Val's Cafe



  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..
    Aiden I'm so glad that Bs tooth is out and all is well..much better to be rid of had a long day in Skipton must have been tired..thankyou for all the sparkles hugs and prayers they really do help to keep me it was worth coming in early for the pecan danish..thankyou..
    Toni how lovely that Charley want to ask her GF to marry her..hope she says yes, I can then buy a new hat.. :D they are home to a sparkling house..I did beat you to the choir didn't want to be late again..thankyou for sending Silver round he was so calm it did rub off on me.. :D
    Carol glad to here you are recovering well form all that walking..gosh I never realized how expensive wool was..but nice to know it is hand made by nanna
    Its Sue day..good luck at the dentist ..hope all is I am the same with lifts they terrify me..not to bad is someone is with me..shout loud and we will come running..but hope it doesn't happen :shock:
    Right we are off out then picking up Niamh ..they are back at school next week..
    Love to everyone xxxx t4591 t69044 t4591
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.

    Been a bit of a lazy week for me. Meeting friends, haircut, a bit a shopping, physio session, watching commonwealth games and that is about it!

    My body is not liking the sulfasalazine much with indigestion and headaches, hopefully it eases is time. Neck/shoulder is bothering me too and not sure if that’s contributing towards the headaches. Physio hasn’t helped at all! Sigh.

    Hope everyone is keeping well. Off to catch up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Joan, hope you manage the lift today. Imagine you are floating up on some of Silver's gossamer with extra sparkles. t115006 t4591 t115006

    Toni, how romantic. I know you will let us know of any forthcoming plans. Yes, its still raining here too. Only socks today, but I have a third cardigan on as the door will be open a while when Mr Tesco comes and my hip is 'orrible!!! scold scold scold

    Carol, I've had a peek at the website (beautiful) Must make it a favourite.

    Aidan, sorry you lost your post but glad you enjoyed your sticky bun. I'm saving my Maple pecan for T. Do you like chicken? Spicy Chicken Wings today. t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I know, two of us with computers that have the glitches, I wonder if they can be helped with the woven squares, for the ouchies, glitches and ouchies must be similar :lol:

    I cannot even begin to recount what I had written, it was one of me epics, maybe the computer was fed up with me writing, then taking a potter, then writing, ......................and so on.

    I know you like cleaning and helping out at Charley's, it will be lovely for them to come home and relax. I have a duster out, threatening to waft about, but I sat here instead :lol::lol: :?

    I thought Sleek would have catazon prime, knowing how she does not like waiting. That age group will be fine, we will see how Pepe gets on with spinning and working woven mists on the loom. :? :?

    Silver has certainly been on the move, leaving lots of sparkles and magical calmness for our Barbara and the rest of us, who worry so much.

    The Sparkling Unicorns are lovely and well worth visiting, thank you for sharing them. Silver is a star.

    I remember Carol had lost a couple of days, (they are in the shed Carol, in the cupboard).
    Expensive wool, goodness, prices have risen since I last did some knitting, that would be back in about 1986 ish. :shock: Loved knitting when I was on nights.

    Well done on loosing the weight again, I knew you could do it, even with enjoyable times away and lovely food.

    Help yourself to the woven squares, they appear from nowhere and sometimes we don't even see them.

    I am typing like a demon, in case the pc shuts down again, it isn't an old one, it is supposed to be all singing etc. Huh.

    Joan, people's ignorance known no bounds, they just show themselves up to being so ill informed, stupid, in other words. I bet Sue did have to make a quick exit, I would have had words for sure.

    Hope you got on ok at the dentist, you will be fine in the lift, I don't like them either. I was stuck in one, in the Range, I was getting in a right lather.

    You are very welcome to all the hugs, sparkles, prayers and calming vibes, that is what we are all here for, to look after one another. Eating a pecan danish, whilst soaking up all the good thoughts, was well worth popping in early for :) I know Toni likes them too. Me three.

    Oh, hats, we need new hats, for the wedding, let's hope that Charley's GF says yes, without a doubt. I will get some new shoes as well. t4591 t115006

    Niamh will keep you busy this evening. Back to school next week, they do stagger the holidays, some of ours went back this week, some next week.......Glad Dil is feeling better, each day she will feel stronger. I remember it can be slow going at time.

    Hi Kerrin, nothing wrong with having a lazy week, we have been watching a lot of the games too, love the diving, swimming, even bowls has been exciting. Tennis starts on Monday, from Monte Carlo, so happy days.

    Sulfa is notorious for causing indigestion / upset tummies, lansoprazole is the drug of choice, but sometimes, double action gaviscon is needed as well.
    Every sympathy with neck and shoulder problems, yes, they do contribute to headaches, for sure. Not an easy solution to it really.

    Phsyio didn't do anything for me either, will send some extra sparkles over t115006 t115006

    Now then, Kath has half her wardrobe on, as the Tesco man is coming and letting in the cold air :shock: :lol: hugs for the ouchy hip XX
    Spicy chicken wings, well, seeing as you have prepared them, I will take some to munch on. I am uber picky about chicken and is it cooked properly, but, you are high on my trusted list :)

    Right, I am going to post, before I loose it again. Love to everyone else, in out and about. Will catch up later. Everyone take care, love and sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Caramel cream pie, ready for you, one for me and one each for everyone else too.

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all

    Hope you have all had a reasonable day. Mine has been good even if I did forget to take my anti inflam :roll: :roll: this morning and then only realised it when I was out for Dinner with Mr T and then I went on to meet my friend for a our coffee and knitting session so by the time I got home about 5pm my back and knee were screaming at me, but have taken it now and also some co-dydramol so pain is not so bad now.

    Toni I could not believe the price of the wool to be honest but wanted to get started on knitting for the new baby so that I would have it finished maybe another done to send to granddaughter before August when baby is due so that she has them as soon as she is born then she will get more wear out of them. trouble is babies grow so quickly. Must admit thou it is really one of the softest wools to knit with.
    If you order any of the cards I am sure you will be very pleased with them as Aidan and Barbara were.
    I too was pleased with the 1/2lb loss as I really wasn't really on the plan at all. we will see if it catches up on me my next weigh in on Tuesday.
    the woven squares have been used already.

    Joan I don't blame Sue for being angry with that idiot person how dare he say such a thing . some of us may have our problems but that doesn't mean we don't have a brain.

    Hi Sue nice to see you again hope the dentist went well.

    Barbara the wool is very soft and to be honest I probably would have paid less on line but yes for a small 50gram ball it was pricey. Will most certainly not be buying that brand in that particular shop anymore that's for sure. I love knitting for them as my GD loves hand knit things and I know the little ones will wear them so the efforts are worth it.

    Kath yes do look at the website they are truly beautiful and good quality cards and are good value as Aiden and Barbara will testify. if you did order any I am sure you would be pleased with them.

    Aidan Oh dear missing posts again maybe we should try the woven squares and sparkles for the computer glitches we can only try :lol: have visited the shed and claimed a couple of days and they were magically being topped up. after all we need so many as so many days seem to go missing.
    the wool is cheaper online but to be honest but having gone there specially I was not going to come home without the wool I wanted and I was impatient to get started.
    its pure magic how the woven squares appear from nowhere.
    sorry that Caramel cream Pie was so delicious that it disappeared very quickly when I got at it.

    Well it is time for a potter now and it is time for a cup of tea. so off I go

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, I feel that it is getting warmer, the weather is a changing, I can feel it in my water (as the saying goes) :shock:

    We had a lovely visit to the T room in the morning, with Dad. B popped into the surgery and sorted out the blood tests that Dad needs, there had been some considerable confusion as to where, when, why etc. The last thing that Dad needs. :roll: Anyway, all sorted now.

    B had his toasted T cake and pinched half of my cream, to go with my scone. The coffee was perfect, we know the lady in there well, she can make it just right too. The first one didn't touch the sides, so it was rude, not to have another :D:D

    Vets, more food bought, shopping, more supplies bought, it's always spend, money always says one thing, "goodbye" :? :?

    A fairly relaxing afternoon, some washing and drying, pottering, with microfiber cloth in hand. Made sure all the "essentials" were spotless.

    Siesta was welcome, give the joints a rest.
    Supper was late, but never mind. Now we will have the games on in the background.

    Pepe has tried out the loom, I did hear it being batted across the room, so I am not sure he is au fait with it at the moment :shock: :? He was spinning mist and ended up tied in knots. I think the Nymphs will have to teach him.
    Of course he told Miss Sleek that he is weaving away merrily. :roll: :lol:

    I agree Carol, we need to have patches to keep our computers running smoothly, maybe some sparkles too.
    Glad to hear you found the spare days in the shed, I think we all need a month or so, just to catch up and re charge.

    I have done the same, forgotten to take pills out with me and boy do you notice half way through the day. Glad you are feeling less ouchy now.

    I can imagine it is the softest of wool. We will need a picture without a doubt, it will be SO cute we will all want one. Some of the little toddler and baby clothes are just too cute for words. NO, I am not getting broody :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

    I can certainly vouch for the cards Carol, I have them safely in the drawer, with Birthdays coming up, they are all ready, nice to have a stash of various cards, just in case.

    Don't worry, there are more pies in the fridge, Toni has not been in to face plant hers yet. They taste mighty good don't they and no calories. Perfect.

    I hope you enjoyed your lunch with Mr T and then coffee with your friend. How is she doing? still early days I know, but your support will be of great help to her.

    I won't dwell, just in case the pc goes squiffy again. Hi to Toni, Christine, Barbara, Mig, toady Elizabeth Charrisse DD and all.

    Love and sparkles to everyone. Take lots of care XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006


    Blueberry and Lemon breakfast scones

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Breakfast scones first then that pie..........SPLAT face duly planted :) Thanks Aidan :D

    Charley's house is looking lovely. Just ordered some new bags and filters for her Henry. Can get bags today filters via Amazon.

    Talking of which Sleek is looking forward to seeing Pepe's efforts with his loom :shock: Will the nymphs help him in time? :? :shock:

    Glad B sorted out Dad's blood tests he doesn't need extra confusion does he?

    Coffee sounded lovely nd of course it would be rude not to have two (decaf?). Cheeky B pinching your cream :lol:

    Have you heard of the 'perfect cloth'??? I think you would like one...they are from America and you cannot get them here, but my friend (who also likes cleaning) can get them via her friend in America. If you want one I do have a spare (few!!) PM me.

    Joan I hope all went well for you at the dentsits and the lift behaved ((()))

    Kerrin the sulfa does take some getting used to but it will ease good idea to start in the school hols. ((()))

    Carol the wool sounds lovely for a new baby :) I am glad it is the softest at that price. Loosing the 1/2lb is an added bonus then :)

    Today I am hoping to have time to look at the cards definitely tomorrow. Village clear up today.

    I have had a rotten night with shooting pains in my ankle. Yes ankle :? No idea why think maybe it's really my back, but not sure all I can say is like you I have taken everything available (at the correct does of course) and had to get up at 6 in the end.

    Kath only socks but 3 cardies!!! Hope Tesco man is nice and quick so not too much heat escapes.

    t115006 for your hip.

    Barbara I hope Charley braves asking her gf she is a good un! You can get a new hat for sure, but sadly I do not think our Church does same-sex weddings. Must find out....

    I will see whether Silver is available again now to keep you staying calm.


    I think this is Mrs Silver bringing pink sparkles :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Barbara Carol Aidan Toni Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I hope you have a good weekend.
    Barbara yes sue was alright at the dentist and the lift. Thank you.
    Carol you do know it when you miss a tablet.
    Aidan a friend who has arthritis in her hip is thinking of trying cannabis she said you can get it from Holland and Barrett not me no
    have a good weekend all of you.
    Toni How is Lucy have a good weekend all of you.
    Kerrin. I'm sorry the self is not working yet I hope you will notice
    a difference soon.
    take care
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..nice and mild..but no sun yet..
    Kath I had the spicy chicken wings for you have layers and layers on..some days I cant get warm other I am leaking..think that will be next week..22 degrees they say :o
    Karrin what a shame there is such side effect with these meds..I do hope that tummy settles down and more to the point it helps those joints..sending some gentle hugs for you (())
    Joan think I will be off to Holland and might be the oil I have heard of that ..dont think my brain would cope with cannabis.. :lol: glad to hear Sue was ok at the dentist..and the lift didnt let her down ..I hate the things :x
    Toni that ankle may well be form your back..I have had pain in my shin but not quite to the much cleaning I think..and today is getting ready for the best be would be lovely if Charley and GF could get married in your church...dont think it will be far away that all churches do same sex marriages :)
    Aiden poor dad the hospitals dont help by changing thing things.. :roll: I see you have another lady making your coffee in Skipton.. :lol: anymore around..and B got some cream hope he is ok today after the extraction..yes Niamh is back at school Monday..she cant wait..we did make a cake yesterday a proper face splat one..OH helped.. :) must say I am loving the commonwealth games..we have done so well in them..not keen on the cream pie and scones thankyou..but the cream pie looked like Toni had already been there.. :shock:
    Carol I love baby wool the feel always takes me back.. :D oh gosh you forgot your meds..I do this often especially if we go away for a few days..but glad you enjoyed the day.. :)
    Had a confirmation this morning that Neuro will ring me first..I am all of a flutter because its an hospital I have never been to.. :? never mind it will come together..
    will leave you for to everyone t4591 t69044 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Thank you Aidan, nice to know I'm one of your trusted ones. I know what you mean about chicken. Don't want to upset anyone's tum. And those Blueberry and lemon scones look irresistible. :D

    We caught the bus to LE and sat under the gazebo. Hooray, the sun is out. m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 We had haircuts too. We were so tired when we got back, I actually felt sick. So had a nap and felt well enough to sort my meds out, so my pill sorter has been refilled. I have 3 weekly ones with large compartments, but with 7 tablets every morning, they need to be. I put my afternoon ones in an individual container.

    Face plant for Toni, and another for Aidan. There's a third for every one to share.

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone.

    Was hoping to enjoy some sunshine today but have had a rotten headache most of the day so have been lying low. Pretty sure it’s the sulpha causing it as it’s been worse than usual for the last week. Sigh not sure if I can continue with work next week and this headache.

    Wool is expensive. My gran used to knit a lot and my mum knits a bit. hurts my fingers too much now but I do enjoy cross stitching.

    Have heard lots of people who have had improvements with cannabis oil.

    Scones look yummy. Might go help myself to some.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all, a very warm spring day here............I think we will be needing some new emojis, I know Barbara and I will be wilting as soon as the mercury hits 20 :roll: :roll:

    I see you found the pie Toni, it was irresistible for sure. I will get the vax :lol::lol:

    The breakfast scones were yummy too, with French butter of course.

    I am sure Charley's house is pristine, knowing how we like to immaculise everything :) New vacuum bags, yes, very important and filters too. I am forever washing and swapping over the filters in our bosch cordless, it is amazing, better than a plug in one. I can use it for about two small rooms, then I am puffing a bit.


    Pepe's loom work, is in "development", as you can see. :shock: He will be out with Sleek later, down to the ravine, he has admitted he needs a couple of lessons and it is warm enough for the Nymphs to come outside.

    Coffee was lovely, no, not decaf, the full thing, with an extra shot as well. :shock: :? no wonder I am leaking by the time we come out :lol::lol:

    No, I haven't heard of the perfect cloth, but yes, I would love one, if you have spares.............:) Perfect cloth for perfect immaculising, what could be better.

    Sorry you had a bad night, with your ankle. Referred pain, can come from a long way off, we are strange beings, like gall stones, give shoulder tip pain etc. Up at 6, what time IS that ? Hope it is easier now. t115006

    Mrs Silver, indeed it is, wonderful to have extra sparkles, we all need them, like spoons :) Is it best kept village preparations this week end? Steady away. We are on hand, with the bags of rubbish for the next village. :lol::lol:

    Hi Joan, glad Sue was ok at the dentist and in the lift as well. Good news.

    Cannabis oil, yes, you can buy that, well, you can buy the other version too, but not in the shops :? :? Some people who have MS do use cannabis and swear by it, for helping with their pain.

    Hope you are enjoying the better weather, summer seems to happen all at once. One day chilly, next day hot.

    We do have our favourite coffee Baristas Barbara, that's for sure, it is an art, to making the perfect cup. This is in the T room in Clitheroe, although we do like the coffee at Nero's in Skipton. There are at least another dozen or so coffee shops in Skipton for us to try. Not all on one day though :shock: :shock:

    So you made a face splat cake, glad Niamh enjoyed helping you and Mr B. Is it chips tonight ? :D:D

    You need to head off into the fridge, for the unblemished pie, Toni and I have already made enough mess to need a pressure washer. :lol::lol:

    The games have been really good, that plus the golf from Augusta, then tennis starting on's all go. Exhausting it is.

    We have won so many medals in these games, a true credit to all the athletes and their dedication to their sports.

    Now, don't you be worrying, Neuro will confirm appointment, you let us know when it is and we will be there, all of us, gathered under the cloak of many rooms. You will be surrounded with as much positivity as we can muster. t4591 t115006

    Of course you are on my trusted list, all my friends on here are highly esteemed in manners of cooking and housekeeping :)

    Glad you liked the scones, you can never have enough scones in life.

    So, you were a little bushed by the time you arrived home. I know how that feels, so tired that you feel green round the gills. t4591 t115006
    Hair cut, very nice, B has cut mine today as well, so we are very smart :)

    All your pills are sorted for the week, very good. I keep the daily collection in a huge tupperware box, on top of the hob. The spares are in the drug cupboard, which is full to bursting. :roll: :roll:

    Right, let me get a pinny on, before I face plant the lovely coffee and walnut cake. Wise, to have three in the cafe. I am sure Toni will find hers, we have cake detectors built in you know. :lol::lol:

    Hope the ouchies stay away

    Hi Kerrin, oh dear, that's not good, to have to lie low with a bad headache. It is one of the main side effects of Sulfasalazine I am afraid. Taking more pills for pain relief is the main aid to help relieve them. If it is too bad, don't go to work, pop in and see the Dr. Not all side effects are continual. Extra hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006

    Help yourself to scones, they are soul food and feel good food. I will get the Bush babies to pop over with some magical woven squares.

    Well, I had better move myself, washing done, ironing done, bathrooms immaculised, will go and fuss with some washing up, try not to break anything.

    Everyone take lots of care. We seem to be in difficult times with our warships and allies, trying to stop the dreadful chemical attacks in Syria. Worrying.

    Will call back later. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all
    Wow we have had sun m0150 m0150 today and it has been quite warm, but we are forecast for showers tomorrow so we shall see if mr sun has his hat on tomorrow. It is our eldest daughters Birthday today. When i think of thier ages as to birthdays appear it makes me feel really old.

    Aidan the scones were delicious almost too good to eat who am I trying to kid ?? :lol: I will post a picture of the cardi when finished it is knitting up very nicely and it is a very pretty pattern too and quite a simple one and I would expect it to be very very soft at that price. yes think we should take a few woven squares from the shed for these ailing computers I have often forgotten the morning anti inflam many times, but usually I have the rest of the days tablets in my handbag when I go out and I would have taken it when I was haveing meal with Mr T but forgot to put them in my bag so yes i did suffer a bit.
    yes its great to always have cards put by ready for when they are needed glad that you liked them. meal with mr t was good and my friend is doing ok thank you and your right it is early days yet i think in a way she is glad a that she now doesn't have all the worry with her husband being ill a lot of the time. its good that you enjoyed the visit to the t-room

    Toni First of all thank you very much for your card order flamingo should send them to you in a few days. I have received my copy of your order by e-mail earlier today, please let me know when you receive the cards as I like to know they have arrived. I will also send you a catalogue as well if you like. yes the wool is knitting up very nicely and I would certainly expect it to be soft at that price. ye I was surprised I lost the 1/2 lb to be honest. I am often up around 6 once I am wide awake I cannot lie in bed it is too uncomfortable. I hope your ankles feel a little less ouchy soon and that you have a better nights sleep tonight.

    joan it is surprising how missing just one tablet makes so much difference isn't it.

    Barbara yes I love knitting with soft wool this one is really soft as you would expect at £4.50 for a 50gram ball. And very pretty. I have also forgot my tablets on many occasions although not often when I go away getting them ready is always the first thing I do when getting ready. yes day was good thank you. Don't worry we will all be under the cloak for the visit to the Neuro.

    Kath the cake was delicious for sure had to have a piece or two.

    Right it's time for a little potter before I set chair shaped
    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 and hopefully some of these for tomorrow m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, cooler now, after a very pleasant day. This temperature is just fine, Spring and Autumn, lovely.

    Hi Carol We have indeed had some sunshine, with more on the way this week, after a brief shower or two today.

    Happy Birthday to your eldest Daughter. Don't you be feeling old now, ages are numbers, not a true reflection of the person :)

    I look forward to seeing the new cardigan. I can imagine how soft and lovely it will be.

    I try to remember the night before, if we are going out for lunches, to pack up my pill bottle, if I forget, then the time is not as enjoyable, all I want to do after a couple of hours is get home and take my meds.

    All the cardiac drugs are in the morning and late afternoon, so I don't forget them. I tell our neighbour off for not taking hers first thing. She has heart disease as well and Matron often says, have you taken your pills............ :roll:

    I am glad your friend is doing ok, there is often a sense of relief for the person who has been so poorly, that they are no longer suffering. I don't mean that in a carefree manner.

    We did and do enjoy going to the T room. I think we will be going to the GC this morning, I said I would buy coffee and cakes to OH and Dad likes it there too. It will be busy, it always is at the week end, even more so if the weather is fine.

    Watching some of the games, in the background, must be finishing tonight / or in the morning as it is on the Gold Coast.

    I hope you have a better nights rest Toni, with no ankle pains. I will send some possums over, Sleek won't spot them, as they have tiny cloaks of invisibility.
    I did sneak in and sit on the window seat, Kath was there, so we had a natter and a look at the Church. I tried to be quiet, but I am not known for silent maneuvering :? :roll:

    Well, time is a marching. Best be moving again, a little more pottering, maybe a square or two of chocolate :? sssshhh.

    I will check that all of our lovelies are doing well, the super vets are on their rounds today. The manatee's are super happy in their pools.

    Everyone take lots of care, love and sparkles to all........XXX Aidan

    t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006

    French toast fingers with Greek Yoghurt and Blueberries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmmm...nice breakfast Aidan :) Lovely thanks :D

    GC for you today is it? I hope you enjoy it Dad too :) Full-fat coffee again? How many cups before you are wired??!! 2 for me!

    We are off to Coventry Hospital to visit Paul's mum who is in again. Gallstones this time - not sure how much they can do to help she is 83 and is in dialysis. :?

    Miss Diddicat AKA Sleek hasn't spotted the possums and thanks to them I slept far better.

    Supervet has ordered a vat-load of vitamins for all our lovelies - he's on some sort of health kick :roll: Be warned it will be us next :shock:

    Oh dear Pepe's loom work does still need perfecting :shock: Sleek couldn't find him yesterday afternoon.......I suspect he was visiting the nymphs for a lesson :wink:

    Odd you mention gallstones and referred pain as Paul's mUm is in with hers! Psychic!

    I suspect the ankle pain was the back it being shooting and when it's my ankles it tends not to be shooting and often both at the same time.

    Carol Happy Birthday to your eldest! t69044 We had sunshine too what a lovely day it was.

    Thank you I would love a catalogue please. The cards were l lovely and I will have a good supply for the rest of this year now. :D

    I'm not surprised you lost that 1/2lb when you managed to loose that HUGE amount before. Good habits now that's what it is.

    What colour wool did you buy? I am thinking maybe it is white?

    Shame you forgot your meds not at all nice suffering :( and thank you I did have a far better night. I will be remembering my anti inflams for a few days now I'm sure :wink:

    Barbara how are you today? Recovered form your cake-making? No way would I splat in Niamh's cake she would want to show her Mummy and Daddy.

    How is DIL's pain now?

    School on Monday I bet they all can't wait :lol:

    Never fear all will be well - the new hospital will be lovely and OH will get you there safely ((()))


    there's magic on the tip of Silver's horn to keep you nice and calm :)

    I think the pain is from my back sometimes get shooting pains in the underside of the same foot :roll:

    Kerrin you poor girl!! I do hope the headache eases soon. Are you taking something for it? Does it go off in the day or get worse? Only saying as if it gets better perhaps you can take the sulfa so you sleep through most of it?

    oh Kath! So tired you felt queasy?!! I hope you are ok now? Hair looks lovely much fresher. You will need the sun to stay out! m0150

    Thanks for the face plant cake - duly planted in SPLAT!!!! YUM!

    Joan thank you the weekend has been lovely so far. Glad Sue was ok at the dentist :)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Carol Toni Aidan Kerrin. anyone else I missed
    Barbara Happy birthday to your daughter. have a good day.
    Kathleen it's nice to see the sun I pressed the sun and a number came.
    carol the first mug of coffee is the best.
    Toni ((((((((Paul's mum)))))))). have a good journey.
    Aidan the weeks go pass so quick have a good day.
    Kerrin. I hope today is better for you.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    My husband is giving Hemp Oil Capsules a try. Plus Hemp oil gel. Nothing seems to give him any pain relief. :(

    Glad you like the hairdo, it's my usual number 2 cut. So easy to manage. :D

    I agree Aida, a few new emojis would be nice. Some more sunshine ones, and animal ones. Oh flipping 'eck. I just called you Aida again. :lol:

    Thanks for the warning Toni. I think Pepe's first attempt at the loom was pretty good.

    I know some of you enjoy salted caramel, so I ordered some salted caramel and coffee eclairs. Enjoy. m0150 :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all, a little cooler and today and a few showers, always after the window cleaner has been :roll: :roll:

    You are very welcome Toni, it looked a tasty treat for our breakfast.

    The GC was quite busy, as expected. The girl who was manning the drinks area, must have upped her game, as my extra strong americano was just lovely, so was the second. Wired, well, if I have three, all with extra shots, I am at the palpitations stage and leaking like a sieve :shock: so I try and stick to 2. Full caffeine of course. Scone was lovely, with jam and cream, of course.

    I hope Pauls Mum is ok, I did mention gallstones yesterday too. Difficult at that age and already on dialysis, they could try a lithotripter and try and break them up. Depends where they are lying, but they will know more after an ultrasound etc. Magical woven squares, are already there.
    It is a long time since I went to Coventry, I loved going to the Cathedrals.

    Psychic, yes, but I don't like to say a lot really. Many predictions that I have seen in advance, have happened within a few days. I just keep quiet now.

    Glad the Possums did their little magic massage on the ankles and you slept better.

    I will keep an eye out for the vitamin cupboard being stocked up, if the Vets are on a health kick. Don't tell them I have scones with cream........ :? :? :roll:

    Pepe was underground yesterday, trying his paws on the loom. He is getting there, albeit rather slowly. He is a bit impatient when it comes to the spinning of the mists, one has to be very careful.

    They met up this morning while we were out and had a fly round, no mist gathering today, just broom exercises and high speed flying :shock: :shock: blew away the cobwebs.

    Hi Joan, the week end has not been too bad and I hope you have enjoyed good weather.
    Time and tide, wait for no man and the weeks go by with a lot more pace, the older we get, I am convinced of it :roll: Carol and I are always in the shed, rooting out spare hours.

    I can send you the Hemp drink, it is still in the fridge here. I should really look at the date on it, before it blows up :shock: Not being able to get away from pain, is a real trial. Leaving extra hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006 and some magical squares will appear from nowhere.

    My hair is on number 2 as well, I cannot bear it getting much past number three, drives me mad.

    Don't worry, you can call me Aida, I don't mind at all :lol::lol: I have been called a lot worse.

    The eclairs look delicious, I am sure I can manage one - two, no, two, just to make sure they are nice. :D

    Hope that any ouchies are minimal. That goes for all our friends here, Kerrin, Christine, Elizabeth,Carol, DD, Mig, Toady, Barbara and all.

    I will potter a little, then it will be siesta time. Should we have a pie as well Kath, just in case Toni needs to face plant. :lol:

    Love and Sparkles to all t4591 t115006 XX Aidan

    Peanut butter cream pie

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..nearly evening.. :shock:
    very dark but mild here ..
    Toni I love Silver and the magic he brings..such lovely calming pics..thankyou..I do hope that Pauls mum is not in to much pain , my late mum had her gallbladder out..these days they blast the stones..and you win the bast kept village I am sure it deserves it..yeah think Niamh would have given you a glare if you face spatted her cake..she took half home with her not sure wer the other half went.. :? :lol: DIL is in quite a bit of pain but they said give it 6 weeks..
    Kerrin I am sorry you have a rotten headache with the sulpha..I hope you can get a few days off next week..nothing worse than working like that..xx
    Carol.Happy belated Birthday to your daughter..its scary were the time goes..I dont have great GC yet..but our eldest GD is 21 this year..thank for coming under the cloak I will let you know ..but think it the eyes first..
    Joan so you bought the sunshine yesterday thankyou..hope you and Sue enjoyed it..think its back next week m0150
    Kath has had an haircut,,but poor OH is suffering I hope the hemp helps him..and you got some rest after feeling sickly tired..not nice
    Aiden has been to the GC..hope you got a haven't failed yet :lol:just had a read back and you did get a seat.. :lol: and the T rooms yesterday.. :D has Bs tooth settled or lack of it..I dont like the few days after having a tooth out..think I had better go and look at out sanctuary..and have a few cuddles.. :)
    Now what have we got to eat..eclairs off Kath..peanut pie and blueberry toast from yesterday..plenty to keep me going.. :D
    Love to everyone t4591 t115006 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, after quite a rainy evening. It was pouring down when we had our siesta's. April showers I guess scold

    Hi Barbara It was quite sunny this morning, at the GC, all the tables were out, ready for the customers to sit out. Not for me, indoors, I don't share my delicacies with bugs and flies :shock: Dad was off like a shot, to make sure we had one of our fav tables :lol::lol:

    So Niamh's cake, well, half of it, went missing? How odd, you must have the borrowers in :lol::lol:

    Extra hugs and sparkles for your DIL, I know how much pain my mum was in, when she fractured her shoulder. (she was in Skipton, tripped and fell into the road - Angels were watching that day, how she was not hit by traffic..........) t115006 t115006

    B's extraction was fine, we are off to Skipton twice today, early doors, to the dental lab, for two to be added to the plate, have to leave it, then go back again at t time to collect / fit.

    All our lovelies are on extra vitamins and minerals, to boost them, for the spring and summer. Enjoy the cuddles, I am sure Blush and his mate, will come out of the bamboo to see you. Don't look in the sp-der house though :shock: :shock:

    I think there was plenty of eats, cakes, eclairs, pies, french toast, the whole works.

    Keep us updated as to appointments, so that we can gather and come with you, every step of the way.

    I hope Paul's Mum is feeling not too bad Toni. Gallstones can be ouchy without a doubt. I expect you have had a busy day, visiting and doing everything else as well. Best be sending some magical squares.
    Sleek was on the crystal ball, to her beloved. Pepe was showing her some lovely woven tartan, whether he is going to lay claim that he has made it on his new loom, I am not sure :roll: :roll: I have a notion that she has seen the tangle of yarn, that is all over the bedroom :lol::lol:

    Kerrin, I hope your headaches are easing, extra hugs and sparkles t4591 t115006

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth, Charrisse and all.

    I will have a potter about, time for more Tramadol :roll: life often seems to be one long medication round :?

    Must check that the tennis is set to record. Love the tournament from Monte Carlo, the start of the clay court season.

    The PC has restarted and managed to keep my post, so, before it has another glitch, I will post asap.

    Everyone take lots of care. Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006


    Apricot danish pastries

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.

    I would love to say yesterday was a better day but it wasn’t. Brought out the big guns in the painkiller world and still had a headache. Have decided this week to go back to one tablet a day instead of increasing to 2. I have no idea how my body will handle 4!!!!

    Back to school today and it’s a very busy week. Tennis, swimming and gymnastics. Phew, no time for headaches.

    Nice to see some good weather although hubby is already moaning about the incoming heat. As a South African I just cannot call 25C hot. I’m sure the kids will be moaning too.

    Off to help myself to some cakes. Have a good day everyone.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Kerrin. and anyone else I missed
    Kathleen I'm sorry your husband has so much pain(((((())))))
    Aidan I hope the new teeth are not too uncomfortable.
    Barbara we have sun today I hope it reaches everyone.
    Kerrin. I'm sorry you have so much pain will it calm down when you have got used to it.
    Hello Toni I hope Paul's Mum is not in too much pain.((((()))))
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Aidan, those Apricot Danish pastries look too yum for words. I've noticed we've all gone a bit nutty recently. My offering today is Nutty Crunch Cake. Perhaps best not to face plant this one, it's got sharp edges. :?

    I've been awake since 2:30am. :shock: so feeling really tired today. But I've booked patient transport for my appointment with Rheumy next Monday. Time - 8:30am :o .

    Eeek, I just peeked in the spider house. :lol: That woke me up.

    m0150 t69044 t69044 m0150 t69044 t69044 m0150 t69044 t69044

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all..quite cold here..but the sun has just shown its face..
    Some good news my pip letter has arrived I was shaking opening it..enhanced payments in both.. :shock: :shock: I am in shock..gosh I do feel like an invalid.. :roll: its a no win really ...but I am so relived... :)
    Kerrin sending you some gentle hugs to help you out in school..I do hope the lower does helps you...(())
    Kath the cake looks so good..but I must get some weight off these joints..see I am forgetting they are calorie free.. :D glad the transport is booked and good luck...
    Joan we have a little bit of sun..but quite and Sue enjoy it..
    Aiden I wont venture into the spider house.. :o your poor mum..but like you say someone was watching overt her ..when I dislocated mine I slipped on leaves..and a bus pulled up beside me.. :oops: all sat there looking at me and I couldnt get up..the bus driver rang for an ambulance and went on his way because he was late :lol: so you have 2 visits to Skipton will you say or go back..any excuse for coffee.. :) must say lately its making me feel sick.. :roll: :? not fair is it...thankyou will update you on appointments..2 for my eyes they said have one at the min..I will have a danish slice with a cuppa..thankyou..
    Love to everyone... t4591 t69044 t4591
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon, yes, me, here, before 3pm :shock: :shock:

    It was early doors, to head off to Skipton to the dental lab, pop into Tesco and back home before 11. I did the mini shop, while B waited in the car, I can soon whizz round in their buggies. It's great being able to go fast :D:D

    Than Dad popped round and insisted on paying most of the dental lab for B, which was very kind. It wasn't as much as we had thought, but a surprise when Dad said I insist. Bless im.

    I plied him with coffee, we had a natter and he went on his way round home, all 50 yards :)

    Lunch had to be soup, due to dental plate works and nice soft white cheesy bread.

    Hi Kerrin, sorry to hear that you have still got this rotten headache. I don't blame you for cutting back on the sulfa for a while. Maybe they are not going to suit, sometimes they don't.

    You have a busy week, with swimming, gymnastics and tennis too. Do you all play on hard courts, or clay?

    I don't think our forecast is for 25 degrees, but I can sympathise with him, I don't do hot weather very well, nor does Barbara. You will be used to much higher temps than that.

    Enjoy the cakes, I will go and find the possums, they will be with you shortly.

    Hi Joan Hope you are enjoying the fine weather, I know you both like it when it is warmer. m0150

    B will be fine when he gets the bottom plate back, later today, with the new teeth added on. We have to go back at 4.30.

    Hi Kath, we have gone a bit nutty lately :shock: :shock: :lol::lol: well, might as well eh. I am glad to see you have carried on the trend with the Nutty Crunch Cake, which looks fabulous. I will pop a note on, danger, do not face plant :lol::lol:

    So you were up from 2.30, that was when went to bed :shock: then up again at 0800. You will certainly need a good nap this afternoon, to catch up, I am sure you are tired.

    Patient Transport booked for Monday, 0830, we will be there, sleepy, but we will come along to assist.
    City Hospital campus I believe, my fav place of work, back in the day.

    See, you looked in the spid-- house, I did warn everyone, they have grown A LOT. Their keeper lets them wander up and down his arms :shock: :shock: that would just about give me apoplexy.

    Hi Barbara It was cold this morning, so I had the heating up when we came back, it was a chilly breeze in Skipton. Then with the tumble dryer on, hot soup and heating, I was melting :roll: :roll: :lol:
    I am SO SO SO SO SO happy to hear your good news from the DWP. I cannot open their letters either, B has to do it. You are rightly entitled to them both, I am made up for you. All the worry they put us through. You assessor was not even very pleasant, but that's by the bypass now. Relax about it now. I cannot stop smiling.

    So you were in the road as well, just like Mum was. Oh dear. I am glad he called an ambulance for you, before driving off :shock:

    It was coffee's at home, when we got back from the first trip out. B would not go in without his bottom plate in, even though you could not tell at all.

    Another hour and we will be off again. By the time we get back it will be cup of T and time for naps.

    No, we cannot have coffee making you feel isn't fair, maybe a little one, then a glass of water, in between. In France they always offer iced water, if you have an espresso, well, they did were we lived.

    I hope Toni's MIL is doing ok, sending out extra magical squares. Sleek and Pepe have been out twice already, no sooner are we gone, than they are off on their broomsticks. No mists about today, so I think they will head off to Lytham, for some sea mist. It only takes them 10 mins on their brooms.

    Hi to everyone else, Carol, Christine, DD, Toady, Mig, Charrisse and all.

    I had better go fuss a while, sort some more drying. Love and Sparkles to all, will catch up again later. XXXX Aidan t4591 t115006
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).