Val's Cafe
Evening all
It has been a soggy wet day here today and it is forecast for the same tomorrow. joints and bones do not like the damp and are throwing a tantrum today, But well we still have to carry on.
we had a real lazy day after church and dinner yesterday as we were both quite tired.
thought you might like to see a couple of Edinburgh photos April 2018 2.jpg?dl=0 neeps and tatties .jpg?dl=0
There are some more but Mr T still has them on I pad so I will have to wait until he puts them on a memory card.
Toni I love the maypole. the little one who called me carrot was only 2/3 at the time so I didn't mind but no I am not a vegetable and I didn't have ginger sleek says ginger cats are an endangered species I don't fancy being endangered species.
Aidan love degermification as a word. I found the magic woven square so hoping they will stop the tantrum throwing jointsoh well if the jammie dodgers help with the bush babies healing hands I will stock up for when they visit. I didn't really mind being called carrot as the little boy was only about 2/3 at the time so it sounded quite funny. but no I am not a vegetable.
must admit I was a bit annoyed at the people on the train really I thought they were just abusing the fact that they were allowed to sit in 1st class.
Joan I slept very well when we got home.
Barbara yes the meals are quite nice especially as they are on proper plates too. of course if you didn't want a cooked item they did sandwiches and crisps and fruit as well. true about the interlopers making a show of themselves.
Kath yes the haggis was lovely I would certainly eat it again. couldn't resist a slice or two of the key lime pie.
time to have a potter
Love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006Stay positive always👍xx0 -
Hi to one and all. Damp and drizzling this evening and cooler too.
Yes Toni, the cake is --- :shock: oh, I see, you found it, let me get the Vax
Pepe is certain there is a link, on one of Sleeks Villages, having looked back on catnestry. A great grandfather puskin seems to be the link with Tommy apparently.
It is nice to have family around, well, they are alll my in law family, but I am closer to them, than I am to my own. Me nearest contact would be my Cousin, but we only see each other once in every Preston Guild (who actually do exist and meet every 20 years).
Anyway, that's by the bypass. Family is family, on either side, we are all connected
They all appreciate the help we give to Dad, support, taking him out almost every day, shopping, etc, etc.............
The viakal gel is not quite as bad as the spray, I am banned from using it near B, it sets his rhinitis off big time. As you say, if you keep on top of things, it is not needed anyway. Goodness knows what is in it :shock:
I was going to get some washing machine cleaner, but when I read the cautions on the back, I didn't bother. Causes serious burns to skin, eyes. Do not breathe the vapour, harmful to aquatic life, for extended periods of time...........why is it on sale? I will use soda crystals on a 60 degree wash, does the same thing and is not toxic.
For sure, my cardio, B and those close, do know what I am like with my anxieties. Takes all sorts to make the world spin round and boy does the world spin sometimes :roll: :roll:
Happy anniversary to Charley and her GF, so they have been cutting puskin claws, pepe has go have them done one paw, or one claw at a time, otherwise he is too precious :roll: :roll:
I seem to have found out what the fuss was about. The mists were very thick on Pendle and our duo had packed so much into one of the jars, that is was about to go pop. :shock: Hence the Nymphs vanished underground, just in case there was a bang. Hermione has diffused said jar and all is well. Pepe and Sleek thought they were being extra helpful :roll:
Yay, veggie haggis, I hope you like it. Neeps and tatties too
Skipton was fine, lots of people about, but easy to park with my badge, close to Nero's, of course. Dental things sorted, return visit for Thursday and next Monday for B.
Lucy is probably doing the right thing about driving. I think you have to be free of siezures for two years or something l like that. Glad the man was ok, goodness, very frightening.
Hi Carol, it is damp and chilly here too now. After a lovely spring day. The Bush babies will bring one of the magical woven sheets, for those ouchy areas.
I love the pictures, certainly lots of weather in the first one. :shock: cfly Then haggis, neeps and tatties, very nice too.
We officially have our own dictionary here, with ouchies, degermification, immaculisation, peeples etc............I am sure there will be more added
We will let the young boy off, for calling you carrotno, you are no vegetable at all.
Some people would be really thrilled that they had been moved into first class and enjoyed it, without taking advantage of everything and then some. Best not say too much, but some folks, just don't have the manners that we were brought up with.
Hope you have better weather today and are recovering from your Scottish adventures. ((())) for the ouchies. t115006 t4591
A pottering afternoon and late evening here. I have been a total Mrs Clutterbuck, knocking everything flying, not just at home, but in the shops as well. B has followed along, picking things up :roll: :roll: I decided to just steam a couple of pairs of trousers with the steam generator iron. I was merrily away, then thought, something smells very hot, I had melted one pair to the iron :roll: :roll: I must have been a little vigorous with the steam and turned the heat up a little high :roll: :roll: they have now gone in the bin.
Cleaning the iron, that will be the next task.
I am best just keeping out of the way of everything.
Out for coffee and cakes with Dad this morning, we have to pop to the PO on route. Not sure if we will go to the GC or the T rooms.........decisions eh.
Right, onward, time to potter, watch some of the games from Australia. We are doing well with gold medals.
Love and sparkles to all, in out and round about. Everyone take lots of care.
t4591 t115006 t115006 XX Aidan
Italian Breakfast Scones with sun dried toms and fresh basilXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni and anyone else I missed
Kathleen lovely photo yes it's getting warmer good.
Aidan I was told by the Doctor yesterday I have to take 8 sol'adol a day because of the pain. Have a good day and your Dad.
Barbara yes lexis enjoys going for a walk. Its a pity your road is like it is.
Carol have a good day its getting warmer.
Toni Lucy is being sensible. I wish Charley and her g friend a nice time out.
take care all
Joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Morning all..just had my first eye GP ordered me to go..with all these dizzy spells and such.. :roll: anyhow no glasses yet I have to go to the eye hospital..there is fluid behind both eyes..and the pressure is not good.. :shock: we have never had any eyes problems in the this will be 2 appointments he said.. :roll:
Dil goes in at 1oclock..I do hope they do something today she is in agony
Joan I hope the extra meds will help your pain please take the stomach protectors , we dont want you having a poorly tummyyes our rd is to fast to cross safely..I fear for the children that live on it :shock:
Kath the pics that Pollyanna did are so lovely, bless what a shame she has died..but her legacy lives on..
Toni congratulation to Charley and her GF..3 years..its 2 and half for our eldest GD..Lucy is being sensible but how hard at such a young she back at work now ...right we will all come over tonight I have a picnic ready..and we can gaze at the church..
Aiden I will keep you updated on of there excuse it was the weekend.. :shock: I am sure they have consultants on call...
Its been a long time since we went to Skipton it is lovely..and you had the good weather unlike here must mean so much to dad to have you and B near help with things..especially getting out and about..
I did read that most COPD is caused by chemicals in cleaning products..very scary ..I know the bath cleaners takes my breath away..oh know you burnt the trousers..weer they yours or Bs..thats my party I will help myself to a breakfast scone..thankyou
Carol the pics are good but the weather..glad it didnt keep you both in have got me fancying haggis now..not had any for a while..
What a change in the weather today..cold and wet :roll:
Right will leave you for to everyone xxxxxx t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Not sure what you will think of today's picture, hope it doesn't make you sick Aidan. Faggis (**** and haggis). Made and sold at the Rutland Hotel. Also vegan haggis stuffed onion.
Yes Pollyanna was a real talent. I heard an interview with her daughter this morning on BBC Radio Derby. She said her mum never painted an animal she hadn't seen in life.
If you watch This Time Next Year, tonight, there's a lady from my Vasculitis group, Jayne Hardman, who gets a new prosthetic nose. She's a marvel. She appeared on This Morning today, and shocked viewers by taking her nose off.What courage she has.
We got drenched this morning. Toddled to the benches and NEEDED a short sit down before going in the Co-op. The birds were singing beautifully. scold scold scold scold
Oh well, is there a cake that Toni hasn't face planted? Or should I enjoy some Faggis and chips instead?"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Sorry again to be late on just back from the 'Friends of....our village' meeting. Hair cut this morning as well as feeding Charley's pusskin morning and night :roll:
Just a very quick hello to you all and I will try to post tomorrow morning.
Lucy is having her shower now so I am keeping an ear out :? Such a worry.
Got the wine cooling and hope to see as many of you as can keep me company later. On the window seat
Love and ((()))
Toni xxx0 -
Hi to all, the day seems to have vanished and turned into nearly midnight :? :? Half of it must be in the shed.
Hi Joan, I hope the meds help with the pain, are they co codamol? I take 8 a day, along with umpteen other pain killers. Let's hope it gives you some relief, hugs to you and to Sue and the lovely doggies t115006 t115006
Oh dear Barbara, two visits to the hospital, higher pressure behind your eyes, goodness. They will do more in depth checks at the hospital to determine why there is an increase in fluid at the back of your eye. Treatments are varied, so it will depend on what they find. Laser treatment was the usual treatment of choice, as in diabetic retinopathy, where the small blood vessels at the back of the eye, leak and can cause problems with vision.
Other forms of treatment are available, from medication to local drainage from the eye, with a super fine needle, (they numb your eyes for that, so is painless).
Anyway, hark at me waffling on. Whenever the appointments are, we will be there with you en mass. ((()))
I do hope your DIL has had the necessary treatment to re align her shoulder and fracture, poor thing being in such pain. Being a week end is no excuse, people do not fall, or become ill, monday to friday only. :roll: :roll: Yes, there are always Consultants on call, there are always Consultants in A and E and each unit ie medical and surgical, will have their own Consultants 24 7.
Thank you, Dad is very grateful for us being so near and helping him with so many things.
They were my trousers that I melted with the iron :roll: :roll: fortunately the iron has a ceramic base, so the melted trooser came off really easily. I have ordered two more pairs, £10 each, bargain.
I can quite believe that all the chemicals and cleaning agents we use every day, have lasting effects on our breathing, obviously affecting some more than others. I have had COPD for about 6 years now.
It has been a lot cooler, chilly in fact when we were at the GC, I was nithered. The forecast is for warmer weather, up to 19 degrees next week, we will be melting Barbara.
Now then Kath, the faggis, look, shall I say "interesting" :shock: :? :? I don't think I could be tempted, but, each to their own and they are obviously a delicacy and well received by the clientele at the Rutland Hotel. A vegan haggis stuffed onion, now, I might try that one.
I was reading about the lady who has the prosthetic nose. Jayne is certainly an inspiration and was very courageous to take off her prosthetic nose on the tv.
Oh dear, I hope you soon dried out from your drenching. It rained here, but more like heavy drizzle. The birds are certainly singing their little hearts out at the moment and the woodpeckers are making a right old racket here. They like the telegraph poles as they can make more noiseLesser spotted ones we have here.
I think there was some cake in the fridge, I left a spare one, as I knew Toni would dive into the other.
Hi Toni Don't worry, you are having the same day, running out of hours. Friends of the village, I hope it was a positive meeting.
Hair, cut, very smart it looks too. Also caring for Charley's puskin. I bet that glass of wine tasted very good and was much deserved. Hope Lucy is ok, all bruising and ouches sent packing. t115006 t115006 Of course you worry, I bet you are on pins more often than not. Best be sending some extra sparkles t4591 they never go amiss.
I will toddle along to the window seat, I see Kath is there and Barbara too, best not sit on Kath. We can all gaze at the Church, a lovely view without a doubt. I will put the kettle on first and try not to throw all your pots round the kitchen. :roll: :roll:
It was nice at the GC, the lady who is in charge of the drinks, makes the best coffee, scone was perfect and B likes the Scallywags.
Popped into the vets, for more of Pepe's food. The vet we like so much, who was so caring, with Cookie in her final moments, is leavingThere are the other vets still and a new Italian vet is working there now, they said he is super lovely, so we will claim him as our own. What with my Cardio retiring and then the vet leaving, it's all too much. :? :?
Right, I will move, I need to potter. Hi to Kerrin Carol Elizabeth Christine Mig DD Toady and all
Just a couple of errands today, other than that, an at home day. Ironing to do, which I will try not to burn :roll: Washing is omnipresent.
Pepe and Sleek were out gathering a lot of mist, in safe containers, for the nymphs, they need to get those magical squares woven, I think we are all in need of a few.
Love to all, sparkles and hugs t115006 t115006 t4591 t4591 XX Aidan
buckwheat and pumpkin breakfast pancakesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Right I'll have me one of those pancakes Aidan thanks very much
Charley and Lucy's Grandad (paternal) has had COPD for 18 years now. He's doing more or less ok to be fair. He gave up some in in 2015 I think. All the chemicals in everything!! Too much I think. Just be extra careful and never mix them :shock: :shock:
I'm sure you can imagine me feedng Charley's cat includes a bit of cleaning too
I was cooler yesterday and it's just started to drizzle out there :? not good as we are supposed to be putting up our new Best kept village signs today....
Lucy is fine just fine ATM I am pleased, but then she has been being sensible. Of course I am on pins whenever she showers but baths are VERY scary :shock: She's too old now for me to sit on the loo seat :oops:
Pepe and Sleek were back in early doors today having collected more mist in those reinforced jars Hermione got for them. The nymphs opened their doors and took them in and Pepe was allowed to watch them weaving again. Miss Sleek has been looking at the paperwork Pepe printed of and agrees the link to her and Tommy-kitten is through her Great Grandfather Cat!
Oh no! A change of vet!! Too much change in too short a time
Thanks for coming last night - and for stacking the dishwasher I suspect that way you?
Kath Aidan always leaves two cakes so I can face plant 3 if he is going to join me
Lucy's new alarm clock wakes her up to birds tweetingand a sunrise too.
Drizzling here sadlyI will still try my walk though.
Thanks for coming to join us all on the window seat to gaze at Church.
Oh dear Barbara I wonder what that means Aidan has suggested treatments, but I wonder what they suspect??? When will you go? It not being immediate is reassuring...
I have had my fingers crossed that your DIL was sorted out yesterday bless her.
Thanks for coming to the window seat last night. The scarecrows do look realistic in real life don't they?
Morning JoanI have had solpadol in the past it's a good one. Is that on top of your patches?
Right off to feed Charley's pusskin
Love to everyone
Toni xx0 -
Hello Barbara Kathleen Toni Aidan and anyone else I missed
Barbara I'm sorry that's your nose eyes and bones what else is there to need looking at. yes I am taking tummy protector's.
Kathleen I saw This time next year a very brave lady. I'm sorry you got wet.
Toni Lucy is a strong minded lady who does not sit around and feel sorry for herself she get's on with life good for her.
Aidan I'm sorry you take so many tablets I hope they help a bit.
we would not have met on this forum if it was'nt for Arthritis.
take care all
Joan xx Hello Toni no i'm not on the patches now.take care
joan xx0 -
I'm still cold, but dryer today. You can tell when I'm too cold, I put my slippers on AND my socks. But some of my socks are too thick to put on with slippers. :roll:
Joan, glad to hear you take tummy protectors. Which do you take?I take Lansoprazole, but in the past I took Cimetidine.
Aidan, Those pancakes look rather good, so will have a couple.
Toni. you will have to put a chair outside Lucy's bathroom and tell her to leave the door ajar. :?
Orange and cranberry cake, must spread more butter on it. Sorry it's not a face planter Toni, but I know you will enjoy it with all that butter.
scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all very chilly here.. :shock:
Aiden thankyou for all the info..I have never worn glasses till last year..just readers off the shelf..but they have suddenly deteriorated.. :shock: none of my family suffered form bad eyesight..better news o DIL..they have put the shoulder back and the fracture is fine..says them...and she has a much better sling a blue canvas one.
How nice that the lady makes the best can look far and wide for a good coffee or tea..our little cafe doesn't do good coffee but the tea is trousers for you them 10 pounds is good..the new vet sound nice will make up for the one leaving..hopefully Pepe and Tosca will like him will help myself to a buckwheat pancake..I used to cook with buckwheat when on low carbs..
I say when..
Kath what a shame you got soaks this weather cant make its mind up..Faggis..they look like little brains..but thankyou for the orange and cranberry cake..
Joan what am I likebut we get there some way or another..hope you and Sue are doing ok..dont forget the tummy protectors..
Toni it was lovey on the window seat looking out at the church..if you dont mind we could make this a weekly thingthanks for thinking of Dil have wrote on Aidens thread all is much better..but still a lot of pain..there was me having my eyes tested for the fort time ever..should have gone earlier
..yes Lucy is a bit old for you to sit on the toilet seat ..something I have always done when the kids were little..
I say it again I really do admire Lucy..hope she is still enjoying her job..nice to have an hair cut ..
Barbara0 -
Hi to all, whoosh and that is Wednesday gone........................... :roll: :roll: this will be brief, as it is after 5 already.
Cold start to the day, nipped out with B to do a few errands, I stopped in the car, so I went out in my joggies and slippers
Glad all is improving, albeit slowly, for your DIL Barbara, now that joints are where they should be and fractures are stabilised with the stronger sling, the pain relief will start to actually work for her. I will send some extra hugs and sparkles. t4591 t115006
I will write more later, honest.
Drizzling in your neck of the woods Toni, it has gone all misty here as well, more than enough for the nymphs to spin for, months on end.
It was a pleasure to sit on the window seat and look out at the Church, I miss being in the Rectory sometimes. Sigh, anyway, that's all history which we can look back on and learn from.
Pepe is resting now, having hoofed his T, then promptly
Charleys puskin is in good hands and I am glad that Sleek agrees with all the paperwork from Pepe's family tree search.
Done the ironing, including pressing the new trousers that arrived today, no, I didn't burn holes in them this time :roll: :roll: :shock: I was extra cautious and used a T towel. They are so well made, for £10 a pair, I am super happy.
Hi to Joan and Kath, thank you for the cake, Kath, I will be helping myself to some later. Sounds yummy.
Right, I am off, it is t time and nap time, I need a rest................
love to all, hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Now, let me get back to writing, before we head into Thursday.
I am due another spirometry test for my COPD, the last two times I have been too breathless to do them :? :shock: which is slightly ironic :roll: :roll:
Granddad is doing ok, they always ask about smoking, but, it is not the only vice in the world, there are other things around us that cause such problems.
Oh, mixing cleaning things, I have done that before and nearly choked. I forget what it was, but it won't happen again. Two lots of things for the shower I think. :shock: :shock:
I fully understand the feeding and fussing, of looking after Charley's puskinIt is not simply a dish of food.
I hope the signs did not get too wet, for the best kept village signs. Don't forget Barbara and I will be off to the neighbouring village, with bin bags and general rubbish (all biodegradable of course), to stick in hedges etc
Yes, sitting on the loo seat to monitor bathing, is something that is not applicable any more, I can appreciate the worry though. Baths are more scary, for obvious reasons. t115006
We seem to have an endless supply of mists at the moment, Pendle vanished completely at one point today. It has been very still, no breeze at all. There is an abundance of woven magical mist squares, so everyone can help themselves. (they will travel of their own accord though, if the person cannot get to the cafe).
Pepe was fascinated with the weaving, how they spin the mist so fast, it turns into threads of tightly wrapped sparkles. I wondered where the glitter had come from, once more, in the en suite? Very strange how it appears there :? t115006
I did stack the dishwasher, well, I threw most of them in, hence the huge amount of noise from the kitchen :shock: :shock:Did any come out intact?
I like the sound of Lucy's alarm clock, I wake up to Barry White and his amazing voice, if that doesn't work, then it is Goldfrapp, ooh la la, great tune.
Hi Joan, very true, we would not have met, without sharing the same problems, trials and tribulations, that we all put up with. It is good that we can share time with each other and care about each other.
I am so used to all the pills, nearly 60 a day. They do help, as my cardio said, you would not be here without them. :shock: and that is just the heart drugs. The rest are a wide combination of pain relief.
Keeps us going though. Thank goodness.
I hope the solpadol are helping, I have taken them in the past.
Hi to Sue and the doggies too. I hope it stays fine this week, so you can head off into town on your scooters.
Now, has Kath got her socks on, or slippers and socks or socks and no slippers :shock:It was cool in the morning, I was chilly. Then by the afternoon, when I was stood in front of the tumble dryer, doing the pressing, I was in a complete lather
The cake was perfect, I only had three slices, very nice, with lots of butter. We need our calcium after all.
Hi Barbara, I hope they can soon find out and treat the extra fluid in your eyes. I like to offer info when I can. That's what Matron's do.
I am so glad your DIL has had her shoulder put back into place and the fracture is not out of line. The heavier sling, although uncomfortable, will help keep things in the right place and I hope they have given her some adequate pain relief. Let's hope the healing can go unhindered now. Then it will be physio. I will send over some magic woven squares, they are so tiny, but so helpful t115006 t115006
We are coffee snobs now, I cannot abide wishy washy coffee. It has to be smooth, but strong. Our lady at the GC is an expert, whenever she is off, the coffee is just not the same, I had to have three extra shots in, just to make it tolerable. :shock:
Pepe and Tosca, liking the Vets, mmmm, not quite sure that will happen, no matter how charming. :? Pepe loathes them with a total passion and Mother is super feisty when she has to see them. It takes the term hissy fit, to a whole new level:shock:
I am sure Toni won't mind if we have a meet and greet on the window seat every week. It would have to be earlier in the week and not on choir practice night, or shed night............ :? :?
I have booked a hair cut for the week endGetting to feel like I am wearing a cloched hat again.
Off to Skipton again today, tooth out for B, coffee and nibbles beforehand. We will take Dad with us for a ride out, he enjoys his trips out. Then he has to make another appointment for more bloods, they are obviously concerned about his thyroid levels. Dad thinks they are checking his Rheumy markers, we keep trying to explain........
I think that is enough for one day. I will bid everyone well, Carol, Christine, Kerrin, DD, Mig Toady, Elizabeth and all.
Time for me to potter around with some laundry. What's the betting I drop most of it :roll:
Love and Sparkles to all, take lots of care. XX Aidan t4591 t115006
Scrambled eggs and slow roast tomatoesXX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Morning everyone
Thank you Joan yes Lucy does just get on with it bless her it's so unfair though Grrr!!! As you say though our arthritis brought us all together so not all bad
Barbara what a relief!! I am so pleased I would think in a few days DIL will feel much, much better - don't forget to advise prunes/juice etc if she is on strong painkillers:shock:
I am so glad you did have your eyes tested I must organise Lucy's, but like you tend to forget myself :oops:
The window seat ought to be a weekly event I agree it's so very lovely. Who needs telly with that view?!
Aidan Pom had the signs printed on sort of plasticy stuff....waterproof I think. Not necessarily wind proof though. These ones do not have the date on so we can use them many timesWe added litter and snoopy dog poo ones randomly too
COPD is not nice I hope yo are able to do your spirometry test next time. Charley and Lucy's paternal Gdad goes to a lung physio class which really helps.
So far I have cleaned the bath and handbasin at Charley's and will do the loo today. Done kitchen through too :oops: I just can't help myself. When they get back they can relax.
Sleek has framed Pepe's family history he did for her and put it in her lickle house
More glitter in the en suite? Hmmm....somebody is thinking of you
We have had heavy mists here too for the last 3 days I think. Miss Sleek says Pepe thinks he can do his own weaving so she is looking for a simple loom for him on catazon now :roll: That girls loves shopping!
The dishes were all fine none broken at all thank you you can come again. The smell of bleach in the loo was lovely to wake up to thanks
I hope your ride out is good and Dad enjoys himself too
I am eating the scrambled eggs and noo-noo is on :roll:
Kath There is a chair outside the bathroom (Lucy's only has a shower) as it's where the 'study' bit is. She also leaves the door ajar and often sings which helps. I do not like to nag her, but she understands.
Thanks for the cake needed after 'helping' with the signs - yes I added a large slice of best butter
Carol - I hope all is well with you I suspect time has run away with you too? So long as you are ok that's the main thing.
I hope Kerrin has been resting up over the holidays although she could easily be in today or tomorrow for teacher training :?
Love to all our missing friends!
Toni xxx0 -
Hello Kathleen Barbara Aidan and anyone else I missed
Kathleen yes lansoprazole. I hope you don't get wet today.
Barbara I've had glass's since I was 7 years old. are you short sighted. I'm pleased about your D I L.
Aidan I was talking to a friend about taking more tablets she said then you will be cured sue said it's Arthritis so the friend said oh.
what is life like with no pain I remember when I was young.
I hope you and B and Dad have a good day.
Hello Toni you will be along soon.
sue met a man who asked her defections he asked her what she had wrong she said c palsy he said you've got a brain some haven't have they sue said yes they have and left quick before she said something she should not.
take care all
joan xxtake care
joan xx0 -
Just popping by to say hello im doing ok but very achy with this cold damp weather hope nobody is suffering too much.We went to see Warhorse last week at the theatre is was really emotional, after a while you forget they are puppets.Take care all Mig.0
Murky and mucky here, cold but not wet. Aidan, sock and slippers but I didn't put my slippers on straight away and I was shivering! Feel better now I've got them on, and had Chicken Korma and a cup of coffee. tcold
mig, I've seen those puppets on the news. They are amazingly realistic.
Joan, I've worked with children and young people with CP. They ALL had brains. Didn't the silly man realize that they couldn't survive without a brain. I think he must have been brainless himself. I bet Sue was furious, it makes me so angry when I hear nasty and thoughtless comments like that. Grrrr :x .
Toni, what a beautiful picture. Congratsulations to Charlie and her GF. I can't remember how long Helen has been with her GF, but my sister Anita and Val have been together for years.
Some nice stodgy sticky buns. Don't mind if I do."Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein
0 -
Afternoon all started typing this morning and the net went off not the router but this laptop..not a clue what happened..
I had a call today 2 eye appointments at the same place but different clinics..I am worried now,,one on the 23 rd of this month and one in may..I have only started wearing reading glasses last year...also after the MRI i have to see a heart is pounding here.. :shock: Triage will ring me first... :roll:
Aiden thanks for the eggs and tomatoesI have never smoked..and look at me failing to pieces..
mind you my brother and mum suffered through smoking.maybe if you give up the cleaning products it will help.. :? hope B has got on okay at the dentist and was able to enjoy a coffee..hopefully not getting it all over him
DIL is much more comfortable with the sling and all in place..Pepe and Tosca remind me of our Jack Russel Susie..she hated the vets ..just getting her through the door was bad enough but when the vet appeared that was that
so an haircut is looming you will need it for next week 20 degrees
Toni you are right we dont need TV..I hope you can get the sign up best kept village..Aiden and I apparently are on our way with grabbers and lovely that you have clean Charley house like you say they can relax when they get homeDIL is doing well but thankyou for the heads up on the prune juice ..and such a lovely pic..
Joan how nasty of the man..but it takes all sorts and I always think to myself I would never saying anything like that, they must be miserable people..I have never had any trouble with these eyes until the last 6 months..
Mig its good to hear from you..I love War Horse and cried at the film but would love to see the stage version ..I have seen a clip and the puppeteers are brilliant..sorry the joints are grumbling its so cold out there..
Kath you are right the man must be the chicken Korma warmed you up, saying that I like them a bit more spicier..but not hot..will have a sticky bun with my cuppa
Right will leave you for to everyone xxxx t4591 t4591Love
Barbara0 -
Afternoon to all,
Not long back from Skipton, so will be a short note to say hi to everyone
B had his tooth out, no problems, just has to have two added to plate on Monday........more trips to Skipton.
Hi Toni, I am sure you are keeping Charley's home pristine, I would be just the same, give me a surface and I will be there with a cloth.
Bless, Sleek framing the family lineage, in her ickle house, it must be getting quite full in there, mind you, she has a magic wardrobe for endless storage.
Pepe doing his own weaving...............mmmm, not quite sure how that will go, as long as it is a basic loom, I am sure he will be ok. Boy can that girl shop !! Has she got Catazon Prime
No pots broken, that is a miracle, where they all melamine, I am good with them, I can send them across the room with ease and they just bounce :roll:
Silver leaving so many wonderful sparkles, we will need them, I am sure.
Hi Joan, yes, more tablets, but, no cure, Sue is right. We can be helped as much as is possible, but, the rest is up to us really, to carry on and push through what can be very difficult times, with lots of pain.
I was asked a while back, "what are you using the crutches for" I had to bite my lip and smile as sweetly as I could, whilst offering a polite answer, instead of swearing at them. :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:
I am not surprised Sue had to leave quickly, stupid person saying such an inane thing.
Running out of time now.......................
Hi Mig, hugs for those ouchies, it is going to get warmer after tomorrow, so that will be best.
Thank you for the sticky buns, trish would approve highly XX
Oh Barbara, dont fret hun, we will be with you every step of the way. I know it is easier said than done, but one step at a time and one appointment at a time.
We will make sure we are with you, rest assured. I am sure things will soon be sorted. It is the waiting and not knowing.
I will leave a mountain of hugs and sparkles for you and for all. I will get on with pushing out some positive and healing vibes for us all. A little prayer
Catch you all later, Love XXX Aidan t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Hi everyone
have just realised that my last post was three days ago where did they go I don't know. except for Monday I have been out and about everyday. Tuesday I was most of the day. had my slimming world weigh in in the morning managed to lose 1/2 lb, met Mr T out at the café for a quick snack then went on a bus ride to another shopping area to get some baby knitting wool for a little cardigan for my yet to be born great granddaughter. wouldn't mind but it cost me £4.50 per small ball and I brought 3 to be sure so, that's £13.50 for a first size baby cardigan. was disgusted at the price but I wanted to star it at knitting group on Wednesday so had no choice. I will probably only need 2 balls but that's still £9. she certainly will not get another on with that price wool. the next one will be a cheaper ball probably got online.
My ouchies are not too bad at the moment think the bones ect have recovered from last weeks escapades
have caught up with all the goings on in the cafe but will not try to answer them all as i will probably leave some one ou, the memory is not as good as it used to be.
i will say i have found some woven squares around her so i think i have had visitors with magic woven squares will i have been out.
must go as i seem to have run out of time. think the shed is stealing the hours again.
sending you all sparkles and love t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
also a little appeal for you to visit my charity card website on and maybe place an order if you like any of the cards.yes i'm being cheeky now
but they are gorgeous cards
speak to you all soonStay positive always👍xx0 -
well, I had written a long long post, just about to press submit and the pc went off and restarted, no post, all gone, despite restoring pages. So, I am fuming. Sorry, cannot write it all again.
love and sparkles to everyone. What a start to Friday the 13th :roll: :roll: XX Aidan
Maple Pecan danish for breakfast.XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).0 -
Oh dear two people who's computers let them down in one day! Aidan and Barbara.
Aidan thank you for the pecan slice they are absolutely one of my favouritesEven without clotted cream!!
Glad B got on ok at the dentist I wonder if he got a sticker for being brave
I enjoy cleaning someone else's house clean :? think l need some help?
Of course daisycat is a catazon prime user so she doesn't have to wait :roll: In fact this morning already Pepe's loom is here. It's for under 7's so should be ok? She'll be over with it later she has her mackintosh and sou'wester ready.
I think Silver and his wife popped by to leave the extra sparkles to keep Barbara calm.
I am most upset to hear Barbara that you are worried. I know I would be too, but it could easily be them erring on the side of caution. Whatever it as as Aidan said we will be with you ((())) t69044
Well done for making it to choir last night you even beat me!!
Yes DIL must be ready for the possible (probable) consequences of the painkillers :shock: I hope things are starting to ease for her now.
Carol! I knew time had run away with you :roll: well done for the 1/2lb I am proud of you
Blimey that wool was pricey, but you are obviously keen to get started so fair enough. I hope kit is the softest most lovely wool you have ever knitted with at that price!! Yes I agree get the rest online.
I must find time to get back on your site for some cards thanks for the link.
Use the woven squares they are for you if they've been left at yours
Joan! How very dare some stupid man say that?! I worked for Scope (then called the Spastic's Society) for years with those who had no speech and wheelchair users full-time all 4 limbs affected and THEY all had brains. Some communicated with letter boards and some computers, but every one of them was as intelligent as that man - even more so. I bet Sue's tongue is sore from biting it so as to not be rude!!
Kath socks and slippers! It is wet again here today proper wetWill we get our walks I wonder?
I enjoyed my sticky bun thank you
Chicken korma lovely! I have Mushroom or paneer korma sometimes
Good to hear so many couples happily together. I know Charley wants to ask her gf to marry her! t4591
Mig ((())) I hope youa re not too achy too. This weather is grotty
I couldn't see war horse I would cry.
Love to anyone I missed and our missing friends too
Toni xxx0 -
its me again I'm so sorry its a quick one I have to go to the dentist at 9 15 the dentist is okay but I have to go in a lift and I hate it
you will all hear me shouting if it gets stuck
lots of love to everyone
Suetake care
joan xx0
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