Val's Cafe
flash and the day has gone............. :shock:
Snowing like crazy when we got up, very wet snow, not really sticking, just slush. Turned to rain for the rest of the day and I think it is still raining at midnight.
Bless, lots of hugs for Lucy, to ease those ouchies, bumps and bruises. The Nymphs are weaving like mad, to send over more magic mist squares. t115006 t115006
I am glad the roads opened for you, things move in mysterious ways, reasons why, we do not know.
I thought there would be a plethora of possums, and bush babies, tending to the injuries. No wonder you have run out of jammy dodgers :shock:
With half the Sanctuary there plus Sleek and Dr Pepe, it will be Bedlam :? :?Wet ears all round I would guess.
I had a feeling the paramedics would want to take her to A & E, given the bump to Lucy's head and then broken skin. You did well to take the upper hand, the right thing. If you were in any doubt, you would not hesitate with hospital admissions, I am sure of that one.
I will send Pepe along with Sleek, to go under the cloak today, for the visit to hospital to see Dr Tim. Will be thinking of you.
I am sure our scattering of ashes will go ok, it is a very simple and short moment in time really. With all the rain, it will be awash in the meadow, I know it all too well up there. I guess we will leave a trail of mud, when we go into the Pub for lunch. Not to worry. Thank you for thinking of us XX
B's nose is improving, sudocrem is healing things nicely. We share it now, with my hands falling to pieces at the moment :roll: :roll: I am putting all manner of creams on, night and day. What a pair eh.
Hope you enjoyed the GC visit, it is that time of year again
I will find some photo's, this week is a but crazy, with family here now, until Sunday..........I have ones of me when I was very thin, will try and put some on tomorrow.
I am going to have to try hotel chocolate
Hi Joan, yes, we woke up to heavy wet snow, not settling, apart from on the cars, it was soon gone, but I did have to walk like a ninny, down the ramp:roll: :roll:
B didn't get a headache, but he did swear :oops: :oops: when he clobbered his nose.
Hi Barbara, hope all is well with your BP and then of course, we are on cloak duties for Thursday, for your MRI. We will be with you every step of the wayt115006 t4591
It is good that we understand each other,give or take the odd occasion when we both get mixed up. :shock: :?
That was good of Niamh to wait for her second chocolate egg. They were all half price today, in Sainsb, but I resisted. We will be in the big Tesco in Skipton today, I may not be able to resist again.
The GC, we got there just in time, within a few minutes of us arriving the whole world descended and they were queueing for seats. I wasn't giving my seat up, no way. Not when I have lovely strong coffee and scone with cream butter and jamIt was very nice. Dad enjoyed it too.
Thank you for thinking of us today, most kind XX
Hi Kath, Poor Emily with snow and a virus as well. Then having to pack everything up to move soon. I know of Bolsover, been there a few times, many a blue moon ago.
Funny you should mention Hemp, we have a carton of Hemp juice in the fridge. I keep looking at it, thinking we must try it........ :? :?
I know they do a range of things with Hemp, in the health stores. Good that Chris is not taking any prescription meds, as long as any pain is under control. We will open it and try it, watch this space.
More custard, no, we don't mind at all, any time is custard time.
Hi Carol, you will be away by the time you read this, have a safe journey and enjoy First Class. You do right, let the train take the strain.
I am sure there will be wifi for you, so that you can let us know you are safely there and all is well. I see you have everything packed, to keep you suitably occupied, while Mr T is engrossed in the TV :roll:
It is easy to slip back into weight gain and I am afraid, since I have become less and less mobile and more pain etc. that the weight has gone back on, not sure all 9 stone of it, but a lot. Sigh. Some of the pills, pile weight on too. :roll: :roll: I can loose it quite quickly. I have been looking at some pictures and will sort some out.
Sudocrem is wonderful, as was bactroban powder that we used to use in Hospital, it went on to everything, eventually it led to antibiotic resistance and was banned :roll: :roll: We used it like talcum powder
Hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy your time away and take lots of care.
Well, time is marching ever onward. I had best be pottering a little.
All things back to normal today. It seems to have been a long week end with the Bank Holidays.
Love to everyone, to Kerrin, Christine, Mig, Toady, Charrisse, Elizabeth, DD and all.
I will go check on the lovelies. I see the Vets reports are all good, the manatee's are very happy and loving their pools. I am sure I heard some Pelican's, over at the manatee pools :? :shock:
Take lots of care. XXXX Love and Sparkles XX Aidan
t4591 t115006 t4591 t115006
This is a good breakfast mottoXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara I hope everything you go to on the 3 days goes well. I will be there.
Kathleen I hope you haven't got snow go steady.
Carol I'm sorry yesterday looking at the photo's I thought the other pork was of your friend then later I looked again and I realized it was you amazing you have done so well your husband should feel so proud of you and you must be pleased clap clap.
Aidan I hope the snow does not last I'm sorry you have sore hands it's awkward you put them in water and the cream is washed off and your hands get dry in water.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all
off to the doctor in a min but just wanted to say Aiden Bill and dad I an thinking of you all and sending warm gentle hugs ..((()))and these for Tarn Moor t69044
And Toni and Lucy sending all the good vibes and gentle hugs for you both..(())xx
Will be back later
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Toddled to Co-op and sat on the benches listening to the birds. We heard a Nuthatch - lovely It was pleasant enough for me not to bother with my hat or gloves.
t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591 t4591
Hope all are well enough to manage a slice of Lemon Meringue Pie.
t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006 t115006 t4591 t69044 t69044 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Evening all
Well arrived in Edinburgh safely it is raining but not the other unmentionable stuff my post will be short and sweet as internet not good . Had a lovely journey down on the train in 1st class Luxury. As you said Aidan let the train take the strain. Going out soon for evening meal love and sparkles to you all maybe updates latter .Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening all..
Been thinking of Aiden Bill and dad all day hope it wasn't to wet over the moor ..and it all went to plan..and a nice meal afterwards..hope you manage a snooze..
Lucy was having her checkup at Birmingham..glad to hear off Toni all was well thank they are shattered..
Kath glad you had a little walk it was nice here till around 3ish and it poured down..Lemon Meringue Pie..sound so good not had that for ever..
Carol so glad you enjoyed your journey..does sound nice first have a lovely meal and enjoy yourselves..
My blood pressure was till up but not has still on the meds
Love to everyone... t4591 t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
We are back from clinic – we were waiting for HOURS (I think a few staff were off sick so huge delays). Good news is all is well and Lucy is still in remission.If she has another seizure soon he suggests contacting neurology though.
Aidan thank you for the pancakes this morning I took some to the QE with me. How the scattering of the ashes go? I am sure really well and that you all enjoyed a family meal and some laughs and memory sharing at the pub afterwards.
Sleek and Pepe were definitely under the cloak, but Hermoine kept whizzing it over to Tarn Moor to check on his ‘peeples’. They behaved impeccably I must say and used their litter as needed. Noo-noo has taken care of the litter flicking. Dr Pepe was nodding along with everything Dr Tim said and Sleek watched closely for the actual blood test. :roll:
Kath poor Emily! A virus and snow and a house move too. Sounds as though it will be well-worth it though to live in a lovely area and house.
Thank you I very much hope that will be the last seizure for a good while. Thanks also for the lemon meringue pie YUM! (added a huge dollop of clotted cream to mine
Barbara it is far better to have Lucy at home with me I think. I can look after her better than they can because I know her best. She is still a bit sore but manged to wash her hair yesterday and Dr Tim is happy with how she is.
How many appointments have you got this week BP still up a bit? Best to stay on the meds then for now :? ((()))
Joan those seizures are a worry there’s no denying it, but at least Dr Tim confirmed the leukaemia is still in remission
Carol I am glad you have arrived safely now enjoy yourselves. Did you really go 1st class? :shock:
Love to everyone I am off to my bed!
Toni xxx0 -
And finally, at nearly midnight, a moment.............
How is everyone, let me read on.
Carol is safely in Edinburgh and enjoying the sights and sounds of the city with Mr T. No snow, which is a big bonus. Enjoy XX
Hi Joan, all the snow went very quickly, lots of the streams and rivers are very high at the moment, fields flooded on the way to Skipton.
I am getting used to slathering creams on my hands, then, you are right, I go and wash some pots or fuss about and it is all washed off.
Hi Kath, I see you had a trip to the Co Op and sat on the benches. It has been a lot warmer today. I like to watch the birds in our garden and at Dads, lots of nut hatches, tree creepers, all manner of birdies.
The Dunnocks are singing very loudly on our hawthorn hedges, claiming them and showing off, then Mrs Wren appears and nips round all the plant pots, checking for little insects.........
Thank you for leaving the lemon meringue pie for everyone to enjoy at T time. I just didn't have time to get into the cafe, we didn't arrive home until just after 4pm, a long long day for us.
Hi Barbara, thank you for your kind words and for thinking of us today, I knew my friends were around, but taking shelter from the inclement weather by staying under the cloak.
It was fine when we arrived, but, then it started to drizzle and then it started to pour. We had finished and were on the little walk back to the pub, every man and woman for themselves............and me.......soaked through and through. Bill sent our Nephew out to rescue me, with a brolly, which promptly blew inside out and nearly poked my eyes out :shock: :shock:I said, don't worry. I arrived, dripping wet and spent some time in the disabled facilities, with the hand dryer on full blast, to dry me out a bit.
Apart from being sopping wet, all went well and it was a lovely lunch with the family.
We were shattered by the time we arrived home, from Tarn Moor, to Tesco, then home. We were low on fuel, but we could not be bothered to stop to get any.......just wanted to be in.
Glad your BP is not as high as it was last week. Keep taking the pills eh. :roll: :roll:
Hi Toni, I am so so glad that Lucy is still in remission, that is just wonderful to hear t115006 t115006 Sorry you had to wait for hours, time drags by doesn't it.
Let's pray that there are no more seizures for Lucy, but yes, I am sure you would see the neuro specialist if needed.
As you will have read, everything went well, despite me looking like I had just come out of the shower when I finally walked into the pub.
I did keep feeling a whoosh, of the cloak of many rooms, of course there was a lot of being in two places at once. Pepe said that ceremonies and all meetings with Drs went well and were eminently proper. Sleek was in total agreement.
They did shriek with laughter at me poddling along, in the pouring rain :roll: :roll:
I have forgotten how many appointments Barbara has, I think the MRI is Thursday, so we will be busy bees', making sure all is well.
Well, I think that is about enough for one day. I need to keep pottering, have done too much walking today and the ouchies are ouching, thank goodness for Tramadol in such times.
Hi to everyone else, Kerrin, Christine, Charrisse, Toady, Mig, DD and all.
Today we are going to the T room in town, with BIL SIL nephew and niece and Dad. Nice and local.
Let me go see what there is for breakfast, in the meantime, everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
As we are all busy this week, some Oatmeal, Almond and Coconut Breakfast Cookies will keep us goingXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone.
Enjoying the school holiday by doing as little as possible. My friend is coming to visit today, not sure what we are going to do yet!
Saw the Rheumy nurse yesterday. A good meeting, going to start sulphasalazine to see if that works, been re referred to get new insoles, and for physio for my neck which just seems to be getting worse.
Off to help
Myself to some of those pancakes before the busy day starts.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 -
Morning Kerrin! Lovely to see you enjoy your friend's visit today. I am very glad you are going to try Sulfa now best of luck with it ((()))
Yes rest rest and more rest as it's the holidays
Aidan I hate to tell you but I think Pepe may have videoed you on his mobile yesterday sopping wet :? It's all over catbook :shock: you have (or had last night anyway...) 456 likes :shock:
Sounds as though all went well despite the weather I am glad for you all. Thank goodness for hand dryers and hot coffee eh?
I hope the ouches have eased a bit; I sent all available bush-babies over and I expect you have wet ears Dr Longstockings hasn't stopped 'Doctoring' yet :roll:
Thank you for those breakfast biccies they should keep us going I think
Love to everyone!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Carol Aidan Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
Barbara good luck today at the Doctor's. the Duke is having a new hip good luck to him.
Kathleen I bet that was nice sitting on the seat again.
Toni I'm so pleased Lucy is still in remission is it 5years and then all clear ((((()))))
Carol have a lovely time away I hope it's good weather.
Aidan I'm sorry you got wet yesterday we did has well I'm pleased we don't grow with the rain.
Kerrin. enjoy your day I hope the Sulavworks for you.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Mmmmmm, Oatmeal breakfast cookies were delish than you Aidan. As a typical dunker, mine went straight into my coffee. Yummyyumyum. You did have an adventure in the rain, naughty puss cats for laughing. Especially as your umbrolly blew outside in. :shock:
Joan, yes it was lovely on the benches again.
Hi Kerrin, I hope Sulfa works well for you. I was on it many moons ago and it was like a miracle just after one week. My bunches of bananas looked like normal hands again.
So glad that all appointments went well, especially good news that Lucy is still in remission. Best news ever. t4591 t115006 t115006
Sticky Toffee Pudding all round I think. Go on, you know you want to."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to one and all -
Another late home day, not quite as late as yesterday and certainly not as wet !
So that's why Pepe has been giggling, having video'd me, hobbling along in the pouring rain, with water running off the end of my nose !! Wait till I catch him.
It is a good job we don't grow in the rain Joan, or I would be the size of a Gable End.
Sorry you were wet through as well. scold scold I was reading that the Duke of Edinburgh is having a new hip, ( I would think by epidural, due to his age).
Hi Kerrin, lovely to see you and very glad to hear that you are resting and then resting some more. You do right.
A good visit with the Rheumy too. Dad IL takes Sulfa and has done for some time now, he seems as ok as possible on it and they monitor his bloods every so often. I am sure they will, but Omeprazole is the drug of choice to protect your tummy. One pill, leads to another pill...............and so on, as you well know. :roll: :roll: :roll:
New insoles, oh yes, cannot be without them and physio for your neck. I hope that goes well for you, we are all different and they gave up on me after a year or so.
Anyway, you enjoy your rest, you deserve it wonderful to see you and enjoy those oatmeal and whatsit cookies.
Hand dryers that you can turn round, are a definite God send. I was in the "facilities" for some time, drying off, hair, troosers, shoes..........
Everything went well, thank you for thinking of us all. XX
Today there were only 7 of us at the T room in town. After the tv insurance people had been to collect dads tv. They changed the fuse, in what we thought, was a sealed plug and now it works perfectly :roll: :roll: :roll: oh well, he is happy, we are happy.
We took over the conservatory in the T room and ate our way through the menu I think, given the bill a the end :shock: :shock:
It was lovely though, we had a good natter, good food, wonderful coffee and scones were plentiful, for afters.
I am keeping on top of the ouchies, with everything and the kitchen sink. It is going to be one of those weeks. Day free tomorrow, so we are stopping in. Aunt and Uncle will be up to dads mid afternoon, so we will let them have time with him and meet up on Friday morning, ready to go back to the T rooms again:? :? Can you have too much of a good thing?
Pepe is still in full Dr mode, so I expect wet ears later and no doubt a wet arm, as he likes to wash me, bless eh.
Hope Lucy is improving, hugs as always t4591 t115006
Glad you liked the cookies Kath. They did look very good.
We like to dunk, with our T before siesta's. Mine normally fall in the mug.. :roll:
It was a bit of a carry on, if anyone had been filming, (as Pepe obviously was) brolleys inside out, poking me in the head, dripping wet.
Sticky toffee pudding, well, seeing as you insist, I will take some for later on. Thank you kindly.
Right, I will potter, it is essential at the moment, need to move around.
I will catch up later. Hi to everyone else, Barbara, Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, DD, Elizabeth and all............
Take care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Afternoon all
The doctor is not convinced of the labryinth thingy so he will wait for the MRI on Thursday or when the results come though :shock: is there a brain in there I wonder..
Aiden you are very welcome... poor you getting soaking wet through not nice when you have to sit for a meal..but glad it all went to must have been done in last night..hopefully a quiet day today...and thankyou for breakfast..
Kerrin its good to hear you are relaxing..and the rheumy is trying the new meds..I will have my fingers crossed for you..
Kath thankyou for the sticky toffee pud another favorite of mine..
Toni I am pleased for Lucy..and I hope the soreness wears off very soon bless her, must say there is know holding her back I really admire her..hopefully a rest for you today..but wont hold my breath..
Joan I heard the duke was having a hip op not sure if its a full replacement..its a good job they can do these ops..
My niece came with her friend and cleaned all through the house hoovered, polished, clean the windows..shes a I can now relax...
my MRI is 10 .30... :shock:
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591
Aiden you nearly pinched my you got to the GC..glad it wasn't busy and the ouchies are a little better that is good to hear'x
Barbara0 -
Evening all
It has been a foul day today weather wise we have had that icy rain all and sleet all day until about 6pm when it suddenly stopped.we still went out to look around the shops this morning and of course a cup of coffee. We are right on the main shopping street so not far to go . we also went back out this afternoon around 2pm for some lunch as the hotel only does breakfast . we have not been back long after going out for our evening meal.
Aidan glad all went well for you yesterday despite your soaking yes not large flakes of the white stuff has got to be a bonus
Joan I am enjoying myself just not enjoying the rain and sleet but we have a forecast of nice weather tomorrow so fingers crossed for that .
Toni yes we paid extra to go first class as the journey was Nearly 5 hours long, And travelling first class for that long it's the comfort of first class for us.and you get copious hot or cold drinks and snacks brought around during the journey all free.
Barbara first. Class is lovely.
It is now time to say goodnight
Love and sparkles to you All t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 i'm off to make a cup of. teaStay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to all, a wet evening, once again and very windy too scold cfly cfly
Siesta time was very much needed, all this family getting together, is lovely, but quite tiring. The chairs in the conservatory at the T room were not as comfy as in the main seating area, so I was Z shaped when I got up :roll:
I notice you posted at the same time Barbara, what are we like eh
We are all ready for coming with you for the MRI, under the cloak of many rooms. Toni vacuumed it all through and the loo's are spotless, in fact they are gleamingI have packed scones, clotted cream and blueberry jam. I will bring some of the possums and bush babies. Dr Pepe wants to come, but he is still keeping an eye on Lucy, via the crystal ball.
So the Dr is not convinced about the vertigo / labyrynthitis -- I would guess a couple of weeks for the results to come through. There is certainly a brain in there, without a doubt
Thank you for your kind thoughts, all went well at Tarn Moor, apart from looking like a wet rag:roll: :roll:
I think everyone was shattered, B and SIL said they had a nap, even our Nephew and Niece, who are 15 and 13. He said earlier today, that he must be getting old :shock:I said you have a way to go yet, now open this bottle of sparkling water for your poor old Uncle Aidan :roll:
You will have read that Dads tv was fine, it was the fuse, which looked like it was a sealed unit plug, but the engineer flipped one bit and out popped the fuse, new one in, tv is fine.
Then we all went to the T rooms and munched through lunch. Nephew has hollow legs, he is thin and tall and eats like a horse. How dare he, I would need a wheelbarrow to carry me out if I ate what he did
His Sister said, "where you all alive when the Titanic sank" :shock: :shock: :shock:what, in 1912, I would be 106 years old
I see you have had the housekeepers in, very kind of your Niece and friend to work their way through and help out.
Right, we will be ready, for 10.30, watch out for some sparkles, they do tend to appear by magic. t4591 t4591
Hi Carol Good that you are right in the action, shops, coffee establishments etc. you have had rain / sleet, but nothing settled, which is good. Glad it has not dampened your spirits to explore the area.
Breakfast lunch and dinner, all done for you, perfect
I am sure it was very worthwhile to go First Class, room to move about, nice seats, endless drinks and snacks, even better. It is a long journey, I assume it was an intercity, high speed train.
Enjoy the rest of your time and thank you for keeping us updated, always nice to hear from our friends when they are away on holidays.
(our eldest Niece loved her Birthday card, from your catalogue, we said you cannot buy these anywhere in the shops, so it is extra special)
All our lovelies are just fine, we do have Pelican's, who are very happy with the Manatee's, plenty of fish for them to catch, amidst the water lettuce and other plants that the Manatee's eat.
The Gibbons were very noisy, it was fruit and cereal time. Blush and his new partner were somewhere in the Bamboo, it is growing like mad.
Much chattering from the Meerkats in their burrows. They said they are not coming out until we leave the arctic winter
Ms Sleek and Pepe have been down into the ravine, after collecting more mists, apparently the Nymphs can use thick mists from Pendle Hill, which is a bonus, as it has extra magical powers.
Time was pottering about, back has been in spasm a few times :roll: :roll: Not to worry, they will pass.
Hi to everyone else, in, out and round about.
Take lots of care t4591 t115006 to all XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone!
Joan I am hoping for the 5 years and all clear yes although none of us has been brave enough to ask :?
How are you doing?
Aidan yes naughty Pepe with his phone camera videoing you!! I have checked with Sleek and yes he did get the rain running off your nose and a rather flattering view from behind :shock: I have explained how naughty it was and she is going to have a word about 'kindness'.... scold
Good news that Pendle mist can also be weaved!
I've been down to see the pelicans! I love them!!The manatees usually have pelicans nearby and they seem pleased. They look spectacular against the mandrake roots!
Oh my goodness how embarrassing! The fuse just a fuse!! Well that will be a useful lesson for all of us those plug do not have a seal I have filed that in my brain.
The cloak is ready (the cats are too and have taken a 'silent giggle' potion so all should be well. Thank you for your compliments regarding my cleaningThe toilet is so clean we could (but won't!) eat all of the lovely food you have packed!!
Naughty child thinking we were all born in the dark ages!!
Not good your back is going into spasm at all :? Don't forget to add a wheatie to your meds routine will you?
Carol you sound as though your hotel is very well-positioned so is it a traditional building? You just enjoy yourselves and make the most of it. Sleet and icy rain aren't great, but better than snow.
1st class sounds lovely. My sister lives in Dundee and I won a first class ticket once to anywhere! I gave it to her and she came down to us (heaven knows how many hours). Sadly though it was when our Mum died, but at least she had a comfortable journey.
Barbara they will find a brain!! Always best to get these things checked out I think. I saw 'someone' when I was diagnosed with that benign directional vertigo (years ago and sp) I was put on a bed which moved around until I hit the spot :shock: No MRIs in those days.
How lovely to have a house clean and shiny as a new pinBless them
Lucy is doing very well thanks. Not so achy now.
Kath thank youI know you understand how scary those check-ups are :roll:
We have a lovely morning here. I hope you do too so walks for us both today?
I loved the sticky toffee pud ta very much
better get on I am expecting a parcel today. Some new planters for the Best Kept Village!!
Toni xx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen I think we have bad enough rain now we need the sun now.
Barbara good luck for the MRI yes they will see an intelligent brain there not cotton wool.(((((())))
Carol yes go in comfort when you have a long journey to travel very sensible I hope you don't have too much rain.
Aidan you all need a rest today (((((Aidan and))))). have a good day we have sun.
take care all
Joan xx Hello Toni if only we could read people's minds that could be dangerous.take care
joan xx0 -
The sun has got his/her hat on, hip hip hip hooray. m0150 Thought I'd better be gender sensitive. Apparently Derbyshire police Male Voice Choir can't be associated with the Constabulary any more, unless they invite women members and drop the 'male' from the name.
What is the world coming to?
Joan, we certainly have seen too much rain. scold scold
Aidan, argh! Spasms! I used to get them when my spine fractured. Doc gave me tablets that stopped them (Diazapam?). I've developed the nasty habit of missing the last letter off words when typing. I just called you Aida!So don't be surprised if one day I post something incomprehensible. :shock:
Date and Walnut pudding with ice cream."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Just a very quick hi, after a house day and cloak duties of course. Hoping that you got on ok Barbara, we were there, holding hands and eating scones
Hi to Toni and Kath and Joan, and all. Will catch up later, washer and dryer have just finished.
I will have words with Pepe and Sleek, videoing me in the pouring rain.
Kath, don't worry, I was once called Anadin / Stirling / Ada / Hayden / you name it, I will usually answer to it
Later, XXX Aidan t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Anadin is the best!! Love it Aidan
Glad you did a quick pop in at least I know you are ok. Don't know what you have been doing but Sleek has been over this afternoon. She came flying in the door "Mums Mums! I had a great day over Pendle with Pepe. He flew I was pillion it was great!!!"
Dryer is still on here :roll:
Kath it has been a lovely dayChoir practise for us today, but we are mixed (thoroughly) I promise. Hope Barbara isn't too tired to join us :?
I managed my walk did you have yours? I also had diazepam (valium) for my back a few times it helps a bit doesn't it? Dr Tim gave it to Lucy when she was in trouble with hers in hospital once too.
Thanks for the pud I will have some right this minute
Thinking of Barbara and hoping all went well today.
Toni xxx0 -
Evening all sorry this is late but I had my MRI no trouble..thankyou everyone for being there and keeping me calm..then we get at call off our son..DIL has been our running ..with a friend thank goodness..but she tripped and had broken her collar bone and dislocated her shoulder..long story short OH picked up Niamh from a play group..and then picked up Dil from hospital..the shoulder is back but she has to see a surgeon because of the feature in the collar bone...then son took over after work... :shock:
Joan I think they found wood shaving in my head...thankyou for the hugs ..
Toni thankyou for being there... gosh fancy spinning you on a bed.. :shock: sorry I had to glad that Lucy is feeling less did a fine job of cleaning the cloak..not easy with all those scones
Aiden thankyou for being there and the kind words and all the sconesyour nephew is like one of mine he is stick think and eats like and you wasn't here when the Titanic went down
glad that dads TV was just a fuse was lovely to have Pepe there and miss sleek..very calming they were..
Kath the walnut pudding and ice cream was just what I needed..thankyou
Carol hope you have had this lovely weather today..and you had a good meal out..a lot of B&Bs dont do evening ,meals now..
Right I am going to put my feet to everyone xxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Just a quick pop in been a nice bright sunny but windy day done quite a lot of walking joints knee joints and back are complaining loudly about overusebut I am ignoring them and will take some tablets soon. We tried haggis for our meal this evening for the first time. Not bad I thought.
I will update you on other things of today when I next pop in as time has run out today . And tomorrow we return home.
Love and sparkles to one and all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Evening to all - finally, let me have a catch up and see what has been going on. With all the cloak activity this week, we have been busy peeples, sorry, peoples
I have looked on Catbook and I think our intrepid duo have amended the listing, the one of me with rain pouring down my face, was just about ok, but the rear end shot, that was NOT flattering :shock: :shock:and has been edited out.
Pepe was ok after a long sulk and refusal to eat any batch number, I tried 4 and no joy. He is ok now, and eating again.
The pelicans have settled in very well, they are roosting in the trees and diving for fish, clever birdies.
I know, the fuse, well, we all thought most, if not all appliances had sealed unit plugs on them, but, if you look very closely, there are two little notches, screwdriver in, out pops fuse holder. :roll: :roll: They didn't mind and Dad was pleased he had his huge tv back. It is the same as ours, but his lounge is half the size, so it looks like the ODEON
Pepe said they were very well behaved on their cloak duties and the spell of silent giggling worked well.
Cleaning always deserves compliments and I am sure you could eat off any surface in the "facilities".
I have been fussing and preening, cloths in hand, bleach everything, hands like velcro, they are so dry :roll: :roll: but, we are spotless.
I said to my Niece, do I look 106 years old and be very careful before you answer :? :?she said no. Correct answer, you can have a hot chocolate
I hate it when the back goes into spasm, it has done it a few times over the last 24 hours, I know I have probably done a bit too much today and have been told off on more than one occasion "what are you doing"................. :roll: :?
I will pop a wheatie on my medication round and I think I can hear the possums somewhere.............
I can feel a Kylie song coming on - I'm spinning around.........sorry, could not resist, having had the same, I can totally sympathise.
Good to hear that Lucy is on the mend.
Hi Joan, thank you for the big hugs, you are a love, truly. I hope you and Sue are as ok as possible and the doggies too. We have had sunshine all day.
Aunt and Uncle are up from Swindon, they arrived at Dads at T time and they will come round this morning, no doubt we will all go out to the T room in town, one can never have enough of coffee and scones.
I see it is has been sunny with you Kath, singing away there, hip hip hip hooray - it is political correctness gone bonkers, the sun has got HIS hat one, that's how it has always been, same as Lady luck.
Stupid decision by the choir, if it is a male voice choir, then so be it, you couldn't make it up really. :roll: :roll:
I have taken Diazepam for 17 years now, :shock: they do help some, along with everything else, they do what they can.
Aida is fine, lol. Now, that pudding, I will have to help myself to two servings if I may, one for each of us. Thank you.
I thought Anadin would tickle. I used to laugh as well, it was one of the Drs on a medical ward, that could never get my name right.
Another Consultant used to call me Stirling - don't ask me why. She was a force to be reckoned with I can tell you. Well, I was on the acute admission for some time, then I moved over the way to rehab unit, after a while, she complained that I was spending too much time on the rehab unit, I said I transferred here 6 months ago............:roll: :roll:
She never took her car in for a service, when one was due, she bought another one :shock: :shock:
Yes, the duo have been up to Pendle, there was no mist as far as I could see, but they did have a super fast flying session, no wonder Sleek was excited. Pillion with her beloved. Bless.
Hi there Barbara, been thinking about you and making sure all was well from under the cloak. I hope we didn't leave any crumbs.
OUCH, your poor DIL, broken collar bone and shoulder put out. Big ouches. t115006 t115006
I am glad her friend was with her, goodness, let's not even think of it........
So Mr B went to fetch Niamh and then DIL. Bless her she will be super sore. Now to see the Orthopod, because of the fracture. Normally it is a high sling and let it heal, but it depends how clean the break is. Many hugs ((()))
I am glad the MRI went ok, I am glad we kept you relaxed. Good to be able to help and pleased that Pepe and Sleek were well behaved.
Nope, not around when the Titanic sankyoungsters come out with some funny things.
I hope you enjoyed putting your feet up, sounds like you will be having a busy time............. :? :?
Hi Carol, way up there in Bonnie Scotland. Bright and sunny is better than wet and grey. Nice that the weather improved. I bet your bones are complaining, you will have done far more walking than you realise.
Take care and have a safe journey home.
So, what else have we done apart from fussing and preening, vacuuming, (I did some, with the cylinder one, best for getting into all those nooks and crannies), then I was out of breath and back was shouting, so B took over and I was banned :roll: :roll:
SIL BIL and their two youngsters are coming over this morning, on their way back south, Dad, Aunt and Uncle will come round too, so we will have a house full for a while. :shock: Once they have set off back home, we will go out with Aunt, Dad and Uncle. Things to do in town, so the T room will be a point of call.
Dryer is still going ( I forgot to dry two fleeces). Washer is ready to go again, but I won't bother with that tonight.
Enough for one day I think. Time to potter a little. Always something I can fuss over.
Silver Moon sends sparkles to all
Love to all, take lots of care XXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
Panettone Eggnog Breakfast BakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Silver!
Thanks for the breakkie Aidan I am chomping and noo-noo is running
Sorry about the batch numbers that might have been Sleek :? Now I wonder whether or not Barbara's MRI might have a small feline head in with it too....Pepe got IN!! According to Sleek one of them had to but Dr Longstockings said she couldn't because she had a collar on :? Impressive eh?
I have already imacculised (new word) the cloak-of-invisibility-and-many-rooms ready for next use.....
I understand your need to clean, but hope your hands get a rest and some TLC today. B only tells you off because he loves you you know.
We all know about the new fuses now so that should save us all embarrassment in future! Oddly enough the first time I saw a sealed unit I though it was stupid that we couldn't change the fuses now.
Funny story about that Dr who thought you were skiving on a different wardand imagine changing your car before a service? I'll have one!!
I very much hope the back eases soon and the wheatie adds a little bit of extra comfort ((()))
Barbara your poor poor DIL!! :shock: :shock: That will be so sore! Now I bet you Niamh is a helpful little girl now
The tilting bed was vile it was and it set me off. I told him which side made me sick no need for a demo! In those days I think MRIs were super-rare. Oh and he used a tuning fork to test my hearing too :?
I am just glad the MRI is doneDid you notice Pepe sneaking in? He rubbed himself against your 'paw'
Carol I am very pleased to hear that you have not let grotty weather stop you enjoying yourselves. Haggis eh? I wonder if there is a veggie alternative or is it just 'Neeps and tatties for me?'
Don't worry about posting if you are too busy going home.
Woo-oo! to Joan or hopefully Sue - it's Suesday! Enjoy your shopping ladies
Toni xxx0
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