Val's Cafe



  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon everyone :)

    I am late on again had to take poor Sleek to the vet this morning. She had sickness and the runs (like korma sauce) on Saturday and seemed a bit better yesterday. This morning she was far too listless for my liking and I know my cat. :?

    She made a half-hearted attempt to stop me putting her in her cat-box (one leg out of 4 :shock: ) and no yowling at all en route :(

    Turned out to have a high temperature and the vets reckoned her tummy was still sore and soft (more runs t come :shock: )

    She had the works Abs/vitB and metacam jab bless her.

    Aidan please she doesn't want Pepe to know about the two-bob-bits she is embarrassed :oops: although she made it to her litter every time bless her.

    She has finally gone out just now so the meds have kicked in I think. Good job the trip to Lytham is only 10 minutes so Pepe hasn't sussed her problem yet. :oops: :oops:

    Now Sleek did see the mess behind Pepe when they were on the crystal ball, but she was kind enough to pretend she believed he had made the lovely piece of tartan cloth. Bless them :)

    Poor B soup and soft bread . Send him some ((())) from us here and how sweet is his Dad insisting on helping with the , no doubt, monster bill :)

    MIL is doing ok thank you I saw her yesterday she is feeling much better less pain due to not much food had CT now having ultrasound then decisions to be made about treatment options.

    Thank you for the pastries I only had two and I love the unicorn :)

    BUT you surpassed yourself with that peanut butter cream pie!! On my goodness!!! Wonderful.......SPLAT!!!!!

    Barbara I am over the moon to hear your PIP news!!


    The right decision for once :)

    Not good to hear coffee is making you feel queasy that isn't good at all. Is tea still ok? Or are you pregnant? :lol::wink:

    I suspect your husband ate the rest of Niamhs cake :roll: Tut tut!

    MIL is doing ok I hope they can blast the stones for her we are all worried about surgery you know a GA with the dialysis :?

    Kath that is one early appointment glad you have booked your transport I hope I doesn't come at 6.30am :shock:

    That cake does look very tasty. Just a small (ish) slice for me luckily not a face plant cake :wink:

    Hi Joan thank you Paul's Mum is coping ok they are all looking after her well in the hospital. We sorted her telly for her so she is happy now :)

    Oh Kerrin you poor thing!! I agree maybe you will need to increase very slowly....are they the sort of tablets which can be halved?? The pharmacist will tell you.

    You enjoy the warmer weather and just close your ears to husband's muttering :roll:

    Right onwards and upwards. Vitamins everywhere I think supervet must have spoken to Daisy's vet she had vit B for her poorly tummy :?

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi all thought I would pop in and say hello.

    Well we had sun about today but i am afraid later in the morning and for rest of day it was cloudy although it was not cold. Took a trip down to see the lovelies they all seem very happy. a few possums and a few bush babies seemed to be missing they are obviously visiting the peeples with ouches. and the spid--- are huge i am wondering what they are being fed. Tomorrow is haircut time for me, it is only my glasses that are keeping it out of my eyes. so it is a visit to the hairdressers tomorrow.

    Aidan Thank you for daughters birthday wishes. I do feel old when the birthdays come round I can't help it. cannot believe youngest GGD was 16 months 4 days ago where did that 16 months go its scary how quickly the time goes. hope B is ok now his plate is back. I promise to take a photo of the cardigan and post it on here. i don't forget my tablets very often I must admit. i know what you mean about have a feeling of relief when a person has been so poorly when they are not suffering anymore.

    Toni I will post a catalogue tomorrow it is ready on my coffee table ready to post. hopefully you get your cards soon. yes it is good habits that keeps the weight off after tomorrows weigh in i have one more week and if still in target it will be 4 years at target I will also be a triple diamond member. so its fingers crossed for the next 2 weigh in's. The wool was a variegated one it has pink, blue , yellow and green in it, It is really nice. my granddaughter is not one for pale pastel colours for babies so i knit in brighter colour for them.

    Joan with me the first cup of tea is always the best. I must have tea first thing in the morning and last drink in the evening. otherwise hot drinks during the day are black coffee.

    Barbara Thank you for Daughters birthday wishes, and scary indeed. my little Graycie was 16 months old 4 days ago i cannot believe how quickly she has grown. yes your eyes are important. Glad your pip has been sorted out I bet that is a relief .

    Well I must away to have a little potter for a bit.
    love and Sparkles to you all t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, not sure if I am hot or cool this evening........... :? :roll: been a pleasant day though.

    Nooo, poor Miss Sleek, Pepe said that the trips where very short and she had to get back to visit someone with Mummy. He doesn't know it was the Ve-- :? if he finds out he will be over with his Drs bag within minutes.

    Not nice, when they are poorly sick and trotting along. We know it well, with is nibs.
    Of course, we all know our puskins so well, when they are off colour they do go listless and not bothered.

    Hence no real protest at the trip to see the Vet.

    High temp too, gastroenteritis per chance. Should do well on the AB's and Metacam. Of course she is embarrassed bless her, we know nothing and Pepe knowns nothing.

    A little card, from us and from Lady Tosca, to Miss Sleek


    I hope she is feeling better today, t4591 t115006

    B is fine now, new additions to plate, all fine, no more soup :)

    It was not overly expensive to have two added. Kind of Dad to pay for most of it. Bless.

    Glad to hear that MIL is doing ok, often with a limited diet, the gallbladder does not grumble half as much. Let's hope they come up with a plan asap. t115006

    So, you liked the peanut butter pie, I thought you might :lol::lol: it was a certain face plant pie without a doubt.

    Is Barbara expecting :shock: :shock: has coal gone missing from the fire, or gherkins from the kitchen :? :? :lol::lol: Should we all start knitting.

    I will have to ask..........

    Love the Unicorn's and all the sparkles, we can never have enough of them t115006 t115006

    Hi Carol, yes, the possums and bush babies are all out and about on their home visits, delivering magic squares far and wide, we are all in need of them, including our beloved feline members of the forum.

    It has been warmer as the day has gone on, now I am a bit chilly, so I may tap some buttons on the thermostat.

    Hair cut for you today, you will be very smart :)

    16 months since your GGD was born, no way, where did that time go, it seems like yesterday when we were all on pins, waiting for the delivery date.

    B is ok now, thank you. All sorted for now.

    I am sure you will make the 4 years on target, a triple diamond member and rightly so.

    I must away, my knees are screeching. One trip to Skipton is ok, with pottering etc, before coming back, but a second one, just a round trip, played havoc with my knees and my back. It took me a while just to get up the ramp when we got home :roll: :?

    Off round to Dads this morning, then into town, to the T room for a bite to eat and maybe a scone.

    Love to all, Kerrin, Christine, Mig, DD, Toady, Elizabeth and everyone in out and about.

    XXX Aidan t4591 t115006

    Cheesy Egg toasties

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    Had a better headache day yesterday and took one tablet last night. Mild headache this morning, hope it stays there as another busy day. Co-ordinating our federation of schools swimming trials today for the team in the gala in 2 weeks.

    We only play mini tennis on our playground which is the size of 3 hard tennis courts. Very unusual for an inner London state school. We are hosting both tournaments, the one I organise the other run by the borough.

    Poor Sleek, hope the puskins is feeling better soon. Tomcat is grumpy because he is on food rations. He likes eating way too much.

    I can’t believe little Graycie is 16 months already. How time flies. Don’t like this getting old business.

    Barbara good news from DWP.

    Time to go and get busy. No rest for the weary!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Kathleen Aidan Barbara Carol Toni Kerrin.
    Kathleen I'm sorry you woke up early I hope you have a better night to night.
    Aidan I send hugs to all of you you sound as if you need them(((((((((())))))))))
    Barbara I'm pleased your Pip has come good.
    Carol yes the time goes quick enjoy the hairdressers it's a nice feeling when you come out.
    Toni I'm sorry miss sleek is unwell I bet it did not smell like Korma sauce.
    Kerrin. That's good your headache has calmed down old luck with the games.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all..just started raining..
    Kerrin I am happy to hear that your headache eased up yesterday..horrible things made even worse when you have to work..I hope they stay away today...and good luck with the good to have full sized court at the school..and thankyou :)
    Joan thankyou yes I am so pleased ..I like having my hair cut but not going to the hairdressers..our mobile one does it.. :)
    Carol have done so well with SW ..its the keeping it off that is the hardest..a triple diamond member sounds so good..and an haircut..all ready for the warm weather..or hot even in London.. :o
    Toni I hope miss sleek feel much better today..bless like you say you know when they are not well apart form the runs..and glad to hear MIL is ok ..but poor thing must be hungry..I do hope they blast the stones..and all will be ok for her...thankyou I am gobsmacked :shock: someone said to me the assessor not being very nice was a good sign :) :? pregnant..not that will explain the weight gain :lol: do you think I should inform OH... :shock:
    Aiden thankyou..I am so relieved..and will treat myself to a bath lift :) I have it for 3 years it says, maybe they know of a cure.. :? so glad B got his plate sorted..I know how he feels people say to me we cant see it..but I feel that I have to wear it.. :roll: I should be happy they have such things..and how nice of dad to will make him feel better :) yes coffee make me sickly..not good is it.. :shock: I have to have a ginger biscuit in the morning ..before my coffee..then a tea.. :roll: cheesy egg toast sounds good to me.. :D thankyou..pregnant..the immaculate conception maybe :?
    I had better move or will to everyone and thankyou again t4591 t69044 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Sat on the benches today. It was a bit of a chilly breeze though. We were glad to get in and out of it.
    cfly Slept better last night, I raised my bed head so I could breathe properly, and didn't feel as though my chest was caving in.

    Good news Barbara, I'm so happy for you. What a relief too. :D

    No nuts today, Poached egg on toast, runny eggs. :D

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon to all. Funny weather day, getting more humid, quite a bit of rain on and off.........are we due a mini heatwave :shock:

    Hi Kerrin, good to hear that the headache was not as bad. Coordinating swimming trials and gala, you will be busy. Two weeks to get ready :shock:

    Mini tennis, that's a new one on me, busy sorting all out your tournament as well.

    Oh dear, Tomicat is not happy, being on a diet, bless. He loves his food, a bit like next doors, who goes round visiting everyone, for treats, he is getting bigger every week. I am sure Pepe and Sleek will keep Tomicat well exercised on the broomstick.

    No rest for the weary, how true. Take lots of care XX

    Thank you Joan, the hugs are always welcome. I keep taking the pills and keep pottering. Just a bit more tired than usual this week. Things catch up with you far more than they ever used to.

    Jope you and Sue and the doggies have had a nice day, managing to get out on your scooters :)

    So you have had some rain too Barbara, sounds about right, we seem to get similar weather, being the same region.

    So, I expect to get a grumpy assessor for my PIP, as and when it drops in the letter box :shock: that's fine. B will always be there to make sure what is said, is heard by another person.

    So your award is for three years, that's good, they obviously know of several cures that we are not aware of :roll: :roll: You do right, getting a bath lift, why not, anything that makes like easier for us, is fine by me.

    It must be, putting on a couple of lb, best be telling Mr B that there will be the patter of tiny feet and you don't mean next doors puskins :lol::lol: :shock: Ginger biscuit in the morning, oh, then there is no doubt at all. :lol::lol:

    B is very happy with his plate now, with the new teeth added on. Much better thank you.

    Hope you DIL is ok and not in as much pain ((())) t115006

    Any news on appointments, or is the 23rd the first one?

    Hi Kath, nice to sit on your benches, but it was chilly this morning and very damp. I don't like lazy winds that blow right through you.

    I am glad you slept better too. Horrid when you feel that you cannot breathe properly. Every sympathy with you. t115006

    We are having a nut free day today, eggs on toast is wonderful, now, we just need Mr B to make some chips and we are well away.

    Hi Toni, how is Miss Sleek, I am trusting she is feeling more her normal self today. Pepe has been resting and said Miss Sleek was resting, as she had a bit of a headache :? He wanted to be over with his Drs bag, but I said that you were on the case and had your stethascope ready. He send lots of love and sparkles t4591 t115006

    We went round to Dads, as the Council man was coming to see about Dads entitlement to housing benefit, (they help him with the ground rent payment, or have been doing). I was there to make sure all the paperwork that they wanted, was already out on the table, ready for him to see and take away.

    The man was very nice, a retired police officer, just doing home visits for the Council. Dad had a good natter with him, going way back in time.

    Anyway, all things will go to an assessor, who decided what help will be's all assessors at the moment, what with Barbara's PIP, Kaths recent about paperwork :roll: :roll:

    Then we went into town, to the T room and were in there ages, coffee, bacon, egg and mushroom in toast, wonderful. Then I just had to have a scone, well, we were sat next to the cake counter. Even dad could not resist a cake. B was good though.

    Some shopping, popped into the vets, then home.

    Now just pottering a bit, before siesta's. My knees are ready for being horizontal.

    Hi to Carol, Christine, Mig, Toady, Elizabeth, DD and all. Now, have we had lemon meringue recently? I don't think so. I will go bake one.........
    Catch up again later. Love and Sparkles XXX Aidan t4591 t115006


    There are three, I think Toni might just have to face plant one of them. :lol:
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening all...
    went to the GC today and was very good..sorry Aiden I declined a cake..mind you I see there is one in the cafe ..that will do :D
    Thankyou Kath is a great relief..the weather is so changeable at the min it easy to feel cold,,glad you managed to sleep better..
    Aiden I am glad to hear that dad has had help with his benefits..they are never easy..and happy to hear B is happy with his plate.. :D yes my next appointment is next Monday..the other is in May..and suppose to have a call this week off nuro to decide what apartment I have to visit first :roll:
    Now the T rooms gosh that toast sounded have made me hungry... :) or maybe I'm eating for two.. :shock: :lol: the ginger nuts were the clue.. :o so you had a scone why not.. :) you have been really busy lately and with mum things do catch up with I prescribed a longer nap.. :)
    Now for cake and Tea...
    Love to everyone xxxxxxx
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Evening everyone :D

    Pepe did sneak over earlier I walked in to see a flash of fluffy tail and the revving up of a broomstick! That was just the tonic she needed too she’s turned the corner and is back chirruping and her tail is up. Lots of playing outside this afternoon and no urgent visits to the litter box. :D

    I am glad to hear the reduction in meds has eased your headache. Maybe you can increase slowly? If you have a good rheumy nurse contact some advice maybe?

    Sleek told Pepe that Tomicat was a very cross boy due to being on ‘starvation rations’ She and Pepe have arranged some activities for next week to help him burn off some calories bless him.

    Carol thank you I have had my email confirmation that my cards are on their way so all is in hand  :)

    I like the sound of the (expensive) wool you have chosen. A lot of young mums favour different colours these days. To me there is nothing like a baby all in white :D  I still find it hard to believe the ‘baby’ is 16 months already. :shock:

    So it’s called triple diamond is it? Such good incentive for those at the start of their weight loss to see people like you who have kept it off. They can see it’s worth it can’t they?

    Kath thank you for the poached eggs on toast – especially as they are runny eggs! Perfect. Good idea to raise the bed head so you can rest easier.

    I managed my walk today with my hiking poles despite the wind. Easier coming back with it behind me!

    Aidan I have no idea where this heatwave is it’s been proper chilly here and windy to boot! Good job I had a cheesy egg toastie to warm me up. I have the heating on. :roll:

    Tomorrow our patio is being cleaned ready for glass balustrade to go up. I will be much happier then because no-one will fall off!!

    So Sleek told Pepe it was a ‘headache’ eh?! She is such a private pusskin likes to preserve her dignity. When he sneaked over later he filled the place with sparkles and love. She is having her medicine ok. Just metacam and some stuff to settle her tummy.

    I am glad to hear that B is happy with his plate all good. I hope the council can continue to help or even increase their help to Dad. Of course you would be ready with the correct paperwork for him.

    Oh my gosh! What is that? Lemon meringue? Get out of my way!! Let me at it!!! SPLAT!!!!!

    Paul and Tia will be visiting MIL tomorrow so I will get an update then. They have moved her to another ward gynae??? :?

    The gherkins have definitely needed reordering you know…..and gingernut biscuits too….Will you be joining me knitting? :wink:

    thank you Sleek is feeling much more herself certainly by this afternoon she was running around the garden like a mad thing :lol:

    I hope you have told OH about the imminent baby. I will get my needles out if Carol can sew up for me I can knit, but my Mum always did the sewing up. White ok for the new addition?

    I love ginger nut biccies! I tried them for my morning sickness amongst other things. Best was enough sleep and savoury stuff like (oddly enough) cheese and onion pasties. 2 at a time :oops:

    I think the PIP assessors keep what they are thinking close to their chests to be honest if they are nice maybe they are being false with us?

    I have the cloak of invisibility with many rooms all cleaned and aired ready for Monday. Let us know which department we are going to first so we can keep up :?

    Oh Joan you got it sussed Poor pusskin’s sick and runs did NOT smell like korma sauce no :shock: :mrgreen:

    Off to place a wheatie on my sore hip (bursa I think)

    Love to everyone

    Toni xxx 
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    This lot have come along for Barbara and all of us to stroke. They are all very friendly :)
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, I think it is getting warmer, I am slightly aglow........... :roll:

    Had the heating on about 8 as it was chilly.

    We have flies, little black ones, that lurk on the door and windows in the kitchen, so when we open up to have a ciggy, (lights out of course), they all come in and party time on the ceiling :shock: I am armed with my big fluffy duster stick, to put paid to their invasion. We have them every year, as soon as the weather warms up. They must come out of the woods :? :?

    Anyway, I am waffling already.

    You resisted a cake Barbara, I am very impressed, if not a little shocked :lol:
    The T room visit was a huge success, even if I did suffer with chronic indigestion for hours afterwards. It was the ginger biscuits that gave the secret away. :lol::lol:
    We have been kind of up to our necks since 2011 onward. It takes its toll. Thank you, we will have extended naps.

    I think Toni has the cloak of many rooms all spick and span. Immaculised and degermified, (not that it was germy), but just to be sure. :D

    We will be with you on Monday and for all the other appointments in different departments.

    How is your DIL? I will leave lots of extra sparkles t115006 t115006 t115006

    So, his Lordship did nip over and see Sleek, I wondered where he had nipped off to. A glimpse of a tail and revved up broomstick and he was gone.
    I have asked him and he said that Miss Sleekness seemed much better after her "headache" and was chasing him round the garden. So glad to hear that she has turned the corner, puskins are super resilient and respond well to most treatments. He said he had left a lot of sparkles and some of his weaving :shock: :shock:

    Word is out that Tomicat is on starvation regime, :roll: :roll: asking for emergency rations to be delivered in secret, because he is not being fed at all..............a bit dramatic there Tomicat.

    I don't blame you for having the heating on. Ours has gone off now as it is 22 degrees in the lounge. More than warm enough.

    I think today is meant to be our warmest day of the week.

    I am sure you will be happy when no one can fall off the patio :shock: :shock: I love glass patio surrounds.

    We will have to wait and see what the assessors say at the Council, re assisting Dad with the ground rent. Let's hope they can help.

    Ah, you found the lemon meringue pie I see, I did leave a tarpaulin down this time, so we could clean up easily :lol::lol:

    So MIL is on gynae now, right, ok..........I am assuming that is due to bed availability? I hope things are ok with her and they have some idea of what they are going to do.

    I will be joining you with knitting, no promise as to how it will turn out after so many years. I had noticed a huge catering jar of gherkins and pickled eggs :mrgreen: , on the side in the cafe. Now, this all started when I said how cute the babies little booties and outfits are. Could it be a phantom pregnancy I wonder :lol::lol::lol: :shock:

    I can certainly do the cheese and onion pasties, two at a time. I would pay for it later, but what the heck.

    Hugs for the ouchy hip t4591 t115006

    Thank you for putting Silvers pictures on, I am favouring the one with the butterflies at the moment :)

    Right, I had better move again. We are meeting up with friends today, they are retired now, moved away to Wales some years ago. She used to be one of B's clients when he had the salon and we have always kept in touch. We see them once a year, when they head up to Yorkshire for a couple of days. Meeting them over at Burnley, at a big GC, where the coffee is "interesting" :mrgreen::mrgreen:
    Will be lovely to see them though and have a natter.

    Then we have to get back, as B needs to walk the neighbours doggy, who is on water tablets :shock:

    It's all go here, never a dull moment.

    Love to one and all, in, out and around and about. Take lots of care, sparkles abound. t115006 t115006 XX Aidan

    Veggie cheese, egg and soy sausage ring

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,223
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Mmmmm....different breakie here Aidan - thanks :? Ok let's try it. VERY nice pastry is always nice. Indigestion proof it is too :D

    Tarpaulin came in handy there!

    Yes Miss Sleek was back looking shiny even her fur had become raggedy :( another worrying sign in a pusskin as you know. I think she and Pepe had a good time playing outside. Sleek listened carefully when I explained why Tomicat is on a diet and that he is being fed really - just slightly less. Told her about catbesity and it's links with type 2 catabetis.

    She promptly got all her jars out with her spell book and has made some calorie-free food for him which the two of them will drop off later. It will be delivered by way of 'food parcel' so he thinks he is getting a treat :wink:

    Right we both are....



    Mind you I also suspect a phantom pregnancy. Sure our Barbara wouldn't embarrass the grandkids :?

    Let's hope the council can help Dad out every little helps!

    We also have the flies I think it's the country :roll:

    Enjoy your catch up and natter with old friends and hold your nose when you drink the coffee :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    I think my MIL was moved as she was on surgical and I expect maybe an op wasn't actually 'imminent'???

    Is neighbour permanently on water tablets? If so B has a job for life :lol:

    Woo-ooooo! to Joan m0150 Hope today is a good day for you all :)
    Love to everyone

    Toni xx
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00

    An ok headache day again yesterday, kept it in the mild category with one or two painkillers. I might try up dose tomorrow.

    Tennis tournament for the kiddies today. I know I will be sore and achy by the end of the day. Did 12000 steps yesterday, today will be more. Explains why the feet were achy. Skipped swimming as the body said no!

    Oh dear, Tomicat is trying to sneak in extra rations. He is not a starved cat, if he had his way he would eat all day! Jericat liked to graze and leave some food for later...... but then Tomi tries to eat gets too.

    All this knitting. I will have to stick to my cross stitch as my fingers can just about handle it. This is the one I’m doing for my brother. He lives in an area in SA close to the game parks where they go in safari. 75f71c668f6e4f4b40488add57ad5ca3.jpg

    Off to find some of that lemon meringue.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Toni Kerrin.
    Barbara that's good a bath lift. i'll be there on Monday.
    Kathleen yes it was chilly yesterday. warmer today.
    Aidan good luck for your Dad and the council(((((())))))
    Toni how is miss sleek to day have a good day.
    Kerrin i'm glad you are feeling a bit better
    take care all
    joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • barbara12
    barbara12 Member Posts: 21,281
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning all still chilly but say warm later..
    Toni I love the unicorn pics..all sparkly and warming :D a phantom pregnancy do you think, so Im not eating for 2.. :? right no more knitting.. :lol: save your thumbs.. :roll:the glass around the patio will look lovely..I have seen a few on the TV nice to see through them..hopefully Paul's mum will be sorted very soon we dont want her in pain..
    Kerrin the cross stitch you are doing is beautiful..your brother will be so pleased with it...those feet want resting tonight after the mini tennis..and dont forget some painkillers cause headache to be worse..
    Joan thankyou ..and when you need us we will be there ..hope you have a lovely ride out with the doggies..
    Aiden how nice that your friends are coming country and you can meet up..will they have an haircut while they are there.. :lol: little flies..its that time of the year when they are hatching..especially were thee are trees..sorry I think its a phantom pregnancy..but can I still have the gherkins.. :lol: and the ginger biscuits... :D DIL is plodding on thanks for quite a lot of pain yet but they say its the fracture that will take will help myslef to veggie and egg ring..thankyou :D
    Thankyou everyone for the cloak duties on Monday ..but its does say allow 3 to 4 you might want a break in between :)
    Better move we are having a trip out..not a clue were..
    Love to everyone... m0150 t4591
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    I've got a hole in my left knee. When I kneel down, it splits a bit more. It's sore and Itchy with messy flaky skin around it. I think it's Vasculitis. As you know, I'm off to see my rheumy next Monday.I want to see about changing some of my meds, and find out when my next Truxima (Biosimilar of Rituximab) infusion is. Ideally I'd like to stop (or lower) Pred. Would like to change Leflunomide for something else as my BP is getting higher. Might ask about the new Jak drugs. As it's 5 years since I had cancer she might consider putting me on Benpali, although I'm anxious about injecting again. Also, if it's possible to stop MTX due to my cough and breathing getting worse, I'd consider it. It's going to be an interesting meeting! :animal_busy:

    Beautiful cross stitch Kerrin. m0150

    Now it's warmer, a refreshing Rainbow Sherbet dessert. t115006 t4591 t115006

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon on a sunny day, finally the clouds have gone. Just pleasant, without being too hot.

    Not long back from meeting up with friends at the GC over the hill and away. Coffee was
    :mrgreen::mrgreen: I did hold my nose Toni.
    Food is ok. I am afraid we are spoiled here, with our lovely GC, T room etc.
    It was lovely to see them and have a catch up and a wander round the GC, we bought a couple of plants, some aqueligia to replace the ones that have not come back this year.

    Pepe said Sleek was explaining about catbesity, he said Daddy has that :shock: :shock: and is catabetic too. How rude :lol::lol: :?

    They have been with the emergency rations for Tomicat, who seems to be happy with the calorie free treats that Sleek conjured up.

    Have just pottered a little, knees are not happy, maybe time for some depo medrone injections as they are really shouting the odds. Will sort out a GP appointment. Sitting just creases me. Pottering is best.

    I do know about puskins fur, it tends to "split" as we call it, leaving gaps, instead of being sleek and tidy. Glad Miss S is a lot better. :)

    Knitting looks fine, I am just doing knit one, drop one, pearl two, knit three, cast on one, drop two. Looks nice :lol::lol::lol: :roll:

    Sounds like MIL is not for surgery at present. Any news on what they plan to do?

    Neighbours doggy is on water tabs for a good while, she was fine, B took her out as soon as we arrived home and then another friend of theirs came round and took her out again :? :roll: :roll:

    Look what I found in the GC, I was going to buy one of the small ones, but when I saw it was not £7.50, it was £17.50 :shock: I didn't bother. It was nice to see that Silver had been around.

    The bigger ones were £20 plus :shock: I don't think so.

    12000 steps Kerrin, well done you and hugs in advance for the aching feet. No wonder your body said no to swimming.

    Glad your headache is not as bad.

    Of course your lovely puskins are not starved at all, they do like to stretch the facts a little, to say the least :lol::lol: Sleek and Pepe can be a tad dramatic at times :roll: :roll:

    Love the X stitch, looks really good :)

    Hi Joan, so you are popping over to Barbara's for a nice soak in the bath, she won't mind at all :)

    I am sure the council will do what they can, they are pretty good here.

    Hi Barbara, yes, it was nice to catch up with our friends, on their yearly visit to the area. Lots of nattering, I think I was chair shaped when we had finished, so I was walking rather like John Cleese :lol::lol: :shock: :shock: I felt like my legs were on backwards

    Of course you can have gherkins, there are shed loads of them. I must be having a phantom one too, with a constant desire for scones :lol::lol: :shock:
    Who is going to eat the pickled eggs though :mrgreen:

    It will take time, for your DIL to feel easier, some weeks, then it will be physio appointments with walking up the wall exercises.

    3-4 hours on Monday, that's ok, we have loo's, showers, kitchen, rest rooms, for naps, the cloak has endless rooms.

    Where did you go on your trip out - nosy parker aren't I

    Hi Kath, sending some extra hugs, for your poor knee. Sounds like vasculitis. We will be busy on Monday, but, with the magic cloak, we can be in two places at the same time.

    I will have to read up on the drugs you mention. I know about MTX and Pred etc, but not sure about the others.

    Thanks for the ice cream, I will eat some of that while I read.

    I had best move, I am setting again.

    Hi to everyone else, hope the day is nice and sunny with you.

    Love and Sparkles t4591 t115006 XX Aidan
    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    evening all
    lovely m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 weather here today and quite warm. have just lost a post a nice long one and i am just no in the mood to re type so will catch up tomorrow instead.
    Toni now you have had the e-mail to say the cards re on the way you should receive them the next day. please can you let me know that they have arrived please

    time to have a potter

    love and sparkles to all t4591 t4591 t4591 t115006 t115006 t115006
    Stay positive always👍xx
  • bubbles
    bubbles Member Posts: 6,508
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hi to all, nice and warm this evening, not melting though. Yet. :roll:

    Glad you have had a nice sunny Day Carol. Not so good that you have lost your nice long post. Totally understand that you don't want to sit and re write it all again.

    If I suspect that the pc might decide to shut down for no reason, then re start, I often copy and paste my pearls of wisdom :? into a blank email and it saves it in drafts.

    Other than that, I just get very annoyed and throw things around in the kitchen :lol::lol:

    A siesta was very welcome, rest the knees and back. Quiet evening, just doing not a lot really, which is nice. Catching up on the tennis from Monte Carlo.

    I hope everyone is as ok as can be.

    Kath, hugs for your ouchy knee. I hope the rheumy appointment goes well and you can discuss all your thoughts on the different medication regimes. There is so much to read and take in, with regard the meds that you mention. They are quite complex.

    A few, like Mtx, do not help with people who are predisposed to chest problems, so it might be an idea to stop / reduce the dose and re evaluate.

    Let's hope they can come up with the right combination to give maximum benefit, with least side effects.

    Toni, I hope your hip is not as troublesome today. How is MIL, still awaiting a decision on treatment?

    Have you ordered your bath lift yet Barbara? Joan will be over as soon as, for a splash around.

    Hi to Christine, Elizabeth, Mig, DD, Toady, Kerrin and all. I will away, I need to move and potter a little. I can feel another Tramadol will be required.

    Off to our GC today, for proper coffee :D:D and scone etc. Looking forward to that. I always feel better on home turf. :?

    Everyone take care, I will wander off and see all the lovelies, apart from the spid--s.......

    Love and Sparkles. t4591 t115006

    Streuseled Honey Butter Breakfast Muffins

    XX Aidan (still known as Bubbles).
  • Kerrsa
    Kerrsa Member Posts: 233
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Morning everyone.

    An excellent day at the tennis tournament. It ran like clockwork, getting good at this organising lark (my other job is a tennis referree so I should be!) and my kiddies dominated and brought back both trophies for the third year. BUT I got a tad sunburnt and the ole body is paying the price today sigh.

    Headaches seemed to have stabilised at the mild level so upping my tablets today. So far so good. Also have organised a work from home day next Monday as I have a blood test and physio appointment.

    I heard rumours that Tomicat got some extra rations yesterday and hid behind the shed to munch them. Little minxie (Jericat) was spying on him.

    Kathleen, hope your visit to the Rheumy goes well and you get your meds sorted.

    Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine. I have my sun cream on already!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • dachshund
    dachshund Member Posts: 9,236
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Hello Barbara Kathleen Aidan Carol Kerrin.
    Barbara I hope you have a good day.
    Kathleen I'm sorry you have so many problems sorry about your knee((((()))))
    Aidan I'm sorry you did not like the coffee hope today is a good one (((())))
    Carol I'm sorry you lost your post,((()))
    Kerrin. That's good winning the tennis. Have a good day today.
    Hello Toni I hope all is well there.
    take care all
    Joan xx
    take care
    joan xx
  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    I hope you've all been making the most of the sunshine. I haven't really got anythin to tell you. I didn't know if I should post some food, or a photo of my knees. You'll be relieved the food won. :D
    Spring Onion Paratha. You probably know it's an Indian dish.

    m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150 m0150

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Turbogran
    Turbogran Member Posts: 2,023
    edited 30. Nov -0001, 00:00
    Afternoon all

    Yes its early I know but we are at our fortnightly meal with our group of church people tonight. and they are meeting 45 mins earlier than normal. apparently the earl menu has more choice so we shall see. Todays weather has and still is glorious sunny and boardering on hot in the sun. hopefully it will lasta bit.

    Joan It's alright losing posts often happens but I was fed up that i had lost it and decided not to rewrite it.

    Kerrin That good that the kids did so well in the tennis. not so good about the sunburn though.

    Aidan i also save it normally but this gave no warning at all just disappeared. I think if I had touched the computer any more last night it would have been thrown through the window. and normally I am not the one that throws things in this house That's usually Mr T :lol::lol: yum honey butter breakfast muffins were good well had to sample them didn't I. Sorry you coffee was not nice Rude indeed Pepe naughty Pusskins how dare he. :? :? sorry your knees are not being kind mine joints have been better the last three days as the weather has got warmer. ooh unicorns in the gc .

    Toni yes our Graycie is now 16 months it is hard to believe. and the yet to be born Rubie is due in about 17 weeks so that is a creeping up to. glad sleek is improving it is a worry when animals are sick isn't it . hope you have had your cards by now. and are happy with them. the one thing i hate about knitting is the sewing up. yep triple diamond if in target still next week so fingers crossed cos the 4 years at target is so close now.

    well must potter a bit before it is time to go out i also need to take some washing out of the dryer

    love sparkles and sunshine for us all t4591 t115006 m0150 m0150
    Stay positive always👍xx