Val's Cafe
Hello Kathleen Toni Barbara Carol Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen yes we have a sunny day today rain tomorrow.
Toni how is your back now. How is Lucy.
Barbara how long have you got to wait for your result. Sorry about your Daughter in law (((((((())))))))
Carol I hope you have a good journey home does haggis taste like maggots.
Aidan have a lovely time out with your relations and I hope they have a good journey home.
take care all we are going into town on our scooters.
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..
oops Toni has you know I forgot choir practice last night.. :oops: and miss sleek peeping out of the how strange you should mention the tuning fork..I was watching GPs behind closed doors..and the lady GP used on on a young man..yes I felt this little paw in my was lovely..
Aiden back spasms are awful..I remember many years ago my late dad having an injection for one..and it worked more or less need to do less cleaning..and its on prescription these days I have one made me laugh with the Odeon ..our BIL is the same the TV hits you in the face so your relatives form Swindon are on there way.. when you walk in..but he is happy with it..
and you are off out..I think.. :? my brain has gone again
Niamh asked me the other day did I know Jesus
and see him on the cross..and I like Sterling..
Egg nog breakfast look lovely..thankyou..
Carol you make the most of it like you say you can take something later for the pains..glad your hotel is local and not to far to walk for meals..unlike us when we used to go to Scarborough..then found an hotel much nearer enjoy
Yes its Sueday hope all is well with Joan and Sue
Right better make a move Niamh is coming again..poor DIL has been up all night..she said something about the fracture moved when they put the shoulder she is in a sling till her appointment
Love to everyone t4591 t4591 t4591 ..
Just spotted your there Joan have a good day on your scooters..not sure how long my results will be ..soon hopefully xxLove
Barbara0 -
Oooo Matron, Panettone Eggnog Breakfast Bake, that sounds really posh.
More news about the Derbyshire Constabulary Choir. Wait for it, mind your back laughing at this Aidan. NONE OF THE MEMBERS ARE IN THE POLICE FORCE. Although they wear police uniforms, the only link is, they use the police station for choir practice.They are being renamed the Derbyshire Community Male Voice Choir. I wonder if they will still use the police station to practice in? I wonder if they will all be arrested for pretending to be police officers? Like you said Aidan, you couldn't make it up. Only in Derbyshire!!! :roll:
Joan, what have you done with Sue today? You will have to visit us together.
Toni, it's all very well introducing us to new words, but what does imacculised mean please? :? And also, what is Polenta? I'm a dimwit."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Hi to all, late again, after another busy family day..................
You are welcome Toni, breakfast looked so good, I just had to leave some for everyone. Silver just wanted to let everyone know that he has an extended family, who were all flying in. Seeing as we are needing extra sparkles recently, he has called in reinforcements.
There has definitely been some tampering of the bath numbers on Pepe's food - me thinks they have been discussing which ones are made toxic, by the Vets :roll: :roll:
So, Pepe went into the MRI, that would explain the little ear plugs I found on his pillows :shock: He could well show up on the imaging, that's for sure
He said Sleek was keeping her distance, That will be why, with her wearing metal, she would have been off around the room :shock:
Immaculised, that is a word I love. It must now be added to the cafe dictionary, along with words like ouchies, lovelies, peeples etc.
The cloak of many rooms is spotless, I popped back in to see if I had left any scones laying around and it was like a new pin.
The hands have not really had chance to recover. With everyone gathering here in the morning, then of course B - SIL and the two teenagers all had to go to the loo, before they set off back to London.
Then Aunt Uncle and Dad went back round to pick up Dads Blue Badge, while we got ready..........I was off into the loo, whipped the towel, Mr Muscle 99.9999 everything zapped, was sprayed willy nilly and then I was ok to leave. I said to B, the house bathroom has only been temporarily pre cleaned, I will do it properly when we get in - :roll: :roll: B didn't tell me off, he knows I have to do the bathrooms.
We are all fully informed now, about the fuses, that are hidden in those pre sealed plugs that are fitted to all appliances. Worth knowing.
How was choir practice, I know that Barbara had to give it a miss, with all that is going on.
The Consultant was a one off, that's for sure. She was quite funny in her own way, If anyone came in with retention, she was hunting me down to do the catheterisation. I lost count of how many cars she went through
A couple of back spasms, sitting on t room chairs, for far longer than we would normally, does not help.
We have had veggie haggis from Sainsbury's on a few occasions, tends to appear nearer to Christmas time. Quite nice too.
Hi Joan, I you made me laugh, haggis tasting like maggotsthe veggie one doesn't, I have not had the meaty one, it has lungs in and things like that. Apparently it is nice - I will pass thanks.
We have had a good time with family. Aunt and Uncle are still here, going back down to Swindon on Sunday.
Woo, off into town on your scooters, way to go. At last, the weather is fine for youHi to Sue, on Suesday. Hugs to doggies too.
Hi Barbara - How is everyone, how is your DIL, she will be super ouchy. I hope she doesn't have to wait very long to see the Orthopod, re her fracture.
I am glad Pepe's little paw, was a comfort, during the MRI. He was very glad to help
I think the Ortho surgeon said I could have depo medrone injections in my lumbar area, as well as my knees etc. So far I have only had them in my knee. I might have a word with my GP, with the bones / joints, getting worse by degrees. Not that he can wave a magic wand :?
Less cleaning, or at least clean what is at my level and not try and go to places up high, or down low. B often says, what are you doing, just ask, don't just potter off and then hobble back........... :roll: :roll:
I can get a prescription for cleaning? Can I? Mind you, I would have to be there to supervise
Yes, Dads tv, same as ours, but it drowns his little lounge. He likes it though, he is certainly in on the action !!
Aunt and Uncle did arrive safely and B and SIL & youngsters all went home on Friday. We took Aunt and Uncle to the T room and had a lovely lunch, with scone for me, as desert. With cream, of course.
Did you know Jesus, well, that's a difficult one to answer I guess. Did you see him on the cross, well, no, even if we add all our ages up, we won't get to 2018 years old. :shock: Bless, they do come out with some things.
I am not surprised your DIL has been up all night, so popping the shoulder back, didn't do the fracture any favours............ouch. I guessed the sling, until they see her again, soon I hope. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
You will be busy with sharing the looking after Niamh and DIL along with everything else. I hope your vertigo is not being troublesome at the moment.
Oh Kath, Matron thought the Panettone looked delicious and was worth sharing with everyone
So, the constabulary choir, has no members of the police force at all, despite them impersonating police officers. So, having broken the lawthey are now the community male voice choir. At least they have kept the "male voice choir" rather than the community gender neutral voice choir :shock:
No, you couldn't make it up.
Polenta is ground cornmeal, like flour really, but no gluten. Apologies, you were asking Toni and there I am sticking my hooter in. :oops: :oops:
Thank you for the polenta tart though, very tasty
Carol and Mr T, I hope you are home safe and sound. I bet you are pretty ouchy, so I will leave some hugs and sparkles, the bush babies will pop round too. t4591 t115006
Kerrin, I hope you are resting well and feeling not too bad.
Christine, how are you, trust you and yours are all ok
Hi to Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, and all............
We are not going far, only round to Dads, for a coffee with Aunt Uncle........they have bought cake and croissants, so that will get me there.
Rain forecast, so best to stop in or near home.
Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Simple pancakes for breakfastXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh dear me I just deleted my post and tried to no avail to rescue it!!
I am so very cross with myself, but no time to redo it now :x
Got to feed Charley's cat (she is away) and then help Pom with scarecrow workshop (outside church in the rain???? maybe inside????) then visit my nephew's kitten!!! (a Sleek look-alike!)
Will get back in if I get a spare minute :shock:
Toni xx
Ps Joan my back is pretty good ATM0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara I hope you have a good weekend. Hugs for. you and your sister in law. ((((((())))))
Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend ((((()))))
Aidan sorry you have so many aches and pains. yesterday I meant **** not maggots. have a good weekend all of you ((((((()))))))
take care all
Joan xx hello Toni you have a busy day (((((())))))
Sorry you lost your posttake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all its pouring down..I am sure they said it would be sunny..never mind its getting warmer..
Kath I had to laugh at the choir ..I did read about it in the paper no ladies allowed.. :shock: and now we find out none are in the police.. :shock:oh well at least they are carrying on singing..
Toni I have lost a few post by pressing the wrong button somewhere at the bottom of my keyboard..and I still dont know which one it is :shock: it clears you are doing a scarecrow workshop how brilliant I would love to come you cant wait to cuddle the kitten..
Joan you are so lovely bless..always caring about other..did you and Sue get out yesterday..i did read in the paper that Dachshunds are now very popular because of the size..I love them especially your with the long coats
Aiden thankyou for the pancakes much appreciated.. have all the relatives gone now I am lost thought they were coming today :? doesn't take much to confuse me..but you all had a good time and there was cream involved..
I see you had time to whipped around the bathroom..fist think I do is we have visitors or id they drop on us I nip to the loo to check
Niamh did ask was my mum dead..and when would she be coming back..bless.. there little minds run riot..the crucifixion upset her but she was pleased at the end result..
hope those hand clear up for you ..its all that cleaning..
Our son has just rang to say DIL had had an owful night..and the back of her should is going black were the bone hit...hopefully they will fix it soon..
Right will get my pancakes and a cuppa to everyone xx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
I'm glad you all had a good laugh about the choir. I'll shut up about it now.
Aidan, I didn't mind who answered the Polenta question. Don't really know why I asked it. I'll only forget. All that matters is, IT'S FOOD.Talking of food, although today's is Beef Stew, you can turn it into Quorn or Soy stew with a quick waft of Hermione's wand.
Toni, think we've all lost a few posts over time.
Oh dear Joan, I shudder to think of maggots. But I LOVE ****. I also love haggis too.
Well, time to toddle around the enclosure and take a mugatea to whoever iss o duty."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a warmish, drizzly day today. Lots of mist on Pendle, so the duo of have been out gathering.
Sleek mentioned that there had been "words" to the peeples thing that they tap, I assume the computerhaving lost your post. It is SO annoying, I completely agree Toni. You loose the will to start over again.
Looking after Charlies puskin, then scarecrows, then visiting a mini Sleek, oh bless, I had better check your bag, on the way out........just in case. I won't mention it to Pepe, or he will tell Sleek and she will be all dramatic:? :roll:
Spare minutes, hours or days, are imaginary things I am convinced. They don't exist any more :roll: Not to worry if you cannot get back on, as long as you are ok, good to hear your back is not too ouching.
Hi Joan, ah ****not maggots. Mind you, I cannot bear ****, brains ****, I think they were in a silver carton thing. Oh they were horrid. Shudder.
I am keeping on top of the ouchies, plenty of pain relief, upping the tramadol on top of everything else, seems to help, as best it can. Thank you for the hugs.
Hope you are both ok and the doggies too.
It is getting warmer, in fact I was lathered round at Dads this morning, leaking coffee I think :roll: It was raining earlier on, when we were pottering round to see Dad, Aunt and Uncle.
Brother and Sister in Law and the two children went back yesterday, to London. They arrived home safely at T time. Aunt and Uncle are going back to Swindon in the morning.
We will go round at our normal time in the morning, to see them before they set off, then go to the GC, just the three of us. Back to normal againWe like normal, whatever it means. :roll: :roll:
Oh yes, I always have time for a check round the bathroom. I would be horrified if I had not fussed, if someone came round. :shock: They have to be immaculised.
Bless her, asking when your Mum would be coming back and then upset about Jesus on the cross, but, the end result was a great joy.
I am lathering my hands today, at every opportunity. My Trusty and then Diprobase when I go and rest.
Sending lots of hugs and well wishes to your DIL, I am not surprised it is bruising badly now. You cannot get comfortable, with collar bone fractures, even more so if they are displaced breaks. Let's hope they can see her very soon and decide what to do. t4591 t115006
No need to shut up about the choir, I think it is hilarious Kath. There are so many things that are beyond belief, from health and safety to being politically correct about everything, in case someone might get upset :roll:
Polenta is indeed, a good food, it is used a lot in the States, for corn fritters, (which are very good indeed).
Thank you, I will waft Hermione's wand and have some lovely veggie stew. It smells so good.
No, tell me you don't like ****, it cannot be true :? :? :shock:Veggie Haggis is ok though.
I am sure the keepers will welcome a cup of T, they work very hard, looking after all of our lovelies.
I hope you are home safe and sound Carol, after your days away in Edinburgh. I will leave some of the bush babies, you might need them for any ouches. They have some jammy dodgers with them.
Hi to everyone else, in, out and around about.
Now, talking of T time, let me go see what we might nibble on, after Kath's fine stew...
Love to all, take care, will catch up later. XXX Aidan t4591 t115006
Cappucino supreme layer cakeXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Just popped in for tea..
Kath The stew will go down well with my crusty bread..will leave some in the cafe
Aiden Cappucino cake after the stew that is tea your other relatives go tomorrow to Swindon were Joan and Sue live..and yes I like normality..must say I do love haggis but cant remember having **** but remember my mum buying them ..I had it wrong about DIL they haven't put her shoulder back because of the wonder she is in pain..I dislocated mine many years ago slipping on leaves but no fracture thank goodness...that was painful enough... :shock:
Right better go Niamh has just been pick up by daddy so we can now relax..
Love to everyone xxxxxLove
Barbara0 -
Evening all
Had a reasonably good journey home yesterday had a yummy chicken dinner on the train and on a proper plate as well and plenty of tea, coffee in proper mugs and cold drinks. and other snacks also if we wanted. when we got to Newcastle there had been a train cancelled previous to ours, and they had moved people onto ours and letting them sit where ever there were free seats, and we had a woman and two youngsters opposite us who should have been in standard class. talk about take advantage of the free refreshments each time they came round. Joints are still complaining about the overuse but not so loudly today.
Adan ooh I see we have pelican now must pay them a visit later. Glad it was only a fuse in dad's telly that was the problem I also thought that you were unable to get to the fuse in those sealed plugs. I remember getting called Carrot by the brother of a little girl who was in a group of red cross members I ran years ago. Yes home again all safe and sound. Thank you for the sparkles and sending the bush babies round, of course they have eaten the supply of jammies dodgers and mine again too they are so greedy. Cappuccino layer cake don't mind if I do partake of a slice or two. hope you soon have less ouchies.
Toni No the weather didn't sop us enjoying the few days away in fact Thursday weather was nice and sunny. the Haggis was quite nice and Aidan says they have had veggie Haggis from Sainsbury's
Joan No Haggis is very nice not at all like maggotsmind you can't say ive tasted maggots don't fancy them either,
now **** that's a different matter them I like them
Barbara hotel was very local for food and joints are not complaining quite as bad today think after some soothing from the bush babies and the meds they decided to quieten down a little bit.
Kath I must say I did enjoy my first taste of Haggis.
The joints are a complaining a bit louder think i need have a potter before the protests get any louder. t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Here is the result of the scarecrow workshop. Mostly run by Pom with me as 'Happy Helper'
The 'Maypole' we made earlier.
Hope you can all see it
Here was part of my earlier post:
Past tense of Immaculate Past participle Immaculised
make clean; remove dirt, marks, or stains from.
"clean your teeth properly after meals"
synonyms: wash, cleanse, wipe, sponge, scrub, mop, rinse, scour, swab, hose down, sluice (down), flush, polish, disinfect; More
"Aidan had cleaned the kitchen windows"
antonyms: dirty, soil
See you all later
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to one and all. It is quite warm this evening and it's only April :? :?
Hi Barbara, yes, Aunt and Uncle go back to Joan and Sue's neck of the woods today. We will pop round to Dads, to say cheerio, before heading off to the GC for coffee and scones.
No wonder your DIL is in so much pain, if her shoulder is still "out". I will pop over and put it back, with a bit of help and some Iv hypnoval
They need to get things re assessed as soon as possible, they cannot leave her like that, decide what they are doing about the fracture and put her shoulder back in place. Bless, sending lots of sparkles and some little possums, to help her rest a bit. No wonder she cannot sleep, no way can she get comfy at the moment.
I hope you had a restful evening, after taking care of Niamh. No more questions about, did you meet Noah and his ark, or the like
Hi Carol, I am glad you had a good journey home, with proper refinements on the train, apart from the strangers who took advantage of everything for nothing :roll: :roll:
I hope the Bush babies help with the complaints from the joints, all that extra activity is not so bad at the time, but, then we have to have a few days to recover from the extra ouches.
Carrot,did they not realise that no one is called carrot
:roll: People are not usually named after vegetables. :shock: If someone called me Scone or Mr Cake, that would be fine by me.
I will be taking some more Tramadol, to keep the ouches under some sort of control.
The Bush Babies are greedy for jammy dodgers, it helps with their healing hands, so they say
Yes, visit the Pelicans, they are very much at home in the mangrove pools, with the manatee's. They are used to having each other around.
You will need a couple of days, to recover from your ventures
The Maypole is lovely Toni, I saw it on FB and then on here. Happy Helper is a very important role.
I always like Maypole dancing, some of it is so complicated. I would end up strapped to the pole:roll: A lovely tradition from England, Germany and Sweden.
The Cafe dictionary / Thesaurus definition of Immaculised is quite correct.
Aidan did clean the kitchen window, well, the small one. A perfect example of immaculisation in progress.
I have been less frantic with the immaculising today, just the normal daily things, rather than going for gold with the wipes and degermification. Is that another one of our words? I think it might beThis could really take off.............
Back down to earth, Pepe and Sleek were down in the ravine, while we were having a siesta, taking the Pendle mist to the Nymphs, who, have unlocked their doors and have ventured out, with the weather starting to warm up.
They have left a supply of magical woven squares, for those who need them. Some are on their way to Barbara's DIL as we speak.
They are going back up the hill again today, the Nymphs need purple heather, so our duo will pick the best sprigs. They didn't say what they needed it for. :?
I think Mrs Darcey, Tomicat and Jericat and the teeny cat are coming over, for a whiz round the hill tops. Hermione is transporting those who are from afar.
I hope everyone is as ok as possible. Hi to Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady and all.
Best have a potter, joints are shouting the odds :roll:
Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX AidanXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Healthy fruit or pastries? hmmmmm.......both methinks
Thanks Aidan
Absolutely degermification is a word :shock: Of course it is :!: 100%! Glad you didn't do too much today and approve of the dictionary definition of immaculised
The pusscats are all home safe now they had to go early as the heather is best with dew on it apparently :roll: Sleek was full of it screeching as she launched herself in the house. She had to put her broomstick on charge??? wonder what she was sneaking past me in such a rush?
We met my Nephew and his wife's new kitten yesterday. HE is the spit of Miss Diddicat!! He is called Tommy (luckily with a 'y'). How adorable. I must post a photo as he already had his thumb. (Maybe he should be Tom-thumb?) I didn't steel him sadly he is too shy and of course Sleek would be livid :shock:
Why on earth did anyone call you carrot Carol? How very dare they?!! :x Sleek isn't impressed and says she has yet to see a human with hair like a carrot. She says Ginger cats are revered in the feline community as should be humans because they are rare. She says they need to be cared for as they are 'endangered'. Cats/people not sure.
I will get me some veggie haggis for definite in fact I am quite looking forward to it
I hope some rest and pain meds have sorted you out.
Barbara when are they sorting your poor DIL out? How on earth will she manage? Overnight I get maybe to allow swelling to subside, but gosh the poor girl!
JUST FOUND a layer cake.....OH MY GOODNESS.....from yesterday but still fresh and......SPLAT!!!!! Ooops!!
I have popped some stew (quorn) Kath into a flask as today is busy too. More pussycat feeding for Charley...then meeting my friend at M&S café then visiting Tia's Gdad this afternoon :shock:
I did answer the polenta question too which went AWOL luckily Aidan had as well. It's also veggie so I like it
The choir story was worth hearing - entertaining and actually TRUE!!
Joan I have another busy day today I'll be glad when this 'weekend' is over!! Although Paul will be away much of this week
Well better get some clothes on and feed Charley's cat!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Toni and anyone else I missed.
Barbara yes we went into town it's a nice ride the dogs walk and ride when they want have a good day.
Kathleen I hope you have a good day with not too much pain.
Aidan I'm sorry you have so much pain. You have other problems not just arthritis yes.
Carol I bet you had a good night's sleep after your long journey.
Toni how old is the kitten. I hope all of you have a good day.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..nice and mild here..2.30 this morning it was foggy..I am always up looking through the window at that time.. :roll:
Toni I love the word..Immaculised..copied and lovey are the scarecrows..pom is so clever
and must say you will be a good apprentice..
oooh bless that little kitten.. I can tell form the look on her face she is shy
Carol the meals sounded good I thought you only got snacks in first class..the pope that were sat with you were very lucky..but some do make a show of themselves..hopefully after the washing you can rest recover
Joan I love it that your little doggies ride on the footrest of your they soon get tired with there little legs..bless
Aiden thanks for the sparkles for our Dil she certainly needs them..I remember the pain well but I only waited an hour..she has been like this since ..Thursday Friday not sure.. the hospital have rang to say they will ring Monday to tell her when to go in.. :roll: so your family are now on there way back to Swindon..then you and B are off to the enjoy ..I think we might end up there today..Niamh keeps asking about my mum and when will she come back..I just said that she is very happy were she is..and thankyou for the breakfast buffet..
Thanks everyone for asking about DIL hopefully tomorrow something will be done.. :shock:
Love to everyone t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Aidan, Brain's **** are my favouritist food. They were (and still are) sold in foil trays. The sauce is so gorgeous. But then I'm not a vegetarian. I'm definitely a bit of a carnivore, although I enjoy veggies too.
Toni, that pusscat, so sweet and cuddly.
I've been feeding the pelicans. I think the Manatees were amused.
I believe the Bush babies, so Jammie Dodgers for a year have been ordered. Must keep their healing hands topprd up. We all need the little loves.
My neighbours over the back (the ones that had the conifer removed) put some washing out yesterday, then left it out overnight! So it must be wet through again now.
Carol, I'm with you on the Haggis. Now for somw Key Lime Pie."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon to all, a warm and pleasant day, everyone is out, doing this, that and the other in their gardens, or cleaning their must be Spring. m0150
Fruit and pastries, ideal for breakfast, we need our carbs Toni,
I thought degermification was a word, just wanted to check. Washer is on full ultra immaculisation, with degermification rinses. It has to be abbreviated on the washer
Bathrooms, check, dusting, check, litter tray, check, puskins dishes boiled, check, Tosca's claws clipped (boy they were long, curling under her pads, she doesn't really use the scratch post, so they have grown like mad). Suitably manicured, much to her displeasure.
Managed to get one of Pepe's paws done, before he became all precious and hissy / spitty :roll: :roll: one step at a timeMatron will prevail.
Now, where was I..............
The mists were perfect on Pendle, high on the hill, where the heather grows, lots of dew. Pepe has been acting like it is a full moon, even Mother has been mooching and shrieking (I think that was for the pilchards though )
The broom is fizzing in the cupboard, so goodness knows what they have been up to, they have wound themselves up like clocks. :shock: :shock:
Oh, Tommy is just adorable and looks SO SO much like Miss Sleek. Pepe has seen the photo and said, who's knee is my beloved on, so he thinks there is a great likeness.
He looks a bit shy and best not to steal him, as you say, Sleek would be beside herself and then some. :shock: :shock: :? :?
Ginger puskins are rare, big Ginger Tom Cats, feature highly in literature too. Sleek is quite right. Carol is not to be called carrot.
I hope you like the veggie haggis, I think they sell it at Waitrose and Mark's, depends on the time of year. It is nice, needs a light sauce to go with it, one with double cream and mascarpone would be fine
I see you found the cake, I will get a mop........... :roll:
More feeding and fussing of Charleys puskin and then how posh are you, going to M and S cafe, never been in one yet. There is one in Preston, so we will have to go suss it out.
Oh dear, Paul is away working this coming week, we will be keeping you company of course
Hi Joan, glad you had a nice trip into town on the scooters, with the doggies hopping on and off as necessary. I bet they love it.
Don't worry Joan, we are all kind of in the same boat when it comes to differing levels of pain. I do have other health issues, apart from OA. Chronic heart disease, COPD, Diabetes, Neuropathy........that's enough for now. But we all carry on, it is human nature to keep on going.
Hi Barbara, you are looking out of the windows, when we are going to bed. 2.30 is normal for us, well, I say us, B would be in bed earlier, but I am terrible and hate going to bed at night, long story, lonnnnng story. Anyway......We can always wave, over the hills.
I do hope they sort your poor DIL's shoulder and fracture out on Monday, they cannot leave it much longer, the swelling will stop them popping it back......... I will send out some more healing vibes t115006 t115006 for pain relief and sorting asap.
Yes, Aunt and Uncle went back this morning, via family in St Helen's. They will be on their way back to Swindon now. Lovely to see everyone.
Now we are back to the three Amigo's.
Bless, asking when your Mum is coming back, indeed, our Mum's are happy where they are, without a doubt. t4591
Oh Kath, you can have my share of Brains **** and Toni's and Bill' enjoy.
I don't mind a crispy bacon butty, but apart from that we eat very little meat, mainly veggie things.
A years supply of Jammie Dodgers, that's where the lorry was going.............. :shock:
Has the neighbours washing dried, again, lol.
Key lime pie, oh yes, thank you kindly. I will ask Toni for some clotted cream, to go with it.
I hope Carol and Mr T are recovering from their journey. Kerrin, are you back at school this coming week? Junior school and senior school have had different weeks around here.........strange.
Hi to everyone else, in and out and about. Take lots of care, I will go do the medication round..........never a dull moment here.
Love and Sparkles to all XXXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Lucy is back at school a week on Monday so maybe Kerrin is too Aidan?
Did you see Tommy's THUMBS???
I have fetched us a HUGE dollop of clotted to go with that key lime pieYUM!! (Thanks Kath
did you feed the pelicans fish? the Manatees do seem interested in whatever we do don't they? )
Even Pepe mistook Tommy Kitten (15 weeks now JoanDid you see his THUMB on the photo? ) for Miss Sleek? :shock: Wow!! I wonder whether they have the same Mum? Who knows :?
Aunt and Uncle away home? I think you will miss them.
Whatever stops you going to bed at night there is no need B is with you to keep you safe as well as pusskins ((()))
Yo have had a good day today plenty of cleaning. I only managed the bathrooms and a small quantity of ironing :oops:
Well-done for the paw-clipping I am impressed! Charley's cat was adorable as ever as was Tia's Grdad!! Bless him he loves it in that home
Something is going on if Mother has noticed.....Sleek was hiding something in her 'lickle house'....Pepe's broom fizzing Sleek's in need of charging??? We need to keep our eyes peeled.
I think I will try ocado they do Waitrose don't they? for my haggis....I am keen to try :?
You must keep me company I am in for a lonely week
Barbara I am so upset for DIL suffering like that for so long bless her.Fingers crossed they sort her out tomorrow.
I think I was a good apprentice to Pom yes - I do as I am toldHold what I am told pick up what I am told etc
Everyone is talking about the Maypole in the village!!
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, cooler tonight, very clear, lots of stars to see
Glad that Lucy is feeling ok and ready for going back to work on Monday, all credit to her. I guess Kerrin will be gearing up for a busy week of lessons and activities.
Tommy should have been Tom Thumb, without a doubt :shock: They are huge.
He is so like Miss Sleek.
Thank you for the clotted cream, it was just perfect, to blend with the sharpness of a key lime pie.
Yes, Pepe was quite amazed to see that Tommy was not Miss Sleek, he is convinced there is some link in the ancestry. He has been looking on Catnestry, to find out the feline lineage.
All family have gone home, yes, it is always nice to see them, they had not seen Dad for a good while, so they noticed quite a change, as in memory loss etc. They are reassured that we are in good charge of his well being. The nearest other family member is one of B's brothers, who lives an hour or so away. They all rely on us to keep things going as normally as possible. Which we do.
Oh me and bed time, rest and relaxation, are words that have no meaning to me. Even though B is only two yards away (I snore like a warthog ):shock: I know I am safe and if I needed anything I would holler. My Cardio, always says, don't get stressed, then looks at me as if to say I am wasting my breath. :roll: :roll: Thank you for the hugs
General cleaning day, one thing that I cannot use without coming out in pompholyx is Viakal spray or gel, just sets my hands of something terrible. Bar Keepers Friend, is excellent for limescale on taps etc and far more user friendly.
Mother Tosca is walking a lot better, we just thought her claws were tippy tapping, like Cookies used to, but no, I was so upset to find they were curled under, a millimeter from her pads. She feels a lot better I am sure, she even let me get some lugs out with the clippers. Only a few more smaller ones to get now. Best not push my luck too far ---- smiling crocodiles and all that. :shock: :shock:
I think our duo have found something on Pendle, something of mystery and intrigue. The hill carries hundreds of years of mysteries with it :? :? Me thinks that Sleek has hidden said unknown item, in her house, right at the back of the magic wardrobe. Pepe is keeping very tight lipped. His broom has had to go on charge as well :? :? The Nymphs have gone back underground and locked their front door tightly. Something is afoot.
Ocado, yes, they do Waitrose, I want to find one and send it to you to try now, I hope you like it when you get your Veggie Haggis. Here is a link to one that is available. You can have them delivered, as they tend to be seasonal in England.
We will all keep you company, don't you worry. I think we are all, together, in a kind of spiritual way, if that makes sense, I don't necessarily mean Religious, but as my late Dad said, we all have ties, that bind us together.
I am glad to hear that the Maypole is the talk of the village, rightly so too.
We are off to the big smoke (aka Skipton)B has an appointment with the dental lab man, re plate re lining. Shops to visit, Nero's to visit, Cake to eat............the latter being the most important
I will bid you all a good day, everyone take lots of care, love to all, in out and around and about.
I will go potter in the kitchen a while. Ease the joints a little.
Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XXX Aidan
Mexican Burrito Breakfast with scrambled egg, sweet pepper and chopped spring onion (optional)XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni and anyone else I missed.
Barbara lexi walks into town and some times rides on the way back
she loves it pulling to go faster all the time. I hope you have a good day.
Kathleen yes I like **** with mint sauce on. I hope you have a good day.
Aidan I'm sorry you have so many problem's but you know how to sort them out we could never all have the same could we.((((((()))))))
Toni I forgot to look at the maypole yesterday it's good I remember one of them when I was at school. I bet Lucy is looking forward to going back to school on Monday. I saw on the news a man driving and he had a epileptic fit the car went across the motorway.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
No grub today, instead I'm sharing a painting I just know you will love. Baby owls, painted by Derbyshire environmentalist and wildlife artist, Pollyanna Pickering who died Thursday 29th March 2018.
I'm glad you all enjoyed the key lime pie, especially as Toni kindly shared a dollop of cream to have with it.
OOh Aidan, I know exactly how mother Tosca felt. My toenails are just like that. I'm glad you managed to sort her out.
Love to all, very happy it's getting milder.
t69044 t69044 t4591 t4591 t115006 :animal_busy: t115006 t4591 t4591 t69044 t69044"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all..what a glorious day..hope it last
OH has been on the phone this morning to the hospital that DIL is going into..our son is working so cant take the time off..anyhow he has asked for Pals and they rang back so we gave them the story and they are looking onto it..long story short they said the fracture is unstable so A&E couldn't do it , we said yes we know this..but something should have been done before now..4 days today in awful pain..I think we owe it to other to take this forward.. :roll:
Right rant over..we have Niamh here she is in the garden so will be short..
Aiden I bet that Tosca feel much better with her claws clipped..but Pepe will have to wait for the others.. :shock: don't think I would chance it...sorry you don't settle in bed is it the snoring or things on your mind..OH says I snore..maybe but not has bad as he does..
Kath I have never had **** but my late mum loved them..all this talk about Haggis we have gone and bought had it for ages..I love the pic of the owls..
Toni so Paul is working away we will all come round to yours and bring food and wine..
Joan I can just see little Lexi trying to hurry up bless..bless she must have loads of fun..
Right better go speak later love to everyone xxxxxx t4591 m0150Love
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, a lovely spring day today, very warm in Skipton. Lots of people about, enjoying the fine weather.
Hi Joan, I can just imagine Lexi wanting you to go faster on your scooterno wonder she likes a ride home. It is good that you can both get out and about, all credit to you and Sue.
I do have a load of health issues, but, you have to get on with things as best you can. I try and keep them sorted, but sometimes, the ouches get the better of me :roll: :roll:
**** with mint sauce, oh my, trying not to think of ityou will have to enjoy them with Kath, she loves them too. :shock:
I hope the man survived after having a siezure whilst driving. Must have been a terrible shock.
People can have siezures for all manner of reasons, even if they have never been diagnosed with epilepsy.
Hi Kath, what a lovely painting. how sad that Pollyanna has passed away, I have Googled her paintings and they are truly amazing works of art, what a gift she had. I will have to study them closely, there are so many to look at.
Thank you for sharing the picture.
Don't worry, I will find a pie for us today. The key lime was lovely, with Toni's clotted cream.
My Mums toe nails used to do the same, until we sorted out the podiatrist for her :shock:
It is certainly warmer today, very pleasant, I could stand this all year round.
Hi Barbara, just seen you pop in, you knew I was going to post
You do right, leaving your DIL with a dislocated shoulder and a fracture that needs attention asap. Get PALS in on it and take it further if you have to.
No, A and E won't stabilise a complex fracture, but the ortho team can and should have been called to see you DIL at least for a review.
You rant away, it is not right to leave her in dreadful pain for 4 days.
Goodness knows, things play on my mind, irrational things, as a lot of our worries are. Snoring, well, I always deny all knowledge:? :?
Hope Niamh is enjoying playing in the garden. Keep us posted on your DIL and what the hospital is actually going to do. t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591
Right, nearly T time, so let me go find something delicious.
Everyone take lots of care, will catch up again later. Love to all XXX Aidan
White chocolate and dark chocolate chip cheesecake, I will put two out, Toni might land in one of themXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh look at that..... is there one for me in the fridge?
Ah yes!! Thanks Aidan SPLAT!!!!
So Pepe is looking into Sleek's catnestry is he? I suspect there could be a link on her Mum's side as they were both born locally.
It's always lovely to see family and friends but also to get back to normal with those good memories tucked awayI exect they are glad to be home too and am glad they appreciate what you and B are doing for Dad too
I never use Viakal either no it's lethal and if you keep on top of your cleaning not that necessary.
Not getting stressed is a difficult thing to do. I get stressed a lot and I imagine your cardio and B know you are who you are
Charley and her GF (3 year anniversary for them today going out together) cut their pusskin's claws too. You can do another Pepe paw another day.
Miss Sleek easily keeps hers down being outside.
I am a little worried if the nymphs are what our pusskins have got safe??? :shock: :shock: ought we to check with Hermione??? :?
I have located veggie haggis thank you very much the very same as you pictured for me. It's on Ocado and I will have some!!!
Sounds as though Skipton was ok todaythe Big Smoke eh
Barbara you will all be very welcome bring supplies and we can all sit on the window-seat looking at the Church and the scarecrows dancing round the Maypole. If they actually do dance we have to put the lid back on apparently
PALS had better sort your poor DIL out it's ludicrous :x
Kath what a lovely paintingI just saw your RIP post to Pollyanna Pickering. Very sad she brought so much to the world
Joan the man having the seizure that is terrifying!!! Lucy says she won't ever drive I am glad she could kill herself or othersThe Maypole is good isn't it?
Lucy can't wait to get back to the children at school
I am bobbing in and out of posting because Lucy is in the bath. I showed her the video of the car. So glad the man was ok and no real harm done at least.
I do hope Kerrin is having a good break and wonder whether she has started on the Sulfa yet...
Love to everyone
Toni xxx0
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