enough is enough, you are going to keel over on the wards. Two heart attacks was quite sufficient to finish my nursing career. Then the OA started to take hold.
I am so glad you ended up quite calm, thoughts were with you, from all of us and thank you all for being with me at the Clinic.
Dad is fine with his spare TV, they are coming to pick the big one up on Wednesday. We have family up from Monday, we are scattering Mums ashes at Tarn Moor on Tuesday. It will be a busy week for sure.
Only one Muffin, wait till I see Mrs Toni. :shock: :shock: I popped some more in the secret tin, in the cupboard next to the kettle. The one with the spoons in.
I see your MRI is for next week, we will have the cloak ready and waiting for us all to be there with you.
I hope Niamh is ok, Easter eggs at the ready.
So Mr B is not a modern man, well, we will have to train him in the ways of housekeeping
Hi Kath, that sounds like a wonderful idea for Dad, a befriending service. I do hope he enjoys it, so sad to be alone and struggling with your thoughts.
You must have been lucky with the Dr from the DWP. I guess there are good and bad, some who have had their personality surgically removed and some that are very compassionate.
Thank you for leaving the wonderful fruit cake. I will have some for supper, with butter, nothing betterI didn't get chance to post in the afternoon.
Hi Carol, oh dear, you have had one of those days were sparkles are needed, what with the delivery from Tesco going AWOL, ending up two streets away..........finally he appeared. A bus full of children and mum's, just what you needed, to stand up nearly all the way to your stop.
Glad the knitting group went well though, all those needles clicking away. I bet some don't even look at what they are doing. I remember my late Aunt, she would watch the tv while she was knitting, didn't even look down. I used to be fascinated.
So Mr T thinks you are cheating, moving the target weight. Well, how very dare he.I think that calls for several coffee treats, courtesy of Mr T, for saying such a thing.
Well, it is well after midnight and I need to potter again, before watching some more tennis from Miami. The early evening match is still going and there is the late match to be played yet.
I think we need some sparkles
Hi to everyone else, to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, Toady, DD, Charrisse and all.
Off to the GC this morning, I am missing my scone and we have run out of slimline tonic :shock: :shock: it's the worlds end. :roll: :roll:
Vets, shop, then stay in until Monday.
Everyone take lots of care. XX Aidan Love to all t4591 t115006 t115006
Some deviled Easter Eggs, for breakfast, how cute..........XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Well how late was Barbara for choir practise??? :shock: :shock: :shock: She got there in time for a cream egg inside a little knitted chick!
Tut tut!!
I wonder if it was looking after Niamh that did itLucy's school broke up yesterday too bless her.
Glad the MRI is soon I have aired out the cloak and Noo-noo has been in so all ready just remind us please
Lucy has no beloved ATM as Tia would say she 'binned' the last one
Carol my goodness how cheeky is Mr T? :roll: Those 'before and after' photos are more than enough to prove how much you achieved :shock: I agree with Aidan he owes you some coffees for that cheeky remark
Lovely so hear you had so many knitters at the group:)
No-one stood up for you on the bus Carol? :shock: that isn't too impressive I always made mine sit of my lap to make a seat....
Tesco delivery man must be pretty silly if he's been to yours before :roll: Still all's well as they say.
Mmmmmm Kath that cake was lovely! I had mine with a cup of tea - perfect! What a good idea getting someone for your Dad to chat to.
Aidan you were choked too at the retirement of your cardio. I bet he was scared to tell his long-standing patients being a cardio
I love the Easter egg breakfast!! I forgot to get some hot crossed buns it's Good Friday isn't it? I hope the supermarket is quiet for you and the vet has 'good' food for Pepe of course and you get a table at the GC.
The weather is so lovely I want to get in the garden. I think we are doing clear-up in the village on Saturday this month which is good as Paul and I are off to join the family for a surprise b'day meal out for Pom on Sunday and it is NOT local :?
Yes it was a hairball for poor Sleek who was most apologetic and a bit embarrassed too. Sensible of them to stick to ice cream she is a bit like me and can over-indulge with treats when she's out.
The Sea mist is already being put to good use apparently the nymphs are beavering away
Cloak is ready for Barbara's MRI now all clean and aired.
Hi Joan I hope you have some of this fabulous sunshine to take the doggies out.....hang on a minute is it Suesday???
Love to you all
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed.
Barbara I will be there for you on the 5. No we don't usually buy one but we have a Maltese one this year.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day.
Carol have a lovely time away.
Aidan I'm pleased everything is alright with you. Did you read about the lady that married a tree because she did not want it pulled down.
Happy Easter everyone
take care
Joan xx. Hello Toni dial a ride are not working today have a lovely day.take care
joan xx0 -
Blinking drains are blocked AGAIN. :shock: It was only a fortnight ago I rang 7Trent for a call out. And on Tesco day too. I bet they both come at the same time!
NOT HAPPY. Our neighbor is being very noisy today, lots of banging about, and someone has parked a skip in his parking spot on the car park (think it's him) must be having a clear out. :roll:
Sorry for all the moans. :oops:
I think I'd better go and do some Manatee gazing followed by cuddling some of the baby pets , to calm myself down.
Hope you enjoy the fresh fruit tart. t4591 t4591"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a lovely day here. Hazy sunshine now.
Oh Dear, Barbara was late, but, at least there was time for chocolate:? never too late for a little treat. I think she may have been locked in the shed, not sure. :shock:
Lucy binned her beloved, not ask........
I am sure my cardio was quite worried about telling me, seeing as his secretary made a point of mentioning their conversation, about how to tell Aidan :roll: :roll:
We went to the T room in town, the GC would have been packed. We nearly had the T room to ourselves, which was rather nice. Coffee, scones and T cakes were all wonderful. I had to have whipped cream with mine, which B nabs and puts on his T cake :shock:
Sainsb was less quiet, in fact you would think they were going to shut for a month, not just Sunday. Anyway, we were soon in, grab enough for the week end and out we go. Then Vets, not sure about the fresh supplies, I won't show Pepe the batch numbers, but I have a suspicion that someone might, mentioning no Sleeks names
Said puskin was telling Pepe about her hairball and how remiss she was feeling. He was very sympathetic and nearly threw up himself this morning :roll: :roll: That was after waking me up, every ten minutes, from the crack of dawn onward. :roll: :roll:
It is just nice for being in the garden. Says me, who is as useful as a chocolate fire guard out there.
Village tidy up, nice that everyone helps. I think they do that here, certainly in the next village they do.
How far is not local, is it quite a journey to the surprise meal for Pom - I don't like not being local :?
They did enjoy their ice cream and gathered huge amounts of sea mists. Pepe is going down to the ravine later, to see how the nymphs are doing, they might even have their front door open today.
The cloak looks lovely, even though I cannot see itIt is a bit like the Kings Invisible clothes.
It is Suesday, but, as dial a ride, I see you are posting today Joan. Either way, it is always nice to see you in the mornings.
Enjoy the Malteser Egg, I can always come over and help, if needs be. remember I used to have endless maltesers in the cafe.
I have heard and seen people hugging a tree, but not marrying one........... :shock: What if the tree didn't like their betrothed :? :?
Oh no, more drain problems, wet wipes again no doubt. Then the neighbours being noisy and clattering about, Tesco on the way, let's hope they don't all arrive at once. Can you not bray on the wall and shout shut up :shock:I will ask Silver to shower them with quiet sparkles t115006 t115006
I will come and sit with you down at the Manatee pools and we will eat fruit flan and cream. It looks lovely, thank you.
If you cannot have a grumble in here, then where can you, we all have our moments and need to let off steam, as I did the other day, waffling on I was until the cows came home. :roll: :roll:
I will pop another pie in, just in case Toni has the mood to face plant into one.
Hi to Barbara, who will post, just as I doTo kerrin, Christine, Mig, Elizabeth, Toady, DD, Carol and all.
Will catch up later. Love and sparkles to all XX Aidan t4591 t115006
Pumpkin Vanilla Cream PieXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello all..late again but had a couple of funny spells in the night..must say when in bed and already lied down they are not has bad..
so sorry this will be short...
Carol Mr T is naughty ..I bet the tesco driver felt a bit silly ..but at least he got there thank goodness and good to hear your knitting group is growing..
Joan thankyou...the 5th will soon be I love Malteasers so I will pop round to yours..o have an egg here for my niece but I keep eyeing it up..someone married a takes all sorts..
Toni I was late but so pleased I got my egg..very kind of you all..I am sure our Lucy will find Mr right..she is in no rush...and Easter holidays so she can have a rest...oh I wonder how far away the Birthday meal Aiden I dont do anything but local..
Kath you moan away will do you good..hope you get your delivery on time unlike Carol ..I remember you saying how nice the lady was that did your face to face..but mine... :roll: hope they unblock those drains soon..fruit flan..thankyou
Aiden ..we have been for a couple of things this morning and its was quiet..thank goodness..and well said on the DWP..they must think we sit at home dwelling..not likely.. :roll: dad is happy with his TV..and your family are coming up to help scatter mums ashes..I will be thinking of you Bill and dad.. bless..its so sad but has to be done...gosh we certainly didnt want your keeling over on the wards ..good on your consultant for putting it to did your share anyway...I love the little deviled Easter eggs..but never had one so will give them a go..and then vanilla cream pie..
wasn't short was it.. :?
Love to everyone fish tonight..had my hotcross bunt4591 t4591 ..
Barbara0 -
Evening / Morning to all - Breezy here tonight, cfly not that I was planning on going out
Sorry you have had another few episodes with your vertigo Barbara, admittedly it is not usually as bad if you can lay still. We want it to go away asap t115006 Have you still got some Stemetil / Prochlorperazine?
I remember when I had the same, many years ago, I went to the Drs, feeling decidedly squiffy. He said stand still, close your eyes and touch your nose.............I fell onto the desk. :shock: :shock:Yes he said, it is Mennieres. You DON'T say. :shock:
I beat you round to Joan and Sue's, to help with the Easter eggso you have an Easter egg there, for your Niece, I can imagine it is calling you, it would be to me.
There were so many Eggs going through the tills at Sainsb today, some had them piled up in their trolleys. Just buy a bar of chocolate it is a fraction of the price. I did notice the mountain of Malteser eggs............but was very good and resisted.
Local is always best for me, I get in too much of a state if we have to go somewhere I do not know :oops: sounds wimpish, but it is true. Besides, sitting in a car for more than 20 minutes or so, is more than enough for my back.
Thank you, I do tend to get on my soap box about the DWP, I know they have to keep a check and so many do take them for a ride. It is striking a balance, one that does not put the fear of God into people who are genuinely disabled and need help with their daily living.
No, we don't sit and dwell, we try and keep our sanity and keep things as normal as possible, but we cannot do it alone, that is where the big difference comes in. See, I am off on one again, I will shut up. :roll: :roll:
Yes, Dad is fine with his "spare" tv. Everyone is meeting up on Tuesday. BIL SIL and their two teenagers are stopping nearby, for the week, then Aunt and Uncle are coming up on the Wed and stopping with Dad, plus Nieces and Nephews and partners / children, are all coming over, so on Tuesday there will be 15 for lunch, all booked at the Inn, next to Tarn Moor. Busy week on the horizon.
It is sad, but, Dad wants things to be sorted, so we organised it all.
Thank you, I know you will be thinking of us.
I cannot say I have ever had Deviled Eggs, yolks mixed with mayo, mustard, paprika, salt, pepper, etc, basically anything you can think of can go into the mix, from diced pickles, olives, anchovies:shock:
They looked cute, ours only had mayo mustard salt and pepper, which is fine
Fish, of course, on Good Friday, fish is certainly the tradition. Hope you enjoyed it and the hot X bun.
Carol will be on countdown to the trip to Scotland, exciting, loads to see in Edinburgh. Friday, it will have been lunch with Mr T, as long as he is not being too cheekythen coffee and chats with her friend in the afternoon.
I bet Toni went out into the garden and did some pottering. Not too much I hope. The weather forecast is not great for us, lots of rain in the coming days.
I trust Kerrin is enjoying the Easter break from school and taking time to recharge the batteries, I know she is always so busy with lots of different sporting events and classes. Have you been to see the Rheumy yet, I am sure it was sooner rather than later.
We had our siesta's, managed to nap for a little while, which makes a change.
Watching the tennis, well, it is on and I am keeping an eye on it. B is setting up his Etsy shop for his jewellery.
We had sheep wandering around again today :shock: , they must be one step ahead of the farmer
Hi to everyone else, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.
Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles XXX Aidan t4591 t115006
kugelhopf rolls for breakfast (very buttery, donut type rolls, with almond and cinnamon, dipped on melted butter :shock: all calorie freeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Thanks Aidan and a very Happy Easter to you and everyone in the café.
Oh dear me - look at that cake!! I hope there are two???!!!
(breakfast roll in my pocket(!) for later).
I think Dad (and you all too) is very wise to scatter Mum's ashes sooner rather than later and I expect the family will enjoy staying close to Tarn Moor.
I didn't get in the garden Aidan I was silly and mopped ALL the floors in one go which is always fatalRestig back ATM this one will go off I know it well :roll:
Miss Sleek said Pepe felt a bit queasy too and it must be something they ate (not all the washing they do?!). She knows somehow that there are new sachets and is determined to check the serial numbers....can you hide them?? :?
She told me her beloved is intending to go and see the nymphs...I wonder whether they'll show him their weaving?
I might miss the village clear-up unless it's today.....usually the first Sunday, but there is obviously a service and it's a late one :?
The cloak is lovely isn't it - and smells very fresh too ready for Barbara's MRI.
Barbara I hope the one or two iffy spells are just the vertigo going off for now ((()))
I agree Lucy will find the right one soon enough. No rush at all.
The birthday meal is in Welsh pool so about an hour an hour and a half away from here. They have a holiday lodge there and I think they want us to see it although the meal is in a nearby pub. 14 of us :shock: Pom's husband's son is a nurse and was v high up in the teenage cancer trust.
I am glad you got your egg at choir. It was a good session so your absence wasn't noticed.
Kath I think your neighbour is annoying noisy and drain blocking person :x
Thank you for the fresh fruit I have put some in the fridge for later having eaten some pie already.
I hope the animal visiting and Manatees gazing helped relax your stress levels and Tesco got through with your order.
Joan that was daft of me! It was good Friday so no Dial-a-Ride :oops:
Better get on!
Love to all
Toni xx
Ps wonder whether Kerrin is away for the school holidays?0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I'm sorry you have a problem with the drain when it's not your fault why do they do it. I hope the rest of your weekend is alright.((()))
Aidan we do local has well. I hope everyone has a good weekend I expect your Dad is looking forward to his visitors.
Barbara(((())))) I hope your head feels better soon do you wear dark glass's do they help.
have a good weekend. Hello Toni xx
take care
Joan xx.take care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..and a HAPPY EASTER to everyone... I was fuming yesterday to see people eating pasty's with late would have turned in her grave..only fish ..she was a stickler for all the just me being a fuddy duddy..
Toni I am glad they didnt ,miss me at choir practice..or am I :? ..hope they cant do without me...I see you have overdone things again but bet you feel good now all the floors are clean
now rest that back till your journey out for a meal good is it that poms husbands son is high up in the teenage cancer about a enjoy looking around the lodge and the meal..
Joan what a good idea ..dark glasses..something I never thought of ..and will give them a go ..and thanks so much for the hugs you are so me some Easter egg will you..
Aiden must say I prefer the eggs at Easter ..there is something about breaking it open..thicker the better..has anyone had form form Hotel need an hammer. .so see what you have done..
how nice to meet all the family for lunch..and at a pub you know and like..I am sure you will all feel happier once mum is at rest.. she will be there with your parents watching over you all..
gosh you fell over when they told you to touch your you know the feeling.. :shock: I have been trying the exercises off U tube for it balancing with your eyes and not your brain..not easy especially with my brain.. :? the egg is still calling..think we had better drop it off today.. :roll:
Right better to everyone.... t4591 t69044 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
7Trent came at 9am this morning, blockage had unblocked itself.
But it was still flowing slowly, so they put their camera down, and cleared out the residue, so WE were the noisy ones today.
I'm sitting watching a whole boxed set (on Drama) of Father Brown. I love Mark Williams.
So B is setting up an etsy store, can't wait. Hope he has lots of sales.
Its been pouring with rain ever since last night. scold scold scold and my rear end is screaming (too much sitting) I have to have a stretch every half hour. t115006 t115006 t115006
I think it's time for a nice cuppa and a few Welshcakes toasted, with tons of butter and jam.
t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, bright and breezy here, not particularly warm, but a nice day.
You found the pie then ToniYes, I put a spare one in the fridge, just in case.
Everyone has been reminded not to wear high heels at Tarn Moor, it is going to be wet, so stout shoes / boots are the order of the day, no dressing up required.
Ah, see, I knew you were up to something and going a wee bit too far :roll: :roll: all the floors, in one go, naughty. I hope you rest and let things ease now.
I have hid the new boxes of food, in various cupboards, so hopefully Miss Sleek will be thrown off the scent. At the moment his Nibs is eating all of the sachets :shock: :shock:
Mother had a hair ball today, it must be catching. I must get the clippers on her, she breeds knots in her fur now. Need to get her in an amicable mood. Smiling crocodiles and all that.
They are all quite tired today, the sea air seems to make them very sleepy.
Pepe did go to see the Nymphs who were busy on the looms, then he met the three sheep wandering about - and fainted :roll: :roll:Hermione was aware and whizzed him back home in a flash. He is a wuss.
I would miss out the clear up, your back needs to rest, after a marathon mopping session.
Oh that is a long way, an hour and a half, we would have to stop at least three times. Skipton is bad enough, at 25 minutes. :roll:
I see the Pom's Hubby's son is a nurseand works in the cancer trust speciality.
Kerrin could well be away, for the Easter Hols. I am sure she will pop in and say hi soon
Hi Joan, you like local too, I am terrible if I think we are going somewhere I don't know, especially if there is food involved. OCD? Not at all, much.
Dad is getting excited about his visitors, we keep reminding him who is coming and when.
Love to you, Sue and the doggies too. Is the Easter egg still there, Barbara is after coming over to help
Speaking of the lady. No, it would have been fish with Mum n Dad, in fact every Friday was fish. We stayed veggie yesterday, no pasties with meat for us thanks
You are not being a fuddy duddy, it is an English custom, based on Bible teachings.
I have seen the adverts on FB for Hotel Chocolat, now, they sound very good, if you need a hammer to open the eggs. Mmmm, wonder if they will have a sale on next week
I know Dad will feel more settled once the ashes are scattered. IT is all documented and it costs quite a bit, plus Dad wants three names on the stones, Mum, B's Sister and his BIL, who we lost 4 years ago, within 5 weeks of each other. Their ashes are scattered there too, so the whole family will be together. Mums and Dad will be watching, for sure.
There are some exercises for mennieres, that do help some people. Did you get to drop of the egg, or did you eat it. I have warned joan, to lock the doors
That's ok, being the noisy ones Kath, serves them right for blocking up the drains. At least they are all cleaned out again now. Will they ever learn, to no use wet wipes.? I guess not.
So you have ouchies, from sitting watching all the Father Brown episodes.
Best be sending over one of the special magical woven patches, see how well they work. They are very tiny, but very powerful.
Yes, B is beavering away uploading to his Etsy store, takes ages to get each one on, photographed etc.
Toasted Welsh Cakes, perfect, I will put the kettle on.
Right, it is pill time for me, so I will away and dull down the ouches, as we do.
Everyone take lots of care. Love to all, in out and about.
t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi to all
Thought I would pop in and wish everyone a very happy Easter Sunday
A quiet evening here, tennis on in the background, B busy with Etsy, me pottering about, fussing.
I was pottering earlier and heard a naughty word from the kitchen :shock: B had had an argument with one of the kitchen cupboard doors and come off worst. Skin flap and bad bruising right down the bridge of his nose. :roll: :roll: :shock: oh dear. Not what he wanted with all the family gathering in two days time, nor at any time really.
Leaving it to dry out, no point trying to put a dressing on. T Tree gel to stop any bugs. Some concealer might be in order by Tuesday :? :?
So, a tender hooter, for Easter. Bless. Better throw some sparkles around t115006 t115006
I hope everyone is as ok as possible. Now, was Toni off to the party tonight, with the long drive, or was that next week - oh dear, we are as bad as each other Barbara :roll: :roll: Sleek has been resting in her little house, in between some housekeeping and gliding, to impress her beloved. They were chatting earlier, well, screeching a little.
Pepe has had a mad half hour, growling in corners, goodness knows why :roll: :? Some litter throwing too.
It is quite chilly tonight. We have a weather warning, so flying is restricted.
All the lovelies seem fine, the manatee's are very happy in their pools.
Now, for breakfast, Maple scones with butter and honey
Catch everyone later XX Love and Sparkles Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara yes there is a Easter egg waiting here for you.
Kathleen now you have nice clean drains the smell is horrible.
Aidan I'm sorry B hurt his nose I hope your visitors don't think you did it.
Happy Easter everyone
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Lucy had gone for the day to Manchester with her friend and at 7pm I got a call off her friend to say she had had a seizure at Manchester Piccadilly station. Needless to say we were off there in a flash. She had a big bump on her head and was in the Ambulance when we arrived (8.15 - not bad with that enormous set of roadworks (50MPH) spanning several junctions)but was otherwise ok. Managed to talk them out of taking her to hospital there and brought her home.0
Morning all an d a HAPPY AND HEALTH EASTER to everyone..I adore Easter and the sun is shinning..
Kath sorry I forgot to mention how pleased I was that dad will have a companion to talk to ..something for him to look forward to bless himand all drains are unblocked..
Joan thankyou you are very kindI do like chocolate ..think you all know that...
hope you both have a lovely day with your doggies....
Toni I really feel for you and can only imagine how you feel when you get a did do well through the traffic..and so glad Lucy is safely at home were she belongs..many hugs to you all..((())) xx
Aiden such lovely blessing sorry I forget to mention the other one..but I am sure you understand how my brain works or doesn't.. :? and I enjoy the breakfast..thankyou..I hope the weather will be fine for you all on sounds so lovely were mums ashes will be lay to rest...the egg has gone to my had to or elsepoor B ..that must have been so painful ...noses and toes are..its a good job you know what to do..
Hotel Chocolate..a friend bought me a slab of chocolate for , so I sighed up via email has you do
and got 2 eggs in the half price sale, it should be next week sometime..
Niamh her sister and mum ans dad are coning up today for there eggs..yes they are still here..
Love to everyone t69044 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Barbara, no need to apologise. I'm sure I often forget what people have posted.
Aidan, I'm sorry B has a sore nose.
Oh Toni, another seizure, poor Lucy.
Joan, the drains didn't smell quite as bad as usual this time. :?
Still raining here, and it's quite cold. scold tcold. Cold enough for bread and butter pudding with custard."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all on this Easter Sunday t69044 t4591
No,poor Lucy, she is only getting over the last seizure. Now another one. The most enormous (()) and little patches of magic t115006 t115006
It seems that the road was opened up for you, to get to her as quick as you did. I am sure the paramedics and her friend were looking after her very well, but, Mum needs to keep an eye on her at home. I would guess they wanted to admit, just to be sure, with her banging her head.
The possums will be over asap, to sooth the bump, glad no other injuries.
Sleek will be on watch as well. Pepe is packing his Drs bag, so there could be wet ears.
hi Joan ask Barbara to save some Easter egg for me. B's nose will get better in a few days, he might tell people that I have clobbered him :roll: :roll:He needs a nose cosy.
Hope you Sue and the doggies have a nice day.
Hi Barbara, Happy Easter to you and yours tooWe have had some sunny spells, earlier on in the day. Cloudy now and rain forecast for tonight and all day tomorrow :roll:
I asked Joan to save me a little chocolate
I do understand how your brain works, don't worry, mine is the same :? :? hence we know what each other is talking about
Blessings are always welcome and abundant too.
I am seeing rain on the forecast for Tuesday morning, so it will be very wet under foot. They have a nice new office / cabin, to shelter in and the pub is only 50 yards away. It rains horizontally there, often very windy cfly Mum never used to like going up there unless it was mid summer. It is a lovely spot, just outside Skipton, only about 1/2 a mile from where my Mum n Dad used to live.
Noses and toes, yes, both very ouchy. Healing well. Still very obvious, neighbours have just popped round and said what have you done!
I will be looking at hotel chocolate and look out for a sale
Hope all the family are ok and enjoy their visit and Easter eggs.
Hi Kath, all drains sorted for Easter, thank goodness. Poor B with his nose, must not argue with cupboard doors.
Any time is bread and butter pudding time, if it is hot weather Barbara and I can sit in front of a big fan and eat itI don't think it is that warm either.
Even better on a chilly day like today, thank you kindly.
Hope the ouchies are not too bad and are keeping their distance. What would we do without pottering :shock:
Right, I will away, it is nearly pill time, it is one long medication routine :roll:
Hi to everyone, in, out and round about
Love and sparkles t4591 t115006
I never saw one of these in the shops.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Evening all
Well this weekend has been disappearing in front of my eyes hope you are all having a good Easter. one more full day to go in the count down to Edinburgh, I am looking forward to I but just hoping the long range weather forecasts for Edinburgh are not correct as it stands at the moment it looks like we will have snow and sleet. which will not be much fun. But well we shall see.
Joan I am hoping the weather is in Scotland is not to bad as the forecast for the week is snow and sleet.
Aidan and Toniyes Mr T was as bit saucy and I told him so after all this photo shows it quite clearly. Collage.jpg?dl=0
Aidan Oh dear B has Ouchy nose and toes he really must not argue with cupboard doors they always win. hope they are better soon. Dr Pepe will have to tend them.
Toni Poor Lucy having another seizure. hope she is feeling better soon. sending ((((()))) and t115006 t115006 .
hope you all continue to have a good Easter despite the grim looking weather for tomorrow our day will be quite busy getting things ready for Edinburgh on Tuesday fingers crossed there wont be any problem with the trains. if the forecasted snow is right.
love and sparkles to you all. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all.
I hope everyone is as ok possible. Toni, I know you are all taking great care of Lucy, I hope she is rested and feels better very soon. t115006 Sleek is keeping Pepe updated and he is on standby with his Medical bag.
Abundant ((())) are winging their way. t4591
I hope you had a lovely time with your family Barbara, lots of fun and eating of chocolate no doubt. Did you like the egg I found? We could share that one I guessI bet you were ready to put your feet up by evening time.
Hi Carol, time, it vanishes so quickly. No sooner was it Good Friday and now it is Easter Bank Holiday.
You are on countdown, one day to go, very exciting and I am sure the weather will be ok for your journey and stay in Edinburgh.
I know we are in for a lot of rain today, well, rain most days this week and breezy too. cfly I would pack a brolly and coats, it could be chilly on the Firth of Forth. :shock:
I should think so too Mr T, no more cheekiness nowYou have done AMAZINGLY well Carol, every credit to you. I have pictures somewhere after I had lost 9 stone, I will have to search for them.
B has sudocrem on his nose now, I swear it is very good for healing little wounds, sore hands, etc. I keep saying, wear your slippers, but no, he prefers to wear just socks :roll: he is being extra careful with the kitchen cupboards.
He had his hair cut today, I was extra extra careful, to make sure it was preened to perfection. I think I might be in for promotionmaybe :?
Catching up with the men's finals from Miami, nice to see John Isner win.
I think we have a week or so break, before the clay court season starts, from Monte Carlo.
Off to the GC this morning with Dad, take him for coffee and scone / tea cake.
I am sure it will be busy.
Not a lot else planned.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, DD, Toady, Charrisse and all.
Take lots of care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
Carrot and courgette hash brownsXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
dachshund wrote:
......Aidan I'm sorry B hurt his nose I hope your visitors don't think you did it........
Joan xx
That made me laugh Joan!
Good morning everyone. Lucy is ok very sore bruised behind bitten tongue egg on head with a cut and achy muscles, but fine.
Aidan the roads must have been opened up because we flew up there!
There are possums and bush-babies everywhere in this house all my jammie dodgers are gone :? off to buy more in a bit. Wet ears definitely Dr Pepe has been with Nurse Sleek alongside. I was glad as Lucy wanted to sleep in her own bed in the basement last night.
Technically Lucy had 'failed' the tests the paramedics did because she had a swollen bump which had broken the skin, but they let me take her. It's obvious I know what to do I hope! Just needed a responsible adult with her for 24 hours (Pepe and Sleek thought it ought to be them!!)
We are at the QE tomorrow DR Tim will not be impressed I suspect. :?
I hope all goes well with the ashes scattering tomorrow and the weather is kind to you. We will be thinking of you all absolutely ((()))
We will be off to the GC later today too I want to start off my bedding plants.
Hope the hooter is less read now - sudocreme is excellent stuff. Not sure whether B will promote you yet....he may need to observe your skills a little longer as far as hairdressing is concerned
Having some carrot and courgette hashbrowns for breakie. Much healthier than normal ones
You lost 9 stone?!! Wo! Photos required if you can find them.
That egg wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes here!!
Carol I very much hope you get up to Edinburg ok I think you will. Have a lovely time won't you
The photo is such good evidence of your weigh loss Mr T is probably secretly very proud of his wife.
Thank you for your hugs and sparkles Lucy will be fine I am sure now just scary at the time.
Kath I have to agree with Aidan any day is perfect for Bread and Butter pudding!! and any time of day! Thank you
Lucy is ok now I hope that's the last seizure EVER but if not for a good while.
Rain rain and more rain here.
Barbara you did well not to eat the girls' eggs!! I would have been tempted too.
It is terrifying getting a call like that (or from the police after Charley's car jacking accident a few years back. I was expecting her to call anytime to be picked up from the station here, but not that.... :shock: :?
Anyway all is well now.
We love Hotel Chocolat too very much...mmmmm yum!
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Toni Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan. and anyone else I missed.
Toni I'm so sorry poor Lucy it must be hard for her and very worrying for you.((((())))).
Kathleen I hope you had a lovely Easter.
Barbara what are you having done on Wednesday.
Carol lovely photo and snowy there has well.
Aidan have you got snow I hope B did not have a headache.
have a good day everyone
take care all
, Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all poring down here with sleet :roll:
Joan my appointment on weds is to see the doctor..tomorrow is blood pressure and thurs MRI..I think :? :roll: I hope you dont have snow and you and Sue can get out and about..
Toni..poor Lucy must be sore bless her..but so glad you got to take her home..and be looked after by mum...Dr Tim will have a shock but hopefully the bump will go down soon ..will be thinking of you both and sending good vibes..(())
Kath bread and butter pud is one of my favorites thankyou..glad the drain smell much nicer..
Carol I know I have seen your pic before but it always amazes me at how well you have done..Mr T must be very quietly proud of you..and I hope the weather is good in does say it getting a little milder after today..
Aiden I am with you..we all understand one another..just about in my case...yes we had a lovely day Niamh had already had one egg before she came so we told her she had to save it..and she did..
I hope that Bs nose isn't to sore and the sudacrem helps bless him..hope he doesn't get a black eye has well..people will talk..
you enjoy the GC at least its indoors and I will be thinking of you all tomorrow..hopefully the rain will have gone but then..I will help myself to the hash browns..thankyou
I had better to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
WOW Carol, you have done so well.
scold cfly scold cfly scold cfly tcold Such weather. Emily has snow, and a virus. And tomorrow she has to empty her wardrobes ready for the house move - which is either this month, or next month. She and Alex are buying a lovely house in Shuttlewood (part of Bolsover).
BTW, do any of you take Hemp Oil capsules, or know someone who does? Chris is trying them along with Hemp Gel. He doesn't take any prescribed pain killers. Just OTC Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Vit D and Cod Liver Oil capsules. Just wondered what you thought.Good morning everyone. Lucy is ok very sore bruised behind bitten tongue egg on head with a cut and achy muscles, but fine
Toni, I too hope Lucy won't have any or at least many seizures.
More custard, I know you won't mind, this time over Rhubarb Crumble."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Good evening one and all
Well tomorrow it is off to Edinburgh everything is packed except for washing stuff any last minute bits. have got me reading material and knitting with me. for when Mr T is engrossed in the television and no conversation is forthcoming. also my tablet in the hope we can get on the internet. so this may be my last post till We return on Friday.
Kath Thank you I certainly don't want to go back up to that weight again that was a 5st 3 and 1/2 pound difference between the two photos. ooh yum rhubarb crumble and custard.
Barbara Yes the difference always amazes me too I put them together so that when I feel I'm loosing my grip on the plan i just look at them and no way not going up to that size again it usually works. Yes Mr T is really proud. he has said it. fingers crossed for the weather in Edinburgh. think it may be a bit rainy but that wont matter to us. I don't think we will shrink if we get wet
Joan I look at those 2 photos together and think different women hard to believe they are both me. hope you and Sue are ok.
Toni hope Lucy is feeling a bit better today and yes I am sure it is scary when a seizure happens. I remember when our youngest daughter was a baby and had a infantile convulsion due to a ear infection. Although I had been a member of St John Ambulance for a number of years it still scared the hell out of me.
Mr T is proud of my weight loss really he was just being cheeky, because he has been slipping lately when he is out. and I am not cooking.
Aidan Well fingers crossed with the weather but will have a good time whatever. I will look forward to seeing the pictures a 9 st loss in something special. mind you it is so easy to slip back. at the moment my two photos together that I posted keep me on track I always think no no no not going back there again
Sudocrem is brilliant stops itching too discovered that when I had shingles. it was one thing that worked well when they were drying up and the skin was dry , and TCP too. Hope you all enjoyed your visit to the GC those hash browns look too good for words.
Well must now have a potter before the good old joints start shouting at me.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0
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